Bridges View

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 306
  • Pages: 15
R fl Reflections i on lif life 生命的倒影


Our life cannot always be full of happiness but it can always be full of love!


He who is blind to the view of our souls souls, will not enjoy and see life as it is.

The more you plan plan, the less likely you will experience chance, therefore live life to the fullest.

A true friend is one who holds y your hand and thus touches your heart. 真心的朋友會緊握著你的手並且緊挨著你的心


When we get married, we won’t know what lies ahead Until we hit the waves of life at sea.


Life is reality without an eraser!


Nothing in the future, future will correct those moments that you have missed in the past.


D ’t waste Don’t t time ti with ith someone who h won’t ’t supportt you in time of need.

經常關注生命的光明面, 萬一找不到光明,耐心等候光明到來

Always look at the bright side of life. If there is no bright side, wait until the future turns to light.


Don’tt cry over what has happened in the past, Don past but be happy that you could enjoy the moment.

Always remember the words from a true friend: “I’ll I ll be there for you you” 永遠記得真心的朋友給你的話: 「為了你,我會適時出現在那裡!」

Work, as if you don’t need money. 工作,要像你並不需要錢那樣 Love, as if nobody has hurt you.愛,就像並沒有人傷害過你一樣 D Dance , as if nobody b d was watching t hi you.舞, 舞 就像沒有人正在看你那樣 Sing, as if nobody was listening.唱,就像沒有人正在聽那樣 Live, as if this was paradise on earth.生活,就像是地上的樂園那樣

別氣餒, 因為最好的事情都會在你最少企盼它們的時候碰巧發生!

Don’tt dispair, Don dispair the nicest things will happen to you when you least expect them...

並請記住: 每件事情的發生都是為了某種因 緣而發生的! 別吝於和朋友分享,即使是你不常往來的朋友… Feel free to share this with friends even those that you don’t talk to very y often... And remember:

“E “Everything thi that th t happens, h happens h for f a reason!”

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