Brain Computer Interface

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

1.INTRODUCTION What is a Brain-Computer Interface? A brain-computer interface uses electrophysiological signals to control remote devices. Most current BCIs are not invasive. They consist of electrodes applied to the scalp of an individual or worn in an electrode cap such as the one shown in 1-1 (Left). These electrodes pick up the brain’s electrical activity (at the microvolt level) and carry it into amplifiers such as the ones shown in 1-1 (Right). These amplifiers amplify the signal approximately ten thousand times and then pass the signal via an analog to digital converter to a computer for processing. The computer processes the EEG signal and uses it in order to accomplish tasks such as communication and environmental control. BCIs are slow in comparison with normal human actions, because of the complexity and noisiness of the signals used, as well as the time necessary to complete recognition and signal processing.

Figure 1: an example to show how the electrodes are placed

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 The phrase brain-computer interface (BCI) when taken literally means to interface an individual’s electrophysiological signals with a computer. A true BCI only uses signals from the brain and as such must treat eye and muscle movements as artifacts or noise. On the other hand, a system that uses eye, muscle, or other body potentials mixed with EEG signals, is a brain-body actuated system.

Figure 2 : Scheme of an EEG-based Brain Computer Interface with on-line feedback. The EEG is recorded from the head surface, signal processing techniques are used to extract features. These features are classified, the output is displayed on a computer screen. This feedback should help the subject to control its EEG patterns.

The BCI system uses oscillatory

electroencephalogram (EEG)

signals, recorded during specific mental activity, as input and provides a

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 control option by its output. The obtained output signals are presently evaluated for different purposes, such as cursor control, selection of letters or words, or control of prosthesis. People who are paralyzed or have other severe movement disorders need alternative methods for communication






communication methods require some muscle control. Whether they use one muscle group to supply the function normally provided by another (e.g., use extraocular muscles to drive a speech synthesizer) .Thus, they may not be useful for those who are totally paralyzed (e.g., by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or brainstem stroke) or have other severe








communication channel that does not depend on muscle control. The current and the most important application of a BCI is the restoration of communication channel for patients with locked-in-syndrome.


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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

Figure 3: architecture

The processing unit is subdivided into a preprocessing unit, responsible









recognition unit that identifies the command sent by the user to the BCI. The output subsystem generates an action associated to this command. This action constitutes a feedback to the user who can modulate her mental activity so as to produce those EEG patterns that make the BCI accomplish her intents.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

2.1. THE PARTS OF A BCI 2.1.1. SIGNAL ACQUISITION In BCIs, the input is EEG recorded from the scalp or the surface of the brain or neuronal activity recorded within the brain. Electrophysiological BCis can be categorized by whether they use noninvasive (e.g. EEG) or invasive (e.g. intracortical) methodology. They can also be categorized y whether they use evoked or spontaneous inputs. Evoked inputs (e.g. EEG produced by flashing letters) result from stereotyped sensory stimulation provided by the BCI. Spontaneous inputs (e.g. EEG rhythms over sensorimotor cortex) do not depend for their generation on such stimulation. There s presumably, no reason why a BCI could not combine non-invasive and invasive methods or evoked and spontaneous inputs. In the signal-acquisition part of BCI operation, the chosen input is acquired by the recording electrodes, amplified, and digitized. Most current BCIs use electrophysiological signal features that represent brain events that are reasonably well-defined anatomically and physiologically. These include rhythms reflecting oscillations in particular neuronal circuits (e.g. mu or beta rhythms from sensorimotor cortex), potentials evoked from particular brain regions by particular stimuli (e.g. VEPs or P300s), or action potentials produced by particular cortical neurons. A few are exploring signal features, such as autoregressive parameters, that bear complex and uncertain relationships to underlying brain events. The special characteristics and capacities of each signal feature will largely determine the extent and nature of its usefulness. SCPs are, as their name suggest, slow. They develop over 300ms to several seconds. Thus, if an SCP based BCI is to exceed a bit rate of one every 1-2s, users will need to produce more than two SCP

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 levels










independently. Initial studies suggest that such control may be possible. While mu and beta rhythms have characteristics frequencies of 8-12 and 18-26 Hz , respectively, change in mu or beta rhythm amplitude appears to have a latency of about .5s. On other hand, users are certainly able to provide more than two amplitude levels, and can achieve independent control of different rhythms.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 Projecting from results to date, a mu/beta rhythm BCI might select among 4 or more choices every 2-3s. While the possibility for distinguishing more two amplitude ranges from VEPs or P 300 potentials has not been explored, these potentials can be evoked in partially overlapping series of trials, so that selection rate can be increased. Alternatively or in addition, selection rate might be increased if users could learnt of control shorter-Latency evoked potential. He firing rates of individual cortical neurons, if they prove to be independently controllable in the absence of the concurrent motor outputs and sensor input that normally accompany and reflect their activity, might support quite high information transfer rates. The key determinant of a signal features values is its co relation with the user’s item, that is, the level of voluntary control the user achieves over it. Users are likely to differ in the signal features they can best control. In 3 users nearly locked in by ALS, researchers found that one used a positive SCP, another a relatively fast negative positive SCP shift, and a third a P300. Once develop ed, these strategies were extremely resistant to change. Particularly early in training, BCI systems should be able to identify, accommodate, and encourage the signal features best suited to each user. User training may be the most important and least understood factor affecting the BCI capabilities of different signal features. Up to now, researchers have usually assumed that basic learning principles apply. However, BCI signal features are not normal or nature brain output channels. They are artificial output channels created by BCI system. It is not yet clear to what extent these new artificial outputs will observe known conditioning principles. For example, mu rhythms and other features generated in sensorimotor cortex, which is directly involved in motor output, may prove more useful than alpha

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 rhythms generated in visual or auditory cortex, which is strongly influenced by sensory input. The success of neuronally based BCI methods will presumably also vary from area to area. Initial efforts have focused on neurons in motor cortex. While this focus is logical, other cortical areas and even sub cortical areas warrant exploration. For example, in a user paralyzed by a peripheral

















electrodes, might prove most useful for communication and control.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 2.1.2 FEATURE EXTRACTION The performance of a BCI, like that of other communication system, depends on its signal-to-noise ration. The goal is to recognize and execute the user’s intent, and the signals are those aspects of the recorded electrophysiological activity that correlate with and thereby reveal that intent. The user’s task is to maximize this correlation; and the system’s first task is to measure the signal features accurately, i.e. to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio. When the features are mu rhythms from sensorimotor cortex, noise includes visual alpha rhythms, and when the features are the firing rates of specific neurons, noise includes activity of other neurons. Of particular importance for EEG- based BCIs is the detection and/or elimination of non-CNS activity, such as EMG from cranial or facial muscles and EOG feature extraction methods can greatly affect signal- to noise ratio. Good methods enhance the signal and reduce CNS and nonCNS noise. This is most important and difficult when the noise is similar to the signal. For example, EOG is of more concern than EMG for a BCI that uses SCPs as signal feature, because EOG and SCPs have overlapping frequency ranges; and for the same reason EMG is of more concern then EOG for BCIs that use beta rhythms. A variety of option for improving BCI signal-to-noise ratios are under study. These include spatial and temporal filtering techniques, signal averaging, and single-trial recognition methods. Much work up to now has focused on showing by offline data analyses that a given method will work. Careful comparisons of alternative methods are also essential. A statistical measure useful in such comparisons is r, the proportion of the total variance in the signal feature that is accounted for by the user’s intent. Alternative feature extraction methods can be compared in terms of r2. At the same time, of course, it is essential to insure that a high r2 is

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 not being achieved by non CNS activity such as EMG. Finally, any method must ultimately be shown to be useful for actual online operation. Spatial filters derive signal features by combining data from two or more locations so as to focus on activity with a particular spatial distribution. The simplest spatial filter is the bipolar derivation, which derives the first spatial derivative and thereby enhances differences in the voltage gradient in one direction.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 The Laplacian derivation is the second derivative of the instantaneous spatial voltage distribution, and thereby emphasizes activity in radial sources immediately below the recording location. It can be computed by combining the voltage at the location with the voltages of surrounding electrodes. As the distance to the surrounding electrodes decreases, the Laplacian becomes ore sensitive to voltage sources with higher spatial frequencies (i.e. more localized sources) and less sensitive to those with lower spatial frequencies (i.e. more broadly distributed sources). The choice of a spatial filter can markedly affect the signal-tonoise ratio of a BCI that uses mu and beta rhythms. On the other hand, a spatial filter best suited for mu and beta rhythms, which are relatively localized, would probably not be the best choice for measurement of SCPs OR P300s, which are more broadly distributed over the scalp. Laplacian and common average reference spatial filters apply a fixed set of weights to a linear combination of channels (i.e. electrode locations). Both use weights that sum to zero so that the result is a difference and the spatial filter has high-pass characteristics. Other spatial filters are available. Principal components, independent components, and common spatial patterns analyses are alternative methods for deriving weights for a linear combination of channels. In these methods, the weights are determined by the data. Principal components analyses, which produce orthogonal components, may not be appropriate for separation o signal features from overlapping sources. Independent components analysis can, in principle, distinguish between mu rhythms from such sources. These methods have yet to be compared to simpler spatial filters like the Laplacian,









Appropriate temporal filtering can also enhance signal to noise ratios.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 Oscillatory signals like the mu rhythms can be measured by the integrated output of a band-pass filter or by the amplitude in specific spectral bands of Fourier or autoregressive analysis. Because BCis must provide relatively rapid user feedback and because signals may change rapidly,








autoregressive methods) that need only relatively short time segments may be superior to methods like Fourier analysis that need longer segments.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 The choice of temporal filtering method, particularly for research studies, should also consider the need to detect non-CNS artifacts. A single band-pass filter cannot identify a broadband artifact like EMG; a representative set of such filters is needed. Similarly, when autoregressive parameters are used as signal features, additional spectral-band analyses are needed to detect artifacts like EG. For SCP recording, the focus on extremely low frequency activity requires attention to eye-movement and other low-frequency artifacts like those due to amplifier drift or changes in skin. The signal-tonoise ratios of evoked time-domain signals like P300 can be enhanced by averaging. The accompanying loss in communication rate may be minimized by overlapping the trials. A variety of methods have been proposed for detecting signals in single trials. These methods have yet to be extensively applied in BCI research. Thus, their potential usefulness is unclear. Invasive method using epidural, subdural, or intracortical electrodes might give better signal-to-noise ratios than non invasive methods using scalp electrodes. At the same time, the threshold for their use will presumably be higher. They will be used only when they can provide communication clearly superior to that provided by non invasive methods, or when they are needed to avoid artifacts or problems that can impede non invasive methods (e.g. uncontrollable head and neck EMG in a user with cerebral palsy). In short, the digitized signals are subjected to one or more of a variety of feature extraction procedures, such as spatial filtering, voltage amplitude measurements, spectral analysis, or single-neuron separation. This analysis extracts the signal features that (hopefully) encode the user’s message or commands. BCIs can use signal features that are in the time domain (e.g. evoked potential amplitude or neuronal firing rates) or the frequency domain (e.g. mu or beta – rhythm

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 amplitudes or neuronal firing rates) or the frequency domain and frequency-domain







performance. In general, the signal features used in present-day BCIs reflect identifiable brain events like the firing of a specific control neuron or the synchronized and rhythmic synaptic activation in sensorimotor cortex that produces a mu rhythm. Spatial filters derive signal features by combining data from two or more locations so as to focus on activity with a particular spatial distribution. The simplest spatial filter is the bipolar derivation, which derives the first spatial derivative and thereby enhances differences in the voltage gradient in one direction. Spectral analysis is used to identify the frequency components having a favorable response to the user intension. Oscillatory signals like the mu rhythm can be measured by the integrated output of a band-pass filter or by the amplitude in specific spectral bands of fourier or autoregressive analysis. The signal to-noise ratios of evoked time-domain signals like P300 can be enhanced by averaging.

3.1.3 TRANSLATION ALGORITHM BCI translation algorithms convert independent variable, that is, signal features such as rhythm amplitude or neuronal firing rates, into dependent variables (i.e. device control commands). Commands may be continuous (e.g. vertical cursor movements) or discrete (e.g. letter selection). They should be as independent of each other (i.e. orthogonal) as possible, so that, for example, vertical cursor movement and horizontal cursor movement do not depend on each other. The success of translation algorithm is determined by the appropriateness of its selection of signal features, by how well it

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 encourages and facilities the user’s control of these features, and by how effectively it translates this control into device commands. If the user has no control (i.e. if the user’s intent is not correlated with the signal features) the algorithm can do nothing, and the BCI will not work. If the user has some control, the algorithm can do a good or bad job of translating that control into device control. Initial selection o signal features for the translation algorithm can be based on standard guideline (e.g. the known locations and temporal and spatial frequencies of mu and beta rhythms) supplemented by operator inspection of initial topographical and spectral data from each user. These methods may be supplemented or even wholly replaced by automated procedures. For example, Pregenzer used the learning vector quantizer (LVQ) to select optimal electrode positions and frequencies band for each user. Extant BCIs use a variety of translation algorithms, ranging from linear equations, to discriminant analysis, to neural networks. In the simples case, in which only a single signal feature is used, the output of the translation algorithm can be a simple linear function of the feature value (e.g. a linear function of murhythm amplitude). The algorithm needs to use appropriate values for the intercept and the slope of this function.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 If the command is vertical cursor movement, the intercept should ensure that upward and downward movement are equally possible for the user found that the mean value of the signal feature over some interval of immediately preceding performance provides a good estimate o the proper intercept. The slope determines the scale of the command (e.g. the sped of cursor movement). When a single feature is used to select among more than two choices, the slope also affects the relative accessibility of the choices. A wide variety of more complex translation algorithms are possible. These include supervised learning approaches such as linear discriminate analysis and non-linear discriminate analysis. The








determining how well it accomplishes the 3 levels of adaptation to the individual user; continuing adaptation to spontaneous changes in the user’s performance (e.g. fatigue’ level of attention); and continuing adaptation that encourages and guides the user’s adaptation to the BCI (i.e. user training). Up to the present, most evaluation have concentrated on the first and simplest level of adaptation. In these evaluations, alternative algorithms are applied offline to a body of data gathered from one or more users. Typically, portions of the data are used to the parameters of the algorithm, which is hen applied to the rest of the data (i.e. the test data). The algorithm is rated according to the accuracy with which it derives the user’s intent from the test data. While such evaluations are convenient and certainly valuable in making gross distinctions between algorithms, they do not take into account spontaneous changes in he signal features, nor can they assess user adaptation to the algorithm.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 The second level of adaptation continual adjustments for spontaneous changes in signal features-can be addressed by offline analysis that mimics the online situation, that is, if adaptation is based on earlier data and applied to later data. This analysis needs substantial bodies of data gathered over substantial periods of time, so that all major kinds of spontaneous variation can be assessed. The need for this second level of adaptation tends to favor simpler algorithms. Parameter adaptation is likely to be more difficult and more vulnerable to instabilities for complex algorithms like those using neural networks or non-linear equations, than it is for simple algorithms like those using linear equations with relatively few variables. The third level of adaptation – adaptation to the user’s adaptation to the BCI system – is not accessible to offline evaluation. Because this level responds to and affects the continua interactions between the user and the BCI, it can only be assessed online. The goal of this adaptation is to induce the user to develop and maintain the highest possible level of correlation between his or her intent and the signal features that the BCI employs to decipher that intent. The algorithm can presumably accomplish these aims by rewarding better performance – by moving the cursor or selecting the letter more quickly whne the signal feature has a stronger correlation with intent. At the same time, such efforts at shaping user performance risk making the task too difficult. As with acquisition of conventional skills, frustration, or fatigue can degrade performance. Particularly in the first stages of training, the user is easily overwhelmed by the difficulty of the task. User success may correlate with self-perception of brain states, and may be promoted by procedure that increases this perception. Because the translation algorithm’s adaptations are likely to shape the user’s adaptations, and because users are likely to differ from

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 one another, the selection of methods for this third level of adaptation inevitably





in large



representative users. This level of adaptation might also help address the problem of artifacts, such as EMG or EOG for scalp EEG or extraneous neuronal activity for neuronal recording. It may be possible to include the user to reduce or eliminate such artifacts by making them impediments to performance. Thus, a specific measure of EMG activity, like amplitude in a high frequency band at a suitable location, could be monitored, and, by exceeding a criterion value, could halt BCI operation. The mutual adaptation of user and BCI is likely to be important even for BCIs that use signal features (e.g. P300 evoked potentials, or mu-or beta-rhythm amplitude changes accompanying specific motor imagery) that are already present in users at the very beginning of training. Once these features are used for communication and control, they can be expected to change. Like the activity responsible for the brain’s neuromuscular outputs, the electrophysiological phenomena are likely to be continuously adjusted on the basis of feedback.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 The process of mutual adaptation of the user to the system and the system to the user is likely to be a fundamental feature of the operation of any BCI system. Thus, the value of starting from signal features that are already correlated with specific intents in the native user (e.g. P300) is an empirical issue. That is, does BCI training that begins with










communication and control than does training that begins with other features? These adaptations by the translation algorithm may be more difficult in actual BCI applications than in the laboratory. In the usual laboratory situation, user intent is defined by the research laboratory. In real life, the user decides what to select, so that the translation algorithm does not have this knowledge and adaptation is therefore more difficult. Possible solutions are to configure applications so as to insure fairly predictable sets of past intents, to incorporate calibration routines that consist of series of trials with defined intents, and/or to include methods for error correction (e.g. a backspace key) that permit the translation algorithm to assume that all or most final selections are correct. Unsupervised learning approaches, like cluster or principal components analysis, which can be trained without knowledge of correct results, might also be effective. 2.1.4. FEEDBACK For most current BCIs the output device is a computer screen and the output is the selection of targets, letters, or icons presented on it. Selection is indicated in various ways (e.g. the letter flashes). Some BCIs also provide additional, interim output, such as cursor movement toward the item prior to its selection. In addition to being the intended product of BCI operation, this output is the feedback that the brain uses to maintain and improve the accuracy and speed of communication. Initial studies are also exploring BCI control of a neuroprosthesis that provides hand closure

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 to people with cervical spinal cord injuries in this prospective BCI application, the output device is the user’s own hand.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

3. APPLICATIONS OF BRAIN-COMPUTER INTERFACE Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a system that acquires and analyzes neural signals with the goal of creating a communication channel directly between the brain and the computer. Such a channel potentially has multiple uses. The current and the most important application of a BCI is the restoration of communication channel for patients with locked-insyndrome. 1) Patients with conditions causing severe communication disorders:

Advanced Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)


Cerebral Palsy

Head Trauma

Spinal Injury

The output signals are evaluated for different purpose such as cursor

control, selection of letters or words.

2) Military Uses: The Air Force is interested in using brain-body actuated control to make faster responses possible for fighter pilots. While brain-body actuated control is not a true BCI, it may still provide motivations for why a BCI could prove useful in the future.A combination of EEG signals and artifacts (eye movement, body movement, etc.) combine to create a signal that can be used to fly a virtual plane. 3) Bioengineering Applications:

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 Assist devices for the disabled. Control of prosthetic aids. 4) Control of Brain-operated wheelchair. 5) Multimedia & Virtual Reality Applications: 

Virtual Keyboards

Manipulating devices such as television set, radio, etc.

Ability to control video games and to have video games react

to actual EEG signals.


ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY 4.1 The Nature of the EEG signals. The electrical nature of the human nervous system has been recognized for more than a century. It is well known that the variation of the surface potential distribution on the scalp reflects functional activities emerging from the underlying brain. This surface potential variation can be recorded by affixing an array of electrodes to the scalp, and measuring the voltage between pairs of these electrodes, which are then filtered, amplified,










Configurations of electrodes usually follow the International 10-20 system of placement. The 10-20 System of Electrode Placement, which is based on the relationship between the location of an electrode and the underlying area of cerebral cortex (the "10" and "20" refer to the 10% or 20% interelectrode distance).

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

Figure 4: showing electrodes in scalp

Figure 5: A detailed view for electrodes in scalp

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 The extended 10-20 system for electrode placement. Even numbers indicate electrodes located on the right side of the head while odd numbers indicate

electrodes on the left side. The letter before the

number indicates the general area of the cortex the electrode is located above. A stands for auricular,C for central, Fp for prefrontal, F for frontal, P for parietal, O for Occipital, and T for temporal. In addition, electrodes for recording vertical and horizontal electrooculographic (EOG) movements are also place. Vertical EOG electrodes are placed above and below an eye and horizontal EOG electrodes are placed on the side of both eyes away from the nose. Nowadays, modern techniques for EEG acquisition collect these underlying electrical patterns from the scalp, and digitalize them for computer storage. Electrodes conduct voltage potentials as microvolt level signals, and carry them into amplifiers that magnify the signals approximately ten thousand times. The use of this technology depends strongly on the electrodes positioning and the electrodes contact. For this reason,electrodes are usually constructed from conductive materials, such us gold or silver chloride, with an approximative diameter of 1 cm, and subjects must also use a conductive gel on the scalp to maintain an acceptable signal to noise ratio.

4.2 EEG wave groups. The analysis of continuous EEG signals or brain waves is complex, due to the large amount of information received from every electrode. As a science in itself, it has to be completed with its own set of perplexing nomenclature.


waves, like so many Radio stations, are

categorized by the frequency of their emanations and, in some cases, by the shape of their waveforms. Although none of these waves is ever emitted alone, the state of consciousness of the individuals may make

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 one frequency range more pronounced than others. Five types are particularly important: •

BETA. The rate of change lies between 13 and 30 Hz, and usually has a low voltage between 5-30 V BETA. The rate of change lies between 13 and 30 Hz, and usually has a low voltage between 5-30 V Beta is the brain wave usually associated with active thinking, active attention, focus on the outside world or solving concrete problems. It can reach frequencies near 50 hertz during intense mental activity.

ALPHA. The rate of change lies between 8 and 13 Hz, with 30-50 V amplitude. Alpha waves have been thought to indicate both a relaxed awareness and also in attention. They are strongest over the occipital (back of the head) cortex and also over frontal cortex. Alpha is the most prominent wave in the whole realm of brain activity and possibly covers a greater range than has been previously thought of. It is frequent to see a peak in the beta range as high as 20 Hz, which has the characteristics of an alpha state rather than a beta, and the setting in which such a response appears also leads to the same conclusion. Alpha alone seems to indicate an empty mind rather than a relaxed one, a mindless state rather than a passive one, and can be reduced or eliminated by opening the eyes, by hearing unfamiliar sounds, or by anxiety or mental concentration.

THETA. Theta waves lie within the range of 4 to 7 Hz, with an amplitude usually greater than 20 V. Theta arises from emotional stress, especially frustration or disappointment.Theta has been also associated with access to unconscious material, creative inspiration

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 and deep meditation. The large dominant peak of the theta waves is around 7 Hz. •

DELTA. Delta waves lie within the range of 0.5 to 4 Hz, with variable amplitude. Delta waves are primarily associated with deep sleep, and in the waking state, were thought to indicate physical defects in the brain. It is very easy to confuse artifact signals caused by the large muscles of the neck and jaw with the genuine delta responses. This is because the muscles are near the surface of the skin and produce large signals whereas the signal which is of interest originates deep in the brain and is severely attenuated in passing through the skull. Nevertheless, with an instant analysis EEG, it is easy to see when the response is caused by excessive movement.

GAMMA. Gamma waves lie within the range of 35Hz and up. It is thought that this band reflects the mechanism of consciousness the binding together of distinct modular brain functions into coherent percepts capable of behaving in a re-entrant fashion (feeding back on themselves over time to create a sense of streamof-consciousness).

MU. It is an 8-12 Hz spontaneous EEG wave associated with motor activities and maximally recorded over motor cortex. They diminish with movement or the intention to move. Mu wave is in the same frequency band as in the alpha wave, but this last one is recorded over occipital cortex. Most









measurements work by monitoring alpha or mu waves, because people can learn to change the amplitude of these two waves by making the

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 appropriate mental effort. A person might accomplish this result, for instance, by recalling some strongly stimulating image or by raising his or her level of attention.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09



BCI APPLICATIONS 5.1 Generation of Neuropsychological Signals Interfaces based on brain signals require on-line detection of mental states from spontaneous activity: different cortical areas are activated while thinking different things (i.e. a mathematical computation, an imagined arm movement, a music composition, etc). The information of these "mental states" can be recorded with different methods. Neuropsychological signals can be generated by one or more of the following three: •

implanted methods

evoked potentials (also known as event related potentials)

operant conditioning

Both evoked potential and operant conditioning methods are normally externally-based BCIs as the electrodes are located on the scalp. The table describes the different signals in common use. It may be noted that some of the described signals fit into multiple categories. Implanted methods use signals from single or small groups of neurons in order to control a BCI. In most cases, the most suitable option for placing the electrodes is the motor cortex region, because of its direct relevance to motor tasks, its relative accessibility compared to motor areas deeper in the brain, and the relative ease of recording from its large pyramidal cells. These methods have the benefit of a much higher signal-to-noise ratio at the cost of being invasive. They require no remaining motor control and may provide either discrete or continuous control. Evoked potentials (EPs) are brain potentials that are evoked by the occurrence of a sensory stimulus. They are usually obtained by averaging a number of brief EEG segments time-registered to a stimulus in a simple

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 task. In a BCI, EPs may provide control when the BCI application produces the appropriate stimuli. This paradigm has the benefit of requiring little to no training to use the BCI at the cost of having to make users wait for the relevant stimulus presentation. EPs offer discrete control for almost all users.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 Exogenous components, or those components influenced primarily by physical stimulus properties, generally take place within the first 200 milliseconds after stimulus onset. These components include a Negative waveform around 100 ms (N1) and a Positive waveform around 200 ms after stimulus onset (P2). Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) fall into this category. Uses short visual stimuli in order to determine what command an individual is looking at and therefore wants to pick. Using VEPs has the benefit of a quicker response than longer latency components. The VEP requires subject to have good visual control in order to look at the appropriate stimulus and allows for discrete control. One commonly studied ERP in BCI is a component called the P300.It is a positive peak in the potential that reaches a maximum of about 300 ms after the stimulus is presented. The P3 has been shown to be fairly stable in locked-in patients, reappearing even after severe brain injuries.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 Figure 6 : (Solid line) The general form of the P3 component of the evoked potential (EP). The P3 is a cognitive EP that appears approximately 300 ms after a task relevant stimulus. (Dotted line) The general form of a non-task related response. Operant conditioning is a method for modifying the behavior (an operant), which utilizes contingencies between a discriminative stimulus, an operant response, and a reinforcer to change the probability of a response occurring again in a given situation. In the BCI framework, it is used to train the patients to control their EEG. As it is presented in, several methods use operant conditioning on spontaneous EEG signals for BCI control. The main feature of this kind of signals is that it enables continuous rather than discrete control. This feature may also serve as a drawback: continuous control is fatiguing for subjects and fatigue may cause changes in performance since control is learned.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 5.2

Common Neuropsychological Signals Used In

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 BCIs

6. EEG SIGNAL PRE-PROCESSING One of the main problems in the automated EEG analysis is the detection of the different kinds of interference waveforms (artifacts) added to the EEG signal during the recording sessions. These interference waveforms, the artifacts, are any recorded electrical potentials not originated in brain. There are four main sources of artifacts emission: 1. EEG equipment. 2. Electrical interference external to the subject and recording system. 3. The leads and the electrodes. 4. The subject her/himself: normal electrical activity from the heart, eye blinking, eyes

movement, and muscles in general.

In case of visual inspections, the artifacts can be quite easily detected by EEG experts. However, during the automated analysis these signal patterns often cause serious misclassifications thus reducing the clinical usability of the automated analyzing systems. Recognition and elimination of the artifacts in real – time EEG recordings is a complex task, but essential to the development of practical systems.

6.1 Classical Methods for removing eyeblink artifacts : •

Rejection methods consist of discarding contaminated EEG, based on either automatic or visual detection. Their success crucially depends on the quality of the detection, and its use depends also on the specific application for which it is used.Thus, although for epileptic applications, it can lead to an unacceptable loss of data, for others, like a Brain Computer interface, its use can be adequate.

Subtraction methods are based on the assumption that the measured EEG is a linear combination of an original EEG and a

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 signal caused by eye movement, called EOG (electrooculogram). The EOG is a potential produced by movement of the eye or eyelid. The original EEG is hence recovered by subtracting separately recorded EOG from the measured EEG, using appropriate weights (rejecting the influence of the EOG on particular EEG channels).

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 6.2 EEG Feature Extraction For the analysis of oscillatory EEG components, the following preprocessing methods: 1)

calculation of band power in predefined, subject-specific frequency

bands in intervals of 250 (500) ms. 2)

adaptive autoregressive (AAR) parameters estimated for each

iteration with the recursive least squares algorithm (RLS). 3) calculation of common spatial filters (CSP). Band power at each electrode position is estimated by first digitally bandpass filtering the data, squaring each sample and then averaging over several consecutive samples. Before the band power method is used for classification, first the reactive frequency bands must be selected for each subject.Based on these training data, the most relevant frequency components can be determined by using the distinction sensitive learning vector quantization (DSLVQ) algorithm. This method uses a weighted distance function and adjusts the influence of different input features (e.g., frequency components) through supervised learning. When DSLVQ is applied to spectral components of the EEG signals (e.g., in the range from 5 to 30 Hz), weight values of individual frequency components according to their relevance for the classification task are obtained. The AAR parameters, in contrast, are estimated from the EEG signals limited only by the cutoff frequencies, providing a description of the whole EEG signal. Thus, an important advantage of the AAR method is that no a priori information about the frequency bands is necessary . For both approaches, two closely spaced bipolar recordings from the left and right sensorimotor cortex were used. In further studies, spatial information from a dense array of electrodes located over central areas was considered to improve the classification accuracy. For this purpose, the CSP method was used to estimate spatial filters that reflect the specific activation of cortical areas during hand movement imagination.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 Each electrode is weighted according to their importance for the classification. The method makes a decomposition of EEG data into spatial patterns which are extracted from two populations (EEG data during left and right movement imagination)

and is based on simultaneous

diagonalization of two covarinance matrices. The pattern maximizes the difference between left and right population and the only information contained in these patterns is where the variance of the EEG varies most when comparing two conditions.

7. SIGNAL CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES An important step toward real-time processing and feedback presentation is the setup of a subject-specific classifier. For this, two different approaches are followed: i) neural network based classification, e.g. a learning vector quantization (LVQ) ii) linear discriminant analysis (LDA) Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) has proven to be an effective classification procedure. LVQ is shown to be comparable with other neural network algorithms for the task of classifying EEG signals, yielding approximately 80% classification accuracy for three out of the four subjects tested when differentiating between two different mental tasks. LVQ was mainly applied to online experiments with delayed feedback presentation. In these experiments, the input features were extracted from a 1-s epoch of EEG recorded during motor imagery. The EEG was filtered in one or two subject-specific frequency bands before calculating four band power estimates, each representing a time interval of 250 ms, per EEG channel and frequency range. Based on these features, the LVQ classifier derived a classification and a measure describing the certainty of this classification, which in turn was provided to the subject as a feedback symbol at the end of each trial.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 In experiments with continuous feedback based on either AAR parameter estimation or CSP’s, a linear discriminant classifier has usually been applied for on-line classification. The AAR parameters of two EEG channels or the variance time series of the CSP’s are linearly combined and a time-varying signed distance (TSD) function is calculated. With this method it is possible to indicate the result and the certainty of classification, e.g., by a continuously moving feedback bar. The different methods of EEG preprocessing and classification have been compared in extended on-line experiments and data analyzes. These experiments were carried out using a newly developed BCI system running in real-time under Windows with a 2, 8, or 64 channel EEG amplifier . The installation of this system, based on a rapid prototyping environment, includes a software package that supports the real-time implementation and testing of different EEG parameter estimation and classification algorithms.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

8. EXISTING BCI SYSTEMS 8.1 The Brain Response Interface Sutter's Brain Response Interface (BRI) is a system that takes advantage of the fact that large chunks of the visual system are devoted to processing information from the foveal region. The BRI uses visually evoked potentials (VEP's) produced in response to brief visual stimuli. These EP's are then used to give a discrete command to pick a certain part of a computer screen. This system is one of the few that have been tested on severely handicapped individuals. Word processing output approaches 10-12 words/min. and accuracy approaches 90% with the use of epidural electrodes. This is the only system mentioned that uses implanted electrodes to obtain a larger, less contaminated signal. A BRI user watches a computer screen with a grid of 64 symbols (some of which lead to other pages of symbols) and concentrates on the chosen symbol. A specific subgroup of these symbols undergoes a equiluminant red/green fine check or plain color pattern alteration in a simultaneous stimulator scheme at the monitor vertical refresh rate (40-70 frames/s). Sutter considered the usability of the system over time and since color alteration between red and green was almost as effective as having the monitor flicker, he chose to use the color alteration because it was shown to be much less fatiguing for users. The EEG response to this stimulus is digitized and stored. Each symbol is included in several different subgroups and the subgroups are presented several times. The average EEG response for each subgroup is computed and compared to a previously saved VEP template (obtained in an initial training session), yielding a high accuracy system.This system is basically the EEG version of an eye movement recognition system and contains similar problems because it assumes that the subject is always looking at a command on the computer screen. On the positive side, this system has one of the best

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 recognition rates of current systems and may be used by individuals with sufficient eye control. Performance is much faster than most BCIs, but is very slow when compared to the speed of a good typist (80 words/min.). The system architecture is advanced. The BRI is implemented on a separate processor with a Motorola 68000 CPU. A schematic of the system is shown in Figure. The BRI processor interacts with a special display showing the BRI grid of symbols as well as a speech synthesizer and special keyboard interface. The special keyboard interface enables the subject to control any regular PC programs that may be controlled from the keyboard. In addition, a remote control is interfaced with the BRI in order to enable the subject to control a TV or VCR. Since the BRI processor loads up all necessary software from the hard drive of a connected PC, the user may create or change command sequences. The main drawback of the system architecture is that it is based on a special hardware interface. This may be problematic when changes need to be made to the system over time.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

Figure 7: A schematic of the Brain Response Interface (BRI) system

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 8.2 P3 Character Recognition In a related approach, Farwell and Donchin use the P3 evoked potential. A 6x6 grid containing letters from the alphabet is displayed on the computer monitor and users are asked to select the letters in a word by counting the number of times that a row or column containing the letter flashes. Flashes occur at about 10 Hz and the desired letter flashes twice in every set of twelve flashes. The average response to each row and column is computed and the P3 amplitude is measured. Response amplitude is reliably larger for the row and column containing the desired letter. After two training sessions, users are able to communicate at a rate of 2.3 characters /min, with accuracy rates of 95%. This system is currently only used in a research setting. A positive aspect of using a longer latency component such as the P3 is that it enables differentiating between when the user is looking at the computer screen or looking someplace else (as the P3 only occurs in certain stimulus conditions). Unfortunately, this system is also agonizingly slow, because of the need to wait for the appropriate stimulus presentation and because the stimuli are averaged over trials. While the experimental setup accomplishes its main goal of showing that the P3 may be used for a BCI interface, the subjective experiences of a subject with this system have yet to be considered. The 10 Hz rate of flashing may fatigue users as Sutter mentions and this rate of flashing may cause epilepsy in some subjects.

8.3 ERS/ERD Cursor Control Pfurtscheller and his colleagues take a different approach.Using multiple electrodes placed over sensorimotor cortex they monitor eventrelated synchronization/desynchronization

(ERS/ERD). In all sessions,

epochs with eye and muscle artifact are automatically rejected. This rejection can slow subject performance speeds.As this is a research system, the user application is a simple screen that allows control of a cursor in either the left or right direction. In one experiment, for a single

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 trial the screen first appears blank, then a target box is shown on one side of the screen. A cross hair appears to let the user know that he/she must begin trying to move the cursor towards the box. Feedback may be delayed or immediate and different experiments have slightly different displays and protocols. After two training sessions, three out of five student subjects were able to move a cursor right or left with accuracy rates from 89-100%. Unfortunately, the other two students performed at 60% and 51%. When a third category was added for classification, performance dropped to a low of 60% in the best case. The architecture of this BCI now contains a remote control interface that allows controlling the system over a phone line, LAN, or Internet connection. This allows maintenance to be done from remote locations. The system may be run from a regular PC, a notebook, or an embedded computer and is being tested for opening and closing a hand orthesis in a patient with a C5 lesion. From this information, it appears that the user application must be independent from the BCI, although it is possible that two different BCI programs were constructed. This BCI system was designed with the following requirements in mind: 1. The system must be able to record, analyze, and classify EEG-data in real- time. 2. The classification results must have the ability to be used to control a device on-line. 3. The system must have the ability to have different experimental paradigms Sutter's Brain Response Interface (BRI) is a system that takes advantage of the fact that large chunks of the visual system are devoted to processing information from the foveal region. The BRI uses visually evoked potentials (VEP's) produced in response to brief visual stimuli. These EP's are then used to give a discrete command to pick a certain part of a computer screen. This system is one of the few that have been tested on severely handicapped individuals. Word processing output

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 approaches 10-12 words/min. and accuracy approaches 90% with the use of epidural electrodes. This is the only system mentioned that uses implanted electrodes to obtain a larger, less contaminated signal. A BRI user watches a computer screen with a grid of 64 symbols (some of which lead to other pages of symbols) and concentrates on the chosen symbol. A specific subgroup of these symbols undergoes a equiluminant red/green fine check or plain color pattern alteration in a simultaneous stimulator scheme at the monitor vertical refresh rate (40-70 frames/s). Sutter considered the usability of the system over time and since color alteration between red and green was almost as effective as having the monitor flicker, he chose to use the color alteration because it was shown to be much less fatiguing for users. The EEG response to this stimulus is digitized and stored. Each symbol is included in several different subgroups and the subgroups are presented several times. The average EEG response for each subgroup is computed and compared to a previously saved VEP template (obtained in an initial training session), yielding a high accuracy system.This system is basically the EEG version of an eye movement recognition system and contains similar problems because it assumes that the subject is always looking at a command on the computer screen. On the positive side, this system has one of the best recognition rates of current systems and may be used by individuals with sufficient eye control. Performance is much faster than most BCIs, but is very slow when compared to the speed of a good typist (80 words/min.). The system architecture is advanced. The BRI is implemented on a separate processor with a Motorola 68000 CPU. A schematic of the system is shown in Figure. The BRI processor interacts with a special display showing the BRI grid of symbols as well as a speech synthesizer and special keyboard interface. The special keyboard interface enables the subject to control any regular PC programs that may be controlled from the keyboard. In addition, a remote control is interfaced with the BRI in

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 order to enable the subject to control a TV or VCR. Since the BRI processor loads up all necessary software from the hard drive of a connected PC, the user may create or change command sequences. The main drawback of the system architecture is that it is based on a special hardware interface. This may be problematic when changes need to be made to the system over time.

8.4 A Steady State Visual Evoked Potential BCI Middendorf and colleagues use operant conditioning methods in order to train volunteers to control the amplitude of the steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) to florescent tubes flashing at 13.25 Hz. This method of control may be considered as continuous as the amplitude may change in a continuous fashion. Either a horizontal light bar or audio feedback is provided when electrodes located over the occipital cortex measure changes in signal amplitude. If the VEP amplitude is below or above a specified threshold for a specific time period, discrete control outputs are generated. After around 6 hours of training, users may have an accuracy rate of greater than 80% in commanding a flight simulator to roll left of right. In the flight simulator, the stimulus lamps are located adjacent to the display behind a translucent diffusion panel. As operators increase their SSVER amplitude above one threshold, the simulator rolls to the right. Rolling to the left is caused by a decrease in the amplitude. A functional electrical stimulator (FES), has been integrated for use with this BCI. Holding the SSVER above a specified threshold for one second, causes the FES to turn on. The activated FES then starts to activate at the muscle contraction level and begins to increase the current, gradually recruiting additional muscle fibers to cause knee extension. Decreasing the SSVER for over a second, causes the system to deactivate, thus lowering the limb. Recognizing that the SSVEP may also be used as a natural








concentrated on experiments involving the natural SSVEP. When the

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 SSVEP is used as a natural response, virtually no training is needed in order to use the system. The experimental task for testing this method of control has been to have subjects select virtual buttons on a computer screen. The luminance of the virtual buttons is modulated, each at a different frequency to produce the SSVEP. The subject selects the button by simply looking at it as in Sutter’s Brain Response Interface. From the 8 subjects participating in the experiment, the average percent correct was 92% with an average selection time of 2.1 seconds. Middendorf’s group has advocated using visual evoked potentials, in this manner as opposed to their previous work on training control of the SSVEP, for multiple reasons. Using an inherent response means that less time is spent on training. The main drawback of this group’s approach appears to be that they flicker light at different frequencies. Sutter solved the problem of flicker-related fatigue by using alternating red/green illumination. The main frequency of stimulus presentation at 13.25 Hz may also cause epilepsy.

8.5 Mu Rhythm Cursor Control Wolpaw and his colleagues free their subjects from being tied to a flashing florescent tube by training subjects to modify their mu rhythm. This method of control is continuous as the mu rhythm may be altered in a continuous manner. It can be attenuated by movement and tactile stimulation as well as by imagined movement. A subject's main task is to move a cursor up or down on a computer screen. While not all subjects are able to learn this type of biofeedback control, the subjects that do perform with accuracy greater than or equal to 90%. These experiments have also been extended to two-dimensional cursor movement, but the accuracy of this is reported as having “not reached this level of accuracy” when compared to the one-dimensional control .Since the mu rhythm isn't tied to an external stimulus, it frees the user from dependence on

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 external events for control. The BCI system consists of a 64-channel EEG amplifier, two 32-channel A/D converter boards, a TMS320C30-based DSP board, and a PC with two monitors. One monitor is used by the subject and one by the operator of the system . Only a subset of the 64-channels are used for control, but the number of channels allows recognition to be adjusted to the unique topographical features of each subject’s head. The DSP board is programmable in the C-language, enabling testing of all program code prior to running it on the DSP board. Software is also programmed in C in order to create consistency across system modules. The architecture of the system is shown in Figure. Four processes run between the PC and the DSP board. As signal acquisition occurs, an interrupt request is sent from the A/D board to the DSP at the end of A/D conversion. The DSP then acquires the data from all requested channels sequentially and combines them to derive the one or more EEG channels that control cursor movement. This is the data collection process. A second process then takes care of performing a spectral analysis on the data. When this analysis is completed, the results are moved to dual-ported memory and an interrupt to the PC is generated. A background process on the PC then acquires spectral data from the DSP board and computes cursor movement information as well as records relevant trial information.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

Figure 8 : A schematic of the mu rhythm cursor control system architecture. The system contains four parallel processes.

This process runs at a fixed interval of 125 msec. The fourth process handles thegraphical user interfaces for both the operator and the subject and records data to disk.The separation of data collection and analysis enables different algorithms to be inserted for processing the EEG signals. All algorithms are written in C, which is much easier to program in than Assembly language, but is not as easy as the commercial Matlab ® scripting language and environment, which contains many helpful functions for mathematically processing data. The third and fourth processes contain design decisions that may make maintenance and flexibility difficult. The graphical user interface is tied to data storage.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 Conversion of EEG signals to cursor control numbers happens over the DSP foreground/background processes and in the PC background process. This lack of encapsulation promises to make changing the application and signal processing difficult if such changes are planned.

8.6 The Thought Translation Device As another application used with severely handicapped individuals, the Thought Translation Device has the distinction of being the first BCI to enable an individual without any form of motor control to communicate with the outside world. Out of six patients with ALS, 3 were able to use the Thought Translation Device. Of the other three, one lost motivation and later died and another discontinued use of the Thought Translation Device part way through training, and then later was unable to regain control. The paper implies that users do not want to use the BCI unless they absolutely must, but does not disambiguate subjective user satisfaction of the system from general user depression. The training program may use either auditory or visual feedback. The slow cortical potential is extracted from the regular EEG on-line, filtered, corrected for eye movement artifacts, and fed back to the patient. In the case of auditory feedback, the positivity/negativity of a slow cortical potential is represented by pitch. When using visual feedback, the target positivity/negativity is represented by a high and low box on the screen. A ball-shaped light moves toward or away from the target box depending on a subject’s performance. The subject is reinforced for good performance with the appearance of a happy face or a melodic sound sequence. When a subject performs at least 75% correct, he/she is switched to the language support program. At level one, the alphabet is split into two halves (letter-banks) which are presented successively at the bottom of the screen for several seconds. If the subject selects the letter-bank being shown by generating a slow cortical potential shift, that side of the alphabet is split into two halves and so on, until a single letter is chosen. A “return function” allows the

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 patient to erase the last written letter. These patients may now write email in order to communicate with other ALS patients world-wide. An Internet version of the thought translation device is under construction. The authors comment that patients refuse to use pre-selected word sequences because they feel less free in presenting their own intentions and thoughts.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 8.7 An Implanted BCI The implanted brain-computer interface system devised by Kennedy and colleagues has been implanted into two patients. These patients are trained to control a cursor with their implant and the velocity of the cursor is determined by the rate of neural firing. The neural waveshapes are converted to pulses and three pulses are an input to the computer mouse. The first and second pulses control X and Y position of the cursor and a third pulse as a mouse click or enter signal.The patients are trained using software that contains a row of icons representing common phrases (Talk Assist developed at Georgia Tech), or a standard ‘qwerty’ or alphabetical keyboard (Wivik software from Prentke Romich Co.). When using a keyboard, the selected letter appears on a Microsoft Wordpad screen. When the phrase or sentence is complete, it is output as speech using Wivox software from Prentke Romich Co. or printed text. There are two paradigms using the Talk Assist program and a third one using the visual keyboard. In the first paradigm, the cursor moves across the screen using one group of neural signals and down the screen using another group of larger amplitude signals. Starting in the top left corner, the patient enters the leftmost icon. He remains over the icon for two seconds so that the speech synthesizer is activated and phrases are produced. In the second paradigm, the patient is expected to move the cursor across the screen from one icon to the other. The patient is encouraged to be as accurate as possible, and then to speed up the cursor movement while attempting to remain accurate. In the third paradigm, a visual keyboard is shown and the patient is encouraged to spell his name as accurately and quickly as possible and then to spell anything else he wishes.This system uses commercially available software and thus the BCI implementation does not have to worry about maintenance of the user application. Unfortunately, the maximum communication rate with this BCI has been around 3 characters per minute. This is the same rate as

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 quoted for EMG-based control with patient JR and is comparable with the rates achieved by externally-based BCI systems. Kennedy has founded Neural Signals, Inc. in order to help create hardware and software for locked-in individuals and the company is continually looking for methods to improve control. JR now has access to email and may be contacted through the email address shown on the company’s web site.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09


Non-Invasive Vs Invasive Signal Detection

Non-Invasive Pros No surgical risks

Cons Low signal resolution Greater interference from other signals Interfaces must be routinely cleaned and changed

Invasive Pros Higher resolution recording Less interference from other signals Faster communication possible

Cons Determining which neurons to record from Surgical risks

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

10. R & D ACTIVITIES Common standards and protocols: AS there is no coordinated effort towards developing BCIs, each researcher builds the system using custom design and protocols. This makes it difficult for universal use. Therefore development of a set of common design standards and communication protocols is one of the areas inviting attention of man.

1.Hybrid BCIs: Most of the present day BCIs work based on only a single type of brain wave like P300 evoked potential, Mu rhythms, Beta rhythms etc, since it simplifies the feature extraction and translation processes. Even though, attempts are being made towards developing hybrid brain computer interfaces that detect multiple types of brain signals and decide the user intention by combining features of all of them.

2.Silicon Implants : As the digital circuit integration technology reaches higher levels of integration densities, we can expect to have single chip computers that can be implanted in the brain itself. It will lead to the era of cybernetic organisms. Both the brain and artificial processor can work together to achieve things that are impossible today.

3.More research into mental activities: Thorough knowledge of the human psychology and neurological features of brain is very much necessary for successful implementation of brain computer interfaces. Hence research in this direction is also a part of BCI research.

4.Improvements in signal detection, feature extraction:

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09 Present day BSIs suffer a lot from lack of good signal detection devices. Mostly we use EEgs for non invasive technology. The level of detail that can be obtained by using EEGs is limited. Another option is to use invasive technology by which electrodes are places inside brain. But it requires surgery and therefore not suitable for common use. Also only a few electrodes can be placed in this way. Hence newer methods for detecting brain activities need to be developed. Changes are also being made in the features extraction and translation algorithm parts for ensuring better operation.

5.Cosmetic and economic improvements: Cosmetic improvements are an absolute necessity for ensuring universal acceptance and wider use. BCIs today are not considered to be that fashionable, with those strange looking electrode caps and a large number of wires running down the cap to the computer. Attempts are being made to develop wearable BCIs. Economic efficiency is also a major factor. Even the cheapest BCI system available costs about Rs. 30000 which is more than the price of a latest personal computer. In order to find commercial applications, the cost of BCIs needs to be brought down.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

11. CONCLUSION BCI is a system that records electrical activity from the brain and classifies these signals into different states. Few applications currently being used have been discussed. Since the BCI enables people to communicate and control appliances with just the use of brain signals it opens many gates for disabled people. The possible future applications are numerous. Even though this field of science has grown vastly in last few years we are still a few steps away from the scene where people drive brain-operated wheelchairs on the streets. New technologies need to be developed and people in the neuroscience field need also to take into account other brain imaging techniques, such as MEG and fMRI, to develop the future BCI. As time passes BCI might be a part of our every day lives. Who knows, in twenty years I’ll not have to type this report with my fingers, but just the conscious control of my thoughts would be enough.

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09

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Brain-Computer Interface Seminar’09








Proprioceptive Feedback in BCI. Proceedings of the 4th international

IEEE EMBS conference on Neural Engineering, Antalya , Turkey, April29May2 2009. 8.

A General Framework for Brain-Computer Interface Design. IEEE

Transactions on neural system and rehabilitation engineering, vol 11 no 1 march 2003 page 70-85. 9.

A direct brain interface based on event related potentials. IEEE

Transaction 2000 Issue 8 Pages: 180-185. 10.

Current trends in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research. IEEE

Transaction 2000 Issue 8 Pages: 216-219.

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