British Radio And Television News

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 276
  • Pages: 11
British Radio and Television News


Unit 6 – Media Issues and Debates

Exam Dates • AS • 2732 Audience & Institutions: Wed 16 Jan, 13.15-14.15, G5 • A2 • 2734 Critical Research: Tuesday 22 January, 13.15-15.15, G5

Remember, other topics in this unit are: • Gender and Magazines • British Film Since 1990 • One 2 hour exam in June • One question on each topic • Ignore questions on other topics we haven’t studied!!

How does this topic relate to key concepts in Media Studies?

Genre: • News is a genre • Several sub-genres • TV, radio, local, national, international, global • Different styles within these categories • Study the varying conventions of each

Narrative: • It isn’t fiction but it still requires storytelling • News has characters, conflict, disequilibrium, resolution etc • Try applying narrative theories to one news story for

Representation • How people are represented tells us about our culture and society • Often differences between local and national representations

Audience: • the way news stories are selected, constructed and presented varies depending on broadcasters’ assumptions about their audience

Ideology: • News values inform the process by which events are reported • Values relate to the dominant ideas of the culture in which they circulate • Issues of freedom, control, bias and public interest lie behind the study of news

News Teams • • • •

Team 1 – Natalie, Katie H, Andy Team 2 –Jess, Emily, Darren Team 3 – David, Louise, Ben Team 4 – Rob, Katie A, Becky

Think about… • Name of TV News show • Different roles – anchorman, co-host, special correspondent etc • Media language

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