Fibonacci coding is a universal code which encodes positive integers into binary code words. Name: ELOISA D C. ENRIQUEZ Yr.& Sec.: I-A Instructor: MS. MA. DANICA L. MEMPIN Problem: Create programs that display the Fibonacci series. Code: #include
int main() { //define first two fibonacci series numbers. int fib1 = 0; int fib2 = 1;
//declare the variable to store the next number of fibonacci series Int fib3;
//declare the variable to store how many numbers to be printed. Default is 2. int numbers = 2;
//the counter to keep track how many numbers are printed. int counter = 2;
//Ask user how many numbers of the fibonacci series need to be printed. std::cout << "How many Fibonacci number you need ? : " ;
//Store the number. std::cin >> numbers;
//If number entered is less than 3, exit the program. if (numbers < 3) return 0;
//Print the first two element. std::cout << fib1 << "\t" << fib2;
//do-while loop to calculate the new element of the series and printing the same. do { counter++; fib3 = fib1 + fib2; std::cout << "\t" << fib3; fib1 = fib2; fib2 = fib3; } while (counter <= numbers);
` std::cout << std::endl; system("pause"); return 0 }