Bsa Scouts Own Service Plain Text

  • Uploaded by: Bob Engert
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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 734
  • Pages: 2
Scouts’ Own Service CALL TO WORSHIP Be praised, O God, by all that fills the temple of your world: By the colors written on the hymnal of the sky; By grains and fruit filled trees that bow their heads to you; By the steeples of trees lifted to heaven; By the vespers of lakes, silent in meditation; Be praised, O God, by all that fills the temple of your world. HYMN – America O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountains’ majesty, Above the fruited plain. America, America, God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brother hood, from sea to shining sea. INVOCATION Dear Heavenly Father, Help us to keep our honor bright and teach us that the integrity of our character is a priceless possession. Grant that we may do our best today, and strive to do even better tomorrow. Teach us that duty is a friend and not an enemy. Help us face the most disagreeable task cheerfully. Give us the faith to understand our purpose and life. Open our minds to the truth and fill our hearts with love. We are thankful for all of the blessings that you have bestowed upon our country. Help us to do our duty to our country and to know that a good nation is made of good men and women. May we never tire of the joy of helping other people, or never look the other way when someone is in need. You have given us the gift of our bodies. Make us wise enough to keep them healthy. You are the source of all wisdom. Help us to have alert minds. Help us to know the difference between right and wrong and lead us on a straight path toward a worthy goal. Amen. RESPONSIVE READING Leader: A true and worthy person recognizes his obligations and does them without being watched or compelled People: A Scout is Trustworthy Leader: We owe so much to so many: to home, school, community, nation and to God. People: A Scout is Loyal Leader: The Good Samaritan showed the spirit of doing a good turn. People: A Scout is Helpful Leader: A true friend is a person who gives assistance to his or her brethren. People: A Scout is Friendly Leader: Courtesy is a mark of all faiths. It is shown in thoughtful acts and respect for all. People: A Scout is Courteous Leader: Kindliness is the way people show consideration for others. People: A Scout is Kind

Leader: Life is filled with things that we must do whether we like them or not. A mark of maturity is the ability to accept responsibilities willingly and do them gladly. People: A Scout is Obedient Leader: Our moods make our days. If we are grouchy, our days are gloomy. If we are happy, we share our joy with others. People: A Scout is Cheerful Leader: The world offers many gifts. A wise person uses them with care. People: A Scout is Thrifty Leader: At times, each of us faces danger, difficulty, and temptation. Let each of us have the courage to do the right thing. People: A Scout is Brave Leader: Cleanliness is next to Godliness. It is healthy to have a clean body, a clean mind and a clean conscience. People: A Scout is Clean Leader: Our character is determined partly by the things that we worship. If we respect ourselves and our brothers and sisters, and see them as gifts of the goodness of our God, we worship our Creator. People: A Scout is Reverent All: Give us clean words and thoughts. Teach us to work hard and play fairly. Forgive us when we are unkind. Help us to help others. Send us strength to do a good turn each day and so live by thy will. HYMN - God Bless America God bless America, Land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her, Through the night with the light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam, God bless America, my home sweet home, God bless America, my home sweet home. Benediction May the trail rise to meet you, May the wind always be at your back, May the rain fall softly on your face, May the Lord hold you in the hollow of His hand, And grant you peace.

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