Business Partners Final Draft

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  • Words: 2,762
  • Pages: 20
“Today we learn, Tomorrow we lead.”


Index General Purpose Statement (Liberated from the internet.)..........................................................3 Continental Development Corporation Mission Statement............................................................................3 Bert Lynn Middle School.................................................................4 Common Partnership Goals.............................................................4 Partnership Commitment ................................................................5 Character Building...........................................................................5 Student Level Support......................................................................6 Youth Act ....................................................................................7 Junior Scholarship Club ..............................................................7 Scholastic Chess Club..................................................................8 Baseball Club...............................................................................8 Symphonic and Concert Band.....................................................9 Chorus..........................................................................................9 Renaissance Day........................................................................10 Staff Development.....................................................................11 Teacher Appreciation Week.......................................................11 Middle School Make Over.............................................................13 New Band Room –.....................................................................13 Benches – ..................................................................................13 Classroom Floors –....................................................................13 Marquee.....................................................................................14 Blue Ribbon Award........................................................................18 California Distinguished School Award.........................................18 General School Description...........................................................18 Community Funding Worksheet....................................................19 Continental Development..............................................................20 Bert Lynn Middle School ..............................................................20 Torrance Unified School District...................................................20


General Purpose Statement (Liberated from the internet.)

Continental Development recognizes public education needs to be everybody’s business. Working together with Bert Lynn Middle school we believe our collective manpower, materials and financial resources can build a powerful “resource network” that will help supplement tight budgets and meet the challenge of providing a high quality education to all children. Of course, our community will always need a skilled and educated work force to stay competitive in a global market. Working together, we can meet our respective needs and goals. Finally we recognize our opportunity to work together to affect the quality of our public schools and ultimately our community.

Continental Development Corporation Mission Statement To develop and build projects of the highest quality and to actively support measures which contribute to the quality of life in the communities in which we do business. • •

• • •

Over 45 years of real estate development, ownership and management experience. Developed and manage 3.5 million square feet of premium office, research and development, commercial, retail, restaurant and entertainment properties. California’s suburban and urban centers. Enviable business record of successful real estate projects. Demonstrated leadership in community, social and environmental affairs. Winner of numerous civic, environmental and industry awards. 3

Bert Lynn Middle School Vision Statement Bert Lynn Middle School provides a rigorous curriculum designed to challenge students of all levels and abilities so that today’s engaged learners become tomorrow’s active leaders; today’s diverse learning community becomes tomorrow’s global society; and today’s caring campus becomes tomorrow’s conscientious community.

Common Partnership Goals • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Improve student self-esteem and confidence Reinforce and support the educational goals of Bert Lynn Help students feel good about themselves and their accomplishments Improve students’ social, survival and relationship skills Provide students identification with a successful role model Render an opportunity for Continental Development to invest in tomorrow’s leaders Increase student motivation through positive reinforcement Improve students’ verbal communication skills Provide an educational resource for BLMS Enhance a stronger school system Promote a better prepared work force Enhance civic cooperation Offer Continental Development employees an avenue for pride through community involvement


Partnership Commitment A commitment to ongoing communication Securing adequate human and financial resources Giving recognition to volunteers, school staff and CD Yearly evaluation of the partnership

Character Building With a clear understanding of our role in developing tomorrows leaders, Bert Lynn Middle School actively seeks opportunities to develop well-rounded democratic citizens. Assemblies: Camfel Productions – Commitment to Excellence Presented during the first two weeks of each school year, this dynamic three-screen, multi-media presentation provides a foundation for discussion throughout the school year. This year’s production focused on a “Commitment to Excellence.” Students are introduced to effective skills to use when they encounter bullies, the pressures to smoke, use drugs and/or alcohol. Students also discover that difficult circumstances and failures work to help them improve and achieve excellence in their lives.


Student Level Support Scholarship Awards During the end of the year 8th grade promotion, Continental Development Corporation provides scholarship awards to two students who exemplify a commitment to community, volunteerism and the spirit of Bert Lynn’s motto “Today we learn, tomorrow we lead.” Service Clubs, Academic Clubs and Student Interest Clubs Bert Lynn boasts a growing number of clubs for students to join, including an active student council, Junior Scholarship, Youth Act (a subdivision of Rotary), Christian Club, and Math Counts. Many of these clubs help prepare students for high school and our service clubs perform community services quarterly. School wide service events include: Madrona Marsh Clean-up, LA Marathon participation, and Relay for Life participation. Academic clubs including Math Counts, Junior Scholarship and our Scholastic Student Council (Ms. Sexton, Advisor. 60 students 6-8th grade) The purpose of the Student Council is to improve the quality of life in the world by developing skilled, ethical, and sensitive leaders of diverse backgrounds and cultures. Our Club Focuses on: • • • • • • •

increase confidence in making oral presentations learning how to facilitate and record interactive meetings developing consensus building skills developing ideas for new activities and projects developing and practicing conflict resolution planning monthly school wide activities having fun!


Youth Act (Mr. Lee, Advisor. 60 students 6th-8th grade) The Youth Act was developed by Rotarians, like Interact, but for youth ages 11 to 14. Youth Act stands for Youth in Action. The emblem of Youth Act, the letter “Y” overlaying an atomic like symbol, stand for the beginning of the path youth take in life, just like the atomic symbol stands for the beginning of all matter. Like Interact club, Youth Act clubs are sponsored by a local Rotary club. Some Interact clubs, also are co-sponsors. The Interact club participates in joint activities with the Youth Act club. They act as mentors and role models. Youth Act members becoming friends with the Interact members, join Interact when they become older. The program gives young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends.

Junior Scholarship Club (Ms. Bhaskar. 60 students 7th-8th grade) The purpose of the California Junior Scholarship Federation, a state-wide organization of over 600 chapters, is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of students of California's public and private junior high and middle schools. The California Scholarship Federation and the California Junior Scholarship Federation (CSF and CJSF) emphasize high standards of service, scholarship, and citizenship for California middle and high school students. CSF and CJSF encourage service to the school and community while fostering pride in scholastic achievement.


Scholastic Chess Club (Mr. Childers, Advisor. Start-up club) The scholastic chess club combines educational and social activities. Members come to play, to learn, to teach, and to get together with old friends and make new ones. The players no matter what their level of skill, experience, or age, all speak a common language, and one that is often not understood in other areas of a person’s life. The rivalries are friendly; the friendships are competitive. Our club hopes to offer a wide variety of activities including speed chess and rated games. Club activities include simultaneous exhibitions, lectures, and even formal classes taught by chess Masters. Some players who regularly come to a club won’t ever try weekend scholastic tournaments. EVERY member is important to the success of the club. Participation awards are given out every nine weeks. A club competition ranking system, in which students earn points for performance in matches, keeps track of improvement for club members. Top points will receive awards at the end of the year.

Baseball Club (Mr. Lister, Advisor. Start-up club) Today a multi-billion dollar industry, Baseball has come a long way from its crude and humble beginnings in the fields of 19th century America. More than a game, Baseball remains an inseparable part of the American heritage and an intrinsic part of our national psyche. For us, notions of team, fair play, and athletic excellence first occurred on a red clay diamond cut from a grassy field. Referred to as "America's Pastime" since 1856, baseball today is played by men and women of all ages and skill levels all around the world. Open to all students this club meets weekly and brings to life the history of America through the game of baseball. 8

Symphonic and Concert Band (Katie Banim, Music Teacher) Symphonic and Concert Band explores music through history and theory. Students learn to “read” a wide variety of music and rhythms, from classical to modern pop tunes. Growth focuses on musical elements, and individual mastery of instrument techniques. Both Symphonic and Concert bands prepare and perform at various concerts and festivals throughout the year. Performances include a holiday concert, SCSBOA Ratings Forum Festival, Spring Concert, West area Music Festival and the Promotion Ceremony. Mrs. Banim has increased our music program in the number of participants and enthusiasm. There are over 74 students in Symphonic Band and 78 students in Concert Band. Student enthusiasm has breached our room capacity and our potential program growth is limited to our inability to seat students safely in a room originally designed as a kindergarten classroom. Currently our program exceeds our band room capacity.

Chorus (Katie Banim, Music Teacher) Students learn the fundamentals of singing solo and in a group. Students study musical elements, reading notes and rhythms, explore music history and theory, proper vocal production and voice care, and performance practices. Students perform at the Torrance Memorial Festival of Trees, holiday concert, Middle School Choral Festival, Spring Concert and the Promotion Ceremony. This class has also grown by over 50%, with a current enrollment of 100 students. 9

Forum Festival Fundraiser – The Forum Festival costs a total of $15,000. This covers the Forum Festival entry fee and tickets, Knott Berry Farm entrance fees, and buses for 250 instrumental and chorus students. In order to raise these funds students sell gift-wrap and gifts, and hold an annual Golf Tournament. Continental Development Corporation generously sponsored several teachers last year in this annual event.

Renaissance Day (Eileen Thomas, Life Management) Renaissance Day culminates the 7th grade Social Studies curriculum in a full day filled with hands-on educational extension activities of the Renaissance period. The day begins with a student musical performance of madrigals of the Renaissance, a student performed Shakespearean play, and several performances by our students in character roles, teachers, and professional guild members. After the morning assembly, students go to the field, which is set up with various guilds, games, and demonstrations. Students interact with professional Renaissance guild members, as well as volunteer parents dressed in costume, who take on the persona of that period and teach crafts or skills common to the period. These thirty plus hands-on activities consist of the following guilds: herbs and healers, chain mail, black work, weaving and knitting, cold forge, miller, music & dance, pottery, combat, juggling, archery, catapult, and various games of the period.

Faculty & Staff Support Continental Development recognizes the importance of intellectual property for our community’s future and the role our teachers play in building this valuable resource. Currently Continental Development provides access to office furniture, which includes tables, chairs, file cabinets, and computers. 10

Staff Development  Staff Development day will be held on Friday, February 1, 2008. The focus of this day is Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Students and English Language Learners. We would love an off site location and/or lunch for the teachers.  Green Energy: Continental Development encourages exploration of promotion environmental understanding and awareness. Continental Development is at the leading edge of change in building technology. Sharing expertise and resources to help bring Bert Lynn “up-to-date”

Teacher Appreciation Week May 5 – 9, 2008 We would like to serve lunch or breakfast for teachers and a small appreciation basket filled with teacher emergency supplies.

Torrance Education Foundation The Torrance Education Foundation is committed to providing funding directly to teachers students have access to great public schools. Continental Development provides funding for two tables which allows our teachers to attend this yearly event.

Business Partnership Coordinator (Sherry Kramer, Community Affairs Director) Continental Development provides access to a professional publications relations expert through Continental Development Corporation provides our school a great resource to improve communications throughout our community.


School Beautification Generous donations from Continental Development and our PTSA, provided our community volunteers with the resources necessary to: plant flowers, paint building eves, replace basketball hoops, plant five trees and install four benches. These projects help to beautify our school and ultimately enhance the learning environment.


Middle School Make Over A New Face for Bert Lynn Middle School – The entrance to Bert Lynn does not reflect a two-time award winning California Distinguished School and National Blue Ribbon School Recipient. The current front arcade is falling after fifty years of rain and weather. We would like to tear down the front arcade, remove the storage area, and replace it with a large mural and electronic marquee.

New Band Room – In order to accommodate for the growing symphonic, concert band, and choir, we dream of building a large music room dedicated to Mr. Richard Lundquist. The Richard Lundquist Music Hall will accommodate for 150 musicians to practice in a room conducive to a growing music program. Representing current trends in music room design our new band room would have sound absorbing padded walls integrating skylights and energy saving fixtures into an acoustical ceiling. Large cabinets or instrument lockers will be along two sides of the building.

Benches – The lunch benches and cafeteria are places that most students eat. However, because it is so crowded we have at least 100 kids eating on the floor. They sit on the grass or in the hallways as an alternate eating area. We would like to purchase about 10 benches with backs so that students have a comfortable eating area during lunch.

Classroom Floors – Eighteen of our classrooms were carpeted with the cheapest carpet known. After five years of use, and with over 1,256 feet across the floor daily, every carpet looks tattered, has missing or torn sections, with stains that cannot be removed. Unfortunately there is no categorical budget to support the removal and replacement of carpet. 13




New Face for Bert Lynn Bert Lynn Middle School has a breezeway across the front of our school that is decayed and collapsing. We are fortunate however since our district has approved the complete removal of our faulty breezeway. This removal will afford us the ability to “open up” the front of our school with a welcoming mural. (Pictures of a before and after BLMS Face Lift)

Home Languages of English Learners


1% 1% 1%1% 1%



Japanese Mandarin Urdu



Spanish Arabic Filipino


Vietnamese Portuguese Cantonese Farsi (Persian)


All other 18%



Blue Ribbon Award Bert Lynn Middle School was selected as a Blue Ribbon School in 2006 by the US Department of Education. Representing less than 300 schools nation wide, Bert Lynn was recognized for demonstrating dramatic gains in student achievement.

California Distinguished School Award Since 1985 the California School Recognition Program has identified and honored many of our state’s exemplary and inspiring public schools with the California Distinguished School Award. Bert Lynn Middle School received Distinguished School status in 2001 and 2005.

General School Description Established in 1957 Bert Lynn Middle School was originally established as a kindergarten through eighth grade school named Flavian after a nearby street. In 1972 Torrance Unified School District reconfigured the instructional site model from a K-8 model to a K-6 Elementary School, 6-8 Middle School, and 9-12 High school model. Covering 9.2 acres Bert Lynn consists of 9 buildings with 31 classrooms. Bert Lynn’s nickname/mascot is the Lynn Leopards, and our colors are blue and white.

TUSD Funding Current Expense of education per average Attendance (ADA) TUSD $6,310

State Average $7,127

LAUSD $8,113

Community Funding Worksheet Student Level Support Student Scholarships Character Building Student Council YouthAct Junior Scholarship Club Scholastic Chess Club (Start-up) Baseball Clubhouse

Two Bonds Camfel Productions Student Council Training Gardening Tools Entrance Fees Club Affiliate Membership Chess Boards Yard Chess Set Chess Clocks Books

$500 $800 $500 $250 $150 $40 $80 $600 $100 $120

Teacher Level Support Staff Development Lunch Teacher Appreciation Lunch Teacher Appreciation Basket

$250 $250 $500

Site Level Support Marquee New Band room Floor replacement Mural Floor replacement Benches

$25,000 $250,00 0 $21,000 $2000 $21,000 $5,000


Continental Development Key Contacts Richard C. Lundquist, President [email protected] Sherry Kramer, Community Affairs Director [email protected]

Bert Lynn Middle School Key Contacts LeRoy Jackson, Principal, Bert Lynn Middle School (310) 533 – 4495 ex 8680 [email protected] Jayne Okazaki, Assistant Principal, Bert Lynn Middle School (310) 533 – 4495 ex 8690 [email protected]

Torrance Unified School District Key Contacts Dr. George Mannon, Superintendent [email protected] Dr. Donald Stabler, Deputy Superintendent [email protected] Dr. Laurie Love, Chief Academic Officer [email protected]


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