Building A Server With Freebsd 7--7

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,381
  • Pages: 5

第 1 頁,共 5 頁

HOW TO USE THIS BOOK The guides in this book are constructed to provide information in a standard format. The book consists of two parts: Part I, "The Base System," and Part II, "Third-Party Applications." Part I provides information on installing the FreeBSD operating system. This section of the book also contains important information on setting up your base FreeBSD environment and updating the ports collection. If you need more information on the FreeBSD operating system, consult the FreeBSD Handbook. It is an invaluable resource and can be found on the Web at Part II constitutes the bulk of this book. This section provides the information you'll need to install and configure software using the ports collection. Applications are divided into individual modules that are arranged alphabetically, minimizing the need to search indexes or tables of contents. The applications covered in this book were carefully selected. A balance between stability and available support were determining factors in choosing which applications would be included. Stability is paramount in server environments. Community support is also very important for longterm viability of an application; a well-supported application means that resources will be available to you if you need help. Community support also encourages development efforts, which may lead to faster responses to bugs or security issues.

FORMAT Let's examine the standardized guide format used throughout. The following figure shows the information given in the headers and title of each module.

Title of the module: This dictionary-style header makes it easy to find the project you're looking for by flipping through the pages. File paths: The paths to the Makefile and other associated files in the FreeBSD ports tree are given here. Protocol(s) and port(s) used by the application: If services provided by the application need to be available to clients on the Internet, you may need to configure your router to forward these ports to

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第 2 頁,共 5 頁

your FreeBSD server. Check your router's documentation for details on port forwarding. Level of effort: This value is an estimate of the time and effort required to complete the module, on a scale of 1 to 5. Level 1 requires the least effort, while level 5 requires the most. Application version covered in the module and the developer's website: The applications covered in this book are under continuous development, so version numbers will change, but the installation procedures described should stay relatively constant. The URL of the developer's website is provided for reference. Each module contains some or all of the following sections: Summary This section explains what the application covered in the module does, the service or solution it provides, and its history. Resources This section shows websites that provide further information about the application covered or the protocol(s) it employs. Required This section specifies modules or tasks that need to be installed or completed prior to beginning the module. Optional This section lists modules or items that enhance or extend the application's functionality. Preparation This section contains instructions and tasks to complete before beginning the application installation process. Install This section contains instructions and/or commands that compile the source code of an application into binary form using scripts called Makefiles. Configure This section contains important post-installation instructions that prepare configuration files for use by the installed application. Testing If applicable, this section gives steps to test the installation of an application or service. Details for enabling automatic startup of server applications are also mentioned here. Utilities This section contains important commands or programs that are useful for system administration purposes. Note: Commonly used options (or switches) are provided here for quick reference. Consult the manual page for the command or utility for full documentation. See "Manual Pages" for more information. Config Files This section contains a list of important configuration files with short descriptions and their default locations. Log Files This section contains a list of logs that record information about the application; these can be useful for diagnosing problems and monitoring activity. Notes This section contains information that may be useful for extending the functionality and security of the application. Options that depend on personal preference may also reside here.


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第 3 頁,共 5 頁

Below is a visual representation of the modules included in this book and their relationships. Server roles are organized vertically with associated modules beneath. Arrows represent the logical order that should be taken when using the modules in this book. Solid lines connecting modules show relationships between modules. You can use this as a starting point, or you can develop your own build strategy.

BECOMING THE SUPERUSER The direction "become the superuser" is used throughout the book, and I want to clarify its meaning

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第 4 頁,共 5 頁

early on. The term superuser is synonymous with the root account on other UNIX-like systems. The root account is a special user account that has full administrative rights to the system. Most of the modules in this book require you to execute commands as the superuser. To become the superuser, you can log in at the console (using the console means you are using the monitor and keyboard attached to the system) with the username root. There may be times when you need to log in remotely via SSH (Secure Shell). For security reasons, FreeBSD does not allow the root user to log in via SSH. You must first log in as a normal user, then switch to the superuser account with the su command. Only user accounts that belong to the wheel group may switch to the superuser account. The FreeBSD module in this book explains how to add your initial user to the wheel group during the installation process. If you don't follow that module or if you want to verify your group memberships, log in and then type: # id uid=1001(john) gid=1001(john) groups=1001(john), 0(wheel)

You can see above that the user john is a member of the wheel group. To become the superuser, John would type: # su

After John enters the superuser (root) password, he will be switched to the superuser account. He could verify this by typing: # whoami root

Once logged in as the superuser, you may add other users to the wheel group with the following command: # pw user mod uname -G wheel

Replace uname with the username of the user you want to add.

EASY EDITOR Like on other UNIX-like platforms, FreeBSD configuration is controlled by the contents of various text configuration files. These configuration files dictate how the system behaves, so the ability to edit them is critical. FreeBSD includes ee (Easy Editor), which is easy to learn and has the basic functionality needed to perform administrative tasks. To start Easy Editor, simply type ee at the command prompt. Here is an example of the interface: Code View: ^[ (escape) menu ^y search prompt ^k delete line ^p prev li ^g prev page ^o ascii code ^x search ^l undelete line ^n next li ^v next page ^u end of file ^a begin of line ^w delete word ^b back 1 char ^t top of text ^e end of line ^r restore word ^f forward 1 char ^c command ^d delete char ^j undelete char ^z next word ============================================================================

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第 5 頁,共 5 頁

The carat symbols indicate that the [ctrl] key should be pressed in combination with the adjacent letter. For example, to search the current text file for a certain word, press [ctrl-Y]. You will see the following search prompt: search for:

Easy Editor shows prompts and status messages at the bottom of the screen. To access the menu system, press [esc]: +---------------------+ | main menu | | | | a) leave editor | | b) help | | c) file operations | | d) redraw screen | | e) settings | | f) search | | g) miscellaneous | | | | press Esc to cancel | +---------------------+

The interface is intuitive and doesn't require much effort to learn. Take some time to familiarize yourself with Easy Editor once you complete the initial FreeBSD installation.

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