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Practice Examples - 1 1. The clown pulled silly faces to make the children laugh.- The word silly in this sentence means: A: funny B: bad C: tricky D: scary E: None of these 2. The sentence below does not have any punctuation. Choose the option with the correct punctuation. -

i am a good runner

A: i am a good runner. B: I am a good runner C: Im a good runner. D: I am a good runner. E: None of these 3. Emily has three dogs and two cats. They are all brown, but one of the dogs has spots. His name is Spot. Which of the following is true? A: Emily has three animals in total. B: Emily has more cats than dogs. C: One of Emily’s cats is black. D: All of Emily’s dogs have spots. E: None of these 4. Please read the following sentence. Once Jane lifted her pen and made a start, writing the essay became easy. If we change the start of the sentence to: Writing the essay became easy........ What will the ending be? A: after starting. B: after lifting her pen. C: once Jane lifted her pen and made a start. D: once she lifted her pen and made a start. E: None of these. 5. What does this sentence suggest? A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A: Your own possessions are always worth more to you. B: Birds are hard to catch, so hang on to one if you catch it. C: To have something is better than having nothing at all. D: A trained bird is twice the value of an untrained one. E: There is no point in being envious.

Practice Example – 2

Day - 2

1. Shelly the Snail : Shelly is a little snail. She is called Shelly because her home is a shell. Shelly slides very slowly along the ground. One day she slid a long way...about 100 metres. She got so tired

that she had to have a long sleep. Shelly slept for 10 hours. She dreamt she wasn’t little any more. She was huge! Questions. 1. Shelley’s home is a __ __ __ __ __.

2. She slides along the __ __ __ __ __ __.

3. When Shelley got tired she had a __ __ __ __ __ __ sleep. 4. For how many hours did Shelley sleep? __ __ 5. Shelley __ __ __ __ __ __ she wasn’t little any more. 6. Write a sentence to say how Shelley looks in her dream. ................................................................................................................................................ 2. The Fox and the Rabbit : One day in the forest a fox chased after a rabbit. The rabbit hid behind a tree and the fox kept running. “Where are you rabbit?” called the fox, “I want to be your friend.” The rabbit knew that this was one of the fox’s tricks so he called, “I’m over here next to the bee hive.” The hungry fox raced to the bee hive but there was no rabbit....only a big swarm of bees. The fox sped off as fast as he could, with the bees buzzing right behind him.


1. Who hid behind a tree? ------------------------------------------------------2. Who was hungry? -------------------------------------------------------------3. Was the rabbit next to the beehive? ............................................ 4. What was at the beehive? ----------------------------------------------------5. What did the fox do when it got to the bee hive? -------------------------6. What did the bees do? ---------------------------------------------------------

Practice Exercise 1:

Day : 3

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: There was a farmer in a village. He had three sons. They always quarrelled with one another. The father was not happy about their behaviour. He tried hard to bring them into union. All his efforts ended in vain. The father was getting old also. He was worried and he called his sons. He begged them to stop fighting but his sons

did not listen to him. They continued their quarrel. One day, the father fell ill. He called his sons, “My dear sons, I have nothing to leave behind you except this piece of field. If you work together in the garden, you will make your living.” Even that did not stop them from quarrelling with each other. The father was depressed. Suddenly, the farmer got an idea. He called out his sons and asked each of them to bring two sticks of same height and thickness. When they returned with the sticks, the farmer took one stick from each of them and tied the three sticks together. Then he asked them to break the single stick with their hands. The brothers broke their sticks very easily. Then, the farmer gave the bundle of sticks to the first son. He asked him to break the bundle. He tried to break it but could not. The second and the third sons too tried it. They also could not break the bundle. Thus, the father made his sons realise the importance of “UNITY”. Questions: a. How many sons did the farmer have? b. What did the farmer ask his sons to bring? c. Why was it difficult for them to break the bundle? d. Did the father succeed in his effort? e. Complete: Unity .............................. Practice Exercise 2: The Arabs, who are not in the cities, live in the desert all the year round. They live in tents that can be put up and taken down very easily and quickly, so that they can move from one oasis to another, seeking grass and water for their sheep, goats, camels and horses. These desert- Arabs eat ripe, sweet figs and also the dates that grow up in the palm trees; they dry them too, and use them as food all the year round. These Arabs have the finest horses in the world. An Arab is very proud of his riding horse and loves him almost as much as he loves his wife and children. He never puts heavy loads upon his horse and often lets him stay in the tent with his family. The camel is much more useful to the Arab than his beautiful horse, for he is much larger and stronger. One camel can carry twice as much load and do twice as much work as one horse. The Arab loads the camel with goods and rides on it for miles and miles across the desert – just as if it were really the “Ship of the Desert”, which it is often called. Questions : a. Which section of Arabs lives in the desert? b. Why do these Arabs live in movable tents? d. Which animal do they love most?

c. What do they eat?

e. Complete: The Ship of the Desert .................

Dialogue comprehension: Exercise - 1

Day - 4

Model: Opening a Savings Bank Account Ms.Seema : Excuse me, I want some details on opening a savings account here. Officer : Oh, sure, madam! Are you new to this bank? Ms.Seema : Yes. I have come to Chennai from Pune just a week ago. But I have an account with your Pune branch. Officer : Oh! Then that shouldn't be a problem at all. Do you want to transfer your account from Pune to this branch or do you want to open a new account here? Ms.Seema : Please tell me which would be easier and faster? Officer : Transferring the account would be faster and easier. Please fill up this form and bring two passport size photos. Ms.Seema : By the way, does the Chennai branch have ATM facility? Officer : Sure, madam. We have ATM facility all over India. Ms.Seema : Thank you very much. Officer : You're most welcome! Questions: 1. Who are the speakers? 2. What does Ms. Seema want? 3. Where has she come from? 4. Does this bank have ATM facility? 5. How many photographs are required? Exercise: 2 I: Read the following dialogue and answer the questions that follow. Situation : Two students are sitting at table in Vijay Restaurant waiting to be served.. After a few minutes, they converse. Dialogue: Maria : The service is really slow here. I've been trying to get the waiter's attention for the last ten minutes. Ali : I hope he waits on us soon. I have a class at two o'clock. Maria : Me, too. I recognize that English book. You must be a student at the English Language Centre. Ali : Yeah. I'm in the fourth course. Are you also studying there? Maria : Yes, I'm in the fifth course. I took the fourth course last month. Ali : I just came here two weeks ago. Do you like the institute? Maria : Sure . How long are you going to be here? Ali : I guess a year, but sometimes I feel like going home tomorrow. Maria : You'll get used to it. Where are you from? Ali : Saudi Arabia. How about you? Maria : Venezuela. I'm only staying here for three more months. Then I go to Columbia University in New York. Ali : Hi. Oh, here comes the waiter. It looks like we're going to get served atlast. Questions: 1. How many persons are involved in this conversation? 2. Where is Ali from? 3. Where are they studying? 4. Where is Maria from? 5. Where will Maria go after three months?

II: Read the following dialogue and answer the questions that follow: Situation : Maria and Ali are enjoying their lunch in Vijay Restaurant when a friend of Maria's, Tom, comes up. Conversation Tom : Hi, Maria. Maria : Hai, Tom! Do you want to join us? Tom : Sure. Maria : Ali, this is my friend Tom. He lives in the apartment across from mine. Ali's from Saudi Arabia. He's studying at the English Language Center. Tom : Hi, Ali. Nice to meet you. Ali : Very nice to meet You..

Tom : How long have you been in the United States? Ali : For the past two months. Questions: 1. How many persons are involved in this conversation? 2. Where does this conversation take place? 3. For what does Maria invite Ali? 4. What is the Nationality of Ali? 5. Where does Ali live in the United States? 43 Exercise: III:Read the following dialogue and answer the questions that follow: [between two friends, Govind (G) and Leela (L)] G : Latha has misplaced her wallet again. L : Are you sure? Do you recollect last time when she couldn't locate it, we searched every nook and corner of the office and come to think of it, we found it in her hand bag. G : I very well remember the incident. That's why this time I asked her to look for it there immediately. L : If I misplace something, I mentally go through the day and try to recollect the moment I set it down. G : This is what I also do. I have cultivated the habit of putting things back in the place. L : I wish, Latha did the same. By the way, have you ever seen her room? G : No, and I don't want to. I imagine it to be awfully messy. L : Yes, it is. It looks as though an earthquake hit it. G : Really! is it that bad? L : That’s bad! Give Latha some time and she herself will get lost in it!

Questions: 1. Name the three persons involved. 2. What are the people discussing? 3. Where was the wallet found in the last instance? 4. How does Govind remember where his possessions are? 5. Does Latha keep her room neat and clean? 44 3.Visual comprehension U.S. President Barrack Obama addresses students at St.Xavier’s college in Mumbai on Sunday. The Obamas went to the college after visiting Holy Name school.- the best Diwali gift to the kids Answer the questions on the visual 5x1 = 5 marks Questions: 1. Who is handshaking with the students? 2. Where is it taking place? 3. Name the school he visited first. 4. Name the occasion of this scene. 5. Write a sentence of your own about the visual. Answers: 1. Barrack Obama, the U.S. President is handshaking with the students. 2. It is taking place at St.Xavier’s college in Mumbai. 3. He visited the Holy Name School first. 4. Diwali was the occasion 5. Barrack Obama is fond of meeting students. 45 Exercise - 1 Answer the questions on the visual 5 x 1 = 5 marks Questions:

1. Who has inserted this visual? 2. Name the occasion of this release. 3. Is the child in happy mood? 4. For whom is this visual meant? 5. Name two bank schemes for the children. 1. The farmer had three sons. 2. He asked his sons to bring two sticks each of same height and thickness. 3. It was difficult for them to break the bundle because all the sticks were tied together. 4. Yes, the father succeeded in his effort. 5. Unity is Strength. Answers: 1. Ms. Seema and an offficier in a bank are the speakers. 2. Ms. Seema wanted to open a savings account with the bank. 3. She has come from Pune. 4. Yes, the bank has ATM facility. 5. Two photographs are required.

Some women achievers of post-independent India Bachendri Pal This bold Indian from the North-East braved the onslaught of an injury to become famous as the first Indian woman who successfully surmounted the highest mountain peak Mt Everest in 1984. She was also the fifth woman of the world to have achieved this remarkable feat.

Kalpana Chawla First India-born woman to enter space in 1997, Kalpana Chawla’s life ended tragically when while returning from her second mission for 16-days, her space shuttle Columbia disintegrated and killed the 41 year old astronaut

Mary Kom our-time world champion M C Mary Kom is the first woman boxer to be honoured with the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award, She is also the first boxer alongwith Vijender Singh to be awarded the same. The Manipuri girl also won the Arjuna award in 2004 before being conferred with the Padma Shri a couple of years later in 2006. She is also the International Boxing Association's Ambassador for women's boxing. Saina Nehwal She is the latest woman sports sensation and has proved that hard work can take you anywhere. Saina is World No 2 in badminton and has scored victories over higher ranked players in the past.

Fathima Beevi The first woman judge of the Supreme Court, Fathima Beevi was also the first one to be appointed as a judge of the apex court in the whole of Asia. It is an achievement for an Indian woman and a feat indeed for a Muslim woman during 1989. Her accomplishment lay in the fact that she facilitated the entry of other women in the apex court. Priya Jhingan Erstwhile male bastion the Indian Army was broken by Priya Jhingan-Army’s first woman. In fact she even wrote to the then Chief of Army Staff, General Sunith Francis Rodrigues requesting him to open doors of the Army to the Indian woman. And in the year 1992, the bright young law graduate joined the ‘hard’ profession. Before she retired she said, “It's a dream I have lived every day for the last 10 years”. Padmavathy Bandopadhyay With a list of accomplishments to her credit, Padma Bandopadhyay- an IAF officer who rose to be India’s first woman Air Vice Marshal in 2002, Bandopadhyay also served as the first woman Fellow of the Aerospace Medical Society of India and the first Indian woman to have conducted scientific research at the North Pole as also the first woman officer to have completed the Defence Service Staff College course - in 1978 - and to command the IAF's Central Medical Establishment (CME). Pratibha Patil In 2007, Pratibha Patil became the country’s first woman President. Prior to this she was also the first woman governor of Rajasthan from 2004-2007. What is noteworthy is that she has never lost an election that she has contested.

Meira Kumar In 2009, Meira Kumar became the country’s first woman and also the first Dalit Speaker of the Lok Sabha and was elected unopposed. An IFS officer by profession, Meira was a Cabinet Minister in the Ministry for Social Justice and Empowerment in 2004-2009. Meira is a five-time Lok Sabha MP.

Sushmita Sen In 1994, for the first time, an Indian beauty won the Miss Universe crown. The answer to the question of the final round made her immensely popular among people. When asked “What was the essence of being a woman?”, the charming 18-year-old replied, “The origin of a child was a woman…. a woman teaches a man what …..caring….is all about…”. This won her the much sought after crown.

Some women achievers of post-independent India Sonia Gandhi The widow of late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi inherited the political legacy. However she has risen to be India’s most powerful woman on account of her own caliber. She is the one who virtually runs the country. Sonia, an Italian-born, internalized Indian culture and tradition when she got married to Rajiv Gandhi. She has faced much criticism on account of her being a foreigner but has also received appreciation for her political astuteness. Naina Lal Kidwai The first Indian woman to graduate from the Harvard Business School, Naina Lal Kidwai was appointed as the country head of HSBC (India) this year. Kidwai was bestowed with the Padma Shri in 2007and was alos in WSJ’s list of world’s top 50 businesswomen. Not only this, the woman was listed as one of the 15 global influentials of 2002 by Time magazine.

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