Business Vocabulary 1

  • May 2020
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Marketing vocabulary 1

a brand noun a type of product made by a particular company: What brand of soap do you usually buy? launch verb to introduce a new product, with advertising and publicity: We plan to launch the new product next month. a consumer noun a person who buys goods or services: The rise in transport cost will mean higher prices for the consumer. an end user noun the person who buys and uses a product, as opposed to someone who buys then sells the products: The new software makes the system easier for the end user. market research noun collecting and processing of information about customers - how they feel about a product and why they will or will not use a product or service: Market research shows that there is demand for another large supermarket in the area. public relations noun creating and maintenaning a good image with your customers and the public: After the recent scandal, the company has started a new advertising campaign to help improve public relations.

Marketing vocabulary 2

Brand identity noun How a company wants the consumer to see its product. The company may want the customer to see the product as a luxury item or perhaps a cheaper item. Brand image noun How a company's product is perceived (seen) by the consumer. Banner ad noun An advertisment seen on the internet, often in the form of a rectangle at the top of an internet page. It has a large headline and sometimes moving or flashing colours and images. They placed a banner ad at the top of each page. Circulation noun About a newspaper or magazine - the average number of copies distributed. For billboards and posters outdoors - the number of people who will potentially see it. The magazine has a weekly circulation of 50,000 copies. Cost per inquiry (CPI) noun The financial cost of getting one person to inquire (ask) about your product or service. This term is used in direct response advertising. The advertisment cost us $1000. As a result, we had 200 calls from customers, so CPI was $5. Direct mail noun Marketing leaflets or letters sent directly to customers or potential customers via the postal service. We used direct mail to inform our customers about our new special offer. We sent it by direct mail. Macromarketing noun When a company adapts itself (changes the product, price, image, etc.) because of changes in the market and in the industry.

Advertising 1 ad

abbr. advertisement - advert abbr.

2 advertisement n. item of publicity for a product or service, in magazine, on TV etc 3 advertising agency

n. company specialising in producing and placing advertisements for clients


abbr. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action - the objective of all advertisements

5 benefit

n. advantage of a product or service, usually derived from its features

6 billboardUS

n. signboard, usually outdoors, for advertising posters; hoardingUK

7 circulation

n. average number of copies of a magazine sold in a particular period

8 classified ads

n. small advertisements in magazine or newspaper categorised by subject

9 commercial

n. paid advertisement on radio or TV

1 coupon 0

n. part of a printed advertisement used for ordering goods, samples etc

1 double-page 1 spread

n. advertisement printed across 2 pages in a magazine or newspaper

1 eye-catcherUS 2

n. something that especially attracts one's attention - eyecatching adj.

1 features 3

n. special characteristics of a product, usually leading to certain benefits

1 hoardingUK 4

n. signboard, usually outdoors, for advertising posters; billboardUS

1 poster 5

n. large sheet of paper, usually illustrated, used as advertisement

1 prime time 6

n. hours on radio & TV with largest audience, esp. the evening hours

1 promote 7

v. to (try to) increase sales of a product by publicising and advertising it

1 slot 8

n. specific time in a broadcasting schedule, when a commercial may be shown

1 target 9

n. objective; what one is aiming at - target audience n.

2 U.S.P. 0

abbr. Unique Selling Proposition; what makes a product different from others


1 balance

n. the difference between credits and debits in an account

2 bank charges

n. money paid to a bank for the bank's services etc

3 branch

n. local office or bureau of a bank

4 checkbookUS n. book containing detachable checks; chequebookUK 5 checkUS

n. written order to a bank to pay the stated sum from one's account; chequeUK

6 credit

n. money in a bank a/c; sum added to a bank a/c; money lent by a bank - also v.

7 credit card

n. (plastic) card from a bank authorising the purchasing of goods on credit

8 current account

n. bank a/c from which money may be drawn at any time; checking accountUS

9 debit

n. a sum deducted from a bank account, as for a cheque - also v.

10 deposit account

n. bank a/c on which interest is paid; savings accountUS

11 fill inUK

v. to add written information to a document to make it complete; to fill outUS

12 interest

n. money paid for the use of money lent - interest rate n.

13 loan

n. money lent by a bank etc and that must be repaid with interest also v.

14 overdraft

n. deficit in a bank account caused by withdrawing more money than is paid in

15 pay in

v. [paid, paid] to deposit or put money in to a bank account

16 payee

n. person to whom money is paid

17 paying-in slip

n. small document recording money that you pay in to a bank account

18 standing order

n. an instruction to a bank to make regular payments

19 statement

n. a record of transactions in a bank account

20 withdraw

v. [-drew, -drawn] to take money out of a bank account -

withdrawal (n)

Contracts 1 agreement

n. an arrangement between two or more people, countries etc; contract

2 appendix

n. additional or supplementary material at end of contract, book etc

3 arbitration

n. settlement of a dispute by a person chosen by both parties - to arbitrate v.

4 article

n. a particular statement or stipulation in a contract etc; clause

5 clause

n. a particular statement or stipulation in a contract etc; article

6 condition

n. anything necessary before the performance of something else

7 force majeure

n. superior, power; unforeseeable event excusing one party from fulfilling contract

8 fulfil

v: to satisfy a condition; to complete the required task; to fulfillUS

9 herein

adv: in here; in this (document etc)

1 hereinafter adv: in the following part (of this document etc) 0 1 hereto 1

adv: to this (document etc) [eg: attached hereto]

1 heretofore 2

adv: up until now; until the present; before this

1 in behalf of in the interests of (person etc); for (person etc); on behalf ofUK 3 1 null and 4 void

invalid; without legal force; not binding

1 on the one 5 hand

on one side - on the other hand on the other side

1 party 6

n. the person or persons forming one side of an agreement

1 stipulate

v. to specify as an essential condition - stipulation n.

7 1 terms 8

n. conditions or stipulations

1 warrant 9

v. to give formal assurance; to guarantee

2 whereas 0

conj: it being the case that; in view of the fact that [in introduction to contracts]

Employment 1 bonus

n. additional pay given to employee as incentive or reward

2 curriculum vitaeUK

n. short account of one's education, career etc; CVUK; resumeUS; resumeUS

3 dismiss

v. to remove or discharge from employment; to sack [colloq.]; to fireUS

4 employer

n. person or firm who employs people - employee n. person employed

5 fireUS

v. [colloq.] to dismiss

6 interview

v. an oral examination of an applicant for a job - also v.

7 make redundantUK

v. [made, made] to dismiss because of not being needed redundancyUK n.

8 maternity leave

n. period of absence from work (for a woman) when having a baby

9 notice

n. advance warning of intention to resign - to give or tender one's notice v.

10 perk

abbr. perquisite; something additional to regular salary [eg: free meals; a car]

11 personnel

n. the people who work for a firm

12 personnel officer

n. manager responsible for recruitment, training and welfare of personnel

13 promotion

n. advancement in rank or position - to promote v.

14 prospects

n. opportunity for success, promotion etc

15 recruit

n. to look for and employ personnel - recruitment n.

16 resign

v. to give up a job - letter of resignation n.

17 retire

v. to leave employment, esp. because of age - retirement n.

18 salary

n. a fixed, regular payment, usually monthly, made by employer to employee

19 staff

n. the people who work for a firm or a particular department; employees

20 take on

v. [took, taken] to employ; to hire

Import-Export 1 bill of lading

n. list of goods and shipping instructions; waybill

2 c.&f.

abbr. cost & freight: includes shipping to named port but not insurance

3 c.i.f.

abbr. cost, insurance & freight: includes insurance and shipping to named port

4 cargo

n. goods or products that are being transported or shipped

5 certificate of origin

n. a document that shows where goods come from

6 container

n. huge box to hold goods for transport - container port n. to containerise v.

7 customs

n. 1 government tax or duty on imported goods 2 officials who collect this tax

8 declare

v. to make a statement of taxable goods - customs declaration form n.

9 f.a.s.

abbr. free alongside ship [includes delivery to quayside but not loading]

1 f.o.b. 0

abbr. free on board: includes loading onto ship

1 freight 1

n. goods being transported; cargo

1 irrevocable

adj. that cannot be undone; unalterable - irrevocable letter of


credit n.

1 letter of 3 credit

n. a letter from a bank authorising a person to draw money from another bank

1 merchandise 4

n. things bought and sold; commodities; wares - also v.

1 packing list 5

n. a document that is sent with goods to show that they have been checked

1 pro forma 6 invoice

n. an invoice or request for payment sent in advance of goods supplied

1 quay 7

n. a solid, artificial landing place for (un)loading ships; wharf quayside n.

1 ship 8

v. to send or transport by land, sea or air - also n. shipment n.

1 shipping 9 agent

n. a person acting for or representing a ship or ships at a port

2 waybill 0

n. list of goods and shipping instructions; bill of lading - air waybill n.

Insurance 1 actuary

n. a person who calculates risks for insurance companies

2 assessor

n. a person who calculates the value of something [eg: a building, car etc]

3 claim

n. an application for payment under an insurance policy - to make a claim v.

4 comprehensiv n. [of an insurance policy] all-inclusive; providing complete e protection 5 consequential n. a loss that happens as a consequence of or as a result of loss another 6 coverUK

n. the protection given by an insurance policy [eg: public liability cover]

7 employer's liability

n. liability or responsibility of a firm for damage caused to one of its employees

8 goods in transit

n. property, merchandise or any goods in the process of being transported

9 insurance broker

n. agent who arranges insurance; middleman between insurer & policyholder

1 liability 0

n. 1 the state of being liable 2 anything for which a person is liable

1 liable 1

adj. legally obliged to pay for damage, injury etc; responsible liability n.

1 loss 2

n. death, injury, damage etc that is the basis for a claim - to lose v.

1 loss adjuster 3

n. a person who assesses the amount of compensation arising from a claim

1 policy 4

n. a contract of insurance [eg: a product liability policy]

1 policyholder 5

n. the person to whom an insurance policy is issued

1 premium 6

n. a payment, usually monthly, yearly etc, for an insurance policy

1 product 7 liability

n. liability or responsibility of a firm for damage caused by one of its products

1 public liability n. responsibility of a firm for damage caused to a member of the 8 public 1 reinsurance 9

n. the insuring of risk by one insurance company with another to reinsure v.

2 risk 0

n. 1 chance or possibility of injury, loss etc 2 person or thing causing risk

Meetings 1 A.G.M.

abbr. Annual General Meeting

2 A.O.B.

abbr. Any Other Business [usually the last item on an agenda]

3 absent

adj. not here; not at the meeting; not present

4 agenda

n. a written programme or schedule for a meeting

5 apologies

n. item on agenda announcing people who are absent; apologies for absence

6 ballot

n. a type of vote, usually in writing and usually secret- secret ballot n.

7 casting vote n. a deciding vote (usually by the chairman) when the votes are otherwise equal 8 chairman

n. the person who leads or presides at a meeting; chairperson; chair

9 conference

n. formal meeting for discussion, esp. a regular one held by an organisation

1 conference 0 call

n. telephone call between three or more people in different locations

1 consensus 1

n. general agreement

1 decision 2

n. a conclusion or resolution to do something - to decide v.

1 item 3

n. a separate point for discussion [as listed on an agenda]

1 matters 4 arising

n. item on agenda for discussion of what has happened as a result of last meeting

1 minutes 5

n. a written record of everything said at a meeting

1 proxy vote 6

n. a vote cast by one person for or in place of another

1 show of 7 hands

n. raised hands to express an opinion in a vote

1 unanimous 8

adj. in complete agreement; united in opinion

1 videoconfer n. conference of people in different locations linked by satellite, TV 9 ence etc 2 vote

v. to express opinion in a group by voice or hand etc - also n. - to


cast a vote v.

Money 1 A.T.M.

abbr. Automated Teller Machine; cash dispenserUK

2 banknote

n: a piece of paper money; billUS

3 billUS

n. a banknote; a piece of paper money

4 black market n. illegal traffic in officially controlled commodities such as foreign currency 5 bureau de change

n. establishment where currencies of different countries may be exchanged

6 cash

n. 1 coins or bank notes (not cheques); 2 actual money paid (not credit)

7 cash dispenserUK

n: automatic machine from which clients of a bank may withdraw money; ATM

8 cashier

n. person dealing with cash transactions in a bank, store etc

9 coin

n: a piece of metal money

1 currency 0

n. the money in general use or circulation in any country

1 debt 1

n. money etc owed by one person to another

1 exchange 2 rate

n. the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another

1 foreign 3 exchange

n: the currency of other countries

1 hard 4 currency

n. currency that will probably not fall in value and is readily accepted

1 invest 5

v. to put money for profit into business, land etc - investment n.

1 legal tender 6

n: currency that cannot legally be refused in payment of a debt

1 petty cashUK

n. a cash fund for small, everyday expenses

7 1 soft currency n. currency that will probably fall in value and is not readily 8 accepted 1 speculate 9

v. (risky) buying of foreign currency, land etc for rapid gain speculation n.

2 transaction 0

n. a (usually commercial) exchange; a deal - to transact v.

Selling 1 after-sales service

n. service that continues after a product has been sold [eg: repairs etc]

2 buyer

n. 1 any person who buys anything 2 a person employed by a firm to buy

3 client

n. a person who buys services from a lawyer, architect or other professionals

4 close

v. to finalise a deal or sale; to make a sale

5 cold call

v. to telephone a prospect without previous contact - also n.

6 customer

n. a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business

7 deal

n. a business transaction - also v. dealer n.

8 discount

n. a reduction in the price; a deduction [usually expressed as a percentage (%)]

9 follow up

v. to continue to follow persistently; to maintain contact [eg: after a lead]

1 guarantee 0

n. a promise that a product will be repaired or replaced etc if faulty - also v.

1 in bulk 1

in large quantity, usually at a lower price

1 lead 2

n. useful indication of a possible customer to be followed up

1 objection 3

n. a reason given by a prospect for not buying - to object v. seeovercome

1 overcome 4

v. [-came, -come] to overcome an obj-ection to show an objection is invalid

1 product 5

n. something made and usually for sale - to produce v. seeservice

1 prospect 6

n. a possible or probable customer; prospective customer

1 representativ n. sales representative person who represents & sells for a 7e firm; salesperson 1 retail 8

v. to sell in small quantities (as in a shop to the public) - also n. see wholesale

1 service 9

n. work done usually in return for payment - to serve v. see product

2 wholesale 0

v. to sell in bulk (as to a shop for resale to the public) - also n. see retail

British and American Financial Terms Here are some of the main differences between British and American financial terminology.



Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Annual Stockholders Meeting

Articles of Association


authorised share capital

authorized capital stock

barometer stock

bellwether stock

base rate

prime rate

bonus or capitalisation issue

stock dividend or stock split

bridging loan

bridge loan

building society

savings and loan association






accounts payable

current account

checking account


accounts receivable

gilt-edged stock (gilts)

Treasury bonds



Memorandum of Association

Certificate of Incorporation

merchant bank

investment bank

ordinary share

common stock



profit and loss account

income statement


real estate

quoted company

listed company

retail price index (RPI)

consumer price index (CPI)



share premium

paid-in surplus



shareholders' equity

stockholders' equity



trade union

labor union

unit trusts

mutual funds

visible trade

merchandise trade

Business Vocabulary 404: Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error message "404 Not found",

meaning that the requested document could not be located. Example: "Don't bother asking him. He's 404, man." adminisphere: The rarefied organizational layers beginning just above the rank and file.

Decisions that fall from the adminisphere are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve.

assmosis: The process by which some people seem to absorb success and advancement by

kissing up to the boss. You will all be measured on this at some point in your career. blamestorming: Sitting around in a group discussing why a deadline was missed or a project

failed and who was responsible. This one will be particularly valuable to those of you who have projects going right now. chainsaw consultant: An outside expert brought in to reduce the employee head count,

leaving the brass with clean hands. clm: Short lingo for "career limiting move". Used among microserfs to describe ill-advised

activity. Trashing your boss while she is within earshot is a serious clm. (Related to clb, "career limiting behavior".) dilberted: To be exploited and oppressed by your boss. Derived from the experiences of

Dilbert, the geek-in-hell comic strip character. For example, "I've been Dilberted again. The old man revised the specs for the fourth time this week." flight risk: Used to describe employees who are suspected of planning to leave the company

or department soon. ohnosecond: That minuscule fraction of time it takes to realize that you've just made a big

mistake. (See also clm.) percussive maintenance: The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get

it working again. salmon day: The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only to die in the

end. We've had these before --- and will again. seagull manager: A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, poops all over everything then

leaves. Another word for consultant.

Marketing Glossary - 1 The use of this lexical approach is essential for successful language acquisition in English for Specific Purposes. However, teachers are often not equipped with the exact English terminology required in very specific trade sectors. For this reason, core vocabulary sheets go a long way in helping teachers provide adequate materials for students with English for Special Purposes needs.

These core vocabulary reference sheets provide between 150 and 240 key words and phrases for each industry. Each series is divided into three pages that, when combined, form an alphabetical list. In taking this lexical approach to attaining key vocabulary, students should be encouraged to translate the specific words and phrases into their native tongues as each phrase has a very specific translation in each language.


act on the price

market penetration

after-sales activities

market potential

after-sales service

market research

assisted brand identification

market segmentation


be competitive

market share


be out of stock

market size

behaviour pattern

market survey

blind product test

market test

brand equity

marketing goals

brand extension

marketing mix

brand loyalty

marketing plan

brand positioning

marketing techniques

brand preference

mass-market product

brand range

maturity phase

brand strategy

memory research

brand switching


brand value


branded product


buy for fun


buying frequency

niche strategy

buying habit

one-stop shopping

buying motivation

open question

call planning

own brand products


panel - consumer panel

cartel price

parallel import

case history

penetration index

cash and carry

perceived quality

certificate of guarantee

pilot scheme

chain of retailers

pilot shop

cluster analysis

pilot survey

commercial strategy

point of sale (POS)




competitive advantage


competitive products

potential market


premium price

Marketing - Core Vocabulary Sheets Continued

List of 100 Essential Business English Nouns 100 commonly-used nouns you should know and be able to use if you work in an Englishspeaking business environment. Do you know them all? Tick them off as you learn and keep this page as a record. advantage advertisement advice agenda apology authorization bill brand budget change commission

debtor decision decrease deficit delivery department description difference disadvantage distribution employee employer

fall feedback goal goods growth guarantee improvement increase industry instructions interest inventory

objective offer opinion option order output payment penalty permission possibility preparation price

repairs report responsibility result retailer rise risk salary sales schedule share

comparison competition competitor confirmation costs creditor customer deadline debt

enquiry environment equipment estimate experience explanation facilities factory

invoice knowledge limit loss margin market message mistake

product production profit promotion purchase reduction refund reminder

signature stock success suggestion supply support target transport turnover

100 Essential Business English Verbs Here are 100 commonly-used verbs you should know and be able to use if you work in an English-speaking business environment. Do you know them all? Tick them off as you learn and keep this page as a record. accept add admit advertise advise afford approve authorize avoid borrow break build buy calculate call cancel change charge for check choose

complain complete confirm consider convince count decide decrease deliver develop dismiss dispatch distribute divide drop employ encourage establish estimate exchange

extend fall fix fund get worse improve increase inform install invest invoice join lend lengthen lower maintain manage measure mention obtain

order organize owe own pack participate pay plan present prevent process produce promise promote provide purchase raise reach receive recruit

reduce refuse reject remind remove reply resign respond return rise sell send separate shorten split structure succeed suggest write vary

List of English irregular verbs - past simple and past participle Here is a checklist of English irregular verbs. Use this page as a reference and to test yourself. Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z verb

past tense

past participle

arise awake

arose awoke

arisen awoken

bear beat become begin bend beset bet bid bind bite bleed blow break breed bring broadcast build burn burst buy

bore beat became began bent beset bet/betted bid bound bit bled blew broke bred brought broadcast built burnt/burned burst bought

borne beaten become begun bent beset bet bid bound bitten bled blown broken bred brought broadcast built burnt/burned burst bought

cast catch choose cling come cost creep cut

cast caught chose clung came cost crept cut

cast caught chosen clung come cost crept cut

deal dig dive do draw dream drink drive

dealt dug dived/dove (AmE) did drew dreamt/dreamed drank drove

dealt dug dived done drawn dreamt/dreamed drunk driven




fall feed feel fight find fit flee fling fly

fell fed felt fought found fit fled flung flew

fallen fed felt fought found fit fled flung flown

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