Build Safety In Your Work Place

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  • Pages: 11
Small contractor? Self-employed? Subcontractor?

Build Safety into Your Business

Construction Safety Association of Ontario

Build Safety into Your Business

Construction Safety Association of Ontario 21 Voyager Court South, Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5M7 416-674-2726 1-800-781-2726 Fax 416-674-8866 [email protected] ii

YOU’VE MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE You know that health and safety is good for business because accidents can hurt your bottom line. You don’t want your workers, other workers, or the public injured. You don’t want to damage equipment and property. That’s why you’re reading this book. You’re interested in safety because you know it prevents human suffering and financial loss.

YOU HAVE A PARTNER The Construction Safety Association of Ontario is your association. The assessments you pay to the WSIB entitle you to the full range of products and services available from CSAO. Most of these products and services are free.

In the past, members of the public have used printed information that was outdated by subsequent improvements in knowledge and technology. We therefore make the following statement for their protection in future. The information presented here was, to the best of our knowledge, current at time of printing and is intended for general application. This publication is not a definitive guide to government regulations or to practices and procedures wholly applicable under every circumstance. The appropriate regulations and statutes should be consulted. Although the Construction Safety Association of Ontario cannot guarantee the accuracy of, nor assume liability for, the information presented here, we are pleased to answer individual requests for counselling and advice.

© Construction Safety Association of Ontario, 2003

Make use of the training, consultation, and other resources you help to pay for and own.

YOU’VE GOT THE EDGE Ontario has the best construction health and safety record in the world. That record depends on people who understand the need for a safe, healthy workplace. CSAO has helped to set Ontario’s record. Since 1929 we’ve had years of experience with many different companies. We’d like to help you. Each year most construction companies operate without a single lost-time injury. In fact, out of more than 35,000 registered companies, fewer than 5,000 will have a lost-time injury this year.

ISBN 0-919465-90-0 1

YOU HAVE CHALLENGES TO MEET To benefit from Ontario’s outstanding record, you have to make health and safety part of your business. The first step is knowing the causes of death and injury in construction.

How much does an injury cost? A single workplace injury can have a devastating effect on business. Costs include • pain and suffering for victim and family • higher WSIB premiums • an average cost of $35,000 • time to retrain replacement worker

Major causes of accidental death

• lower morale

• falls

• equipment and property damage

• reversing vehicles

• delays and lost production

• possible prosecution by the Ministry of Labour.

• struck by object • electrocution.

Major causes of injury • falls • overexertion • struck by object • struck against object.

Unfortunately small construction companies have a much higher injury rate than larger companies. That means you’ve got to pay more attention to safety.

YOU HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES As an employer in Ontario, you have legal responsibilities for the health and safety of your workers. These responsibilities are spelled out in the “Green Book”—the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects. You should own the Green Book. You can use the index to find the health and safety requirements for whatever work you do. Buy a copy from CSAO (1-800-781-2726) or from Publications Ontario (416-326-5300).



As an employer, you must • comply with the Act and regulations • do everything you reasonably can to protect the health

and safety of your workers

You must provide training in the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). Depending on the work you do, you may also have to explain • fall protection

• report any injuries requiring health care

• entering and working in confined spaces

• ensure that any required training is delivered.

• working around live equipment and overhead powerlines

CSAO has services and products—most of them free—to help you meet these requirements.

• excavating and working in trenches

YOU CAN SET AN EXAMPLE As the owner of a small company, you have to line up jobs, supervise workers, and sometimes lend a hand yourself. What you do on site affects the way your employees work. • Always wear your hardhat and safety boots. • When the job requires other protective clothing or equipment, be the first to wear it. • Don’t take chances. • Before you start work, explain any problems that might come up and how to handle them. • Use the right tools and equipment for the job. • Tell your employees to report hazards immediately.

• work on swingstages and suspended scaffolds. You can use CSAO booklets, videotapes, and CDs to cover these and other topics. CSAO also produces safety talks and safety tips that you can deliver and distribute to workers. Most of this information is available to you at no charge. The best way to manage health and safety on the job is get some training yourself. Sign up for Basics of Supervising. You can take this program in the classroom or at home. Visit or phone 1-800-781-2726 for more information.

YOU CAN BENEFIT As an employer registered with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), your benefits include √ no-fault insurance √ protection from lawsuits √ coverage for lost wages and health care

YOU CAN SEND A MESSAGE Explain to your workers what to do and how to do it safely. This is especially important with new workers who don’t know how to recognize and control hazards.


√ help in returning injured workers to work. If you hire independent operators, make sure they meet legal requirements. Otherwise you may be liable for their injuries or those of any workers they employ.


If you are an independent operator and hire someone, you must register with the WSIB as an employer. Remind your workers to tell you about injuries immediately. Where necessary, report the injury to the WSIB to get the coverage you’re entitled to. The Form 7 is designed for this.

Safety Groups The WSIB has a special program for groups of companies that get together to improve their health and safety performance and receive rebates as a result. Experience with Safety Groups has been very positive. Most groups receive significant rebates for improved performance. Safety Groups undertake activities that would be difficult for single companies to carry out on their own. For more information on Safety Groups, contact the WSIB or CSAO at any of the numbers listed on page 8.

WHY WAIT? Form 7 If a worker’s injury requires consultation or treatment by a health care professional, you must

You’re now ready to improve health and safety in your company. You know √ that health and safety is good for business √ that you can benefit from Ontario’s outstanding record

• complete a WSIB Form 7, Employer’s Report of Injury/Disease

√ that you have a partner to help you—CSAO

• ensure that information in the form is as accurate as possible

√ that you have responsibilities under the law

• sign the form only after reviewing it carefully (WSIB claims can

√ that CSAO can help you meet those responsibilities

be extremely costly to you as an employer) • forward the form to the WSIB within three (3) days of notification

of the injury • complete any other WSIB forms required from you and your

√ that you can profit from Safety Groups. The following sections of this guide provide tools you can use for better health and safety performance.

employee during the life of the claim. For more information, contact the WSIB at any of the numbers listed on page 8.





Construction Safety Association of Ontario (CSAO)

Fill out and photocopy this policy for your employees. 1-800-781-2726 Fax: 416-674-8866

[email protected] 416-674-2726 Fax: 416-679-4069

It is the policy of this company to perform work in the safest manner possible and in accordance with the “Green Book”—the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Hamilton Kingston Kitchener London North Bay Ottawa Sault Ste. Marie St. Catharines Sudbury Thunder Bay Timmins Toronto Windsor

Protecting employees from workplace injury and disease is our major continuing objective. 1-800-263-8488 1-800-267-9461 1-800-265-2570 1-800-265-4752 1-800-461-9521 1-800-267-9601 1-800-461-6005 1-800-263-2484 1-800-461-3350 1-800-465-3934 1-800-461-9856 1-800-387-0080 1-800-265-7380

All employees must work in compliance with health and safety legislation and with the practices and procedures spelled out by this company. It is in the best interest of all parties to consider accident prevention in every activity. Commitment to health and safety must form an integral part of this company. Compliance with health and safety procedures will be regularly reviewed. Violations will be recorded and addressed. It is company policy to do everything we can to help each employee enjoy a safe, productive future.

Ministry of Labour (MOL) Toronto Central Region (within Toronto) (outside Toronto) Eastern Region (Ottawa) Northern Region (Sudbury) Western Region (Hamilton) 8


Signed __________________________________________________ company owner, president, or chief executive officer

416-314-5421 1-800-991-7454 1-800-267-1916 Date


1-800-461-6325 1-800-263-6906 9

WORKING AT HEIGHTS Every worker in the crew must have proper safety harness, lanyard, shock absorber, and rope grab where required Inspect safety harness and attachments before each use and replace any damaged components immediately Check guardrails and covers of floor/roof openings daily to ensure they are installed properly and are adequate • Identify fall hazards with the crew for each job • Identify anchor points to be used and configuration of lifelines or other systems Ensure that workers are trained to use the equipment and follow the procedures specified for the task or project • Inspect ladders regularly • Remove damaged ladders from service and provide replacements


Check on prior training and knowledge of new-hires

Whether the job is something you do every day or for the first time tomorrow, specify the procedures for doing it safely.

• Check site for overhead powerlines that may pose hazards • Keep ladders and materials away from overhead powerlines

The following are two examples: for working at heights and for trenching/excavating.

Keep debris and materials away from ladders and floor/roof openings or edges • Use fall-arrest equipment when guardrails need to be temporarily removed • Always replace the guardrail as soon as possible • Temporarily restrict access to the unguarded area Report any new fall hazard to employer





Arrange locates of underground services (gas, electric, telephone, water, etc.) at least two weeks before job starts. Contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255, Fax 1-800-400-8876, or

Use this Quick Start order form.

Personally check that all locates are complete before excavating Review soils report (if available) to assess need for shoring systems, trench box, etc.

Item Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects – the “green book,” absolutely essential

Price $13.50

Construction Health and Safety Manual – fully illustrated, comprehensive


CSAO Training Catalogue – programs and courses, including dates, times, and locations


Entry Level Training – CDs covering legislation, site safety, PPE, materials handling, and back care


Basics of Supervising – classroom or home-study training in effective supervisory techniques and health and safety duties


Products and Services – catalogue of CSAO resources to improve your health and safety performance


Basics of Fall Protection training kit – Meet your legal obligation to train your workers in fall protection and keep records of instruction


Ensure that workers are trained in installation and removal procedures for any shoring system that will be used

Basics of Fall Protection: User’s Guide – to be issued to each worker you train in fall protection; includes proof-of-training card

$19.95 pkg. of 5

Instruct workers not to enter or work in areas of the trench which are not properly sloped or which are outside the trench box or shoring system

Safety Talks – 70 talks on practical, hands-on topics to deliver to workers on the job


Ensure that excavator operator knows the location of all underground services in the area to be excavated Comply with any restrictions in the locate report regarding machine excavation near buried utilities Train workers and operators regarding different soil types and how trenches must be sloped for each • Check for overhead powerlines that may pose hazards during excavation. • Never store material or equipment under powerlines. • Where necessary, arrange for de-energizing or other protection. Use trench box or shoring system if walls of trench can’t be adequately sloped (depends on soil type - check regulatory requirements for different soils) Ensure that shoring system, trench box, and ladders are in good condition

Quantity ordered

*No charge for employers registered in one or more WSIB construction rate groups 12


Company ________________________________________________________ Contact person ___________________________________________________ Mailing address __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Postal Code________________________ WSIB Firm number _______________________________________________ Phone number ___________________________________________________

Mail or fax your Quick Start order form to Customer Service CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO 21 Voyager Court South Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5M7 Fax: 416-674-8866 Fax: 416-679-4069



Construction Safety Association of Ontario 21 Voyager Court South Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5M7 416-674-2726 1-800-781-2726 Fax 416-674-8866 [email protected]

ISBN 0-919465-90-0


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