Bright And Beyond Brochure For Child Advocates

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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Download & View Bright And Beyond Brochure For Child Advocates as PDF for free.

More details

  • Words: 5,218
  • Pages: 22
Table of Contents

Early Childhood (Birth - Age 5)


Spanish Early Childhood


K - 3rd and Beyond


Special Needs


Our Philosophy


Awards & Testimonials




How to Order


Order Form




Request a Free Sample Deck* at [email protected] * If you are considering purchasing 24-or-more Bright & Beyond decks for your program.

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

Early Childhood Decks (Available in Spanish, too!)

“We have hundreds of providers, and we purchase Bright and Beyond decks because they meet our standards training guidelines, they are developmentally appropriate, and are easy for parents to utilize, not to mention a great and fun way to get them involved.” Jean Smith Early Learning Coalition of Southwest Florida

Bright and Beyond activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards. The cards feature scores of quick and creative, interactive activities that use materials around the home. They are compact, easy to sort, and always on hand.

Lots of important program uses • • • •

Provide decks (or individual cards) to parents. Add Bright and Beyond decks to your lending library. Keep them among your materials for home visits. Utilize them in trainings and use them for door prizes

Available decks include Baby (0-12 mos.) Age 1 (12-24 mos.) Age 2 (24-36 mos.) Preschool (Ages 3-5) Click a deck link above to view sample cards and learn more about the types of skills children will learn. Click here to learn more about our SPANISH VERSIONS Click here to request a FREE SAMPLE

Table of Contents

“Bright and Beyond decks are a great, instructive tool we can offer paents. It is useful to have a wide variety of activities that you know are specifically developmentally appropriate for a 2 year-old vs. 4 year-old.” Meg Roodhouse M.Ed. ParentLink(Univ. Missouri “The Bright and Beyond cards are easy and concise and the ideas are perfect for getting the kids out of the strollers and moving around and interacting with their parents. I’m thrilled they’re available in Spanish now -- great translation!” Kathy Alvarado Riverside County Childcare Consortium “We run a pre-literacy program and the outcomes depend so much on the interaction between children and their parents. Bright and Beyond cards are so simple and involve low prep-time yet are a great source of bonding and stimulation. Our staff loves them too for home visit ideas.” Julia Williams, Coordinator Parent-Child Home Program Cen-Clear Child Services, Inc.

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes, CA 90274 (877) 725-8880 Email Pal Toys

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® Beyond Bright andaby


0-12 months


Baby Also

avai lab Age le 1 Age 2 Pres c Ages hool 3-



e Activ lP aytim ities




The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature a multitude of interactive ideas for helping to enhance:

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0-12 months

-1 02

6-12 months


quick & creative idea cards

Forget bulky baby books! Here’s a whole deck of cards filled with fun and stimulating ideas that fits in the palm of your hand! These quick and creative learning activities will have parent and baby giggling anytime, anywhere!


Intellectual development Coordination and motor skills Language and listening skills Color and shape recognition Self-esteem Most activities set up in moments with materials found around the home. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

ties sy activi child’s… F n and ea

Beyond Bright andge 1 A

Age 1




avai labl Baby e Age 2 Pres c Ages hool 3-



EBB201 BRIGHT AND BEYOND - AGE 1 (12-24 mos.)

e Activ lP aytim ities



Age 1

Espe ejito , EspeInjittho, es Age 1 Tujibteohutes espejito EspFlaejit shlo,ighespt Fun e Jupegjito C Age 1

Age 1

The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature a multitude of interactive ideas for helping to enhance:

EspBruejitsho,&espejit Buff o


quick & creative idea cards

When a baby turns one, it’s like a wake-up call to mom and dad. Toddlers have different play and learning needs now, not to mention abilities. Here’s a whole deck of activity ideas designed with a one year old in mind -- and busy parents!


Intellectual development Coordination and motor skills Language and listening skills Color and shape recognition Creativity and imagination Self-esteem Most activities set up in moments with materials found around the home. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

ties sy activi child’s… F n and ea

Beyond Bright andge 2 A



avai labl Baby e Age 1 Pres c Ages hool 3-

Age 2




EBB202 BRIGHT AND BEYOND - AGE 2 (24-36 mos.)

e Activ lP aytim ities




Age 2

EspBeji larso latnokespejito o, esp ocuejit e Bin t,e Fun EspTubejit MuEsp ffinejitTino, Toy espejit Soroter Age 2

The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature a multitude of interactive ideas for helping to enhance: TM


quick & creative idea cards

Caregivers can easily keep up with a busy two year old with the help of Bright and Beyond cards, filled with fun and stimulating ideas that will focus, entertain, and educate the most energetic toddler! A quick glance at the cards can transform everyone’s mood from cranky to creative!


Intellectual development Coordination and motor skills Language and listening skills Color and shape recognition Creativity and imagination Self-esteem Most activities set up in moments with materials found around the home. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

ties sy activi child’s… F n and ea

Beyond Bright and Preschool



avai labl Baby e Age 1 Age 2

Ages 3-5







e Activ lP aytim ities


Bright and Beyond activity cards for Preschoolers are just what parents and teachers need to take youngsters to the next level. Each deck overflows with fun and stimulating ideas. When preschoolers complain they are “bored” encourage parents to reach for the deck instead of the remote!


ejitpo Mejit , o, esp lershi i Disk EspCarejitDea MaEspegicjitMeo, moespePrjesitcho ool osaoespejito ry Box



EspSillejito, espejit y Basket o 4Q>KALK LKBCLLQ 4Q>KALK LKBCLLQ


quick & creative idea cards

Whether enrolled in a playgroup, a nursery school, a day care center, a preschool, or at home, opportunities abound to learn through engaging, active play.

The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature a multitude of interactive ideas for helping to enhance: - Intellectual development - Coordination and motor skills - Language, listening, and thinking skills - Color, shape, and number recognition - Creativity and imagination - Observation skills - Self-esteem Most activities set up in moments with materials found around the home. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

Spanish Early Childhood Decks

“I’m thrilled they’re available in Spanish now -- great translation!” Kathy Alvarado Riverside County Childcare Consortium I was personally impressed with the quality of the Spanish [in your Spanish decks].” Maria Elena Cruz-Lopez Asst. Manager Scholastic Club Leo

Bright and Beyond activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards. The cards feature scores of quick and creative, interactive activities that use materials around the home. They are compact, easy to sort, and always on hand.

Lots of important program uses • • • •

Provide decks (or individual cards) to parents. Add Bright and Beyond decks to your lending library. Keep them among your materials for home visits. Utilize them in trainings and use them for door prizes

“Bright and Beyond decks are a great, instructive tool we can offer paents.” Meg Roodhouse M.Ed. ParentLink(Univ. Missouri “Outcomes depend so much on the interaction between children and their parents. Bright and Beyond cards are so simple and involve low prep-time yet are a great source of bonding and stimulation. Our staff loves them too for home visit ideas.” Julia Williams, Coordinator Parent-Child Home Program Cen-Clear Child Services, Inc.

Available decks include Bebés (0-12 meses) 1 año (12-24 meses) 2 años (24-36 meses) Preescolar (3-5 años) Click a deck link above to view sample cards and learn more about the types of skills children will learn. Click here to learn more about our ENGLISH VERSIONS Click here to request a FREE SAMPLE

“We have hundreds of providers, and we purchase Bright and Beyond decks because they meet our standards training guidelines, they are developmentally appropriate, and are easy for parents to utilize, not to mention a great and fun way to get them involved.” Jean Smith Early Learning Coalition of Southwest Florida

Table of Contents

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes, CA 90274 (877) 725-8880 Email Pal Toys

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Beyond Bright andebés B

Tam bi disp én onib le

0-12 meses




1 añ o 2 añ os Pree s 3-5 colar a



daraa des i v i t Ac p Jugar

SBB300 BRIGHT AND BEYOND - BEBÉS (0-12 meses) Forget bulky baby books! Here’s a whole deck of cards filled with fun and stimulating ideas that fits in the palm of your hand! These quick and creative learning activities will have parent and baby giggling anytime, anywhere!





The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature a multitude of interactive ideas for helping to enhance:

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tarjetas con ideas creativas


Intellectual development Coordination and motor skills Language and listening skills Color and shape recognition Self-esteem Most activities set up in moments with materials found around the home. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

fáciles rtidaselyni ño… idades dive

® Beyond Bright andaño


Tam bi disp én onib le

12-24 meses


1 año

1 añ

Bebé s 2 añ os Pree s 3-5 colar a


daraa des i v i t Ac p Jugar

SBB301 BRIGHT AND BEYOND - 1 AÑO (12-24 meses) When a baby turns one, it’s like a wake-up call to mom and dad. Toddlers have different play and learning needs now, not to mention abilities. Here’s a whole deck of activity ideas designed with a one year old in mind -- and busy parents!



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The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature a multitude of interactive ideas for helping to enhance:

1 año


tarjetas con ideas creativas


Intellectual development Coordination and motor skills Language and listening skills Color and shape recognition Creativity and imagination Self-esteem Most activities set up in moments with materials found around the home. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

fáciles rtidaselyni ño… idades dive

Beyond Bright andaños 2

Tam bi disp én onib le Bebé

s 1 añ o Pree s 3-5 colar a

24-36 meses


2 años

2 añ



daraa des i v i t Ac p Jugar

SBB302 BRIGHT AND BEYOND - 2 AÑOS (24-36 meses) Caregivers can easily keep up with a busy two year old with the help of Bright and Beyond cards, filled with fun and stimulating ideas that will focus, entertain, and educate the most energetic toddler! A quick glance at the cards can transform everyone’s mood from cranky to creative!



D ¡EsEscappeejitdeo, es 2 iEvsperesijiótno, lareso o, esp ocuejit l zopeji ccon espeji to Tub Espejit cobijas os bin

2 años

2 años


The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature a multitude of interactive ideas for helping to enhance: TM


tarjetas con ideas creativas


Intellectual development Coordination and motor skills Language and listening skills Color and shape recognition Creativity and imagination Self-esteem

Most activities set up in moments with materials found around the home. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

fáciles rtidaselyni ño… idades dive

® d Beyond Bright ane r la o sc Pre


Tam bi disp én onib le Bebé

s 1 añ o 2 añ os

3-5 años






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Whether enrolled in a playgroup, a nursery school, a day care center, a preschool, or at home, opportunities abound to learn through engaging, active play.


Bright and Beyond activity cards for Preschoolers are just what parents and teachers need to take youngsters to the next level. Each deck overflows with fun and stimulating ideas. When preschoolers complain they are “bored” encourage parents to reach for the deck instead of the remote!


ospsaeji o ejito, esp espejito Esp CajaEsdepejimeto, espePrjeescola ictooR,Redondo o deejitautos Esp Concesionari moria imátog r Canastejit a deo, esp os ica ridejit iculece Preescolar Preescolar ‡1` O>QBBK RKMFB



tarjetas con ideas creativas

The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature a multitude of interactive ideas for helping to enhance: - Intellectual development - Coordination and motor skills - Language, listening, and thinking skills - Color, shape, and number recognition - Creativity and imagination - Observation skills - Self-esteem Most activities set up in moments with materials found around the home. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

K-3rd and Beyond Decks

“Many of the cards have activities that make the lesson into a game and my students love games. The ideas involve creative aspects such as making up fun stories or quick art projects. My students love anything that allows them to compete against others and many of these ideas have the potential to allow competition and creativeness.” Learning Magazine 2006 Product Review Tester

Bright and Beyond activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards. The cards feature scores of quick and creative, interactive learning activities that use materials around the home. They are compact, easy to sort, and always on hand.

Lots of important uses in education programs • Give or lend these decks (or individual cards) to parents (they are also a fun homework-alternative). • Use them for after-school programs or fill in between lessons or for early finishers. • Add Bright and Beyond decks to your lending library. • Use these fun alternative learning ideas for kids with Special Needs. • Keep them among your materials for home visits. • Utilize them in trainings and use them for door prizes.

Available decks include Reading (K-3rd) Writing (K-3rd) Math (K-3rd) Thinking (Ages 7+)

Click a deck link to view sample cards and learn more about the types of skills kids will learn.

Parents and tutors can tuck a deck into a purse or the back pocket of their car. Great for learning while traveling or for when they beg to stay up for “ten more minutes.” Activities even double as cool party games! Click here to request a FREE SAMPLE

Table of Contents

You can use some of them for other ages than indicated on the cards, just fine tune them up or down. I also shared them with the parents as “homework.” For older kids I used them for fillers, on a rainy day, and Friday reward time.” Learning Magazine 2006 Product Review Tester “I think most teachers would enjoy having a set of these for their classroom, sometimes when you have lesson plans fall through, or need something quick, for a substitute, or a good way to spend a rainy day recess these will come in very handy. They are well written and teach lots of different things.” Learning Magazine 2006 Product Review Tester “I would recommend this product especially to a newer teacher. It’s always nice to have something easy and fun to do with the students that keep them happy and involved. The cards would also be a great parent gift to hand out at conferences to parents interested in working with their children at home.” Learning Magazine 2006 Product Review Tester

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes, CA 90274 (877) 725-8880 Email Pal Toys

BB204 BRIGHT AND BEYOND - READING (K-3rd) Keeping up (or jumping ahead!) is easy with quick and creative idea cards from Bright and Beyond. These games and fun activities will help children learn: -

Pre-Reading Skills Phonics Vocabulary Sequencing Alphabetizing


Rhyming Word Recognition Handwriting Comprehension

Learning to read is essential to a child’s overall success in life. After all, reading educates, informs and entertains. So that your child can move easily down road to literacy, it’s important that your child’s early reading experiences be positive and powerful. The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature scores of quick and fun reading activities. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

BB205 BRIGHT AND BEYOND - WRITING (K-3rd) Keeping up (or jumping ahead!) is easy with quick and creative idea cards from Bright and Beyond. These games and fun activities will help children learn: -

Handwriting Vocabulary Grammar Oral and written composition Creative writing Writing to communicate Critical thinking Expressing ideas

The research is in: Children who write early and often tend to see themselves as “real writers” from that time on. Bright and Beyond activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that feature a multitude of activities for pre-writers and writers alike. These instant activities will turn children into enthusiastic writers in minutes a day. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

BB206 BRIGHT AND BEYOND - MATH (K-3rd) Keeping up (or jumping ahead!) is easy with quick and creative idea cards from Bright and Beyond. These games and fun activities will help children learn: -

Numbers and Operations Estimation Measurement Money Pre-Geometry and Algebra Patterns Problem Solving Data Manipulation

The activities are printed on a set of 52 tote-able, sturdy, colorful wipe-clean cards that are perfect for after-school programs, as a classroom resource, or for home learning. The deck features many activities children can complete as class projects or for extra credit. ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

BB209 BRIGHT AND BEYOND - THINKING (Ages 7 & up) Keeping up (or jumping ahead!) is easy with quick and creative idea cards from Bright and Beyond. These games and fun activities will help children learn: - Word Play and Number Games - Codes and Ciphers - Abstract and Spatial Thinking - Patterns and Distinctions - Critical Thinking and Strategy . . . and much more! Thinking skills are among the most important skills a child needs to develop—yet how do you develop them? With our Bright and Beyond Thinking activity cards, we’ve done the work for you! These activities will spark a child’s ability to reason, observe, connect, and relate information, make conclusions, question, develop number sense, and more! Each card also includes a brain-tingling trivia question to get everyone thinking! ACTUAL CARD SIZE 3” x 4.5”


Go Back

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

Special Needs

“We all love the cards... they’re simple, practical, and a great way to fill in some empty moments during class. I would definitely recommend your product” Deborah White, Director Special Needs Ministry

8 Great decks Baby* Age 1* Age 2* Preschool*

Reading (K-3rd) Writing (K-3rd) Math (K-3rd) Thinking (7 & up)

*also available in Spanish

Bright and Beyond activities are multi-sensory, interactive, and highly adaptable to a child’s abilities –aspects that set the stage for learning, social growth, and a sense of achievement. As part of an early-intervention, or as a tool for reaching developmental goals, Bright and Beyond activities allow a flexible definition of success that helps avoid the frustrations that can aggravate a child’s sense of social isolation.

Lots of important program uses • • • •

Give decks (or individual cards) to parents. Add Bright and Beyond decks to your lending library. Keep them among your materials for home visits. Utilize them in trainings and use them for door prizes

Pal Toys is proud that our Bright and Beyond activities create the building blocks for adaptive development in all areas of a child’s life, whatever his or her abilities. It’s an honor to support your efforts. Table of Contents

“Bright and Beyond decks are easy to read, cross over to multiple domains, use simple inexpensive household objects to complete the activity, and they are culturally diverse.” Kristi W. Lunceford First Steps Program Consultant University of Kentucky “I’m an occupational therapist working with school-age children with an in-home therapy company. I’ve used the cards many times and I find them fun and yet educational when pertaining to my treatment goals. I love this addition to my treatment “goodie bag!” Thanks so much.” Sarah Leitzel Occupational Therapist

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes, CA 90274 (877) 725-8880 Email Pal Toys

Our Philosophy “Sparking Learning and Discovery” Aside from being vetted by early childhood development experts prior to publishing, much of our product development decisions line up with Constructivist Theory, put forward primarily by Dewey, Vgotsky, and Piaget. Piaget indicated that the challenge is to identify content that intrigues children and arouses in them a need and desire to figure something out. Interest is central to spontaneous mental actions by which the child constructs knowledge, intelligence, and personality. Constructivists are constantly observing, asking, and offering an appropriately challenging curriculum to spark the children’s learning and discovery. Table of Contents

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

Selected Awards & Testimonials

“The format and activities in ‘Bright and Beyond’ are perfect for parents who want to provide interactive, creative play and a broad-based head start for their child” - Marti Monroe, PhD - Child Development Educator “I was very impressed with the range of activities that give young children the chance to build their early learning skills. The activities are a perfect balance of fun and learning!” - Holly N. Daluisio - Director, San Pedro Co-op Nursery School, San Pedro, California I was personally impressed with the quality of the Spanish [in your Spanish decks].” - Maria Elena Cruz-Lopez, Asst. Manager Scholastic Club Leo “We absolutely love it. I prefer the card venue over a book of ideas. It’s easier to put into a play readiness priority. Thank you,” Deborah L., Roseville CA “I loved the illustration. It prevented me from having to think about ‘how’ to do the activity. For me, that was invaluable.” -Robin R., Topanga, CA “Just because they’re simple does not mean they’re obvious! I’m an early childhood educator and I still got a ton of ideas, things I’d just never considered before (like squirt some ketchup and mustard in a ziploc, seal it, and watch them be amazed as they squish it in the high chair.) Maybe I could have come up with some of these ideas if I really brainstormed, but who has that kind of time? I’m busy surviving parenthood. Oh so worth $10, what a steal.” - Amazon 5-Star Review by K. Hickman “Disco Mom” Brooklyn, NY “We love the “Bright and Beyond” activity cards!! The teacher in me just wishes I would’ve thought of it first!!! Thank you for making such a great product!” Jennifer D., Chandler, AZ “My five year old daughter carries around the preschool deck like her brothers carry around their YuGiOh cards. She will lay out five cards on the table, and say to us, “Which one do you want to do?” Once we get started, her older brothers often join in, and everybody has a great time!” -Tom K., Portland, OR “Someone gave me the Age 2 deck for Christmas. I’ve been using them all year when it’s rainy or she’s bored, or I want to teach her something, or if I can’t think of something to do. When my mother-in-law watches my daughter I suggest that she try activities from the deck.” - Andrea A., Sebastopol, CA “You’re providing families a quality product . . . It’s good for mommy - great for grandma and grandpa.” - Robert M., Norwich, VT “Overall I really like the product because it’s a nice quick reference when the children have you distracted and frazzled.” William D., Lakewood, CA “You have wonderful ideas, and it’s so interesting for me to see how my toddler uses your 15 minute activity and it evolves into an afternoon activity.” Laura J., Boise, ID “[T]he baby deck . . . [is] just fantastic! We’ve been using it for the past couple of days and [my son] has been enjoying all the activities. I’ve been giving him some of the activities while he sits in his highchair during dinner. I am finally able to eat a peaceful and warm meal. How about that!!!!!” Mari O., Tracy, CA “It’s like having a whole cupboard full of games in one little packet.” Beth S., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA “My 4 year old keeps asking to do more...I’ll need to buy some for my two yr old now!” Julie K., San Clemente, CA “Thanks for a great product, they are really well done!” Ruta B., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. “We have the baby deck and love it . . . I think many moms and dads (and maybe especially with your first child) have a hard time coming up with “creative” ideas to entertain (we just haven’t had to “play” for so long.. we lose touch).. not only are they creative ideas... but the other thing we like is they are easily affordable ideas also.. even just putting to use some things we usually throw away around the house (ie: paper towel tubes) AND they’re simple!!!!!” Kristin K., South Dakota. READ MORE

Table of Contents

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

Pricing Information and How to Order We are a sole source provider, and accept PO’s. Qty of decks Price per deck 0 - 23 decks $9.95 24 - 599 decks $5.00 600 - 2,399 decks $4.25 2,400 - 5,999 decks $4.00 6,000 - 23,999 decks $3.75 24,000 - 47,999 decks $2.75 48,000+ decks $1.95

Displays are also available!

Ordering 23-or-fewer decks Order on our website

Ordering options for 24-or-more decks* Print out, and fax or mail in our order form. Order on our website at E-mail your order to: [email protected] Fax your order to: 310-868-2891 Mail in your order: PO Box 2531 Palos Verdes, CA 90274 Call in your order: 877-725-8880 ext. 3

Table of Contents

*$5-and-under decks are usually sold in bundles of 6 decks. Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes CA 90274 T: 877-725-8880 F:310-868-2891 [email protected]

Pal Toys, LLC P.O. Box 2531 Palos Verdes, CA 90274 Phone: 877-725-8880 Fax: 310-868-2891

Table of Contents Date _______________________

Order Form

P.O. # ______________________








City Zip








Ship Date

Promo Code


Item # EBB500 BB700 SBB600

Product Description



Pre-filled Early Years Display Includes 6 each of Baby, Age 1, Age 2, and Preschool



Pre-filled School Years Display Includes 6 each of Reading, Writing, Math, and Thinking



SPANISH Pre-filled Early Years Display Includes 6 each of Bebés, 1 año, 2 años, Preescolar




Item #

Product Description




Bright & Beyond - Playtime Activities BABY (0-12 mos.) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond - Playtime Activities AGE 1 (12-24 mos.) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond - Playtime Activities AGE 2 (24-36 mos) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond - Playtime Activities PRESCHOOL (Ages 3-5) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond READING (K-3rd) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond WRITING (K-3rd) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond MATH (K-3rd) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond THINKING (Ages 7 & Up) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond - Actividades para jugar BEBÉS (0-12 meses) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond - Actividades para jugar 1 AÑO (12-24 meses) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond - Actividades para jugar 2 AÑOS (24-36 meses) 6-deck refill pack




Bright & Beyond - Actividades para jugar PREESCOLAR (3-5 años) 6-deck refill pack



Special Shipping Requests: California County inf from CA Payment Method if not on terms or P.O.

Check/Money Order Enclosed Payable to Pal Toys, LLC

Merchandise Total Standard Shipping Method: Fedex Ground (3-5 days) Total Amount Due C.O.D.


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Card # _________________________________________________________ Exp Date ___________________________ Name on Card__________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________

First-time order minimum $120 with credit card only unless approved in advance. Reorder minimum $30. Credit Card, C.O.D., or Net 30/POs (on approved accounts). FOB Palos Verdes, CA. Damaged shipments must be noted with carrier at time of shipment. Shipping errors must be reported within 10 days of receipt of shipment. This cost sheet supersedes all previous price schedules. Price subject to change without notice. No cash refunds. Merchandise credit only. Interest rate of 1.5% per month charged on past due accounts.

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