Business Definition For

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Business Definition for: 360 Degree Appraisal The management style indicating a preference for focusing on the task or people side of management .

The Great Debates About 360 Degree Feedback In the great 360 degree feedback debate, do members of the organization provide 360 degree feedback anonymously or face-to-face? Do 360 ratings affect performance appraisal ratings and salary increases or are they used to provide employees feedback for development? These and several other debates rage on in the performance management... Does 360-Degree Feedback Negatively Affect Company Performance In the contemporary business era, the 360-degree feedback appraisal system is in vogue. 360-degree feedback is a multisource feedback mechanism in which each employee, right from the manager, and the peers evaluate and appraise the employee. Such feedback system gives a multi-dimensional perspective on the employee performance. 360 feedback, Leadership, Management Style and Performance Improvement This article is to find new strengths and productivity through employee empowerment came the idea of performance appraisals from subordinates as well as superiors – “360degree feedback.” It also involves three common ways of getting 360-degree feedback. It also includes set of questions before implementing 360 feedback and options of...


Giving Feedback on Management Style: The three degrees of 360° feedback Traditionally, feedback on management style has come from the top down, either as part of a yearly performance appraisal or after a particularly disastrous event. A newer approach considered the idea that a manager ought to receive management style feedback from more than one source and from people who knew... Using 360-Degree Feedback In A Talent Management System The method of 360-degree feedback involves the use of multi-rater feedback systems. The method is popular with training professionals and human resource departments. The 360-degree feedback method supports the development of management and leadership skills. It also helps in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of employees and provides a basis... 360-Degree Feedback Best Practices To Ensure Impact From the executive summary: ‘The 360-degree feedback process, in which subordinates, peers, bosses, and customers provide behavioral and performance feedback to recipients has become ubiquitous in management and human resource development practices.’ The paper presents the best practices adopted by the organizations with regard to the feedback techniques. 360 Degree Feedback: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Implemented with care and training to enable people to better serve customers and develop their own careers, 360 degree feedback is a positive addition to one's performance management system. Started haphazardly, because it's the current flavor in organizations, or because "everyone" else is doing it, 360 feedback will create a... 2

A 360-Degree Look at 360-Degree Feedback The general consensus of those interviewed was that, a 360Degree Feedback is good in theory but weak in practice. If done poorly, the organization risks discouraging and frustrating people; at the very least, resources are spent on feedback that is then dismissed as having missed the target. The Dangers Of Using 360° Feedback For Performance Appraisal There is a rising demand in organizations for improved performance and results. Nowadays, organizations in all sectors, including government, are similarly challenged to operate more efficiently and effectively. Raising individual and team performance levels is central to this process and 360° feedback is increasingly used as part of the solution.... The 360-Degree Audit: Early Warning Device for High-Risk Audit Teams This article is about risky behavior in audit teams that is to adopt the 360-degree assessment, an approach businesses have been using for decades. As the name implies, a 360degree assessment looks at an individual or team from every perspective. The 360-degree assessment is particularly useful for learning what’s going... Using 360-Degree Feedback To Evaluate Performance The 360-degree assessment points out blind spots individuals, team members, and managers cannot see about themselves. Depending on the maturity level of the individual, this revelation comes as a blessing or a curse. Assessment results should be facilitated in a way that leads to a complete process of improvement. Follow-up...


Retooling 360s For Better Performance From the executive summary: ‘The 360-degree feedback tool combines input from supervisors, peers, and direct reports to provide a broad perspective on an employee's strengths and developmental needs. It has insinuated itself into the performance appraisal processes at an increasing number of companies. But as some firms are discovering, the... Beyond 360 . . . Adding Suitability To The Mix The case study says that 360 degree feedback (360) is a method of collecting, summarizing and reporting confidential information on a variety of job-related factors from an individual's immediate work contacts. A variety of excellent assessment tools are available today that profiles an individual's natural tendencies, talents and strengths. ... COMPANIES EVALUATE EMPLOYEES FROM ALL PERSPECTIVES The article discusses that companies are turning to 360degree appraisals which pool feedback from both internal and external, customers to receive a broader, more accurate perspective on employees. The supervisor still has the ultimate responsibility for the appraisal and ensures that the appropriate raters are selected, thereby preventing the ratee... Assessment Alternatives: Appraising Organizational Performance The 360-degree competency assessment has become the default process used by human resources professionals to provide feedback to employees regarding their performance. Employees are expected to study the feedback so as to figure out their strengths and weaknesses and to develop a plan to strengthen their productivity and effectiveness.


Interviewing Principles And Practices The focus of this presentation is upon performance interview. The various topics, which have been covered in this, include: new visions for new organizations, preparing for the performance interview, selecting an appropriate review model, conducting the performance review interview. There are various ways of evaluating this interview. Some of these... Today's retail managers begin and end their long workdays facing a multitude of job responsibilities. Delegating tasks, moving inventory, helping customers, and implementing sales promotions are just some of the duties facing these front-line leaders. The performance of the store or outlet often rests squarely on the retail manager's shoulders.... Developing Effective Leaders The article says that the New World has rendered the traditional "boss-down" appraisal extinct, and a new, and more appropriate, approach to assessing management competencies that lead to performance has emerged. That new approach is variously called "multi-rater feedback," "reverse appraisals," or, most commonly, 360-Degree Feedback. Staff surveys, 360 degree feedback, employee surveys and organisational surveys are powerful ways to ensure organisations and people are performing and developing to their potential.


Flexible feedback and survey options Full Circle Feedback offers a flexible range of quality services in the field of staff surveys, 360 degree feedback, employee surveys and organisational surveys. We can manage the project for you or you can buy the software and do it yourself.

Staff surveys/employee surveys

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Customised or standard staff surveys Customised or standard reports Employee survey; Employee Attitude Survey administration Exit surveys; Culture surveys; Employee Opinion Surveys


360 degree feedback

• • •

Customised 360 degree feedback surveys Standard surveys 360 degree feedback administration (multi source feedback, 360 degree assessment) Feedback debrief and coaching services


Why It's Important Measures a leader's skill in the 22 Core and Adaptive leadership competencies most critical for job performance. Leaders rate themselves and receive ratings from their peers, supervisor(s), subordinates and others (such as customers). This process increases self-awareness and drives skill development. Results are delivered in a report that highlights strengths, areas for improvement, and differences/similarities in views of behavior. Report includes e-learning featuring clips of Hollywood movies, television, and historical events plus a complete online Goal Tracking System to ensure lasting change. How It Works 360º Refined is fast, clear and complete. In just 15 minutes participants deliver feedback through 75 closed-ended questions and four open-ended questions. The Process: 1. A leader is invited to rate him/herself online, as is his/her boss(es), peers, direct-reports, and others (such as customers). You control the administration and watch the responses come in. 2. Once responses are in, you open the report at the click of a button. Responses remain anonymous, so a leader can administer his or 8

Why It's Important Good supervisory skills are important to any manager, from a line supervisor to the CEO. Subordinates look to their boss for the guidance and support they need to perform. How It Works An online test with e-learning that reveals a manager's current skill level in each of the four components of good management: 1. Setting Expectations 2. Communicating 3. Managing Performance 4. Providing Support Each manager simply answers

360º Feedback is used by over 90% of fortune 500 companies. 360º Refined is fast, comprehensive, easy-to-use, and includes 6 months of e-learning. Is your organisation ready for 360-degree appraisal? 9

Vinita Gupta finds out the right time and process for implementing the 360-degree appraisal system. Appraisal is a developmental process and also a tool for salary increment or at times punishment (if the appraisal is not good). It is a mechanism using which organizations strive to achieve complete development of an individual. Therefore, the organization should make sure that the appraisal process is transparent and bias free to make sure that no injustice is done. In an IT organization, employees are the biggest asset and hence the 360-degree appraisal system is a widespread phenomenon and is applauded as a great development tool by many experts. 360-degree appraisals are founded on the idea that any employee’s performance is seen by many others—the manager, peers, direct reports, customers, etc. Evaluation is done combining the feedbacks received from many people who see different parts of an employee’s performance. Also known as multiperspective and peer-to-peer feedback, managers, supervisors and employees have found it to be effective in improving their performance. Right culture is essential Many organizations always speculate on when is the right time to start implementing the 360-degree 10

"There should be at least four to six peer level responses and six to ten direct reports responses to be able to implement the process" - Naresh Shah MD, IDC, Bangalore Novell

appraisal system. Any time is perfect, the more important thing is doing it right the first time. If organizations have the scale and size to implement it while preserving the anonymity of the participants, it should consider the same. Naresh Shah, Managing Director, India Development Centre (IDC) in Bangalore, Novell feels that for this kind of an appraisal system, there should be at least four to six peer-level responses and six to ten direct-report responses to be able to implement the process.


Vikram Shah, President India Operations, NetApp points out that appraisals should not be looked at only from result point of view. A good amount of emphasis should be laid on the process too. A matured organization will always take into account the process involved to derive complete learning out of the appraisal for the employee and the organization. NetApp deploys a development tool based on research done from studying a 360 assessment of 200,000 employees from different industries. This study and subsequent tool was developed by an external agency.

"A matured

organization will always take into account the process involved to derive complete learning out of the appraisal for the employee and the company" - Vikram Shah President India Operations NetApp

“While it is true that this system serves as an excellent purpose since it reduces biases, however it may not always be successful. Hence it is necessary to create the right culture in the company before introducing the system. If many people at that time in the organization are unhappy or their morale is low the situation can backfire,” says Chetan Shah, Managing Director, Synygy India. Encourages teamwork "While this In today’s global world, no system serves as an


excellent process since it reduces biases, but it is necessary to create the right culture in the company before The pitfalls introducing it" 360-degree appraisal is a little - Chetan Shah complex process where MD adherence to process and recordSynygy India keeping will consume a lot of time. Cost could also be one of the stumbling blocks, especially if the process is conducted through an external agency. No doubt it reduces biases but is not free from pitfalls. Hence a 360-degree feedback programme is doomed if the HR is its only champion. It needs buyin from senior management as well. Companies should train people in giving and receiving feedback. Companies that implement 360-degree feedback without first developing good managers who can give feedback correctly risk serious damage to teamwork and morale. Providing constructive feedback calls for instruction, training and practice. Chetan Shah adds, “While training individuals to give and receive feedback may temporarily increase the expense associated with 360-degree feedback programmes, the gains will outweigh the higher costs as the feedback delivered to participants becomes more focused, targeting the behaviors most closely associated with value creation and destruction. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a culture in which individuals feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback, both positive and negative, on a real-time basis, rather than waiting for an 13

annual review.”


The right process for implementation •

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Create awareness about the 360-degree appraisal. Inform the people about importance of 360-degree feedback/how it will be conducted Create survey questions Create the technical environment to capture and report the scores Communicate the steps to be followed for giving the responses Close the survey on the agreed date Collate reports and send to the recipient Meet with employees to discuss results and plan future developments Provide feedbacks Conduct a survey again a year or so later, using the same model to determine the amount of change

Presenting the


Appraisal 360

Like it or not the ever reliable and much debated 360 degree feedback is here to stay. Want to know how the Fortune 1000 companies have made use of it? The 360 degree appraisal has been used by more than 90% of Fortune 1000 companies, for the past 10 years. It is a boon to the corporate world though it has its drawbacks. The pros definitely outweigh the cons. While traditional feedback processes have failed miserably, the 360 degree feedback has proved to be magical. As opposed to the conventional appraisal system, wherein the immediate supervisor provides the employee with unidirectional comments, the 360 degree relies on a multi-dimensional feedback. The 360 degree performance feedback evaluates an employee’s performance by soliciting information and opinions about the individual’s performance from peers, managers, direct reports as well as internal and external customers. Also known as multi-perspective and peer-topeer feedback, managers, supervisors and employees have found it to be effective in improving their performance. Where is it applicable? 16

Many organisations have found the 360 degree appraisal to be useful in: • • • • • • • • • •

Validating selection processes and development programmes Identifying training and development needs Pinpointing skills and competencies Making personnel decisions such as promotions, terminations, salary hike and probationary status Career development Employee coaching Supervisory training Management development Style and leadership awareness Needs assessment

How does it work? The most popular model used, namely the skill model, lists the skills and behaviour necessary for effective job performance. The employee recommends eight to twelve people, for his 360 degree review. They can be direct reports, peers, bosses, internal customers or any individual who could provide relevant performance feedback on the employee. Some companies also ask external customers to rate the individual’s performance. The supervisor then selects six to ten participants from the list for appraisal. The employee is also required to assess himself. The employee is rated in each of the requisite skill areas and the survey responses are compiled accordingly. The individual receives a report summarising others’ perceptions of his performance, highlighting his strengths and development needs. 17

How to implement 360 degree? Firstly, human resource personnel and senior management need to determine the usefulness of this feedback. Then they have to • •

• • • • • •

Define the skill model to be used. Explain the purpose of the process, the use of the data collected, and the steps involved to everyone concerned. Distribute questionnaires. Complete questionnaires. Process questionnaires. Meet with employee to discuss results and plan future development. Provide feedback. Re-survey using same model to determine the amount of change.

Outcome The 360 degree feedback allows better understanding of others’ perspectives of the employee’s strengths and weaknesses. Employee development efforts are more focused and effective. Feedback being anonymous is more honest. Thus a better communication between supervisor and employees is a substantial result of this system

How can 360 appraisal & feedback system be used to improve performance standards? How does one prepare a customized 360 degree feedback strategy & system for one's organization? What are the various steps involved in administering 360 degree feedback instruments? 18

How do you link 360 degree feedback with Performance Management System?

Objectives: The program aims at equipping HR managers, corporate planning managers and others with the necessary knowledge, tools and experience to develop such proficiency in the area of 360 degree feedback systems. To familiarize the participants with the 360 degree appraisal systems, what they are, how they are to be administered and managed, etc. To provide an experience in 360 degree feedback To help the participants achieve skills to develop and use 360 degree systems

Methodology: The participants will be given feedback as per the TVRLS 360 degree profiling system. The main objectives would be: To understand the dimensions and dynamics of 360 degree feedback through actual assessment by others. To understand the process of administering and managing 360 degree feedback. 19

To receive feedback on roles, leadership styles and other dimensions of managerial functioning and their impact as perceived by others in the organization. The participants would be given an in-depth knowledge of 360 degree feedback. This would be through the following inputs. Nature of 360 degree appraisal & feedback Various advantages & disadvantages, conditions for success Indian experiences 360 degree instruments – designing and administering Designing 360 degree systems The participants may design a 360 degree feedback program and instruments for their respective organizations. They will test out the same through individual and group activities. Those who already have 360 degree feedback systems may review, revalidate and renew the same. Participants should be prepared to stay for an extra day in case he/she is interested in designing 360 degree instruments for his/her own organization. 360 Degree Appraisal Appraisals are perhaps the most important aspect of employee retention; if people feel valued and fairly compensated, nothing in the world can induce them to jump ship. The question this presents is: how to assign value and compensate accordingly ? Most companies still perform evaluations manually, now 20

this might not be a very complex and time consuming process for a small scale Enterprise, but for Enterprises supporting more than 70 staff members it becomes a never ending process. Add to this, quarterly reviews, well it would seem that managers have time for nothing but appraisals; business development, financial planning, problem solving etc. would all suffer because employees need to be evaluated on time and compensated accordingly if they are to be retained. Feel the pressure — if you don’t satisfy the employees, you loose good people worth keeping; on the other hand if you go on evaluating one employee after another, your business suffers incalculably. A catch-22 situation. By this time you’re probably at your wits end. Well, hang in there; the new age Avatar — software technology — has come to the rescue ! Our appraisal software automates the entire appraisal cycle, drastically reducing the time consumption, while improving the process quality and experience of both – the appraiser and the appraised. And this is just a small part of what a 360 Degree Appraisal software can do; check out the list below to fully appreciate the extent and scope of tasks automated and simplified. The List •

profiles an individual’s personality traits, talents and work styles 21

executes performance evaluations on interim / regular basis tracks and monitors performance and milestones achieved facilitates: work plan establishment and objective setting detects performance gaps and measures each individuals pace generates un-biased reports, encompassing every aspect of an individuals capabilities, aspirations as well as expectations

The entire process is designed to help you in making the right decision, for the right people at the right time; this in turn saves you time and effort; but even more importantly it streamlines employee activity with business goals and allows optimized performance management and planning.

The Power of 360 Degree Feedback By T. V. Rao Raju Rao T V Rao Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad In the changed business scenario where organizations are 22

required to compete globally, benchmarks have become global. Organizational survival and excellence require not only meeting but setting global standards. Speed of change becomes a critical variable. Organizations have had to react fast, learn from their experiences and aim towards achieving world class excellence through constant learning and renewal. 360 degree has been found to be one such facilitator of change at the individual level. Though it was started in mid-eighties at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad by T.V.Rao and team as Top Management Styles And Organization Effectiveness Program, it was not branded as 360 Degree Appraisal. Once it was branded in the US as 360 Degree Appraisal, it caught the attention of many corporations and today a large number of Fortune 500 companies use it in some form or the other. Experiences with it as a development tool have been good, though experience as an appraisal tool are mixed. This book contains experiences of the Tata Group, Birla Group, Wipro, Birla 3M, Philips and many others. The Book also discusses issues dealing with performance management and approaches to make them effective. This book has a comprehensive coverage of 360 degree feedback, performance management system, linking 360 degree feedback with performance management and finally pay strategies. The primary objective of TVRLS in compiling this book is to encourage more indigenous innovations and enhance learning through mutual sharing.


360 degree feedback, also known as 'multi-rater feedback', is the most comprehensive appraisal where the feedback about the employees’ performance comes from all the sources that come in contact with the employee on his job. 360 degree respondents for an employee can be his/her peers, managers (i.e. superior), subordinates, team members, customers, suppliers/ vendors - anyone who comes into contact with the employee and can provide valuable insights and information or feedback regarding the “on-the-job” performance of the employee. 360 degree appraisal has four integral components: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Self appraisal Superior’s appraisal Subordinate’s appraisal Peer appraisal.

Self appraisal gives a chance to the employee to look at his/her strengths and weaknesses, his achievements, and judge his own performance. Superior’s appraisal forms the traditional part of the 360 degree appraisal where the employees’ responsibilities and actual performance is rated by the superior. Subordinates appraisal gives a chance to judge the employee on the parameters like communication and motivating abilities, superior’s ability to delegate the 24

work, leadership qualities etc. Also known as internal customers, the correct feedback given by peers can help to find employees’ abilities to work in a team, co-operation and sensitivity towards others.

Self assessment is an indispensable part of 360 degree appraisals and therefore 360 degree Performance appraisal have high employee involvement and also have the strongest impact on behavior and performance. It provides a "360-degree review" of the employees’ performance and is considered to be one of the most credible performance appraisal methods. 360 degree appraisal is also a powerful developmental tool because when conducted at regular intervals (say yearly) it helps to keep a track of the changes others’ perceptions about the employees. A 360 degree appraisal is generally found more suitable for the managers as it helps to assess their leadership and managing styles. This technique is being effectively used across the globe for


performance appraisals. Some of the organizations following it are Wipro, Infosys, and Reliance Industries etc.

Once a year Overview Once a Year Overview


Self Appraisal

Performance Review Preparation

Performance Review The Meeting

How to Complete a Performance Appraisal Form

Analysis for Improving Performance

Active performance appraisal conversation


360 Degree Appraisal/ Feedback Systems For a manager wishing to improve his or her management skills, and the trusted mentor who is trying to help that manager to improve, one of the most valuable monitoring tools is a wellpresented report showing the collected views of all those having dealings with the manager. This is the output from a Multi-source feedback, 360 degree feedback system or 360 Degree Appraisal system. You ask individuals to report anonymously on their experience of the manager under a range of management skills headings. If you have a corporate Competencies Framework, the questionnaire can be based on its management competencies and the associated behaviours. Because people respond anonymously, they can be more honest with their answers to a 360 degree feedback system than they might feel able to be if asked face to face. We can present results as a summary of all responses but you get more by comparing the views of different groups. A popular approach is to report separately the views of • •

Team members (employees reporting to the manager) Peers (colleagues with whom the manager interacts, but with no reporting relationship with the manager)


• •

Team leader (or Boss - the manager or managers of the team of which the manager is a member) Self (the manager himself or herself)

And sometimes •

Clients / customers

Absolute or Relative? If the report shows the percentage of favourable responses for each item, and managers can compare their results with others', some people will find that they have performed less well than most of the others they discuss their results with. We think this is more likely to discourage than encourage effort to improve, especially if the manager's results are poor in all or most aspects of the report. To avoid the danger of discouraging less able managers, or giving more able ones the idea that they need not make any effort to improve, we recommend presenting the 360 Degree Appraisal results not in absolute terms as described above, but relative to the participating manager's own average. For each manager's report we work out the average for this manager of all the topics in the questionnaire and then report how much better or worse was each topic compared to the manager's own average. This way, every participating manager receives a 360 Degree Appraisal report setting out his or her relative strengths and weaknesses, and in any conversation where managers are comparing their respective results everyone is on equal terms because everyone has relative strengths and development needs. Reporting a 360 degree feedback system this way means everyone can be pleased about their relative strengths but is encouraged to see their relative weaknesses as development needs and to take steps to improve them. HR staff can still be provided with results expressed in absolute terms, if you choose, so they will know which are the stars and which are the managers most in need of development support.


Maruti adopts `360 degree' appraisal system S. Muralidhar Employee to be evaluated not just by superiors, but also by peers, subordinates


Chennai Feb. 4 It would seem that there is no corporate human resources policy that has not had its share of controversies for being biased. With an increasing number of qualitative factors that affect employees at the 30

workplace, democratising the performance appraisal process to make it as fair as possible has been the dream of every HR manager. And now qualitative factors are not just at play in the services sector, but also in manufacturing. With cubicles giving way to open offices, the top-down approach to employee performance appraisal is also on its way out. One company that has set itself on course to further democratising and opening up its employee evaluation process is car market leader Maruti Udyog. The company has introduced a unique 360-degree feedback system, starting with its senior leadership. The new system has been co-developed with Ernst & Young and has been put in place recently. Under the 360-degree feedback system, the employee is rated not just by his superiors, but also by his peers and subordinates. "We are starting the 360-degree feedback process with employees in the top management such as chief general managers and general managers, whose performance will now be assessed based on feedback from their peers and junior management employees within the same department. Till last year, their performance was being appraised only by the Directors and the Managing Director," says Maruti's Chief General Manager (HR), Mr S.Y. Siddiqui.


Ernst & Young, in consultation with Maruti, has listed a set of leadership competencies that are expected in a general manager. Based on that, it has prepared a questionnaire to which peers and subordinates can respond online. Although acknowledged as an effective tool for leadership development in the West, Indian companies have been shy of introducing such a feedback system for fear of disturbing traditional hierarchical structures. HR consultants feel that the critical issues in implementing such a system include assuring respondents that their feedback will remain confidential and convincing the person receiving the feedback that this is a development tool and not an appraisal tool. Maruti has handled this by getting E&Y and other consultants to make detailed presentations to the senior management personnel before the process got under way. The company has a committee of general managers, called Human Resource Inter Divisional Committee (HRIDC), which is consulted on all major HR issues. The initiative has been unveiled with an e-mail by Maruti's Managing Director, Mr Jagdish Khattar, asking people to support the online questionnaire process. The 360-degree feedback system will also include a self-appraisal by the general manager. At the end of the process, he can compare his selfappraisal with the assessment of his subordinates and peers. 32

One of the benefits that Maruti is hoping to get out of the 360-degree feedback process is the sense of empowerment and importance felt by subordinates, when they are asked to offer their feedback about their superiors. Maruti currently has over 4,000 employees on its rolls.

360-Degree Performance Appraisal Systems Abstract A 360-degree performance appraisal system is a multisource assessment approach that taps the collective wisdom of those who work closely with an employee. The employee and their supervisors, colleagues, direct reports (subordinates), internal customers, external customers, and others may be part of the evaluation process. Proponents of the 360-degree feedback approach offer it as a “progressive” means of conducting performance appraisal. Many contend that 360-degree feedback systems and other forms of multisource or multirater assessment methods in organizations have evolved from an innovative “nice-to-have” technique administered only to the most senior levels to a “must-have” tool for integration into overall performance and human resource management strategies. These systems appear well suited for the flexible, team-based, change-oriented organizational cultures of many organizations today. 360-Degree systems are gaining popularity because they tend to reduce the problems of previous generations of assessment methods. 360-Degree appraisal moves the manager (as appraiser) back into the “comfort zone” as she or he is now only one among a 33

number of assessors. It greatly reduces the problems of central tendency, positive skewness, and “halo effects” in ratings that plague the boss-subordinate approach. 360-Degree appraisal reduces defensiveness on the part of the appraisee because there are a variety of assessors, feedback is presented as more balanced, and it is said to have greater face validity. It requires organizations to resolve the issue of what is meant by job effectiveness and what behaviors are causally related to it. It recognizes that subordinates are best placed to assess “leadership” or “people management” skills. The technique is helpful in defending legal challenges of the outcome of appraisals, it is presented as important in meeting the demands for employee empowerment and involvement, and finally, it is a useful tool in tapping employee opinions and attitudes.

Using 360 degree appraisals is a very effective means of improving management and team performance. To succeed, they have to be carefully planned and well executed.

Planning your approach Firstly, you need to understand how the proposed 360-degree appraisal process fits with your current performance appraisal and people management processes. This will help you select the most appropriate questionnaire and process, and ensure that it produces real performance improvements. The level of investment in time and money that you make at the start of this process will pay dividends in 34

the long-term. The first time you use a 360-degree process, you need to enlist the help of an expert so that you achieve the best possible outcomes. This will set the standard for future success and ensure that tangible performance improvements are achieved and maintained. Long-term performance improvement can only succeed if you have an accurate picture of where to start and the majority of employees believe that it is in their best interests to work together to improve.

Make sure that: * Your chosen supplier has a full understanding of your needs and organisational culture * You choose the right time to undertake the exercise * Participants are properly briefed on the importance of their role in the success of the appraisals * There is a plan to act on the results of the appraisals and this plan is communicated to your participants

Gathering feedback is only the start. The information obtained from a 360 appraisal does not provide the solution - it acts as a 'catalyst' to open up discussion with the very people who provided the feedback in 35

order to find out why they are feeling this way. By involving them in a independently facilitated discussion of the results, you can generate a shared understanding and commitment to work together to improve, by building on strengths and developing areas of weakness. The ability to compare feedback different individuals also enables the 'blue-printing' of best practice across the organisation. There are various options for delivering feedback, facilitating discussion and generating action plans depending on individuals' needs and circumstances.

This could include a mix of the following: * 1-2-1 feedback (2 hours duration) with an experienced coach * One-day Developmental Workshops with a maximum of 8 participants in each - delivered by an experienced coach and facilitator * Training for 'appropriate' personnel to deliver the feedback and run the workshops with initial support from the chosen supplier Developmental Workshops are particularly valuable when working with several individuals to build on the information obtained from 360 appraisals. The workshops are tailored to focus on the needs of each participant/group, using the feedback gathered 36

in advance by the appraisals, so that each individual leaves the workshop with their own measurable action plan. This format also encourages individuals to support each other on an ongoing basis to improve performance. Action The 'facilitated' discussion process leads to practical actions agreed by each individual on how they are going to work to improve performance. These actions need to be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.

Learning Ongoing support to achieve your action plan is essential. This support is likely to involve a combination of independent facilitation, training and coaching depending on what needs to be achieved. Encouraging individuals to 'buddy-up' with a colleague whose strengths compliment their development needs and vice versa helps to maintain commitment and enthusiasm, in addition to fostering a more supportive and open culture. Measurement How do you know things are improving and how do you ensure that the momentum is maintained?


Regular progress reviews are critical to sustain enthusiasm and commitment. Ideally you should repeat the process on a regular basis, preferably every nine to twelve months, to monitor and review progress and re-define your action plans, based on the results. Suggested workplan for your 360 degree appraisals 1. Meet with your chosen supplier to discuss your requirements and their approach. 2. Decide on timescales for the appraisals. 3. Plan your questions - do you need a generic or a bespoke questionnaire. 4. Agree the structure of the report (grouping and comparing data). 5. Define the briefing process. 6. Brief participants. 7. Undertake the appraisals. 8. When the appraisals are closed, thank everyone personally via email and outline the next stages. 9. Arrange feedback with each individual who has been appraised within two weeks of receiving all responses a. 1-2-1 feedback with each individual manager


b. Developmental Workshops for 8 managers in each (You may choose for some individuals to receive 1-21 feedback and others attend a workshop) 10. Develop action plans and get commitment from all stakeholders. 11. Maintain motivation and commitment to the plans through ongoing support and advice. 12. Repeat appraisals within 9-12 months to measure improvement.

Ten mistakes that cause a 360-degree feedback program to fail

Ineffective Assessment Items

Poor Planning

If your feedback program If you are not asking the is not well thought out, it right questions, how can will not run smoothly. you expect to get good There are many logistical data? You need to issues to consider before consider organizational launching a feedback expectations as well as program. If your job-specific employees perceive that competencies. Moreover, the program is not well your assessment items planned, your credibility need to be well written to will be undermined. 39

gather the data you are looking for. Poorly written items will yield useless data. Garbage in garbage out... Lack of Alignment with the Organization's Vision, Mission, and Strategy If the things you are measuring are not important to the organization's vision, mission, and strategy, then employees will not be developing competencies that are aligned with the direction of the organization. Lack of Senior-Level Support If the leaders of your organization do not vocally support and encourage participation in the feedback program and express their belief in the benefits it will provide, your 360

Inappropriate Delivery of Feedback The idea of a feedback program is to help employees perform better. Negative feedback can be demoralizing and counterproductive. If feedback is not provided in an appropriate manner, your program could backfire. We recommend using professional, neutral coaches to deliver feedback. No Development Plan So what if you run a smooth 360 program? If you fail to do anything with the data, you have wasted your time as well as the time of both participants and respondents. Every person who receives feedback needs to create some developmental goals based on the feedback he or she received - and remember - those goals need to be 40

initiative will never get off the ground.

both measurable and achievable.

Lack of Communication

No Accountability

You MUST communicate with both the people receiving feedback and the people getting feedback. If you do not tell them what, why, how, and when, they will not be comfortable with the program. You must get buy-in at all levels of your organization to make it work. Fear / Lack of Trust If participants are afraid to get feedback or if respondents are afraid to provide feedback, you will be fighting an up-hill battle. Communication helps reduce fear. One of the most effective ways to reduce anxiety is to use a neutral third party to administer your feedback program.

Developmental goals are meaningless unless people are held accountable for achieving them. Make sure your employees and their managers understand how to create S.M.A.R.T. goals - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. No Follow-Up How will you know if your program has been a success if you do not follow up? How will participants know if they are improving without follow-up feedback? Plan to solicit additional feedback six to twelve months after the initial data are collected.


Sample 360 Degree Feedback Surveys

The evaluation forms for employees at different levels will have a lot of overlap in some areas, but differ significantly in other areas. Listed below are some sample 360 survey categories, with examples of how the assessment items might differ for senior leaders and non-managers. Note that neither of these lists is a complete 360 degree feedback survey. A complete 360 feedback evaluation form would include additional categories.


Middle- to Upper-Level Manager, Organizational Leader Character

Non-Manager Character o





o o




o o



Eagerly pursues new knowledge, skills, and methods Knows own strengths and limitations Personally committed to the strategy Makes decisions based on business needs rather than personal agenda Self confident Open to feedback and criticism Avoids negative politicking and hidden agendas Willing to take a courageous stand Trusts others appropriately Respected by others Sincere and straightforward Serves others; avoids selfishness Accepts responsibility for

o o




o o






Patient when necessary Self confident Open to feedback and criticism Avoids negative politicking and hidden agendas Willing to take a courageous stand Trusts others appropriately Respected by others Sincere and straightforward Serves others; avoids selfishness Accepts responsibility for own mistakes Can be trusted with sensitive information Eagerly pursues new knowledge, skills, and methods Knows own 43

Hence , the conclusion is 360 Degree is a very important method of appraisal.It shows that with praises negative points of an employee should also be highlighted . More and more companies should start using it as it will lead the Company to greater heights .


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