Brand Name: Chloromycetin Generic Name: Chloramphenicol Indication: External Ear Canal

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 150
  • Pages: 2
Brand Name: Chloromycetin Generic Name: Chloramphenicol Indication: External Ear Canal infection Drug Classification: Antibiotic (Macrolides) Mechanism of Action: Inhibits or destroys bacteria in ear canal. Dosage: Adults and Children: 2-3 drops in ear canal Special Precaution: Renal or hepatic impairment, G6PD deficiency, acute intermittent porphyria. Premature and full term infants Pregnancy Risk Category: C Adverse Reaction: EENT: ear itching or burning GU: hemoglobinuria Hematologic: bone marrow depression, bone marrow hypoplasia, aplastic anemia Metabolic: Lactic acidosis Skin: pruritis, urticaria Other: overgrowth or non susceptible organisms Contraindications: Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or its components and in those with perforated eardrum.

Form: Otic solution: 0.5 % Nursing Responsibility:  Obtain history of drug use and reactions.  Monitor patient for signs and symptoms of super infection. Avoid prolonged use.  Reculture persistent drainage  Monitor patient for sore throat ( early sign of toxicity)  Alert: Don’t confuse Chloromycetin with chlorambucil

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