Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx

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  • Pages: 15
Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures




Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3


Scope ......................................................................................................................... 3


Responsibility ............................................................................................................. 3


Prior to commencing operations (for operations specific to logs see section 10) ......... 4


During operations ....................................................................................................... 4


At completion of operations ........................................................................................ 6


Non-compliance ......................................................................................................... 6


Incident reporting........................................................................................................ 7


Exemptions ................................................................................................................ 7


Logs ........................................................................................................................... 7


Fueling Operations and Oil / Fuel spills ...................................................................... 9

APPENDIX 1....................................................................................................................... 10 Stormwater Protection Procedure .................................................................................... 10 APPENDIX 2....................................................................................................................... 13 Pre-start checklist ............................................................................................................ 13 Completion of Operations Checklist ................................................................................. 14 Amendment and Review Log........................................................................................... 15

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx





The Port of Tauranga Limited (POTL) site operates under conditions mandated by the Resource Management Act (RMA), the National Environmental Standard (NES), the Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC) Regional Coastal Environment Plan, the Regional Air Plan and the Regional Natural Resource Plan


Loss of cargo into the environment and / or storm water in any form is not permitted within or from the POTL site. This includes excessive airborne dust and / or spillage into the harbour.




These procedures apply to all bulk cargo operations, including logs, conducted at POTL berths. These procedures outline the minimum requirements for handling bulk cargos. Individual companies are required to have their own SOPs and Environmental Management Plans (EMPs).




It is the responsibility of POTL to maintain these Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures (BCHP) and to ensure that they are fit for purpose. POTL will actively monitor onport operations for compliance with these procedures.


It is the responsibility of bulk cargo handlers to ensure they are conducting operations in line with these procedures and to actively train and monitor their own staff and contractors to ensure compliance with these procedures and all applicable regulations.


It is the responsibility of all parties involved in the handling of bulk cargos to have EMP’s covering these activities and to ensure that their staff understand and comply with them. EMP’s are to be submitted annually to POTL. Copies of companies own EMP’s and these BCHP’s are to be available on site during operations.


It is the responsibility of the Stevedores to monitor conditions (wind, rain and product drift) and to manage the operation in line with the BCHP and their own EMPs.


It is the responsibility of the Port User that has engaged the truck operators to ensure that they are conducting operations in line with these procedures and to actively train and monitor their staff and contractors to ensure compliance with these procedures and all applicable regulations.

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx





Berth shall be clean and ready for operations.


Wind break shall be rigged on the seaward side of the ship. This may require log stanchions to be raised. If a vessel is not suitably equipped, other means of rigging the wind break must be explored and erected where practicable.


Save-alls shall be positioned (tarpaulin or similar) between the ship and the wharf or have in place other suitable apparatus to prevent any accidental spillage of product entering the harbour.


Hoppers and Grabs shall be appropriate for the cargo being handled.


Stevedores to assess weather forecast for duration of discharge and identify risk periods. It is the responsibility of the stevedores to monitor conditions (wind, rain and cargo drift) and to manage the operation in line with these BCHP and their own EMPs.


Vacuum sweeper shall be onsite and ready to operate.


Stormwater entry points protected. See Appendix 1.


A pre start checklist should be completed by bulk cargo handlers. This information shall be available for audit. A sample prestart checklist is available in Appendix 2.






Stevedore companies are to ensure that their foremen / supervisors have live access to the POTL wind monitoring app (contact POTL CSC for access) or similar. The wind monitoring app displays a 15 minute rolling average wind speed. This is intended to assist decision making based on the 15 knot wind rule. Maximum gusts in every 60 seconds is also displayed. This is intended to assist with identifying trends.


When the wind speed measured on the port’s anemometers exceeds 15 knots sustained, the following shall apply: 

Crane operations are to immediately stop for 15 minutes, discharge into trucks may continue, although consideration should be made for keeping hoppers full to minimise billowing. Sweeper must continue to operate. Has sustained wind level dropped below 15 knots during 15 minutes standby? - YES - Resume work.

If the wind is still exceeding 15 knots, cranes remain on standby for a further 15 minutes, plan to clear hoppers and clean up berth apron in preparation for a full shutdown.

If the accumulated standby period exceeds 30 continuous minutes, all operations must cease once the hoppers are empty and the berth area is cleaned and swept.

Once sustained wind drop below 15 knots, operations may resume.

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx


Inform CSC that the stevedore intends to resume operations when there is a sustained trend below 15 knots.

This applies to wind exceeding 15 knots from all directions.


Operations shall cease if windblown product is detected beyond the stevedores working area (or adjacent sweepable areas extending no further than 100 metres), regardless of whether or not the wind speed is in excess of 15 knots.


Operations shall cease if product drift is landing in the harbour.




Grabs shall be monitored to ensure that they are not overfilled or leaking through the jaws.


Before opening a grab to discharge product into a hopper, the crane driver must ensure the grab is as close as possible to the hopper grating. When opening the grab, it should be done so as to allow product to be released gradually.




For normal operations, hoppers are to be kept as full as possible to minimise billowing when grab is discharged.


Product must not extend above grid level, and hopper must not be peaked. This is to avoid windblown product and minimise the chance of spillage over the sides of the hopper.




Suction or vacuum sweeper suitable for the material being controlled is to be onsite and available for use. The water spray jets must be used when sweeping.


During operations, continuous sweeping operations must be undertaken in order to control any spillage, including the truck tarping area, designated roadways and surrounding area.


During operations, product spilt on to fenders, around bollards, nib wall and base of hopper (outside reach of sweeper) shall be manually cleaned. This is to prevent product discharging into the harbour.




One designated roadway is to be established for trucks to enter and exit the berth. A traffic management plan will be provided by POTL for each vessel operation. This must be adhered to at all times, and any variation notified to all parties.


The levelling of cargo in loaded trucks, shall be done adjacent to the ship’s side within the stevedores work area, to ensure that any product spilt is able to be cleaned up.


Trucks shall pull their covers within the stevedore working areas and keep clear of adjacent general cargo areas.

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx



Trucks must be covered at all times, both full and empty, when travelling to and from the ship.


Dusty trucks must be blown down prior to departing the stevedores working area to prevent product contaminating areas outside the stevedores working area.




A thorough clean of the stevedores working area must be conducted. This includes, wharf apron, fenders, bollards, designated roadway and any other areas that have been contaminated.


Hoppers must be completely emptied, once this is confirmed, jaws are to be left closed.


Stormwater protection filters shall be removed and disposed of correctly.


The use of water for washing down berths is prohibited. Sweeping product into the harbour is prohibited.


A Completion of Operations checklist should be completed by bulk cargo handlers. This information shall be available for audit. A sample checklist is available in Appendix 2.




A three-strike policy operates for non-compliance with these procedures. When a bulk cargo operation receives three breach notification (verbal and/or written) from POTL during a single discharge, the operation will be shut down for a minimum of 12hours. Suspended operations will only be allowed to restart once satisfactory Investigation and Corrective Action Reports are submitted and approved by POTL. Specific breaches include, but not limited to:          

Over-peaked hoppers. Discharging grabs from excessive height. Absence of effective wind fence. (where it is possible to rig) Absence of effective save-alls. Ineffective housekeeping during discharge. Ineffective sweeping of berth, designated roadways or adjacent areas. Non-compliance with wind limits and procedures. Trucks not following designated roadways. Trucks not tarping. Dusty trucks not being blown down.

Following receival of a breach notice, the operator must immediately rectify the noncompliance. 7.2

Any direct or consequential costs incurred as a result of a 12-hour shut down will be the responsibility of the bulk cargo handler. POTL will not be responsible for any incurred costs.


POTL reserves the right to take additional action for repeated violations over multiple vessels.

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx



POTL reserves the right to take immediate action above and beyond the three-strike policy if a significant breach of the BCHP / regulations occurs, or if an operator fails to comply with a breach notice, or fails to comply with a POTL instruction to cease operations. In such instances, operations will be stopped and will not be allowed to recommence until POTL are satisfied robust procedures are in place to prevent a reoccurrence.




Any non-conformance with the environmental or traffic plan must be reported to POTL. This includes, but is not limited to, all instances of uncontrolled product release from grabs, hoppers or trucks, traffic incidents, contamination outside the stevedore work areas (or adjacent sweepable areas extending no further than 100 metres), or the designated traffic routes, contamination of adjacent vessels, cargo or worksites.




Exceptions can be granted from the strict requirements of these procedures. These exceptions are to cover the cargos and situations that have in the past not caused dust nuisances. Exemptions will only remain valid when there is no dust nuisance and each discharge must be monitored to ensure that they comply. If conditions change, discharge must immediately revert to comply with the BCHP. POTL reserves the right to over-rule exemptions for cargo types and situations, if it is the opinion of POTL that dust nuisances have in the past resulted from that, or similar, cargo types or situations. If this is to occur, POTL will notify the operator either verbally and/or in writing.


If an Importer believes that the product they are handling can be safely worked outside the conditions of the BCHP, they may apply in writing to POTL to operate under an exemption. They are required to clearly state which requirements they request to be exempt from, an explanation as to why an exemption is justified and what control and monitoring systems they will be employing to manage the risk. POTL will consider such requests and respond in writing with a decision, clearly stating any conditions. No exemption shall operate without written authorisation or inclusion in the above exemption list. An exemption list will be held on file in the POTL CSC.


No bulk product (except logs) shall be placed directly on to the wharf deck without BOPRC authorization.




Prior to commencing operations


Berth shall be clean and ready to receive cargo.


Stevedores to assess weather forecast for the duration of operations and identify risk periods.


Sweeping plan in place.

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx



A pre start checklist should be completed by bulk cargo handlers. This information shall be available for audit. A sample prestart checklist is available in Appendix 2.


During operations


Wind speed and direction shall be monitored throughout operations. Operations shall be conducted so as to minimise dust. In instances when wind is causing excessive dust, operations should cease to allow clean up. If dust cannot be managed through these mitigation measures, operations shall cease. This includes operations on the wharf, preload and marshalling areas.


Sweeping operations must be undertaken by the operators to the standard specified below in order to control bark, dirt and other particulate matter in areas including the wharf apron, preload area, end of wharf and designated roadways (the area) and to prevent this material from entering into the harbour or entering the stormwater network. Bunk operations The area shall be cleaned by a suitable vacuum sweeper truck at intervals of no more than four hours throughout the operation to ensure bark, dirt and other particulate matter is successfully removed from the area. This includes ensuring that bark, dirt and particulate accumulations from on and around the bunks are removed. Trailer operations The area shall be cleaned by a suitable vacuum sweeper truck as required throughout the operation to ensure bark, dirt and other particulate matter is successfully removed from the area.


During any operations, bark, dirt and other particulate should be prevented, as far as is practicable, from becoming situated outside of the reach of a sweeper truck in areas including, but not limited to, on and around fenders, bollards, nib walls. Any bark, dirt or particulate matter that does accumulate in these areas shall be manually swept into an area accessible to a sweeper truck prior to the next sweeper truck cleaning.


One designated roadway is to be established for trucks/machines to enter and exit the berth. A traffic management plan will be provided to POTL for each vessel operation. This must be adhered to at all times and any variation notified to all parties.


Where bark piles are formed during cleaning operations, these piles shall be placed well clear of the wharf edge and storm water entry points. Piles shall be cleared as soon as possible.


Water use for dust suppression is allowed provided that the berth is being regularly cleaned and swept. Water suppression is not to be used in place off proper sweeping practices. Water suppression should be via misting methods and water is not permitted to be used in such quantities that it will cause run off into the storm water or harbour.


At completion of operations


At the completion of operations, the berth must be completely cleaned for the next operation. All cargo, equipment and debris must be removed from the area including fenders and nib wall. The berth must be vacuum swept.

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx



A completion of operations, checklist should be completed by bulk cargo handlers. This information shall be available for audit. A sample checklist is available in Appendix 2.




Mobile refueling shall be minimised and be carried out well away from storm water entry points and the harbour. Any mobile fueling equipment shall be in good working order and nozzles shall be equipped with automatic shut-off to prevent overfill. Spill kits shall be available on mobile refueling vehicles. Operators must be trained in refueling operations and spill-kit use.


Oil spill-kits shall be available to attend any oil spills from equipment being used. Sufficient resources shall be available to deal with hydraulic oil spills from machines as well as fuel spills.

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx


APPENDIX 1 Stormwater Protection Procedure The Port of Tauranga site operates under conditions mandated by the Resource Management Act (RMA) and is enforced by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC). Loss of cargo into the harbour either directly or via the storm water system is not permitted. Prior to commencing any bulk discharge operations, the stevedore must identify any stormwater entry points adjacent to the berth as identified on the map included and use the following method to protect the storm water entry point from any unintended product that could enter the harbour. This requirement is detailed in the Bulk Cargo Handling Procedure 4.7 1.

Take sufficient protection cloth from the rolls located outside the Cargo Services office on Wharf Road beside Shed 3, to protect all storm water entry points adjacent to the berth (marked red on plan) or area of work.


Lift the stormwater grate and lay the protection cloth over the catch pit and close the grate.

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx



Place sand bags or similar around the edge of the stormwater grate to hold down filter cloth.


When discharge operations are completed, carefully remove stormwater protection and dispose of cloth and any collected material in an approved manner relative to the product.

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx


Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx


APPENDIX 2 The following are sample pre and completion checklists. Operators may elect to use their own checklists. Checklists shall be available for audit purposes.

Pre-start checklist Vessel Stevedoring Company Supervisor/ Foreman

Berth Contact



Environmental Yes



Berth Clean Wind break rigged Save-alls in place Grabs appropriate for product and in good working order Hoppers appropriate for product and in good working order Weather forecast reviewed Sweeper on site Manual sweeping plan in place for areas unavailable to sweeper Truck tarping and blow down area designated Wind speed monitoring in place Storm water entry points protected Additional comments:

Prepared by:

Contact number

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx


Completion of Operations Checklist Vessel Stevedoring Company Supervisor/ Foreman

Berth Contact






Spilt product from fenders, around bollards, nib wall and base of hopper cleaned Berth, designated roadways, tarping area swept and clean Hoppers empty and jaws open Stevedoring equipment and huts removed from berth area Storm water protection removed All fugitive product collected removed from Port to a licensed disposal facility Additional comments:

Prepared by:

Contact number

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx


Amendment and Review Log This document will be reviewed annually and amended when there are any changes to operating procedures or changes to legislation. The following is a record of reviews and amendments. DOCUMENT REVIEW DATE February 2018

REVIEWER MANAGER OPERATIONS (NAME & SIGNATURE) (SIGNATURE) Phil Julian, Mark Whitworth, Phil Julian Rowan Johnstone, Joey McKenzie

AMENDMENTS (DATE & AUTHOR) 01 Full review February 2018 Phil Julian


02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

Document Controller: Manager Operations Created: June 2013 Last review date: 11 September 2018 S:\Manuals,SOPs & COPs\~Masters of Manuals and SOPS\~Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures\Bulk Cargo Handling Procedures Version 3 September 2018.docx

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