Buderus Solar Product Line Overview

  • June 2020
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BBT1553 Solar Overview Bro 3



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Section Buderus

Renewable Energy Systems



Large-scale solar for commercial heating and hot water 25 Years of Experience

To contact us... Buderus, Cotswold Way, Warndon, Worcester WR4 9SW Tel: 01905 752794 Customer Services: 0870 421 5933 Technical Support: 0870 421 5944 Training: 01905 753183 Fax: 01905 753130 www.buderus.co.uk In the UK, Buderus is a brand name of Bosch Thermotechnology Ltd. Buderus’ policy is one of continuous research and development and this may necessitate alterations to this specification from time to time. Therefore before preparing for the installation of the appliance it is important that the instructions issued with the unit are carefully read and adhered to. The statutory rights of the customer are not affected. Photographs shown are used for illustrative purposes only. All information is correct at time of going to press. Buderus reserves the right to alter any information where necessary. E&OE. 8-716-114-772

ISSUE A 11/08

Intelligent Heating Solutions

BBT1553 Solar Overview Bro 3



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The complete solar solution

Capturing and utilising solar energy to provide effective sustainable water and space

Why choose Buderus?

heating for large-scale commercial installations is now a reality with Buderus’ versatile

Buderus is part of Bosch Thermotechnology Ltd. (the heating division of the Robert

solar thermal systems. Our range of collectors, accessories and controls will not only

Bosch Group) and has been at the forefront of the European heating industry ever

preserve valuable fuel and help reduce heating costs, but will also help protect our

since the brand was first established in Germany over 275 years ago. With a long

environment for future generations.

standing reputation for engineering high quality heating appliances, the Buderus brand

“Whatever the size of your heating project Buderus can provide the product, the service support and the technical know-how.”

is now present in over 50 countries worldwide. Our experience in developing a wide range of heating products for international markets and a variety of applications has enabled us to build a comprehensive level of technical expertise and a highly skilled service support network that ensures our world-class products, and your investment, deliver reliable and efficient heating year after year.

A fully compatible solar system Although solar is a relatively new technology, Buderus already has over 25 years of experience developing and manufacturing their own collectors, accessories and controls for the European market. This means that our solar products are fully compatible with our extensive range of commercial boilers and control systems. Together these products will deliver a highly efficient and precisely managed energy solution for practically any size of installation from industrial sized projects, office blocks and schools to sports centres, hotels and hospitals. For those wishing to take advantage of renewable technology immediately it is also possible to integrate Buderus solar into an existing 3rd party heating system.

Tax relief with the Carbon Trust All Buderus solar panels are listed on the Carbon Trust’s Energy Technology list and are therefore part of the ECA (Enhanced Capital Allowance) scheme. This scheme 25 Years of

enables businesses to claim up to 100% of the first year capital allowance on investments in energy saving technology. For more details visit www.eca.gov.uk






Solar explained


Solar siting


manufacturing solar thermal systems

SKN 3.0 & SKS 4.0 overview


for over 25 years. The first solar

Buderus solar innovation


Solar controls


Heating system integration


Solar accessories


Commercial solar training


Solar hydraulics diagram


Parts & Accessories list



Buderus has been designing and

panels were produced by Buderus in 1979. It is possible to see these early panels still in operation in Germany.


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Page 4

Solar Explained

Solar technology explained

It is a common misconception that prolonged periods of exposure to direct sunlight

Why solar? Why now?

or continual high temperatures are a pre-requisite for installing solar. Buderus has

Summary of energy reserves:

developed highly sensitive collector technology that absorbs indirect solar radiation

The diagram below illustrates the

the amount of solar energy available during the year, with the remaining fossil fuel

emitted in conditions of diffused sunlight and even cloudy conditions.

vast amount of annual solar energy

reserves the earth has to offer, it is easy to see why the uptake of solar thermal

available in comparison to the fossil

systems has been so rapid.


Partial cloud

Full sun

fuel reserves the earth has to offer. Solar energy which annually reaches the earth

Annual world primary energy consumption (’94)

Solar is one of the fastest growing ‘renewable’ technologies, and when you compare

Following the initial investment solar is effectively a continuous source of free energy that can be put to use to provide hot water and space heating. With the right controls your boiler would only come into use when there is not enough solar energy available to meet the heat demand. With energy prices set to rise even further, and with government incentives driving the renewables sector, adopting solar provides the opportunity for immediate returns on investment, and demonstrates a strong

(~100 W/m2)

(~300 W/m2) (~600 W/m2)

Diffuse radiation

(~1000 W/m2)

Natural gas

Direct radiation Crude oil

Features and benefits of solar at a glance

Installing solar is also a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. A collector area of

• Free renewable energy for life

just 6m2 prevents the release of approximately 1000kg of CO2 each year.

The image above shows the approximate W/m that are available in different weather conditions 2

Although the summer months generally provide the highest levels of direct

commitment to environmental responsibility.

How does Solar thermal work?


Coal Uranium

radiation, levels of indirect radiation in the UK, as shown in the map below,

The highly translucent solar glass captures and retains the solar energy, creating a micro green house effect within the collector. The radiation is concentrated into the

mean that Buderus solar technology is just as efficient here as it would be in

coated copper absorber resulting in temperatures above 100ºC, far in excess of the

other parts of Europe. Reserves

UK solar irradiation annual total kWh/m2

• Minimum additional space

• A sense of independence from utility companies • Straightforward modular installation

surrounding air temperature. By passing a solar fluid through the hot absorber this free heat energy is soaked up and can be stored ready for use in a solar

• Lower carbon footprint

storage cylinder.

• Less wear and tear on your boiler

Solar thermal or photovoltaics?

• Visible demonstration of

There are two categories of collector; Photovoltaic (P.V.) and Solar thermal.

environmental responsibility.

Photovoltaic cells include wafer thin layers of semi-conductors that change the solar radiation into electrical energy for anything from calculators to satellites. In contrast solar thermal collectors trap the solar radiation between an absorber and a layer of glass.

Key Over 1200 kWh/m2 1100 to 1200 kWh/m2 1000 to 1100 kWh/m2 900 to 1000 kWh/m2 Less than 900 kWh/m2 4

Map source: Solar Trade Association (STA)


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Page 6

Solar Siting

Quality workmanship

Quality, performance and life-long reliability Buderus solar panels utilise advanced light absorption technology to capture radiation from the sun and convert it into energy that can be used to provide up to 60% of your hot water needs, or to backup your space heating. Collectors are continually exposed to the elements and so are designed to withstand the harshest weather conditions. Specially coated toughened safety glass and a robust, corrosion-resistant fibreglass framework ensures a lightweight collector with high mechanical stability.

Month Energy required Energy requirements met by solar energy Excess solar energy Requirement met by conventional heating

The diagram above shows the energy On-roof installation

provided by a solar collector system in relation to the annual energy demand for DHW heating. Almost 100% of the energy demanded for DHW heating between the months of April and September

In roof installation

can be supplied by a solar heating system. However, a conventional heating system is still required to

Multiple siting possibilities

cover DHW requirements

Collectors can be combined in a variety of configurations to suit the largest of

independently of solar, to ensure hot

installations, either fitted on the roof, in the roof, or mounted on specially angled

water is always available.

frames where flat roof or wall-mounting options are required. All collectors are available in either landscape or portrait orientation to maximise available roof space. The optimum direction for positioning solar panels is south facing, at a pitch of

Fascia installation

between 20-60 degrees above the existing roof. Consideration needs to be given to position of overhanging trees, shady areas, chimney stacks and the general size and shape of the roof. Two types of collector are available from Buderus, the SKN 3.0 Range, and the

Buderus can provide the necessary pumps, controls and accessories to allow up to

SKS 4.0 Range. Both are flat plate systems which provide superior strength,

50 panels to be installed in a single field. It is possible to connect multiple fields

longevity and excellent all-year round efficiency.

using additional pump groups. The overall size of the system will depend on whether the system is only providing hot water, or hot water and space heating support.

Flat roof installation



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SKN 3.0 & SKS 4.0 Overview

Robust design, reliable performance

SKN 3.0 Range

SKS 4.0 Range Collectors in the SKS 4.0 Range use high specification Buderus solar technology to

their heating system with renewable technology. The robust fibreglass collector offers

Features and benefits of SKN 3.0 Range at a glance

maximise the amount of heat captured from the sun, and ensure optimum energy

Features and benefits of SKS 4.0 Range at a glance

outstanding durability and a superb price/performance ratio. Excellent compatibility

• Favourable price performance ratio

yields. A dual meander copper absorber optimises an even heat transfer across the

• High performance flat-plate collector

The SKN 3.0 Range offers both quality and value for investors wishing to upgrade

with existing heating equipment and straightforward rooftop installation saves time and money, and ensures a hassle-free energy saving solution.

• 55mm thick mineral wool insulation • Energy saving manufacturing with

collector, and an inert gas layer prevents contamination from entering the collector. Highly translucent solar safety glass and a tough fibreglass framework, makes the SKS collector chemical, weather, UV and corrosion resistant.

recyclable materials

the glass

robust, highly selective black

• Rapid response from first ray of

chromium coating


• Automotive style hose connection

• Absorber coating permanently


protected against dust, moisture and airborne pollutants

• Flexible hose connection without the need for tools

• Vacuum applied highly selective coating

• Light weight of 42kg

• Ultrasonically welded dual meander

• Solar fluid has long-term stability


and reliability due to refined harp absorber technology

• Rapid stainless steel collector connection without the need

• Panels can be installed either on a

for tools

flat roof, within the roof or Type of installation





Collector area




Net absorber area




Absorber contents




Selectivity Dimensions

Level of absorption



Level of emissions




Weight Efficiency Effective heat transfer coefficient Stagnation temperature Max. operating pressure (test pressure) Max. operating temperature Annual collector yield Solar kite mark granted






W/(m2 · K)



W/(m2 · K2)




• Available in portrait or landscape orientations.

High performance flat-plate collector Type of installation


• A sleek, modern design collector to complement existing architecture






Net absorber area




Absorber contents





Level of absorption



Level of emissions







Collector area



ηο k1

positioned on top of the roof tiles

layer between glass and absorber • No misting on the inside surface of

• Consistently high yield through

Flat-plate collector

• Hermetically sealed with inert gas








Effective heat transfer coefficient


W/(m2 · K)



W/(m2 · K2)



absorber with wrinkle-free surface • Available in portrait or landscape



• Powerful one piece stamped



Stagnation temperature





Max. operating pressure





Max. operating temperature





Annual collector yield



Solar kite mark granted

SKN 3.0 Range flat roof installation kit 8

SKS 4.0 Range in-roof installation 9

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Page 10

Buderus Solar Innovation

Invest in future-proof innovation

If you’re considering making an investment in solar technology you need the

2. Toughened solar safety glass

assurance and confidence that comes from dealing with an experienced supplier. For

1. Fibreglass framework

over 25 years the research, development and quality teams at Buderus have worked

A robust, lightweight fibreglass

A highly controlled manufacturing process ensures a flawless finish and provides

together to create solar products that deliver high quality and dependable

framework is found on all Buderus

translucence of up to 91% (15% more than normal window glass) so a huge amount of

performance over the short, medium and long term. This means sourcing the best

solar collectors. Fibreglass makes the

light can be captured.

components, utilising the latest technology and adopting strict quality procedures.

collector easier to handle during

Toughened 3.2mm self cleaning safety glass minimises accidental installation damage.


installation being up to 30% lighter

3. Inert noble gas

Component guide

than aluminium and can easily

The space between the glass and

1. Fibreglass framework

accommodate any dimensional

absorber is filled with argon, an inert

changes caused by heat expansion

noble gas. A similar concept is used in

and contraction.

both double and triple glazing panes

2. Toughened solar safety glass

and this limits thermal losses from the

3. Inert noble gas (SKS only)

absorber. The non-reactive gas also

4. Hermetically sealed (SKS only)

acts as a barrier, preventing corrosion

5. Comprehensive insulation 6. Dual meander technology (SKS only)

8. Absorber

of the absorber. Only available with

A special vacuum applied highly

SKS 4.0 collectors.

selective PVD coating converts up to

7. Rapid connection system

97% of the absorbed radiation into heat and also helps to minimise heat

8. Absorber.

loss. This high level of absorbency allows the maximum amount of solar energy to be captured and increases overall efficiency. Only available with SKS 4.0 collectors, the SKN 3.0 ‘harp’ absorber is covered with a selective black chrome coating.

7. Rapid connection system Buderus has developed a quick-fit socket connection system to ensure collectors can

4. Hermetically sealed

be quickly and easily linked together without

The SKS collectors have hermetically

the need for tools. A bellowed joint accommodates the slightest expansion.

SKS 3.0 vertical collector

SKS 4.0 vertical collector

sealed edges. This creates an air tight

6. Dual meander technology

5. Comprehensive insulation

space filled with argon to prevent

Two continuous meandering copper pipes

To further reduce heat loss from the

water vapour from entering the

circulate solar fluid through the collector,

absorber, collectors are lined with 55mm

collector. Consequently energy is not

optimising heat transfer even when flow

thick mineral wool and backed with

wasted burning off condensation first

rates are low. When multiple collectors

0.6mm zinc aluminium coated steel.

thing in the morning. In addition,

are connected in series, a dual meander

contaminated air (e.g. urban pollution)

helps to provide an even temperature

cannot settle on either the absorber or

distribution across the field eliminating

the underside of the glass hence

the risk of hot spots. With a parallel

efficiency is maintained throughout

connection pressure losses and hence

the lifetime of the collector. Only

power requirements for ancillary solar

available with SKS 4.0 collectors.

pumps are reduced. Only available with SKS connection shown 10

SKS 4.0 collectors. 11

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Page 12

Solar Controls

Comprehensive energy management

With the Buderus range of solar controls, pump groups and accessories your heating

Our SC controllers are a user friendly range of independent solar controls that

system can operate at maximum efficiency all year round. Servicing, maintenance,

provide comprehensive solar functionality – the perfect solution to complement any

system diagnostics, heat distribution and temperature settings can be quickly and

third party conventional boiler.

easily managed from a single controls platform that communicates with all components in your Buderus heating system.

Screenshot from SC40 Solar DHW and Backup space heating

SC 20 Controller

SC 40 Controller

KS Solar Pumping Station

The SC20 provides control for systems

The SC40 range can control up to 27

The Buderus KS range of solar

with one solar storage cylinder. Collector

individual hydraulic systems, central

pumping stations circulate heated

and cylinder temperatures, pump speed

heating and even swimming pools.

solar fluid from the collector panels

and run hours can all be displayed in

Different areas of the system can be

to the water storage cylinder, and

real-time, using the simple “push & turn”

visualised and monitored on the

optimise the flow rate of each panel.

menu and animated LCD. The unit can

animated graphic display, allowing simple

4 different sizes of pump group are

be wall mounted or integrated into the

calculation of daily heat outputs. The

available so that any size of solar

KS station.

SC40 is also capable of controlling two

system can be catered for. Single

• 3 NTC inputs

collector fields with separate pumps

installations of up to 50 collectors per

All Buderus solar controls (SC20, SC40, SM10 and the FM443 solar module) have

• 1 switched output.

mounted in different directions e.g.

field, with up to 10 collectors per row.

the following functionality to maximise efficiency and performance as standard;

east/west splits.

The KS supports hot water

Pump modulation

• 8 NTC inputs

requirements and central heating

A fully modulating pump will automatically adjust its speed to maintain a constant

• 5 switched outputs

temperature differential between the collector and the solar storage cylinder. For example, the pump speed would be reduced on a cloudy day to enable the circulating solar fluid to absorb the required amount of energy.

Double match-flow An additional sensor located in the centre of the solar stratified DHW cylinder, or in the Buderus Thermal store gives our controls the option to modulate the rate at which heat is harvested from the solar collectors by detecting the rate of hot water/energy usage. This function is particularly useful if there are periods of very high demand for

• RS232 interface.

and is quickly integrated with SC solar controls. • Integral flow meter • Air separator • Gravity brake to prevent night time chilling of storage cylinder • Colour-coded temperature dials • Available with white or blue cover.

DHW and the cylinder is drained quickly. In this situation the control switches to high flow mode to maximise solar gain and to keep the temperature of the reserve region at the top of the cylinder above the level at which the boiler would normally come into operation. This improves solar efficiency and reduces boiler start-ups.



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Page 14

Heating System Integration

Solar Accessories

Heating system integration

Thermal store and filling pump

Combining a Buderus heating system with Buderus solar panels can provide

Buderus has three stratified, highly efficient thermal stores in their PR range: 500

significant efficiency and performance benefits and is the best way to ensure that

litres, 750 litres and 1000 litres. These can be used individually or joined together for

“Specifying Buderus is easy.

your panels and boiler work in harmony, rather than separately.

very large systems. All are available with 80mm thermal insulation as standard to

Products are energy efficient and

keep the heat where it should be. 120mm thick insulation is also available resulting in

have that solid, high quality feel that

extremely low standby losses.

immediately gives you confidence.”

Buderus 4000 series boiler controls can be fitted with the intelligent FM 443 solar module (as shown above) to allow optimum solar and heating functionality. With this


BS01 filling pump

delays the boiler firing for as long as possible by continuously monitoring changes in

The vertical feed tube within the thermal

This portable unit is simply attached to

heat demand. This not only reduces the wear and tear on the heating system, by

store contains many outlets. Heated

the solar pumping station. Not only

reducing burner start ups & by up to 24%, but can also provide an additional 10%

water entering the thermal store rises up

does it fill the solar circuit with the solar

of energy savings.

the special tube until surrounded by

fluid, it can also be used to cleanse the

water of an equal buoyancy, whereupon

pipework and thoroughly flush out any

the water flows through the nearest

debris prior to commissioning. For

outlet into the main body of stored

smaller installations the air separator in

water. Using this natural phenomenon

the pump station prevents the need

helps to reduce turbulence and

for any automatic air vents in the

convection in the store and keeps the

collector field.

fully integrated energy management system the boiler recognises the solar output and

Consistency between the operating systems used by individual components, will allow solar and boiler circuits to continually communicate, working together or independently in order to maximise energy savings and minimise wear and tear. Investing in products from the same source will also simplify the specification process and increase system design options.

various layers of heat stratified. 80mm (or 120mm) insulation prevents heat transfer from the stored water to external surroundings, so the stored water remains hot. Naturally stratifying the thermal store saves energy and optimises running costs.



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Page 16

Commercial Solar Training

Commercial solar training

The emergence of new technologies will inevitably create new challenges for engineers and specifiers of commercial heating systems. Buderus's state of the art commercial heating centres are fully equipped with working models of the very latest high output heating appliances, solar systems and controls to ensure the necessary skills and experience can be developed and applied.

Solar Thermal Hot Water Systems Duration 2 days This course is designed to give an entry level qualification for experienced heating installers and plumbers wishing to broaden their skill level into solar heating. The course is recognised under the Low Carbon Building Programme for accredited installer status. It covers all major indirect system and panel types. As a pre-requisite to attend the course, you should hold a G3 certificate in domestic unvented hot water systems. It is also essential that you hold one ODPM recognised competency in a conventional fuel i.e. gas, oil or solid fuel; or for those in the plumbing field an NVQ level 2 or equivalent plumbing qualification. T Theory and practical assessments included T Generic types of solar systems T Components on a solar system T Installation, commissioning and servicing

Solar Product Course Duration 1 day

Develop your solar skills with us

This course is designed for candidates who have already undertaken an accredited

Our 3rd party accredited, CPD approved commercial solar training courses cover all

generic solar course such as BPEC or LOGIC, and concentrates specifically on the

aspects of solar heating including installation, system design, controls, maintenance

Buderus Solar range (SKS 4.0 and SKN 3.0).

and commissioning for our SKN and SKS collectors. Buderus training centres also include an indoor pitched roof and a working solar system to enable participants to

T The Buderus Solar Package (Collectors, accessories and controls)

get to grips with the practical and theoretical issues related to large-scale commercial

T Installation of panels

solar work.

T System design

Buderus commercial solar courses are available in Worcester, Thurrock and Bradford.

T Buderus solar components

To book your place call our dedicated training hotline on (01905) 753183 or visit the training section on www.buderus.co.uk

T Commissioning T Servicing T Basic fault finding To book your places and find out more details call our Training Hotline on 01905 753183 or visit www.buderus.co.uk/training.



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Page 18

Solar Hydraulics Diagram

Solar hydraulics diagram

Solar parts and accessories


2 7

6 3

1). Collector field 2). KS solar pumping station



3). Twin coiled unvented cylinders 4). Boiler


5). Solar thermal store exchanger 6). Thermal store 7). Space heating backup 9

8). Thermal store bypass DHW

9). Panel radiators 10

The hydraulic diagram above is an example of using solar for both hot water preparation and space heating. If the temperature in the collector field is a few degrees greater than the temperature in the solar storage cylinder, the hot solar fluid is pumped from the collector field (1) through the KS solar pumping station (2) and into the lower coil of a pair of twin coiled unvented cylinders (3). The heat from the solar fluid is then transferred to prepare domestic hot water which can be mixed with mains water to the desired temperature. The upper coils of the cylinders are connected to the boiler (4). When the solar collector field is not hot enough to provide all of the heat for hot water preparation, the boiler can be used traditionally as a backup. Once the DHW cylinders are at temperature, the hot solar fluid is pumped into a heat exchanger (5). The remaining heat is stored (6) and can be drawn off and blended as required to back up the space heating system (7), whether it be conventional panel radiators (9), a mixed underfloor heating circuit (10) or for some other use e.g. swimming pool. With the exceedingly low standby losses of the thermal store this backup heating can be available long after dusk. The continuously moving solar fluid is then pumped back up to the collector field. The solar fluid also contains a blend of antifreeze suitable for a wide range of operating temperatures. As the fluid remains in the system all year round this protects the collectors when temperatures drop below zero. Drain-back systems without anti-freeze can provide an alternative solution, but there is still a risk of freezing if any solar fluid remains in the collector.


Solar Parts and Accessories

10). Mixed underfloor heating circuit

Collectors and connection hoses Description

SKN 3.0

Portrait collector Landscape collector Showroom cutaway Flat roof connection set In-roof hose connection set On-roof hose connection set Series hose connection for multiple rows 22mm connection adaptors Air vent kit

7 747 025 768 8 299 936 0 7 747 025 769 8 299 936 4 7 747 200 002 7 747 200 003 7 747 019 678 7 747 019 682 7 747 019 679 7 747 019 683 7 747 019 680 7 747 019 683 7 747 019 681 7 747 019 684 7 747 020 104 8 307 720 0 8 307 721 0

SKS 4.0

Key components

2 x 90° Connection elbows (15mm termination) 2 x Connection hoses (15mm termination) 2 x Connection hoses (15mm termination) 1 x Connection hose 2 x 22mm Compression adaptors Air vent

Mounting systems Description


Basic set on roof Extension set on roof Auxiliary rail basic set Auxiliary rail extension set Adjustable roof hooks/plain tile Fixed roof brackets, slate/shingle Fixed auxiliary roof brackets, crown tile Roof studs, corrugated/tin roof Flat roof frame basic set Flat roof frame extension set Loading tray set Auxiliary frame support In-roof one collector 1st row In-roof one collector 2nd row In-roof basic set 1st row In-roof extension set 1st row In-roof basic set 2nd row In-roof extension set 2nd row

7 739 300 440 7 739 300 442 7 739 300 441 7 739 300 443 7 739 300 444 7 739 300 446 7 739 300 445 7 739 300 447 7 739 300 436 7 739 300 281 7 739 300 282 7 739 300 439 7 739 300 454 7 739 300 456 7 739 300 455 7 739 300 457 7 739 300 458 N/A 7 739 300 459 7 739 300 460 7 739 300 461 7 739 300 486 7 739 300 462 7 739 300 487 7 739 300 463 7 739 300 488 7 739 300 464 7 739 300 489 7 739 300 465 7 739 300 490 7 739 300 466 7 739 300 491

Supporting Accessories Description

Part Number


Part Number

SC20 Stand alone controller SC40 Stand alone controller Logasol KS0105 standard pump station Logasol KS0110 standard pump station Logasol KS0120 standard pump station Logasol KS0150 standard pump station Solar fluid L, 25L BS01 Automatic filling pump Basic frost protection tester Expansion vessel 18L, 6bar white Expansion vessel 25L, 6bar white Expansion vessel 35L, 6bar white Expansion vessel 35L, 6bar blue Expansion vessel 50L, 6bar blue Expansion vessel 80L, 6bar blue Expansion vessel connection set (AAS) 5L precooling vessel

7 747 019 692 7 747 019 694 7 747 019 688 7 747 019 689 7 747 019 690 7 747 019 691 7 739 300 057 7 747 019 712 8 301 340 0 7 747 202 342 7 747 202 343 7 747 202 344 7 747 202 341 8 043 206 6 8 043 206 8 6 300 389 1 3000 8862

SM10 module FM443 module Logasol KS0105 standard pump station & SC20 Logasol KS0105E pump station for second field Logasol KS0110E pump station for second field Blue cover for KS01XX Solar fluid L, 10L Dirt filter for BS01 Service kit Expansion vessel 100L, 6bar Expansion vessel 140L, 6bar Expansion vessel 200L, 6bar Expansion vessel 250L, 6bar Expansion vessel 300L, 6bar Expansion vessel 400L, 6bar Expansion vessel 500L, 6bar 12L precooling vessel

3000 8448 7 747 300 910 7 747 019 687 7 747 019 685 7 747 019 686 7 747 009 492 7 739 300 058 8 300 734 4 8 300 199 0 8 065 708 0 8 065 708 2 8 065 708 4 8 065 708 6 8 065 708 8 8 065 709 0 8 065 709 2 3000 8863

Thermal Storage Cylinders (direct) Description

80mm insulation

120mm insulation

Logalux PR500 Logalux PR750 Logalux PR1000 Thermal store bypass kit (HZG)

7 747 304 156 7 747 304 159 7 747 304 157 7 747 304 160 7 747 304 158 7 747 304 161 7 747 019 713


Key components Top & lower rails with first/last fixings Top & lower rails with extension fixings Middle rail with first/last fixings Middle rail with extension fixings 4 x adjustable roof hooks 4 x rigid slate/crown tile brackets 4 x auxiliary crown tile brackets 4 x Roof studs with washer kit 2 x  Supports, top & lower rails with first/last fixings 1 x  Support, top & lower rails with extension fixings 4 x Loading trays 1 x  Support Flashing for 1 collector Flashing for 1 additional row (1 collector) Flashing for 2 collectors Flashing for 1 additional collector Flashing for 1 additional row (2 collectors) Flashing for 1 additional collector in additional row


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