Business Plan Wsm Farm Ud0909

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  • Words: 2,218
  • Pages: 28
Watersource Missionary Farm

Missionary Training and Support Center By Watersource Ministries

Our Purpose • The establishment and management of a multi-production sustainable farm/ranch for the comprehensive training of missionaries to: – Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ – To disciple indigenous people globally to then make disciples themselves – To instruct and teach missionaries the most advanced, ecological and sustainable agricultural techniques for developing communities to utilize their countries soil for successful food production.

Community Outreach • Agriculture training to the community • Food to the needy • Food storage program to be used during times of disaster and family need • To reach out to the community with the Gospel through open air preaching, one to one witnessing with an ‘open door’ • Utilize various products and services of the farm to become a full or partially self-funding entity

Market Summary •

Market: past, present, & future: – Evangelistic – The fulfilling of the Great Commission is greatly ignored by most churches in the US – wide open market… – Missionary – There are several mission training programs, but we have not found any with the strong emphasis on the Gospel – wide open market… – Agricultural – CSA programs provide local produce to local people and businesses. Still new but rapidly growing industry. There are currently not enough CSA’s to meet the demands of the subscribers in northern Colorado

Community Sustained Agriculture (CSA) • The CSA is a program where people in a community pay an annual subscription (based on number of persons per household) for produce “shares” as they come available on the farm. – There are currently not enough CSA’s in Northern Colorado to meet the demand of potential subscribers.

“Niche” Agriculture • The Farm will also produce “specialty” produce that will be available to natural food stores, super markets, restaurants and the like. These things will include: – Locally harvested honey – Heirloom and unique tomatoes and peppers via greenhouse – Small goat dairy (part of CSA)

Goals & Objectives (Agriculture) •

Five-year goals – Establish CSA – Establish niche produce and livestock to NoCo restaurants and markets – Revenue from donors, CSA and missions foundations established to be self sufficient training program – Revenue after cost of program to be used to sponsor missionaries in the field – Establish a food bank to bless local families in need and homeless programs – Establish program to take in “bumper crops” from other farms and use food in canning/storage program in food bank enterprise

Church Outreach •

The Farm will be available to Bible based churches for use in special events – Baptisms • Using the Farms large wading pool or small lake for baptism services. • Missionary interns and ministry staff will do all the “behind the scenes” work such as, preparing food, playing music, decorating, etc.

– Weddings • Using the Farms many rustic views as the back drop for wedding services. • Missionary interns and ministry staff will do all the “behind the scenes” work such as, preparing food, playing music, decorating, etc.

Goals & Objectives (Evangelistic) • Five-year goals – Continue putting on “Spiritual Fire Academies” for local churches and groups – Provide Gospel tract support for Colorado street outreaches – Produce Bible based and evangelism minded missionaries for the mission fields that can witness to an indigenous person, train them to witness to their own people and teach the Bible.

Goals & Objectives (Missionary Re-Entry) •

Host missionaries that are on furlough – Have furlough missionaries live on the farm and teach interns from their experiences – Help create media for use in church presentations and working up donor support – Help create prayer networks for missionaries while in field

Help missionaries reintegrate when they come out of the mission field for good. – Be a transitional place while family adjusts to way of life here in States

Who We Are • Experienced evangelists, apologists, missionaries, street preachers, teachers, and counter-cult specialists • Experienced gardeners, livestock, pasture and farm and business managers

Board of Directors - Accountability • Steve Bauer – Founder WSM, Evangelist and street preacher • Rick Busch – Founder WSM, street preacher • Paul LaFleur – Founder WSM, street preacher • Kevin Blankenship – Pastor, Calvary Chapel Loveland • Mark Schotten – Evangelist, co-founder Metanoia Outreach (Denver, 16th Street open – air ministry)

The Farm Team •

Steve Bauer (Ministry Director, Evangelism Training, Bible Instruction) – Founder - Watersource Ministries – Associate Pastor Calvary Chapel Loveland, CO. – Experienced paramedic (20 years field experience) – Police Chaplain (Loveland PD) – Evangelist, Bible teacher and street preacher. – Instrumental in planting witnessing teams across Colorado – Also trained in Critical Incident Stress Management and Biblical counseling

The Farm Team •

Christine Bauer (Communications Director, Evangelism Training) – Grew up in Niger, West Africa. Spent 20 years in missions family – Editor of “Watersource Newsletter” – Founder of the Talmudin Outreach – Graduate of “The School of Biblical Evangelism” – Living Waters – Graduate Bethel College, Indiana – BA Translation/American Sign Language

The Farm Team •

Lynn Philpott (Farm/Produce Manager) – Crop management, CSA program oversight and planning, missionary training

Experience – Missionary in West Africa for 20 years, raised a family in Nigeria and Niger, specialized in water filtration, conservation and direction, farming, and general construction. – BA Foreign Missions, Moody Bible Institute – Certificate Le Tourneau University – Aircraft and power plant maintenance – Trained in agriculture from CSU and horticulture from Front Range Community College

The Farm Team •

Sandi Philpott (Mission Training Director) – Intern relations and admission, missionary training, healthcare training

Experience – Missionary in West Africa for 20 years, raised a family in Nigeria and Niger, specialized in education and healthcare. – BA Christian Education, Moody Bible Institute – Bachelor of Nursing, North Park College, Chicago, Ill.

The Farm Team •

Jocelyne Philpott (Manager Livestock) – Livestock and dairy planning/breeding and care, pasture and soil management

Experience – Born in Niger, West Africa. Grew up in missions family for 20 years. – BS in Environmental Biology. – Trained on World Hunger Relief farm in Texas, learning small animal and livestock care as well as management of a small Raw Goat Milk Dairy – Trained on an organic cow dairy in pasture rotation and dairy management

The Farm Team •

Jonathan Jolly (Counter Cult and street Evangelism Training) – Trained under Bill Honsberger with Haven Ministries in counter-cult outreach – Founder of Reaching Boulder Outreach and EuroKarma Gospel tract program – Developer of “Evangepedia” and “Ask J” evangelist database – Expert in counter cult outreach – Evangelist, teacher, Bible teacher – Member of Metanoia Outreach in Denver, CO

Steward Responsibilities • Missions Farm will be established by: – – – –

Prayer Individual blessings to ministry Partnerships with ministries and churches Earnings from CSA

• As a non-profit ministry, post-operational funds are utilized for the continued mission of the farm AND replication of additional farms nationally and abroad

Resource Requirements •

Technology requirements – Ultimately want to be low-tech to reflect the ‘agri-reality’ in developing countries

Personnel requirements – – – – – – –

Farm Manager Ranch Hands Mission Education Manager Livestock Manager Director of Ministry Instructors Interns

Resource requirements – $4,000,000 start up capital • $1.5-2.0 Million for property • $2 Million for implementation expenses

External requirements – Equipment rental – Heirloom seeds/Non-GMO seeds – Livestock purchases

Risks & Rewards • Risks – Believe that there is no risk when doing something according to God’s will and to glorify Him • It will fail otherwise

• Rewards – A self-sufficient farm that will prepare missionaries for the mission field and to be Biblical preachers, as well as a refuge for returning missionaries to integrate back into US society

Missionary Support Unfulfilled • The lack of comprehensive missionary training and support within the Church Body today is extremely profound. • Too often believers, usually quite young in age as well as in their faith, experience and Biblical knowledge are ‘thrown’ into the mission field and are met with extreme difficulties they were not effectively prepared or trained to handle. • An effective preparation of Christian missionaries in today’s world both in spiritual and practical aspects is vital to the call of the ‘great commission’ as well as for their own effectiveness, safety and spiritual well-being. • Finding such a resource to fulfill this demanding need throughout the Church body is lacking at best

Scriptural Significance • Romans 10:14-17 “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: – “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!” But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “LORD, who has believed our report?” So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

• Matthew 28:19 Jesus Said, “go therefore and make disciples of all the peoples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Objectives •

Our mission is summed up with the 3 word statement on the front of our website. Preach. Teach. Connect. To fulfill that mission, we have broken it into 3 phases. – Phase 1 – Establish locally, within Colorado as an evangelical outreach that spreads the Gospel message through street evangelism. • This also serves the purpose of collecting data (video, audio and experience) to use in teaching others the Biblical method of sharing the “Good News.” This has taken the form of the Spiritual Fire Academy – a class that teaches Biblical evangelism (based on the research of Ray Comfort (author – Hell's Best Kept Secret) and Mark Cahill (author – One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven)). • Our website ( is an integral part of our outreach to Colorado churches and supporting ministries. We have given access to our teachings and presentations, as well as Gospel tracts (printable and video) and sermons given by the preachers of Watersource in various churches.

Objectives • Phase 2 - Help organize, teach and support street evangelism teams and persons throughout Colorado. – We have been blessed to help in connecting and even establishing teams in Colorado Springs, Denver, Boulder and Ft. Collins/Loveland. The team leaders can be contacted via our website under the “Witnessing in Colorado” link. – We have also been fortunate to have members of those teams that also teach Biblical evangelism. This has been great in facilitating availability of instructors throughout the state. If someone calls Watersource for a class and they are in an area that our ministry is not close to, we can refer them to an instructor in their area.

Objectives •

Phase 3 involves training a potential missionary for the work of fulfilling the Great Commission. – The missionary training center will be operating on a large, working farm. During the day, the interns will work the farm, learning sustainable agricultural techniques (seed harvesting, soil mediation, natural farming, animal traction plowing, etc.) that will equip them to be a part of a third-world community in the U.S. (ex: Indian Reservations), and/or internationally. They will also sell the produce grown at the training center to the community through a Community Sustained Agriculture (CSA) program. – In the evenings and on weekends, the interns will be given Biblical teaching and mission-related training. • This training will cover aspects of missionary work like: – raising a family in the mission environment, – going into a new culture for the first time, and – first aid.

• They will also be thoroughly trained in methods of Biblical evangelism and outreach. This will help the missionary to be able to teach an indigenous person to share the Gospel with the members of the community they are on mission to, as well as teaching the community members to share the Gospel, Biblically, with their own people. – This will involve training and practice/application in street witnessing, open air preaching, counter-cult training, as well as verse by verse/in depth study of the Word.

Objectives •

Phase 3 cont: Support missionaries and various ministries in the mission field and on furlough. – The first part of this phase will take a select few interns who complete the missionary training program and support them financially while they are in the field. – The second portion of this phase involves bringing the missionaries back from the mission field on furlough and allowing them to bring their experiences back for the purpose of training new interns. These missionaries would live on the training center grounds during their furlough. – The third portion of this phase involves taking missionaries from the field and helping them reintegrate into American society. • This seems to be an area neglected by the Body in the US and one which we intend to address

– The missionary training and support center will be located in Colorado at a place that would incorporate all portions of the above described training. We will call this place "The Farm."

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