Borrowing Policies

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 835
  • Pages: 3
FILMS’ BORROWING POLICIES: Carmelite borrowers: 1. Borrowing days per film is 5 days to a week only. Please be considerate to others who may borrow the film. 2. Limit the borrowing of films to a maximum of 3. There is a great possibility that you will not be able to watch all you borrowed if its more than 3, I charge that to the experience of this library. 3. Fill up the card inside the tape/VCD/DVD with your name and contact number. Please be honest enough to do this even without the coordinator around. In this way, we can keep track of the borrowers. 4. If accidentally you damaged the tape/VCD/DVD or even lost it, you are required to replace it with the same film or in case absence of same title, talk with the person in charge for other titles. Please be honest enough to admit this as you are expected to be. 5. Borrowing is free of charge. However there is a penalty (fee) for unreturned films, P5.00/day. Non-Carmelite Borrowers: 1. Borrowing of film in VHS/VCD format is P20.00, DVD is P30.00. 2. Borrowing days per film is 3 to 5 days only. Please be considerate to others who may borrow the film. 3. Limit the borrowing of films to a maximum of 2. 4. Fill up the card inside the tape/VCD/DVD with your name and contact number. Please be honest enough to do this even without the coordinator around. In this way, we can keep track of the borrowers. 5. If accidentally you damaged the tape/VCD/DVD or even lost it, you are required to replace it with the same film or in case absence of same title, talk with the person in charge for other titles. Please be honest enough to admit this as you are expected to be. 6. In case of scratches for VCD/DVD, there is a fine of P10.00 for each borrowed. 7. Borrowing is free of charge. However there is a penalty (fee) for unreturned films, P5.00/day. Rules for Copying a Film  If you intend to borrow the film for more than a week because you’ll be using it for important educational purposes, we suggest you just have the film copied. We charge P50.00 for the copying.

BOOKS/MATERIALS’ BORROWING POLICIES: Carmelite borrowers: 1. Borrowing days per book is 5 days to a week only. Please be considerate to others who may borrow the book. 2. Limit the borrowing of books/materials to a maximum of 3. There is a great possibility that you will not be able to read all you borrowed if its more than 3, I charge that to the experience of this library. 3. Fill up the card at the back of the book or a borrower’s form with your name and contact number; in the case of the borrower’s form, title/description of material you will borrow. Please be honest enough to do this even without the coordinator around. In this way, we can keep track of the borrowers. 4. If accidentally you damaged the books/materials or even lost it, you are required to replace it with the same book/material or in case absence of same title, talk with the person in charge for other titles. Please be honest enough to admit this as you are expected to be. 5. Borrowing is free of charge. However there is a penalty (fee) for unreturned books or materials, P5.00/day/material. Non-Carmelite Borrowers: 1. No taking home of books/materials is allowed. All are for office used only. 2. Borrowing days per book is 3 to 5 days only. Please be considerate to others who may borrow the film. 3. Limit the borrowing of books/materials to a maximum of 2. 4. Fill up the card at the back of the book or a borrower’s form with your name and contact number; in the case of the borrower’s form, title/description of material you will borrow. Please be honest enough to do this even without the coordinator around. In this way, we can keep track of the borrowers. 5. If accidentally you damaged the books/materials or even lost it, you are required to replace it with the same book/material or in case absence of same title, talk with the person in charge for other titles. Please be honest enough to admit this as you are expected to be. 6. Borrowing is free of charge. However there is a penalty (fee) for unreturned books or materials, P5.00/day/material. Rules for Photocopying a Book/material  If you intend to photocopy a book/material, TBCMP suggest that you just photocopy 20% of the book because we don’t have a photocopying machine fit for photocopying hundreds of pages and we charge high. Books/materials can be taken out in this cases provided that the borrower write a special letter of request including his contact numbers, that the book should be returned on the same day and the borrower will have to deposit P100-200 to ensure return of the book. Deposit will be returned once the book/material has been returned.

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