Brave New Eropean Union

  • June 2020
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Brave new EU: In Latvia, hospitals and schools are closed

Dieter Sprock Under the impact of the attacks directed against Switzerland - this time by the banking secrecy and tax issues, at around - is the debate about EU membership once again get new food. Also at the federal parliament, some MPs are said to have been thinking aloud about a port of Switzerland, arguing that the attacks might have been less severe, if Switzerland were a member of the EU. In this forgotten, however, that the attacks serve the very objective of Switzerland made ripe for a takeover, because "big brother" in Brussels, the only free country in Europe, which currently stands so socially and economically better than his vassals, will no longer tolerate. You forget how it goes the other small countries, which are subject to the Brussels' headquarters. As an example, Latvia was mentioned that by the beginning of last year, was still acting as a model country for the benefits of EU membership. After the EU accession of Latvia to five years, foreign investors sensed new outlets and pumped money into the country, mainly in construction and real estate industries. All the money fueled consumer spending and pushed the wages and prices higher. Above all, the new purchasing power and Scandinavian banks offered loans to Tiefstzinsen served. Many Latvians to be packed up and bought a house on credit. Farmers and farm house built with cheap loans in the millions with the latest technology. The reckless lending of banks encouraged speculation in real estate sales, brought national and international major investors fat profits and drove the housing prices up, the banks' reckless lending encouraged speculation in real estate sales, brought national and international major investors and drove the fat profits Flat prices soar. With the economic crisis, many Latvians, their loans could no longer operate. Property prices fell by more than half, and the largest Latvian bank, the Parexbank could be saved only by the nationalization of collapse. This in turn drove the national debt of Latvia in the air so that a state bankruptcy only

through a "rescue package" of the International Monetary Fund could be prevented. Today Latvia is facing ruin.

Latvia's public sector under the IMF and the EU Latvia's public administration sector under the IMF and the EU administration The loan of 7.5 billion euros, one third of gross domestic product was linked to the condition that the deficit of Latvia's state budget should not exceed 5 percent. When the government in Riga this goal is not reached, opened in March, the IMF disbursements of a loan tranche of EUR 200 million. In the Face of a fall in economic output by 18 percent in the first, and even 19.6 percent in the second quarter of 2009 and corresponding tax revenues have sunk IMF and EU are now allowed one hand, the deficit ceiling to 8 percent increase, on the other the public sector in the country but in principle under their administration "made, writes," The daily newspaper "in its foreign part on" 14 Faced with a decline in economic output by 18 percent in the first, and even 19.6 percent in second quarter 2009 and according to the IMF and the EU have sunken tax revenues are now the one hand, the permitted increases to 8 percent deficit limit, provided the other hand, the public sector in the country but in principle under their administration, "writes" The daily newspaper "in its foreign part on August 14. August. The government should not make any more decisions that have an impact on the state budget without consulting the IMF and to obtain his permission. The government should not make any more decisions that will impact on the state budget without consulting the IMF and to obtain his permission . To meet the conditions that are now closed schools and hospitals and released thousands of teachers and staff of the health sector. To satisfy the conditions that are now closed schools and hospitals and released thousands of teachers and staff of the health sector. 32 out of a total of 56 hospitals will be closed. 32 from a total of 56 hospitals will be closed. By the end of the month, all 570 employees of Riga's largest hospital, Gorgas Pirmā Slimnca should receive the notice because the hospital end of the year is closed. By the end of of the month to get all 570 employees of Riga's largest hospital, Gorgas Pirmā Slimnca, the termination, since the end of the year, the hospital is closed. Because of budget cuts, together with some halved wages and a jump in unemployment, many people can afford any medicine. In a hospital stay, many left the hospital against medical advice at an early stage, because they can no longer afford the deductible. The retention rate today is 18 euros per day, but will be increased to 50 euros. Since July, all cardiac and vascular operations stopped, where they are not necessarily to cure a life-threatening condition. Similarly, all knee and hip operations. Likewise, all knee and hip operations. Unless you can pay 10 000 euro itself. "Every hospital from the state get a certain quota of operations per month approved. Unless you can pay 10 000 euro itself. "Every hospital from the state get a certain quota of operations per month approved. This quota is exhausted, will no longer be operated on. And every month, leaving after a study of medical journal Latvijas rsts 20 to 30 doctors the country. You will be welcomed with open arms in Europe. The editor in chief of the magazine warns that the medical expertise and the Future of The Latvians healthcare system is seriously threatened. Gunta Ana by the Latvian Association of Patients Organizations sustento says:" Latvia for Europe does not seem much. We are left alone and can not even identify themselves . "We have written to the EU and described our desperate situation, but received only meaningless answers." ****** Switzerland is well advised to maintain their independence and are not easily subject to the dictates of Brussels. Switzerland is well advised to maintain their independence and are not easily subject to the

dictates of Brussels. Even if you have to tighten their belts - and that will be so - it's better if we can determine their own affairs. • Original: Translated by Google Translator Slovak Version

V Lotyšsku zatvárajú nemocnice a školy

Po vstupe Lotyšska pred piatimi rokmi do EÚ, vetrili zahraniční investori nové odbytové trhy a pumpovali peniaze do krajiny, predovšetkým do stavebníctva a do branže s nehnuteľnosťami. Toto množstvo peňazí podporovalo konzum a vyhnalo platy a ceny do výšky. Predovšetkým škandinávske banky si poslúžili novou kúpnou silou a ponúkali úvery s najnižšími úrokmi. Mnoho Lotyšov sa obslúžilo a kúpili si nový byt na úver. Roľníci budovali stajne a dvory s výhodnými úvermi v miliónových výškach s najmodernejšou technológiou. Ľahkomyseľné poskytovanie úverov bankami, podporovalo špekulatívne predaje v branži s nemovitosťami, nadelili domácim a zahraničným veľkoinvestorom mastné zisky a vyhnalo ceny bytov do výšky. S hospodárskou krízou nevedelo mnoho Lotyšov splácať svoje úroky. Ceny nehnuteľností klesli viac ako o polovicu a najväčšia lotyšská banka, Parexbanka, bola zachránená pred bankrotom len zoštátnením. To zasa vyhnalo štátny dlh Lotyšska takým spôsobom do výšky, že štátnemu bankrotu bolo možné zabrániť len «záchranným balíčkom» Medzinárodného menového fondu MMF. Dnes sa nachádza Lotyšsko pred zruinovaním. Lotyšský verejný sektor pod správou MMF a EÚ Pôžička 7,5 miliárd Euro, tretina hrubého domáceho produktu, bola bola naviazaná na podmienku, že deficit lotyšského štátneho rozpočtu nesmie viac prekročiť 5 %. Keď vláda v Rige tento cieľ nedosiahla, blokoval MMF v marci výplatu úverovej tranže vo výške 200 miliónov Euro. «Vzhľadom na pokles výkonu hospodárstva o 18 % v prvom a dokonca o 19,6 % v druhom kvartáli 2009 a tomu zodpovedajúcemu poklesu výberu daní, povolili medzitým MMF a EÚ síce na jednej strane zvýšenie hranice deficitu na 8 %, na druhej strane v princípe podriadili verejný sektor pod svoju správu», píšu noviny «Denník» vo svojej zahraničnej časti 14. augusta. Vláda už nesmie príjmať žiadne rozhodnutia, ktoré by mohli mať vplyv na rozpočet bez toho, že by predtým konzultovala MMF a obdržala jeho súhlas. Aby sa splnili tieto požiadavky, sa teraz zatvárajú školy a nemocnice, ako aj prepúšťajú tisíce učiteľov a pracovníkov v sektore zdravotníctva.

32 z celkových 56 nemocníc by malo byť zatvorených. Do konca mesiaca by malo všetkých 570 zamestnancov najväčšej nemocnice v Rige, Rigas Pirma Slimnca, dostať výpoveď, pretože nemocnica má byť koncom roka uzavretá. Vzhľadom na krátenie rozpočtu, spolu s čiastočne na polovicu krátenými platmi a skokovým nárastom nezamestnanosti, si mnoho ľudí nemôže už viacej dovoliť žiadne lieky. Pri pobyte v nemocnici, opúšťajú mnohí nemocnicu proti radám lekárov predčasne, pretože si svoj vlastný príspevok nemôžu dovoliť. Tento príspevok predstavuje dnes 18 Euro na deň, má byť však zvýšený na 50 Euro. «Od júla sú stopnuté všetky operácie srdca a obehového systému, pokial neslúžia len na zamedzenie život ohrozujúcich stavov. Taktiež všetky operácie bedrových a kolenných kĺbov. Okrem prípadov, že pacient je schopný zaplatiť 10 000 Euro sám.» Každá nemocnica dostane od štátu povolenú určitú kvótu operácií na mesiac. Ak je táto kvóta vyčerpaná, nemalo by sa ďalej operovať. Jeden veľký farmaceutický dodávateľ hrozí niektorým nemocniciam, že nebude viac dodávať žiadne lieky, pretože ich dlhy predstavujú medzičasom 6 miliónov Euro. A podľa jednej štúdie lekárskeho časopisu Latvijas rsts opúšťa mesačne 20 až 30 lekárov krajinu. Títo sú v Európe vítaní s otvorenou náručou. Šéfredaktorka časopisu varuje, že lekárska kompetentnosť v budúcnosti lotyšského zdravotníctva je vážne ohrozená. Gunta Ana z lotyšskej strešnej organizácie pacientov Sustento hovorí: «Lotyšsko zrejme pre Európu neznamená veľa. Sme ponechaní sami na seba a nemôžeme už ani viacej samostatne rozhodovať. Písali sme do EÚ a opísali našu zúfalú situáciu, ale dostali sme len nič nehovoriace odpovede.»

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