Bruce G. Mccarthy What Is A Dollar?

  • April 2020
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Like a set of measuring cups, these coins represented an era when common sense undergirded our economy, and 1O¢ of silver would buy a hamburger. An increase in the denominational value was easily detected by the relative weight and size of the coin. Reasonable, no? "fe shall do no unrighteousness weight, or in measure."

injudgment ... in Leviticus 19:35

''Afalse balance is abomination to the LORD (YHWH): but a just weight is his delight. " - Proverbs 11: 1 [KJV]

Note: The Old Testament Hebrew word for money & silver was, with very few exceptions, the same word - "keceph." (#3701 in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance). It's unit of measure -"shekel" - was equal to between 114 and 112 ounce. See, there never \vas a "silver shekel," "silver ounce," or "silver dollar."

What makes a "dime" worth more than a "nickel," or a $1 "Sleazy B. Agony" twice as much money as a Kennedy "half dollar" slug? And why are $100 bills more valuable than $1 bills of identical size? Answer:



"Mainly, it is the CONfidence people have that they will be able to exchange such [fiat} money for real goods and services whenever they choose to do so." - Modem Money Mechanics, Chicago FRB, p. 3 (6/75) emph. added "The real backing for the nation's money is faith. .. " - The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Fed'1. Res. Bank of Phil a., pA "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for ... the evidence of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1 [To actually see the "money" is an exercise of real faith! I

Order 75 ofthese WD-I fliers for I oz. of silver or 30 First Class Stamps (No checks, notes, or copper/nickel!) from: Bruce G. McCarthy KINGDOM RESTORATION MINISTRIES HC-62, Box 375 Smithville, Oklahoma 74957

'~nd if any man think that he knoweth anything, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. " - I Corinthians 8:2

"With respect to the dollar, it must be admitted by all the world that there is great incertainty in the meaning of the term ... " -Thomas Jefferson, letter to Alexander Hamilton, Feb. 1792

Seldom has such a commonly used expression been so thoroughly misunderstood, appearing on coins and notes in a way that· almost compels us to believe that "dollars" are somehow made of metal or paper. Such delusions carry monumental consequences, however. Dollar-denominated coins of staggeringly dissimilar sizes have been fashioned from equally diverse metals: gold (90% pure), silver (90%, 40%, and 99.9% pure) and the virtually worthless copper and nickel of today. Many economic experts honestly believe that a "dollar" is both the money and the measure of it! But an intangible unit of measure cannot simultaneously be the tangible "thing" which it purportedly measures.

Units of measure (i.e. quart, ounce, inch, or dollar) presume the existence of some tangible thing being measured. But what substance - be it a gas, liquid, or solid - now serves as money, for which a "dollar" is the unit of measure? No, if it was paper, then a $100 bill would be 100 times more paper than a $1 bill. REWARD! 100# of FREE MONEY to anyone who can identify it!

"For one thing, it is not clear how best to define money." [Wow! Stand by for more eye-opening confessions folks!] The Federal Reserve System,

p. 10, Board of Governors, Washington, D.C.,1980 "Money is entirely artificial* ... " - The Monetary

"United States money is expressed in dollars ... "

- Title 31, United States Codes, Section 5101. Land is expressed in acres, so deeds to land are also expressed in acres - although an "acre" is not the land. Concrete is expressed in cubic yards, so receipts for it are also denominated in cubic yards. But a cubic yard is not concrete. Likewise, lawful money ("...construed to mean gold or silver coin of the United States." - 12 USC, Sec. 152) and promises to pay it (notes/lOUs) are both expressed in dollars - but a dollar is neither the money nor is it a note! Let's use a little common sense (which Voltaire said was not very common) to confirm the foregoing. If a tuna is a fish, then 100 tuna must be 100 fish, right? If a Ford is an automobile (Alright, I said "IF" Chevy fans.)"then 100 Fords must be 100 automobiles. So... If a dollar is a piece of paper, then 100 dollars must be 100 pieces of paper. How could one piece of paper (a $100 FED note) be 100 of anything? It can't, and isn't. Like a 100 acre deed, it merely conveys TITLE to 100 times more of someTHING which belongs to the issuer (The FED) than would a 1$ note. But to what tangible substance does it grant a valid claim?

Authority of the Federal Reserve, p. 4, Board of Governors [* There ain't none! Gone! Kaput!] "Banks create money by 'monetizing' the private debts of businesses, individuals and governments. That is, they create amounts of money against the value of those IOUs." - I Bet You Thought, N.Y.

Federal Reserve Bank, p. 27 (1982), emph. added "Today, most coin and currency is 'jiat' money money by virtue of government declaration and public acceptance. Fiat money isn't valuable in itself and doesn't represent a claim on gold or silver." - The Story of MONEY, Federal Reserve

Bank of NY, p. 19 (4th ed. 1984) Did you catch that? Debt (a sum of money due) is money! This may explain why the FEDERAL debt is rising $13,000 per second! And why, in a "cashless" society, you can't cash a check - right Bible scholars?

When people run out of money, they generally adopt debt/credit instruments [IOUs] as a peaceful means of getting goods and services they can't afford. Welcome to the land of credit cards and checks, "redeemable" in Federal Reserve Notes ("cash," so-called) --- which are nothing more than dishonored credit instruments. "Will this be cash or charge (credit)?" asks the store clerk cheerfully, unaware that today's spurious CASH IS CREDIT! A valid note promises to pay money, but the promise (see FED Note on cover panel, just under and left of portrait) was deleted in 1963. Since then, a legal tender note conveys title to the FED's wonderful, mysterious, and inexhaustible supply of credit. ''And, you recall, the Federal Reserve System works only with credit." - Keeping Our Money

Healthy, FRB of NY, p. 12 (rev. 4/77) Confiscating our gold in 1933/34, then our silver in 1965-68, this federally protected, privately owned central bank monopoly ravages those whom they have economically enslaved and politically regulated since their "fiscal enemas" first gained public acceptance. Fiscal enema. A dishonored credit instrument injected into the economy - to see what can be "flushed out" of us. - BGM

Our forefathers did their utmost to prevent economic chaos, but professing ourselves wise, we became fools, forsaking our Biblical and Constitutional heritage. All public offices openly defy what they pretend to honor: "No State shall ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts ... " - U.S.

Constitution @ Article 1, Section 10, paragraph 1. "Banks don't keep cash in checking accounts and don't transfer coin or currency when acting on a check's instructions.· Checkbook balances are transferred between accounts as bookkeeping entries only." - I Bet You Thought, p. 7 (supra.)


This little provision withstood government tyranny for 70 years - one generation. But the temptation of "paper money" was strong, and the curses attending it will again extract a bitter price - always paid in blood.

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