Boost Your English Pdf

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,736
  • Pages: 9
Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................5 Part One: GRAMMAR ..................................................................................7 I. Tenses ..............................................................................................7 I.1. Present Continuous..............................................................7 I.2. Present Simple ..................................................................12 I.3. Present Simple vs. Present Continuous ............................17 I.4. Present Perfect Simple ......................................................20 I.5. Present perfect continuous ................................................24 I.6. Past simple ........................................................................28 I.7. Past Simple vs. Present Perfect Simple ............................33 I.8. Past Continuous ................................................................35 I.9. Past Perfect Simple............................................................39 I.10. Past perfect continuous....................................................42 I.11. Means of expressing future time ......................................45 II. Conditionals....................................................................................54 II.1. Conditionals – Type 0 and 1 ............................................55 II.2. Conditionals – Type 2........................................................57 II.3. Conditionals – Type 3........................................................59 III. Wishes ..........................................................................................61 IV. Passive Voice ................................................................................63 V. Reported Speech............................................................................68


Mihaela DR~GHICI

VI. Modal verbs ..................................................................................76 VI.1. Modals – Present and future ..........................................81 VI.2. Modals – Past ..................................................................83 VII. Relative Clauses ..........................................................................85 VIII. Articles ........................................................................................90 IX. Countable and uncountable nouns ..............................................95 X. Adjectives and Adverbs................................................................102 XI. Adjectives, nounsand verbs with prepositions ............................111 Part Two: VOCABULARY..........................................................................113 I. The Human Body ..........................................................................113 II. People’s appearance ....................................................................115 III. Character ....................................................................................116 IV. Feelings ......................................................................................117 V. Family ties ....................................................................................118 VI. Shopping ....................................................................................119 VII. Cinema and theatre ..................................................................120 VIII. Traveling and holidays ..............................................................121 Answer key................................................................................................122 GRAMMAR ......................................................................................122 VOCABULARY ................................................................................134 APPENDIX 1: List of irregular verbs ......................................................136 APPENDIX 2: Adjectives, nouns and verbs with prepositions ............140


I.1. Present Continuous GRAMMAR REFERENCE FORM To form the present continuous we need the present of the auxiliary verb to be and the ending –ing. Affirmative: Subject + to be + Verb+ ing e.g. I am ironing my husband’s trousers. /I’m ironing my husband’s trousers. They are eating spaghetti. /They’re eating spaghetti. He is telling the truth. /He’s telling the truth. Negative: Subject +to be+ not + Verb + ing e.g. I am not reading the newspaper now./ I’m not reading the newspaper now. We are not watching TV at the moment. /We aren’t watching TV at the moment. He is not feeding the cat./ He isn’t feeding the cat.


Mihaela DR~GHICI

Interrogative: To be + Subject + Verb + ing? e.g. Are you tidying your house? Am I dreaming? Is she watering the plants? Negative-interrogative: To be + Subject + not + Verb +ing? e.g. Are you not crying?/ Aren’t you crying? Is it not raining? / Isn’t it raining? SPELLING When verbs end in one stressed vowel between two consonants, we double the final consonant. e.g. swim – swimming sit- sitting


These verbs do not double the final consonant write –writing, open- opening. Be careful with the spelling of these verbs: lie – lying, die – dying If verbs end in –e they drop the –e when they add the ing: write – writing, make – making

Time expressions: now, at the moment, at present, this week, this month Uses:

PRACTICE I. Put the verbs in brackets into present continuous. Model: Nicholas (read) the letter from his grandmother at the moment. Nicholas is reading the letter from his grandmother at the moment. 1. Look! It (snow). ……………………………………………………………

BOOST YOUR ENGLISH - pre-intermediate & intermediate: grammar and vocabulary


2. Our neighbours (have) a barbecue party. I can smell the grilled pork. …………………………………………………………… 3. It is midnight and Mark is still awake. He (do) his homework. …………………………………………………………… 4. The baby (cry) in his room, but mother (wash) the dishes and can’t hear him. …………………………………………………………… 5. I (go) to the mountains next Saturday. …………………………………………………………… 6. He (live) with his brother this week because his house is being redecorated. …………………………………………………………… 7. We (sit) by the fireplace and grandpa (tell) us a story. …………………………………………………………… 8. Grandma (knit) a pullover for her favourite granddaughter. …………………………………………………………… 9. What a terrible noise! Our dog (bark) …………………………………………………………… 10. Hey! What the cat (do)? It (chase) a mouse. …………………………………………………………… II. Imagine what these people are doing. Model: It is 11 pm. The children are in their room. They are sleeping. 1. Father is in his car. ………………………………………….. 2. Grandma is sitting in her rocking chair. ………………………………………….. 3. Grandpa is in the garage. ………………………………………….. 4. The teacher is in the classroom. ………………………………………….. 5. Alexandra is at her desk. ………………………………………….. 6. The children are in the park. ………………………………………….. 7. Henry is at the baker’s. ………………………………………….. 8. It is 7 o’clock in the evening. Mother is in the kitchen. ………………………………………….. 9. All my friends are in the train with their knapsacks. …………………………………………… 10. The dog is very happy; there is food in its bowl. ……………………………………………


Mihaela DR~GHICI

III. Make questions. Model: The cat is sleeping on the sofa. Where is the cat sleeping? 1. Grandpa is talking in a low voice because the baby is asleep. Why…………………………………………………………….? 2. The teacher is upset because the students are being naughty. Why ……………………………………………………………? 3. These scientists are planning an amazing project. What……………………………………………………………? 4. I’m seeing the dentist later. I have a toothache. Who……………………………………………………….……? 5. Brad is reading the text very slowly. How …………………………………………………………....? 6. John is riding the blue bike today. Who…………………………………………………………….? 7. The children are singing carols. They are rehearsing for the Christmas festivity. Why……………………………………………………………..? 8. Aunt Martha is preparing a birthday cake for her nephew. What…………………………………………………………….? 9. Caroline is crying because she hurt her knee. Why……………………………………………………………..? 10. The naughty boy is walking imitating the old man. How……………………………………………………………..? IV. George and Michael are twins, but they don’t like doing the same things at the same time. Say what Michael is doing. Model: George is riding his bike. (Michael/ do his homework) Michael is not/isn’t riding his bike; he is doing his homework. 1. George is watering mother’s plants. (Michael/ listen to music) …………………………………………………………………… 2. George is playing computer games. (Michael/ solve mathematics problems) …………………………………………………………………… 3. George is walking the dog. (Michael/ feed the cat) …………………………………………………………………… 4. George is visiting his neighbours. (Michael/ watch TV) …………………………………………………………………… 5. George is jogging. (Michael/ eat sweets) ………………………………………………………………….. 6. George is doing his homework. (Michael/ talk on the phone) …………………………………………………………………… 7. George is helping his mother in the kitchen. (Michael/help his father in the office) …………………………………………………………………… 8. George is taking dancing lessons. (Michael/ take riding lessons) …………………………………………………………………….

BOOST YOUR ENGLISH - pre-intermediate & intermediate: grammar and vocabulary

V. Add tag questions to the following sentences: Model: You aren’t playing cards, ………? You aren’t playing cards, are you? He is tidying his room, ……… ? He is tidying his room, isn’t he? 1. He is throwing a party next Saturday, ………? 2. They aren’t planning a trip, ………? 3. The teacher is marking our tests, ……...? 4. Those kids aren’t mocking at the old lady, ……… ? 5. You are running in the classroom, ……… ? 6. They are reading the short story, ……… ? 7. Our relatives aren’t visiting us tonight, ……… ? 8. That dog is chasing a cat, ……… ? 9. You aren’t imitating me, ………. ? 10. You are daydreaming, ……… ? VI. Underline the correct spelling for the words in italics. Model: Their/ They're having a fight. 1. His/He’s taking a shower. 2. The horse is running/runing in the yard. 3. I’m writing / writting a letter to my Australian pen friend. 4. John is making/ makeing the bed. 5. Helen is fliing/flying a kite. 6. The baby is smiling/smileing. 7. The kids are spinning/ spining the bottle. 8. They’re/ Their continuously talking. 9. The cat is puring/ purring. 10. Your/ You’re annoying me.



Mihaela DR~GHICI

Part Two: VOCABULARY I. The Human Body I. Complete the sentences below with one of the appropriate words and phrases connected to The Human Body. Use a dictionary. ankle, arms, back, breast, cheeks, ear, elbow, eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelid, feet, finger, fist, forehead, gums, hair, hand, heel, knees, legs, lips, mouth, nails, neck, nose, nostrils, shoulders, skin, stomach, teeth, temple, throat, thumb, toes, tongue, waist, wrist. 1. It is very impolite to point your ……… at people. 2. She loved the soft sensation of the new lipstick on her …….. 3. Ever since he carried that heavy backpack he has been complaining about his …….. 4. You should use a shower gel for sensitive ……….. 5. Bend your …….. and pick up that pencil from the floor. 6. You talk too much. You have such a big …….. 7. She said goodbye and then she kissed me on both my ……… 8. Grandpa pretends that he has problems with his right ………, but I know that he hears everything we say or even whisper. 9. He carried the monkey in his …….. as if it were a baby. 10. Hold my ……. every time you are afraid. It can’t be very difficult to cross this bridge. 11. Doctors say that the children who were ………-fed are healthier. 12. He put the scarf around his …….. 13. She felt on the ice and sprained her ……. 14. Bracelet are worn around the ……….. 15. Mother uses eye shadow to colour her ……… 16. She has beautiful curly ………… 17. Why have you eaten so much? You know that you’ll have problems with the ………. again. 18. There were hundreds of people there, so he had to …………his way through the crowd.

BOOST YOUR ENGLISH - pre-intermediate & intermediate: grammar and vocabulary


19. Keep your …….. wide open or you’ll miss the houses I’ve been telling you about. 20. Of course the other children don’t like you. Why do you pull your …….out at them? 21. The head is joined to the ……… by the neck. 22. He was punched; this is why his ………is bleeding. 23. We use our ……….to breathe. 24. Her mother felt her ……… check her temperature. 25. He used to bite his ……..whenever he was tensed. 26. The dentist advised us to use toothpaste that is good for both our …….. and ……… 27. Athletes need strong ……… to run fast. 28. When cooking we should tie an apron around our ……….. 29. It is very dangerous to get hit in the……….as it is one of the most vulnerable part of the head. 30. She has long ………., but she still uses mascara. 31. He showed me the ……….. to threaten me. 32. Grandma used to give me a drink made of milk, yolk and honey when I had a sore ……… 33. I like the funny way she raises her ………..when she hears something interesting. 34. The little girl said she had twenty fingers, but she also counted her ……… 35. In most countries around the world people show their …….. to assure the others that everything is O.K. 36. The ………is the back part of the foot below the ankle.

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