
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 985
  • Pages: 8
Revenue (billion)

Expenditures (billions)

Individual Income Taxes Corporate Income Taxes Social Security Taxes Excise Taxes Estate and gift taxes Customs duties Miscellaneous

1,347 314.9 927.2 68.1 24.7 29 50.7 Total Income


Summary (billion) Total Revenue Total Expenditures GDP Budget Balance Budget Balace as % of GDP

Agriculture Commerce Defense Education Energy Health and Human Services Homeland Security Housing and Urban Development Interior Justice Labor State and Other Internatioal Programs Transportation Treasury Veterans Affairs Social Security Medicare Medicaid and SCHIP Other Net Interest

Debt (billion) 2,762 2940.6 14,515.0 -179 6.08%

National Debt National Debt as % GDP

atioal Programs

Total Expenditures

20.7 6.6 626.3 68 23.6 69.3 34.2 37.2 10.6 21.5 11.3 35 74.3 12.1 39.4 608 386 209 386.5 261


9,550 61.40%

Department of Defense (millions) Military Personnel Operation & Maintenance Procurement RDT&E Revolving & Mgmt Funds Military Construction Family Housing Iraq War

116,280 164,714 101,679 75,117 2,454 18,233 2,932 141,665 Total


State and International Affairs (millions) USAID International Military Aid International Development Aid Global HIV/AIDS

3,000 10,000 15,000 7,000 Total


Department of Homeland Secuity (millions) Departmental Management and Operations Office of the Inspector General Citizenship and Immigration Services United States Secret Service Customs and Border Protection Immigration and Customs Enforcement Transportation Security Administration United States Coast Guard Federal Emergency Management Agency Science and Technology Domestic Nuclear Detection Office National Protection and Programs Directorate Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Fee Funded activties Total

998 99 30 1,399 8,791 4,781 6,399 7,272 5,187 799 562 1,164 263 -3,452 34292

Department of Commerce (millions) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Bureau of the Census National Institute of Standards and Technology Economic Development Administration International Trade Administration Economic Statistics Administration Bureaus of Industry and Security Departmental management Minority Business Development Agency National Telecommunications and Information Administration Technology Administration

4,101 878 601 346 401 85 79 55 35 18 2 Total


Department of Energy (millions) National Nuclear Security Administration Energy Resources Science and Technology Environmental Management Nuclear Waste Disposal Corporate Management

9,387 3,423 4,398 5,655 495 295 Total


Department of Labor (millions) Training and Employment Services Unemployment Insurance Administration Employment Service Community Service Employment for Older Americans Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Safety and Health Administration Mine Safety and Health Administration Employment Standards Administration Employee Benefits Security Administration Veterans' Employment and Training Departmental Management Bureau of International labor Affairs Office of Disability Employment Policy Other

4,900 2,561 778 350 574 490 313 448 147 228 252 14 19 240 Total


Department of Interior (millions) 1,846 161 168 1,001 975 1,287 2,365 2,229 196 382

Bureau of Land Management Minerals Management Service Office of Surface Mining Bureau of Reclamation/CUPCA U.S. Geological Survey Fish and Wildlife Service National Park Service Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of the Speacial Trustee All Other Total


Department of Justice (millions) Federal Bureau of Investigation Drug Enforcement Administration Federal Prison System United States Marshals Service Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacoo, Firearms, and Explosives Detention Trustee United States Attorneys General Legal Activities National Security Division Office of Just Programs, COPS, Office of Violence against Women Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force All other Total

6,431 1,803 5,363 900 1,014 1,294 1,748 751 78 1,234 509 394 21,519

Department of the Treasury (millions) Internal Revenue Service Financial Management Service Depatmental Offices Bureau of the Public Debt Inspectors General Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Community Development Financial Institutions Fund All other

11,095 235 269 173 159 94 86 29 -4 Total


Department of Education (millions) Title I Grants to LEAs School Improvement Grants Reading First/Early Reading First Striving Readers American Competitiveness Initiative Teacher Quality State Grants Teacher Incentive Fund Safe and Drug Free Schools programs IDEA Part B State Grants Career and Technical Education State Grants Adult Education Pell Grants Federal Work-Study TRIO programs GEAR UP National Security Language Initiative Historically Balck College and Graduate Insititutions Hispanic Serving Institutions All other

13,910 500 1,136 100 397 2,787 199 324 10,492 600 573 13,223 980 828 303 35 296 95 9,218 Total


Department of Health and Human Services (millions) Food and Drug Administration Health Resources and Services Administration Indian Health Service Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institutes of Health Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Agency for Healthcare Research Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services MedPAC Discretionary Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Administration for Children and Families Administration for Aging General Departmental Management Office of Civil Rights Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Office of Medicare Appeals Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund Office of the Inspector General Total

1,641 5,708 3,271 5,762 28,700 3,046 330 3,240 10 183 12,329 1,335 392 37 90 70 1,754 45 67,943

Department of Housing and Urban Development (millions) Community Development Fund


HOME Investment Partnerships Program Homeless Assistance Grants Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Tenant-based Rental Assistance Project-based Rental Assistance Public Housing Native American Housing Block Grant Housing for the Elderly Housing for Persons with Disabilities Lead Hazard Reduction All other HUD prgrams

1,967 1,586 300 16,000 5,813 6,024 627 575 125 116 1,054 Total


Department of Agriculture (millions) 3,284 2,050 4,127 825 5,638 2,297 2,005 527

Commodities and International Rural Development Forest Service Conservation Food and Nutrition Service Research Marketing and Regulatory Programs Central Administration Total


Department of Transportation (millions) Federal Aviation Administration Federal Highway Administration Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Federal Railraod Administration Maritime Administration Federal Transit Administration St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Research and Innovative Technology Administration All other programs

14,077 11,327 37,176 528 1,071 295 9,423 17 119 12 128 Total


Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Care Medical and Prosthetic Research Information Technology Construction Veterans Benefits Administration General Administration Housing and Other Credit National Cemetery Administration Office of Inspector General

34,202 411 1,859 1,078 1,198 274 156 167 73 Total


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