Business English - Test

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 461
  • Pages: 3
17/04/07 Test Translate Toto je skvelá ponuka! Posielam Vám nezáväznú ponuku Dúfam, že ju neodmietnete. Tovar Vám dodáme načas. Poslali sme Vám náš cenník. Je to zmluva medzi kupujúcim a predávajúcim. Platobné podmienky sú odsúhlasené. Bolo nám potešením. Sme lacnejší ako naši konkurenti. Chceli by sme vyvážať nasledovné druhy tabaku. Požadujeme okamžité odoslanie. Bohužiaľ, nemôžeme splniť Vašu objednávku. Máme úplne vypredaný sklad. Keď budeme spokojní, môžeme Vám sľúbiť ďalšie objednávky. Boli by sme vďační... Máme najvýchodnejšie platobné podmienky. Ocenili by sme ... Kvalita musí zodpovedať vzorke. Ospravedlňujeme sa....

Write the most suitable word When a plane is landing, it needs ................... . When we have more luggage than we should we have to pay ...... baggage fee. When we are taking off or landing we have to ......... our seat belts. A flying attendant usually says we should .......... from smoking. When there is the fog the flight is usually .............. . Translate into Slovak and write sentences with these combinations : obstacles – they resolutely refused coffee break stretched beyond 10 minutes every encounter limited commitment to rely on consensus indecisive and incompetent demanding task to raise questions to appear light-hearted comment good manners to chew over

I am afraid of flying and my boss has asked me to fly to Paris for a meeting. I´m so worried about my exams that I can´t sleep. I borrowed a colleague´s car yesterday and I had an accident There´s a party tonight but I´ve got loads of work to do I´m thinking about leaving my job – it pays well but it´s really boring

I am afraid of .......... and my boss has asked me to ....... to Paris for a meeting. I´m so worried about my exams that I can´t sleep. I ............. a colleague´s car yesterday and I had an .............. . There´s a party tonight but I´ve got loads of work ........... I´m thinking about leaving my job – it ...... well but it´s really .............. .

I am afraid of .......... and my boss has asked me to ....... to Paris for a meeting. I´m so worried about my exams that I can´t sleep. I ............. a colleague´s car yesterday and I had an .............. . There´s a party tonight but I´ve got loads of work ........... I´m thinking about leaving my job – it ...... well but it´s really .............. .

I am afraid of .......... and my boss has asked me to ....... to Paris for a meeting. I´m so worried about my exams that I can´t sleep. I ............. a colleague´s car yesterday and I had an .............. . There´s a party tonight but I´ve got loads of work ........... I´m thinking about leaving my job – it ...... well but it´s really .............. .

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