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Lock in heating oil


in Ihis issue 2

Publisher's note: When pets cause tension at home




Why some real estate funds are booming

13. JULY I, 2008

9 11


evival of the one-year Treasury bill provides an alternative to certificates of deposit (CDs), we hear from bond expert Marilyn Cohen. The Treasury stopped issuing one-year Treasuries seven years ago, when it cut back on borrowing amid a budget surplus, but it has started offering them again. Their recent yield was 2.2%. Unlike CDs, interest on Treasuries is exempt from state and local taxes. You can buy Treasury bills directly at www. or through a bank or broker. Marilyn Cohen is president and CEO of Envision Capital Management, Inc., Los Angeles, and author of The Bond Bible (Prentice Hall).


etter way to control high blood pressure, reports Kenneth A. Jamerson, MD. A pill that combines a diuretic and the ACE inhibitor benazepri/ ... or a pill that combines benazepri/ with the calcium channel blocker am/odipine. Eighty percent of people taking either combination had blood pressure reduced to an acceptable range. Kenneth A. Jamerson, MO, is a professor of internal medicine at University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, and leader of a study of 10,700 patients, reported to an American College of Cardiology Scientific Session.


und opportunity: Putting 10% of your fixed-income allocation into a high-yield (junk) bond fund now makes sense, says investment adviser Ronald Roge, CFP. Actions by the Federal Reserve to ease the credit crisis have helped the hard-hit junk bond market recover somewhat, and that should continue as the economy bottoms out. Favorite junk bond funds now: PIMCO High Yield Fund (PHDAX) ... T. Rowe Price High Yield Fund (PRHYX) ... Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund (VWEHX). Ronald Roge, CFP, is CEO of RW. Roge & Company, Inc., a wealth-management firm,

Bohemia, New York.



12 A "smarter" computer password 13 Driving safely in summer storms 14 Surprising secrets to better tennis


CANCER David Grotto, RD, LDN Nutrition Housecall, LLC


p to one-third of all cancers could be prevented if people adopted healthier lifestyles, including eating healthier foods. For even better odds, choose these seven specific foods that have been proven to prevent cancer. .. CABBAGE It's high in anticarcinogenic compounds called glucosinolates. Raw cabbage, particularly when it is fermented as sauerkraut, also is a good source of indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a substance that promotes the elimination of carcinogens from the body. The Polish Women's Health Study, which looked at hundreds of Polish women in the US, found that those who had eaten four or more servings per week of raw, lightly cooked or fermented cabbage during adolescence were 72% less likely to develop breast cancer than women who had eaten only one-and-a-half servings per week. High consumption of cabbage during adulthood also provided significant protection even if little cabbage was eaten at a young age. Recommended: Three or more onehalf-cup servings per week of cabbage, cooked or raw. Alternatives: Any cruciferous veg-

etable, including brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale and broccoli. A recent study found that men who ate at least three servings per week of broccoli or other cruciferous vegetables were 41 % less likely to get prostate cancer than men who ate less than one serving per week. Kimchi, a Korean pickled dish that is similar to sauerkraut, also is a good choice. FLAXSEEDS ..., ~

Little seeds with a nutty flavor, flaxseeds contain lignans, -"'" compounds that act like a weak form of estrogen. One study found that women with high levels of enterolactone (linked to a high intake oflignans) had a 58% lower risk for breast cancer. Flaxseeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which appear to inhibit colon cancer in both men and women. Recommended: One to two tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily .•. Bottom Line/Personal interviewed David Grotto, RD, LDN, a registered dietitian and former spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. He is founder and president ofN utrition Housecall, LLC, a Chicago-area consulting firm specializing in family nutrition programs. He serves on the scientific I advisory board of Men's Health, i writes the "Ask the Guy-a-titian" column for Chicago Wellness Magazine and is author of 101Foods That Could Save Your Life (Bantam).

•.•. you can sprinkle it on cereal or yogurt or add it to soups or stews. Alternatives: Two or more servings per week of cold-water fish, such as

mackerel ot salmon, provide cancerfighting amounts of omega-3s. For more lignans: Eat walnuts, and cook with canola oil.

publishersnote When Pets Cause Tension at Home


y husband wasn't keen on getting a new dog. But when my children and I wanted one so desperately after our last dog died, we agreed that the rest of us would do all of the feeding and walking and scooping and that he would have to fill in only "in an emergency:' This agreement has definitely prevented the stress we experienced with our last dog (which was sweet but high maintenance). As in my family, pets can be beloved but also a source of tension. Sometimes this tension is caused by an animal's behavioral issues, which may require training-but more often, it is the pet owners, not the pets, who have issues to resolve. Here is relationship advice from Joel Gavriele-Gold, PhD, a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City who specializes in pet-related issues. He is author of When Pets Come Between Partners ( ... Avoid "me or the pet" ultimatumsparticularly with dog owners. Dog owners sometimes choose the dog and end the relationship. Those who do give up their dogs often become so resentful that the relationship suffers. Forcing your partner to get rid of a pet is likely to add tension rather than solve your problems. Put your partner's treatment of the pet in context. One spouse wants to pamper the pet ... the other does not. If you can understand the reason behind the differences, you will be better able to find a compromise. Example: A wife grew up an only child, wishing that she had siblings. Her husband, one of eight children, grew up wishing for privacy. It was understandable that the wife wanted her cat to sleep in the bedroom, while her husband wanted it kept out. Their compromise: The cat would be locked out of the bedroom on Tuesdays and

Thursdays but allowed in on other nights. Consider whether the pet is picking up on your (or your partner's) emotions. A pet might sense the hostility between partners, choose sides and act out against one spouse. Example: A couple's dog growled at the wife and urinated next to her side of the bed after the family moved from New Hampshire to New York. The husband reasoned that the dog missed its collie "girlfriend" in New Hampshire. In truth, the husband missed his own girlfriend in New Hampshire and argued frequently with his wife after the move. The dog picked up on this anger and took the husband's side. This couple eventually divorced, but partners who are willing to confront their anger issues often find that their pet problems are solved as well. Check the facts before claiming that a pet dominates your partner's life. A spouse sometimes believes that the family pet gets more attention than he/she does. Often, though, the complaining partner has unresolved issues regarding control or attention. Example: A man wanted his girlfriend to get rid of her Yorkshire terriers, which he said dominated her life. The real problem was that this man was worried he wasn't the center of attention. He had felt ignored as a child because a disabled older sibling had required most of his parents' time. This couple broke up, but for other couples in similar situations, it's important to understand what the real issue is and to ask your partner for the empathy and nurturing that you need.


The common white button mushroom found in supermarkets contains anticancer compounds. Scientists who compared vegetable extracts in the lab found that an extract made from white button mushrooms was the most effective at blocking aromatase, an enzyme that promotes breast cancer. Button mushrooms also appear to suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells. Recommended: One-half cup of button mushrooms, three or four times per week. Alternatives: Porcinis or chanterelles, wild mushrooms with a nuttier taste. OLIVES


A Spanish laboratory study tI. found that two compounds in olives-maslinic acid and oleanolic acid-inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and promote apoptosis, the death of these cells. Other studies suggest that people who eat olives as part of a classic Mediterranean diet have lower rates of a variety of cancers, including colon cancer. Recommended: Eight olives a day, green or black. Alternative: One to two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil daily. Drizzle it on salad or vegetables to enhance absorption of their healthy nutrients. ONIONS

When researchers compared the 10 vegetables most frequently consumed in the US, onions had the third-highest level of phenolic compounds, which are thought to be among the most potent anticancer substances found in foods. In a Finnish study, men who frequently ate onions, apples and other foods high in quercetin (a phenolic compound) were .--------------------60% less likely to develop lung cancer than men who ate smaller amounts. Quercetin also appears to reduce the risk for liver and colon cancers.

One-half cup of Recommended: onions, cooked or raw, three times per week. Yellow and red onions contain the most cancer-preventing substances. Alternatives: Apples, capers and green and black tea, all of which are high in quercetin. Garlic, a botanical relative of onions, provides many of the same active ingredients.


Bounce Back From Money Misfortunes


Pumpkin, like all winter squash, is extremely high in carotenoids, including beta-carotene. A long-running Japanese study that looked at more than 57,000 participants found that people who ate the most pumpkin had lower rates of gastric, breast, lung and colorectal cancers. There also is some evidence that pumpkin seeds can help reduce the risk for prostate cancer. Recommended: Three or more onehalf-cup servings per week. Pumpkin can be baked like any winter squash. (To learn how to make Roasted Pumpkins with Pink Potatoes, go to www. ) Alternatives: Carrots, broccoli and all of the winter squashes, including acorn, butternut and spaghetti squash. RASPBERRIES

All of the foods that end with "erry" -including cherry, blueberry and strawberry-contain anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce cell damage that can lead to cancer. Raspberries are higher in fiber than most berries and are an excellent source of ellagic acid and selenium, both of which protect against a variety of cancers. Recent studies have shown that raspberries (or raspberry extract) inhibit both oral and liver cancer cells. The responses in these studies were dose-dependent-the more raspberry extract used, the greater the effect. Recommended: One-and-a-half cups of raspberries, two or three times per week. Alternative: Cherries (and cherry juice) contain about as much ellagic acid as raspberries. Frozen berries and cherries, which contain less water, provide a higher concentration of protective compounds than fresh ones .••



ou can better cope with money misfortunes if you know in advance the major steps to take. How to handle six common financial challenges ...

• You can't pay monthly bills because of unexpected expenses.

Take action as soon as the problem becomes apparent. Waiting until payments are past due and collection agencies are involved will only make things worse. Divide your expenses into three categories ...

o Expenses

that cannot be delayed.

Example: Insurance premiums.

o Expenses

that might be deferrable if the lender agrees. Examples: Mortgage and car loans.

o Expenses

that are discretionary.

Examples: Eating out and new clothes. First, eliminate all discretionary spending. Second, contact mortgage and auto loan providers. Explain that you had an unexpected expense and request "forbearance." Propose a specific payment plan that would make your debt manageable. Mortgage and auto loan companies do not want to get stuck with your house or car, so they often will be flexible. Example: A 32-year-old man faced $3,200 in travel and burial expenses after the death of his uncle. His mortgage lender agreed to accept interestonly payments for three months. • You can't pay a large, uncovered medical bill. Explain your financial

situation to the hospital's or doctor's billing department, and ask to set up a payment plan that fits your budget.

Next, speak to hospital social workers and local family service charities to see if any grants or loans are available to people in your situation. Ask family members and employers for financial assistance-big companies sometimes have emergency loan or hardship grant money available to help employees. If you have health insurance but your insurer will not cover the bill, get a specific explanation of why. If the insurance company claims a treatment was not necessary, ask your doctor to write a letter stating why it was necessary. There are multiple levels of appeal possible if your first request is denied. Example: A 58-year-old widow was hit with a five-figure bill when her insurance company claimed a colon cancer treatment was not necessary. She negotiated a $200-per-month payment plan with the hospital. Then she asked her doctor to write a letter explaining why the procedure was necessary. Her insurer eventually agreed to pay a large portion of the bill. She paid off the remaining debt in less than 18 months. • You're dropped by your homeowner's insurance company. Un-

fo rtunatel y, insurers disco n tin ue various policies-especially homeowner's policies-all the time for all sons ~ Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Stephen M. Pollan, a New York City-based attorney, financial adviser and career counselor. He is a former assistant professor of finance at c.w. Post School of Business and former CNBC on-air personal finance expert. He is coauthor of several books, including Die Broke:A R:tdical Four-Part Financial Plan (Collins) and Lifelines for Money Misfortunes: How to Overcome Life's Greatest Challenges (Wiley).

PURPOSE:To bring you the best information from the most knowledgeable sources in the world. To help you gain greater wealth, better health, more wisdom, extra time and increased happiness. To present this information in an easy-to-read format, free from the influence of advertising.

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Insurance: Glenn S. Daily,CLU, ChFC Interest Rates: Roger Klein, PhDlTiming Strategies, Inc. Greg McBride, CFAI Investments: SheldonJacobs...Steve Leuthold/Leuthold Weeden Capital Management. .. Martin Messinger/Neuberger

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Organizing Principle

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BOTTOM UNE/PERSONAL (ISSN0274-4805, USPS 538·150) is published 24 times a year, semimonthly, by Boardroom Inc., 281 Tresser Blvd.,Stamford, CT 06901-3246. $59.g0Iyr, $5/issue (US funds). Periodicals postage paid at Stamford, CT, and at additional mailing offices. Bottom Line/Personal and Bottom Line Secrets are registered trademarksof Boardroom Inc. Copyright © 2008 by Board· room Inc. Quotation not permitted. Material may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form whatsoever. Canadian price $71/yr. (US funds). CanadianGST#: 126735513RT. Postmaster: Send address changes to Boffom LinelPersonal, Box 58446, Boulder,CO 80322. Direct subscription inquiries, payments and address changes to Subscription Dept., BOTTOM UNE/PERSONAL. Box 58446, Boulder,CO

80322. To resolve service problems, call 800-274·5611 Of visit our Web site at On occasion we make our subscribers' names available to companies with products or services in which you may be interested. If you do not want to be included in these mailings, please notify us in wrrting. _ BOTTOM UNEfPERSONAL publishes the opinions of expert authorities in many fields. But the use of these opinions is no substitute for legal, accounting, investment, medical and other professional services to suit your specific personal needs. Always consult a competent professional for answers to your specific questions.

~ ~ of reasons. Do not bother trying to get the decision reversed-that almost never works-but do make sure you are given the grace period guaranteed by your contract before it is terminated. Then ask your accountant, attorney or real estate agent to recommend an insurance broker. Unlike insurance agents, insurance brokers work with many different insurance companies and can help you find the best rates. They often have access to better policy information than you can find quickly on-line. The policies available to you might be considerably more expensive than your old coverage. Ask your broker for cost-cutting strategies. Increasing the size of copayments and deductibles often can dramatically reduce premiums. Increase the size of your emergency fund as well, in case you need to pay a large deductible later. • A parent dies with bills outstanding. Carefully go through your deceased parent's papers, and construct a list of assets and liabilities. Keep an eye peeled for any life insurance policies or evidence of safe-deposit boxes. (For example, the check register in your parent's checkbook might list ongoing payments to an insurance company or a bank.) Destroy credit cards, and cancel the accounts. When bills arrive, write "deceased" on them and send them back, with a copy of the death certificate. If bill collectors call, explain that the estate will deal with the deceased's debts once the funds are in the executor's control. Repeat this as often as necessary. Surviving family members are not responsible for a deceased parent's debts (unless the debt stems from a joint account with a surviving spouse or family member). Some debts will have to be paid out of the parent's estate, but waiting until that stage will at least allow you to sort out financial obligations first. Secured debts, such as auto loans signed by only the deceased, that are not paid off by the estate will result in repossession. • Your adult child needs financial help. First consider your own finances.

Would solving your child's financial problem create a financial problem for you? Would it significantly affect your

retirement plans? If you are considering making a loan, rather than a gift, calculate how your finances would be affected if this loan were not repaid. Many loans to relatives never are repaid. •If you cannot afford to make the loan, explain to your child that you love him/ her but cannot give money that you do not have to spare. •If you decide to help, first insist on having a conversation with the adult child about budgets, spending and saving. Explain what he needs to do differently financially. Next, determine exactly how large a gift or loan he needs to make ends meet and how much you can afford to give. Make it clear that this is a onetime loan or gift, not an ongoing line of credit. If the gift is sizable,

Key Steps for Coping with Money Problems


he following steps can help you get through most money challenges ...

I. Accept the problem. It has happened, and you can't change it. Blaming others or yourself will not bring you any closer to a solution. Looking back and longing for the way things were will only extend your pain. 2. Unburden yourself to others. Resist the urge to be stoic. Tell others what has happened, and you won't feel so alone. If you say, "I need help;' people often will try to help. 3. Diagnose the impact. List on paper the tangible effects that this event will have on your life. Writing this list helps you separate the financial impact of the disaster from its emotional impact. Once the emotional baggage is separated out, the financial problem most likely will seem less daunting. 4. Select a financial course of action. List your assets and borrowing options, and then list your financial liabilities. Look for expenses that can be cut from your budget. 5. Cultivate "disaster antibodies." Consider this disaster a form of training. The experience will not be all bad-it will help you learn to respond better to future challenges.

inform your other children that the gift will be taken into consideration when you divide your assets in your will. This will prevent concerns about inequity.

Why Some Real Estate Funds Are Booming

Important: Deciding whether to assist your adult child financially could drive a wedge between you and your spouse. Agree in advance to make this decision as a team.

Despite the

• You lose your job. If your em-

ployer insists that you sign a release form in order to receive your severance package, don't do it right away. It often is possible to get better severance terms through negotiation. These negotiations can be quite simplewhatever the company offers, ask for more.

If you have a good relationship with someone high up in your company, ask o

that person to put in a good word for you with the human resources department regarding your severance package. Insist on credit for unused vacation days and a prorated portion of any annual bonus. Ask if you can keep your company car and/or laptop until you fmd a new job. Request continuation of health insurance benefits. If continued benefits are not available, see if you are eligible to continue coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), the program that allows former employees to payout of pocket to continue their benefits for up to 18 months. COBRA coverage may be expensive, but it can be a vital bridge until you arrange other coverage.

Determine how longyou can continue paying your bills out of your savings and o

severance pay, and decide what resources you will tap next if you have not found another job by the time this money runs out. Will you liquidate investments? Borrow from family members?

If need be, consider taking a job that you normally wouldn't to keep money o

coming in, even if it has no connection to your previous experience. Sometimes these "emergency jobs" lead people into other career directions. Don't worry that your emergency job means you will have to schedule future job interviews around your work schedule-most interviewers consider it a good thing when job applicants are working .••

Mortgage Mess


ast year, real estate mutual funds, many of which have been especially appealing to retirees because of their healthy dividend yields, comprised the most unloved fund sector. Tumbling property values, the growing subprime mortgage and credit crisis, and defaults by some developers helped knock down these funds by nearly 15%, on average, in 2007. Also, after seven years of huge gains for real estate investment trusts (REITs)-the main holding of real estate fundsinvestors were ready to cash in and take profits, creating a steeper decline. But so far in 2008, these types of funds have performed better, on average, than any other category except Latin American stocks, natural resources and precious metals. The category gained 3.7% through May 31, compared with a drop of 3.8% for the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index. REASONS FOR THE REBOUND

Earnings for many REITs have beaten analysts' expectations this year because office park occupancy rates have held up well and rents have risen somewhat. Also, shopping mall tenants have not suffered as much as expected, and credit markets have begun to strengthen, improving the outlook. Although stock prices of some REITs, including those with heavy exposure to subprime mortgages, will continue to struggle this year, those with the strongest balance sheets are attractive. Long-term investors would be wise to allocate 5% to 10% of their overall investment assets to real estate mutual funds as a way to help diversify their portfolios. Also, retirees could benefit from some

of these funds because their dividends can bolster retirement income. REITs must disburse most of their profits as dividends to shareholders in exchange for favorable tax treatment. One fund is typically enough for most investors. My favorite no-load (commission-free) real estate funds now, in order of increasing aggressiveness ... FOR CONSERVATIVE AND MODERATE INVESTORS

Cohen & Steers Realty Shares Fund

(CSRSX). A conservative fund with one of the industry's most experienced research teams. It underperformed its peers last year, but it has a superb longterm record. Now the managers are loading up on REITs that own rental apartments and self-storage facilities, two of the strongest-performing types of REITs this year. The idea is that as people downsize from larger houses that they no longer can afford or shift to rental apartments, these subsectors are likely to see gains for several years. Performance: 19%.* Yield: 2.5%.800-4379912. T. Rowe Price

Real Estate


(TRREX). Another conservative fund ~ *All mutual fund performance figures in this anicle are five-year annualized returns through May 31,2008, unless otherwise noted. Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Roben P. McCarthy, president of Kanon Bloch Carre, Boston, a fee-only independent financial adviser and consultant to retirement-plan sponsors and other institutional investors. The firm conducts detailed analyses of more than 19,000 mutual funds with evaluation techniques that focus on identifying suitable investments for various market conditions.

Classroom Supplier Paul Hogan McGrath


(MG RC) rents out modular buildings-mainly for use as classrooms-and network-efficiency testing equipment for telecom companies. It I pays a dividend II of $0.80/share/ , yr., for a 2.9% recent yield, and ""'" has raised its dividend an average of 16% annually for the past five years. Its stock is trading at its lowest valuation since 2001 because investors wrongly think that the firm's building rentals were hurt by the downturn in construction. Fiscal year: December. Earnings per share: 2009 est./$1.97 ... 2008 est./$1.75 ... 2007/$1.67.

~~ with a strict process for determining values. It wisely steered away from volatile home-builder stocks and mortgage REITs last year. The fund managers believe this year's interest rate reductions will restore steady growth to the economy and lift the fortunes of many of its large-cap commercial real estate holdings. Performance:18%. Yield:3.7%. 800-638-5660. Third Avenue Real Estate Value Fund (TAREX). A quirky fund that

Michael Fusting

seeks out bargains anywhere in the world. It is made for the tough times we face today. About 25% of its holdings are in US REITs ... almost 10% are in foreign REITs ... and nearly all of the rest are in real estate operating companies, which aren't required to offer dividends but provide greater growth potential than REITs that offer dividends. The fund has found value in holdings such as Mitsubishi Estate, aJapanese real estate company that controls some of the priciest commercial real estate in Tokyo, where rent increases over the next three years are likely to boost profits. Perfor-

Michael Baker Corporation (BKR) does engineering

mance: 15.9%. Yield: 1.9%. 800-4431021.

Paul Hogan is co-portfolio manager of the $110 million FAM Equity-Income Fund, Cobleskill, New York.

Infrastructure Expel'l

consulting on transportation infrastructure. Its main division helps construction firms handle planning as . well as regulatory I and environmenI tal matters. A less $2247 i profitable division $1961 does similar con"-W,,"'A'G' _~ suiting for oil and gas drillers. While planning to sell that division, Baker found accounting errors related to improper recognition of revenue. Result: No sale soon ... final 2007 earnings reports are delayed ... consequently, the stock has been hammered. But the company is highly profitable and debt-free. It is likelyto resolve its financial-reporting issues soon. Fiscal year: December. Earnings per share: 2009 est./$2.25 ... 2008 est./$2.05 ... 2007 est./$1.75. Michael Fusting is co-investment officer of the $245 million Greenspring Fund, Lutherville, Maryland. Bottom Line/Personal's experts have beaten their respective benchmarks over the most recent five-year period or longer. Weask each contributor to choose one stock that he/she thinks has significant appreciation potential over the next 12 to 24 months.


CGM Realty Fund (CGMRX).

This ultra-aggressive fund, managed by Ken Heebner, has blown away the competition overall, but it had some sharp down years along the way. The fund, which often shifts its focus and recently had only 19 holdings, interprets "real estate investments" loosely. Example: 44% of its assets were recently in industrial materials, such as crop nutrient producer Mosaic. These diverse holdings allowed the fund to sidestep the downturn in REITs. Heebner considered REITs too expensive in early 2007. The fund has continued to outperform in 2008 as it has shifted somewhat back into REITs.

Performance: 34.6%. Yield: 0.8%. 800343-5678. Fidelity International Real Estate Fund (FIREX). Foreign REITs out-

performed domestic ones last year, although they have lagged this year. There has been a boom in publicly traded real estate stocks throughout much of Asia and Europe, including England, where the British government began allowing the creation of US-style REITs last

year. Many of these new companies are bigger bargains than US REITs. This relatively small fund ($685 million in assets), which was launched in 2004, is taking advantage of that trend by investing in REITs with good growth prospects and reasonable valuations in places such as Hong Kong, the UK and Australia. This fund offers an excellent way to diversify if you already have a US-focused real estate fund. And its 1 % expense ratio is considerably lower than those of other foreign real estate funds. Three-year annualized perfor-

mance: 12.6%. Yield: 2.2%. 800-5449797. ••

July Checklist Summer medicationtrap: Ask your physician or pharmacist whether any of your drugs increase sun sensitivity. Examples: Some antibiotics antidepressants antihistamines birth control pills diuretics ... nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Limitsun exposure ifany of your medications has this effect. Don't get dehydrated: Drink before you're thirsty-water and sports drinks, in particular. Children, older adults and people with diabetes are especially susceptible to dehydration . Alcohol increases dehydration risk, so avoid it when you're in the sun. Better bug protection: Avoid brightly colored clothing, aftershave lotion, cologne, perfume, hair spray and scented soap. Don't use products that contain both sunscreen and insect repellent. Sunscreen must be reapplied every two hours-but repellent lasts for six hours or more. Airline bumping self-defense:

Avoid being bumped from overbooked flights by checking in on-line within 24 hours of flight time. Silver lining: Compensation for bumped passengers has been doubled-up to $800, depending on the ticket price and the length of the delay. Happier airporting: Find out about airport amenities-massages, nail salons, children's play areas, game rooms, chapels, etc.-before you go so that you are better prepared for a long delay. Airport lookup: www. ad ndex/ airportsyou_1 ist.

PLANNING iabetic eye disease may predict heart failure, we hear from Tien Y. Wong, MD, PhD. According to a recent study, people who have diabetic retinopathy-diabetesrelated damage to blood vessels in the retina-have more than double the risk for heart failure than diabetes patients with healthy retinas. Selfdefense: Everyone who has diabetes needs a comprehensive, dilated eye exam at least once a year. People in whom retinopathy is detected should have a complete cardiac exam-and regular follow-ups.


Tien Y. Wong, MD, PhD, is professor and chair of ophthalmology, Centre for Eye Research, University of Melbourne, East Melbourne, Australia, and senior author of a study of 1,021 adults with type 2 diabetes, published in Journal of the

American College of Cardiology


ait to lock in heating oil

rates for winter, says energy analyst James L. Williams. Prices have topped $4 a gallon, about double what they were a year ago. That reflects soaring crude oil prices, which may back off as a recession hits, as well as very high refinery price markups, which cannot last. Expect home heating oil prices to drop by 50 cents a gallon by late summer. Caution: Because no one can be certain which way oil prices will go, if you are on a fixed income and can afford today's locked-in prices but not much more, you may want to lock in your price now. James L. Williams is an energy analyst at WTRG Economics, London, Arkansas, which assists consumers, businesses and producers in analyzing energy price risks.

idney stones are more common in people with metabolic syndrome, warns Holly Kramer, MD. Traits of metabolic syndrome include enlarged waist, increased fasting glucose level, high blood pressure, high triglycerides (blood fats) and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. To lower the risk for kidney stones, be sure to exercise and increase fluid intake. Also: Certain medications can help prevent kidney stone recurrence. Ask your doctor what is best for you.


Holly Kramer, MD, is assistant professor, department of preventive medicine and -'ector of the masters program in clinical -esearch methods, Loyola University Medical Gen-er, Maywood, Illinois. She is coauthor ::.= c. study of 15,000 people, published in - -erican Journal of Kidney Diseases.


Many people are losing thousands in Social Security. How NOT to be one Q a/them...



eciding when you should start collecting SocialSecurity retirement benefits can be difficult. The decision could alter how much you and your survivors collect by tens of thousands of dollars.

85, that translates to $21,000 less in total payments, even with the four extra years of checks (not including cost-of-living adjustments). So it may be better to wait. (Exception: If you start taking benefits before full retirement age and save or invest the money WHEN YOU ARE ELIGIBLE wisely rather than spend it, you might Although anyone eligible for Social close the gap.) If you wait until age Security retirement benefits can start 70, rather than age 66, to start colcollecting a "reduced" amount as lecting, that $1,000 "full retirement" early as age 62, monthly check It Often Pays to Postpone Social Security bee 0 m e s a what the gov$1500 .-----..------$1,320 monthernment calls "full" benefits ly check. That's an additional are not avail1200 able until the ~ $9,600 you so-called "full" ~>collect from the (or "normal") £; Social Security retirement ~ : Administration age, which : if you live to age 85. ranges from 600 : Of course, 65 to 67 years 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 old, de pen d Age When Benefit Payments Start the best time ing on the year 'The government designates 66 the "full" or "normal" to start taking retirement age for people born between January 2, 1943, benefits varies you were born. and January 1, 1955. And even past "For someone getting $1,000 at retirement age. Monthly depending on benefit figures do not include cost-ai-living adjustments. your situation, that full retireSource: Social Security Administration. ment age, the including how amount of the checks you receive will much you have saved, how much keep rising by 8% for each additional you need to spend each year, how year that you wait-until you reach long you expect that you and/or your age 70, after which waiting will not in- spouse will live and how much, if crease your benefits. (The rate is lower any, income you expect to earn each than 8% for those born before 1943.) year from age 62 until you reach ~ Example: If your full retirement age Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Joseph is 66, starting benefits at age 62 will 1. Matthews, a San Francisco-based attorney specializing in issues related to seniors, such as permanently reduce your monthly checks by 25% from what you would Social Security. He taught at the law school of University get at age 66. That means if your full of California, Berkeley, and is author of Social monthly benefit is $1,000, you will Security, Medicare 6- Government Pensions: Get the receive $750 per month if you start Most Out of Your Retirement 6- Medical Benefits, collecting at age 62. If you live to age 13th edition (Nolo).



,,, ~~ full retirement age. To get an estimate of your life expectancy, go to http://moneycen, and click on "Retirement," then "Life Expectancy Calculator." Rule of thumb: The longer you ex-

pect to live, the more likely that delaying the start of Social Security benefits will payoff. The Social Security Administration's break-even age calculator can help you decide the best time to start collecting benefits, based on how long you expect to live. However, it does not take into account many other variables, including the possibility of earning interest or investment returns on any benefits you take early and don't spend immediately. You can find the calculator at / planners/ morecalcula tions.htm (click on "Break-Even" Age Calculator).

Your Full Retirement Age The "full" retirement age is 65 for people who were born before 1938, but because of longer life expectancies, the Social Security law was changed to gradually increase the full retirement age until it reaches age 67. If you wait beyond your full retirement age (up to age 70), your monthly benefit may increase further.

Year of Birth*

Full Retirement Age

1937 or earlier



65 and 4 months


65 and 6 months


65 and 8 months


65 and 10 months




66 and 2 months


66 and 4 months


66 and 6 months


66 and 8 months


66 and 10 months

1960 and



*If you were born on January 1 of any year, you should refer to the previous year.


In most cases, it is best to wait until full retirement age, and in some cases, until age 70, to start collecting Social Security retirement benefits ... You still are working or expect to return to work. Until you reach full

retirement age, Social Security benefits are reduced by $1 for every $2 in earned income over a specified amount that increases with inflation. That amount is $13,560 in 2008. Important: This penalty applies only to earned income, not to investment income or rental income. When this penalty is figured into the equation, you almost certainly will be better off delaying benefits at least until full retirement age and receiving larger benefits later. You are married and are eligible for higher benefits than your spouse, based on your earnings history. Af-

ter you die, your spouse can claim survivor's benefits equal to your full retirement benefit-but only if you wait until full retirement age to start collecting benefits. If you start collecting early, the reduced benefits carryover to your spouse after you die. However, if you postpone the start of benefits past full retirement age, your spouse's benefits do not increase further. Alternative strategy: If you are healthy and expect to live well into your 80s, consider filing for benefits at your full retirement age but then immediately suspending those benefits. Your spouse can't file for spousal benefits until you file for your own benefits. To suspend your benefits, you must notify the Social Security Administration by phone or in writing. Under this scenario, your spouse can start collecting benefits as a dependent as soon as you file, based on your salary history. A person age 62 or older is entitled to receive benefits of up to 50% of his/her spouse's benefits as a "dependent" of the spouse, as long as the person is not collecting benefits based on his own salary history. At the same time, by immediately suspending your benefits, you allow

the size of your future checks to further increase for each year you wait to resume collecting benefits until you reach age 70. REASONS NOT TO WAIT

There are certain scenarios under which you are better off starting to collect benefits before you reach full retirementage ... You have good reason to believe that you might not live beyond your mid-70s. This may apply if you are

in poor lifestyle parents history

health, and/or or other of dying

have an unhealthy your parents, grandclose relatives have a young. Alternative: If you are forced to retire early because of poor health, consider applying for Social Security disability benefits (which are higher than early retirement benefits), rather than starting retirement benefits early. Note: Disability benefits run only until full retirement age, at which time full Social Security benefits begin. You have dependent



you have a child younger than 18 years of age (19 if he/she is still in high school) and you receive Social Security benefits, this child will receive up to 50% of your benefit amount as a dependent in addition to the benefits you collect. If this child is younger than 16, your spouse can qualify for additional benefits as a caregiver. (The total amount you and your family can receive in a year based on your work record alone, and not your spouse's, is generally capped at 150% to 180% of your benefit amount. So if both your spouse and your child take dependent benefits based on your earnings record, each will receive less than the full 50% to which he would otherwise be entitled.) All of those extra checks often make it worthwhile to start benefits as soon as possible. You need your benefits to pay your bills and/or to afford the retirement you want. The decision to begin col-

lecting early may allow you to do things that you wouldn't otherwise be able to afford .••

Did you Imow thai... .. .stock returns come in bursts? Example: If you were fully invested in an S&P 500 index fund in December 1997, your cumulative 10-year return would be 78%. If you missed the market's 20 best days during the decade, you would have lost 24%. Bottom line: Market timing may hurt your long-term investment strategy. Study by Altair Advisers, independent ment consultants, Chicago .

Louise L.Hay on

The Amadng Power of Positive Affirmations


... women's stroke rates have tripled? Recent finding: Among women ages 35 to 54, 1.8% had a stroke between 1999 and 2004three times as high a percentage as found in an earlier study. Possible reason: Increasing obesity. Women's waists are two inches larger, on average, than a decade earlier, and body mass index averages are rising. Amy tis Towfighi, MD, of neurology, University of Los Angeles, and leader people, presented at the Conference.

assistant professor Southern California, of a study of 9,706 International Stroke

... men in their 305 and 40s are the most unhappy members of society? When asked to rate their well-being on a scale of one to 10, men ages 35 to 44 rated themselves at 6.8, on average, versus an average of 7.3 for everyone surveyed. Most men are happiest at ages 1 6 to 24 (7.6), and most women hit a peak satisfaction level of 7.7 over age 65. Survey of 1,600 people by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London, UK.

... many Americans change their religion? More than 25% have left their childhood faith to join another religion or stopped practicing any faith. The greatest gain is among unaffiliated people-agnostics, atheists and people who have no particular religious affiliation.

us Religious Landscape Survey, Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, Washington, DC. ... Caesarean births are twice as risky to the baby as vaginal births? Babies born via C-section to women who did not need the procedure have twice the risk for death within the first month as those born vaginally. Selfdefense: Have a C-section only if your doctor feels it is necessary. Marian F. MacDorman, PhD, statistician and senior social scientist, division of vital statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta.

ffirmations are statements that reflect our views of who we are and what we want. They can be positive or negative. They influence our feelings and thoughts-and what actually happens in our lives.


self when you're in the shower, walking to the mailbox, etc. At first, you'll probably notice that repeating this mantra brings up opposite feelings. You'll find yourself thinking, I don't believe itor Saying this makes

I grew up in an abusive family. As a child, I believed that it was natural for men to beat women. As I went though life, I always attracted men who abused me. It wasn't until I learned about self-esteem and selfworth that I let go of that pattern of thinking. As a result, I started to attract men who valued and respected me. Positive affirmations don't miraculously create a new reality-but they do open the mental channels that can allow good things to happen. People who are happy and self-confident welcome good things into their lives. They attract positive people. They create their own opportunities. Here's how ...

me feel silly.


• Turn a negative

into a positive.

Statements such as, "I don't want to be fat," "I don't like this relationship" or "I don't want to be unhappy" are actually negative affirmations. Dwelling on things that we don't want merely creates more mental space for those things to thrive. When delivered as positive affirmations, the statements above become "I am slender," "I have a wonderful new relationship" and "I am happy." Most of us have trained ourselves to be self-critical. We can just as easily train ourselves to be accepting. • Train yourself.

Exercise: For the next month, say a few hundred times a day, "I approve of myself." Repeat it out loud or to your-

These are resistance thoughts. Let them pass through your mind. They have no power unless you choose to believe them. Counter them with the original mantra, I approve of myself. Your thinking will start to change. • Look in the mirror every morning and say, "I really love you." Do thisand use your name. The universe loves gratitude and appreciation. Appreciating yourself means appreciating the universe. Imagine that you give someone a gift. If that person is grateful and appreciative, you want to give him/her more presents. But if he is negative about it and says something like, "I don't like the color," you won't want to be so generous again. When you love yourself, you're thanking the universe for the wonderful gift that is you-and more gifts will come your way. • Say "thank you." I say "thank you" to the universe at least a dozen times a day-when I see the beauty of a tree, a breathtaking sunset, etc. The more ~ Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Louise L. Hay, one of the founders of the self-help movement. She is author of numerous books, including You Can Heal Your Life (Hay House), which has sold more than 35 million copies. www. She is founder and head of Hay House, Inc., a self-help publishing company, Carlsbad, California, whose best-selling authors include Wayne Dyer and Joan Borysenko.

~ ~ grateful you are for the good things in our life, the more life gives you to appreciate. If ~ou want a joyous life, you must think joyous thoughts. Example: Some people notice that it's raining and say, "What a lousy day." It's not a lousy day. It's merely a wet day. There are lots of good things to do on rainy days. Why greet it with despair? • Eliminate



Many people force themselves to do things that they dislike, because someone (often a parent) said they should do them-go to a certain school, become a lawyer, marry a particular person, ete. Better:




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"could." The word "could" means that you have choices ... that you can follow your own judgment and listen to your instincts. Exercise: Write the phrase "I should" at the top of a piece of paper, followed by five or six ways to finish the sentence. Examples: "I should be thin" ... "I should be smarter" ... "I should have more money now." You'll probably find that most of the items reflect your own fears and imagined limitations. Now, instead of writing "I should," substitute it with, "If I really wanted to, I could ... " Examples: "If I really wanted to, I could be thin" ... "If! really wanted to, I could be smarter" ... "If I really wanted to, I could have more money now." • Tell yourself it's easy. Several times a day, tell yourself how easy it is to do something. "It's easy to have good friends" ... "It's easy to find a job I love" ... "It's easy to bring good into my life." This type of affirmation is one of the simplest-and most powerful. We tend to think that things are much more difficult than they really are. The fear of difficulty is really the fear of trying, which keeps us from moving forward. • Learn from failure. The fear of

failure can be paralyzing. How many times have you been too afraid to try something new? We encourage children when they're learning to walk. Every tiny step is a success! Yet we're not so kind to ourselves. We tell ourselves that we're clumsy or stupid ... that our initial, halting steps are a failure. Not true. Every experience that we have is a learning experience. We get better with practice ... discover new strengths ... and find opportunities. Exercise: Several times a day, use "success affirmations." Say things such as, "Everything I touch is a success" ... "I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams" ... and "Golden opportunities are everywhere for me." Much of life is a rehearsal, a time to make mistakes, try new approaches and learn how to make things better. Everything brings us closer to success. • Forgive others and yourself.


give away our power when we harbor

anger toward people and events from the past. Maybe you had an unhappy childhood ... an abusive spouse ... a job that didn't work out. Let it all go. Dwelling on old hurts never makes people happy. Worse, it hampers the ability to enjoy the future because you stop believing that you-and only you-can make things better. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting or condoning bad behavior. The goal is to free yourself from negativity. Exercise: Sit with your eyes closed and say, "The person I need to forgive is so-and-so, and I forgive him/her." Repeat it over and over for five to 10 minutes. Then turn your attention inward and take a minute or two to forgive yourself for things you've done. Repeat this exercise at least once a week. Do it for every injustice or hurt that you still feel. You'll come to realize that the past doesn't control your present ... and that you have the inner strength to make yourself happy .••


amin my 80s and not in good health. I now realize that I was not the best person or parent. Is it too late to make amends? It is never too late to change in our hearts. It may be too late to repair a relationship, but you will never know until you try. What to do: Make a conscious effort to become the person you want to be. Start with a visit or phone call to the person to whom you want to make amends. Say you realize that your past behavior was not what you wish it had been and that you are sorry. You also can say this in a letter. Your comments may not be accepted at face value, especially if the behavior goes back many years. Stay focused on your goal, however, and stick with your improved behavior. Even if the other person never believes you, you will know that you made the effort. Answer from: The Reverend Z. Ann Schmidt, director of pastoral care, Stamford Health System, Stamford, Connecticut.

Have a difficult question? Ask our experts ..• Send it to Readers Ask. Bottom Line/Personal, Box 436, Stamford, Connecticut 06904-0436 ... or via E-mail [email protected]. We regret that we are unable to publish answers to all questions or respond to all letters personally.



Should you gel the Shingles Vaccine?

• Beller mowing. Mow in different directions each time so that grass grows straight up. Use a mulching mower so clippings become fertilizer. Sharpen blades after every 10 to 15 hours of mowing. Mow often enough so that you cut off less than the top onethird of the grass blades. Grass should be about 3.5 inches tall to stay healthy in hot weather and prevent weeds.

An Update from Harvard Medical School Anne Louise Oaklander MD,PhD

Zachary J. Reicher, PhD, professor!turfgrass extension specialist, department of agronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.

• Always have one electricityfree phone in the house-one that plugs into the jack and requires no additional electricity. During blackouts, wireless phones won't work and cell phones work only as long as their batteries last. Barbara Pletcher, president, Prime Properties Group, a real estate group that specializes in helping stroke victims find homes that meet their needs, based in Sacramento, California.

• Consider buying flood insurance even if your home is not in a flood zone. Floods can occur anywhere, and real estate development makes them more likely by changing drainage patterns. Flood insurance for property outside your region's 100-year floodplain is less expensive and has lower deductibles than for areas inside the floodplain. Determine your risk at www.floodsmartgov. You can buy the insurance through an agent licensed to sell flood insurance. Find one at the National Flood Insurance Program Web site, Robert P. Hartwig, Insurance Information

PhD, CPCU, president, Institute, New York City.

• Check labels when looking for products made in the US. The label "Made in USA" means all or almost all parts and processing are done in the US. "Assembled in the US" means that the finished product was put together in the US, but it may consist of parts from other countries. Some labels have qualifiers, such as "Made in USA of US and imported parts:' Don't draw conclusions from brand names, such as "America's Lock," or advertising slogans, such as "America's Favorite Mushrooms:' which tell you nothing about where the products come from. Consumer Reports, 101 Truman Ave., Yonkers, New York 10703.

13 issues. $26!yr.


yf ou're 60 or older, it is time to get vaccinated for shingles, according to new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC). Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is characterized by a painful and itchy rash. It is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox (varicella-zoster). Most people who have been infected with the virus never get rid of it. After an initial infection with chicken pox, the virus retreats into nerve cells near the spinal cord and brain, possibly to reemerge later in life. About two in every 10 people who have had chicken pox eventually will get shingles. Doctors diagnose more new cases of shingles annually than any other neurological disease. About one million cases are diagnosed in the US every year, with more than half of those cases occurring in patients 60 years old and older. MORE THAN A RASH

When the shingles virus is reactivated, it travels through nerves until it reaches the skin. Common early signs include pain, tingling and/ or itching. A blistering rash typically emerges several days later and lasts up to four weeks. ~ The rash usually appears on just one side of the body, often as a band that extends from the midline of the back around to the breastbone. It also can appear above an eye or on the side of the face or neck. The rash is the least important part of shingles. It's uncomfortable but eventually will clear up on its own, with or without medical treatment. Main risk: About

20% of patients

with shingles go on to develop postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), nerve pain that can last for months or years. The pain from PHN ranges from mildly annoying to severe. Some patients experience disabling pain that is exacerbated by the slightest touch, such as the weight of a shirt. Other risks: Some shingles patients go on to develop encephalitis (brain inflammation), retinitis (inflammation of the retina of the eye) or myelitis (swelling of the spinal cord). These complications are rare, however. Chronic postherpetic pain is the main risk. WHO SHOULD WORRY

Anyone who has had chicken pox can develop shingles-and the virus is highly contagious. Anyone who comes into contact with the virus-usually by direct contact with the rashpotentially can be infected if he/she has not had chicken pox before. He will develop chicken pox, however, rather than shingles. It is safe for anyone who has had chicken pox to come in contact with someone who has shingles-the shingles virus from one person cannot "reactivate" the virus in another. Shingles outbreaks tend to occur most often in patients with weakened immune systems-due ~ Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Anne Louise Oaklander, MD, PhD, a physician! scientist who specializes in symptoms such as itch and pain caused by various types of nerve injury. She is associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, both in Boston.

Gina Trapani.

A IISmarier" Computer Password


he most common solutions for keeping track of your computer passwords no longer provide enough protection. Are you still doing the following? Picking obvious passwords, such as 123456, abc123, [Your Pet's Name] or [Your Mother's Maiden Name]. Problem: Many people can guess these easily and break into your accounts. Using the same password for multiple accounts. Problem: This allows a person who knows your password to access more than one of your accounts. Taping password reminders to your computer screen or leaving them in the top drawer of your desk. Problem: They are easily accessible to anyone who enters your home or office. Better strategies ... HIGH-SECURITY


The safest passwords are nondictionary words of at least eight characters that contain a combination of numbers and lowercase and uppercase letters. This sounds like a chore, but it's actually easy if you use this three-step system ... Use a mnemonic device to come up with your "core" password. Use a memorable combination, such as your spouse's initials and the month and day of your anniversary. Example: If your spouse's initials are ST and you were married on June 3, your core password is ST0603.


Create unique passwords by using variations on your core password. Take the name of the particular Web site you are creating a password for, and add the first letter to the front of your core password and the last letter to the end, all in lowercase. Examples: If you use the Web site, your password is aST0603n ... if you go to Vanguard. com, your password is vST0603d.


For added protection, add a layer of variation to your core password. For example, if your Vanguard password (vST0603d) doesn't feel secure enough, go one step further. Add another number to the end of it. Take the final letter of your password and convert it to the corresponding number on a telephone number pad. Since the letter "d" corresponds to the number "3;' your new password is vST0603d3. That's nearly impossible to crack, but fairly easy to re-create should you forget it.


~ ~ to advanced age ... diseases, such as cancer or AIDS ... or treatment with steroids, chemotherapy or the drugs used to prevent organ rejection after transplants. Healthy people who get shingles are unlikely to suffer a second attack, because the emergence of the shingles virus reboosts their immunity. Decades can pass before a second attack. Since most people get their first shingles case in middle age or later, they probably won't live long enough to get it again. Patients with depressed immunity, however, may have subsequent or prolonged shingles. THE VACCINE

The shingles vaccine, Zostavax, was licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006 following a study of more than 38,000 men and EXTRA SECURITY women ages 60 and older. Those who Choose the right security question. got the vaccine were 51 % less likely to Many Web sites now require you to andevelop shingles than those in a control swer a preselected personal question group. Even when the vaccine didn't when you choose a password. You're prevent shingles, the shingles attack usually allowed to select the question was milder and the risk of PHN was you want to use. Avoid picking one reduced by 67%. whose answer is open to interpretation The CDC's new guidelines recomor difficult to spell. Example: I usually mending the vaccine for everyone age use a security question that asks for 60 and older were announced in May of the city of my birth, but not one that this year, replacing a provisional recomasks for my favorite food (which could mendation made in 2006. The vaccine change) or my elementary school. (Was also is recommended for those who are it PS 12 or P.S. 12 or PS #12?) currently healthy but who might expeWrite down your passwords and rience significant immune impairments security answers. Keep this informain the future. Patients with a new cantion in a secure place, such as a safecer diagnosis, for example, or someone deposit box. If you die or are injured, who is anticipating a transplant proyour family still will have a way to accedure should ask their doctors about cess your Web site accounts. getting the vaccine. Consider password-management Important: Patients with a blood cansoftware protected with encryption. cer, such as multiple myeloma, and those You create a database of all your passwho take immunosuppressive medicawords on your computer and secure tions for conditions such as lupus or the file with a master password. My rheumatoid arthritis should ask their favorite encryption software: KeePass, doctors if they need the vaccine. Cost: Free. Put The vaccination, given once by injecyour master password in your safetion, costs about $300 (less at public deposit box. health agencies) and usually is covered Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Gina by insurance. Some insurance compaTrapani, author of Upgrade Your Life: The Lifehacker Guide to Working Smarter, --~ nies won't cover the cost of the vaccine Faster, Better (Wiley). i when it's given to patients who already Based in San Diego, she is I creator of, a Web I have had shingles, because their risk of a subsequent attack is low. site that provides daily advice and I I links about technology and personal According to the CDC, the shinproductivity. (-0) gles vaccine should not be given to

patients who are allergic to gelatin or the antibiotic neomycin ... those with active, untreated tuberculosis ... those with a history of bone marrow cancer or lymphatic cancer. .. or women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant within rhree month of getting the vaccine.

Thick fog ... Downpours High winds

. .


Patients who do deyelop shingles often can reduce the duration and/or severity of the infection, and their risk for developing PHK with the prompt use of antiviral drugs within 72 hours after onset of the rash . Three antiviral d~ -aC)clot'ir (Zovirax), valaC)clotir -alttex) and famciclovir (Farnvir -appear to be equally effective when raken for seven days. (AcyclO\ir, which has to be taken every five hours is I expensive but less convenient than the other drug , which are taken three times daily.) The earlier these medications are started, the more effective they appear to be at terminating a shingles outbreak. One study found that shingles patients treated with the antiviral famciclovir were free of pain in 63 days, on average, compared with an average of 119 days in patients given a placebo. In real life, however, the drugs tend to be less effective than clinical studies suggest. Reasons: Delays in diagnosis and/or getting a prescription mean that some patients don't start the drug until they have had the infection for more than 72 hours. Others may forget to take every dose. Other options: Patients who combine an antiviral drug with an oral steroid (taken for three weeks in a tapering dose) may experience less pain and/or skin discomfort. The steroid/antiviral combination also may reduce the risk for developing PHN. SELF-CARE

During the rash phase of shingles, some patients can get temporary relief by taking an over-the-counter painkiller or an anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Applications of hydrocortisone cream or the use of cool, moist compresses also can help relieve pain and itching .••

he best advice for driving in bad weather: Don't. Postpone your trip if roads look bad or news reports warn of treacherous conditions. Unfortunately, bad weather sometimes takes us by surprise, and some trips cannot be delayed. How to drive safely ... THICK FOG

Turn on your fog lights if you have them-or your headlights if you don't-but not your high bearns, which might cause glare. Reduce your speed enough that you could stop safely if something appears out of the fog in front of you, even if this means slowing to a crawl. Tap your brakes to flash your brake lights as you decelerate, warning drivers behind you that you are slowing. It's illegal in some states to drive with your hazard lights on, but that can increase visibility. If you cannot see more than a few car lengths ahead, pull over and wait for the fog to lift. Pull over as far as possible so that you don't have to park on the shoulder and there is some distance between you and the road. Poor visibility could cause another vehicle to stray from its lane, creating danger for cars parked on the shoulder. Drive past the shoulder only if you are certain that the ground is level and solid enough to safely support your vehicle. Turn on your hazard lights when you pull over, and remain inside your vehicle with your seat belt on. Safest roadside waiting spot in a limited-visibility situation: Tucked behind a guardrail. Watch for the end of a stretch of guardrail, pull off the road, then back in behind the guardrail so that the metal barrier is between

your vehicle and passing traffic. DOWNPOUR RAIN

Downpours can severely limit visibility. See directions for driving in fog at left. In addition, wet roads reduce traction by about 30%, so reduce your speed by one-third even if visibility is good. The first few minutes of a downpour are particularly dangerous if the region has not had rain in many days. The rain will cause oil that has collected on the road to float to the surface, creating a slick surface that further reduces traction. Drive with extreme caution, or pull over and wait 10 minutes for the oil to wash away. Heavy rain also creates the potential for hydroplaning, in which a vehicle's tires slide across the surface of a thin film of water, robbing the driver of both traction and steering. Replace worn tires with new ones to reduce the odds of hydroplaning. Apply the brakes very gently if your vehicle does hydroplane. This shifts the weight of the car forward onto its front tires, helping to return your traction and steering. Important: Resist the urge to slam on the brakes, which could unbalance the car and make it even more difficult to control. FLOODING

Do not attempt

to drive

on a ~

Bottom Line/Personal interviewed William Van Tassel, PhD, manager of driver-training operations at the AAA's national office in Heathrow, Florida. He is a member of the Trans- rportation Board's Committee on Operative Regulation and Education and a sports car racer with the Sports Car Club of America. L _


Greg Moran.

Four Seasons Racquet Club

Don'l Hil Ihe Ball So


... and other secrets from a tennis pro early 80% of points in amateur tennis are lost on missed shots, not won on great shots. To win more, stop trying to hit the ball as hard as you can or drop it on the lines. Instead, play patiently and wait for your opponent to make mistakes. Also ...



• Rethink your serves. Most amateurs blast their first serves as hard as they can and frequently miss. Then they lay in soft second serves, which their opponents anticipate and return aggressively. Instead, hit both your first and second serves half to two-thirds as hard as you are capable of serving. This will allow you to get most of your first serves into play. As long as you vary the placement-and spin, if you can-of your serve to keep your opponent off balance, you will be in good shape to win most of your service points. If you do miss your first serve, hit your second serve just as hard. The perfect toss: Bad serves often are the result of bad tosses. Pretend that the ball is a glass of water that you are balancing on the palm of your hand. Lift your hand upward, releasing the glass upward when your arm is fully extended. Begin your swing when the ball pauses at its apex so that you hit it just as it starts to descend. • Stop trying to hit winners when you return a first serve. Instead, try to return first serves safely down the middle of the court, five to seven feet above the net (one to two feet above the net and at the server's feet if the server charges the net after service). The server has the advantage on the first serve. If you try to hit quick winners, you are likely to fail more often than you succeed. • Be more aggressive against a second serve. Move three feet forward, then try to drive your return deep crosscourt. • Hit most ground strokes crosscourt in singles tennis. The ball

crosses over the net at the net's lowest point, the middle, when you hit crosscourt, reducing the odds that the ball will hit the net. Because hitting crosscourt lets you aim at the long diagonal dimension of the court, it also reduces the odds that you will hit long-and increases the distance that your opponent must run. • When in trouble, hit up. When your opponent has you on the run, lob your return high and deep. Lobbing forces him to retreat to the backcourt and gives you a chance to regroup. DOUBLES

• Avoid the one up, one back formation against skilled opposition. This conventional doubles formation is reasonably effective against teams of limited abilities, but skilled opponents will exploit the huge gap that it creates between you and your partner. Instead, play both up if you are skilled at volleying and covering lobs ... play both back if you are not. Both back is the best way to remain competitive against a doubles team of greater skill. • Don't try to "hit 'em ain't!' It is very difficult where neither opponent when two opponents are court. Instead, aim ...

where they to hit a shot can reach it patrolling the

• At your opponents' feet. These shots are very tricky to return. • Right down the middle of the court. Your opponents will have trouble finding a winning angle on their return, and there might be a crucial moment of confusion as your opponents decide who will return the shot. • Over your opponents' heads both opponents are up at the net.


Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Greg Moran, director of tennis at the Four Seasons Racquet Club in Wilton, Connecticut. A teaching pro for more than 30 years, he is author of Tennis Beyond Big Shots (Mansion Grove House) and is working on a similar book about doubles tennis. .

•• flooded road unless you are certain that the water is no more than a few inches deep. Water depth can be very difficult to gauge, and misjudgments are dangerous-so always err on the side of caution . Turn around and find a different route, or pull over and wait for the flooding to subside. Do not wait right at the edge of the floodwater-it could rise quickly. If other vehicles attempt to cross, watch their progress to determine water depth. If the floodwater is only a few inches deep, then it should be relatively safe to cross. Be extremely gentle on the gas pedal, and ease your vehicle through the flood area carefully. After leaving the flood area, gently apply your brakes, using slight pedal pressure for three to four seconds several times. This helps to "sweep" the water off the brake system surfaces so that they are dry (or at least less wet) for the next application. If your car becomes stuck on a flooded road, remain in the vehicle with your seat belt on unless there is imminent danger that water could fill the passenger compartment. If you have a cell phone, call 911. If not, yell or signal to other drivers that you need help. STRONG CROSSWINDS

Keep your eyes far ahead on the road when driving in crosswinds. This gives you the visual cues that you need to most easily correct your course and remain in your lane. Avoid driving next to other vehicles when there are strong crosswinds. Sideby-side driving increases the odds that you will have a collision if the wind pushes one of you out of your lane. On windy days, ready yourself for gusts-for example, you can grip the steering wheel and prepare to make a slight correction-when your vehicle leaves protected locations and enters open spaces. These include driving out from under an overpass ... entering a cleared area after driving through a densely wooded area ... driving onto an exposed bridge ... or accelerating past a large truck. ••



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,We form habits and then our habits form us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson philosopher, essayist, poet (1803 - 1882)



Penalty rates on credit cards are heading sharply higher. The

Discover Card recently raised its default rate, which can be triggered by missing a payment or going over your credit limit, to a 31 % annual percentage rate (APR). Bank of America raised default rates for some customers to 30%. Credit card issuers are very skittish about risk and are quick to raise rates for consumers exhibiting any signs of financial distress. Self defense: Make all of your payments on time. Greg McBride, CFA, senior financial analyst,, North Palm Beach, Florida.


Nonspouse beneficiaries of 401(k) accounts now have the

right to transfer an inherited 401 (k) to an IRA. This lets the heir stretch withdrawals and tax bills over his/her lifetime. The IRS has allowed this type of transfer in the past, but some companies did not offer it and required nonspouse beneficiaries to withdraw all 401 (k) money within five years. The IRS recently ruled that companies are required to offer the option. Ed Slott, editor, Ed Slott's IRA Advisor, 100 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre, New York 11570. 12 issues. $125/yr.



Professional help for small businesses. A free service from lets you find freelancers to help you build a Web site, promote your products, assist with legal or administrative matters and more. You can browse by the type of help you need and read the resumes of available freelancers and reviews of their work. You also can filter the applicants by region and minimum rates.


Most new businesses fail simply because they don't find enough cus' tomers. Basics of effective selling: Meet


with each potential client to determine how their buying decisions are made, and target your approach to all those who influence the buying decision. Focus on your firm's strengths, not on the competition-which you cannot control. Listen to each prospect carefully to determine his/her needs and find ways to meet those needs. Figure out why the prospect should buy from you-you must be able to articulate this to him. Anticipate losing the business, and analyze why this could happen-then adjust your approach so that it doesn't. Martyn Lewis, founder, president and CEO, Market- Partners, sales consultants, Santa Rosa, California, and author of Sales Wise (Fenestra).

____, and lead author of a study of 14,000 people, published in Chest.


o Compare the


the cost of gas with of flying by using the

free calculator at www.fuelcostcal Example: Driving four people from Denver to Nashville in a 2007 Toyota Corolla uses about 67 gallons of gas and recently cost about $260/round-trip ... compared with at least $952 for four round-trip air tickets. Nancy Dunnan, editor, TravelSmart, New York City. 12 issues. $39/yr. www.trave1sman newsletter. com



o Do

not pour boiling liquid into plastic water bottles or baby

bottles made of polycarbonate plastic-hard, clear plastic that may have a #7 recycling code (the number 7 surrounded by three arrows forming a triangle). Boiling water can cause these bottles to release the chemical bisphenolA (BPA) up to 55 times more quickly than when exposed to cool or temperate water. BPA has been found to cause genetic damage in lab animals, but there is no evidence that it is a threat to humans. Scott M. Belcher,PhD, researcher,pharmacology and cell biophysics, University of Cincinnati, and leader of a study of plastic bottles, published in ToxicologyLetters.

Trouble sleeping when you travel to a different time zone?

Take melatonin one hour before bedtime. The usual dose is one to three milligrams. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps adjust your circadian rhythms and sleep cycle to a new time zone. Also: To help you relax so it is easier to fall asleep, try the herbal extract passionflower. Take one capsule three times a day for general relaxation. Melatonin and passionflower are available at healthfood stores. Mark A. Stengler, ND, naturopathic physician, La Jolla, California, and associate clinical professor, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon. He is author of Bottom Line Natural Healing newsletter. www.


Vitamin 0 improves lung function. Possible reason: Vitamin

D may help lung tissue to rejuvenate, a process that occurs throughout life but declines with age. The most important source of vitamin D is sun exposure, which leads to synthesis of vitamin D in the skin. Good food sources of vitamin D include fortified milk and seafood, such as herring, salmon and mackerel. To ensure that you're getting enough vitamin D, take a supplement daily. To aid lung function, most people need about 20 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin D a day ... people over age 50 need double that amount-about 40 mcg. Peter Black, MD, internist, department of medicine, University of Auckland, New Zealand,



Early warning signs of autism: When an infant does not smile

at the sound of his/her parent's voice by the age of four months ... does not babble by nine months of age ... does not point to interesting objects or events by 18 months .. .loses language and/or social skills at any age. Children should be screened for autism at their regular doctor visits at the ages of 18 months and 24 months. One in every 150 US children is diagnosed with autism. Chris Plauche Johnson, MD, clinical professor of pediatrics, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, cochair of the

Autism Expert Panel, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and coauthor of two AAP guidelines on autism, published in Pediatrics.

D Cough medicine is used by teens to get high. More than three million US teens and young adults have abused over-the-counter (aTe) cough or cold medicines. That is many more than have used methamphetamines in this age group. The commonly used cough suppressant dextromethorphan-found in more than 140 OTC medicines-can cause disorientation, blurred vision, slurred speech and vomiting when taken in large amounts. Terry Cline, PhD, administrator, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Washington, DC.

youl'moneysavel'S D Search for discount codes on-line before making any purchase on the Web. Up to three-quarters of on-line retailers provide discount codes at least some of the time, and several free Web sites make them available. Try ... www. ... www.current ... www.thedailygreen. com ... and Consensus of on-line shoppers, reported in USA Today.

D Best chance to get a refund from a store when you don't have a receipt: Find out about the store's return policy, and conform to as much of it as possible. Emphasize what you do have, such as all the tags and the original packaging. Request store credit or an exchange if you cannot get cash back. If you are a regular customer,

coming soon In bottom line ... • TAKE THE LEAD IN YOUR L1FEfrom Dave Pelzer, A Child Called It. • What you need to know about SEIZURES. • How to COMPLAIN TO THE AIRLINES-and get results. • Keep rabbits and deer out of your garden. • Creative ways to GET A JOB when you're over 50. • SAVE ON PRESCRIPTION DRUGS.

mention that. Talk to a supervisor if a lower-level person is not helpful. See if the store will make a onetime exception for you. Continue speaking to higher-level people, up to the store manager if necessary. Be sure to express gratitude for any help you receive. Mary Hunt, editor, Debt-Proof Living, Paramount, California. 12 issues. $29/yr. www.debt

youl'health D

Men diagnosed with "low risk" prostate cancer who miss

more than two radiation sessions in an eight-week cycle are at 25% higher risk for recurrence than men who missed two sessions or less. Low-risk includes men whose prostate specific antigen (PSA) scores are less than 10. Typical treatment requires radiation five days a week for eight weeks. David]. D'Ambrosio, MD, resident, department of radiation oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, and author of a study of 1,796 men, presented at a meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology.

D Mobile phones may interfere with sleep. Radiation from phones can delay the onset of sleep, increase the time needed to enter deeper sleep stages and cause headaches. Self-defense: Do not use a mobile phone within one hour of bedtime ... and use a hands-free device to limit exposure to radiation. Bengt Arnetz, MD, PhD, professor, Wayne State University, Detroit, and Uppsala University, Sweden, and leader of a study funded by the Mobile Manufacturers Forum.

D Smoking increases risk for type 2 diabetes. Smoking can lead to insulin


Bottom Line _PERSONAL_

Subscription Center, P.O. Box 58446 Boulder, Colorado 80322-8446

a precursor


type 2 diabetes. Recentfinding: Smokers have a 44% higher risk for developing diabetes than nonsmokers. Self-defense: If you smoke, get help quitting from a health professional. Also, maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Carole Willi, MD, chief resident, department of community medicine and public health, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and leader of a meta-analysis of 25 studies, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

veryverypel'Sonal D Don't tell a sick person that he/she looks good. In a recent survey of chronically ill people, half said that they found comments about how good they looked to be annoying or frustrating. Better: Ask if there is anything you can do to help. Lisa Copen, director, National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week Committee, San Diego, and leader of a study of 1,099 chronically ill people.

D A high-sugar diet may lower a man's sex drive. Foods that are high in simple sugars, such as candy and soda pop, reduce blood levels of the protein that carries testosterone-an effect that occurs rapidly after high sugar consumption and may continue as long as the high-sugar diet does. Men whose sex drive has dropped should consider eating fewer sweets-that may be enough to increase testosterone levels and restore sex drive. Geoffrey Hammond, PhD, scientific director, Child & Family Research Institute, and professor, department of obstetrics and gynecology, University of British Columbia, both in Vancouver, Canada, and leader of a study of the effect of a high-sugar diet on mice and human liver cells, published in Journal ofClinical Investigation.

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