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  • Words: 5,275
  • Pages: 43
Abstract –

The compressed air bike is an eco-friendly bike that uses compressed air as the source of energy .Here the normal piston engine is replaced with a turbine. The turbine is used as the energy converter in this bike, the pneumatic energy of compressed air is converted into mechanical work with help of turbine. The air under pressure which have energy is given into the turbine .As this compressed air enters into the turbine the compressed air expands and the energy is released which is used to move the turbine vane and produce work output through the turbine shaft .The turbine output shaft is coupled to the rear wheel shaft with the help of gear arrangement. The efficiency of compressed air bike is increased by implementing an air pressure amplifier and a pneumatic shock-absorber connected to the compressed air storage tank to kept constant pressure and volume of compressed air. The concept of compressed air bike in practice reduces the air pollution to large extend as its exhaust is nothing but cool air. The project paper describes the working of Engine which can run on pneumatic power as by compressed air. Since, it is an old technique which can attract many scientist as well as Engineer’s for many years. This paper describes on the same with some new modification which is main objective of this research paper. Since engine is operated by Compressed air which contribute to reduce the air pollution and tend to zero pollution level of atmosphere and making a great an environment. There is no mixing of fuel with air as there is no combustion.

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A compressed-air vehicle is powered by an air engine, using compressed air, which is stored in a tank. Instead of mixing fuel with air and burning it in the engine to drive pistons with hot expanding gases, compressed-air vehicles use the expansion of compressed air to drive their pistons. Density of the inlet air can be reduced either by increase in ambient temperature, or by a decrease in atmospheric pressure (high site elevation). Lower air density reduces the mass flow through the turbine section, resulting in lower power output. In addition the compression work is related to inlet temperature, and more work is required to achieve a pressure ratio as temperature increases. Therefore less turbine output is available for the generator, as the power requirement from the compressor is higher. As ambient temperatures increase, compressor discharge temperature also increases, with a potential to excessive heat loads on the turbine cooling system and impacted hot gas path components life. In addition, as extra fuel needs to be burned to produce power compared to a cooler day, the overall pollutant emissions are higher. Besides the performance and environmental penalties produced, high temperature also results in commercial burdens for the operators of gas turbine, since they cannot produce (and sell) power at a moment when the power demand, and the prices are higher. In today’s competitive environment, it becomes a very attractive proposal for the power generation industry to increase power capability without the capital investments related to new capacity addition, and for this reason various power enhancement schemes have been developed and implemented since the introduction of gas turbines, either by the reduction of inlet air temperature, the injection of fluids through the combustion chamber, or the burn of additional fuel (either as reheated turbines, or additional firing at the HRSG). Similar performance degradation occurs for simple cycle plants; with 13.7% reduction in power and 3.9% increase in heat rate for a 95F day. Furthermore, this gas turbine performance decrease coincides with the peak power requirement, making necessary the dispatch of additional generation units to supply the demand. The proposed compressed air injection (CAI) scheme, commercially known as TurboPHASE is a modular package designed to increase plant power output, by restoring a portion of the missing inlet air flow caused by high ambient temperatures or plant location at high altitudes. Each module is designed to deliver between 10 and 12 lb/s (4.5-5.5 kg/s) of compressed air, which is roughly 1% of the airflow of an “F” class gas turbine. [Type text]

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An intercooled compressor capable to delivering such amount of air, at pressures above 250 psi (1.72 MPa) requires a power input in the order of 2 MW. A high efficiency reciprocating engine fueled by natural gas, or diesel fuel, is proposed to drive the compressor. This point marks significant differences with earlier compressed air injection (CAI) initiatives like those made by Nakhamkin et al. and others, who proposed an electric driven compressor. As noted more than 2 MW of power is required to move each compressor. If 5% air injection is intended, more than 10 MW of the incremental power produced is required only to move the compressors. Electricity delivered to the grid, which is the ultimate goal behind power production is severely reduced. By using a reciprocating engine that uses the same fuel as the gas turbine to drive the compressors, the auxiliary electrical loads are reduced to a minimum, and all the incremental power can be sold to the grid. By using hot exhaust air to heat up the compressed air in a recuperator, air can be injected at conditions near identical of the gas turbine compressor discharge plenum (650F or 343.3 ºC). In an F class engine, for example, the compressor takes around half turbine power produced, and the generator takes the other half. Therefore, if the inlet flow increases by 5%, the total turbine power is increased around 10-12%, but as half this power is used for compression work, the additional generator power only increases by ~5%. On the other hand, the air injected with the proposed CAI system does not require compression work by the gas turbine, and all the extra turbine work goes straight to the generator. Compressed air injection is a novel technology that taps into the unused capacity that exists in the gas turbine at simple or combined cycle plants at moderate to high ambient temperatures and/or elevations. The incremental power it produces is significant, with an incremental efficiency better than that of a gas turbine in simple cycle, and when applied to combined cycle plants providing a steady power increase across a wide operational temperature range (40-110F) and relative humidity, which can not be attained with other alternatives. Furthermore compressed air injection does not change the composition of the combustion air, like steam injection does, and for this reason the heat loads at turbine components remain unchanged, as well as their service life. The use of a fueled compressor virtually eliminates auxiliary power requirements, making most of the additional power available for the grid, and its lower incremental heat rate makes it a relatively lower emissions peak power producer.”

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The Compressed Air Manual is a resource for everyone who wishes to know more about compressed air. This edition, the sixth, is in many respects extended, updated and improved compared to previous editions, of which the last was issued in 1976. Naturally a great deal has happened during these twenty or more years, nevertheless the fundamentals remain and make up the core of this Manual, which has been desired and requested by many. The Manual addresses the essentials of theoretical and practical issues faced by everyone working with compressed air on a day-to-day basis, from the fundamental theoretical relations to more practical advice and tips. The main addition to this edition is an increased concentration on environmental aspects, air quality issues, energy savings and compressed air economy. Furthermore, we conclude with calculation examples as well as diverse, helpful table information and a complete keyword index. The Manual’s contents have been produced by our leading compressed air technicians and I hope that the different sections act both as a textbook for newcomers and a reference book for more experienced users. It is my belief that the Manual will be useful and perhaps even an enjoyment to many within the industry. Many questions can surely be answered with its help, while others require further investigation. In the case of the latter, I believe the reader can also receive help through the support and structure for continued discussion provided by the Manual. With this in mind, each reader is always more than welcome to contact us for answers to unresolved questions.

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HISTORY The first air powered vehicles were actually trains. The Mekarski air engine, the Robert Hardie air engine and the Hoadley-Knight pneumatic system were used in the 1800's to power locomotives. The Mekarski air engine was used for street transit. It was a single-stage engine (air expanded in one piston then exhausted) and represented an advance in air engine technology that made air cars feasible: the air was reheated after leaving the tank and before entering the engine. The reheater was a hot water tank through which the compressed air bubbled in direct contact with the water, picking up hot water vapor which improved the enginerange-between-fill-ups. The first compressed air vehicle was established in France by a Polish engineer Louis Mekarski in 1870. It was patented in 1872 and 1873 and was tested in Paris in 1876. The working principle of Mekarski’s engine was the use of energy stored in compressed air to increase gas enthalpy of hot water when it is passed through hot water.

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Another application of thecompressed air to drive vehicles comes from Uruguay in 1984, where Armando Regusci has been involved in constructing these machines. He constructed a four-wheeler with pneumatic engine which travelled100 km on a single tank in 1992. The Air Car was developed by Luxembourg-based MDI Group founder and former Formula One engineer Guy Negre is which works on compressed air engine . He developed compressed air- 4cylinders engine run on air and gasoline in 1998 which he claims to be zero pollution cars. It uses compressed air to push its pistons when running at speeds under 35 mph and at higher speeds of 96 mph, the compressed air was heated by a fuel (bio fuel, gasoline, or diesel),due to which the air expanded before entering the engine. A fuel efficiency of about 100 mpg was observed. Light weight vehicles are the next advancement in the development of automobiles. Reducing the weight of the vehicle has many advantages as it increases the overall efficiency of the vehicle, helps in improving maneuverability, requires less energy to stop and run the vehicle. The latest researches are going on around the world in order to come up with innovative ideas. But global warming is also one of the problems which is affecting the man. The temperature of the earth is increasing drastically and this in turn iscausing climatic changes. The fossil fuels are widely used as a source of energy in various different fields like power plants, internal & external combustion.etc. But its stock is very limited and due to this tremendous use, fossil fuels are diminishing at faster rate. So, in this world of energy crisis, it is necessary to develop alternative technologies to use renewable energy sources, so that fossil fuels can be conserved. One of the major source of the pollution is the smoke coming out from the automobiles. So an alternative way of producing the running the vehicle must be made so that we can prevent further damage to the earth. The alternative sources of energy available are solar, electric, atmospheric air etc. Air acts like ablanket for the earth. It is the mixture of gasses, which makes it neutral and non-polluting. It has the property to get compressed to a very high pressureand retain it for a long period of time. It is cheap and can be found abundantly in the atmosphere. So it can be used as an alternative fuel for the automobiles. Much research is going on in this field and scientists are trying to improve the effectiveness of this technology. It is experimentally found that the efficiency of the vehicle ranges from 72-95%. So this can be considered as one of the preferable choices to run the vehicle.

Compressed air has been used since the 19th century to power mine locomotives and trams in cities such as Paris (via a central, city-level, compressed air energy distribution system), and was previously the basis of naval torpedo propulsion. During the construction of the Gotthardbahn from 1872 to 1882, pneumatic locomotives were used in the construction of the Gotthard Rail Tunnel and other tunnels of the Gotthardbahn. In 1903, the Liquid Air Company located in London England manufactured a number of compressed-air and liquified-air cars. The major problem with these cars and all compressed-air cars is the lack of torque produced by the "engines" and the cost of compressing the air.[6] Since 2010 several companies have started to develop compressed air cars including hybrid types that also include a petrol driven engine; none has been released to the public, or have been tested by third parties. [Type text]

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The tanks must be designed to safety standards appropriate for a pressure vessel, such as ISO 11439. The storage tank may be made of metal or composite materials. The fiber materials are considerably lighter than metals but generally more expensive. Metal tanks can withstand a large number of pressure cycles, but must be checked for corrosion periodically. One company stores air in tanks at 4,500 pounds per square inch (about 30 MPa) and hold nearly 3,200 cubic feet (around 90 cubic metres) of air. The tanks may be refilled at a service station equipped with heat exchangers, or in a few hours at home or in parking lots, plugging the car into the electrical grid via an onboard compressor. The cost of driving such a car is typically projected to be around €0.75 per 100 km, with a complete refill at the "tank-station" at about US$3.

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At first glance the idea of running an engine on air seems to be too good to be true. Actually, if we can make use of air as an aid for running an engine it is a fantastic idea. As we all know, air is all around us, it never runs out, it is non-polluting and it is free. An Air Driven Engine makes use of Compressed Air Technology for its operation. Compressed Air Technology is now widely preferred for research by different industries for developing different drives for different purposes. The Compressed Air Technology is quite simple. If we compress normal air into a cylinder the air would hold some energy within it. This energy can be utilized for useful purposes. When this compressed air expands, the energy is released to do work. So this energy in compressed air can also be utilized to displace a piston. This is the basic working principle of the Air Driven Engine. It uses the expansion of compressed air to drive the pistons of the engine. So an Air Driven Engine is basically a pneumatic actuator that creates useful work by expanding compressed air. This work provided by the air is utilized to supply power to the crankshaft of the engine. In the case of an Air Driven Engine, there is no combustion taking place within the engine. So it is non-polluting and less dangerous. It requires lighter metal only since it does not have to withstand elevated temperatures.

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As there is no combustion taking place, there is no need for mixing fuel and air. Here compressed air is the fuel and it is directly fed into the piston cylinder arrangement. It simply expands inside the cylinder and does useful work on the piston. This work done on the piston provides sufficient power to the crankshaft.

 Applications The compressed air engine can be used in many vehicles. Some of its applications to be used as engine for vehicles are:

1. Mopeds: JemStansfield, an English inventor has been able to convert a regular scooter to a compressed air moped. This has been done by equipping the scooter with a compressed air engine and air tank.

2. Buses: MDI makes MultiCATs vehicle that can be used as buses or trucks. RATP has also already expressed an interest in the compressed-air pollution-free bus.

3. Locomotives: Compressed air locomotives have been historically used as mining locomotives and in various areas.

4. Trams: Various compressed-air-powered trams were trialed, starting in 1876 and has been successfully implemented in some cases.

5. Watercraft and aircraft: Currently, no water or air vehicles exist that make use of the air engine. Historically compressed air engines propelled certain torpedoes.

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Air turbine

The engine of compressed air bike is a vaned type air turbine as shown in Fig.2.It has been considered and proposed to work on the reverse of working principle of vane type compressor. This turbine consists of 4 vanes. The vanes are made of Teflon. It is found to be high in strength and less wear resistance. The casing is made up of cast iron due to its higher compressive strength and the rotor is made of aluminum for light weight with air tight inside. The output shaft is coupled to the rotor with key arrangement. Rubber seal is used prevent air leakage through the shaft and ball bearing arrangement.

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The leakage through the casing and cover plate is prevented with help of Teflon seal. In this arrangement total shaft work is cumulative effect of isobaric admission of compressed air jet on the vanes and adiabatic expansion of the high pressure air. This air turbine has capability to yield output of 5HP at 6 bar air pressure and for speed of 2000–3000 rpm, which is suitable for a motorbike. Construction details: Casing diameter: 60mm Rotor diameter: 50mm Vane length= 40mm Injection angles = 60° Vane angles = 30°

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Social cycle theories are among the earliest social theories in sociology. Unlike the theory of social evolutionism, which views the evolution of society and human history as progressing in some new, unique direction(s), sociological cycle theory argues that events and stages of society and history are generally repeating themselves in cycles. Such a theory does not necessarily imply that there cannot be any social progress. In the early theory of Sima Qian and the more recent theories of long-term ("secular") political-demographic cycles[1] as well as in the Varnic theory of P.R. Sarkar an explicit accounting is made of social progress.

Among the prominent historiosophers, Russian philosopher Nikolai Danilewski (1822– 1885) is important. In Rossiia i Evropa (1869) he differentiated between various smaller civilizations (Egyptian, Chinese, Persian, Greek, Roman, German, and Slav, among others). He wrote that each civilization has a life cycle, and by the end of the 19th century the Roman-German civilization was in decline, while the Slav civilization was approaching its Golden Age. A similar theory was put forward by Oswald Spengler (1880–1936) who in his Der Untergang des Abendlandes (1918) also argued that the Western civilization had entered its final phase of development and its decline was inevitable. The first social cycle theory in sociology was created by Italian sociologist and economist Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923) in his Trattato di Sociologia Generale (1916). He centered his theory on the concept of an elite social class, which he divided into cunning 'foxes' and violent 'lions'. In his view of society, the power constantly passes from the 'foxes' to the 'lions' and vice versa. Sociological cycle theory was also developed by Pitirim A. Sorokin (1889–1968) in his Social and Cultural Dynamics (1937, 1943). He classified societies according to their 'cultural mentality', which can be ideational (reality is spiritual), sensate (reality is material), or idealistic (a synthesis of the two). He interpreted the contemporary West as a sensate civilization dedicated to technological progress and prophesied its fall into decadence and the emergence of a new ideational or idealistic era.

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Alexandre Deulofeu (1903–1978) developed a mathematical model of social cycles that he claimed fit historical facts. He argued that civilizations and empires go through cycles in his book Mathematics of History (in Catalan, published in 1951). He claims that each civilization passes through a minimum of three 1700-year cycles. As part of civilizations, empires have an average lifespan of 550 years. He also stated that by knowing the nature of these cycles, it could be possible to modify the cycles in such a way that change could be peaceful instead of leading to war. Deulofeu believed he had found the origin of Romanesque art, during the 9th century, in an area between Empordà and Roussillon, which he argued was the cradle of the second cycle of western European civilization. One of the most important recent findings in the study of the long-term dynamic social processes was the discovery of the political-demographic cycles as a basic feature of the dynamics of complex agrarian systems. The presence of political-demographic cycles in the pre-modern history of Europe and China, and in chiefdom level societies worldwide has been known for quite a long time,[3] and already in the 1980s more or less developed mathematical models of demographic cycles started to be produced (first of all for Chinese "dynastic cycles") (Usher 1989). At the moment we have a considerable number of such models (Chu and Lee 1994; Nefedov 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004; S. Malkov, Kovalev, and A. Malkov 2000; S. Malkov and A. Malkov 2000; Malkov and Sergeev 2002, 2004a, 2004b; Malkov et al. 2002; Malkov 2002, 2003, 2004; Turchin 2003, 2005a; Korotayev et al. 2006). Recently the most important contributions to the development of the mathematical models of long-term ("secular") sociodemographic cycles have been made by Sergey Nefedov, Peter Turchin, Andrey Korotayev, and Sergey Malkov.[4] What is important is that on the basis of their models Nefedov, Turchin and Malkov have managed to demonstrate [Type text]

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that sociodemographic cycles were a basic feature of complex agrarian systems (and not a specifically Chinese or European phenomenon). The basic logic of these models is as follows:   

After the population reaches the ceiling of the carrying capacity of land, its growth rate declines toward near-zero values. The system experiences significant stress with decline in the living standards of the common population, increasing the severity of famines, growing rebellions etc. As has been shown by Nefedov, most complex agrarian systems had considerable reserves for stability, however, within 50–150 years these reserves were usually exhausted and the system experienced a demographic collapse (a Malthusian catastrophe), when increasingly severe famines, epidemics, increasing internal warfare and other disasters led to a considerable decline of population. As a result of this collapse, free resources became available, per capita production and consumption considerably increased, the population growth resumed and a new sociodemographic cycle started.

It has become possible to model these dynamics mathematically in a rather effective way. Note that the modern theories of political-demographic cycles do not deny the presence of trend dynamics and attempt at the study of the interaction between cyclical and trend components of historical dynamics. Modern social scientists from different fields have introduced cycle theories to predict civilizational collapses in approaches that apply contemporary methods that update the approach of Spengler, such as the work of Joseph Tainter suggesting a civilizational life-cycle. In more micro-studies that follow the work of Malthus, scholars such as David Lemperthave presented "alpha-helix" models of population, economics, and political response, including violence, in cyclical forms that add aspects of culture change into the model. Lempert has also modeled political violence in Russian society, suggesting that theories attributing violence in Russia to ideologies are less useful than cyclical models of population and economic productivity.

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Pumping unit: It comprises of the compact pump, hose, specially designed wheel alloy and the tire .The wheel is designed to serve the purpose of pumping and wheel rotation with minimal air leakage. The pump is fitted to the car either magnetically or screws. Magnetic fixing is to avoid the pump from falling at any cost. The pump will be fitted near the wheel ,parallel to its axle. Each wheel will get a dedicated pump. The pump needs just 12v to operate. So a power supply from the car battery is more than enough for the proper functioning of the pump. The hose is made of a strong material to survive the rough conditions. Next part in this unit is the wheel alloy. The alloy is modified to suit this project. This project involves the connection of the pump and the tire’s valve permanently, even during the motion of the car. In this case, the wheel ’s rotation must not damage the pump connection at any cost. So we go for a special design which facilitates the motion of the tire without damaging the connection. The design providesan airtight connection in the center of the wheel. This allows free motion. The valve used is a one way valve, to prevent the air from escaping through the same .The tire used may be a tube or a tubeless one, but the system remains the same. The connection between valve and hose is a permanent one. This doesn’t mean that it cannot be removed at time of a puncture. Permanent in the sense ,even during the motion of the car. It can be removed by the driver while changing a tire. The above parts comprise a single section for one wheel. So four sections totally make up the entire pumping unit

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Advantages 

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Much like electrical vehicles, air powered vehicles would ultimately be powered through the electrical grid. Which makes it easier to focus on reducing pollution from one source, as opposed to the millions of vehicles on the road. Transportation of the fuel would not be required due to drawing power off the electrical grid. This presents significant cost benefits. Pollution created during fuel transportation would be eliminated. Compressed-air technology reduces the cost of vehicle production by about 20%, because there is no need to build a cooling system, fuel tank, Ignition Systems or silencers. The engine can be massively reduced in size. The engine runs on cold or warm air, so can be made of lower strength light weight material such as aluminium, plastic, low friction teflon or a combinat Low manufacture and maintenance costs as well as easy maintenance. Compressed-air tanks can be disposed of or recycled with less pollution than batteries. Compressed-air vehicles are unconstrained by the degradation problems associated with current battery systems. The air tank may be refilled more often and in less time than batteries can be recharged, with re-filling rates comparable to liquid fuels. Lighter vehicles cause less damage to roads, resulting in lower maintenance cost. The price of filling air powered vehicles is significantly cheaper than petrol, diesel or biofuel. If electricity is cheap, then compressing air will also be relatively cheap.

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When air expands, as it would in the engine, it cools dramatically (Charles's law) and must be heated to ambient temperature using a heat exchanger similar to the Intercooler used for internal combustion engines. The heating is necessary in order to obtain a significant fraction of the theoretical energy output. The heat exchanger can be problematic. While it performs a similar task to the Intercooler, the temperature difference between the incoming air and the working gas is smaller. In heating the stored air, the device gets very cold and may ice up in cool, moist climates. Refueling the compressed-air container using a home or low-end conventional air compressor may take as long as 4 hours, while the specialized equipment at service stations may fill the tanks in only 3 minutes. Tanks get very hot when filled rapidly. SCUBA tanks are sometimes immersed in water to cool them down when they are being filled. That would not be possible with tanks in a car and thus it would either take a long time to fill the tanks, or they would have to take less than a full charge, since heat drives up the pressure. However, if well insulated, such as Dewar (vacuum) flask design, the heat would not have to be lost but put to use when the car was running. Early tests have demonstrated the limited storage capacity of the tanks; the only published test of a vehicle running on compressed air alone was limited to a range of 7.22 km (4 mi).[10] A 2005 study demonstrated that cars running on lithium-ion batteries out-perform both compressed-air and fuel cell vehicles more than threefold at same speeds. MDI has recently claimed that an air car will be able to travel 140 km (87 mi) in urban driving, and have a range of 80 km (50 mi) with a top speed of 110 km/h (68 mph) on highways, when operating on compressed air alone.

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CONCLUSIONS It’s important to remember that while vehicles running on only compressed air might seem like a distant dream, but they still have public interest due to their environmental friendly nature. Efforts should be to make them light, safe, cost effective and economical for deriving. Compressed air for vehicle propulsion is already being explored and now air powered vehicles are being developed as a more fuel-efficient means of transportation. Some automobile companies are further exploring compressed air hybrids and compressed fluids to store energy for vehicles which might point the way for the development of a cost effective air powered vehicles design. Unfortunately there are still serious problems to be sorted out before air powered vehicles become a reality for common use but there is a hope that with the development in science & technology well supported by the environmental conscious attitude it will be possible.

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REFERENCES [1]. Bharat Raj Singh and Onkar Singh,” Design of Compressed Air powered motorbike engine: A technology to control global warming, if implemented widely [2].SS Varma,” Latest developments of a Compressed Air Vehicle: a status report”, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering Automotive Engineering”, volume13 issue 1 version1.0year2013 2249-4596 & Print ISSN: 0975-5861 [3]. Bharat Raj Singh & Onkar Singh, “Study of thei nfluence of vane angle on shaft output of a Multivane Air Turbine: III-Optimization of power at different vane angles corresponding to angles at which pressurised air [4]. Lukasz Szablowski & Jaroslaw Milewski(2009), “Design and implementation of an Air powered motorcycle”, Applied energy 86, pp. 1105-1110. [5]. Sapkal Vishal K, Bhamarepunam A, Patil Tanvi P, Sayyad Munija“A study of performance output of a multi vane Air Engine applying optimal injection and vane angles” International Journal of Rotating Machinery Volume, pp 1-10. [6]. Mr. N.Govind, Mr.S.Sanyasi Rao, Mr.Manish kumar Behera,” Design and fabrication of Compressed Air Vehicle” ISSN No: 2348-4845International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research Volume No: 2 (2015), Issue No: 7 (July) July 2015 Page 219

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