Bt Issue13

  • December 2019
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gatwickdiamond issue 13


More Skills = More Work

pg 6. Firm foundations since the 19th Century

The first business magazine at the cutting edge of the Gatwick Diamond

Welcome to the 1st Business Talk Magazine of 20099 ! I’m delighted to report that many businesses in thee Gatwick Diamond are not just holding their own in these challenging times, they also have big and boldd plans to grow in 2009. If you want to see an examplle of this, you can’t do any better than read the article abbout our cover story business, Trade Skills 4U in which Carl arrl the MD shares his positive news from across the gl globe. e. And there’s more! HJP, Independent Financial Adviser vi rs give some excellent advice on where costs can be trimmed and where cost reduction is not always a good idea. As ever, Malcolm Fillmore, our solvency expert has some very timely and useful advice, whils hilst st on the creative side of the business spectrum, rum, Grah Graham Laker of HH Design looks at why marketingg yyour our business is a necessity, not a luxury. And Dale, ale, our web design guru looks at how your website could be b making you more money! I thoroughly recommend that you find out more abo bout out the free Business Link clinics on offer. (more detailils inside) Cutting telephone costs definitely gets myy vote -find out from IP Centrex how you can benefitt from their services. We also have positive words frooom m Jeremy Taylor, Chief Executive of Cadia on the Gatw twick Now initiative and from Steve Sawyer of Crawley Council, on the improvements being made to Manoor Royal. There are wise words from Simon Lee, Directtor toor of building specialists Currie and Brown (establishe hed in 1898) We learn how they are growing despite the current climate. It’s all compelling stuff so make sure u to earmark some quality reading time! Business Talk Magazine is an excellent networking forum, regarded by many readers as a useful resour urce rce for advice and tips plus interesting and helpful elpfu information. Make sure to share your feedback back an andd questions with us. Allison Golding, Editor/Publisher

gatwickdiamond issue 13



Business Talk Magazine Ltd. PO Box 50, Burgess Hill RH159ZJ Tel: 01293 863542 / 07795 511972 Published on behalf of Business Talk Editor: Allison Golding [email protected] Advertising Sales: [email protected] Editorial: Dee Blick, Mary Carmichael, Gus Sylvester [email protected] Photography: Andrea Sarlo [email protected] Design: SGSS Design [email protected]

To find out how you can advertise or feature in Business Talk call: 01293 863542 / 07795 511972 or Email: [email protected] Copyright © BUSINESS TALK 2009. Whilst every reasonable care has been taken to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for inaccuracies, howsoever caused. Opinions expressed in articles are strictly those of the authors. No liability can be accepted for photographs, artwork, illustrations or advertising material while in transmission or with the publisher.


4 6 9 10

More skills = More work

12 13 14

Surviving the recession


Powerful copy makes money!

17 18 19

Going the extra mile


Manor Royal improvements move a step closer

22 23

Free Business Link clinics

24 26

Editor’s Talk

Firm foundations Should I stay or should I go? Talk Back to our panel of experts

Cutting costs in a recession HH Design packs a good punch

Overcoming challenges New Year’s Resolution: Cut costs and improve service

You cannot afford a square peg

Gatwick Now!

“The Gatwick Diamond region is really thriving and we all have a part to play in helping the area to continue to grow. It is vital that, as business owners and managers we keep up to date and have a forum to express our opinionsBusiness Talk Magazine does just that. Keep up the good work!”

Jeremy Taylor, Chief Executive of Cadia “Our reason for advertising was to make businesses within the Gatwick Diamond Area aware of the services we can provide. We received an immediate response from the people we were trying to reach, and will be using the magazine again as a tool to promote other areas of our business. Alison Golding and her team have provided a first class service from start to finish and she gone out of her way to offer further advice and guidance.”

Lloyd Foreman, Lawson Maclaine Ltd.


business talk

More Skills = More Work Economic doom and gloom. A dip in the housing market. That’s surely bad news for a training organisation focusing on trade skills? Not a bit of it, says Carl Bennett, founder of Crawley-based Trade Skills 4 U. “Gaining more skills means you are able to offer customers a better service and you have a more professional approach,” says Carl Bennett, the former Met marksman who, founded Trade Skills 4 U in 2005, after recovering from a brain tumour. “Ultimately what it comes down to is – you get more skills, you offer more services, you get more work.”

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It is an approach that seems to be ringing bells with his clientele. Turnover in October 2008 for example, was double that of the same month last year. “The credit crunch really hasn’t had much of an effect on the number of people applying,” he says. “Training in this area seems to boom in a recession. That’s partly because tradesmen recognise the need to multi-skill to ensure survival and companies want to ensure they can provide a better service. “Also, although new building projects have slowed, there is still more work in extending and renovating. Anyway, whatever recession we have isn’t going to last forever and they want to be ready for the inevitable demand when it does end.” Trade Skills 4 U’s bedrock is construction and electrics, with applications coming from young people just starting out and people who want to switch to a new career or to work for themselves, as well as ex professional footballers or armed service personnel who are re-training for a life in civvy street. And there are always existing tradesmen who want to gain extra skills. “Many tradesmen are not really multi-skilled but they’ll have a go,” says Carl. “In the current climate, they need to be able to offer a whole range of skills to ensure they can offer a really professional comprehensive service.”

However, a substantial part of the organisation’s clientele comes from corporate clients, either companies where staff need to know a bit about a lot, or those who want to add new skills to their staff’s repertoire. It trains staff of hardware superstore B&Q for example, to ensure they can offer the best advice to customers, and Bennett says the company reports a 17% increase in sales in these stores.

Carl Bennett

business talk

The corporate area is one that Carl is keen to grow, and he stresses that every course can be customised to suit a company’s ny’s specific requirements.

He is also broadening horizons and is expanding into

‘green areas’ next spring, with wind turbine and

solar panel installation. “I’ve been negotiating with

NICEEIC, the training body for electrical training,”

explains Bennett. “At the moment this area is

unregulated and people are winging it – putting

wind turbines in positions where there is no wind,

for example. These are getting more popular though,

and once regulations do come in, those who can

prove they know what they are doing are going to be

ahead of the game.”

He is also introducing Train the Trainer courses,

relevant to any type of business and carrying the

Trade Skills 4 U hallmark of tailored intensive learning

to a recognised qualification at a time to suit. In the

future, this might be extended to provide training in

general business and business communication skills.

We run the City & Guilds 7300 trainer qualification

as well as A1 & V1 training, these skills are useful for

any organisation that runs in house training or gives

presentations to outside clients.

However, these are not the limits of Carl’s

ambitions. He is also looking to take his pioneering

business model to the other side of the world, with

negotiations underway in Sydney, Australia. The first

Reasons to be training Individuals • • • • •

It also trains maintenance staff of the Royal Free Hospital, ROK, BAA, and Harrods to name a few, to equip them with extra skills, as well as the employees of many established building companies.


To launch first career To switch to new career To be equipped to start own business To gain or update a qualification to prove skills To add extra skills to repertoire


phase will be helping tradespeople who plan to emigrate to Oz to convert their UK qualifications into the Australian equivalents, but future plans could also involve franchising the business model in the Antipodes. “It is an exciting opportunity,” says Carl. “There is definitely a gap in the market there and I like a challenge.”

• To give staff better general understanding, which can improve staff retention, as well as the quality and variety of services you can offer • To get staff qualifications updated – so you can provide high quality services that clients will pay for • To multi-skill existing staff – which helps you keep staff overheads under control • Trainer and presentation skills and qualifications for company in house training.

For more information on the courses contact Carl and his team on the details below: T: 01293 529777 E: [email protected] W: www.


business talk

Currie & Brown, one of the world’s leading construction consultancies, could be described as one of the industry’s best kept secrets. While clients and architects scoop up awards for inspirational building design, Currie & Brown, the project and cost managers delivering these projects on budget and on time, are rarely in the limelight. But Simon Lee, Director and Group’s Head of Cost Management, based at new offices in Haywards Heath, explains why they’re happy with their crucial role behind the scenes: “Our job is to ensure the smooth delivery of projects for our clients. Broadly speaking, our role is two-fold: to deliver cost savings and value through prudent control and to ensure co-operation between the variety of players inevitably involved.”

Firm foundations

Keeping projects on track takes skill. And Currie & Brown have this in spades. Established for over 100 years, this management-owned business draws on impressive experience. With engineering roots, the firm have specialised in construction consultancy. They have interests in every continent, employ 1,000 people worldwide and can name the BBC, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and BT among its impressive client list. They are built on firm foundations, just like the projects they consult on. Clients appreciate their construction expertise and proven ability to deliver from concept through construction, operation, management and maintenance, and even demolition. Appointing professional help with pioneering new techniques brings benefits. But for some, that realisation comes after a difficult experience. Marcus Lyon, Director and Head of South East Project Management, explains:

business talk


“We have had situations where clients have tried to project manage their own developments. Budgets often go awry and they can be saddled with a contentious venture. Recently, we helped realign a project which had gone almost £2million over budget. “Working within existing planning constraints, we spearheaded changes to the design, ensured that the building had all its intended functionality and brought it back on budget.” Little wonder then that the team have an enviable record in securing repeat business. Existing clients account for approximately 75% of contracts; testament to the fact that Currie & Brown build relationships that last. Simon Lee adds: “Looking after our customers is paramount; they come first. We’re interested in their business objectives and passionate about delivering projects that reflect their needs, within budget and time constraints. I think we’re respected because we give honest advice, administer sensible controls and ensure that clients and contractors agree on and remain committed to shared goals. “We recruit talented, resourceful individuals and develop their potential. We find that good communication and an open approach to staff management encourages loyalty along with the right can-do attitude. We’re lucky to have an experienced, dynamic and enthusiastic team in Haywards Heath, with around half the workforce having been at Currie & Brown for over ten years.”

Iain Stevenson, Director, Simon Lee, Director, Marcus Lyon, Divisional Director

Camaraderie was certainly to the fore during the recent office move. Having outgrown their Crawley offices, they considered their relocation carefully.

“Naturally, our team handled the move with ease. We’ve gained nearly 2,000 square feet with vastly superior workspace and meeting facilities. We’ve also incorporated a dedicated staff dining/social area in response to their feedback.” With good links to London and the South Coast, the new location fits with their commitment to utilise public transport and the extra space means that growth is the goal. Looking to the future, Simon Lee concludes: “It would be foolish – disingenuous even – to ignore the current economic climate. But it does present opportunities. Helping our clients protect their assets is essential. Clients will need to run a leaner, meaner operation so our expertise in helping them manage

their property portfolios more economically has never been more vital.” The next year looks set to be busy as they oversee major investments in student accommodation and academic buildings at the University of Sussex and numerous other high profile projects for education, health, commercial and local government clients. With a solid strategic plan, a strong position in the marketplace and their involvement with clients committed to continued investment, Currie & Brown have every reason to be confident. “We’ll continue to invest in our most important asset – our people,” confirms Lee. With his robust leadership at the helm, it’s clear that this company will continue to build on its firm foundations.

For more information contact: Simon Lee, Director T: 01444 448400 E: [email protected] W: Currie & Brown 6 Heath Square, Boltro Road Haywards Heath West Sussex RH16 1BL

When you want to capture the real spirit of your people… When you need images that bring your brand to life… When you want to communicate with more than just words… Te l : 0 1 4 0 3 2 6 7 6 6 0 ‘We are delighted with the images, and the professional and creative way in which they each communicate our brand and our capabilities’ Ryan Walker, M.D. Techmobility

Contact Andrea Sarlo and visit for inspiration Stunning professional photography… …without a hefty price tag!

business talk


Should I Stay or Should I go? If you’re looking at your current office space and wondering how you can fit in more people or perhaps add another meeting room or staff breakout area, you could arrive at the conclusion that moving is your only option. It’s not. There could be a better and more cost-effective alternative, one that means you can stay put and still accommodate new people or those additional rooms. David Webb of Trevor Blake Ltd, the space planning and refurbishment specialists, reveals more. “Despite the current economic climate, many businesses in the Gatwick Diamond are thriving and growing, and when their lease comes up for renewal, they can often make the decision to move premises to allow for this growth. However, it’s a decision that can cost thousands of pounds if their lease stipulates that the current building needs to be restored to its original state. The landlord’s surveyors will perform a dilapidation report which will outline all the changes that the tenant is required to make. It doesn’t matter whether the building is in tip-top condition or not. The bottom line is that the bill for making these changes can easily run into five figures or more.”

important that the Telesales Team stayed together as a unit and were not spread across various floors. We visited the site and walked the floor, looking at where space savings could be made without compromising on either health and safety legislation or the comfort of the existing telesales team. Naturally when doing this, we also review the existing welfare facilities, the impact of Disability Discrimination Act regulations and of course consider fire regulations. It is never, ever a matter of simply shoehorning more people into an existing space.”

1230 1

So, what was the outcome for Titan Travel? “Through a process of careful and precise space planning, we found more than enough space to accommodate the additional staff. As you can imagine, our client was delighted and the existing team didn’t have to sacrifice any personal space. Our client achieved their goal at a fraction of the cost of having to finding additional space and without major disruption to their business.”

Another client benefited from Trevor Blake’s space planning experience and flair by sub-letting one of their floors. “Our client was occupying three floors when really the entire team could be comfortably accommodated in just two”, says David. “That’s the beauty of space planning at this level. You’re not only adding value to a client’s business, you’re also saving them money – something that is always welcome.”

Should I Stay or Should I Go? So, whether you are thinking of staying in your existing premises and would like to make some changes, or are considering moving in order to expand, talk to Trevor Blake Ltd before you make any decisions. When it comes to achieving marvels with your space, they are the magicians!








So, if moving is an expensive

exercise, how can Trevor Blake Ltd help?




David points out that restoring the building to its original state means just that – removing any partitions or walls and dismantling any changes, large or small. There are also the other costs of moving to consider too. “When you add up the physical cost of moving, plus the IT and telephony bill and the changes to your marketing material, you can end up with a hefty bill.”





For more information:



The answer lies in having your existing space evaluated before making the decision to take on more space or up sticks and move. Trevor Blake Ltd will analyse your current space and identify creative and inspiring solutions to your challenges. Gatwick diamond-based Titan Travel came to Trevor Blake Ltd for this purpose and the results were astonishing. David takes up the story. “Titan Travel were looking to expand their telesales team, but within the current floor space it just didn’t seem feasible. It was

For a free initial consultation please call David Webb at Trevor Blake Ltd 01293 775509 or email [email protected]

talk back


TALK BACK No matter what business you are in or how it is faring in the current economic crisis, there will be times when you don’t have all the answers. This is your chance to ask our experts the questions that are bugging you. And fear not, Business Talk has many impressive business brains to pick. So ask away.

Alex Steele Recruiting


I am the MD of a small business and I need to make a key hire that could make a huge difference to our company. I want to outsource the process to professionals, just as I do for my accounting and legal requirements. I am aware of the traditional recruitment services out there but I think I need something a bit more specialist. How do I decide which company to use?


There are a number of services available in the recruitment market with agencies supplying CV’s with a fee being paid only when an individual is hired. The Agency method is low risk financially but can be challenged by the real possibility of time and effort wasted in wading through inappropriate CV’s received, as you have no guarantee that candidates will be screened properly. One alternative, not generally considered by smaller businesses is a retained service or method known as Search. Contrary to the general view, this is not exclusively for large budget businesses. Smaller businesses can be deterred from considering Search services by the misconception that a retained Search is an expensive alternative to the success based process. It is not the case and the smaller business decision maker may take the view that the cost is justified for the tailor made service received in return.

I would advise you to judge tenders and pitches on the following criteria: 1. Insist on meeting all those likely to be involved in the conduct of the assignment. Would you be inspired to join your business if you met these people? 2. Feel confident that these individuals would add value to the process. Do they have a feel and understanding of your business? Do they share the passion? Can they sell it? 3. Feel comfortable that you could work with the Lead Consultant and that you are prepared to be guided by them. Be flexible and open to new ideas, but you are buying their expertise, so make it work for you. 4. Ensure that all Candidates, particularly those who are unsuccessful, will be treated professionally and courteously as the recruitment process (particularly Search), is a PR/Marketing opportunity. 5. Read the Terms of Business and proposal document carefully and query any issues that are not clear. 6. The relationship between you and your recruiter should be a mutually beneficial business partnership, with both parties concerned equally with the hiring of the best candidate available, but also enhancing your reputation and standing in your marketplace.

T: 01798 815996 E: [email protected] W:

Alex Steele


Malcolm Fillmore Insolvency


We import designer light fittings which we sell direct to retailers. Whilst trade is a bit down, what worries me is if one of our major customers goes bust. Any hints and tips?


A year ago, credit insurance would have been your best answer but we are seeing a rapid restriction in availability of such policies, given the vulnerability of the retail trade. While still an option, you will pay more than previously and be told that some of your customers are uninsurable. But in these difficult times you do not want to turn sales away so there are other things you can do. One is to sell under retention of title (RoT) terms. But beware – these are by no means foolproof and insolvency practitioners (IPs) are skilled at negating them! There are golden rules and the first is to have clear evidence in writing that your customer accepts that title only passes when they pay. The next trick is to ensure that each delivery you make can be specifically identified to an unpaid invoice. If you regularly supply the same type of product, the IP will ask you to prove that each item remaining is actually one not paid for as opposed to one supplied earlier. Do not get your solicitor to draft complex clauses in your trading terms which may not mirror what happens in practice. We see terms which seek to prevent a retail customer from on-selling goods or a requirement that if sold, the money is kept physically separate (try telling that to your cashier!). If you seek to impose terms which require a customer to act in a way that he cannot, that alone may negate the contract. The best RoT terms are usually the simplest – “title to goods supplied does not pass until they are paid for” – but make sure it is stated on all contract documents, especially order forms. If your customer does go bust on you, be quick and be persistent. Demand a right to count and identify your stock and provide the IP with supporting documents. And then chase him up – many RoT claims fall by

talk back

Malcolm Fillmore i

Paula Tomlinson

Belinda i Gannaway




the wayside because the supplier does not pursue them. Once an IP has accepted your claim, if he is trading on or selling the business, it is likely you can persuade him to pay in full rather than return the goods. That’s better for you, since you do not really want the stock back!

T: 01293 410333 E:[email protected] W:

Paula Tomlinson Accounting

• Moveable partitions • Battery chargers and generators For example, an office or warehouse refurbishment may be more affordable than you think and be a good bridge before committing to larger premises. Other existing favourable capital spend allowances include 100% relief for environmentally friendly fixtures such as certain electrical systems. Or 100% relief to renovate a flat above, say, a shop. This may have the added advantage of improving your

rental income.

If you are struggling to persuade your bank to lend

you money, explaining the tax rebates and beneficial

cashflow may help to receive their approval.

Your capital spend decision should be made after

checking your existing/potential trading losses and

capital allowances and your personal allowance

position, because the timing of expenditure is crucial

to maximising the tax benefit to your business.

you want to say it and how. PR, on the other hand, is all about providing genuine ‘news’ to journalists who then create stories for their readers. You have less control, but it does offer a different range of advantages. Ultimately, though, the two work well together.

T: 01444 882677 E: [email protected] W:

There are lots of websites that will give you a beginner’s guide to writing a news release. But the key is to keep it brief, address all of the main points at the beginning, provide contact details and make it factual. Remember, you are not selling, you are telling a story.


In this challenging economic climate, will tax incentives help me invest in new machinery and other assets used in my small business?


An improved tax allowance which may help you continue with your investment plans during this difficult period has recently been introduced. From last April 2008, expenditure up to £50,000 over 12 months receives 100% tax relief. For a small limited company this is an immediate tax saving up to £10,500 (or 21%) and for a higher rate sole trader/ partner up to £20,000 (or 40%). If your expenditure exceeds £50,000 it may still be possible to receive 100% relief for the entire amount by delaying some expenditure so it is incurred over two or more 12 month periods. For a sole trader/partner the resulting lower profits may increase your child tax credit claim providing you with a further benefit. Eligible expenditure includes: • Machinery • Computers • Furniture • Heating and air conditioning


Belinda Gannaway Marketing

So, how do you get the press interested? Assuming you know who you are targeting – it could be potential recruits or investors as well as prospective clients – identify the papers, magazines and radio and TV stations that reach them. Reading those titles will give you an idea as to the sort of stories they cover, what days they cover them and who writes them. If you’re still happy you have something they would be interested in – journalists hate timewasters – you can try one of two approaches. Most local journalists would welcome a phone call with something that is well thought out, timely and of genuine interest to their readers. However, many busy hacks will also want a press release setting out the key facts.

Get it right first time – and that includes avoiding grammatical and spelling errors – and journalists will be more interested in your future stories.


My business has lots of good things going on that I think the press would be interested in. How should I approach them?


Journalists are always looking for stories. Understanding that you have ‘news’ to share is the first step in gaining a media profile. However, you should also understand that advertising and PR are not the same thing. By paying for your media slot – or advertising - you get to choose your message word for word, when

T: 01273 551448 E: [email protected] W:


financial talk

Surviving the recession Here are ten critical steps to ensure your business rides the storm, from Atherton Bailey partner Malcolm Fillmore. 1. Make cash king You have heard it before, but it bears repeating – in times of trouble, cash is king. Businesses do not go bust simply because they run out of profits. They go bust when they run out of cash. Make your mantra: “Cash, cash, cash.” 2. Spot trouble ahead If you credit insure or factor your debts, heed limits or restrictions against your customers. You may think you know your customers, but insurers have better information and cover is never withdrawn without good reason. 3. Stick to what you do best In good times, you invested in expansion and diversification. Now is the time to go back to basics and focus on your core business. Concentrate on what you are really good at and chop or mothball the bits that are not working or taking up disproportionate time. 4. Make tough decisions The biggest overhead is staff and you need to face up to hard decisions sooner rather than later. Pruning can make the rest of the plant grow stronger. So make redundancies in a single hit and discuss your survival strategy with survivors to motivate them to work towards it. 5. Get advice Lock yourself away for the weekend to write or re­ write your business plan and cashflow for the next 18 months. Ask your accountant for advice. If they do not offer business advice, get a new accountant or talk to an insolvency practitioner specialising in business rescue. 6. Negotiate with your landlord Ask for a rent holiday from your landlord. There are lots of empty properties out there and landlords would rather receive something at some point than be faced with an empty unit. 7. Talk to the taxman The Government got us into this mess and Gordon Brown says he is doing everything he can to alleviate the problems, so take advantage of any tax deferral initiatives.

Malcolm Fillmore, partner, Atherton Bailey

The economic climate is the worst for decades. But the vast majority of businesses survive downturns while the best take advantage of the upturn when it comes. So while 2009 will be pretty bloody, it will not be terminal. The economy will recover – probably as early as the spring of 2010 – with a new government, banks lending again and renewed house building all restoring confidence.

8. Get customers on side Talk to your major customers about improving payment terms. They buy from you because they need your goods and services – they want you to survive. 9. Keep it real Ensure you have a business you believe in and that is demonstrably viable and fit for purpose when the upswing comes. Even if 2009 profits are nil, focus on the near horizon and carry out periodic sanity checks to ensure the light at the end of the tunnel is not the express train heading your way. 10. Keep the faith Above all, have confidence in your survival. When you manage the downturn and competitors don’t, there will be more opportunities when the market recovers. But make sure this confidence is supported by a real plan, not blind faith. Atherton Bailey is an insolvency practice with offices across the southeast. Find out more at

financial talk


Cutting Costs in a Recession However well your business is doing, 2009 is going to be a difficult year. You have projected your income figures as well as you can and with the help of the bank overdraft you can just scrape through. But then there is the “what ifs”. • What if the bank changes its mind? • What if your sales or income projections are not on target? • What if one of your main customers collapses or goes elsewhere? • What if you are not paid on time? • What if? … What if? … What if? …

reduced cost by shopping around. You can of course go to the internet and get prices. Often on the face of it you can get a cheaper deal but, will the cover be the same or reduced in some way. As Independent Financial Advisers we have sophisticated research tools that identify where the best deals are to be found. Also we are sometimes able to negotiate a special deal with an insurer and we have access to markets not normally available via the internet.

Richard Phillips, Managing Director

It’s January and time to agree this year’s budget, forecasts and cash-flow figures.

So, before you remove these benefits, contact us and we will review what you have and, if appropriate, get new figures for you. If we can’t come up with a better deal then you will know that you have the best deal around.

Employee Protection Schemes

It’s going to be tight, but to be certain of getting through the year you feel that you have to cut some of the fixed overheads.

• Group Life Assurance Group life assurance insures a multiple of the earnings of individual employees which may be paid as a tax-free lump sum to a spouse, partner or dependants The employer pays the premiums and the cost is normally treated as a trading expense.

Rent, staff, salaries and tax are set in stone. You could shop around to see if there are savings to be made in heating, lighting and telephone costs. Expenses and entertaining have already been cut, no new cars in 2009 so what’s left?

• Group Income Protection Provides a regular payment to the Company that allows the employer to continue to provide a significant proportion of salary therefore supporting the member of staff throughout a long-term accident or illness. As with Group Life Assurance the employer pays the premiums and the cost is normally treated as a trading expense

The staff benefits package-that’s easy to cut, we will just cancel the policies and stop making contributions to the pension scheme…the staff will understand. NO THEY WON’T. The benefits are part of their salary package and they won’t be happy.

• Group Private Medical Assurance Providing staff with speedy access to quality medical treatment can often help employees get back to work in the shortest possible time. Also many policies concentrate on prevention rather than cure which has to be of benefit to both employer and employee. Schemes on a group basis can be as small as 3 members (employees) to take advantage of the much lower premiums for groups rather than individuals. Members’ spouses, partners or children can be included but this will inevitably increase the premium.

You put these schemes in place because it was the right thing to do. These benefits help ensure the health and well-being of employees. They not only contribute to their individual welfare but can also more importantly maintain employee morale and productivity. The provision of benefits like private medical insurance and death in service cover are now viewed as an important part of an employee’s benefits package. When purchased on a group basis these schemes are often much cheaper than when bought individually and are often viewed by employees as having a greater value than the actual cost. Cutting or reducing these benefits in times of recession is not the best option, but like utilities, it may be possible to buy the same cover at much

• Group Critical Illness Insurance Provides a lump sum to employees or their families to help with the financial impact of a defined critical illness. The benefit can then be used by the employee as they see fit, for example to pay for house alterations or to employ help within the home. If you are facing difficult decisions in 2009 regarding your insurances, or just wish to review your financial affairs, call Miren O’Brien on 01306 742200 or email [email protected] HJP Independent Financial Advisers Linden House, 176-180 South Street Dorking, Surrey, RH4 2ES Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority

The contents of this article should not be taken as personal advice and you should contact us for specific advice, taking into consideration your own personal circumstances should you believe this to be necessary.


marketing talk

Stand &


How HH Design create marketing

communications that pack a punch!

Graham Laker, Managing Director of HH Design, is animated when asked to comment on the part that design has to play in driving sales in the current economic climate. “Regardless of the marketing tools a business is using to promote their brand – mailers, brochures, newsletters or websites – good design must define their compelling messages and grab attention. Now is not the time for a business to cut back on marketing and design in the hope that the resulting short-term financial gain won’t also result in a long-term drop in sales. Now is the time for a business to perform a ‘warts and all’ audit of their marketing collateral, starting with their logo, strap line and images. There has never been a better reason to evaluate whether their marketing toolkit is still appropriate or if it has seen better days.”

marketing talk

Rewind to move forwards… Let’s consider the following scenario, one that most businesses and indeed most design agencies are familiar with – a potential client approaches the agency and requests a quote for the design of a newsletter or glossy brochure. The quote is accepted and the agency produces what the client has asked for. But is it what the client actually needs? For Graham, the answer lies in rewinding back to the beginning. “In most cases when a client approaches HH Design with a brief to design a marketing communication, rather than just heading straight for the drawing pad and mood boards, we spend time looking at why our client wants that marketing communication. Who will be receiving it? What are their competitors doing that is similar or different? What measurable outcomes are they looking for from this particular communication? It may only take half an hour of lively debate, but it’s time well spent and results in a marketing communication that looks fantastic and that leads to sales. In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever to adopt this outcome based approach to design.”

A case in point… By anyone’s definition, PDF software is not the sexiest product in the world, but there is an ongoing demand and many businesses offer it. This can lead to a ‘lowest price wins’ battlefield, something that one business wanted to avoid when they approached HH Design with a brief to design their PDF point of sale packaging. Says Graham, “We started by looking at what their competitors were offering, reviewing their packaging, imagery, design and of course, their price. Most products looked the same, with price being the only differentiator. Working closely with our client, we developed point of sale packaging that seems to jump off the shelf, is very pleasing on the eye and that shouts that inside the stunning box is a premium product. Design has given this product a real stand-out cutting edge and our client is thrilled with the look and the resulting sales.”

Fancy a complimentary 60 minute design health check? With a free design health check with Graham Laker you will benefit from marketing and design tips and advice that could make a huge difference to your future sales. There are no strings attached. If you are looking to take stock of your corporate identity and marketing communications, this could be a fantastic kick start to 2009. It’s a genuine offer, open to the first 24 Business Talk readers to contact HH Design.

HH Design, Unit 2a, Kelvin Business Centre Kelvin Way, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex RH10 9SF

If you want your marketing communications to pack a punch this is the place to start!

Tel.01293 536362 Fax.01293 536364 [email protected]



marketing talk

Powerful Copy Makes Money!

If you’re thinking about promoting your business in Business Talk Magazine, then let me help you with a few golden copywriting rules.

Tip 1 Tell a story – don’t ‘hard sell’. The most successful articles invite the reader into their world by engaging them with a genuine story that has a beginning, middle and end. Before you put pen to paper, I want you to imagine that you are physically in front of the reader and that you have just five minutes to talk to them about your business. After 4 minutes and 59 seconds, they must be champing at the bit to do business with you! Now, I want you to write down the transcript of those five minutes, because it will help you to structure your article so that you only focus on what is really essential to communicate.

Tip 2 Start at the beginning!

Dee Blick, Chartered Marketer

Your opening paragraph is like the first few lines of your networking presentation. You want people to be riveted, not bored! My two golden rules are to communicate simply and persuasively what your business does within the opening paragraph and then reinforce this by communicating your passion and enthusiasm for what you do.

Tip 3 Focus on communicating three compelling benefits that readers will enjoy. Don’t just say, “Our service is second to none”… and leave it at that. Tell readers exactly why your service is great – is it because your staff benefit from the best training in your industry, because you use the latest equipment or technology that is available? People are moved by genuine benefits that they can easily identify with, so qualify any statements that you make about your greatness!

Tip 5 Is there a wow that you can bring into the article? What have you done recently where a customer was delighted? Did you meet an impossible deadline, or increase your customer’s profitability with your service? Build these positive moments of truth into your copy but make sure that you get permission from your customers beforehand.

Tip 6 Set time aside! Copywriting miracles don’t happen in minutes. It has taken me 23 years to be able to write copy effortlessly, but even so I still spend on average 3-4 hours writing a 600-word article. Here is a 6 step process that will help you to write your next great article • Scope out your ideas in rough (flip chart paper and pens are great for this) • Scope out the framework of your article, incorporating these ideas • Write a first draft in rough – challenge yourself! Will this content really motivate a prospective customer to act? Does it pass the five-minute test? • Type it up • Play around with various words, phrases and the punctuation until you are happy that this article represents your very best efforts • Show the article to one or two people that you respect and ask for their honest feedback on the layout, spelling, punctuation and actual content. Be prepared to make a few final changes

Tip 4 Think about the format of your article.

It takes time and patience to produce an article where the words really dance off the page and there is a sparkle and energy that captivates readers. But, the results are definitely worth the effort. If you would like to find out more about my copywriting services and the range of clients that I write copy for, then please contact me.

If you produce one great big chunk of text, then you run the risk of making your article appear tedious even if the content is first rate. An interview is a great format, as are top tips (you are still reading this article now so it is working!) If you want to write an article, then make sure that you break up the text with quotes from customers to enliven it and make it accessible.

Tel: 07845 439332 Email: [email protected]

marketing talk


Going the extra mile

How far would you go for your customers? Recently, the team at Solus Marketing clocked up 4000 miles on a roadshow for their clients Punch Taverns. Our reporter, Gus Sylvester, catches up with them on their return to their Horsham-based offices.

When Punch Taverns, the UK’s leading pub company with over 8,400 pubs nationwide, added Solus Marketing & RJ Osborne to their list of approved suppliers, the merchandising experts were delighted. Solus owner Gavin Weekes knew that he was prepared to go the extra mile for the company.

fairly complex bespoke system with ease. Landlords can order at the roadshow, online or by telephone and their supplies are designed, produced and dispatched in a matter of days.” Equally, when a corporate customer needs volume, the alliance works well.

And indeed, he did. The forward-thinking pub owning company operates a roadshow offering landlords the chance to meet up with suppliers and place orders. So, Gavin and the team packed their stand, clothing samples and stamina for 12 events across the country.

“Working together with RJ Osborne on joint ventures has meant that our customers can take advantage of our impressive fulfilment capacity. We’re currently holding 12,000 items, but could easily increase this to meet demand.”

Starting in Murrayfield in Edinburgh and ending in Wembley Stadium, the roadshows attracted

Often, orders requiring volume also require exacting standards. And again, Solus & RJ Osborne have risen to the challenge. “We love working closely with procurement teams, developing strong, recognisable brands. Our customers rely on us to adhere to strict identity guidelines and provide them with consistent design, high-quality materials and a reliable source of stock. These people are the brand champions for their companies. Simply put, our job is to make them look good. By using us they can guarantee that they’ll always have access to well-made merchandise at great prices. And because our industry is entirely deadline-driven, we can handle tight turnaround times. It’s why we’re the trusted supplier for so many household names”

Peter Osborne and Gavin Weekes

Looking at their portfolio, it includes many of the world’s biggest drinks and hospitality brands – among them Budweiser, Bacardi, Southern Comfort and Jack Daniels. Gavin adds: “It’s no secret that the drinks industry is great fun to work with, in fact, this recent roadshow attracted drinks companies and catering firms all keen to supply the Punch Taverns group. Naturally, they’re just as keen to promote their own businesses so we ended up taking orders from our fellow exhibitors too.”

thousands of landlords keen to secure their uniform for the next season.

It turns out that going the extra mile is extremely worthwhile.

“The pub trade needs hard-wearing uniforms. We supply workwear that is easy to launder and maintain. It has to keep its shape and look good whatever is thrown at it! We only use the best materials so that staff can look presentable with the minimum of effort.”

If you would like more information on how this solution could work for your company contact us on:

Solus & RJ Osborne designed stylish uniform to fit the bill. At Punch Taverns, the individual character of each pub is important, so when landlords wanted tweaks to the designs, this didn’t pose a problem. “We’re lucky as one of the benefits of our strategic partnership with RJ Osborne is that we can manage a

Website: Email: enquiries Telephone: 01403 754915


tech talk

Overcoming challenges

Dale Bulbrook

Dale Bulbrook spearheads the team at Webdesigns. In an extremely competitive field, they keep winning new and interesting contracts. Gus Sylvester talks to him about the secret of their success.

As you might imagine, Webdesigns design websites. But in truth, they consult on every aspect of web strategy. With over 34 years combined experience and a can-do attitude, it’s clear why so many companies trust them with their all-important Internet presence. Bulbrook explains: “There’s no doubt that our experience helps. We grasp what our clients need quickly and can deliver a robust, attractive and user-friendly solution. We love working on new projects and nothing thrills us more than a client with a challenge.” Take for example, Dedicated to the deaf community, the visionaries behind this website wanted to fully integrate a social networking element together with an online shop and extensive video clip resources. With over four million people who are hard of hearing in the UK alone, the website also had to be scalable, enabling it to grow with its user base. Webdesigns worked hard on the design, ensuring that the visual aspect was compelling and communicated persuasively. With sections on health, family, business, technology, sport and music – the appeal is broad. And with engaging life skills videos in sign language on subjects including driving, career development and travel, its content is informative and empowering. Basic content is free and there is

a nominal subscription, allowing members access to further resources. Susie Grant from www.mydeaflife. com reflects on how Webdesigns helped their vision become reality:

“Working to a challenging deadline, Webdesigns overcame the hurdles the project presented and we’re delighted with the end result. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.”

“We knew that we needed a complex mix. Webdesigns demystified the process and solved every challenge we threw at them. Their commitment to the project exceeded our expectations and they were professional and approachable throughout.”

For new websites, CMS enquiries or a free minievaluation of your existing website, just call 01342 315685 or visit The team at Webdesigns will give you honest, objective, no-obligation feedback. Guaranteed.

The team at approached Webdesigns with a different challenge. As an established merchandise distributor to the airline industry, they needed a website to showcase over 1500 products. It had to be easy to update and maintain; flawless for a crucial industry exhibition in Cannes and ready in less than four weeks - a tall order by any standards. Webdesigns jumped at the chance to show their mastery of database-driven solutions. Overcoming the incompatibility issues that the existing database had, Webdesigns created a solution that allowed users to navigate through clear categories and provided their client with automated content updates. Unfazed by the tight turnaround time, they were able to deliver the site on time and on budget. Richard Walford, Design and Marketing Manager at Scorpio Distribution concludes:

Education panel Five steps to website success Whether you’re considering a new website or some timely tweaks… 1. Plan Be clear about your needs. An experienced developer will grasp the model quickly and shortcut to the best solution for you. 2. Prepare Examine websites you like; what appeals to you? Check out the competition; how could you do better? Study web design portfolios. 3. Pep up New content is essential, giving customers reasons to return. Online shops must update stock availability and promotion information. For ease of updates, look into content management systems like White Dragon CMS. 4. Prioritise Failing to have an internet presence has proved costly for many businesses. Ensure you allocate time and money to finding a scalable, workable solution. 5. Perfect Things change: your products; your customers; your vision. Get feedback from your customers and seek out expert evaluation. Attracting more visitors and converting customers is often easier to achieve than you think.

tech talk


New Year’s resolution: cut costs and improve service

Tougher times call for decisive action. Gus Sylvester talks to James Bulman, our telecommunications expert, to find out what you can do to cut costs without damaging your business. January is traditionally a time for reflection, resolutions and doing our best to tighten belts. We need to apply these principles to our businesses. To survive this challenging economic climate, identify cost savings that do not run the risk of losing disenchanted customers. The new frugality should be welcomed as a momentous opportunity to make clever, tactical changes. Review your telecommunications strategy; you can cut costs while improving service and reliability, giving you a vital competitive edge. “You can cut your telecommunications costs by 100%, of course,” quips Bulman, “by ripping out the entire system and not placing another call, but that would be commercial suicide. Telecommunications are the life-blood of any company. So companies have to pick a system that is robust, reliable and cost-efficient if they want to remain responsive.”

Significant savings He continues, “While I can’t achieve 100% savings, we have saved one of our clients almost £10,000 per year in line rental alone recently. Fact is, too many people are paying over the odds for a service that doesn’t deliver.”

James Bulman

By updating technology to an IP system, calls can be made over high-speed internet connections, slashing both line rental and call charges. “With this advanced system, you make savings but still get to enjoy unrivalled reliability. You really can have your cake and eat it.” “Just work out your call pattern, compare charges and predict the savings. The average business call lasts just 2.4 minutes, so it’s crucial to find a solution without connection fees. BT, for example, will charge you up to 7p just to connect the call. It doesn’t take long for these charges to stack up. With IP Centrex, this service is free. Why pay for something that you can get for free elsewhere? “And you won’t find the difference lumped into call charges, as we beat BT on price across the board.

Indeed, with an IP system, you can also incorporate home-workers and overseas sites within the internal network, meaning that calls to them are free.”

Reliable performance With a compelling case for cost savings, customers just need to be reassured that the system will deliver. “Reliability is key. It was the driving force behind the decision to change to IP Centrex for one of our major blue-chip clients. The national control centre for this security company had been plagued with problems with their ISDN lines falling over around twice each month. “With our IP system, they have 90 telephone lines and multiple features that have improved call handling – but most importantly, they can relax knowing that every single line is backed-up automatically. “We install a spare set of lines as standard and operate a further fail-safe option at our own exchange by directing calls to voicemail or to designated mobiles. Each number can be routed differently which means there is no congestion and customers can still reach the person they want – whatever happens! That’s three times the security of a BT trunk. We just don’t believe in taking chances.” If you don’t believe in taking chances either, contact IP Centrex. They can provide either a new and improved system or you can add IP trunks to your current system and recoup your investment through savings in just a few months. In uncertain times, it’s good to know that there are still ways to cut costs, improve service and protect your company’s viability.

For further information, visit or call 01293 734775.


business talk

Manor Royal improvements move a step closer

Plans to make Crawley’s main employment area, Manor Royal, an even better place to do business are moving fast. The Manor Royal Regeneration Project Group is looking to bring about improvements to the estate’s roads, signage, facilities and green spaces. The group was set up in September to identify how the area can be enhanced or updated to ensure it retains a clear competitive advantage and remains a desirable location for business. Possible improvements to Manor Royal include: • Better signage with a consistent look across the estate • Improved green areas, including ways to stop parking on grass verges • The creation of a ‘social heart’ to improve the retail mix on the estate, including food venues • Better road quality, cycle paths and pavements • Enhanced vacant and low quality buildings • Improved reputation as a business location with strong environmental credentials. Concerns raised by the town’s Local Economy Action Group prompted Crawley Borough Council to commission consultants to take a hard look at Manor Royal, and it was discussed again at Crawley’s first ever business debate that took place in May last year.

business talk


This work is now taking shape. A full survey of roads on Manor Royal has been completed, which will help prioritise future highway improvements, the master planning process has started, which will ensure that future development on Manor Royal meets a set standard, and an agency has been chosen to develop a brand for the estate. Councillor Denman said: “Manor Royal is a huge driver of Crawley’s, the county’s and the region’s economic success. It is the second largest commercial area of its kind in the South East, providing a home to more than 500 businesses and employment for 30,000 people. “With this in mind, we need to ensure Manor Royal remains a place where people want to do business and becomes even more attractive to prospective companies. “I’m pleased to see work progressing across a wide range of improvements.” Jeremy Taylor, Chief Executive of CADIA, said: “This group and the work it carries out is vital to the future

strength of not just Manor Royal, but for Crawley and the wider Gatwick Diamond. “We need to make sure that Manor Royal provides an environment that supports diversity and I look forward to the group providing tangible results in the next few months.” Steve Sawyer, Economic Development Officer at Crawley Borough Council, said: “The early new town vision for Manor Royal was to create the kind of place where businesses were proud to be – and it worked. “Fifty years on it’s still a great location packed full of great businesses and the work we have undertaken is about making sure Manor Royal is well set for the next 50 years and beyond.” The project group comprises of officers from Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex County Council; Jeremy Taylor, Chief Executive of CADIA; and representatives from the business community, including Derek Flanagan from Varian Medical Systems and John Stapleton from Thomas Eggar. For more information about the Manor Royal Improvement work, Crawley’s Local Economy Action Group or other local economic matters contact Steve Sawyer (Economic Development Officer, Crawley Borough Council) on 01293-438704 or by e-mail [email protected]

John Stapleton, partner at Thomas Eggar

At this debate, Councillor Claire Denman, Cabinet member for Planning and Economic Development, promised £50,000 from Crawley Borough Council to start the improvement work.

Jeremy Taylor, Chief Executive, CADIA

Steve Sawyer, Economic Development Officer, Crawley Council

Fifty years on it’s still a great location “packed full of great businesses ”

business talk


Stop, take a step back and learn for free – two local businesses did exactly this...

Nigel Jeffrey, Business Adviser, Business Link & Anthony Reynolds, MD, Outdoor Solutions

We understand that running a business is a daily challenge and that it can be difficult to see with a fresh perspective. Therefore, the clinics are designed to help you take a step back from your day to day activities, to start to think about the future and the direction the business is heading. They are an excellent opportunity for you to discuss key business concerns with an independent and impartial adviser who will challenge your thinking, while also suggesting additional approaches you might consider, and provide practical feedback that will help you identify steps that you need to take to reach your goals. Beth Nash, Managing Director of Smart Monkey Marketing Ltd recently attended one of the clinics with Business Adviser Nigel Jeffrey.

Commenting on Business Link Anthony said, ‘The company has really benefited from our relationship with Business link these past 5 years. As a company we have had rather exceptional growth, which brings its own set of challenges. We have found the level of practical advice and support provided by Business Link to be superb. To have constructive input on our business plans, finance and goals has been very valuable. ‘ The clinics are available to any business that has been trading for 2 years Each session will last an hour, so that time away from your business will be kept to a minimum, and will be a face to face meeting with an experienced Business Adviser. WHERE? • Crawley - Crawley Town Hall, The Boulevard, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1UZ • Haywards Heath – MSDC Offices, Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1SS • Horsham – Top Centre, The Courtyard, 30 Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SL WHEN?

• Do you run your business or does your business run you? • How much time do you allocate to working ‘on’ your business, rather than working ‘in’ your business? Planning for the future of your business is essential and to help you take a step back to look at the bigger picture and where your business is going, Horsham District Council, Crawley Borough Council and Mid Sussex District Council have got together and teamed up with local business support experts, Business Link, to offer you the opportunity to attend a FREE local Business Development Clinic, where you can discuss your business issues with an expert Business Adviser.

Business Link has worked with Outdoor Solutions for the past 5 years.

Beth said, “I approached Business Link because I knew that I needed to take a step back and assess where Smart Monkey is heading. The Business Link Clinic enabled me to chat through the current business issues we have been facing and our plans for future growth in a confidential environment. The friendly business consultant provided impartial advice and guidance and it is great to know I have a point of contact for support should I need it in the future. I went away from the Clinic confident that Smart Monkey is on the right track with positive areas to focus on for future growth and success.” Smart Monkey Marketing is a marketing agency based in Horsham, West Sussex. Anthony Reynolds is the managing director of Horsham based Outdoor Solutions Ltd, a landscaping business providing imaginative and creative bespoke designs for schools, nursery schools and council owned open spaces. The approach is to use natural materials, particularly carved wood to create colourful, imaginative and creative designs for gardens and play areas. Since starting to trade in 2003 the company has adapted and found a niche market for its service and has achieved year on year growth.

January Monday 5th January – Crawley Monday 5th January – Horsham Monday 12th January – Haywards Heath Monday 19th January – Crawley February Monday 2nd February – Crawley Monday 2nd February – Horsham Monday 9th February – Haywards Heath Monday 16th February – Crawley March Monday 2nd March – Crawley Monday 2nd March – Horsham Monday 9th March – Haywards Heath Monday 16th March – Crawley Monday 30th March – Crawley SPACES ARE LIMITED, SO BOOK EARLY TO SECURE YOUR PLACE! To book a slot simply call

0845 600 9 006

business talk


You cannot afford a square peg The quality of your executive team will determine your future success A retained recruitment service, also known in the industry as a method called search, provides not only the tangible result of the right person for the job but also acts as a consultancy, providing advice and feedback on all aspects of hiring. Here is one example of how our retained service worked with a client: Our business is quintessentially about confidentiality, so we cannot name the company, but it was a 10-year-old, £10m turnover, niche B2B services business, which the owner/MD had built from scratch. His prime responsibility was for business development, covering both revenue generation and operations infrastructure – technology, customer services and finance. The MD was highly motivated and focused but he had taken the business as far as it could go under its existing structure. He realised he had to recruit a senior player as Commercial Director to spearhead new business development and increase market share through new services and identifying new business opportunities. However, he was conscious that the incumbent’s operating level and influence had to be clearly defined, and the existing management infrastructure needed to change. Never having recruited at his level, he realised that identifying and, more importantly, assessing potential candidates would take him outside his comfort zone. With all hirings, particularly senior, the elusive factor is the ‘fit’ with the business. The MD had to clarify exactly what the individual would do to achieve that growth. With our assistance, he produced a detailed job specification. This covered not only how the incumbent would identify new business opportunities but also how they would interact within the existing structure, and how existing client relationships would be managed to maintain and develop both existing and new revenue streams. The ‘fit’ criteria were energy, ambition, maturity, self-awareness and confidence, along with proven sales and business development expertise, credibility with existing clients, gravitas and first class communication and presentation skills. So already a very tall order, and in addition, the incumbent also had to be comfortable in an SME environment and, ideally, bring large corporate or blue chip client relationship management skills. We had to sell the role to the selected candidates but it was even more important, given the size and nature of the business, that the MD prepared his

‘sell’ – his plans, passion and expectations for the future as well as clarification of how the incoming Commercial Director would be a crucial part of the strategy. It was imperative that we were on the same wavelength. The method of search consultancy is about gaining an in-depth understanding of the client’s business – its people, ethos and culture – to identify exactly the right person for the job. The shortlist comprised of three candidates with different backgrounds, skill sets and operating levels, all of whom could do the job well. The client had to select the one he believed was the best fit; the one he would be most comfortable working with and would take the business to the next level. Naturally, we gave impartial and constructive guidance through this crucial and sensitive process. Of the three, the strongest was the most senior and expensive. The MD then became worried that the role might not be sufficiently senior and questioned why this candidate would be interested. We advised that the candidate’s expectations had been managed throughout the process and he was fully aware of the challenge; he was keen to join because he saw the opportunity.

However, we suggested that, in addition to the package on offer, which included a bonus based on revenue target, he might consider further incentives, including equity participation or at least options after two years. The MD was initially hesitant but ultimately agreed because the individual had the potential to make a huge difference to his business. We therefore provided not only the right candidate but created a trusting relationship with the client and added value to the recruitment process by guiding and advising him throughout. The Commercial Director joined January 2008 – business revenues grew 35% last year and are budgeted to double that in 2009 as his strategy planning and influence really begin to impact.

For more information contact Alex on: T: 01798 815996 E: [email protected] W:


business talk

Editor’s Talk This is where I get to spotlight great things that are happening locally within the Gatwick Diamond business community. Who are the movers and shakers? It’s up to you to tell me. I look forward to sharing your news with 12,000 loyal readers! For interesting news and information on local networking groups, plus local events that offer free networking opportunities go to TalkEditor.asp

New Year – New Team! We are delighted to welcome Heather Maynard, our new Production Manager, to the team at Business Talk Magazine. Heather brings to the team her proven strengths of building good business relationships with excellent communication skills and customer focus. Passionate about delivering a first class product and service she is always prepared to go that extra mile. She lives in the Horley area, and with a previous background in recruitment has a sound knowledge of many local businesses and industries. Heather will be marrying Kevin later in the year, who has developed a reputable and successful business in the local area. She is looking forward to meeting with all our advertisers and wishes everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.

Government Executive Agency Appoints DMH Stallard to Legal Panel DMH Stallard is delighted to announce that it has been appointed to the Lit Cat Legal Panel to provide litigation support and advice to the Treasury Solicitors Department and its clients. The panel appointment was made on the 1 December 2008 and will run for at least three years. The Treasury Solicitor’s Department (“TSol”) is an Executive Agency of the Government that provides legal services to over 180 central Government Departments and other publicly funded bodies in England and Wales. It is the largest legal team in the Government Legal Service and, with over 800 employees, is one of the largest legal organisations in the UK. DMH Stallard will work with TSol and its clients, providing litigation, specialist debt recovery services, regulatory and criminal advice. Jenny Thorp, Partner at DMH Stallard and Head of the Public Sector Group, commented; “This latest appointment for DMH Stallard is testament to the firm’s extensive public sector offering and underlines our detailed understanding and vast experience of advising clients in the public sector. We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with Tsol and its clients, and look forward to developing a long and successful relationship with them” DMH Stallard’s Public Sector Group, which is ranked top in the South East and amongst the best firms nationally by Chambers and Partners 2009, has worked with local authorities, government organisations and other public sector clients for over ten years. The appointment to the Treasury Solicitors Department panel adds to its long list of clients that include the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and the London Borough’s of Croydon, Southwark, Merton and Westminster.

Haywards Heath Based Company Extech Shines Through The Economic Gloom

Haywards Heath based, I.T. solutions provider Extech Ltd, has been taken over by Andrew Hookway and Paul Estep, two former senior directors from Fidelity Investments. Extech, which was established in 1988 by a group of former employees of the I.T. department of Technicolor Films has, in the past few months, outlined ambitious growth plans and is now investing heavily in both its call centre and its engineering resources. As Commercial M.D., Andrew Hookway, explains, “Extech provides small and medium-sized businesses with all the services of a dedicated IT department. Services include nationwide, 24/7, on-site IT support, software support,

computer maintenance, networking, helpdesks, project management, IT training and consultancy, website design and Internet security. In addition to our head office in Bridge Road Industrial Park, we also have a satellite office in Macclesfield. “Extech’s focus upon growing the business during these challenging times, and our commitment to quality of service has already started to pay off, and we have been awarded Microsoft Gold accreditation, the highest level of accreditation available, and have also been chosen by O2 Telefonica to become the first Regional Technology Partner in the South East of England.

“As a direct result of the investment we have already made, we are now in a position to assign customers with their own personal engineer who will be able to learn their needs and

Paul Estep, Andrew Hookway

ambitions and thus help ensure that their investment in technology delivers effective results.”

business talk

Atherton Bailey has opened an office in Guildford under new partner Mark Riley, a former partner of BDO Stoy Hayward in the town. The new office brings to six the number of Atherton Bailey offices specialising in business rescue and recovery and personal insolvency in Essex, Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire and Kent. The company was founded in 2005 with offices in Crawley and Worthing. Mark Riley said: “No one is immune to the current economic difficulties and 2009 will be tough for many businesses. It is good to be part of a growing niche practice that can provide real and practical support when it is needed most. Because we are independent and only deal in rescue and insolvency, we are well placed to deliver innovative and effective help covering the whole recovery toolkit, including specialist advice on tax issues.” Mark Riley, most recently with the insolvency arm of Berley chartered accountants in London, specialises in helping SMEs, owner-managed businesses and professional practices. Atherton Bailey founding partner Malcolm Fillmore said: “It’s great to be able to bring in another highly experienced insolvency partner. As well as offering our existing business rescue and recovery services – crucial when the credit crunch is limiting the options for so many struggling businesses – Mark is also highly skilled in arbitration which can resolve disputes without clients going to Court. Atherton Bailey also has a reputation for working effectively with other professionals, with Mark on board we can now offer them expert witness services.” Mark Riley believes businesses of all types could find themselves in need of professional help as the full impact of the economic crisis unfolds in the local economy. “We are already seeing businesses and individuals reining back discretionary spending and becoming more risk averse. At first the effects of this will be slow to manifest themselves in the wider economy, but as spending and investment falls, margins will shrink, profits plummet and finances become much tighter. And with the banks cutting back on lending, the options are limited. The most important thing for businesses in trouble is not to put off getting expert help from a qualified insolvency practitioner. We are the first step on the road to recovery.”

Mark Riley

Small Business Marketing Book Launch Award winning Chartered Marketer Dee Blick has written her first marketing book and it looks set to become a bestseller if the initial reviews are anything to go by. Powerful Marketing On A Shoestring Budget For Small Businesses is crammed with practical, powerful and effective marketing tips, tools and strategies that any small business can use to build and grow their business, regardless of the economic climate. Said Dee, “In the last 24 years, I have worked with hundreds of small businesses and time and time again have seen how incredible results are possible on a shoestring budget when a

London Gatwick Airport signs up to new legal commitments London Gatwick Airport has signed a new legal agreement with West Sussex County Council and Crawley Borough Council. The agreement outlines how the airport’s operation, growth and environmental impacts will be managed responsibly. It underpins the important relationship between the airport owner and its local authorities with responsibility for planning, environmental management and highways. The new legal agreement, reached after a process of consultation and discussion with a wide range of stakeholders, contains wide ranging objectives and obligations. In addition to West Sussex County Council and Crawley Borough Council, in whose areas the airport lies, seven other adjoining councils were consulted. This new agreement and London Gatwick Airport’s interim master plan supersede the Gatwick Airport Sustainable Development Strategy, published in July 2000 and the original legal agreement signed in 2001. The new agreement will run until the end of 2015. “The signing of this agreement between the airport and our two local authorities is of great importance to all of us and builds on the original ground-breaking agreement,” Andy Flower Managing Director London Gatwick Airport said. “It will bring significant benefits to the airport and the community it serves and affects. It demonstrates a desire for all those involved to see the airport grow to 40 million passengers per year and to delivering new capacity for the south east, whilst balancing our environmental impacts. We are entering a new chapter in Gatwick’s history with the sale of this national asset and this legal agreement continues to define Gatwick’s future and the role it will play in the local, regional and national economy.” The key issues addressed in the agreement include climate change; air quality; noise; surface access; land use, development and bio-diversity; community and the economy; action planning and monitoring and reporting. Councillor Claire Denman, Cabinet member for Planning and Economic Development, Crawley Borough Council said: “ We welcome the signing of this new legal agreement which is a milestone for the airport and its surrounding local authorities. This new legal agreement along with its predecessor, underpin the strategic development of the airport, recognising the important role its daily operation plays in many peoples lives. This agreement gives a clear and balanced framework of growth and mitigation.” The full details of the agreement can be read at legalagreement

little know-how, creativity and passion are applied. In this book, I share dozens of these winning approaches.” Dee is currently in talks with television production companies to turn the book into a small business series where she will co-produce and present with The Apprentice’s Saira Khan. Dee currently writes for Business Talk and she is a very valued member of the team. We are all thrilled for her and want to wish her all the best with her new book and potential TV show. We hope she still finds time in her busy schedule to write for us!


Claire Denman, Conservative Councillor, Liz Trevor, BAA, Bob Lanzer, Councillor Leader, Sarah Hunter BAA, Kieran Stigant, WSCC


networking talk

Gatwick Now!

2008 has been one of the most difficult years that many of us can remember, and a key component of that difficulty has been in the lack of confidence that so many of us, our customers and suppliers feel in the face of uncertain times. 2009 could be the year when it all starts to come together. Despite the wider media, business carries on. Money is in tighter supply and there are fewer deals, particularly in property. However, there are real opportunities ahead, particularly on the global stage. In 2009 we should see a new owner of Gatwick Airport. That owner will be committed to a capital spend of over £870m across the next 5 years, but more importantly is likely to look at progressing a second runway. Gatwick has had an illustrious history and has served the needs of many travellers, but is in danger of returning to a period of time when it served the ‘bucket and spade brigade’. In the 1980s, it developed as an oil business hub with connectivity to Africa, South America, the Near and Middle East, Southern USA and the North Sea. As a result many businesses have located around the airport and it can be seen that the majority of those non-aviation businesses are thriving thanks to the links that Gatwick brings. An Airport is constrained or grows by the destinations it serves. Gatwick has the largest number of destinations of any Airport in the UK, but one has to view those destinations in light of current economic interests. There has been a real impact

from the Open Skies agreement and this has affected businesses in the wider business community. In the New Year we will be carrying out work to identify the economic impact of Gatwick on businesses that are located in the Diamond. We need to understand the departure airports they use, the cost and time spent in reaching those departure points and the business destinations they fly to. Once we understand the demand we can work with the Airport and airlines to make sure that Gatwick returns to being the second business and tourist gateway to London. If that demand indicates the need then we will be lobbying hard for a second runway.

Jeremy Taylor , Chief Executive, CADIA

We will also be working on establishing the Gatwick Diamond as a business destination, working with local businesses to build the profile of the area on the global stage. If you would like to be a part of this work, let me know. The Gatwick Diamond Area Forum will continue to bring together the other Chambers and business associations in the Diamond and we will continue to lobby on your behalf. Whichever organisation you belong to, make sure that your issues are known and we will work together to help resolve them. The Gatwick Diamond Business Awards, which we launched in September of 2008, have attracted over 70 entries from businesses large and small and the Dinner is completely sold out. Our main programme of networking meetings is often fully subscribed so please contact the office if you would like to come along.

To find out more about Cadia or to become involved in our work with the Gatwick Diamond, please contact me at 01293 440088 or visit

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