Brochure Tipo 2 - Pag 2

  • April 2020
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tllERf0 CEGGllllll,lcorn lcadcr Uio tcsodcnc, I 00185 Roma Phonc: +39 335 8170ó5t anndl: [email protected]


lloly 12,l9ó2- Rome, 0om:December tlniversity in (ivil [ngineering lokenot Rome Degree '[o 1988,motksll0/110. Sopienzo" in tebruory ltlonogemenl in civilengineering". iloslerin "Proied rourses tonteming sofety ondfire Anended severol prevenlion ondseturily. osindeoendenl Sinte1988hosworked ltofessionol publkoffkes, for ptivoletomponies, ondtonsuhonl plonning onddhedion ltloinodivilies con(ern bonks. sofefondfireseturily. ofdvilengineering, uùonilk plonning, srl engineeting tompony in Rome, k lheAdminhlrotor of tl TRtll{GtGlltRlA fi lhe moment speriolized in monogemenl of comin themultiJhtiplinory fieldof engineering whithworks plexplons. (ommillee of Engineers ofRome. of Public Works ol theBoord VirePresident Hehoso brother, in Rome, butgrewupinAnzio where hhfomilystilllives. l|elivesondworks (rislinu. Heissingle. Poolo, ondo sisler (lubGolfo ol tlublevelos:Ptesidenl d'Anzio, Anziolletluno. llehosserved ftlember of Rolory (ommittee (oordinotor, (2001-02), ol Arms. Hehosserved ol diírid levelos: Diretlor,Sergóît (ommitlee (oordinolor ofPemonenl tundofR[. menber, Assislonl Govemor, Districl Serelory, (hicogo seminorfnslilules in ondinlernolionol Attended Rl(onvenlions in llizzo,Bortellono, ondSoltburg. Xrusek ((fubÀnzialle*wo)ordin 1992-9jl wosDistrid8otsffilR€prssalsti$tl€ sos0 Rotororlor golf. Heenioys listening lo nusir,reoding, lroveling ondploying

Cilnn t(OffO, lccn ncnbor Ulc Ghlbli, 13 0912ó Cogliui Phonc: +39 32.t 2071622 snrlh [email protected] lhly Born: Augul02,197&(ogliori, (hiorogroduoted (ll0/ll0 in lowin 2003wilhfullmorks Sheworked oso lulorforlhe(hoirofftonomk cumloude). (riminol[ow,ondoherwords wilhoprofessor ofInhrnolionol wilhhim.She!lorting0 PhDin [ow,doingreseorrh lowotlhellniversily ofTdeleondolfie momenl [uropeon ond[urooeon [ow. She works forthe(hoiroflnlemolionol Sistem of Humon Righb'Proledion, fienfifttinleresls: Hermointudiesorein lheseclor of [uropeon Privole Inlemolionol lowond[uropeon [ow. yeorslegolproclite forlhe in 2005.Shehostokenthelowyer exomondsheh woiling Shefinished hertr,vo resull. Shespeoks trenthond[nglish. in vorious lypesofteoms, fromonedila Sheenioys reoding, wriling,drowing ondollods;Shehosworked inÍovelling ondinlernolionol expedentes. riolfifflo some volunlory workgroups. Sheisinlereled - 0uortu bytheRolory Oubof(ogliod S.Heno Sponsored

EXCHANGE (GSt)progrum opporlunif for iso unique tulturolondvototionol txthonge IheGroup Study befi,veen fte oges0f 25ond40whoorein the business ondprofessionol menondwomen provides trovelgrontlforfourlo six lives. lhe progrom eorlyyeors of lhehprofesionol poired visilsbelween Rohry menondwomen lo exchonge weeks forleoms of profesionol ondledbyo Rotorion [0ú feomiscomposed 0fnon{olorions ditridsindifferent rounlries. leomleoder. profesionol ondleodership skilhomong menond is designed lo develop lhe progrom of lifetobeflerprepore fhemlo oddrestheneeds infie initiolyeorsofprofesionol women (ommunily globol lt okoprovides World workploce. ftehcommunifies ondoninaeosingly proiecb beMeen fte hoilingondsending lo efiblkhhumonilorion Servke opporlunilies (ore,edu(ofion, (ounlries or olherhumonilorion tonneeds for heolth lo oddres specifk (erns. ondwoysof life,observe experien(e ùe hol counlryt instilulions Teom members personol develop ondprofessionol relotionships, 0sproctked obrood, fieir ownvorolions ideos. ondexchonge

GlAll lUGl ERR!,lccn nlntci -- '- Uh Yoiifribcrm, 32' 07100 Smrui Phonc: +39 3407703025 rrnalh [email protected] 25,l97lSosori, lloly Born: August (lì0/ll0 inmedirine in 1999 withfullscorc Gionlucogroduoted withfull store in Rheumoblogy cumloude|ondgolo degree (PhD) (50/50etloude| o dochroh on in 2003.Heis ofiending in lhe [mergency fisiopolologio lleditoondhe ìs working from ol fte tlospitol of 0zierifiom2004lo presenl. Deporlmenl of Universify of Sosori 2003lo 2004úe (hohof Rheumotology of llolionServices of osignedfie proietlof Aaredilolion 2005he lo him.tromJonuory 2005lo September lheumolology 'lfidney fortheludyof involvemenl in hodo shorllem conlrod scienti[ setondory lo S[['.Gion lucohospublhhed severol Anlibodies Syndrome thetourse ofAntiphospholipid oflhlionSociefofRheumotology from2003. sylemkúeumofit diseoses. tleismember it oíicles ohout reoding, dondng ondseo-fishing lleenioys (lubofSosori l{ord(Dislrid 2080} Sponsored bylheRolory [mergenry Meditine ondRheumolology. Inlerels:

PtnlZU Pll0llE, lcan ncnbcr Ulalc Collc Scnflgdo 7 0f024 Gmtc (lÌf Pfronc: +39 338 241f862 +moih [email protected] - l{ophs, holy Bom: llorth18,1977 "tederko groduoted ll'. Herludiesolin lowin 2003ol lheUniversily oflloples, Polízio onlhediffkuhies cr€oled bylhe[.t1.enlorgemenl. minoled in o [uropeon lowfieshpoper lroining toutses, shehostetenAfhrfinhhing lwoyeors osolegolinlem,ondoflending some Astounsel forfie defenilyhkenfie Bor[xommorking ùe beginning ofherlegolmreer. ogenry byhelping estoblish ll.S. se,shedoilygives tonsultotion ot herfomilytreol+lole (ltoly}, inGoeto o l.l.S. llAT0bose l{ovypermnnel in Inlernolionol Slntegit Potrizio okois o reoleíoleogenl ondhoslhetilleofTechnkion - tlATGroup inRome wosirwolved ino lilorkeling Infemship ol'AlfoRomeo" ilorketing. She ondevent oordinolor ol'Mulfiservic meeling & evenls" in Rome. ondwossoles holder oftheSponish toreign ondhosogoodundershnding of[rench. Shewosscholorship Potrizio isfluentintnglishondSponhh llniversify ofllodrid. She oho onodvonted oure ofSponish tulture ondlonguoge 0tfie "(omplutense' Affokllinkteroflending yrift people porlkipoted of differcnlotioetonomit ondtuhurol in Inlernofionol seminon oboulfuropeon mollers fomiliorizing ho*grounds. ondsheisomem ondhelpless. fu oresuh, drefundroises forAcion Aidlilemolionol, Sheissensiliw tofie needs ofthedi*nfiomhised progrom. proledion odopion berof[.ll.Pi.,ononimol osotiolion. Sheh olo ilwolvdino longJHome cultuShe[ovebofienlo coplure lhebeouty ofdifferent Herpermnol hobbies revolve oround herinteretin tulturolerchonges. livewilhoul resfiroughhertomero aeoling digitol movies lholindude lheimoges, slories ondmuskofherkovek.Sheronnol fte seo.Sheloves musit, detoupoge, riding, ondswimming. (lubtormioGoelo Sponsored loyRolory

mfftm0 AZZ L, lccn nrnbcr Ulc Adolfo louù l0ó 001f2 Rono Phonc: +39 338 9549809 +'noil: [email protected] - fiome, lloly Born:Odober 29,1975 ilossimogroduoled in [ow,fromlhe "Ìonl lrel ltoly.Hehosbeen UnirersiÍy lo tudy oworded onfrasnurstholorship (Germony|. of lluensler in theUniversity 'l{olori0l in Studies' He soeciolized 'Anselno 'legol "Romo (Profesionof (Univerily Amelnllmdin Profesions' Sthoof ondhelorledmonoging Zizori& Assotioles low Ird). In2004hebetome o lowyer [ow,(riminollowond Low, ftil l-ow,Inlernolional tirm.Hedeohwiù fummerdol lowyers in lobour[ow, Properly low.lleoflended coures forProfessionol Inlelleduol (riminol[ow,Sonkrupky Dispule [ow,lmmigrolion [ow,loxolion[ow,Ahenolive Heenrolled in fie Borof bythe8orof lowyers of Rome. Resolutions, rll monoged (}ffice lisl ondin fte 8orof |lediotor, in lhe(riminol lowyerr ProBono Profesionol onl Inlemolionol lovin Atlorneys. Hehosoflended fie hnterforAnerkon Bonkrupky (tlso|,where oso llember of úe Advhory 8oord. Hewono Dollos hewosoppoinled "Io Sopienm'in\one. h ottend o [[.il inToxolion lowfromthelJniversily schoforship 'Pernonenl hnnissionfor loxotionlowStwlie{ lÌot oÍ Heis o member of lhe 'ùhnnotory commissions in lhe lor Porlionulory lowyersof Romef, of severol oÍ lheAneríton Arhilnlin Asuiolionll{ewYoil,Uso} Sludbr"(f-udovisi toundotionl, ondhnwntive low Assotiotion of fte lnslilule for lnternotionol ondof theAfumni (Dollos, llso|. ploying theguilor,doncing mko ond Hh fovourile hobbies ore:Arting,cinemo, orl literolure. merengue, ond Orgonizotions whithdeolwith(ommerdol Inîerels: lowfirmsondInlemotionol [ow,Polif ics. Inlernolionol byîolory(lubRomo Sud[st Sponsored

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