Burning Beams

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 4,379
  • Pages: 10
Breaking Dawn Sequel.



( And we continue eight years after the victory of winning the war with the so "perfect." volturi.)

Renesmee's pregnancy

We were constantly packing for Renesmee's honeymoon with Jacob, all the while my mind lingered on the past. I understood why this was the hardest part of every parent when raising a child. You give them up to someone else when you just want to hold them and never let go. I remembered when Renesmee was a child, and when the Volturi came. They just grow up so fast! Especially Renesmee. She's supposed to be nine, but now she's fully grown and going off for a honeymoon with Jacob, which I used to love too. But, I still had Edward, and Renesmee would always be my baby. They would come back after their honeymoon in two weeks, so I wouldn'y have time to miss either of them. But the thought of them leaving...... "Don't worry Bella, love....Jacob's gonna keep things simple, they won't do anything she's not ready for, I assure you that. It's gonna be like us in Isle Esme." Edward reasured me. But in my mind I wasn;'t afraid of that. Actually sometimes I was amused. "I wonder if Renesmee can get pregnant?" I asked Edward. "That concept is unsure, but if she is able to bear children then that would be a weird combination woudn't it? Human, vampire, and, wolf." He said with a giant grin. He wasn't worried the slightest. He knew that Jacob would keep her safe and not push her into doing anything she didn't want to do. " Do you know where they are going?" I asked Edward. "The Bahamas." He answered swiftly. Wow. Romantic. "Bye Bells!" Yelled Jacob. Walking to the door with over sized suit cases. "Wait...I mean..." He chuckled. "Mother-in-law." He Snickered. "Ha-ha." I said, sacastically. Renesmee walked down the stairs. "Bye mom, bye daddy, I'll miss you all alot! You too Rose!" Rose smiled with pleasure. "Bye Nessie!" Me and Edwar yelled at the same time. Jacob and Renessmee waved, hopped in the bmw, and drove silently awat]y to the airport with Alice. "Oh, how I'm gonna live with out her?" Whimpered Rose. Rose and I became good freinds after I saved her family from death with the Voltori. I went to hug Rose, then me and Edward went to are new and improved cottage. "I love you." I told Edward. "I love you more." He replied. We kissed in the faint light of the moon which felt like sun beams against my bare back. Burning Beams. Then we spent the rest of the night Intertwined in eachother's arms. The morning was a beautiful sight to see. The birds were singing, and we kissed to the sound of the music. The sun bounced of our skin and the crystal light beamed. The sky was a baby blue which reminded me of Renesmee, so inoccent and sweet, and bright. "Ahh." Saaid Edward. "I wonder what Jacob and Renesmee are up to?" Asked Edward. "If her hormones were as bad as yours were....and still are, I pray for Jacob." We both lauphed. I didn't want morning to end. It was Just sp Beautifully Peaceful and Wonderful. I was trapped inside its magnifisence. But unfortunutley we had to go back and meet up with Alice. I had many questions for her. She'd better had answered him. We ran to the house together at the same equal-paced sprint. We got there in less than I could count. Alice was already there and was relieved that we had finally

come. You could see she was dying to fill us in. But everything might not be good news. I regretted that. "Edward? Bella? I have something serious to tell you!" She said. Then I was frozen in place. "What happened?" I finally managed to choke out. "well...okay, I had a vision that Renesmee is going to get....well.....er.....pregnant! Then Edward's face was joyful, and my face was angry. I was way to young to be a grandmother. What would the baby even look like? "Bella?! Why aren't you totally excited?" Asked Alice. "Because I'm too young to be a grandmother! I've only been alive for 27 years, and technacally, I'm still just nineteen!" I yelled. The living room was quiet for a while. Then Edward and Alice shared a lauph. "I don't think she's responsible enouph either." I added. And at that, I had to lauph too. Renesmee was the most responsible person I knew. "Well, the real thing is, I don't think Jacob is....ready to be....a...a father. My voice stuttered on the last word. "Well, now that I let you in on the secret, do you have ay questions?" Asked Alice like she was teaching a class. "Did Renesmee look too eager?" I asked. "Nope! But she was kissing Jacob the whole time, and she was beyond happy!" Alice reassured me. Edward chipped in. "Was Jacob to hands on?" Asked Edward. "No, he was sincere, and gentle." She said. "That would be all." I told Alice before Edward could swarm in. "Well, I'm going to hunt okay?" She asked. "Sure, Alice." I told her. After Alice left with Jazz, Edward played my lullaby on the piano. I instantly forgot my worries and was surrounded by the soft emotion of the music. I closed my eyes, and Edward's lips crushed mine. He carried me back to the cottage and we finished where we left off. 2 lonely weeks passed by, and Renesmee was to come home this morning, and me and Edward was glad. Morning came quickly, to my pleasure. Three faint taps on our cottage door was all it took. Edward and I sprinted to the door at our insanly swift run. We opened the door, and it was Renesmee. Renesmee touched my cheek, she showed me how she found out that she was pregnant. Edward nodded. "Mama Isn't this great?" She asked. "Yeah, except you made me a grandmama too young.!" I chuckled. "Ha. Mama you're hilarious." She said. "You know what I'm going to name her Laramaya. Jacob thought it was so cute!" She told us. "What are you going to name it if it's a boy?" Asked Edward. "Hmmmm. We thought Emone?" She told us. "Perfect!" We said. Jacob came in after Renesmee. "Hi Jacob." I told him. "Hey Bells!" He said. "Did ya hear the big news?" Jacob asked with a big grin. "What do you think?" I joked. "Well, I have bigger news, It's twins!" He said. Everyone's mouth dropped, the silence ended with a shreik of happiness. Renesmee's shreick. "Both girls!" Jacob added. "Mayarala, and Laramaya." He added. "What is it with the big names?" I asked. "We wanted something unique as the creauture...s' themselves, part werewolf, vampire, and human is a unique combination. Said Renesmee. "Their nicknames are going to be May, and Lara!" Renesmee shreiked. "Beautiful." Said Edward. The next day Renesmee had a bulge in the side of her stomach. Bigger than mine was when I had first got pregnant with Renesmee.. Guess it was because that both of the twins parents had insane growth spurts. "The due date will probrably be half as short as mama's was." Said Renesmee. "Yeah probrably, but it doesn't hurt does it?" Asked Jacob. "Not at all, they keep nudging me though." She told him. Emmett started to lauph. "THey don't like you." He joked. "Shut-up Emmett!" Said Renesmee. She could stick up for herself. I was busy kissing Edward. "Emmett be nice to my daughter." I told him, then resumed kissing Edward. "Get a room!" Emmett told me. I ignored him. "Thanks mama." Said Renesmee. "Of course sweetie." I told her. And Carlisle and Esme came in to measure Renesmee's stomach. "32 inches." He chanted. "Already?" I asked, only to myself. "Well, they are twins and they are growing insanely faster then Renesmee, they'll be due soon, fewer than a week." We all thanked Carlisle. "Oh They'll be just beautiful." Sighed Esme. We all thought the same. But it was something we haven't yet experienced so just as it would be a surprise of how the twins would turn out, it was just as dangerous too.

5 days later.

Renesmee's stomach had gotten huge! But she didn't feel any pain though, and I was grateful for that. We were all sitting on the couch when it happened, her water broke. "Carlisle!" I yelled. He was down in a second. Putting her head on the edge of the couch with a pillow on it, and her feet on the other end. He pulled her clothes out the way till she was naked. I glanced at Jacob. He looked at her like he'd seen her naked every day and that nothing was new to him. Renesmee still wasn't in any pain at all. Carlisle had something in its hand, Emmett left the room because whatever it was, it was bloody. Edward nudged me. "I can read their minds."Edward said. "No surprise." I replied. The object inside Carlisle's hand was a head. Carlisle gently pulled on its head untill the rest of the body plopped out. Renesmee still wasn't in any pain. The baby, which looked like it was 3 months rather then 1 minute old, was sandy skinned. She had Renesmee's chocolate brown eyes....My old eyes. She had Jacob's high cheek bones, she had all her teeth already. she had long hair like Jacob used to. It wasn't like silk, it was rouph and straight like Jacob's, she had renesmee's features except the cheek bones, and the next baby looked exactly like the first, except one's hair was longer. Jacob decided to name the longer haired one, Mayarala, and the shorter haired one Laramaya. There was one other small difference, Mayarala's face was longer too, while Laramaya's face was a little bit rounder, but the human eye could hardly notice that difference. "May smiled at Nessie. Lara smiled at Jake. Lara and May were two beautiful creatures. "Let me hold Lara now." Said Nessie. "Sure, sure." Said Jake. But deep down I knew Jake was full of joy! The babies were beautiful. I wondered how they would turn out?

chapter 1 Charlie knows

Renesmee and her twins were to stay with Edward and I at our cottage, of course Jacob would too, because Renesmee was there. We had to make the cottage larger, add three more rooms, even though Jacob and Renesmee would use the same bed, plus, we need a guest room anyway. We made a long hallway to seperate our room, from the others to provide eachother with privacy. The cottage now looked more like a mansion. The twins' room was the most beautiful of all the rooms. It had the hottest of hot pink fur wallpaper, and two seperate cribs worthy of a Queen's children. The cribs were hand carved one in a kind cribs. The dressers were just gorgeous. The room was fit for royalty. The babies would grow out their cribs in approximatley 2 weeks. They grow 2 times faster than Renesmee. In one week, May said her first word. Mommy. It was mid-day and Renesmee was feeding May a little blood and some eggs. It seemed Jacob's appetite passed on to the twins. While she was eating, May then said. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy." Her first three words. Renesmee and Jacob urged her to say more. May hesitated, then pounded on the table. "Mommy, more eggs! More blood!" Mayarala chanted. Then May's parents were speechless. Edward wasn't surprised for he could hear her mind. Next came Lara. Instead of her first word, we found her extra vampire ability. She had the power to stop other vampires from using theirs. We first noticed this with Edward. We were playing with the twins when suddenly Edward couldn't read minds anymore. "What's happening? Why can't I read minds anymore?" Asked Edward. "Why can't I feel my sheild?" I hissed. Then suddenly Edward could read minds, and I could feel my sheild. "It was Lara!" Claimed Edward with victory. "Yay! Lara was funny!" Said May. "Yeah May, maybe you could be funny too!" Said Renesmee to May. "I can be funny too? Yay!" Exclaimed May. Her sppech had improved great. I wondered why Lara wasn't talking. "Ha-ha Grampa! I wanna do it again!" Yelled Lara. "Oh...Lara! You can talk too?" Asked Renesmee. "I Lisned to you, and cop aid afwoe you!" Said Lara. "Oh...My girls." Said Jacob. Then he went to go hug Nessie, May, and Lara. He kissed them all on the forehead. Now, May and Lara looked 2. They were talking well, and we found Lara's extra ability. We longed to find May's. It was only 2 days after we found Lara's that we found May's. I planned to give Lara a pile of eggs, but instead of walking forward to Lara,nI found myself doing the exact oppisite. Instead I walked backwards to May and gave her the eggs. "May? Did you do that?" I asked. "I dont know. I saw you walking over to Lara and I wanted the eggies. Yay! Now I'm funny too!" Yelled May. So cute, and babyish. The next suprise, was the first phase. It was May. May got mad at Lara for disabling her powers. Then she phased into a vicous baby wolf. She bit Lara, but the wound instantly healed. Lara got angry, then she phased to. All you saw was two baby wolves fighting. Jasper broke it up. Lara phased back first, and we had to put new clothes on her. "Why were you guys fighting? You must never fight with eachother again. You are sisters, not enemies." Said Jasper, in his famous wise tone. "But she took away my power!" Cried May. "Onwe cuz u wua tryna mak me give wu ma toy." Said Lara. "Uh wike ma foke." Said Lara bending a fork in half with her bare hands. "That's because I don't have a fork to play with." Said May. Renesmee gave May a fork. "Don't fight again." Said Renesmee strictly. "Yes mommy." Said May. "You too Lara." Said Renesmee. Lara was Quiet. Renesmee touched Lara's cheek. Lara nodded. We all surrounding the twins in a circle. Edward was next to me so I asked him. "What did she show her?" I asked. "She replayed the fight and showed Lara that she or her sister could get badly

injured." Edward replied in a soft whisper. When we told Jacob the twins had phased and was fighting, he was surprised, worried, and somehow a little glad. You could easily guess why. His kids had some of his characteristics. Now they're 2 new female werewolves added to the pack. He was glad. But he was also mad. He told Leah about the two new additions to the pack. Leah was happy she wasn't the only girl, but was mad that the twins were an eight of vampire, she ignored that well, but ever since she could read the twins' minds, she liked them a lot better than when they were born. I respected that....a lot. Though she hated me, I didn't feel the same way about her. Anyways, May and Lara apoligized that they would quit fighting eachother. The next surprise was Charlie. It all started with loud knocks at the Cullen's door. When we opened it, Charlie was their. How did he find us? Still a mystery to me, we moved away from Forks 6 years ago! We moved to a small town called Buffalo. Near Canada. It was winter, so it was safe there. When Edward opened the door, we all froze with shock. "Grampa!" Yelled Renesmee. "Who are you?" Asked Charlie. "It's Renesmee?" She said. "Oh My GOD!! It's only been 6 years, you look grown!!" Shouted Charlie turning red. Then he looked at me, he aged a little bit but not much. His once barely noticible beard was hairier. "And Bells, you haven't aged a bit. I know why too." Then I was worried because if he knew what I was, then he would have to become one too. "You, and all of you...exxcept Jacob, are vampires. Know other way to explain it. I did some research on it. Nothing fit exactly though. " He said gulping. We were all speechless. Carlisle was the one to speak up. "Yeah, well since you know our big secret, we'll have to tell you everything." Edward pulled me closer. "Everything?" I whispered worriedly. His lips tightened. "I want to start." I told Carlisle. "He needs to hear it from me." I added. "When I first moved to Forks, on my first day of school, I met Edward. I wondered why he was so pale. when I got to biology class he was there. I had to sit next to him. He looked furious, like he wanted to kill me, like he hated me." Edward winced. "A couple weeks later, Edward wasn't mean, he was nice and approachable. He greeted me. I thought I was losing my mind. He was so...Mysterious. Anyways, it was time to go home soon, I was leaning on my truck, listening to my ipod. Then Tyler's truck came skidding towards me. I saw Edward across the lot, then he was next to me. He put his hand out and dtopped the approaching van with his palm. My head was soflty banged on my truck as this was happening..." Charlie interupted. "Did Edward bang it?" He asked. "Not sure." I lied. " So tthe kids came rushing in, throwing questions at me, the emergency truck drove me to the hospital. Where Edward was there. I asked him how did he stop the van. He confused me with a bunch of words, I don't exactly remember...He started to avoid me after that. All the rest was me asking him how did he stop the van but I never really fot an answer. Then came the day I was almost raped." Charlie sucked in air with shock. "I wanted to go to the bookstore with alol vampire legends, because the other day Jacob had told me the Cullens were vampires and I wanted to do some research. None of the books were help. I remember walking down this dark alley, a group of guys were following. They herded around me. Then Edward's car came around. He scared them off and we drove away. He stopped at the restaurant where I was supposed to meet Jessica. But they already ate. We went in anyway, I told him I knew who he was. When we were in the car I told him I knew he was a vampire. From then he started telling me about his family. It was very interesting. I remembered I didn't want to go to spring dance. And Edward asked if he could take me somewhere else. On that day he took me to a meadow. We hiked up the mountain, and we talked in the meadow. We kissed. The rest is not that inportant until that time I went to go play baseball with his family. Remember that dad?" I asked. "Sure, I remember." He replied. "Well, what happened was we ran into some other vampires. They drank human blood, while the Cullens' drank animal blood. Anyways, one of the other vampires smelled my blood. Well we convinced them to leave or a fight would start. But the one that smelled me was not going to give up. He was a tracker. That was the night I pretended to be angry at you dad. When I said I was leaving? I had to leave. Or the tracker would kill you too. So me, Alice, and, Jasper went to Phoenix. while they stayed to protect you dad. But the tracker tricked me. He called me, and told me at the old ballet studio, I used to go to wwhere he held Renee hostage. I went, but he tricked me. My Mom wasn't there. He kicked me in the leg, Edward came and the traker bit me. I was about to turn into a vampire, so Edward sucked the venom out. He almost couldn't stop. But he did. That's when I ended up in the hospital and we told you I fell through a

window. I had just suffered injuries from the tracker. The rest is unimportant at the moment. Okay, the time Edward had left me. Well, the Cullens threw a birthday party for me, I got a paper cut while opening a present, Jasper smelled the blood, and attacked me. Edward stopped him. I was crashed into a table, and that's the day I came home with a bandage on my arm. So Edward pretended he didn't love me anymore, just to keep me safe because he felt that he was putting me in danger constantly, so he left to Alaska with this other vampire clan that didn't drink human blood. Their, Alice saw a vision of me jumping of a cliff with Jacob, and thought I had killed myself. Edward thought I died so he went to the Volturi..." Charlie interupted again. "What's the Votutu?" He asked. "Volturi" I corrected. "It's.... like.....The head of vampires. They make sure that everyone keeps the sercret of vampires." I told him. "Woah, this is complicate...Guess I should have expected that." Said Charlie. "Anyways, He was trying to convince the Volturoi to kill him. They refused, so he decided to do something that would possibly reveal the secret and they would surely kill him. We got there just in time. But two of the Voturi gaurds, saw what he was about to do, they brung us to the Volturi's whatever cave. The head of the Volturi, Aro? He decided to let us go on one condition. Humans weren't supposed to know about vampires, and I knew. He said that they would have to change me or I shall die. I wanted to change. To be with Edward forever..." I was interupted. "So Edward changed you, and that's how you became a vampire?" Charlie asked. "No there's much more before that even happened. Okay....So, after that Edward came back to me. We went to his house to make a vote on whether I should stay human. Edward and Rosalie disagreed. Only because Edward didn't want my life to end, and Rosalie...well, It's complicated. So, then I told Edward that I would rather he changed me, than Carlisle. He said I have to marry him first. Of course I agreed, but I didn't want to get married. . It would dissapoint Renee....and you. I didn't want that dad. Turns out it was easier than I thought. You played the hard role, which I had expected. What I haden't expected was Renee....To....to not care. But it seemed it was perfectly okay, oh...wait, I'm clearly getting off topic. So member when we read that newspaper and it stated some stuff about homicides in Seattle. Well that goes way back to the baseball game. It was a vampire named Victoria, who was in love with the tracker. When we killed him, she wanted to kill me. She created an army of newborns, those were the homicides. They were killing humans. Well the Cullens had to get ready for war. I wanted to fight with them, I wanted to change right then and there. The day the newborns came, The werewolves teamed up with the Cullens, and they defeated the newborns. But where was Victoria? While the Cullen's fought, Edward stayed with me in a tent with Jacob. Victoria tracked us there, and Edward fought with her, and decapitated her. It was gruesome. After that we forgot about Victoria, and our minds were set on the wedding. So you know what happened next and that's when we went on our honeymoon. Now, this is the most important part, so bear with me. Well, Edward and I had sex, I got pregnant with Renesmee, the baby almost killed me when I was giving birth tpo her, Edward saved me when he bit me, and in three days I became one of the vampires, When they told you I was dying, It wasn't a lie. Renesmee was weakining me, she was much stronger than i was. Then The Volturi came. The Volturi thought that Renesmee was an immortal child. She was half. She grew when the immortal children didn't. She was safe with humans, she could talk and everything. The immortal children were frozen, they couldn't learn anything, they just destroyed and ate humans. Renesmee wasn't like that, you've held her yourself. WEll when we convinced the volturi otherwise, we went on our way. We stayed for a year, than we had to leave. People would soon notice our not aging, so we moved to this small city,also called a large town. Resmee became full grown and therefore married Jacob. On their honeymoon, Renesmee got pregnant with twins. You see them now in Renesmee's lap." Charlie interupted. "When were they born." He said slowly. "9 month and a half ago." I told him. Charlie sucked in air with shock. "Impossible, They look like small 2 year olds." Charlie accused. "They grow more swift than Renesmee ever did. They both Know how to speak, and walk. Their learning skills accelerated faster than Renesmee's did. Their names are Lara'Maya amd Mayarala. They are werewolf, vampire, and human. They are very unique, I don't know if there is another kind like them. Lara, and Maya, come meet your great grandfather." They both jumped on Charlie's lap, and I continued to tell Charlie about them.

Chapter 2 school

Charlie knew everything. Now, we would have to change him. We would before the Volturi knew about him. They would kill him. So when I told Charlie this, he already knew based on what I had told him the day before. He was ready. I decided, that I wanted to change him. This would be dangerous, but I could smell him and it would cause no change in my control. I had to do it. It would probrably be hard, I never tasted human blood before. This would be new, but I could

almost feel it, I knew I could do this. I had to.

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