Book Review Of Lateral Thinking By Roshni

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  • Pages: 6
Lateral Thinking

About the Author

Dr. Edward de Bono Dr. Edward de Bono born in 1933, He was in the charge of appointment of faculties of Oxford University, London. He is very much known for his direct teaching of thinking skill. He originated the concept of lateral thinking and the technique for deliberate creative thinking. In 1989 he was asked to chair a meeting of Nobel Prize laureates. His instruction in thinking is followed in the leading institutions like IBM, Du Point, Shell, Ericssion, Ford etc. Dr Edward de Bono is widely regarded internationally as the leading thinker about thinking. He has written over fifty (50) books, with translations into twenty-seven languages His key contribution is the understanding of brain as self organizing system. He has designed the “six thinking hats” which provides the Western thinking. Some book of Dr.Bono are The Use of Lateral Thinking, Practical Thinking, Teaching Thinking, Serious Creativity, Atlas of Management Thinking etc. Title of the book: Lateral thinking; Writer: Dr Edward de Bono Pages: 300; price; USA$15.00; Publisher; Harper & Row, Publisher

Introduction Lateral thinking can be learned, practiced, and used, the book lateral thinking provides formal opportunities to practice selective lateral thinking and also an explanation of the process involved. This selective type of thinking needs to be supplemented with the generative qualities of creative thinking. This book is not intended to be read through at one sitting but worked through slowlyover months or even year

In the introduction part author says that lateral thinking is closely related to the insight, creativity, and humour. So lateral thinking is a deliberate process which reflects that it is a definite way of using mind as logical thinking – but a different way. The purpose of thinking is to collect information and to make the best possible use of it. Because of the way the mind works to create fixed concept patterns we cannot make the best use of new information unless we have some means for restructuring the old pattern and bringing them up to date. Mean that lateral thinking is breaking out the concept of old ideas which further leads to generation of new ideas. In lateral thinking, one uses information not for its own sake but for its effect. It is a habit of mind and the attitude of mind. The author says that the lateral thinking is a general attitude of mind which may make use of certain technique on occasion. Author also says that it is not special about the technique but it is the attitude behind them that counts. The best way of acquiring skill in lateral thinking is to acquire skills in the collection of tools. So he has cited some example like one can collect the tools from the news papers by cutting the different pictures. The author also says that problem format is very much convenient one for encouraging the deliberate thinking. So it is in the way that it may be generated by taking any item and asking how it may be done in a better way. So it leads to the lateral thinking. The author says the most important ways of putting across the lateral thinking is that from the collection of fables or folk stories. Or it may be making notes if incidents from one’s own experience. It is a contradictory to other process of thinking. The author says that the lateral thinking arises from the way the mind works. The mind is a patters making system. The information system of mind acts to create pattern and to recognize them. This depends on the functional arrangement of nerve cells of the brain. The mind only provides the opportunity to behave in this way. The mind also provide self environment in which information becomes self organizing. So here he has cited an example that a person can arrange four pieces of plastics in the different way.

In defining the difference between the vertical thinking and the lateral thinking the author says that with vertical thinking one design an experiment and shows some effect. But in the lateral thinking one designs an experiment in order to provide an opportunity to change one’s idea. With vertical thinking one must be always moving usefully in some direction. But in lateral thinking one may play around without any purpose or any direction. In the nature of lateral thinking the author says that the lateral thinking is concerned with changing patterns. Lateral thinking tries to restructure the pattern by putting things together in a different way. So lateral thinking gives rise to any particular way of looking at things as useful, but not unique or absolute. So lateral thinking is never a judgment. The author says about the use of lateral thinking in the areas of generating of new ideas. Problem solving, which says solve in the different ways and better technique for handling the new information. It is also used for periodic reassessment which includes looking at things which are taken for granted things which seem beyond doubt. In the technique of lateral thinking the author says that formal thinking is used to provide an opportunity for the practical use of lateral thinking so that one can gradually acquire the lateral thinking habit. But the specific techniques are not suggested as formal routines. In the principles of lateral thinking the author says that lateral thinking is any particular way of looking at the things is only from among many other possible ways. In lateral thinking it is mention that the alterative need not to be reasonable. Here the author also describes about the quota, i.e. by fixing the alternative ways of doing things, activity, and different ways of looking at the picture. In the challenging assumptions the author says that how to putting the things or try and restructure any pattern by as many ways as possible. He says as lateral thinking in general, there is no question of attacking the assumptions as wrong. There is no question of offering the better alternatives. It is simply a matter to restructure pattern. In the judgment the author says that with lateral thinking one is allowed to be wrong on the way even though one must be right in the end. With lateral thinking on is allowed to use arrangements of information which are invalid in themselves in order to bring about a restructuring which is valid. In the use of the lateral thinking the author says that to design a picture in black and white or colour, if one adds the verbal descriptions then it will be more explanatory. He also says that this designing also varies according to the age. So he has cited an example that the small kids can design a vehicle in which way they have seen in the comics or in the television. In defining the dominant ideas the author says that, the dominant idea resides not in the situation itself, but in the ways it is looked at. In defining a situation one picks out the dominant idea, not in order to frozen by that idea but in order to be able to generate alternative ideas. Her

author says that dominant ideas or crucial factors are not a lateral thinking process. It is a step which allows one to use lateral thinking more effectively. In describing the fractionation the author says, it is to escape from the inhabiting unity of a fixed pattern to the more generative situation of several fractions. The aim is not to provide a complete breakdown of the situation into its component parts but to provide material which can be used to stimulate restructuring of original situation. In the brainstorming the author says that it is a formal setting for the use of lateral thinking. It is not a special technique, but a special setting which encourages application of the principles and the techniques of the lateral thinking. Brainstorming itself it is not a special technique but a special setting which encourages the application of the principal and technique of lateral thinking while providing a holiday from the rigidity of vertical thinking. The main features of a brainstorming is that – cross simulation, suspend judgment, the formality of the setting. By describing the analogy the author says that it is the way which this to find out new ways of looking at situation instead of just waiting for inspiration. An analogy is a convenient way of getting moving for analogies have a definite life of their own. The main usefulness of analogies is as vehicles for functions, processes and relationships, which can then be transferred to the problem under consideration to help restructure it.

Conclusion Lateral thinking particularly emphasizes the dangers of rigid patterns which the mind is so apt to construct because of the way it handle information. Now a day it is very much essential for the managers to think laterally. So they will be able to reach at a very good decision.

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