Bulgarian Treasures

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 613
  • Pages: 3
Bulgarian Treasures LAND OF ANCIENT TREASURES The remarkable archaelogical monuments from different periods of history are an eloquent proof of the rich economic and cultural life in the Bulgarian lands throughout the ages. The unearthed more than 70 Thracian golden treasures conquered the modern world. They enabled a great civilization to take its deserving place in the history of mankind.

Varna golden treasure (6th - 5th millenia BC) The discovery of the Varna Chalcolithic Necropolis revealed proofs of the oldest European civilization and the world's oldest gold. In significance the sensational discovery rivals Heinrich Schliemann's discovery of Troy. In the investigated until recently 280 graves there have been uncovered 3,010 golden objects of overall weight of more than 6 kg, 23.5 carat purity. The quantity and diversity is unparallelled so far, and the workmanship is amaising. Some of the buried persons had golden and copper offerings - solid golden bracelets, appliques, a golden sceptre - symbol of the ruler' power.

Vulchitrun golden treasure (13th - 12th centuries BC) It is the most remarkable example of the art of the Later Bronze Age in Thracia. The perfectly shaped and carefully polished ritual 13 vessels weight 12.5 kg solid gold.

Panagyurishte golden treasure (4th century BC) Possessed by a Thracian king, probably Sewth III. A 23-carat gold (weight of 6.164 kg) royal set of 9 exquisitely shaped vessels - rhytons, amphoras and a phiale, all depicting mythological scenes.

Rogozen royal silver treasure (5th - 4th century BC) The biggest and richest treasure found till now (total weight of 20 kg), possession of the dynasty court of the Triballoi. It attracts attention with its 165 vessels (gracious jugs and phiales, silver with gilt) with Greek and Thracian excuisitely shaped subjects.

Borovo treasure (4th century BC) Dated from the first half of the 4th century BC, it came to light at Borovo. It consists of luxurious 5-vessel drinking set. The treasure bears an inscription in Greek letters with the name of the Thracian king Kotys I who reigned the Odryssaean Kingdom from 383 to 359 BC and that of the craftsman Etbeos.

Loukovit treasure (4th century BC) The treasure consists of 3 small pitchers, 9 phiales and a large number of silver appliques, decorated with animal motifs and figures of horsemen. Buried in the period of the Macedonian rule in Thrace, perhaps during the reign of Alexander the Great.

Vratsa golden treasure (4th century BC) Magnificent gold and silver funerary gifts, found in the center of Vratsa in 3 Thracian tombs. The treasure consists of a number of masterpieces - a golden wreath, earrings and graves intended to serve the deceased in the next life.

Letnitsa treasure (400 - 350 BC) Original, with its 24 square or rectangular scenes of mythology or everyday life, the treasure consists of a bit, a headstall and small pierced silver plaques, part of harness. For the first time in these appliques a human figure is used for a horse trappings adornment. The brilliance and beauty of these treasures invariably return us to man's longing for harmony. As "Mankind's Oldest Gold and Oldest Civilization in Europe" they were shown in Japan, Canada, The USA, Mexico, France, Russia, Austria, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungary, Holland and India. The most significant treasure of The Golden Age of Bulgarian history - the Preslavian golden treasure, is a brilliant illustration of the life in the castles of Great Preslav.

Preslavian golden treasure (10th century) More than 170 golden, silver and bronze ladies' jewels, decorated with cellular enamel, precious stones and pearls The jewels were made in Constantinople and Great Preslav. The treasure also includes artifacts dating far back to the period between 3rd and 7th centuries.

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