Book Of Life - Joanus Frater

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Book of Life by Joanus Frater

Title: Book of Life Author: Joanus Frater English Edition, 2005 v1.2 Translation from portuguese edition Original title: Livro da Vida Portuguese edition: 1993, 2005 Copyright © Movimento Nova Era Legal Deposit 71748/93 ISBN 972-8122-00-4 Contact: e-mail: [email protected]

The Book of the Life is a work written by inspiration, by Joanus Frater. For the universality of his content, isn’t included in any religion or known philosophical current. This is a book destined to the humanity, and his distribution is free, owing his integrity and fidelity be respected. That he goes free by the world, from heart to heart and touch each man in his soul.

Book of Life

And when they ask you Where the Temple is, in which the cross blooms, You will say: we are that Temple And on us the Rose lives And feeds the Cross that the World is.

1 The Book of Life is the one where the names are of those who will be saved in the times that are close, the times of the end. 1.2 The names of the chosen ones are in it, the names that the Angel of the Lord will name, when the hour of the Child's manifestation has sounded . 1.3 In the Book of Life the names are of all those that the Lord has received in His breast and that He has chosen among the living and the dead ones, so that they sow the soil of the nations with His word and they take the good news to all those who believe: that word is the religion of the Saints of the Cross, that word is the one of the Holy Spirit. 1.1

The Book of Life is the Book of the Revelation for the times that are close: the times of the end. It is also the continuation of two other books: John's Gospel and the Apocalypse. 1.5 In it these two will be explained and a third will be drawn, which will be their synthesis. This synthesis concerns the Child's Era and the future of the world. 1.4

The word is the name and the name is the word. The Word is the Verb, and the Verb is Christ. 1.7 The Word has to be uttered so that the chosen ones wake up from the dream and travel the earth sowing a new era of peace and harmony. 1.8 This Word is their names and it is the force that has created them and makes them live. This Word comes through the Child and through those that announce it: its prophets. This Word is alive. 1.6

It is not a common word, but a living force. Pronouncing it is invoking the force and it is bringing the sleeping ones back to life. It is rescueing them out of the limbo and making them live. 1.10 The Word is born from the Father and only the Child can say it. 1.9

The secret of the ones who sleep lies in the Word. Their lives are there, likely to be born again. But who will say it before the Child can do it? The prophets will say it and the cycle will begin this way.


There are twelve names in the Book of Life, twelve times twelve times twelve. 1.13 The first ones are the guiding masters, they are the seed that will bloom; the second ones are their shadows in this world, their flesh double and the third ones are all those that were chosen to announce the good news to the world. 1.12

The first ones are the pure Word, the second ones are those who heard the Word and transformed it into action, the third ones are those who came out of the encounter between the Word and the action: they are the hands of the Lord.


On the first ones the Lord has imposed His will, on the second ones His love and on the third ones His action has become visible 1.16 This is the cycle of the Lord, and its fruit will be the Child that will testify to 1.15

the Holy Spirit's manifestation. It will testify to it through the Verb and through the imposition of Its raised right hand. The Child will be born of the Man, as the seeds that perpetuate the flower sprout from it. 1.18 The Child is fruit of the Man, and the Man is fruit of God. The Child is both fruit and jump on the future, both the one that continues and the one that is beyond the continuation, because with it a new time begins, and this one has no genesis. 1.17

The new times begin with it: the times of the man's integral accomplishment on earth, those of the great fraternity among all of the living things. 1.20 The Child will open the doors that the evil has closed: each man's doors and all men's doors, as if each one of us were a sealed room. The Child will open the door, and we will be born again. 1.19

This is the Child's mystery, and its power is in this life. The Child is the innocence and the purity of that which nothing has stained. It is the crystalline white. 1.23 But when its hand rises, it is the very Lord that rises in it; when its voice sounds, it will be the very Lord’s voice that will sound, and woe to the one that refuses to follow it! That one will be confounded and hurled down into the abyss of forgetfulness. 1.21 1.22

2 This is the Book of IOAN, the one in whose ancestry those that announce the arrival of the Lord were born. 2.2 They come to announce the Lord and to grub up His paths and to announce His pact with the world. They come to prophesy the good news. 2.1

This is the Book of IOAN's prophet's last generation. The book which closes the cycle that started with the manifestation of IESUS, the Christ. 2.4 It is also the last days' saints' testimony, those that chose the nation of light for their manifestation, before the Child's coming. Those that used the Rose-Cross name, and in whose midst the prophet's message stayed alive through the eras. 2.3

The mysteries of the Rose-Cross are in it, and the mysteries that the prophet embodied in himself. The Child's revelation is in it as well as the Lord's plan for His world. The Verb that the time will transform into word is in it, through the action of the ones that the Lord has chosen to follow Him. 2.6 The hand of the Lord is still in it, opened over His world. The hand where the white stone shines, which is the open and fixed eye of the Lord. Its light doesn't cast shadow, on the contrary, it makes everything transparent and diffuse. 2.5

This is the Book that the prophets will use, and on which they will testify in the last days. The Law will be in it, and the Law will be the Word, and through the living Word the Lord will be seen. 2.8 The Lord lives in the Word, as the song lives in the singer's lips. And when 2.7

the Word is said, the Lord is in it and He gives it life. That's why the Word of the Lord either saves and redeems the one that both hears and receives it in his bosom, or silences and hushes the one that is full of vanity and wind. The Lord blows into him as into a balloon and he vanishes in the sky to be lost in the abyss.


3 This is the book of the living creatures' generation, where She-the-One that caused everything to be born out of Her own self will make Herself known to those that are capable to break the barrier of the dream and to awake. Where the mistakes and the traps that hide in the labyrinths of the human soul will be revealed, because unless the dream is limpid and the one that dreams it is conscious and masters himself, nowhere will it be able to lead him.


The Mother's mystery is the one of the shady cave. It is there that the wild animal that will devour us hides. And unless we are devoured and the experience of that death is assumed, no light can we reach.


The path of the awakening is the path of the wild animal, it is the path of the enemy that stalks from the shady darkness, that very darkness where both the dreams and the fears sleep, where life sleeps too.


And life is like a translucent stone, an egg where a hidden and secret being sleeps, half darkness half light. 3.5 In each cycle twelve Lords assemble around the egg and take it to the deepest and most secret cave. 3.6 In that place they put it on an altar, and afterwards in the Mother's womb for she will bear it. 3.7 When the moment of the childbirth occurs, from the entrails of the earth those that will fight for the possession of the world are born: the ones who have the clear skin and that live under the sign of the sun, which they worship; and the ones who have the dark skin and that live under the sign of the moon, that they worship. 3.4

These two races don't meet, except for the beginning and end of the cycles: in the beginning in order to divide the world amongst themselves and to separate the powers and the functions that concern each one; and in the end for the supreme fight, from the solution of which the very gods' survival will depend, they who keep vigil, somewhere.


One day, it is said, from the egg a third race will be born. Late and transparent race, in which the gods and the demons will join in synthesis. 3.10 But that will only happen when the last days are close, and the very gods and demons, exhausted by the long wait, no longer have any purpose for man. 3.9

Then fire will unite with ice and it will beget light. Such a raw and transparent light, that no creature will be able to face it without losing his reason. This light will transform the very world and will make it resemble a star.


The last childbirth of the earth will be at that time. And those that used to be born in the cave, will be born in the centre of the world, there where an invisible sun, a fiery sun exists. 3.13 Therefrom, from that sun transfigured into maternal and apocalyptic uterus, those who will take the last dive will be born and they will dare the last flight, before they melt into each other, and each one into everything. 3.14 Those will be the last ones to see the light and the darkness. After them there will only be the one that was born out of the many, and that is the one that carries in himself the Father's Will and the Mother's Love: the one that is, really and visibly, the vertex of the divine triangle. That one is also Christ. 3.12

Out of his generation (or of his seed) the twelve Lords of the future cycle will be born - Those that have for mission to go from world to world, to seal the pacts and to restore the unit. And thus the Work will have continuation.


Here the secret lies: understand it if you will. And by understanding or not what has been written, should one's soul keep silent and be attentive to the voice that comes from within. For the deep truths do not exclude each other, but rather integrate into a sole greater truth. For that very reason it is necessary to listen and to be attentive.


Each man must be a yielding tool in which the spirit that comes from the sky and the spirit that is born of the earth get mixed and share alike. 3.18 Since the man's function is to be channel and alchemic oven, for the celebration of the nuptials both of celestial and terrestrial powers, and for the hermaphrodite's creation, this being the living bridge that unites the two worlds and that, by accomplishing them inside of himself, accomplishes them in their respective dimensions. 3.17

4 The creatures' existence is the aching of the soul. For as these live in the threshold of reality, they remain deviated from the Father's laws and in contradiction with them. 4.2 The soul suffers with this seclusion, with this rupture, so much more than it was created to unite. And this Union is accomplished through love, the soul serving as a bridge. 4.1

It is pain and it is growth. It is also tension that establishes the search of the return, then the larger the removal from the centre is, the larger will the attraction exercised on the periphery be. Until the moment when, in an utmost of tension, the polarity is inverted, and that which led to the removal becomes that which will lead to the return, to perform the synthesis and to create the unity.


Meanwhile the soul establishes relationships, filters the integral reality before this one reaches the being's level, so that the being is touched and may remember, one day; but not with the aim of preventing him from trying, according to his needs and to the tools that the destiny gives to him. 4.5 An ungrateful task this is, that success not always crowns, as the being may 4.4

regress and go beyond the limit within which life becomes possible; or he may prefer annihilation and hurl himself down into the limbo. Waiting is the soul's concern, like the one that meditates over an empty wall, where only silence and the gaze lost in the distance announce some awakening, somewhere. 4.7 Waiting and being attentive, since the smallest sign may indicate the moment of acting and, once this is lost, everything gets confused again. 4.6

Concern of a mother that watches over her son's dreaming, or of a lover that watches over the lover's pleasure, or even of a muse that observes the moment of becoming an inspiration guide as well as a transcendence symbol. 4.9 Vision also, but of realities that escape the routine of the lines and of the order that we want to set on everything. 4.10 Vision of elements in natural state, like the state of light without the bed of fire to express itself, and also vision of the confluence of the lines with which the gods weave the blanket of destiny for all of the things. Blanket that wagers on the absurdity and on the irrational as an only way of expressing itself entirely. 4.8

The soul sees all this, and though it does not see as we do, it senses. Its conscious contact may thence transform scales of values, and so make possible what was not possible before. As if the doors of miracle were opened for the one who allows himself to be taken by this image that assumes all of the lines that our ideal has created and has given to the feminine. This explains those overlappings, either of image or of symbol, among those beings that were lodged on the altars of the temples to manifest the Mother, and that other one that we bring with us when we come to manifestation. Where the earthly will indicate the soulful or, at least, will let us know its fundamental signs. This explains the diversity of the faces that for some may be maternal and for others sweet or even diabolical. This way the terrors of the labyrinth as well as the fascination of the abyss are revealed to us. 4.12 Double truth and double fancy: truth in what there may be of transcendent in the symbol, fancy in what there is of projection and fear of that mother that was physical. 4.11

The path of the soul is the one of the transcendence of the limits with which we were born: as everything that is fundamental. 4.14 Its accessibility is also a barrier. Its Isis veils are those of the apparent reality, that for some may be walls of insurmountable stone, where the game of the masks and of the faces follows endlessly and without apparent purpose, which bewilders the one that cannot know how to see inside of himself and stop the carrousel of chance. 4.13

5 The Great Mother is the soul of all things. She breathes life into Nature and each one of the beings that make part of it, either serving as channel to the celestial forces upon earth, or serving as connection between the Father and each one of His children.


As married to the earth, she has procreated all its fruits: animate and inanimate, carnal or subtle, gods or demons. 5.3 As married to the Father she has birth to His children: she has begot the Divine Plan for the world. 5.2

As married to the earth, she has become the world. Not just the soil that nourishes everything, but above all the force that vivifies and breeds it. 5.5 As married to the Father, she has become His shadow, His double one, cosmically embodied by the Moon, Her visible face. 5.4

To the living beings, she is the link that connects them with the celestial powers. The link that all creatures can make stronger, by being solidary with each other; or else can weaken, by joining those that are bound to annihilation and dissolution.


She is also the bridge that it is urgent for us to go through, if we want to return to the source from where everything came forth, making the inverse course to the one of the manifestation and using, once again, that invisible bow that unites everything: love, the Lady, by assuming us as a part of Her, entire and conscious, and receiving Her as a wife and mother. Better still: as a destiny to engrave day by day, or as clay that blood, saliva and sperm will penetrate with life, since the whole process is one of alchemic condition, and it is necessary to accomplish that life copy that the ancient ones called homunculus, by transferring the conscience into it, and giving it the freedom to be different. 5.8 Since, for not having been born of the woman, neither will he be subjected to flesh, nor will the gods' powers oppress him. 5.9 Recreation of the divine work, accomplished without its consent, and opting for the alternative courses that every work contains, and nevertheless craving for the same, that is, the triple immortality: 5.10 Of matter, which is the support of the world; of soul, which is the blood or the Lady; and of the spirit, which is what eternal exits in everything. 5.7

And only the Lady makes it possible, by being beyond the world and by being a unit with it, feeding it with Her white milk, which is that telluric substance that, by keeping in touch with the earth, becomes as red as blood. Or by invoking the Father's sphere upon the world, and causing it to fall on the latter for the fusion of the energies - that another milk which springs of the mind of the Eternal and that, while reaching the physical plan, becomes everything that is green.


Two energies that She unites and transforms, bringing about the beings that are half material and half soulful. Clay where She blew life into, so that the sky can be taken by those that are the synthesis, the point of convergence of space and time, accomplishing the divine purpose, since the sky is, above all, returning point and alchemical crucible, where the best will go to renew the fundamental forces and to give to the Father the possibility to climb one more step in the scale of infinite.


This is the genesis of evil, or of the inversion of the first purpose, carried out through the woman or, the same is to say, that black moon that both hides and keeps her secret. Purpose that the very gods want and bless, or else it would not exist. 5.14 Weak is our understanding of this, as the eras alternate amongst themselves and that which used to be white is black now and the contrary is also true. This fact makes us disbelieve the texts and appeals but to the direct and boundless contact with the divine soul. 5.13

Since the light, for being so strong in its origin, can blind those that stare at it and as they are turned blind by it, they are bound to imagine that its darkness is transmissible to them; or they may want to see the light always in the same way, ignoring that from world to world and from era to era it changes its colour and its purpose has a different nature.


Nothing is definitive except for God. Merely That One ignores the transformation of things and, by changing with them, remains undisturbed and unalterable. His core, composed both of coagulated time and unshaped matter, knows neither the rhythm of change nor the passion of accomplishment. It remains and that suffices to it.


But once out of that point where everything is what it is, the forces change and one falls into the slipping of the illusions and of the endless realities. One penetrates the veil of Isis and takes for eternal that which no longer is.


Sunk into matter, submitted to its laws of continuous metamorphosis, it is necessary to open the doors of perception, and not to take for definitive that which was not meant to be. 5.19 Unless the Lady, unveiling herself and opening up her breast to us, makes us partakers in the banquet by means of which God dignifies the chosen ones. But one arrives there only at the end of all. 5.18

6 The Book of Life is the book of the living creatures ' generation. The mysteries of creation are in it as well as the voices of those who have departed leaving no track behind. Life is in it for the one who wants to see it.


Yield, and you will be born anew. Just like the foam of the sea is born of the waves and the water springs from the sources, one and the same you will be born of yourself and you will work miracles, because the miracle is gift of life and comes with the one that lives. Live in the Father, and you will be yourself a living miracle.


The voice of the Lord echoes in the silence of the soul: it is necessary to listen. But he only listens well the one who has learned quietness and receptivity. That one hides something to himself and to the others no more, that one expects nothing any longer. Such emptiness makes him receptive. His miracle lies in this.


7 When the Word sounds, who will speak it? Who will be attentive to the passage of the Lord? No one but the just men. The Word will sound over the earth like thunder, like a beam of light, like a sun that suddenly reveals itself amongst the clouds. 7.2 The Word will turn blind each and every one that stares straight at it. Just like the face of the Lord, since it is so intense, confuses the heart that is not prepared to receive it. 7.1

Man's wisdom must be the one of the Word of the Lord, then out of it there is only iniquity and rapture at emptiness. Out of it there is only place for the chaos of disbelief and of vain speech. 7.4 This is the reason why the Word purifies and strikes dumb the one that still wants to make concessions to the world and hold. 7.5 May there only be place for one thing in him who serves the Lord: obedience and fusion, so that those who look at him may see in him the light-pierced flesh, the face of the living eternity. 7.3

Woe to the one who only listens to the darkness. Woe to the one who only listens to the Babylon of his senses. That one has already died. And unless the Lord descends upon him and makes him cross the limbo, his death won't have birth. 7.7 Distrust the darkness and its indulgent promises. Distrust your senses, for they are committed to the darkness and they want your annihilation. 7.8 Distrust all those who have made you promises on my behalf: it's the darkness that speaks through their mouths. 7.6

My path is covered with thorns, and few are those who follow me. I promise nothing. But when my hand falls upon you, it drags you off the darkness and you live. That is my pact with you. 7.10 To free you from the darkness is my aim. I wish you were that worthy. But you prefer the facility of death, the facility of the useless annihilation. And death comes to satisfy you. While death has greater weight on your destinies I won't take place there. 7.11 You will have to choose between darkness and light, between the gift of life and the gift of death. And you will have to come to me on your own will, by conquering each path fragment. Only this way will you have room in my tent and will we be able to celebrate together. 7.9

How wrong you are in your faith. That which you love is worth nothing. Those that you idolize, I wouldn't want them as clay, and even less as an altar to celebrate my purposes. 7.13 You will have to awake. But how will you awake if there is no suffering? I will make you suffer so that you may awake and know. Then you yourself will be able to see that which hides in the entrails of the world and to love what I am (and you are that also), or what the shades want; but before you will have to be able to see. 7.14 This is what brings me to you again: to make you see. And I will lay my hands 7.12

on everything in the task that I designed: even on the misconception that you love so easily, even on the vain and useless promise. I will lay my hands on everything to seduce you, since the moment is near and hesitation kills the one that is close to me. You love flesh: but what does flesh matter? You love the world: but what does the world matter? The flesh and the world are my mantle: I only matter. 7.16 It's because you only look at the darkness, that you see the flesh and the world, and you love them. If you only looked at me you would see that flesh and that world as a transparent veil. Not a limit, but a target beyond which everything would be possible to you. 7.17 This is wisdom: to see me in everything. However, only the just keeps me in his heart as the exact measure of each thing. You will have to become just, or else you won't be saved. And there must be no error in that justice, because I only love that which is pure. 7.18 Be careful: make yourselves pure before you receive me, as I am a fire that lights up, but also a flame that destroys. Woe to you if you are unfair! My fire doesn't make a mistake. 7.15

If you want me, transmute yourselves into cups. Bare cups where I will plunge to fill you up. Cups that my priests will raise in the mystery of the universal communion among all the living beings. 7.20 They will use you as channels between my unmoving centre and your periphery. They will hand you out to serve, to all those who are hungry and thirsty for justice, for my justice . That will be your purification and my joy will be in it. Then what good is a cup for, except for containing my spirit? And what is the use of my spirit, but to connect all the ones that love me in an immense fraternity? 7.21 This is my mystery. This is your mystery. Transmute yourselves into cups and I will make you channels out of me. 7.19

Do you fear death? Do give it up and I will make you live in me. But I’d rather you didn't fear it and came to me for my sake. I'd rather you could see that universal balance that gives life and death likewise in my hands, because I only matter. 7.23 They have taught you to discriminate and to differentiate. They have taught you to fear and for you fear has become the seed of each and everything you are. 7.24 Fear and darkness, this is what I see. And hidden and veiled, my light. It is because of it that I answer your appeal. It is in its name that I cast my hand upon the world, as a sign that you can follow up to me. 7.25 But my light is veiled, and it will be more and more veiled every day, until only darkness and fear remain in you and, taken to the last fear, you have to choose. 7.26 That is what I want for you. This is why the world suffers and agonizes and men have chosen the path of war and of tribulation. I allowed all this to happen so that some can reach me. 7.22


I will rip up your curtains of fear and illusion, so that you can see me, and

the Mother will receive you in Her bosom, tender and sweet once again. Go up to her, walk. I am in everything. 8 The germ is in the egg, life is in the germ. Life is the men's lesson, the lesson that they must learn and accomplish. 8.2 Life is a blank book, where each man must enter his defeats and victories. And when the book is written and man is accomplished, the Lord will reap both out of the world and will receive them in Himself. 8.3 By means of the book, man accomplishes the miracle of conscience, the miracle that brings him to rise above both the flesh and the world and to surpass them. 8.4 The book is like a map engraved on the course of the living creatures' destiny: by looking at it and by considering what good and bad there is in it, man knows what he must do and why, as if it were a model, or the dishes of a balance, so that unity and accomplishment may come out of the union of both. 8.5 The man who has written his book to the end and now is bringing it in his hands to offer to the Lord, has become conscious, he has accomplished transmutation: he has become free. 8.1

The world is another blank book: a wide book, where all men's and gods' matters fit. In that book, the Lord has written the fundamental law, the supreme commandment out of which all the others have sprung. That law is life itself; life that means unity; unity that means hand of God, objective and will of the Lord. 8.7 May man restrain from trying to overcome his own God, or else he may perish. Beware of pride, beware of vanity. Under the face of the Lord everything is mean and foolish. 8.6

The hand of the Lord is the men's will. His finger indicates them the way to accomplishment: the short and narrow path that leads to His feet, to the summit of His mountain, at the top of which the white fire of the free spirit burns. All men are invited to this supper, to the nuptial banquet that each era opens and closes the cycle of things. 8.9 On that very hour the Lord becomes the consecrated bread and wine, and gives himself to those who are worthy. Or he becomes fire and devours them. 8.10 Altered inside, having been made priests of the only God, they return to the world as prophets, or saints, or martyrs destined to sacrifice and oblation. In this sacrifice the living creatures realize themselves. 8.8

Blest are those who come on the Lord's behalf! Blest are those who speak through His mouth! Blest are those who have become His stick, the lengthening of His hand, the continuation of His will. 8.12 Those will know the miracles and the accomplishment of the prophecies. Those will pray in the temple of the Lord in the last moment of creation and, the following moment, they will be stone of the Lord: the base stone and the dome of the temple of creation; or columns of sustenance of the firmament. 8.13 In each of them the Lord will inscribe a letter, or a sign, or a number: and in the reading of all this, for those that read it, there will be the code that allows 8.11

the renewal of the world and of reality, the lost word of creation, the hidden name of the Lord. There is only one serf before the Father's unveiled face: all the remaining ones are copies of His, extensions in time and space ( beings' illusion), from the very beginning destined for the absorption of their small flames into a great bonfire that burns from an end of the universe to the other, and includes all times. 8.15 All will enter there to render the Lord more beautiful, for He feeds Himself on that living fire that the beings, in the accomplishment of their consciences, are turning wider and stronger every moment that passes. 8.16 Such is the destiny for all and each one, such is the law that we bring inscribed in our face as well as in our heart. This law is the gift of God for His creatures, since, while walking towards the fire, they also feed on it. But supposing that they turned away from it, even if only for an instant, they would lose their life and the gift of existence. It is the will of the Lord, living in them, that feeds them and makes them walk heading for the communion. 8.14

The Lord planted a tree in the beginning of the world: a tree that marks the very centre from which everything emanated. In the tree, two energies intermingle: the celestial and the terrestrial one. Its roots and its branches are big and strong. Its roots reach the centre of the world and penetrate the red fire of its nucleus; its branches ascend to the dome of the world, where the green fire of the Lord is born and flows.


Before the face of the Lord a seed of eternity was thrown. Such seed gave origin to the world and to the beings that inhabit it. 8.19 In each being the Lord has both His hand and His will: the hand and the will that will fulfil them. Everything is condensed in that. 8.18

9 This is the genesis of the worlds: the unity sprang up from the egg, the duplicity from the unity, all the opposites from the duplicity. Fragmentation came with the opposites. With fragmentation chaos was born. When the maximum dissolution that chaos proposes to the beings is reached, light will come.


The egg contains the light. The egg contains the darkness. The egg is God, and God is light and darkness; not the opposites, but their synthesis; not the separation, but the union of both. 9.3 God stretches His hands upon man's face: in one hand He holds mercy, in the other one He holds justice. With one hand He blesses, with the other one He punishes. In the end, He puts both His hands together, as if in a prayer, and man is reconciled. 9.2

Such is God's truth and, for man, such is still his truth that he lives without conscience, but that he still lives. 9.5 Conscience is like a pearl that grows continually. The pearl grows in the hidden place, in the obscure cave, in the sanctum of the soul. It grows feeding on 9.4

the soul. And, little by little, the being becomes that pearl, it becomes that soul. One day, suddenly, the being is but an immense pearl, an immense soul and a last radiance signals its transformation.


Life begins in the soul and comes to an end in the pearl. It begins in trust and ends up in surrender. God, that shares in all this, observes and waits. Once the maximum of concentration and of trust is attained, He reaches out His hand and picks the recently born pearl.


Then He sips it, or He places it in the centre of His forehead or He sends it out again into space, so that it becomes the nucleus of a sun. 9.9 Three different destinies, but one reality only: God. If it is sipped, He receives it in Himself and transforms it into completeness; if it is placed upon His forehead, it will feed His vision and it will enrich His glance on the beings; if it is cast into space, it will prolong the will of the Lord and it will do creation work. 9.8

The possibility for the beings to be what they are is born from the egg: this is the first birth. The completeness of the beings is born from the pearl: this is the second birth. In the first birth, God observes and waits; in the second birth, God shares and silences. 9.11 The world is born from the egg and the world is matter. And matter immobilizes the beings and it turns narrow the corridor that takes to light and even narrower the corridor that takes from light to the Lord. 9.12 The opaque light is born from the egg, the light that becomes matter, that is matter. The transcendence of the flesh is born from the pearl, the transcendence of the limitation that the flesh imposes. 9.10

Either egg or pearl. Two different things in appearance, but one sole reality, that begins in the form and ends in the origin of all forms: God. 9.14 He Himself, for He is both cohesive and central, also identical to that universal archetype, where all of the outlying points are at equal distance of the centre. That is, where all the creation (symbolized by the periphery) strictly shares in the divine conscience (symbolized by the immobile centre). 9.13

10 The hosts of the Lord come upon the world like a lance that a giant seized: a giant of the last days. Hidden in the shadow of our illusions, visible and invisible, the Lord is. He uses the giant to clear His paths and to reap the lives that the darkness conquered long ago. He uses him as a messenger, so that the people know that the pain has arrived, and testify.


Our fear and our hope of redemption lie in the giant, for he is the bridge that can connect us to the Lord. Through him, forming blood pacts, we can redo the broken alliance, and raise a new era for the world. Beware, though, for the powers of death lie in the giant too, and chaos is strong there.


Let those who come close to the source of life know that death is present there, and that their faces mingle. Here it is the reason why the giant has two


faces, opposed in the glance but they themselves united. And if he comes to announce the redemption of the peoples, he also comes to announce that no crime will remain unpunished. Among us, who doesn't have a blemish, something to hide from the face of the Lord? Beware, for God is just! His lance raises like a tower which has been riveted from pole to pole, uniting the opposites and making the earth one only. But where His hand rests, an abyss exists, like a split between different worlds, which forces both to the jump and trust, or else it will precipitate the fall, in case the spirit is not wide.


All are small before the Almighty's face. It is impossible to look him in His eyes and refrain from the darkness to fall upon us, or to glimpse in His steps more than the blind power of destiny. And, however, if we could see it, there would be a plan there equal to the one of the stars upon the sky, for every moment the Lord builds the bodies and the spirits of those who serve Him: and all serve Him.


Only those who have no face can behold Him and not perish. Only those from whom He has taken the soul can follow Him over the edge of the abyss of time. Only His prophets, only those that His fire has devoured and reduced to the last essence, only those can bear His hardness without perishing; only those can hear His voice roaring in the deserts of the world and decipher His words and say them to those who are ready.


The Word of the Lord is like a thunderbolt. It arranges chaos and starts creation: the creation that will take to light. The voice of the Lord is like a thunder rolling over the plain. The spirit of the Lord is like a fire with no shine and no heat, but so intense that it creates darkness in the one who looks at Him face to face and cannot see. The hand of the Lord is like a stormy wind, a hurricane wind which drags and doesn't comply but with surrender. The love of the Lord is like a sudden and total metamorphosis, where the being proceeds from the extremities to the melted nucleus and becomes solid rock, so that He can found His temple. The will of the Lord is like an explosion that, starting from the centre to the periphery, leaves nothing intact. 10.8 Such are the miracles that the Lord works upon those who surrender to him both in their body, and in their soul and in their spirit; miracles that the ignorant ones believe to be the hand either of destiny or of chance, when behind both there is Him, the One who is unfit to be named, the One who has neither name nor face. 10.9 The devoured ones alone, the anointed ones alone can look at Him face to face, eyes in the eyes, and not fear. But for those the world and the reality of the world are one thing only, and all that is no more than the Father's verb in continuous progression. 10.10 Who will be able to determine the route of the infinite? Stopping the world is a vain task, unless the Lord commands it. One had rather come into syntony with Him and testify on the altar of sacrifice so that our gesture is not futile. 10.7

11 The Lord’s spirit Keeps vigil. From the top of His mountain, visible and invisible, He watches the world and those who look for Him. For those He prepares traps and labyrinths and passions of the flesh, so that the tests purify and set the candidate on the right road (or send him away) for it is right, and it has been said, that many will be the called but few the chosen ones.


The world is a sieve that narrows its mesh according to the one who searches and the degree of his quest, so that nothing passes that has no value; so that nothing arrives close to the Lord without His stamp. 11.3 Narrow is the door that drives to the Lord, and a thousand times narrower is the door that drives from the Lord to His world, so that the spirit is consumed. 11.2

There are two fires: in one of them the flesh and the senses are consumed, in the other one the spirit and God's vision blaze. And unless both are consumed and the being is set free, the last fulfilment won't be possible. 11.5 Let the one who starts the way to God know that even God is a limit unless He is transcended and integrated. 11.6 Such it is the destiny of those who have gone to the end: to burn all the idols, to disassemble all the traps, to look beyond all the horizons, to ignore the laments of the soul and not to fear. Because fear will come and woe to the one who receives it in his heart. 11.4

God and His world are one thing only and they are a labyrinth. The world is a physical labyrinth, God is a spiritual labyrinth. Together they form a puzzle of infinite dimensions, the deciphering of which will give us the key to the fundamental mystery, the possession of the lost word.


He who seeks will have to jump over these labyrinths, he will have to ascend above them if he wants to understand them, since the road on the ground can only confound and deceive, for the thread of Ariadne (or of the soul) has finite dimensions, while the labyrinth has infinite dimensions.


God is a labyrinth whose deciphering is impossible. The human reason keeps back before being able to look so far. Thought hesitates on the edge of this abyss that may devour it. The solution must be another. He who seeks the road to the totality must fly so high that his vision becomes undefined and one only, or he won't be able to see the essential.


The path to God is the path of transcendence, it is the path of sacred madness, it is the path of rupture: there is no other. 11.11 He who wants to know the secret must be willing to sacrifice everything, including his idea of God, including his attempt of finding Him. 11.12 Only in total divestment, in total give-and-take, in total surrender, does God become a thing of ours, a part of our own, so much of our own that it is not distinct. 11.13 The rational man separates and discriminates: that is why he is divided; the sensorial man discriminates too: because sensations are different; the 11.10

transcendent man neither separates nor discriminates: because his vision of the world is equal to his vision of all things in pure state, and that one only vision has the name of God. He is the standard measure with which He weighs everything, the exact measure for all of the things, the extrinsic and intrinsic value that gives value both to the beings and the world. Somewhere, among the levels of reality, mixing with all of them, the vision of the Lord is that of an arm that holds a scale. The transcendent man is the pointer of that cosmic balance, it is him that keeps the plates in balance. 11.15 The Lord suspends the scale upon His worlds, as a redemption promise. He who has searched for Him without rest, who has become exhausted in the search, stares at the height and sees the scale. And because he has won wings in his search, he rises and from the hand of the Lord he takes the responsibility of weighing the fundamental things. 11.14

12 The truth of the Lord it is in His Word: this Word is sacred, this Word is the Verb. Through His prophets the Lord makes it known to those who wait for it, to those who are in syntony with Him. He makes it known so that men set out and fulfill His plan for the world.


Let those who wait meditate upon the Word of the Lord: this word is Unity. Through prophet John this word has come to the world so that the world might hear it and choose.


Two paths open up to him who wants to know: the path of salvation (that is the way of the Lord) and the path of denial (that is the way of the flesh and of the shadow of the flesh). For this reason the Lord threw His fire among men and that fire stopped above one of them and he was the chosen one to write the Book of Life, the Word of the Lord.


The Word of the Lord means unity. This unity rises from the Verb, it rises from the transcendence both of the world and of the flesh. Let him who travels the paths of the mountain meditate and understand.


13 This is the long expected book. This is the Word of the Lord through His prophet John's mouth, the anointed, the consumed: the one who can look straight at the sun without blinding, and out of whose flesh the Lord has made His crook, on which He leans to cross the earth. 13.2 This is the book that comes to complete the four that were written already, this is the fifth book - the book of Man. This way, that which has been started will have an ending, and from that ending another beginning will take place. 13.3 Here it is the Man's book, here it is the Child's book. 13.1

Let the chosen ones meditate upon the Word of the Lord and set out to fulfill His purposes. Let Man wake up and take possession of the earth and give it to the Lord, since everything is born from Him and everything returns to Him, once its


fate is fulfilled. This is the Word of the Lord for Man. It springs from the Lord's mouth and becomes an hymn of spiritual perfection and hope. Let them listen to it those who can hear it. Let them listen to it those who can speak about It to strange people, since the Word of the Lord saves and redeems and it is mercy and repentance, or justice for the just ones. Let the innocent ones listen to it.


Now the Lord manifests Himself again and it is John that makes Him known. John, the unknown, the forgotten one, the secret disciple, the one that has remained until the Lord would return to His world in the last days. The moment has come. 13.7 Let the disciples rise and sow the earth with my spirit, the spirit of reconciliation. Here it is the new age. Here it is the new alliance. 13.6

14 This is the Book of the Lord. In order that His Word is heard among the peoples of the earth, and these may choose between the power of death and the power of life. 14.2 For the peoples' sake the Lord came to manifestation again through His Anointed Son: Christ. He brought him to manifestation so that those who wait don't wait in vain; so that those who follow His Law don't follow it in vain but rather have a measure and a target in His son. 14.1

Everything comes from the Lord. Everything comes to the world through His hand. Men's law is but the reflection of His Law. Men's love is but the reflexion of His love for them. Nothing exists for man that doesn't have both its origin and its end in the Lord, since we live in Him, we have our life and our existence in Him. 14.4 The Lord is both the foundation and the firmament of the earth: His hands are the ceiling of the world; the winds that sweep it are formed in His mouth; the fire that devours and vivifies the earth is in His breath; the flame that is the spirit burns in His womb; the waters that give both life and the sense of the long walk are shed from His heart. 14.5 This is what the Lord is for His creatures: target and limit, target and love. 14.3

Upon the face of the Lord a cloud passes: it consists of the men's sins, it is their tyranny. The gift of life was transformed by them into the gift of death, into the gift of dying and the earth is covered with corpses. Contaminated in its roots by men's cruelty, the tree of the world is covered with bitter fruits. 14.7 Woe to the one who sows destruction, woe to the one who poisons his brothers' heart and that renders them against each other. Upon that one my sword will fall and my fire will be like a flash of lightening, so that only ashes remain. 14.8 Woe to the one who works against me and for the darkness: to that one I will refuse the light, to that one I will close the safe of my heart and he will be lost. 14.6

Listen, you who are lost: the miracle of love is the miracle of transcendence, it is the miracle of surrender. How can you reach me if you don't give yourselves


to each other? If you want me for you, you have to find me in those by your side, for I am only one with them and nothing exists that can keep us apart. 14.10 The wind may scatter the wheat across the field, and even tough, once fallen on the earth, we will have a wheat field again. The same happens with man. May your discernment not be disturbed on what I want for you and for me. 14.11 And when my wind blows on your meat, and to disperse on the face of the world, let to blow him and go with him: it is like this that I want. But when he deposits you here or there, be and work in that place, for larger wealth of than am, since that is my will for you. You don't take care too much of you, that my wind knows what to do and I am in him. If you love me, you will also love my wind and my fire, when he sows your annihilation; and my sword, when she changes in blood spilled in the earth, for the earth to give new fruits. 14.13 Do you think that my love is vain by any chance? Beware of the vain promises of those who deceive you. Only I am your Law, only I am your Lord. Before my face you will come one by one and I will judge you, for my love is a scale where you will be weighed, and woe to those who carry nothing with them. Those I will forget, since they have built nothing. 14.12

Be straight, be fair. May your righteousness be the edge of my sword; may your justice be the pointer of my scale, since the righteousness and the justice that are not given birth by me, are worth nothing. I call righteousness and justice to the gift of love, not to greed or tyranny. 14.15 I have told you before: take care, so that you may not be confused by the false prophets, by those who promise you everything and give you nothing. Take care, so that you do not stand against me. 14.14

The wheat of grain that drops outside the productive soil will be given to the stones and it will be walked over. May your destiny be guided by my hand and by my love, because there where I am not greed and tyranny command, and there where my love does not exist, only stones exist.


Only my love can guide you. My love is that one that I have sent you to guide you and to console you, for I won't rest until you join me again, for us to celebrate a wedding together and to give thanks.


15 The Word of the Lord is a gift granted to those who are inclined to listen to it: that Word is in the Book of Life. It contains it and explains it. It is a path to the Lord: the path of the children of dawn, the path of the children of nightfall. 15.2 For those who wait for it and for those who no longer wait, here it is the road. Understand it if you may. 15.1

You are tired of the long wait: that's why I have come to you with the Word. When you are tired of the Word, then you may come to me, as free as the birds that cross the sky. But take care, for I am both the Word and the sound that pronounces it.


Get tired of the Word, get tired of all the words, but take care to not deny the essential of the Word at the risk of your denying me.


I am in the Word. You are my Word. If you deny it, it's you and me that you deny. And how can I accept him who denies me and denies himself? 15.6 Travel through the path of the Word: it is your own path you travel through. And take it to the end, so that you become exhausted. But don't deny the Word, so that there is not denial in me. 15.5

My Word for you lies in my book. My secret Word lies in you. You are my book. You are my Word. Keep my Word from profanation, like a treasure from the others' greed. You should watch it in the same way, so that it doesn't fall into unaccustomed hands and gets mixed and confused.


16 In the heart of the world a treasure shines: that treasure is a pearl of blood and fire, that treasure is a flame. He who goes onto that place and touches that treasure will die no more. Such as the one that, by going to Lady's feet, bends before Her and pays homage to Her, that one will also live. 16.2 The lady is the world and the world is the pearl. Only those who are devoured alive by the fire that burns in the centre of the world, only those will be able to continue the work commenced at the beginning of everything. 16.3 Upon those the Lord will lay His open hand and the oils that will consecrate them to His ministry will flow from it. And those will be called patriarches by those that will come after, close to the last days: those that will hold the sign of the Lord on the forehead and the Mother's sign upon the heart. Those will not die, and their flesh will not be corrupted either. Those will be the saints of the last days. Thus it is written, thus it will be. 16.1

Behold and witness: I open my heart to you. The fire that will devour you burns in it, in it burns the flame that the gods left to illuminate the world when everything was still darkness and pain. 16.5 I am the Living Fire. I am the Spirit that will burn you up. For unless you are reborn through the Spirit, how can you go before the Father and be consecrated? 16.6 I devour you in your flesh, I devour you in your soul. He, your God the Lord, will devour you in the Spirit and then you will be reborn. 16.4

Me and the Father: the two halves of the Secret. The two links of the golden chain, where both gods and men come into syntony to extend my gesture and take my message to those that listen to me.


A golden chain, here it is what we are. And each of you, by coming unto me and taking communion with me, will become links of its. And when the hour arrives and the cycles are complete, I and the Father will throw our chain upon the face of abyss, and all those who are linked to the chain will save themselves. Chain and bridge, so that nobody gets lost, and he who has started walking can take his steps to our altar and there take communion both in blood and spirit.


You, the ones who walk, you are my offer to the Father. I raise you as I raise the chalice before the Almighty's face, so that you are consecrated and redeemed. And He touches you and transforms you into light that I receive and lodge in my source, so that when your brothers arrive unto me you all together may continue your Father's will and my love.


You are my seed. I will throw it among the men so that it bears fruit, and that fruit turns into wheat field and many take nourishment on it. You are the soil bread: he who eats you will not be hungry.


My hands have opened up on you and have touched your faces like a caress. Here it is the Mother's love shed on Her children. It protects you and guides you. It saves you from the traps of the world and it shows you the right way to proceed. It forms you from within, so that your acts do not deny your words, and there is no contradiction in what you are either. My love is like a light set down on a mountain: it guides you towards the Father. 16.12 May your heart be the mirror of your soul, for I will always be present in your heart. 16.11

Listen to me, you who are lost, and I will save you. Listen to me in the silence of the morning or in the quietness of the nightfall. Listen to me when the doors of my cave open up between the worlds and men or gods can pass freely. Listen to me even in the shadow of your dreams. 16.14 For I will be in them, veiled for those who haven't looked at me face to face yet, or unveiled for those who have already come to me both in flesh and in spirit and with me they have celebrated their wedding - and I have devoured them. 16.15 In all of this I will be present, waiting for you, so that you don't come in vain. For there is no greater pain than the pain of those who have been mistaken and have stones for the mouth instead of bread. 16.13

17 The Lord is fire, a sort of fire that burns and makes everything ethereal. Those who approach the Lord become fiery coal, living fire wands. Thus He makes them proceed from the human to the divine condition, He transforms them and He makes them alive. 17.2 This is the mystery of the Lord, His Word and His verb. Understand it if you may. 17.1

The Lord walks around the world as a column of blazing fire. Occasionally, He halts above a mountain and keeps hovering for some time. Then men look at it respectfully and in reverence and they render it a worship ground. 17.4 This has been happening since the beginning of the eras and this is the reason why mountains are sacred places. 17.3

He who wants to behold the Lord face to face has to climb up to His mountain and wait for the fire to devour him before he becomes worthy. Only then will he see, with eyes that are no longer flesh, the Temple of the Lord shining and fiery; and in its centre, on the altar of sacrifices, his own image. For


unless the Lord sacrifices him, the doors of the Temple will not be opened to him. The angels preserve the four doors of the Temple. On the four cardinal points they are set. From the doors four light roads come out towards the horizon of the world. Trough these roads all those who serve the Lord flock to the Temple and set out from it. 17.7 The Lord is not perceptible but for the one who sees beyond the shape, for the one who sees beyond the light, since the Lord is only one with His Temple and all the objects are part of His. 17.8 He who wants to look Him in the eyes must abstract from everything he sees first of all, for unless the Temple becomes dust, the Lord won't be accessible. He who wants to behold Him, must look beyond the Temple Itself. 17.6

The Lord has two kinds of servants in His house: the consumed and the anointed ones. 17.10 The consumed ones are those who have gone unto Him to be absorbed in His bosom and who are now His wand and His support upon the stony paths of the world. The Lord carries them in His right hand and when He invokes the forces of creation out of the limbo of time it is them that He raises above the primordial elements. 17.11 The anointed ones are those that He has consecrated so that they announce Him, they are His prophets and the ones who write His Book. Those ones pronounce the Holy Verb among men and make way for the new cycles. Those ones are His sword and His chalice; the sword that strikes Man's heart and the chalice that collects the blood that is the spirit. 17.12 And upon both the Lord has His will and both serve Him according to His purposes. 17.13 These are the servants of the Lord and His sign is upon them: an open hand, in the centre of which the eye of the Lord stares. Behold it if you may. 17.9

In the Temple of the Lord His servants reside: the anointed and the consumed ones. 17.15 The anointed are His priests, they are those who work on the altar and sacrifice. 17.16 They keep the fire lit in the centre of the Temple which is the centre of the altar and which is the centre of the world. They keep the world alive and each spark inside of each man alive too. They are the guardians of life and they keep vigil so that the flame doesn't extinguish. 17.17 From time to time the Lord emanates a spark from Himself upon the face of His world: and a Christ is born. 17.18 Before the Christ is born the Lord orders one of His servants to prepare and announce His arrival. 17.19 And His servant gets dressed of flesh and comes to life among men and goes to the desert (which is the centre of the world) and prophesies and the seed of the new era is thrown to earth. This is the ministry of the anointed. 17.20 The consumed ones are the columns of the Temple of the Lord: they are those who support the heavenly vault. 17.21 They establish the connection between the low world and the world above, 17.14

between the earthly and the heavenly powers. They are the scale of the Lord, the scale with which He weighs the souls and weighs the worlds. 17.22 They are also the fire of the Lord, the fire that shines upon the worlds and that makes them revolve in their orbits, the fire that keeps them both alive and united. And they are still the very Temple, the one only reality that the Temple is; the one only reality that the world is and that the Lord is. The consumed are both the hands and the eyes of the Lord. They are also His Word. And the Lord casts His sacred canticle upon the face of the worlds and the worlds are transformed. The curtain of reality closes and opens again, the worlds hurl down into the limbo and fall asleep. The Word of the Lord sounds again and they wake up of their dreams and they tear into pieces the curtain of illusion. The Lord does all this for His children's sake.


The anointed and the consumed ones: the double face of the Lord. His double illusion as well. Both invisible and secret, out of time and space, His third face watches unrevealed. 17.25 An endless ladder, here it is the Lord's parable for His children. And those who love Him must climb it step by step, neither seeing its beginning nor guessing its ending. They must climb in silence and solitude so that one day, suddenly, the Temple makes itself present before them as well as its four doors and its angels. And through one of them, according to his race and to his cycle, he finally penetrates the Holy Grail, the core of the Lord's world. 17.24

Then, after being taken to the altar, at a Father's gesture he will be either anointed or consumed. And one more priest or else a column will be born to serve the Almighty. Here it is the sacred service, here it is the Mystery.


18 The Word of the Lord burns the lips of the one who says it, the ears of the one who listens to it and the eyes of the one who beholds it straight. The Word of the Lord it is a fire column, an immense and whirling flame. 18.2 It penetrates the man's heart and shines upon his whole being. Then, when this one has come to ashes, it springs from those very ashes and builds a new body: a body of light - and the Lord begins living there. 18.3 This is the alchemy of the Lord and all men can achieve it, on condition they are worthy. 18.1

Blood is a sleeping fire: allow it to wake up; breath is a sleeping fire: allow it to wake up. Everything in man is a sleeping fire, waiting for the awakening. And the finger of the Lord points at you, He promises you that you will wake up, He is your awakening. 18.5 Implore to the Lord and you will wake up of that dream of being flesh alone, and dead flesh. Flesh where fire is frozen and where the Lord has been waiting long. 18.6 Implore to the Lord the gift of His living fire, of His whirling fire and it will come upon you like the rain on the sowed fields so that your seeds bear fruit and there is harvest. 18.4

The fire of the Lord is like a hidden treasure. In order to reach it you have to understand its secret: that secret is called life. 18.8 In the deepest cave of the world, in the fixed centre of the wheel that whirls round eternally motionless, it is there, both comprised and comprising everything. If you touch it, it will seem cold and inert. The Lord wanted it so. But in case you spill your blood on it, suddenly it is a sun, a burning furnace. Here it is the secret of the fire of the Lord: that secret is called life. 18.9 If you want to drink of the fire, you have to awake, you have to feed it. Spill your blood, fill the Holy Cup and you will be transformed. 18.7

In a secret temple, all made of light, the Holy Cup is on the altar: it is the Grail. You will spill your blood in it until it overflows. And only afterwards will you be allowed to drink of it, drop by drop, so that your spirit doesn't drive you insane. 18.11 You will have one insanity alone: the one of my fire, the one of my spirit, the one of my Word. I alone will be able to drive you insane, to drive insane and to transform, before I possess you. For you are the bread of my mouth and the water that quenches my thirst when I walk alone upon the deserts of the world. 18.12 Bread and water, here it is what you are. Water and clay. And I will mould a new body for you, burnt in my fire, a body where spirit is present. 18.13 Your flesh is my nourishment. That is the reason why I will transform it into fire: into my fire. 18.10

19 The hand of the Lord hangs over His creatures: either to bless or to condemn. 19.2 The hand of the Lord is like an immeasurable and spinning sun that turns on a fixed axis: that axis is the world's axis. 19.3 In the core of the world His heart shines: it is a red cup full of blood, blood that the Man has been spilling along the eras. 19.4 Here it is the mystic Grail, the potion that gives the wisdom to the pure and the immortality to the wise. Here it is the mastery of the Word, as well. May the just meditate and understand! 19.1

The Lord walks among His creatures, invisible and unknown. He walks carried by the wind. Both in His eyes and heart a white and translucent fire burns. 19.6 Occasionally the Lord halts before a man and looks him in his eyes. At that very moment the man is transformed: he becomes a wise man, a saint or else he becomes insane: because he who sees the Lord face to face and is not entirely pure in his soul, he runs the risk of going to rack and ruin in what concerns both men and the world. 19.5

The steps of the Lord are the ones of the wanderer, they are those of the one who wanders aimlessly, or whose purpose we cannot grasp. The Lord wanders from the moment the sun rises until it goes down. 19.8 When the sun rises the Lord salutes it; when the sun goes down the Lord salutes it. The Lord is the sun that shines upon the face of the world and if He 19.7

gets dressed in flesh it is just to be among the men. The sun that shines upon the world: the hand of the Lord is like this, open. He imposes it upon the world and upon everything that lives on the face of the earth; He feeds the world and He feeds the creatures of the world; He is the milk and the honey that spills out. 19.10 Let him who is hungry go unto Him. Let him who is thirsty go too. The Lord will feed them and He will make the secrets of the world known to them so that they will be either hungry or thirsty no more. 19.9

Don't search for justice: search for me, for me, I who am just. I alone can set you free, I alone can condemn you. In my stretched hands I will settle you and, according to your weight, you will be tried. For that reason, my hands will tend either towards the earth or to the sky. 19.12 Let your nourishment be the essential to man, not to feed the flesh but to keep you alive, your eyes staring me, so that when I reap you, you come weightless and may ascend freely. 19.13 May your body not deceive you and instead of reaching me through it, take care not to tumble under the yoke of matter. 19.11

20 In your offspring I will write a book; and that will be the Book of Revelation. Through it I will speak to men, and he who listens to me won't be lost. 20.2 You and your generation are like a grapevine planted in the men's heart. I will make it bear fruit and that fruit will take them to accomplishment. 20.1

I am your Lord, the one by whose hand you have walked on the paths of the world since you came to manifestation. You and all your people walk in me. 20.4 In you and in your people I have my cane, and that cane will blossom when the sun and the moon become united. That will be the moment of Revelation and everyone who is present will live in me. 20.3

May in your heart one only faith exist: mine. For I want a one only heart for you and not a split heart. A heart where truth and justice reign, not a heart where darkness lives. 20.6 And may in your hands one only tool exist: the one that I put there, since it is not good for man to try to come unto me through many roads. 20.7 With my tool you will work my wheat field and you will cultivate it, until it bears fruit. And you will look after it night and day, with neither pause nor fear, so that its fruit is good and the harvest is abundant. 20.8 You will do so according to my will, since you came to existence to realize what I am and not what you are. And in my realization alone yours exists. 20.5

You are my dearly beloved servant. Upon your head I have spilled my oils and in those oils the spirit has come down upon you. It has incarnated in you and in all your people and, along the eras you and me have been travelling the men's paths to sow the earth and to manure the sown field. 20.10 And so we will always do, for I am a God that loves man and that has His 20.9

testimony in him. My realization is his, and in him alone and with him alone I realize myself. Grow in revelation so that I grow in you: o anointed, o devoured. And write my book with your blood. Only blood ennobles the soul and makes it worthy. You will do so, we will do so and everything will take place.


My light blinds you. It is good that it blinds you so that the things of the world become vain and useless for you. And when you are utterly blind my light will guide you and you will speak like the thunder and the lightning speak to man in the storm.


Are then you will be followed upon the precipice that separates the worlds, and they will follow you by following me. In you they will see my light and my light will blind them too and it will burn them up for my sake. 20.14 This I will make happen through you and all your people, so that the times come true and those who expect me have a sign of me. 20.13

You walk in the darkness: I will make you walk you in the light. And from the confusion and from the hatred you will enter the kingdom of love and of abundance. So is my spirit for the one that loves me and is only one with me: love and abundance. A fertile and living earth. 20.16 You are lost because the world leads everyone that is not pure of heart astray, but I will guide you through the desert and the desolation, so that you come unto me. Nothing must you fear, for there is only one Lord and one serf, and the one that chooses me has already been chosen by me. 20.17 May the world neither disturb nor deceive you: both the seed and the sowing are mine. I alone will pick that fruit and throw it in space heading for the infinite and it will be like a sun among the stars. 20.18 And in it my sign will be, and that sign will be my right hand and it will be open and in its centre my eye fixed on you will shine, for I am Justice and my scale won’t rest until it finds its pointer and, in it, the world's pointer. 20.15

Tend to my wheat field and you will tend to me. And my scale will be merciful and you will get everything man can get from his God: love and justice. 20.20 Tend to my Word and make it fructify like a seed. Throw it among men and keep watch so that its fruit is the one that is wanted, the one that brings love and justice, since there is a lot of suspicion in men's mind and a great deal of confusion in their heart and even my Word may confound. 20.21 Keep watch and see, so that the fruit corresponds to the sowing and doesn't impoverish the tree that has thrown it to the ground. 20.22 You will do so for each other's sake and for my own sake. And I will take you from land to land, to speak of the Book and to lay the foundations of my Temple. And that Temple, once built, will not be accessible to man's hand touch any more. It will rather be as a lighthouse, in the times to come. 20.23 Sow well and you will gather, so that death doesn't catch you before the right time. Sow with no rest: I will sow with you. 20.19

Some of you doubt still. The time of doubt will end soon, because the Book is the sign for my children to stand up and take the world for me. To take it and to govern it. 20.25 And when they do it, it will be me who truly does it in them. And I will lead the world of the darkness to the light and I will receive it in my arms and I will take care of it as of a newly born child. And your Mother will also do so. And the world will be cleaned and purified, so that a new race comes to manifestation and inherits the earth and leads it back in its destiny. 20.24

Fear not, o children of the dawn! Your destiny is to follow me. And may there be a better destiny than that one? Your being my children: here it is what I call a privilege. Not a consolation for the heart of the weak ones, for there is no weakness in me, but a privilege, a fertile land where you can grow and bear fruit. What more can you long for? And when Winter comes and flesh weakens, let my hand pick you up and bring you to my mouth so that I devour you and light you up and return you to the world once again. 20.27 There is no higher privilege than to serve me, by serving each other. To serve me and to build me, since I am a permanent creation and not a finished deed. I live and I grow in you, holding your flesh and giving it the fire that illuminates it: my spirit. 20.26

This is what I call love: to give and to accept. Thus I love you and you love me. And together we will build a new land and a new sky. 20.29 After us everything will be new. Here it is the new Jerusalem. Here it is the consummated promised land. Here it is my name newly recovered. May he that knows meditate upon what is written in here, for everything will be repeated once more. 20.30 The mysteries that happened will take place here again. I will make a Saviour be born among you, to guide you in the last days. And you will know him and you will follow him. 20.31 But before that follow John, my prophet, the one that announces me. Follow him and keep my Book. Follow him and his Word, since it is me who speaks in him. And if you follow him it will be me that you follow, but when he gives you the departure signal that is because the Saviour has come and has been recognized. 20.32 Then you will do what my Son will tell you to do and those who will go with him will be chosen among you and the others. Get ready for it. 20.28

21 This is the Book that was already before existing. This is the finger of the Lord pointing at His world. Finger that accuses, but that also points to the road of salvation, the narrow road of asceticism, the stony narrow way that leads to the summit of the mountain where the Lord has mounted guard, waiting for His children. And these, since the sun rises until it goes down, don't cease to go unto Him, to pay him homage and resume what they are.


This is the Consecrated Book, the message that all of the prophets have brought to the world, the Sacred Word of the Lord. And some listen to it and sow


a plentiful seed and gather a great deal, and some others pretend they listen to it and neither sow nor gather. And others don’t hear it, and for they hear it not they are doomed. 21.3 The Word of the Lord is like an invisible fire, a light in open darkness, a hand that opens up and becomes pure water spring. 21.4 Those who cross the desert and waste away for lack of water, those drink it with neither pause nor precaution. And those others that climb the great mountain of the world, those also drink it and quench their thirst. But those who live in comfort and luxury, and that regard the things of the world scornfully and with dissimulation, those neither drink it nor quench their thirst. Small is the man that searches and doesn't find and that gets lost in his search, but great will be his merit if, by getting lost, he finds the Lord and recognizes Him, for he will be born again and his ashes will be thrown into the river so that they get dissolved in the great sea. 21.6 Great is the reward of the one who loses everything and finds the Lord. He will sit at His feet as a guardian and as a beloved servant. He will know the secret, for the Lord's hand will be above him and will bless him. 21.5

But greater is he who leaves in search of the essential and has never got lost, and has had his sign in the Lord, and has traveled the paths of the earth sowing and giving thanks. In that one the Lord fulfils Himself totally and through him He makes His message reach men. In him He has a kind of unknown and occult son, yet very holy. 21.8 Such men are both the glory of the Lord and His prophecy. In them the treasure is unveiled, so that those who seek a way to the Father may find it, and those others that seek the light may also see it and nobody gets lost but rather all find the nuptial chamber. 21.7

The Verb is the secret: understand it if you will. And in the name the Verb is, the Hidden Word. Thus the Lord has uttered it and has given it life. And this life is man's life and it is His sign in him and it is destiny that urges him. 21.10 The Lord has marked him in the beginning of the world: he has given him a name. And in this name everything is. Light to the one who sees it. Symbol to the one who sees it. 21.11 Here it is the Lord and here it is the creature and between the two a chain of light and darkness: a chain of living matter, so that the flesh comes out of the limbo and pulses, so that the world is populated by creatures and one day, when both hopes and illusions are worn out and the beings are enriched, and the Lord jointly, they return to the Father that has emanated them from himself. This is the truth of the world. 21.9

22 He who journeys must always look straight ahead, for his steps have had no starting point and will have no end either, except for the moment when he meets the Lord, and before Him all search will cease. He who walks must follow the morning star, that one that announces the break of the world's day and the birth of our day.


23 The creatures' existence is the glory of the Lord. Like a sun among the stars, so is the Lord. His face shines with an occult fire. In the lines of His body we can find the lines of the beings' destiny, the paths of the world, as if His body was the invisible image of the visible things. 23.2 And by penetrating him and by melting in him, one discovers, simultaneously, whatever is occult and secret, for the Lord is the supreme master of the supreme initiation and all the masters are but serfs of His. The Lord has brought them to manifestation, the Lord will take them when the moment comes. 23.3 Nothing is a long way from Him. Everything is a part of His. He who seeks the mysteries of the world must seek Him first. He who wants to leave for the desert in search of the last wisdom, must penetrate the desert of the Lord, since there is neither a greater mystery nor a more arid desert. And having Him, will it matter if one possesses other things? 23.1

Before the Lord every knee yields and every soul surrenders, for He is the lover and the beloved, the creature and the creator, the voice and the seed of the voice, the gesture and the hand that articulates it.


24 Blood is crucified spirit: matter crucifies it by confining it in the narrow meshes of the atoms. If the being ascends this atomic movement increases and, with it, the spiritual freedom increases: the being's alchemy happens, initiation happens. 24.2 But if the being surrenders to the illusion of the matter and petrifies, his energy decreases and the movement decreases and instead of breaking free, he falls and he dies. 24.1

25 The fire of the Lord falls upon the soul of the chosen ones. It falls like the rain on the earth, so that the hidden seed bears fruit and every living creature feeds on it. 25.2 So is the soul of the one that the Lord has fecundated: nutritious, plentiful of riches and of privileges, for the Lord has chosen it as a sign and has set it among men, so that those who are hungry and thirsty can be fed, according to the prophecies. This is the will of the Lord for His creatures. 25.3 The fire of the Lord vivifies him who is sick, it gives life to him who is dead and it wakes up him who is asleep. And in each man he makes diverse work, according to the particular need, by repeating Himself in nobody, such as the Lord that, while being only one, is a lot of things. 25.1

So His fire makes way among men, as if it walked across the forest and in it laid the foundations of a new city: the new Jerusalem. Since the fire of the Lord is also a sign of the new times and it comes to make the New Age known. 25.5 Therefore, may our discernment not be disturbed when the fire of the Lord chooses us as a temple and foundation stone. Since in that there is a destiny that is urgent to accomplish and a memory that matters to preserve, so that the fire vivifies, instead of reducing to ashes; and so that it leads us to the top of the 25.4

mountain, instead of hurling us into the abyss, since the fire is immense and we can only obey it. Woe to the one that wants to be a dike and hold. He will be consumed. There is only a measure for the awaked man: the one of his own fire. And if he has in him the Father's hand, that fire will walk ahead of him, as a sign; just like the Word walks ahead of the prophet, or the anointed walks ahead of his Lord. 25.7 In all that there is a message and a secret: the finger of the Lord pointed to the creatures, so that they see and know. 25.6

26 The Word of the Lord is like a nut. He who wants to go unto Him will have to break its shell to reach the fruit. The fruit is the secret, the fruit is the Lord. The Lord remains occult behind the veil that the shell is and that the world is.


Only he who dares break the world's thousand shells will be allowed to go unto Him and eat from the occult fruit. This fruit is called Wisdom. And Wisdom is in the Word and the Word is the sign of the Lord. The sign that He puts on the things that He loves, so that those who seek Him can find Him and don't get lost in their search. 26.3 Such it is the promise of the Lord to His children: that those who seek Him may find Him. 26.2

The love of the Lord is great. He loves the one that searches, the other one that has got lost in his search and the one that has met Him. 26.5 The love of the Lord is a sign on man's heart. A sign that burns, that devours the flesh, until it becomes spirit, so that the Lord may have voice there. 26.6 And when the voice of the Lord has filled man, this one overflows from himself and he gives himself to the others. He becomes a river with no banks, a torrential river that seeks the endless sea. The sea is the Lord and he who flows into it becomes only one in eternity. 26.7 Here it is what the Lord has prepared for His children: an endless sea, for there is no limitation in the spirit and all flesh is spirit when the Lord casts His fire over it. Spirit and Light. And the Father's Will as well, so that nothing is apart, since it would not be good that the creature did not know his Creator. And knowing Him and knowing himself as part of His, what else has been left to him but to be consummated in Him? 26.8 Consummation: here it is the Hidden Word that the Lord has sowed in His children. And all their impulse lives in it. And all their search is due to its existence, since children and Father are one thing only, even if the children don't know it. 26.4

Come unto me and I will make you see: says the Lord to the one that is lost in the world. Come unto me and I will make you know. Such is the Word of the Lord. 26.10 And he who listens to it is lost no longer, but rather he has passed from darkness to the Light and he may behold the face of the Lord, if he is worthy that 26.9

much. That face which is like a sun amid the stars, a sun of precious brightness. This is the reward for the one who has searched for Him: to be absorbed in His love. To die in the flesh to be born in the spirit. 26.12 And he who sees the Lord face to face dies and is born a thousand times, for the look of the Lord is like a vertigo, a depthless abyss, where he who wants to be falls down into. 26.13 And if he doesn't fall down, what good is it to him to have gone there? Let him fall and go as far as the bottom: it is the Lord's purpose for him, so that he is born then and he may speak. 26.11

27 Man's flesh is like an unploughed field. A field that waits for the hand that makes it pass from the darkness to the light. A field that waits for its Lord. 27.2 Receptive and inert, such is the flesh of the man that has not been born yet. And it will stay like this as long as the Lord does not throw His seed there, since only the seed bears life. 27.1

The Lord is like a seed of immortality. A seed that fertilizes the earth of the one that is ready. 27.4 The seed falls on the ground and penetrates it deeply. Then, starting from the centre of the world, a light is born gradually: it is the man's wisdom that goes beyond understanding. It is the light of the Lord that shines in the darkness. And man picks it like a flower and receives it with open hands. And then he plants it in his heart and in his brain - so that love and reason are enlightened. Provided with this double truth man can see. 27.3

28 The creatures' genesis begins with Adam, repeats itself in Abraham and it continues in John. It begins in the Mother and prolongs itself through Her children. These are the columns of a temple that has never had beginning and will have no end either, since it has not been done by the man's hand, but rather by the hand of God. 28.2 With these columns the Mother has accomplished Herself amidst men and has made them know Her sacred fruit: that fruit is the accomplishment of Her love, it is Her son, the Christ that has been reborn a thousand times and that has been sacrificed a thousand times. 28.3 She has made him known by means of Her columns and by means of Her prophets and of all those who love Her. She has made him known so that between Her and the world there is a path. That path is the path of sacrifice. He who wants to go unto Her must understand it and accomplish it. 28.4 Every gift of death that comes from the Mother is still a privilege that She grants. And each of all those She sacrifices on earth and whose blood She makes shed, that one She elects among the others. Thus the Mother comes close to Her children and reveals Her heart to them. Thus She loves and glorifies them. 28.1

The Mother's temple is the world. The Lord has begot it by means of His own volition and has cast it off Himself and set it in space; and He has given it its own motion and a law.


In its centre He has set a piece of incandescent coal that is His heart. And close to that piece of coal He has made a throne where He has set the Mother, so that She guided the men's and all His world's creatures' destinies. 28.7 And out of the Mother He has driven all of the creatures. Thus, Adam, the first before the beginning, has been conceived and accomplished by the Lord; he who didn't have origin in man's race, but in the seed that the Lord cast into the earth's womb. 28.8 And the earth has begot Adam, who has begot the many that there are and that there have been. And of this sacred generation was born Abraham, who was second in time. And Abraham covered the earth with his seed and this one bore flower; and the Lord cast His hand upon it and He picked its fruits. Then the Lord considered it and He perceived that it was good and He perfected it and He returned it to the womb of the earth with the name John. And of this one's generation the future was born. 28.6

With John man's time has come. And this time has been effected in those that have kept the Mother's secret and look after it. This secret is called Grail by some. 28.10 And some of his own people have come together in a nation in the remotest part of the earth and there, in deep caverns, they have hidden their testimonies. These will be revealed when the Mother joins the Son, in order to bear the Holy Spirit; that one that doesn't have man's seed and that was born occult. 28.11 To him, when he comes, some will pay homage, and that very homage will save them, for the Lord is with him and in His shadow is She the one from whom everything has started: the Mother. 28.12 This will happen in the last days, and then little will be distant from the end. 28.9

John launched his generation and this one took shape in a nation of splendour, of occult splendour; since that is the Lord's will. But a day will come in which the light will manifest itself before men so that they see it and let themselves be guided by it and by those that preserve it, in the last days; in the days of the revelation of the Lord. 28.14 And those days will be of light and of darkness and of great affliction. And woe to those that, in their arrogance and vanity, do not see those signs and do not understand them, for the Lord will display Himself in them, and that vision will last one draught only. And after this the darkness will return and everything will be swallowed. 28.15 He who has faith must meditate and pray, for the time of the Lord will be like lightning and thunder and it will last for less than an instant. But for the one who is worthy and surrenders in His hand, that time will be endless, and the light will never fade in him again. 28.13

High are the columns of the temple of the Lord and eternal is their splendour, since they have their basis in the centre of the earth and their summit in the firmament; and they feed in the roots of the world and the Mother supports them in Her abundant womb, wherefrom they leave, like diaphanous and transparent birds. Lord's birds. Angels of His. And the Lord sustains them in His hand and He throws them upon His world, so that they bring His Holy Name to


man's understanding. And they go from soul to soul speaking about Him. Thus the world takes place. Of the veiled nation the Anointed will be born. He comes to announce the redemption. He comes to speak on behalf of the one that will come, He who is first before him. He, who coming in the end, was already before. 28.18 The Lord has sent him ahead of His Son, so that the whole earth knows and waits in faith and in hope. And so that the darkness does not take the place that belongs to light. Since it is written: I alone am your Lord, I alone am your Law. And where I put my hand and I blow my breath, that one will be one with me and no power of earth will take shape there. 28.19 Woe to the one who outrages me and outrages those that I send on my behalf. To that one, I will even deny my fire, for my fire devours and bears light. That one I will give to the darkness and the darkness will devour him and it will take him for itself. And he will be forgotten. 28.17

Look, you that seek the track of the Lord. He has thrown His fire amidst men and that fire has taken substance. And it is man's body and it has name. 28.21 Open your heart to the Lord's love and accomplish His Law, so that He reveals Himself to you as a natural thing, so that He reveals His secret to you: His Son's secret and the secret of the one that has come to announce him; the secret of the last days. All that will be revealed to you if you are worthy. 28.22 Make your heart clear, since the Lord sees in it like through an open door, nothing being permitted to be hidden from Him. Your secret must be this alone: the love that you feel for the world and your expectation for the Lord of the world. And this much will be enough for you. 28.20

29 And in the third month and on the third day the prophet was devoured. Having gone before the Mother, She unveiled herself and she revealed Her resplendent face to him, Her nocturnal face: the one that is only visible when the night comes upon the world and the disciple passes the door and removes the veil. 29.2 Upon his stretched hands She spilled living fire and She gave him the power of healing and the power of life and the power of death, but this one She reserved for herself. And having given him these powers, She transfigured before his eyes and the prophet saw the millenary sphinx and the dragon: And in this shape She questioned him. 29.1

Having the prophet said the truth about everything, She told him that he would be devoured. A ruby-red fire penetrated him in all of the cells of his flesh and it was consumed. Then the Father came from behind, like a fiery column, and the Mother from the front, both becoming united in the prophet and they gained him from flesh and they devoured him in it. And all of this he assumed before Them and before his Master, that is also only one with Them. And thus it was done.



This is the prophet of the Lord, this is His cane. The Lord is a pilgrim on the

face of the world. He travels the earth in search of those that bring the sign of the sky upon their head and of those that bring the sign of the earth upon their womb. 29.5 And before all of them the Lord blows on their eyes and makes them see the mysteries and everything else that is unrevealed to man. And after they see the things as they are, the Lord takes them with Him, as serfs of His house and priests of His temple and masters of His ministry. 29.6 Thus the Lord sows the world with a pure and immaculate seed, so that in each season there is fruit and there is harvest. And thus the world remains. All this the Lord does for man's sake and to respect the purpose that He has for him. The Lord has chosen him for His cane. And with this stick He penetrates the sky and the earth and unites both. Here it is the tree of the Lord. It sustains the firmament, and the Lord sits in its shade and He rests. 29.8 When the night arrives, the Lord gathers its branches and sets them on fire and with them He illuminates the darkness. And after the darkness has gone and the morning has broken, the Lord rises again upon the face of the world, as an immense sun, and He sets out to Occident, to the territory of the dead. 29.7

His serf walks with Him, he who has been anointed and devoured by Him. The one that is His voice and His face. Since the Lord has taken him long ago and has remade him for Himself and has left only an empty body to him. And having taken him, He blew His fire into his eyes and into his mouth and into all of the orifices of his body, so that there was nothing there that was not part of His. 29.10 Are ever since the Lord sends him ahead of Him, in each cycle of things, so that he grubs up His paths and announces His holy name, and thus it has been done. 29.9

This is the one that was named John. And in his name lies the essence of his spirit and the secret of his generation. He is one with the Lord. And by coming to manifestation, he comes to baptize on behalf of the one that will come: the Christ many times reborn. 29.12 The Lord sends him ahead of His Son; He sends him with the mystery of the water that bears life and with the word that gives hope. He sends him as a sign for those who wait. 29.13 And the prophet writes the Book of Life, which is the book of the Lord and of the Mother, and baptizes on behalf of the one that comes after him, but that is first to him before the Father's throne. 29.14 And those who listen to his call, the Book's call, those won't perish, they will rather be replete with the Word of the Lord and they will await His Son's arrival. 29.15 Such is the mission that the Lord has given to His serf, he who has been devoured and anointed. 29.11

A fiery spirit contained in flesh: this is the prophet before his Lord. A spirit that the Lord has moulded with His hands and that He has locked up with the seven seals of prophecy, so that he bore testimony.



And the Lord gave him the form of a bird of golden eyes and He threw him,

like a spear, amidst the stars and the sky, heading for the infinite. This is the sign of the Lord, that will shine in the sky in the last days: a fiery burning spear, so that all see and know that the hour has come: the hour of the Lord, His Son's hour. And the Lord will wield His spear and He will throw it upon the earth. And it will bring fire and pain to man, but seeds of hope also, for in that fire and in that pain there is a transformation and a new alliance between the Lord and His children.


This is the will of the Lord for His children: pain and hope. And communion also. And in the pain one will find the hope of revelation and in the revelation one will find the path that takes to the Lord. And once it has been found, all search and all pain cease and all hope is discovered to be useless, since the lover and the beloved are only one thing and he who seeks and he who finds are only one and as a unit they fulfil themselves in the Lord: here it is the alliance that the Father has made with His children. 29.20 Therefore He sends His prophet and He makes him be born of a woman and have a name and a destiny and a homeland, so that all can receive him and understand him. And when the seeding is ready, He sends His Son for the harvest and He gives him a sickle and a scythe and a torch of living fire, so that after the cereal has been gathered and the good seed has been separate from the bad seed, the fire devours and sends to the Father what has proceeded from him. 29.19

Thus the Lord opens and closes the cycles of manifestation both of man and of all that is born of man, since there is only one Law and one Truth, and both are the Lord. 29.22 Law and Truth and, in the middle, to bring them to a due proportion, Love. Thus the Lord has created them. 29.21

Standing, majestic and infinite, holding eternity as a background and the abyss under His feet, the Lord has opened His arms and His hands have suspended themselves, motionless. Then three suns have been born that were forces and that were beings: through His right hand, Law, that is also Justice. Through His left hand, Truth, that is also Rectitude. And between both, uncertain and unlimited, suspended under the abyss, Love, that is Understanding as well. Then, the Lord beheld them for a long time and considering that there was perfection there, whispered the Word to them and cast them off Himself. 29.24 This is why, somewhere amidst the visible and invisible worlds, three suns that are also beings, form the edge of a triangle amongst themselves. From that triangle the three rays start that, touching each being and each thing, will enliven and will give cohesion to all that is essential to exist: a thought, a feeling and a destiny. For that reason everything is triple. 29.23

30 In the Beginning the Verb was and the Verb was with God and the Verb was God. And the Verb unveiled before Man's face and Man didn't perceive Him. 30.2 And God said: let the secret be veiled under the disguise of symbol and let a seed of fright and of fear of me be born in Man's heart so that he seeks me in the symbol and, because he doesn't discover me there, he seeks me where truly I am. 30.1

And then he will find the Verb and light will take place. This is my purpose for him. It is written that Man will search for me where I am not and that he will love me for what I am not. And for not finding me and for not loving me, he will find and love my shadow and he will get lost in it for a long time. But I will be vigilant and I will wait and he will discover his error and he will come to me. For I am the beginning and the end of his steps and everything that has its origin in me to me it must return in order to accomplish itself. 30.4 Man's world is the world of shadow, it is the world of twilight . And between man and shadow there are pacts. The shadow veils him with reality and that reality is flesh, and that reality is the world. The shadow hides him from my light, but my light doesn't consent to the shadow. It rips up the shadow, it burns it and it turns it into light. This is the reason why man will come unto me when the shadow deceives him no longer. Then my light will devour him and he will be transformed into living fire, into blazing fire. And my spirit will inhabit in him. 30.3

This is what man is: a wandering fire, an imprisoned fire. Man is captive of darkness, because he loves the darkness. It has seduced him with the world and the flesh of the world and the shadow of the world. It has confined him in a cage of silence and solitude and he remains there, obscure. But I will free him.


31 And on the seventh day and at the seventh hour the Lord descended upon His world and, as He perceived it filled up with spirit, He congratulated himself. But after He retired from the face of the earth, it immersed itself deeply in the abyss and the darkness succeeded to light and to the Lords of Darkness succeeded to the Lord. And the eight hour came and the ninth, to bring this cycle to an end. 31.2 All this happened so that the just could serve the Lord in his heart and testify that the work was good and that the seed is alive. And the just rose up upon the earth and he announced the Father's arrival. Yet men didn't understand him and tortured him. But after him many came, and many more will still come, since the Father's work never ends. 31.1

The just is a seed that the Lord scatters on the ground, a seed of fire and light, a seed of abundance. If the ground is ready to receive it, the seed will be multiplied and its fruit notable. But the earth is immersed in darkness and man's soul is small. This is why the seed bears little fruit, and that one lives immersed in oblivion. But a day will come in which the justs will be as many as the stars in the firmament and their seed will have no end.


In the just I fulfil myself, the Lord says. His flesh is like soft clay between my hands. I mould him with the purest clay that exists in the centre of the world and I blow on it the fire that vivifies it. 31.5 Flesh or clay or fire: This is man for me. And blood, which is my spirit shed on him, since the flesh that has no blood doesn't live and the clay that my breath didn't bake, is dead. 31.4

Lifeless clay, this is the man that doesn't know me - and few are those that know me yet - for the hour of destruction has sounded and the trumpet of chaos echoes over the abyss. 31.7 Who answers the call? Who listens to my cry? Only the just can differentiate between me and my shadow; he only knows how to see beyond the glitter of the face. And there is glitter that is deceitfulness and illusion, like a crystal and ice mask. 31.8 Take care, you who search me amidst the ruins of the world: that blindmen's search can mislead you. He who searches for me must know how to behold me face to face, fearless of me, since my spirit is like a soft breeze that stirs amidst everything that lives, and in mildness alone and in love you will find me. 31.6

32 The Verb is flesh. The Lord uttered the Word and it became man's flesh and earth's flesh. The Lord uttered it for the beings' growth and growth of the beings' souls, since in growth alone life resides, and in life alone communion exists, and in communion alone there is place for the Father's and the creatures' accomplishment, in deep union, so that one can't tell what belongs to one from what belongs to another. They must rather be only one thing before the Sky and before the Earth. Thus the Lord has wanted it and has accomplished it. Blessed be the Lord.


A fiery word: this is the Word of the Lord, that He casts off Himself heading for the infinite so that it tears the darkness and confounds those that live in the darkness and forces them to reflection and to the being's deepening; so that it forces them to the Father's revelation in themselves. Only thus may the darkness be confounded and, those that hide in it, be defeated. For light alone has power over the darkness and only the one that carries the Word of the Lord and that keeps it as a highly sacred and occult treasure, in the centre of his soul - only that one - can go to meet the darkness and devour it, showing it the mistake in which it lives, since everything is a misdeed when the Word is absent.


The Word of the Lord is like a red hot furnace. He who searches for the Lord must seek His Word first and penetrate it as a friendly house, with the certitude of being expected. Thus the Lord is like a friend that leads us on the path of revelation and prepares the nuptial bed for us, since the fire must consume the flesh (which is frozen fire) and free the spirit that resides in it. Such is the gift that the Father grants to those who search for Him: the gift of His love, that is also liberation.


In the cup life is. The Lord takes it to His lips at the beginning of time and in its end. Thus the cycles begin and end in the Lord and, through the Lord, in every creature, since the Lord is the measure of all things and the fire that feeds them. In the cup the Lord lodges the seed. That seed is the soul. Then He raises the cup upon the firmament and it shines like a thousand joined suns. A serpent, which is also a fiery rose, ascends from the cup and winds on itself. It is eternity that manifests itself. In its centre, like a jewel, a white lozenge lives. Through it the Lord sends, starting from His eye, a very white light, that will vivify both things


and beings. This the Lord accomplishes at the beginning and also at the end of the cycles, since all that issues from the Lord to Him will return, multiplied in the soul and in the spirit. This is the philosophers' alchemic Work and all the beings accomplish it. Let the fire of the Lord devour you! It is my prayer for all of you. Let it reduce you to the essence!


The Lord opens His arms upon the infinite. Four suns mark His igneous extremities. Inside of each sun, feeding it, a distinct being lives. In the hands of each one, high raised up, four symbols represent them in the men's world. Air for the first, fire for the second, water for the third and earth for the fourth Lord. Elements that the Lord has turned alive and to which he gave form and particular representation. Symbols that are the Mystic Grail. Moment by moment the Lord turns them alive, by blowing on each one of them. Then the eras show in the men's world, in turn, according to an order of immensity and secret, to which the Eternal alone is the key. In the centre of the Lord the fiery rose burns igneous. From its petals flow the seven rays of the divine manifestation. In each cycle of the Lord, His servants come before the rose and consecrate it, by putting their open hands on it. Thus, it is the immobile centre of the wheel that revolves motionless, where the four suns are the vertexes of an endless cross. This the Lord discloses to those that He has chosen to serve Him, since the whole secret is in this.


What mortal can see this and not fear? Or refuse the vision of the Lord, in His igneous glory, for the men's sake? Since great must be the courage of the one that goes so close to the truth, that beholds it frontally, and after that loves better the Work than the Lord of the Work; better the man than the Lord of man. Or, loving the man no more, returns to him to serve his Lord, since the spirit, coming close to accomplishment, wants nothing else but this. And having seen everything that is visible and everything is in the Father and in Him alone it is, returns to men still. This is the sacrifice.


Portugal is a seed. In it the Lord has set His cane, cane that will bloom when the new race inherits the earth. Fiery race with occident eyes, moulded from the Mother and the Father, in union. And the first ones of this race will come soon to give testimony on what is to come. May the discernment not be confused of those who wait for a sign, since the moment is near.


Portugal is a seed: that seed is called accomplishment of the Father's Plan for His world. In the heart of the seed lives a rose of splendour and brightness. A Virgin lives likewise, that will give birth to Christ, in the last days. Virgin of man but not of the Lord. Rather servant of His, and retired in the centre of the world, that is where the seed has its root. Sea and Mother is her name. And in the Lady's cavern a chalice is that contains her, where blood has been collected along the eras and the centuries have turned it ruby-red and vitreous: like a ruby. All this is truth and will be seen.


The rose is the symbol of the Lord. He inebriates Himself in its scent, like man inebriates himself in the woman's scent and this one in his scent, so that the marriage of the energies is achieved and from there the fruit of continuity turns out. In the same way the Lord fulfils himself in the rose, that is His mystic wife and in it He generates the eternity of His name and of His generation amidst men. This is the origin of the prophets and of the saints and of all those that bear the mark of the Lord upon themselves: a rose. Thu s you can differentiate them from those that lie and profane. Since only the Lord can vivify that which is dead and He alone can set the fire, which is the rose, upon the head of the one that He loves and wants for Himself.


He who speaks on behalf of the Lord must have the ruby-red and igneous rose on his chest, so that his love is a testimony of his faith, since there is no love out of the Father's faith and all that doesn't come from Him can only come from the darkness. A sign: this is what the Lord gives to you by way of the rose. It that lives in each servant, out of distant reflection of that other one that is the mother of them all: that one that shines in the centre of the Lord, since the height is mirrored in the low and only coming from the height can light exist. Thus the man's cross isn't his, but the Lord's his father, cross that is the very Father in His immensity and glory. All has been conceived according to that measure and in it lies the base of each being and of each thing. Likewise, the rose that lives in man's heart, it only lives for the rose's sake that lives in God, that is alive and eternal God.


Portugal is a fiery rose. Such fire is no longer kept within its limits, but it increases continually consuming and devouring everything. Thus the Lord has wanted it, thus he has carried it out. And in this book He says It so that others may know it, since the moment has come to unveil the secret and to accomplish the new alliance between the Father and His children. To altar of the world the Lord has elected it, since the sacrifice will be made here and the blood, which will be transformed into spirit, will be shed into the Cup: the spirit of the Lord. Spirit that will vivify those that live, or will give death to those that bring it with themselves. To part just from unjust, seed from straw, and to throw the straw into the fire and to give the world to those that will come.


33 I see a rose that grows continually. A rose that first was a seed that the Lord sowed on man's heart. And man imagined it and loved what he saw. And the Lord made it bear fruit inside man and, when this fruit grew and multiplied, the Lord made the rose transcend man and He sowed it on the lands of the world. And the lands of the world welcomed it.


I see a rose that started by being a seed in the Father and then in man's heart and that now is already seed of the world. And when the whole world has been covered by that rose garden, in the centre of the world a miracle will take place: the miracle of the rose, the miracle of universal love. And that will be the moment that the gods are waiting for. The moment of the renewal of the world and of man. The moment of the celebration of the new Eucharist, of the new


alliance between gods and men. The moment of the Lord. All of this the rose will do. And it will feed itself on the men that believe they feed themselves on it, and it will sow a seed of renewal and of eternal life on them, while they believe that they are sowing it on the ground of the profane and of the time that passes. 33.4 And many will come to destroy and they will be destroyed in their hopes and in their wrongly directed love. And many will come to protect it and they will be protected, since man's path is not always God's path and what man wants to carry out, the Lord has already seen and carried out. Much will be both the turmoil and the derision around the rose, yet much will also be love. And all this will happen so that some may wake up and others may be put to the test. 33.3

I see a rose that started by being a seed and then root and that root had a name and it was the name of a thing. And around the rose some gathered. And that movement grew as the years passed. And the rose grew as well. To some in their heart, to others in their mind and to the remainder in their hope. And all that the rose has multiplied.


I see a fiery rose that takes its roots in man's heart, and feeds on its blood and by reason of that is red. And I also see a small country that grows around the rose and around those that, cyclically, feed it and make it be born anew. And I still see the Lord that, from above, keeps vigil by His sown field and He brings some near and He keeps others away, since not everything is good and worthy of serving. And I see some that, coming humble, become great, and some others that, counting themselves more than they are, are confounded. All this the rose operates in them, for its light is like a thousand suns together, and to those that reach its summit, it is the vision of the Lord that expects them. And they retake their place at the Father's table.


I see a rose that is a column of light, the base of which begins in the Mother's centre, in Her crystalline womb, and the vault of which sustains the firmament, reaching the Lord's feet. And I also see a tree loaded down with sweet and bitter fruits; with hopes and with illusions. Many try to climb it up and some remain along the way and they sleep and they dream that they reached the end. And some others give up their purpose, as soon as they have taken the first steps. And others go right to the end and, once arrived at the castle that keeps the Grail, they are made knights and guardians, in their turn, staying there until man's time ceases and the Lord fulfils Himself. All this I see and much more. 33.8 I see a rose that has blossomed in the heart of a small nation. And I see that that nation is, itself, a bigger rose that will bear fruit in its turn. And all this will happen when the nations unite in it, and the children of the nations get together in it and in it they melt their hearts and their hopes and everything that makes man great and petty. Then something will happen: the Lord will manifest Himself to all of them and, amidst them, the one that is His voice and His reflection will become visible. And those that listen to Him will be saved. That one will speak about the rose and about the seed that was sown in the world and about those that, anonymous and ignored, have been watching over it continuously. Since 33.7

there is only one Lord and there is only one fruit, and that fruit has the name of love. All this the Lord has done for man's sake, for it is not good for man to be alone.


34 I see a winged dragon spitting fire upon the earth, and the earth moans wounded and blood-stained. Her children precipitate into death. Blood flows like the river waters. The cup is full. 34.2 A thousand cups are filled between night and dawn. A thousand virgins raise them to heaven, so that the Father blesses them. The sacrifice is great. Greater it will still be, before the end comes. And before it comes there won't be peace on earth, solely tears and pain and despair. 34.3 The Mother suffers for Her children. Her tears tumble on the face of the world and join the blood shed by man: and the future is born of this. 34.4 Blood and tears: this is Man. And, secret and forgotten, a fire. In the cave of the womb, in the cave of the heart, in the cave of the mind a fire burns, white and ruby-red, it burns endlessly. Since the Father and the Mother have to unite to beget the Son, and, where there is meat or clay, there must be fire that purifies the meat and bakes the clay in a living mould. Such is the mystery of the opposites that form the synthesis. 34.5 Thus is man, epitome of ice and of fire united and in balance, so that humanity may be the pointer of the balance where gods weigh the beings, since man shares everything equally and so he must remain till the end. 34.1

The earth is an egg where a secret baby animal sleeps. The dragon protects it and feeds it. The fire that the dragon spits is the same as that of the alchemist upon his athanor, so that matter becomes energy and the Work reaches the end. 34.7 Thus the dragon looks after its work, and it will keep vigil until a small dragon breaks the egg and resumes its destiny here suspended. Since the earth is like a nest: the Mother brings it within and She keeps vigil and prays for its gestation. And when the moment of birth has come, She Herself tears the curtain that veils Her and Her fruit becomes exposed to the creatures' eyes. Thus the Christ's were born made up of the Father's seed and of the Mother's egg, united in the womb of the world. 34.8 A winged dragon: this is the Lord of the Worlds. His fire feeds us and heats us up, His breath (that is His Word) gave us life before the creation was. 34.9 Fire and clay, these are the opposites rendered man's flesh and man's soul and man's life. Fire and clay joined: this is the altar of the dragon, where the Lady sacrifices, continually, the hopes and the illusions of Her children. Since only purity matters. Purity and spirit. And when the spirit is ready, the flesh (which is clay) breaks up and the light ascends heading for the Lord. And He welcomes the spirit and receives it in Himself and He feeds on it. 34.6

Endless spirals: this is the secret of the dragon. Their energy generates and destroys the worlds. The process knows neither beginning nor ending. 34.11 In the man's beginning, the dragon becomes united to the earth and the 34.10

earth procreates the children that populate it, and they generate the creatures. And the Father's Work begins. Then, the dragon warms the egg. First with temperance and then, as the Work progresses, with more radiance, so that the creature knows death and becomes it; and in order that he goes, from step to step, to the feet of the Lord. For that reason the egg is heated up and its content is mixed, since three (like the Powers) will be the phases of the Work to carry out. Firstly the one of Chaos and of the Lords of Abyss, then the one of Soul and of the Lords of Illusion and, finally, the one of Spirit and of the Lords of Light. Three phases, but only one truth. Understand it if you will. Before the face of the Great Dragon there is neither illusion, nor light, nor shadow. His breath, made of the light that consumes and feeds the worlds, crosses space and time like the Verb crosses man's heart: to give life and death. 34.13 And the beings, that believed they were eternal before His face, are reduced to ashes and those who beg from him the gift of continuity are confused in their hope, for the dragon loves fire alone, and unless man ascends to him, transformed in fire, fire will consume him alive. 34.14 A mirror: this is the dragon for man. A mirror that is called soul and that is called spirit and that is called flesh or loam. 34.15 And man estimates himself in the mirror day by day and he joins his own reflex, that is also his ideal of God, until only the mirror and the ideal and nothing remain reflected. Then the mirror closes itself upon man's illusion (that is his God) and it takes with it the absorbed image. 34.12

A mirror in which a dragon is reflected: here it is the mystery that the Lord casts into man's heart, so that he deciphers it or he submits himself to it. And man either steps back or advances according to his sort. If his blood was seasoned in the war, he loves fight and he will combat for the possession of life and he will face the enigma of the mirror and of the dragon, that gives life to man; but if he fears fight and the blood of fight and pain, he will run away from the mirror and the dragon will go in his pursuit and the dragon will submit him. 34.17 Two are man's sorts before the dragon: that of the one who loves fire and who lives only to be consumed in it, and that of the one who fears fire and runs away continually. One lives with under cover face, the other one with an open face. Upon the face of one of them the Lord has drawn the sign of the earth, which is a sleeping serpent. Upon the face of the other, the Lord has drawn the sign of the sky, which is an awaked serpent. 34.18 And when man goes before the dragon and tears the mirror that is a screen of illusion, the serpent that exists on his face is transformed and it gains the wings of the flight that the Father gives to those that love Him and go to the end: it becomes a Son of the Dragon. This is the form that the Lord uses to give continuity to His voice and to the mission that He has for man. 34.19 The shadow of the Lord: a dragon. A shadow upon the earth, overloaded with death and butchery, where the Mother prays continually at the altar that is man and man's flesh and man's blood. An altar with the dimensions of the world. And on the altar, transformed into living torches, those that serve the Father and the Mother: the servants, the priests, the ones that know and see. And when the knife of sacrifice tumbles on the bodies, the Lord comes as a fiery column to collect 34.16

the soul and to give it life. And He also comes to sanctify death and to give His consent, since it would be bad for man if the Lord didn't purify that death and didn't take it for Himself. And when the Lord doesn't come, but rather hides His face and gets ahead, that one is condemned and his soul will be given to drink to the Lords of the Abyss. The Lord is a fiery column. His eyes are ruby-red diamonds. His face is resplendent. When He rests upon a world, a thousand servants come to welcome Him and to worship Him. Then the Lord dreams awake, and in His dream the world also rests. And the cycles stop and the spiral rests, and a thousand eras are added up in forgetfulness before the Lord wakes up and departs. When that happens, from each world a servant comes and stands before the Lord and before His dragon and he is taken before the Black Book, so that he knows the name of the things and his own name and the names of the Lord. And when he has seen all that, he is taken before the mirror that separates the Lord from His worlds, and he is told to pass the curtain of illusion and of hope. Those who go and fear neither darkness, nor death, nor silence, those pass the curtain and the Lord receives them in Himself and they will live in Him; but those others that in their purity still have the shadow of fear of the darkness of fear, those don't pass the curtain and are condemned to wander between reality and illusion. And the Lord casts His dragon upon them and they are devoured. 34.21 He who goes before the Lord must purify himself in His dragon first and in the mirror that reflects the darkness that exists in all living things, and in the fire that the Father and the Mother gave him in the beginning of the world, since the look of the Lord sees beyond the form and beyond the figure of form and beyond the life of form. And woe to the one that seeks the Lord in his dream and doesn't receive Him in his awakening, since the light only consents in itself and all the rest is dissociated from it. 34.20

35 And on the third day and by the third hour the angel blew the trumpet and desolation fell upon the earth. And pain and despair were great. So the darkness fell upon the world and the Lord withdrew from its face and He gave it to the Shadows so that they devoured it. And so they did for twelve moons. And, when their time finished, the earth was dead and man was enslaved, and all man's work had been thrown down. And the Lord considered that the trial had sufficed and He ordered the Shadows to withdraw from the visible, and they also did so. And the sun shone in the skies again and the seasons were resumed on earth. Thus the time of expiation was brought to completion and the cycle of the Lord was closed and opened.


36 The angel of the Lord came ahead of Him and his name is John, the anointed and the devoured. He came to give testimony of the truth and in order that every one who has faith doesn't get lost, but finds eternal life. The Lord has sent him as a sign of His, so that all the ones that might see him wouldn't get lost in the meshes of illusion. And he ordered him to write His Book, the Book of Life. And he wrote it.


This is my Book, says the Lord. My word and my path are in it, my fire is in it. And my fire goes unto you to devour you and to lead you back to my path, since you have been lost for a long time and you don't know it. My voice seeks you in the midst of the desert. And I put my flame on a hill, so that you may see it from very far away and don't get lost in your search, since it would be sad that he who seeks his Lord got lost becaused he sought Him. So I give you three signs of me, three paths to me: my word, my fire and my book. And I send you the one that is man's great comforter, because he is man and he is man's son. And to announce him, my prophet, he who writes the book of the new era.


You are my wheat field. In it I sow my seed: my word, so that it doesn't happen that you get lost in foreign hands, or you become useless, or my fire comes and devours you before the harvest time. You are my wheat field and in the midst of you is the one that will take care of you until I come to gather you. My word is in him and my word is your seed. In him is my eternity and my eternity is your time. Take care of him well, since by taking care of him you are taking care of yourselves. And if you don't take care of him, the seed will be lost and the field will be invaded by the weeds and I will cast my fire upon it and everything will be devoured. Take care of the seed and you will take care of the field. Watch over so that both the seed and the field grow and bear plentiful fruit, since the harvest is mine, but the benefit is yours. And if I am amidst of you today, to grant you eternity, tomorrow I will be amidst of others. Therefore , seize the opportunity of my love for you.


Every seed has its own time. A time to grow and a time to die. My seed is called John. In his lineage I have created a cereal field, on which I feed and others also feed. And I threw him upon earth, amidst of men, so that he sowed and he parted the good from the bad crop. Since my fire is sacred, and it is not convenient that there is loss. So I sent him to cast the word and, through the word and through those that listen to it, I sent him to set a sign on those that my fire will devour. This is his mission: to sow the word and to sow the fire, for his word is my restrained fire, it is my fire in Word. Sowing my word he sows my fire in the heart and in the minds of men and he makes them receptive to me. Since by the time I come unto them, my word will have purified them and prepared them for me. Only this way will my fire give them life, only this way will my fire bring them back to me. This is why I send you John and, through him, my word, since unless you follow him and the word that I give you, you will not be allowed to follow me. If you want to come unto me, follow him first, and follow his book, for flesh is weak and the fire must feed it before it becomes spirit.


On the path of eternity I hold a fire wand. That wand is called John. I hold one of its ends and the Mother holds the other one and we place it between the sky and the earth, as a staircase. And by it, and through it, those who are ready come unto me and go unto the Mother. 36.6 He is a sign for you. A sign in your hearts and in your souls, since his flesh is like yours, and him you can love or hate, but not me nor Mother. We created him amidst of you, made of woman's and man's flesh. And you see him as one of you 36.5

and he is so, not being it. John is a white fire wand that my hand has hung on the path of eternity a long time ago. From chaos he receives the time and from me the voice. And when I want him amidst of you, I choose a virgin and a husband who have faith in me, and I point the wand at them, and they conceive. Thus John was born amidst of you, of my own will, to lead you unto me again. Thus he will be born a thousand times more, in a thousand worlds, since he doesn't exist but in me. A fire wand, this is John. And those that are born of him, are born in me, they are reborn for me. And I receive them and I give them life. Those will not die again.


My word I give to you. A consoler I will send to you in the last days. What more do you want from me? You had better take care of the word and keep vigil in order that it progresses. And to everyone who wants to deceive you by speaking ill of the word, do leave him aside and go ahead, since it is written that the word of the Lord will generate hatred and suffering, and it will not be understood. Do become pure in your heart, otherwise you will not understand the word and, if you don't understand it, how can you be worthy of me?


John is my word made flesh. I have cast it amidst of you as a challenge to your intelligence and to your courage, since I only love those that make John a springboard to go to the end. 36.10 Do love John, but do love me a thousand times more, for I am the beginning and the ending of your flights and, if you neither love me nor understand me, how will you love my word and understand my messenger? First , you have to want me: the loving of the word will come afterwards. 36.11 I want you so: thirsty of me, thirsty of my fire, thirsty of my word. Since what is your hunger and your thirst, but the premonition of what I am and of what you are and of what life is? Do love John and he will lead you unto me. 36.9

You fear darkness and the days that will come. But I tell you: you should rather fear your ignorance and your agreement to the days that you live now, for these are neither better nor worse than the others that will come. In my heart there is no distance between light and darkness. I take them in my right and left hand, and I mold them in a body of clay and blood that I call man. This is what you are: half darkness and half light. Therefore, why do you fear the days that will come? If you must fear something, it is your unconsciousness of what you are. Not the darkness, which is no more than my consent; or the light, which is no more than my heart unveiled before you. Do fear me then, since from me everything starts and to me everything returns, and I am the genesis of the darkness and the genesis of the light. And I create and I destroy. And there is neither secret nor cave that I do not penetrate, much less your heart!


You say that you love me, but your love is uncertain. You believe that you want me, but some times you want me, some other times you want me no longer. What is your love and your desire for me, then, but darkness and some light? Darkness where a tenuous flame shines. But take care, since the Lords of Darkness spy on your steps and they set traps into your walking and it can happen that,


believing you have found me, it is them that you have found and believing you are mine, you belong to them. Mind what you do and dare, since the flame is still tenuous and you all can get lost. Therefore do follow the Book attentively, being sure you are following me, and observe its precepts every hour that passes, since I am watching and waiting. 37 The Lord is a warrior at fight. His fight is called ascension of life, ascension of conscience. He fights to transform clay into flesh, flesh into blood and blood into spirit. The creatures are the fruits of that fight. Clay and flesh and blood and spirit. 37.2 The Lord has recalled them from the bosom of the earth (which is the door of chaos) and He has blown the breath of spirit on them. That breath is fire. The Lord has given them life and the creatures follow Him up the mountain, in the scaling of the great mountain of the world. Some of them follow Him with confidence and courage, others in fear and cowardice. The Lord takes them both and welcomes them; the former with His right hand, the latter with His left hand. 37.1

The great mountain of the world has the dimensions of the infinite. It begins in chaos and it finishes in eternity. And between chaos and eternity, like a bridge, the Lord is, and He is, at the same time, creator and creature, matter and transcendence of matter, light and darkness. 37.4 He is in between, so that the creatures may go from one end to the other, without getting lost. He is the guide and the lighthouse in the dark night. He is also the One that opens and closes the cycles of manifestation. 37.5 And man looks at Him and sees an immense light that spreads over everything. Or a fiery column that breaks through the world from pole to pole. Or a Being that is the sum of all things. 37.6 Creator and creature: the two ends that touch each other. Therefore, the Lord sets His hand above man, to protect him and to guide him on the path. And man casts his eyes on the ideal that the divine is, in the attempt to get closer to the source. 37.7 Two things in one only, since there is no separation between the Lord and His children, as there is no separation between the fire that blazes in the mountain and the fire that has spread across the plain. 37.8 The fire of the Lord is the essence of which all the others are the immanence. And man, that brings it inside, looks at himself and recognizes himself in immensity. 37.9 That is the seed that God sows in the creature's bosom and it is for it that He fights and that He will always fight. Since unless the Lord and Man are victorious in the fight, creation will be lost in chaos and the flame will be taken and inverted by the Lords of Darkness. 37.3

A small flame, this is the seed. And, to protect it, everything has been done. For the part of the Lord and for the part of Man, since there is only one irreparable loss: the loss of the flame in man. This is why the Lord only takes rest when He raises man up to Him and He makes him climb the mountain of the world and He gives him the keys of His divine ministry, up there in the temple that is His


essence. From then on, both united in conscience and reason, man becomes one of the weapons of the Lord: Sword or Chalice or Book or Wand: or all of this, which is the Grail. A priest of the Almighty or a warrior of His or a servant of His, he is, definitively, His Will or His Word or His Fight. The Lord is a fearless warrior. With His bare hands, He faces the enemy. That enemy is called cowardice and unconsciousness: the two weapons of chaos. 37.12 And each day that passes chaos grows in man's heart and around him, for man sows chaos as he sows light, in the same unconsciousness of everything. 37.13 The Lord, always observant, is just waiting for a sign of man. Then, when man understands what he is and grows over destruction, the Lord appears to him in the totality and He illuminates him and chaos is defeated and destruction retreats. 37.14 But few are the men that transcend the inverse force and that place themselves by the Lord's side. 37.15 This is why the darkness seals the end of the worlds with the flesh transformed into clay, since man loves, but he doesn't understand the light and the Lord is just an ideal in him. 37.11

In each cycle the Lord gathers His servants and His warriors and His priests and He sends them to the world with a single mission: to guide and to lead man in his escalade of the sacred mountain. 37.17 And His messengers are born amidst the men, made of flesh and blood. And some accomplish their mission and others forget it, because the Lords of Darkness set them traps of impossible ideals and other chimeras. 37.18 And the Lord, that everything watches and sees, moves His eyes away and He lets them go, since the Lord loves but that one that is only one with Him and that in Him has his truth, his aim and his law. And only this one can be saved. 37.16

This is why it is written that in the last days there will be false prophets and that they will be followed by many and those will be lost. And there will also be good prophets, that will neither make prodigies nor weave illusions, but they will sow serenity and indulgence in man's heart instead. And these will have few followers, since only one part in nine will be saved and will see the Lord face to face. 37.20 To fight beside the Lord, this is the supreme spiritual perfection. To celebrate His Eucharist, opening the doors of the new cycle, this is the great priesthood. To humbly serve in His temple (that is the world) and to be attentive to His call, this is the only reality. To explore His paths and to sow His seed in untilled fields, uniting men in a fire and blood link, this is the great prophecy. 37.21 This is what the Lord grants to those who serve Him in rectitude, in justice and in love. And having all this as his own, what more will man want? 37.19

The Lord has cast His appeal and many have come in haste to serve Him. This appeal has name of book and life is in it and in life the word is and in the word the Lord is. 37.23 Many have came to the appeal of the Lord, many others will still come. And from the skies and from the earth those that will fight the last battle of this cycle 37.22

will come. These come together in the extremity of the earth, by the shores of the endless sea. 37.24 There, on the sacred mountain, they will all come together and they will form only one spirit. And that spirit will go before the Lord as a man and the Lord will take him for Himself and He will enter his flesh and He will make him His living temple and in him He will inhabit until the battle finishes. 37.25 Thus the Lord will fight by the side of man, holding man with Him. And all will see the great marvel: of there existing a man that is the living Lord. This will happen in the last days and then everything will be renewed. 38 In the bowels of the world an occult cavern exists: it is there that the Lady sleeps. By the door of the cavern, guarding it, just a fiery serpent. Invisible for the one who looks with the eyes of flesh, it becomes alive for the one who goes there by means of the spirit. 38.2 That one, if he is worthy, will be allowed go to the Mother's altar and pray for the salvation of the world and of the beings that inhabit it. And if he is worthier still, the Lady might appear to him in dreams or, as a shadow, close to the altar in the shady cavern. 38.3 Then She will tell him the steps to take so that from neophyte he becomes disciple and from servant he becomes a master and from asleep he ascends to awaked. Since the Lady's path is equal to that of the Serpent that will transform itself into Dragon, and that path She teaches to the ones She loves and upon whom She has intents. 38.1

In that cavern everything is a symbol that the neophyte will have to penetrate. 38.5 Beginning with the door that is made of stone but that doesn't exist or is just shadow or veil. And with the serpent that, sleeping is awake, forming on the ground of the threshold the lines with which the world has been created and exists. And with the long corridor, black and cold, that goes from the entrance to the Occult Chamber; corridor that is either big or small according to the one that goes there and to the objective that brings him there. And, near the central chamber, the well that runs into nothing or, for the one who passes it, the grave that waits and that gives either death or life. And he alone who has overcome the latter will then see the veil that veils the last mystery draw back: the mystery of the Mother that sleeps and watches at the same time. And still the inner chamber, where the Lady goes in each cycle, in order to open and close it. Chamber where there burn, on an black stone altar, the flames that are eternity and moment and where, for the one that has reached the vision of the Lady and has disclosed its veil, which is the one of truth and illusion, the sacrifice on the altar awaits. Since he will die in the Mother to be born in Her children. 38.4

All this exists and is present in the most occult cavern of the world. Understand it if you will, and keep silent.


Brief is the destiny of those that the Lady takes from the shadows and that She kisses on the forehead, in order to bring them to reality and to whom she


reveals Her face, which is made of silver and light. Brief is the destiny of those that She loves and that She wants for Herself, since in those She sows a very cold and transparent light, almost of ice, that makes them unreal in their reality and immaterial in their materiality that is that one of the dream and of that which is not flesh but light. 38.9 That is the gift of the Lady to all those she loves. And they receive it and they become guardians of that cavern that neither is marked on the maps nor has a visible location. 38.10 Shadows of the shadows, with no echo but in the infinite. And the Lady welcomes them in Her breast and She lays Her veils upon their face and She makes them servants of Hers and She sends them amidst men, as signs of Hers. 38.11 And they take place on the altars of the men's temples and they are made symbols of their cults, some times vivifying the statues other times urging the prophets and the priests and all those that serve the gods, by serving the Lady. 38.12 Thus the Mother preserves Her union with men as well as among these also, since She loves them all equally and She wants them all for Herself. 38.8

Two ministries exist in the world: the one of the Father and the one of the Mother. Two ministries that are only one for the one that, having lived one of them until consummation, has unawaringly lived the one that is opposed to it in appearance. 38.14 Two paths that become united in man's heart: the one that comes from the womb (the Mother's) and the one that comes from the mind (the Father's). Two paths, but only one truth: the one of Humanity. 38.15 And man lives by accomplishing the Being: by procreating flesh bodies in alchemic marriage with the Lady and Her daughters, or by procreating soul and spirit bodies in deep relationship with the Lord. Until the moment when, being exhausted all the need of flesh and of spirit and being silenced the voices of doubt and of hope, each man assumes himself in the cross that was Christ's one. 38.13

On the sacred mountain (in the womb of which the Lady sleeps in Her occult cavern), close to its summit where there is, invisible but present, the temple of the Lord of the worlds, there he agonizes and sees he who is no longer flesh nor spirit only. Nailed to the symbol of the world, exact connection of the two powers that organize him and that make him live, he testifies the fundamental mystery. He sees and he knows, face to face. The Eternal he sees and he lives.


What does he show to the world? Three symbols that are Grail's image: the sacred mountain, the cross and he himself. Wounded where the spirit flows, his blood spills out right to the chalice that is the Mother's very womb. Thus he fecundates the earth and he joins her, procreating the renewal of the eras and revitalizing the beings. Thus he reaches eternity and he joins, forever, Those that gave him the Being, assuming himself as Son of both and accomplishing the last vertex of the triangle. This is the reason why Christ is always the same and different and all the eras have their Christ. It will always be so while there is man.


39 There are seven sacred nations. In each of them, an altar is raised in memory and praise of the Lord, so that His priests officiate according to the cycles of time and of men's needs. 39.2 On the altar the nations and the children of the nations that the Lord has chosen are sacrificed. And the illusions and vanities of the nations as well. Since the Lord only loves transparency and righteousness and those that serve Him in transparency and in righteousness. 39.3 Thus, on His altars He sacrifices whatever is minor or more human, until only light and the eternity of light remains. 39.1

The world is a temple of light and darkness. Light, when the Lord is present; darkness, when He is absent, or asleep. And when the Lord falls asleep, His shadow wakes up and takes the world for itself. And the world adores the shadow, believing it adores light and it dives in the shadow and it takes it for itself and penetrates the abyss and those that inhabit it. And in all this it believes to serve the Lord, since light blinds man and it doesn't let him see more than the shadow. 39.5 This is why the Lord only loves those that ascend to Him and that, because they love Him, let themselves be devoured by His light, until the shadow has no power on them. And only those can distinguish between the false light and the true light; the light, that gives life and its shadow, that gives death, or leads to it. 39.4

The Lord opens and closes the cycles. He opens them by seizing the light sword and cutting the curtain of the shadow that wraps the world. And the shadow is dismissed and the sun (which is the visible face of the Lord) shines upon man and upon his work. And He closes them by raising the chalice of sacrifice and receiving men's blood and of all living creatures in it. And the chalice is placed on the altar of the world, between the Sun and the Moon, and a dragon and a serpent remain there in order to protect it. And the Lord leaves from there so that the shadow may reign. And it is so until a new cycle is born of the mists of the memory of the Lord and He wants it and He commands it and He makes it.


Seven nations the Lord has elected as His altar amidst men. Seven nations that He goes through in each cycle. And the Lord goes before each of them and on it He prays and silences. 39.8 And the soul of that nation is raised upon itself and it goes before the Lord to receive from Him the seed of its generation. And the Lord lays it in its womb so that it procreates. 39.9 Thus the children of a nation are born and revive both in the flesh and in the spirit. And the Lord takes some of those and sets a sign upon their face. And those He takes for Himself, so that they serve Him, by serving the nation. 39.10 Those are the heroes and are those that remain in the memory of the people and are those others that serve the altar of the nation. Those are the chosen ones and over those the darkness has no power. 39.7

Seven nations the Lord has chosen. And each nation is a gift of the Lord and a face of His and an illusion that He throws at men's feet. Since there is one Lord


and one world. And between the Lord and His world there are those who serve Him, by serving His Work. And both things are only one for the one that knows and lives the Work, but they are not so for the one that neither lives It nor knows that the Work exists. 39.12 This is why the Lord confounds the weak ones in their illusions. And He gives death to those that seek Him in hatred and in disbelief and in fear. And He fulminates and blinds those who love the light little and whom the light doesn't love. All those the Lord keeps away from Himself, He casts them in the shadow of illusion and the darkness takes them. 39.13 And they will remain so while the love for the world is greater than the love for The One that created the world, and the love for the Work hinders the vision of the Spirit of the Work. When the Lord rises upon the world to open and close the cycles of creation, the seven nations are with Him. 39.15 Before the altar, the Lord raises the sword, or the chalice and the souls of the nations kneel down. The souls of the nations are His messengers, they are those that go before him, from world to world, to announce to men the beginning and the end of things. 39.16 And, when the nations are accomplished, the Lord takes them and receives them in Himself and they inhabit Him. Thus the Lord holds seven stones of rare brightness upon His chest: they are the stones of the nations and they are the jewels of His crown. 39.14

Thus the nations are in the Lord and the Lord brings them with Himself, as a sign and a blessing. And when the Lord leaves the face of reality and closes the great cycles and gives the worlds back to chaos, His nations are present and they know neither night nor dissolution, but they keep vigil and they pray with Him, until everything is resumed.


Seven nations inhabit in the Lord. Seven great spirits are before His throne. They are the Dragons, they are the Serpents, they are the Masters. 39.19 And the Lord raises His face and it shines upon the worlds, white of so much light. And the seven Dragons place themselves beside the Lord, around him, and they take that light for themselves and transform it into seven rays that are seven powers and seven colours, and the world takes place. 39.20 These are the ones that keep the Grail. They are those that hold the symbols. 39.18

A throne and a Lord, this is the whole truth. And upon His body an immense map that reproduces and is the seven sacred planets and the seven fire Dragons that keep and are the seven entrances of the world. They are the doors of the Lord and on each door a jewel shines out, unique in its shine. These are also the seven souls of the nations, those that the Lord loves and wants.


And the Lord rises, immense and majestic, and the seven Dragons rise with Him around and form a fire wall. And the wall takes the appearance of an egg and it closes upon itself and the Lord prays in its exact centre and silently waits.


Seven Dragons and a Lord of the Dragons. Seven light rays and a Lord of the light. Seven nations and a Lord of the world. All is reality and illusion. 39.24 The Lord is the supreme master. He creates and recreates continually. In His raised hands the chalice of the last supper is ready. The Masters reverence and wait. Then in the bowelses of the Lord, a sound grows. At first a whisper, then a scream is heard: it is the Word that sounds. The worlds tremble. The fiery egg splits. The seven Masters kneel down and shake. The sound sounds with no pause. It crosses the worlds, touches everything, penetrates everything. Suddenly it remains silent. 39.25 The Masters rise and they leave to accomplish the Demand. The Lord remains motionless and undisturbed. He looks and sees. Suspended amidst the worlds, He raises a chalice. Somewhere beyond reality something answers Him. The chalice becomes full, drop by drop. 39.23

40 In the centre of the world, the Mother is seating in Her throne of gold and ivory. Around Her, marking the four directions of space, four Lords reverence Her. At the Mother's feet, a cup waits: the cup is the Lady.


The Mother is the blood of the earth: blood that the cup keeps. When the cycles begin, the cup is raised and Lady is reborn of the ashes and she procreates the world and the beings that inhabit it. When the cycles are over, the cup is raised again and it receives the Lady and all those that She procreated, not in flesh but in spirit. And the spirit of the earth stays deposited in the cup. 40.3 Then the four Lords seal up the cup and deposit it in the empty throne. And then they retire, each one in his grotto, in the four entrances of the centre of the world, and there they are until that new cycle calls them: when the Lord, from the high of the firmament, makes the trumpet of the creation sound and the Word resounds opening the curtain of the shadows. Such is the rite of the four Lords. 40.2

They look after the world and after the Lady. Amongst themselves, they are the basis and foundation of all things. Four Lords that are one only when they join to open the Door of the Cycles. 40.5 Then they place themselves on the cross and each one on its bars and, calling its force to themselves, they transform themselves into it. Each force flows to the centre of the cross and revitalizes the meeting place. And the four forces unite as if they formed a whirl amongst themselves and they turn on an empty axis and, of that ascending and descending movement, a one-thousand petals rose is born, the golden rose that is Christ reborn. 40.4

This the four Lords do, for the world's sake and for obedience to the Word's sake. And the Lady wakes up of Her cyclical sleep and she sits in Her throne of gold and ivory and she drinks the blood of the cup and she procreates the children of the earth. And the Lord sees all this and He Keeps silent.



Then the rose shines by itself, with the splendor of a thousand suns together

and the Lady takes it in Her hands and She raises it to the Father, in the firmament, and He blesses it and He grants it the gift of the perpetuation of life. 40.8 And in order to keep it from men's vain greed and from the demons that want to imprison it in the abyss, He names twelve Lords of Light and He gives them its custody as mission. And the twelve take place around it, in the centre of the world and also in the infinite; in the centre of the world so that they protect the rose of blood and in the infinite so that they protect the rose of light And they duplicate themselves into two: one that has seat in the Father's temple and another that has seat in the Mother's. 40.9 It is from these ones that the prophets and the masters start and all those who do their work amidst men and the nations, since the rose of blood and the rose of light must be continually fed: the first with the flesh and the sacrifice of the flesh and second with the soul and the sacrifice of the soul. And thus there are two temples of Rose-Cross and two Orders that are one only. The twelve are Christ and Christ is the rose. And when the rose opens its fiery petals, Christ opens His eyes and is born among men and men are amazed; and there are those that receive Him and there are those that deny Him. And this has to be so, to accomplish the prophecies and to give continuity to things. 40.11 And accomplished the cycle of the rose, that is also the Christ's cycle, the rose closes in itself and Christ dies in the centre of the cross of the world. His blood flows on the face of the earth and the earth receives it and it feeds on it. 40.12 In the centre of the earth, unknown but alive, the Lady raises the cup, that is Her womb, and She collects the spirit of the blood and She also feeds on it. 40.10

Then the four Lords abandon the four caverns that there are in the extremities of the world and they seal up the doors that give access to the centre and, gone before the Lady, they pray for Her and for the fruit of Her womb and for the one that died in the centre of the cross. 40.14 The twelve Lords of Light go before the Lady as well and they reverence Her and they form a fiery link around Her. And the Lady collects Herself and She closes up in Her centre and She dreams and She creates the future, while around Her everything is disposed for silence and for gestation. 40.15 In the throne of gold and ivory, the Lady's shape fades away and in some way She hides behind veils. Thus She remains by Herself and She releases Herself from everything else that exists, until the moment when, slowly, in Her womb a light starts to shine and, little by little, starting from there it illuminates Her. Then the Lady tears Her veils and She discloses Herself again to those that serve Her. 40.16 In Her stretched hands, a naked child smiles. That child carries the symbols of the world and of the spirit: in one hand, the globe crowned by the cross; in the other, the real sceptre. On its head, it shows the World emperor's triple crown. 40.13

Then the Four go before the Lady and they bow for three times. And the Twelve break the fiery circle and they also go before Her and they bow by their turn. And the Four Doors are open and through them all enter those that serve the Mother and Her Work. 40.18 First, those that come in representation of the Seven Sacred Nations and that are the Seven Lords before The Almighty's throne; then, the Nine Lords, that are 40.17

those that command the destiny of all beings; next, the Seventy Two, that are those that govern the world and, finally, the countless disciples and servants that, amidst men, work in the Great Work. 40.19 Thus it is carried out, in the beginning of each great cycle of humanity, the rite that celebrates the rebirth of The Infant King. 40.20 And the Infant, who is the synthesis of the three worlds and of the three powers that there are both in the high and in the low world, is adored and glorified for one more cycle. 40.21 On the rose of one thousand petals he takes seat, as if on a diaphanous and transparent throne. At his feet all the ones that serve him sit down: the Four Lords, that govern the stability and the cohesion of the world; the Seven that are the nations and the Father's will in them; the Nine that are the destiny and the law; the Twelve that are the messengers and the given message; and the Seventy Two that are those that guide and serve at the same time. 40.22 Four circles they form around the Infant. And the Infant raises up his eyes unto them and they know and they leave to accomplish what they are. Thus the Infant perpetuates the World, the Word and the Work, not by doing, but by being. 40.23 With immense and transparent eyes, almost white of so much light, he sees and he knows everything. Nothing amazes or disturbs him. In his form and being, he is the point of convergence of all things, the synthesis of all beings and the living bridge that unites them to eternity. 40.24 To go before him and to look at him is all that can be yearned for by the one who believes. As for the rest it would already be too much. 41 On the sacred promontory, a sleeping serpent keeps vigil. Having been left there by the one that fancied Portugal, it will remain there as long as the white dressed knight doesn't come to wake it up. 41.2 He will come from the verge of the Occident riding on a horse of light and, having arrived there, he will aim his silver lance at the head of the serpent and he will ram it down its centre, like a phallus down the earth. 41.3 Then the serpent will wake up, the circle will be broken and the light will take the lance for itself and it will manifest itself in it. 41.4 But woe to the one that touches the lance, which will also be the light, without being worthy. The serpent will devour him and his ashes will be thrown to the wind, so that he will not be born again. 41.5 The serpent has been sleeping for a thousand eras. Cycles upon cycles have been there and have left and, falling upon the serpent, they have crumbled in eternity. For the sleeping serpent is image and symbol of God and there is no time in Him. 41.6 Chaos or Truth, that is the serpent. The rest belongs to man and is fancy of his. 41.7 That which comes to the serpent is devoured and reconducted in its essence. This is what it gives to the one that is not equal to it. And even being so, it still gives it to him. And if it gives conscience, it only gives it to the one that has it already. And giving death, it gives it because death has come without being perceived and the body is alive, but the soul has left. 41.8 Thus it seals up what the destiny has accomplished. Death or life, it is all the 41.1

same to it. A god fancied it and made it issue from chaos. And the serpent, performing what it was before being, immediately assumed the form of the circle. 41.10 Then, the same god made it up into an arrow that he hardened in the fire of the spirit. And he shot it heading for the infinite. And it went across the world, transformed into comet and sun of that nameless god. And on this land it fell, by the sea, and here it remained dreaming. And it became ancient goddess, maiden and soul of nation, when there was not still a nation. 41.11 Here, the same god saw it and recognized it. And he himself gave it the mission of watching and protecting the land that saw it be born. 41.12 For that very reason that land was called (and it is still called) land of serpents. And it will always be so, as long as the white knight doesn't come from the land of death, just like Orpheus that rescued Eurydice, to interrupt its dream and to transform the fire of chaos into the sign of a new cycle. 41.9

Then the serpent will protect the lance that will be of igneous fire and it will protect those that have come to set a temple there, a temple where the god's lance will be worshipped and he himself, although invisible and, around all this, a new brotherhood will come into the world, that will have as symbols the lance and the serpent. The lance, for being a sign of God and the serpent, for being a sign of the Goddess, the one that is always occult. And those will be known as those that watch the door of the sea and that serve the serpent.


42 A fiery dragon: this is the Work to accomplish. Dragon that sleeps in man's heart, if he is a warrior and a saint. 42.2 Thus man is both the Work and the accomplishment of the Work. And through man it is the world that is accomplished. But beforehand, it is necessary to accomplish man. And after man is accomplished the Work is complete. But if man does not accomplish himself how will everything else be accomplished? 42.3 Everything starts from man and everything returns to him, this is the question. And nothing will be done, even by the gods, that doesn't have man's seal, since the Lord gave him, in the beginning of the world, the power and command of all creatures. And man took it by giving them a name. Thus he assumed himself as creator and creature, beginning and end of accomplishment. For that reason he carries the seed with himself, the flame of the Lord, so that he accomplishes the world and accomplishes himself. And as long as man doesn't do it, the gods will have to wait. 42.1

The Word of the Lord: this is the dragon. Word that is seed of redemption and fire that purifies. And the Lord casts His Word through the mouth of the prophets and of the servants and of the priests and He sends them to sow the earth and men's heart. 42.5 And they go from land to land, insane and visionary, to do the sowing, since there cannot be harvest if the earth is not sowed and the Lord cannot come, to clean the earth and to separate the tares from the wheat, as long as the seed has not been all thrown to the ground. 42.4

Thus, the prophets and all the ones that serve the Lord are His seed and His manure and the waters that purify. 42.7 Accomplish me and you will accomplish the Work: says the Lord. And how will you accomplish me if you don't accomplish my Word, my seed? If you don't accomplish the fire that sleeps in you, occult and unknown? So, first of all do accomplish all that you are, so that I also accomplish myself. 42.8 Do feed the flame, by giving it all: vanities or ideals, it is all the same. It feeds on you and you feed on it: that is what matters. Therefore, give it everything: what you are and what you believe to be. Since if you are, the being is still small, and if you are not, all the more reason for you not to be it. Give it everything and it will give you back my flame, no longer a candle but a bonfire. And only this way you will be allowed to pass from your condition of not being to the condition of your being my children and my beloved ones. 42.9 For how can I love you if I do not love you in the fire, if I do not love you in the revelation? First you have to love the fire that consumes you, that purifies you, and only afterwards to love me. Since, if you don't love my fire, how can you come unto to me, I who am fire and living fire? Do you believe that you will come unto me by means of the flesh and by means of the law of the flesh? You will only come unto me by means of the spirit and of the law of the spirit. 42.10 It is in the state of spirit that I want you in me, not of flesh. Spirit that resembles what I am, since if you are not equal to my fire, how can I take you from the shadows and have you with me? First do love the fire and the redemption of the fire. First do love the fire that consumes the flesh, that makes you spirit and blood of the spirit. Then you can love me and come unto me, and I will receive you and you will die no more, since there is no death in me, but eternity. 42.6

My Word is in my prophets. Love my prophets and it will be me that you will love. For how can he, who doesn't love his lord's servant, be worthy of loving his Lord? Do love the prophets and the word of the prophets, since the prophet doesn't exist for himself, but to serve the Word. So, I am the prophets that I send among you, in order to lead you back unto me. And the word that there is in them proceeds from me. So, I call you to unto me, through them, and I measure you and your faith with the measure that you use with them and with the faith that you have in them and in what is said to you. Do take care of them then, as if you took care of your most precious goods, for I am with them and only by loving what they are will you be able to love me. 42.12 A bridge I have cast between me and you: that bridge is called Word and it is called prophecy. Do love the word and do love the prophecy and do love also the one that gives you the word, since there is no word without prophet and there are no prophets without me. I am in the prophet and he is in me. 42.11

Redemption is in the word and by means of the word you will come unto me. A fiery path is the word that I send you. A path of redemption and sacrifice, where only the best of you will reach the end. And, in order to crown and celebrate them, the last sacrifice. This way I distinguish you, one from another: by means of the word and by means of sacrifice.


You believe that you love me because you worship me, but I tell you that you will only love me when, for my sake, you accomplish yourselves in my fire. And how will you accomplish yourselves in it if it isn't through death and through the denial of what you believe to be? You are flesh and putrefaction of the flesh and, in its centre, my spirit burns. You are chaos and confusion of the chaos and, amidst of it, my spirit keeps vigil. 42.15 You believe that you love me because you idolize me, but you will only love me when you look at me face to face and my fire consumes you, since my fire consumes those that are worthy of me. 42.16 Take care so that you are not deceived by what you believe to be your love for me and is only misconception of me, confusion of me. My love is crystalline, not that mire that you bring in your soul, whenever you worship what you believe to be mine but of mine it only has the negation. I am neither statue, nor idol, nor stone temple: I Am fire and spirit. 42.17 Kneel down, because my spirit flies above you and my time is close: the time of the fire that will lead you to me. Kneel down on the earth, for it is sacred to you. And if you want to have a temple for me, do have it on the whole earth, since I do love the clay as I do love the spirit of the clay. And out of the clay I have made you. 42.14

What is flesh, but a kind of clay mixed with blood? Clay where the spirit blows. And if I want that clay to become a temple of mine, living temple, what do you have to do with that? 42.19 Accomplish my will and you will accomplish my Work for you, you will accomplish a living temple and I will inhabit it and no power will have power there, since there is only one Lord and one Law and one Will. And that I am. 42.18

43 In the beginning there was chaos. And chaos remained alone and indiscriminate. It remained, and only it existed. It had no time, but reality. Time passed and chaos remained. It is the genesis of matter. It is the genesis of everything that is receptive, of everything that conceives. 43.2 Then, coming from the depth of reality, light came forth. And light joined chaos and procreated the beings: first the beings' images, each being's symbol, its mould and only later the very beings; first the dream, made of reality and transcendence of reality and only afterwards the shaping of the dream, made of appearance and immanence of appearance; first God, then man and all the others that exist. 43.1

In the beginning, beyond time and space and all apparent reality, or that can be seen, only chaos, only the genesis of receptive matter. And, coming from the depth of reality, beyond the veil of illusion, the light, the fiery breath that, penetrating matter, made it beget children. 43.4 And light joined chaos and gave rise to space and to the beings and to whatever populates the universe, be it visible or invisible. 43.5 Thus were born the first beings that, growing upon their reality and going beyond the form, became gods and were worshipped by those that came later. 43.6 From here those that made the hierarchies departed as well as those that 43.3

sowed the cosmos according to the purposes of the first two, of those that were Father and Mother of all beings and of all things that existed, exist or will exist. In the beginning only the possibility, only the diffuse and receptive being; then the mixing in the light, the metamorphosis, the synthesis of the opposites to form the beings' reality, the light mixed with the darkness, the chaos united to the undivided spirit. 43.8 Two spirits joined themselves to form everything. Two principles opposed and convergent. Behind them there is nothing that exists: neither men, nor shadows, nor gods. 43.9 They have not been created and from themselves they pre-exist to all creation or change. They are the matter and they are the light; they are time and eternity. They contain everything, they are everything. Nothing is out of them or absent. Thus the things have been born out of them and for them they have existed. 43.7

Matter and light: this is everything. And in each being the same truth: a flesh body, in which a flame burns. The flame is light, the flesh is chaos. And, connecting both principles, blood, which is part of one and of the other and that unites them, that runs like the rivers run on and under the surface. 43.11 Life is double and double is its face, having the Lady on one side and the Father on the other, in order to support the beings and to help them in the accomplishment of the Work, since this is the destiny of all things and only in its accomplishment there will be accomplishment for each being. 43.12 Thus the Father has wanted it and the Mother has assumed it as Her task, and all those that follow Them have assumed it also. And so has been said to all those that listen to them, since in fact there are only two things that are only one: Chaos, that is the Mother, and Light, that is the Father. And each being and each thing is no more than a part of His and reality of His. And there where each being thinks to accomplish his own thing, he truly accomplishes The One that has created him. 43.13 Since accomplishment doesn't belong to the form, but to the essence of the form, just like truth doesn't belong to the world, but it has created the world. And the world exists and has form of the own will of those that have wanted it. 43.10

Everything comes from the one , that is two in only one. Thus reality generated itself and we live it without noticing it. And it has generated the countless beings and universes which they inhabit and in which they have their accomplishment. And it has generated every idea of being and of thing. And of word which names and of verb which accomplishes. And still of dream that creates that which was never created nor imagined to be possible. 43.15 Thus life is born from chaos and it feeds on it and it propagates in the beings and, through the beings, in the things. This is the snake that bites the tail, this is the infinite that reason neither penetrates nor understands. 43.16 And, nevertheless, the being will have to submit to that which is greater than itself and to obey the voice of the spirit, whether this comes from the earth or from the sky, from the flesh or from the light, that is also fire. Since there is no truth or reality that does not lay upon that: matter and light, ice and fire. 43.14

Only in submission does the door of accomplishment open up for the being. And the being penetrates in the sphere of truth and it understands, without understanding and it accomplishes, not accomplishing and it is the one that it has always been. 43.18 Such is the alchemy that the masters love and accomplish. Such is the Father's and the Mother's promise for all Their children. That in the greatest accomplishment another accomplishment there is: the one of all those who obey. 43.19 The opposites came together and generated the many, that are the children of the accomplishment. And in all of them a flame was set, both as a sign and as a test. A sign so that they are not touched by those of the Shadow and a test so that the being may ascend heading for the ones that dreamed it and gave it life. 43.20 And flesh bodies were created in each sphere that existed empty in space. And those that had begun first had that on their hands: to sow life and to look after the form. And the worlds were populated, one by one, according to the will of the one that has generated everything. 43.17

44 Everything starts up from the Father and everything returns to Him. As a snake wound round itself, so is the hymn of creation. 44.2 The Father, leading the way of form, creates the beings and all the opposites. Then, at the other extremity of the spiral, He welcomes and receives those that have gone to the end. 44.3 The serpent is His sign that will change, in the heart of those who love Him and serve Him, into fiery dragon, into winged dragon. 44.4 And man raises his arms to Him and these become wings. Wings where fire burns, like a torch of a thousand petals. 44.5 This way man goes before his Lord, as a son of the dragon and in His court of a thousand angels he takes his place. 44.1

The shadow is not the opposite of light, but its denial. And the one that loves the shadow is not lost for the light, but he is lost by the light, since only those of the same kind attract each other and the Lord chooses only those that, having gone to the end of the path, defeated the shadow and the destruction of the shadow and denied it for the light's sake. 44.7 Thus the Father's plan is fulfiled in them, being achieved through them and through their works, which are of expiation and man's redemption. 44.8 Since man is like a bridge between the shadow and the light, that will have to choose his path by accomplishing the synthesis of the opposites, or to tame his fire and to put it to the service of life. 44.6

A light column, this is the Lord, that blazes upon the highest mountain in the world, as a sign. 44.10 Since the Lord has sent His servants and His priests and all those that love Him to the world. And they mixed amidst men and some got lost and others found themselves. And some became slaves of men and of pain and of men's lust and others became idols and gods of the idols. Thus the same seed bore varied fruits. And the Lord saw His children's sadness and He sympathized with them. 44.11 Then He chose for His temple the highest mountain in the world, the one 44.9

that overlooks all nations and that is beyond them, and there He placed Himself as a living sign, so that all those that come to the world and get lost in it, may find Him in the world. 44.12 Since that which is lost in the flesh, in the flesh must be found and that which is lost in God, in Him it will have to be found again, since the world and the flesh are the Father's illusion for His children and His redemption for them. An immense altar, this is the world. An altar with a single idol: the Lord, that it is not visible in statue or form, but in spirit and truth. 44.14 Thus the world was created, like an altar where every illusion would be sacrificed for His sake, He that is the origin and the end of whatever lives. And every creature is no more than sacrificed flesh, than pain sublimed there. For the sake not of the flesh, but of the fire that vivifies it; not of the pain, but of the redemption in pain; not of the sacrifice, but of the Lord of sacrifice. 44.15 Such is the truth that governs the altar and that governs the world. And every path to that altar leads. And it is there that all sanctity becomes splendour and submission to the supreme purpose. For there is only one altar and there is only one Lord of the altar. And every one that goes before the altar, will have to kneel down and to close the eyes of the flesh and to open those of the soul, to see the Lord and all His children in the light. Since only the vision of the Lord can save the soul and transmute the flesh into fire and make it spirit. 44.16 This is the Father's will for His children: that they become spirit, not by means of the denial of blood, but by means of the transformation of blood into light, since blood is the nourishment of the earth, and it is the nourishment of the altar and it must fill the cup that holds the seed of the future: or else the future cannot exist. 44.13

Spill the blood: says the Lord to His children. But spill it not for the sake of the shadow, but for my sake; not for the sake of the flesh and of the longings of the flesh, which are longings of the illusion of the world, but for the sake of the blood and of the light that exists in it. 44.18 Thus you will accomplish my will and you will realize the world, since the realized world is like an immense spirit, all light and fire, and, in that light and in that fire my law, as a sign. 44.19 So I want it, the world, as a sign. Do give it your blood then and I will give it light. But take care, so that there is neither vanity nor illusion of the world in the blood, or else your blood will generate monsters and darkness. 44.20 May your blood be the image of your spirit and not its denial, since only pure blood can lead unto me. And if it is spilled without my being in it, the shadows will come and will take it for themselves and the one that has spilled it will be taken by them and he will be lost. 44.17

45 A huge athanor: this is the world, in which it is prepared, at every instant, the great mutation: the one of the children of light. 45.2 And they ascend heading for the heights, transformed into living fire, up to the place where the Lord is waiting for them. And the Lord receives them in His cup, that is also the Grail, and in it He preserves them of all loss and profanation. 45.1

And once this is accomplished, He places them on His altar, that is the altar of the very world. 45.4 Thus the law is kept and the beings' mission is realized, then having started from the Father to Him they return. And having been created by the opposites, they accomplished their synthesis. 45.3

A huge dragon: this is the realized humanity that ascends continually, or rather, that realizes the living bridge of light that unites Father and Mother, She that receives and He that emits. 45.6 Thus the fire that the Lord cast upon chaos to realize the living matter returns to Him, transformed into light. And the Lord takes it and welcomes it in Himself. And this fire will never be lost. 45.5

In the beginning chaos was. And upon it the fire fell and the fire transformed it into matter, matter that lives. 45.8 This happened in the beginning, before the gods and the forces have organized themselves to generate the beings and the worlds. This happened when there was still no time, but eternity; nor space, but motionless centre; neither being nor thing, but merely sustaining and existing. And by existing all sufficed in itself. And by not existing it sufficed in itself likewise. 45.9 This happened in the beginning. And after this everything happened: the beings and the beings' generation, made similarly to the gods, which are their archetype and foundation. And all of the things, reproducing the same thing: law and mystery of the Lord. 45.10 So the world was made, genesis and matrix of all of the worlds that existed already or that will still exit. And the gods that man worships and doesn't understand were made also, since it is good that there is veneration in man and in all of the creatures, so that the beings rise in their natural condition and ascend to the Lord. 45.11 This is done for the highest sake and for the desire of the most sublime and for the elevation of the soul to that which is no longer soul but light. This is done by the Father's will that wanted it in the creatures and for them He conceived it and they accomplish it. And by wanting to ascend to the gods and to melt with them, they discover themselves united to the Father and melt with Him. 45.12 Such it is the fundamental true of the world and of the things of the world; such it is the true of the Lord that all of the creatures accomplish. 45.7

All of the worlds are only one. Upon that one the Father and the Mother are together, chaos and fire added up to each other. Since fire must transform chaos to generate the living matter and chaos must cool fire to generate light. 45.14 And what are the worlds but the copy of this world? Copy and generation, word or verb: the Lord's emission. And the worlds set out to accomplish the Law, carrying in their womb the same fire and the same chaos interwoven. Copies also of the very ones that have accomplished everything. 45.15 Thus each world has in itself the fundamental: she who conceives and he who accomplishes. She who receives the seed in her invisible athanor and he who is the received seed. 45.16 And the fire heats up the egg and this one is transformed and transforms the 45.13

seed. Then the beings with soul and destiny appear and humanity (that is the whole of all living things) populates the world and the world takes place. 45.17 And once realised the egg and the seed that it contains, the world is transformed into light and it returns to those who are the motionless centre of all things. It returns never having left, it retakes never having abandoned - it is what is has always been given to be. 45.18 And the beings, that are also all this, understand it and melt into one another and into the world, accomplishing the Unity the Will and the Law. For so he has determined it, he who is Father and Mother of all things. Upon the Absolute three worlds are established: amongst themselves they form the triangle of the Lord. Three spirits watch over the worlds. Austere and in silence they watch over the accomplishment of the Work. 45.20 Nothing happens that has no foundation on them, nothing takes place that has no destiny in them. Thus it is, it has been and it will always be, while the Lord wants it and determines it. 45.21 Since the Lord is the invisible face of which all things are the visible appearance. And when the beings want to accomplish things, they accomplish them by means of the Lord of the things and not by means of themselves; and when they want to be all that they must be, they are still so by the will of the Lord and not by the will of the creatures. 45.22 This is the Law and it is the will that accomplishes the Law and there is no thing or being that doesn't accomplish it, even when he believes he does not accomplish it. 45.19

The Lord has made it and conceived it. Thus the man was born from the Lord, like the flower is born from the seed sown on the ground. And for having been created by the Father he is only one with Him and in Him he fulfils himself, realising the Work. And this Work is everything: world and genesis of the worlds, flesh and genesis of the flesh, word and genesis of the word. 45.24 Thus the Lord has wanted it and man realises it. And by realising this, everything is done, since there is only one thing that are two and that are many. And it is in the accomplishment of the unity that everything will be resumed, so that there is neither illusion nor veils upon the gods and the abyss, rather the vision of the one and integral being, and in it each being recognises and resumes and melts himself. All this the Father wants and it is done. 45.23

Man must not love that which the Father has not foreordained for him. And if he has to deceive himself as far as flesh and the abyss are concerned, he must not cede his soul to the Lords of the shadows. 45.26 What is man with no soul? Aberration and life's denial! Way of destruction that leads where? Not even to chaos, since here the Lord has His hand and His law as well. Where may it lead to then? To the illusion of chaos, but not to chaos, since he who cedes his soul in exchange for the illusion of death, loses his soul and loses death. 45.27 Death is the illusion of the being that is alive and that wishes the annihilation of existing. But once death is grasped and the long corridor is passed, it is life that opens up for the one who dared. He who cedes his soul mustn't 45.25

believe that due to this he reaches immortal life or life's denial, but rather he will reach a being that is not so and a staying that is nothing at all. And in that neither being nor staying, he will stay and he will be by not being. Thus the illusion will be supreme mistress and it will grant nothing else. And what are shadows but man's illusion and veil that the Lord has cast upon those that love Him little? If they have life, they have it at man's expense, because man makes them sacrifice of his soul and he feeds them this way. And they grow by devouring the living ones and those that either don't love light or fear it. 45.29 That's why the Lord has set two angels keeping the doors of heaven. Fiery angels, protecting the fire. And amidst heaven, upon the altar, the Grail, the one where the blood of the martyrs and of the prophets and of the priests is and where the great soul of the world is. Treasure coveted by the shadow, since its possession would give it the ownership of the world and of the beings of the world. 45.30 But the Lord keeps watch with neither sleep nor illusion of the sleep. And His angels keep watch with Him. And the priests and the servants and all those that serve in the world and also keep watch in the temple of the world. 45.28

Brief is the reign of the shadow: an instant only and it passes. The Lord has wanted it, the Lord has determined it. Let neither man's understanding nor his heart be confused, since all that exists serves the law and serves the Lord of the law. And it serves it still when it seems to serve its opposite: the world and those that love the world. 45.32 An eclipse of light upon the world, this is the reign of the shadow. But the face of the Lord soon unveils itself and the sun shines and the shadow dissipates. And upon the face of the earth there is no shadow, since there is no flesh to impede the light. 45.33 Thus man will be transformed in the light and this one will also transform him. And by there existing not flesh but light, how will there be shadow or idea of the shadow? In this manner the shadow is not a thing in itself, but an illusion of man that light creates. And man believes as he believes in everything, deceived and confused. 45.34 But when the world is transformed into light due to the accomplishment of the Work, each man will also be transformed and then nothing will hide the light. But both heavens and earth will be only one under the look of the Lord and This One will take the earth for Himself and He will put it upon His heart, as nourishment of His and sign of His love. Since man is fore-ordained in the Father's love and only in that love will man and the man's world be realised and the Work will be made gold and red of alchemic fire and light that has no colour. 45.35 He who wants to accomplish the world must preferably accomplish the Work of the world, says the Lord. And he must accomplish the light and accomplish my fire. And feed it in each instant, since he who does so will ascend unto me as a very diffuse light and I will take it so that it doesn't get lost in the firmament and I will keep it for the future. And the future will be accomplished in him. 45.31

46 Above the world, distant and absolute, the Lord prays. What does He see? Vanity and illusion and greed, this is what He sees! And hidden and veiled a tiny flame, in some ones still lit, in other ones already extinguished. And amidst men, living among them, the shadows and the angels: the light and the darkness, so that man may choose. Since it would not be good that there was only light or there was darkness alone. 46.2 Thus the Lord consented to the darkness and He consented to the light. And for the darkness He created the shadows and for the light He created the angels. And the first and the latter He consented in His world, so that they made the work of their nature. 46.3 This has been done since man was created and set in the world for accomplishment of the Work. And it will be so, while the Work has not been consummated. 46.4 Only then the Lord will come down to His world and He will unite the opposites and He will join the shadow and the light in only one thing and angels and shadows will be accomplished in man and everything will be accomplished in the Lord. 46.1

The Work is an egg. The egg has three parts. In the centre the sun that is the Lord and His open hand. Then the light which is white and crystalline and has the eyes of the Lord on it. And finally the matter which is dark and hard, where the Lord has His altar and where the sacrifice is consummated. 46.6 In the three centres three classes of creatures. First the gods that are transparent and pure, as the light is. Then the angels and the priests and the servants, that are the word of the Lord and His eyes upon the world. And finally the shadows, that are pieces of darkness and pieces of light mixed and with the shadows the men and all of the creatures. 46.5

The Lord is like a supreme alchemist that having created the Work and the world that is the genesis of the Work, watches over its consummation now. Attentive to the world, from the infinite He keeps vigil and prays. 46.8 From cycle to cycle, He sends His dragon and His serpent. The serpent to fertilize the earth and the dragon to set it on fire. 46.9 And the serpent penetrates the cavern of the world like man penetrates the woman and it leaves its eggs on the altar of the earth: three eggs it leaves there. And then it falls asleep coiled up on itself and at the Mother's feet it keeps waiting. 46.10 And once this is done the dragon rises upon the earth, like a sun of destruction and its fiery breath falls upon men and upon the creatures, in order to set them on fire and to transform them into torches of the Father. 46.11 Then the whole earth is transformed into a ruby, fiery and transparent, in the centre of which a very soft and living fire burns. And the Mother, receiving that fire in herself, takes the three eggs of the serpent in her hands and she blows on them so that they open up. And they open up for Her and three beings are born this way. 46.12 The first is the colour of the fire and is red, the second is the colour of the milk and is white, the third is the colour of the abyss and is black. 46.7

Those are the children of the serpent and they are those who have in themselves the seed of the three worlds and of the three races that reign over the earth and over all things. 46.14 The dragon and the serpent, this is the hand of the Lord - and His sacred animals. For when the Lord rises upon the altar of the world and raises up the chalice of the blood that is also the Grail, His animals are with Him. The serpent under His feet, forming the spiral that is the accomplishment of the matter; the dragon over His head, forming the cross and the rose that is the accomplishment of the spirit. These are the sacred animals of the Lord, and they are His hands on His world and they are also the paths to Him. 46.15 For that reason man can choose the path of the flesh, if he transcends the flesh and the abyss of the flesh; or the spirit, if he transcends the spirit and the dream of the spirit. Since the Lord is beyond the flesh and the spirit also. And on the flesh He settles His feet that are the firmament of space and of time and on the spirit He lays His head that is the firmament of all the living things. 46.16 But the Lord accomplishes the Work and He is in the Work and He is not the Work, He is rather the breath that makes it live and exist. And He accomplishes the world and He loves the world and He is not the world, He is rather the fire that feeds it from its centre. Therefore it matters to love the world and to love the Work, but not to dwell on them. And to love and to accomplish the will of the Lord, that is the accomplishment of the spirit, but, not to dwell on it. Since the Lord is the Work and the transcendence of the Work, the spirit and the transcendence of the spirit. 46.17 And if we love the Work and we stop in it, we don't love the Lord. And if the spirit fulfils us, it doesn't fulfil its Lord to us. Thus, it matters to love the Work in order to accomplish the world, but it matters one thousand times more to love the Lord of the Work, in order to accomplish the Work in the Lord. Then what will become of the Work if there is no Lord and what will become of man if, once the world is accomplished, he is retained by the world? Do love the Work, says the Lord, but once this has been accomplished leave it for me, since only I can take it. 46.13

The world is the Work. Around the world, watching over it, the dragon keeps vigil and waits. In its centre, asleep, the serpent is where the Mother keeps vigil also. On the altar of the earth three eggs have been lying down for a long time. The Mother holds them on Her womb and She strokes them. From on high, on His throne that are the worlds and the suns of the worlds, the Lord watches and sees. Around the throne, forming endless circles, those that serve Him wait. 46.19 Then the Lord raises His left hand and in its centre an eye of light and fire opens up. The servants bow. The suns grow pale and lose their brightness. The worlds halt in their orbits. The dragon stops over the earth. The Mother interrupts Her gesture. 46.20 Then the Lord commands that the trumpet sounds, announcing the end of the cycle. And while space and time shake, the dragon releases its fire upon earth, consuming everything, devouring everything. 46.21 And there are those that are made of flesh and darkness and where fire was extinguished long ago and these ones are transformed into ashes. And there are those others where the flame still glows, almost spiritless, and those are 46.18

transformed into living torches and if they raise their eyes and have faith, they will be saved. And there are still the ones that are more flame than flesh, more light than darkness, and those receive the breath of the dragon as a blessing, and they become light and they ascend directly to the Father and to His throne and they take place among those that serve Him. 46.22 All this the breath of the dragon will do, when the time of the world and of the accomplishment of the world comes and the Lord wants it. And woe to him who does not understand it or sets his face against the dragon, that one will be transformed into ashes that the wind will scatter on earth, so that he will not be born again. But blessed will be the one who has faith in the Lord and who loves the world and accomplishes the Work, since the Lord will take him in His arms and will receive him in His breast. That one will live and he will be column of the temple of the Lord and he will see the Work and its accomplishment and he will understand everything. 47 The word of the Lord: this is the dragon. And if he prophet rises upon earth, the dragon rises with him and it goes wherever he goes, to bless or to curse, since the dragon serves the prophet and serves the word. And what is the prophet, but a word of the Lord? Word and fire of the word. Spirit and vision of the spirit. Thus the prophet fulfils himself in the word and fulfils himself in the Lord and the Lord fulfils Himself in him by accomplishing the Work which is the world.


The prophet is a seed of redemption. Seed that the Lord sows in the world when His day is near, since it is not good that man gets lost in his search. Thus the prophet comes to the world to announce the new era and to speak of the new alliance between the Father and His children and to indicate them the path of return. And the dragon comes with him, in order to work the miracle of the transformation of the word into fire and this one into spirit and also in order that those that disbelieve the Lord and His word may see for themselves that the Lord is present in the word and that the prophet is a sign of His. This is why the prophet blesses by fire and by fire he curses, since actually it is not a body of flesh that speaks, but a fiery spirit that lives.


The word of the Lord: this is the whole miracle that the prophet serves and that the dragon serves and every one that seeks the path of return also serves. For in truth there is no prophet but word; nor even word, but rather the Lord. And He coats Himself with the word and with the prophet just in order to come to man's discernment and in order that man sees Him as one of them. 47.4 Then man lets himself be seduced by the word and by the fire of the word and by the miracle that there is in it and the prophet sends him to the Lord. And when he arrives before the Almighty's throne and he looks at the Eternal face to face, he sees the prophet and the word and the fire. And he is consumed in that wisdom. 47.5 Since he that goes before the throne lives neither in the flesh nor in the blood any longer, but in the spirit. For that reason the Father unveils Himself before him, so that there is understanding and union. And so that there is fusion. 47.3

The prophet is a mask that the Lord lays on the dragon, since the sight of fire without mask would be fearful. Thus, he who seeks the Lord seeks Him first in the word and then in the servant of the word, only afterwards in the fire. Since three are the stages of the Great Work and of any work however minor it may be. Thus man accomplishes the Work in himself, by accomplishing its three stages; by loving the word and the genesis of the word and the spirit that both feeds it and creates it. And, by loving the word and its spirit, he loves also the one who created all that and that sent them as a sign of His. And the Work is accomplished.


And what is the dragon, but the spirit of the Lord, an ignited spirit? Born of the light that preceded light and of the chaos that is previous to chaos; born of that which is neither form, nor concept of the form, nor idea of it, and born yet. The worlds feed on it like the trees feed on the sky and on the earth, receiving and transforming the energies. 47.8 In the same way the dragon feeds them, both in the centre and in the periphery, by setting a fiery heart in the centre and a green mantle in the periphery. And by populating the world with creatures made both of that internal fire and of that green mantle. 47.9 And the creatures combine both fires, inside of themselves and around themselves and they keep the fire alive. Since some yield up their flesh and their desire of the flesh to it, and so they feed the heart of the world; others yield up their spirit and their desire and ideal of the spirit, and so they feed its green mantle. 47.10 Two alchemies, therefore, but only one thing actually, since there is only one dragon and there is only a fire and it is the fire that feeds everything. 47.7

The Son of Man: this is the Great Dragon, that the Lord has on His right and on His left, to defend and to serve Him in the revelation. On His right, with the appearance of man; on His left, with the appearance of woman. Two appearances for the supreme mask, for the supreme spirit. 47.12 And the Lord takes them by the hand, sometimes one sometimes the other, according to the beginning or the ending of the cycles. Thus He takes them in Himself, so that they embody His gestation and He casts them upon the worlds so that they give testimony of the Word. And they go at His command: the male dragon, to sow the seed of the word and of the fire and of the spirit; the female dragon, to sow the seed of the flesh and of the blood and of the desire. And the seeds get mixed in man's heart and in the heart of the worlds and they bear their fruit. 47.13 Thus the Lord accomplishes Himself and He accomplishes the Work of the worlds by means of the dragon that is the fire of His spirit. And when the Work is accomplished and the creation is consummated, He calls it to Himself and He feeds on it during His sleep that lasts for one more timeless cycle. 47.11

What will become of the world without fire? And what will become of the fire without the serpent? In everything there is mystery and the mystery is only one: of that which began by being chaos and was made light and this light was made flesh and blood and the latter was made fire in its turn and this one was


made spirit further. So everything started with the serpent and will end with the dragon. Serpent that gets wings in man's heart, that rises above the world and joins God, since the Work is always the same and the shift always goes from flesh to spirit, crossing the abyss of darkness, which are also the senses. 47.16 A flesh egg: this is the Man's Work, where the Father has placed the seed of light. A vase of matter: this is the Work of the Lord, where man has cast hopes and ideals, for accomplishment of the light. Thus man joins his Lord, in the same accomplishment and in the same quest. 47.17 Since what is man, but the future still to be accomplished? And what is the Lord, but the past already accomplished? Two parts that form a whole. And the dragon and the serpent unite those parts, forming the living bridge between flesh and spirit and assuming themselves as blood of the earth, that the sacred chalice receives continually, for the eras start and finish in the same point and only in the chalice, which is the will of the Lord, do they join. Such is the word and its accomplishment. 47.15

48 And on the third day and by the third hour the Lord visited His world. And with Him His angels went and all the ones that serve Him. Once arrived at the centre of the earth, they built a temple there that was a mountain of light and they signalized it according to the geometry and the laws that govern things. 48.2 And this temple had four doors and twelve windows. And to each door an angel was given, that is also a Lord of the Fire, so that he kept it. And to each window a servant was given, so that he kept it also. And they did so according to their particular forces and their mission. 48.3 And when all this was done, all those that served the Lord assembled and placed themselves in circles, some of them around the others, according to their category and light. And when all of the circles were complete and the Lord rested in the centre, imponderable and ethereal, a throne of light and stones was created. And on it the Lord took place and He set His dragon on His right side and His serpent on His left side and at His feet He set His sacred animals: the lamb, the eagle and the lion. 48.4 Then the doors of the temple were opened and the windows were opened likewise, and through them a very intense light came out, so that those that demanded the sacred land could find it. 48.1

Many were the ones that came to worship and to serve, and they all were received and participated in the nuptial banquet. And to each one it was given according to his merit and his truth and none of them was either despised or repelled. Thus the servants of the Lord increased in number and truth and that pleased a great deal. 48.6 There were also those that came to mock, and those were also received. But once taken before the throne, the Lord looked them in their eyes and confused them. And having come to mock, they were mocked at, and having come to sow confusion, they were confused. And those ones didn't participate in the nuptial banquet, on the contrary they were hurled to the limbo and in it they will stay until the times are over. 48.5

And others came that doubted and that used thought as criticism. Those too were received and taken before the throne. And having come before it, the Lord opened their hearts and their eyes and they saw the truth of revelation and they knew in their heart what was false and what was not. And those stayed for the nuptial banquet, they also became servants and they didn't doubt again. 48.8 Thus the Lord received the men and their messengers and to each one it was given according to his merit and none of them received more or less than what was fair. 48.7

And once this was done, the Lord had His temple sealed up and He gathered the servants around Him and they prayed together. And once the prayer was said and silence was kept, the Lord opened His arms and He invoked the forces of creation and those who are the constructive and destructive gods and they came before Him and together they closed the cycle. And in the very temple there only remained the sacred animals, the dragon, the serpent and a man, the latter as testimony of all the other ones. And the Lord, for being the synthesis of everything that exists.


Then in a certain way the temple closed upon itself and it took the form of a seed, partly light and partly chaos: light in the centre and chaos in the exterior. And the light was The Lord and it was His spirit; and the chaos was the Mother and the ones that remained as testimony of what had happened. 48.11 And this seed stayed hanging over the abyss of the infinite, having time on one side and space on the other. And so it will remain , as the seed remains suspended over the abyss of the earth, waiting for the fundamental energies to make it bloom and bear fruit. 48.12 And what is the abyss of the uncreated and the instant in which nothing exists, but that slumber of the seed sunk in the earth? Seed that expects Spring and the sun that will revitalize it and the reaper that will gather it and that will give it continuation and destiny. 48.13 Thus the Work of the Lord also waits, locked up upon itself and uncertain as for the future, for unless the light shines upon the earth, there won't be revival. And if the spirit of the Lord does not wake up of His sleep and raise the torch of the new era again, how will there be a new cycle? But the Lord keeps watch and prays and His animals keep watch as well. 48.14 Once accomplished the instant in which nothing is what it used to be nor what it will be, the Mother will be fertilized in Her raw material by the fire that is dawn, Her womb will be heated up by the sun that rises in the horizon and a new race will be born to inherit the world. Then the Lord will wake up from His dreamless sleep and His animals will also wake up and the temple will be rebuilt. 48.10

49 The kingdom of the Father is like a rose, where perfume inebriates the soul and attracts those that are concordant with it. 49.2 And it attracts them only, for blind and deaf and dumb is the one that is not in relationship with the Father, but rather is so with the darkness that there is in the world. 49.3 That one will not be called by the rose, nor will he see it, but rather will be 49.1

called by the shadow and by those that inhabit the shadow, and he will be devoured by it. The path of the rose is the path of the Lord. A narrow and hard path. A vertical path upon the horizontal plan of matter. Which will have to be crossed at only one jump, at only one flight, for what it will be necessary that the wings of the spirit have been born and that the soul has been accomplished, or else there will not be ascension, but fall; nor meeting, but loss; nor accomplishment, but annihilation. 49.5 Thus is the rose: a sun full of thorns, for it would not be good that the culmination of the Work could be reached without crossing the pain of matter and the pain of the soul. 49.6 Let him who wants to accomplish the Father's Work meditate upon the enigma! All the accomplishment is triple: firstly in the chaos, that is the instinctive matter and that is the senses; then in the soul, that is the psychic matter and that is the ideals and the dreams and, finally, in the spiritual matter, that is the aspiration of conscience and its accomplishment. 49.4

50 Seven angels the Lord has sent before Himself to the world: seven angels and seven trumpets, seven seals as well. 50.2 For seven are the fundamental mysteries that there are between the Lord and the creatures; seven mysteries that the Book reveals. 50.3 May you hear, those who can May you see, those who can. For seven are the angels of the Lord and each angel will break a seal of the Book. And the Work will be consummated. 50.1

I have sent you my Book and I have sent you my Word. And my Word is amidst you so that there is testimony of me. Who will now be able to deny himself and to deny me? 50.5 In order to lead you to the altar of your and my consummation, I have sent you a consoler, the one where the Word is written. Who will now be able to deny me, without betraying himself and betraying destiny? 50.6 I have made myself a man to be amist you. I have given a body to my angels and I have sent them before you, in order that they speak to you about me. Who will now be able to deny to listen to? And if you do so, what love will be able to console you? Not even my shadow will go before you, still less I myself. 50.7 Do take care, for the first trumpet has already sounded and the first seal has already been broken. And those that see, have seen and those that listen, have listened to: but time is up. 50.4

I have sent you seven angels: I have sent you seven consolers. Gods of justice and of love, where the sword and the cup unite to form the unity that I am. Since I am the God of a new eucharist and the pact of a new alliance to be celebrated between me and men, so that there is a new Jerusalem and the just have a fatherland amidst you. 50.9 Thus I have wanted it, thus my angels have made it, so that there is peace where there is only war now and there is love where there is only hatred and so 50.8

that there is hope where only despair exists. Seven angels, seven seals, seven letters. From the seven you will see five, since two are before me as the columns of my temple, those that unite the firmament and the world and that are the foundation of everything. Those you shall not see. The others you shall see. 50.11 The first one like a fiery column: that one will write the Book and its name will be like a sword of light; the second one you will see like the soft light of the sunset: that one will be my door and my veil and its name will be of serpent; the third one like an irradiant sun, a sun of justice and its name will be like a shriek of a bird; the fourth one like the cold water: limpid and transparent is its light, and its name will be like a ground level house; the fifth and last one that you will see, like the darkness of death: like a night with no stars it will seem to you, and its name will sound like a lament. 50.12 Five consolers I have sent you. Five seals will be broken, as many promises will be accomplished. Thus I reveal myself amidst you , so that you are not lost, but rather you find the path of return. 50.10

Seven seals the Book has. Five will be broken by you and by my angels. The last two will be broken by me.


And woe to you when such moment arrives. Of light and fire you must be, or you shall not endure my anger. Since I have many faces and the first one is of justice and mercy, but the last one is of anger. 50.15 And when my anger falls upon you and upon your works, where will you hide? Neither under the soil nor on it: even there you shall see me, for my anger is like a fiery spirit and there is neither rock nor flesh that can hinder it. 50.16 Do not hide from me when my anger tumbles on you, but rather welcome it with open arms, like the children welcome the parents that they have not seen for a long time, since he who hides from me will be consumed, and he who fears me will be possessed by his fear, and only he who loves me will have me. Therefore, do not hide, since my hand will go wherever you go and my look will chase you even in your dreams, still more in the awakening. 50.17 Receive me more willingly like friends welcome one another, with yearning and hope. And do prepare a banquet on earth for me, so that I prepare another in heavens. I shall be at your table and you shall be at mine. 50.18 And do put your mind to my being warmly welcome, since the same measure that you use for me will be used for you. 50.19 Do not believe that my love forgives what has no pardon and forgets what must not be forgotten. For my love only loves the one that is thankful to it and the one that goes close to it to be possessed. That one I love and I receive, not the one that comes to me with false promises and false hopes. Since my love is just and it serves the Law and in it I have my Will. 50.14

I have already sent you one consoler. The other ones I will send you next. Each consoler will break a seal. The Book has seven seals and, when the last seal is broken, I will send my Son before you and He will make you understand. 50.21 My Son is sweet and soft. His eyes are of gold and His heart of honey. Gold to 50.20

transform you and honey to appease your hunger. Since he is the door that will lead you to me and if he doesn't transform you, how you will pass? Do love him first and do love me after. And if you want to come unto me, do go unto him first and do listen to his message, which is of justice and pardon, since if you don't listen to him, how will you listen to me? And if you don't feel love for him, how will you feel it for me? Do go before him first then, so that through him you can come unto me. Do go and love him well, since I am in him and there are not two of me, but only one. If you want me for you, do want him beforehand. And do want each one of my angels and of my servants and of my prophets also, since my voice is with them and my Word resounds in what is most profound in themselves. By means of it you will be either saved or condemned. Saved if it bears fruit and sowing of the fruit; condemned if the seed falls on stony ground and there is neither fruit nor sowing, rather thistles. 50.23 Do listen to my angels well. Do listen to them with an open heart, since my Word is directed to your heart and not to your mind, since your mind confuses and corrupts. Do receive my Word with your heart and you will understand. This is all I ask from you. 50.22

51 This is the Book of the Lord, this is its genesis. This Book has man's name and this man has prophet's name. Understand it if you will. 51.2 The Lord has written it for man's glory and man has brought it into manifestation for the Lord's glory. Thus the prophecies have come true and the Work has been accomplished. 51.3 And once the Work was accomplished and the prophecy was accomplished, then man was accomplished and his Lord was accomplished and the world was accomplished as well, since the world is the matter of the Work, but it is not the Work; man is the soul of the Work and the soul of the world, but he is neither the Work nor the world; the Lord is the spirit of the Work and He is the spirit of the world, but He is neither the Work nor the world. 51.4 The Lord accomplished the Work by means of man and he entrusted it to man, for mutual glory. And once the Work was accomplished, everything was accomplished: the flesh of the Work and the soul of the Work and its spirit. 51.5 Thus the world brings itself to completion and man brings himself to completion and the Lord brings Himself to completion by the accomplishment of the Work. Since there is only one thing that is all of the things together and there is only one world that is all of the worlds in only one, and there is only one man that is all of the men in him, and there is only one Lord since there is only one Law and one Will and one Love. And all that is Him. 51.1

In His temple of light the Lord governs absolute in His throne of gold and stones. At His feet an angel reads the Book. Everything that there was, there is or there will be is in it. The name of all of the things and the things themselves. The genesis of all of the gods and also the gods themselves. The archetypes of the beings and the very beings . And the supreme Law, base and dome of all that lives. 51.7 The angel reads before the Lord and the Lord dreams and creates according 51.6

to the Word. Thus the world exists and the prophet exists and they all exist who serve in conscience, and also he who doesn't serve in it and even though he also serves. Since the Lord has created only one measure for all of the things and only one Law to govern them. And the scale has two dishes but it is only one. 51.8 Thus all will be measured and judged in the same way, but those that go before Him in love and truth will be gathered at one side and those others that go in falsehood and spite will be separated at another side. And the Lord will set His angel between them, and the mastery of heaven will be given to some, and to the others the mastery of hell, that is also the world, and they will meet no more. 51.9 The Book and the Work: the two weapons of the Lord. His two animals as well. The Book that is the Word, the Work that is everything. And to accomplish the Book, the man that is the flesh and the soul and the spirit of the Word. And to accomplish the Work, the world that is the base and the heaven that is the dome. And once the Book is accomplished and once the Work is accomplished, the Lord of the Book and the Lord of the Work accomplish themselves and the very world accomplishes itself. 51.10 Thus the serpent, which is the matter, becomes the dragon, which is the spirit. And the dragon goes before the throne and it casts its fire, which is the first light, into the cup that is on the altar of the world and before the Lord. And the Lord announces the accomplishment of the Work and the accomplishment of the world. And He closes in upon Himself and it is the night of things. And one more cycle passes. 51.11 The Book is closed in its seals and the names and the things and the symbols are closed in it. And those that are before the Lord fall asleep and they also sleep. Then the doors of the temple close and the very temple also closes and it takes the form of an egg. Like a flower that has closed itself for the world or like a seed that has united itself. And everything ceases. 51.12 There are no stars in the sky nor worlds under the stars. Nor gods, nor anything. Just chaos that is matter without division or light and, in the core of chaos, the seed that is the Lord and His temple and the archetypes of everything. 51.13 Thus the Work becomes the seed. And the seed shines in the midst of chaos, ready to arouse chaos when the day of the Lord comes. Then chaos will open up for fecundation and its matter will become sensitive under the hand of the Lord. He will mould it again and out of it He will cause the beings and the things and the worlds to come out. And everything will have a new beginning. The chaos and the seed: this is everything. The Lord has dreamed of the seed and the chaos has conceived it. And in order to make it live He gave it the fire that is the light. And the light penetrated chaos and this one became the matter and the blood that is its spirit. And the fire devoured the earth and divided the elements into different things. And the forces of construction remained on one side and those of dissolution on the other side and the dragon remained between both; the dragon, which is the spirit of the earth and the angel of the Lord. 51.15 The Lord blew upon the earth and it was covered with life: creeping creatures and winged creatures. And the Lord blew upon it again and He made the man and He made the woman. To man He gave the Word and to woman He gave the Blood. And the angel of the Lord came before the man and the woman and he gave them the Fire, which is the intelligence and the reasoning. Then they 51.14

named all of the things and the things became under their command. The Lord entrusted the earth and the things of the earth to them, so that they watched over them on His behalf and so that they made them bear fruit and make progress. And in order to help them He left His angel and to this one He gave the memory of all of the things and the custody of the Book. And He left the world, bound for His temple in the firmament, so that the Work could be accomplished by itself. 51.17 The angel instructed man in the mysteries of the Book and in the use of the Word (that is also the Verb) for many years and the world flourished before the look of the Lord. And three cycles went by. But in the fourth cycle man considered himself the lord of the earth and he forgot the angel and he forgot the Book and all the wisdom of the Book and he made gods to his image and resemblance and he challenged the Lord. Then the Lord turned His face on him and the world was gloomy. 51.16

The angel went before the Lord and he told Him about man's ambitions and about his fears and failures and the Lord pitied the world and man. For that reason the Lord sent His Son, who is also the son of man, and he sent His prophet, that is the one that condenses the Book since he himself is the living Book and he sent His servants, that are those that serve truth and love. And all was done for the glory of man and for the glory of the Lord. 51.19 Man noticed the servants, listened to the prophet, saw the miracles of the Son and looking deep in his heart he only saw sneer, confusion and darkness, then he was afraid of the fruits of his work and he received the Word of the Lord and he followed it. But once the time of the miracles was past and once the prophet was forgotten, the Word was forgotten again and the truth was lost. 51.20 For that reason the Lord released His dragon upon the face of the world, and He commanded it that it should set the fire upon the nations, so that man is confounded and he may know what is false and what is truth. And so that those that love the Lord may wake up, and those that don't love Him, may be hurled down into the abyss. And the abyss will receive them and it will close over them and over their offspring. 51.21 Then the dragon will be set on the land of the fire, amidst of it, to watch over its door and its centre, and the Book will be placed at the feet of the dragon, and the dragon will watch over it as well. And the world will know the accomplishment of the Work for three cycles more. 51.18

52 The Lord is like a gardener that would have a thousand flowers in His house. Each flower is a world of unique radiance. The Lord takes care of all and of each one with equal devotion and love. He sows their seeds on the soil of eternity and He entrusts them to the care of the Great Mother. She receives those seeds in Her womb and transforms them into worlds, into men and into gods. Thus the chain of creation comes true and the cycles unite framing the time of the Lord.


The Lord is a gardener and the world is His garden. Each being is a flower that He takes care of, from the instant of birth until the instant of death. When the flower is born the Lord prays for it. When the flower leaves the flesh and


makes its way into the spirit the Lord also prays. And in the time that separates the flesh and the spirit the Lord keeps watch and takes care, so that the flesh becomes bridge and so that the soul can go from the position of night to the break of day. 52.3 The Lord does all this for His garden and for each flower that inhabits it, since the Lord is just and loves the life of each creature and He has a sacred purpose for him. And if the creature accomplishes the purpose, the Lord fulfils His vow that He made: of receiving him in Himself in the supreme instant in which his eyes see and his soul knows and he is. Then the Lord takes him for Himself and recalls him from the darkness and he will not be born again, but he will live in the Father eternally. 52.4 Thus the Work of the creature is accomplished and it is accomplished the Work that the Lord wanted for him. And the Lord rejoices at it and His angels and His servants and all the ones that love Him rejoice with Him. The garden of the Lord has the dimensions of the Universe. In the core of the garden the Lord prays and keeps vigil. And close to Him His sacred animals, the serpent and the dragon, keep vigil and pray. The serpent, which is sign of the chaos and of the matter. The dragon, which is sign of the spirit and of the transformation of the matter into spirit. 52.6 The Lord is upright and absolute in the centre, like a column of light. His animals are by His side, one on His right and the other on His left. Sustaining the throne of the Lord there is the Great Mother, She who is origin and foundation of the whole existence: She is the base of which the Lord is the dome. 52.7 The universe and all of the created things inhabit in the middle, between heaven and earth. Thus the universe is as a sphere of only one side, because in the inner side life inhabits and the creatures and the Lord also, and in the outer side non-existence inhabits and the negation of life and that which has never been something. 52.5

An endless garden, this is the universe of the Lord. And to take care of the garden a thousand angels that are a thousand suns. And to help the angels a thousand servants that are a thousand planets. And to help the servants a thousand creatures and species of creatures, that are those that accomplish the whole Work and every detail of the Work. And between the Lord and all those that serve the purpose, His priests and prophets and columns. Those that are two and four and seven and nine and finally twelve or seventy two. 52.9 They are the chain between the firmament and the base of the firmament, and they are also the sacred tree that exists in the centre of the universe, the tree that is the cross and the soul of the cross, that very same tree under which the Lord governs and prays. 52.8

What jewel can be compared to the garden of the Lord? A thousand jewels that are light and a thousand lights that are jewels. And inside of each light a creature that is that light and that is that jewel. A thousand jewels that are only one thing: the Lord and the Lady, bent on one another, forming the two halves of the sphere. And between both, in the hollow core of that sphere, the worlds and the men and the gods.


Nothing compares to this vision, nothing resembles it. The soul that sees halts upon the abyss of light. The spirit that knows pauses motionless. Nothing but the Absolute of man saves him before the Lord, for before the immensity and the infinite everything keeps silent and everything becomes something else, what? Silence, only silence witnesses. And the man who knows takes shelter upon his inner self, that is the inner self of the Absolute, and remains in prayer, remaining so until the supreme instant in which he is received and he becomes light and Word in the lips of the Lord.


Supreme accomplishment and last purpose for the one that, by having achieved everything that is allowed to the creature, has spread the wings of spirit and ascended vertically upon the face of the world straight up to the cup that is on the altar. What more can man love but this? And having loved this, what more will he be able to love? Thus love becomes its object and transforms it too.


The garden of the Lord is a unique jewel. Its geometry contains and represents everything. The key of the numbers is in there. The key of the letters as well. And the one of all the symbols and still the one of all the beings. 52.14 Starting from the centre, the light of the Lord bathes all of the things. Light that is not light, but a white and crystalline fire, but a fine crystal or diamond dust, quite soft and transparent. Almost like a curtain that separated without separating but wrapping, the reality of illusion or the eternity of time. Thus is the Lord in the centre of the world and amidst them: a light that is more than light can be, a reality that is transcendence of all possible and impossible reality. 52.13

The light of the Lord starts from Him and vivifies everything in His garden. The flowers bathe in that light like the bodies bathe in the waters of the rivers. And the light penetrates them and transforms them into light as well. 52.16 For that reason there's the need of alchemy: which has the fire of the earth lit in the creatures' core and has, with a lot of persistence and wisdom, its degree raised until the creature becomes the Work and this becomes that fiery stone that the Work is in its supreme condition. Then the creature becomes transparent before the Lord and His light bathes him in the outer side and in the inner side, without flesh to hinder it. This is what the Lord wants for each creature and it is His commandment for it. 52.17 He who keeps the Law, he will accomplish the Work and he will become only one with the Almighty. And the Lord will be in him as a seed of accomplishment and that one will bear a thousand times multiplied fruit and that fruit will be like a devouring fire, capable of transforming bodies into blood and blood into spirit accomplished spirit. 52.15

There is only one mystery before the face of the Lord: the one that accomplishes the creature and takes it from chaos to light, going through the cup that is the Grail. And there is only one path of accomplishment of the Supreme: the integral observance of the Law. 52.19 He who keeps the Law accomplishes the Work and accomplishes himself in the Work. That one will go through the land of darkness and through the death of the flesh. And he will go through the land of the sunset and through the death of 52.18

desire and of the ideal of desire and of the aspiration of desire. And he will go through the land of light and through death and surrender of the spirit in the hands of the Lord. 52.20 And the Lord will release him from the flesh and the blood and He will raise him before the firmament, so that the light purifies him from the remainder of the igneous stone, and after having been purified He will take him in Himself and he will remain living in Him forever. 53 There are three flames in man: one in his womb that is the Holy Spirit, another in his heart that is the Mother or the Son, and another in his head that is the Lord. Three flames that are cups containing the blood, the soul and the spirit. And feeding the cups are those that serve man and that serve the Work, since man's alchemy is triple and triple is his accomplishment. Nevertheless, when triply accomplished, those three cups become one and that is the synthesis of whatever man was, will be, or already is. 53.2 There are three flames in man. Three spirits sleep in him. The first keeps vigil silently: He is the Father. The second prays: She is the Mother. The third acts: He is the Holy Spirit. Three flames that make up the sacred triangle amongst themselves, for everything is triple be it on earth or in heaven. 53.3 And the three that are one, by doing what the Law demands, perform simultaneously the Work that is invisible but real in man: his motionless and Absolute centre. 53.4 There, placed on a level different from the real one, is the fourth cup, the one that is Man in himself. It is made neither of matter, nor of soul, nor of spirit, but of the synthesis and exceeding of all this, as if it were a seed of a future still to exist. There man lives definitively, in his three stages or levels, and in there he is King and Priest of the Almighty. 53.1

Man is a temple still to be finished. The Lord outlined him or dreamed of him, the Mother created him or conceived him, the Holy Spirit accomplished him or sustained him. And once this was done, the three spirits left for their centres and they closed themselves up in their cups, and the keys of the Work were given to Man. 53.6 For that reason man's life is fight and pain and transcendence of the pain. And so it will always be, while man doesn't grow on himself and goes any further. Since his destiny is the accomplishment of the Work and not its maintenance, since maintaining what he is means he is getting lost, and only by accomplishing and growing can he reach totality. 53.5

Which is man's first duty? To awake! The sleep of darkness has taken him for itself and he accomplishes the darkness believing he accomplishes the Work. And while he keeps sleeping he will not be able to perform anything. He will have to wake up. And once he has awakened for the truth of what he is, he will have to carry out the sacrifice. For he will have to die three times, in three worlds, before the Work is finished. 53.8 Man is a cross raised up in the widest desert of the world. He believes he walks on the surface of the earth, but actually he is imprisoned and crucified. 53.7

Upon that cross two triangles exist: a visible one that is the one of existence, another invisible one that is the one of essence. And once the first one is accomplished, the second one shows itself clearly. But without the accomplishment of one the other one is mere possibility without existence. 53.10 In the middle of both triangles, the immobile centre pulses and shines: it is there that the secret dwells. 53.11 The enigma has six faces in man, but all of them stare at the centre. Six colours also, three that are work of his and three that are not. Three that are archetypes and three that are symbols. But only the centre matters, since only the centre is the Law. 53.12 And man's wheel revolves but it is at a standstill. And what does man live? The illusion of there being a wheel and faces that stare. When only he himself stares. 53.9

In the centre of the cross the rose is. What is the rose but the fire that blazes with neither warmth, nor flame, but that is of intense brightness? Thus is the absolute in man, without warmth but brilliant like a thousand suns together. 53.14 Let man accomplish the Work by accomplishing the rose and everything will be complete. And may he learn the geometry and the law that govern everything in the rose, since the rose is the occult sign that the Lord has set in the world to guide the disciple in the long walk heading for the Supreme Initiation or the priest in his transformation into Christ. 53.15 And once the rose is accomplished the occult cup is accomplished and the two triangles shine upon the cross of the rough matter and man is reborn and he sees. And what does he see? The three spirits fusing into only one spirit. The two triangles fusing into only one point. The rose opening its thousand petals and in the centre of the rose he sees the man that there was in him flourishing, the Child that is also the Christ. This he sees and he knows. 53.16 Only then does the third vase become visible, for it contains everything, and the hand with no body comes to fetch it and to raise it upon the face of earth at the moment the day breaks upon the world. Then, as a distant echo, the sacred sound is heard, the first sound, and nature silences and prays for one more son. 53.13

Glorious instant, the one of man transformed into god, whose eyes are no longer made of matter, but of light. And he turns his eyes to the firmament and he sees the infinite. And turns them to the world and he sees the chaos that the spirit organized into life. And he turns them to himself and he sees the Absolute in all His glory. 53.18 In this crucial instant the conscience expands, it becomes one only and multiple, it contains everything. And the accomplished man, at present being a seed of something greater than him, seems he explodes, from within outwards, and he becomes light. 53.19 Thus the suns are born, when men become gods. That is the reason why each sun is a god, in the centre of which, the being that inhabits it and that makes it exist accomplishes the Work of the Lord and perpetuates creation, thus perpetuating continuity. 53.17


This is the alchemy: complete transformation of the carnal man into spiritual

man; the awakening of the one only and infinite conscience and the celebration of the triple marriage: first with the Holy Spirit, next with the Mother and finally with the Father, that is the peak of the sacred triangle. 53.21 Then the Work is accomplished and man has become seed of light, sun of glory before the throne of the Lord. And the Lord takes him in his han ds and He blesses him and He gives him to life. 53.22 There is only one alchemy for man: the one of the Lord. And there is only one Law: the one of Life. And there is only one purpose worthy of being served: the Love that unites all of the beings and all of the things. 53.23 In order to accomplish this, man must do everything, try everything, conceive everything. Since if this isn't accomplished, what does lived life matter? Coal that fire hasn't reached is dust and nothing else. Neither the Lord loves him nor is he of any use. Preferably the light and the suffering of the light, for man's sake and for the accomplishment of man's sake and for the Lord's sake, who has conceived and created all this. 53.24 This is the purpose that the gods and the creatures and all of the things serve, for there is only one destiny and it is in the love that it takes place. In love and in light. 54 Man's path is the path of doubt. And he is strong he who transforms doubt into certainty. To that one the Lord will reveal Himself as an immense sun, a resplendent light, where all doubt and all certainty cease. Since the light of the Lord is the genesis of all of the things and in His bosom it alone exists.


To penetrate the sphere of the Lord: this is the feat for man. And the accomplishment of his fate as well, for what is man but a destiny? And what destiny will there be but the integral accomplishment of the Law? Thus man grows by accomplishing and he fulfils himself in the accomplishment of that which is greater than himself. And only if he does this in absolute conscience, will the accomplishment be possession of his. 54.3 For that reason the Lord has sent him to the flesh, so that he fulfilled the destiny of the flesh and he accomplished himself in it. And He has given him a shadow of soul, so that he accomplished it as well. And still a subtle fire, genesis of a spirit, so that he accomplished it and through it he accomplished himself. 54.4 And all this man has done, sometimes in conscience and other times ignoring it. When man reaches conscience, the Lord rejoices in him; when man doesn't reach it, the Lord waits a little longer. 54.2

55 Before the Lord three symbols shine in the night of the world: a white lamb, a black book with golden letters and a cross from which a motto hangs. The motto is: " The love of the Law ". 55.2 Three symbols that condense everything. The book that is the wisdom and the occult tradition, the cross that is the world and the transformation of the world, and the lamb that is the occult rose, the philosopher's stone still to be accomplished by initiation. 55.3 Thus the Lord speaks to man by the hand of the symbol and He reveals 55.1

Himself to him. Understand it if you will, and keep silent in case you understand it, for the moment of revelation hasn't come yet. The book has seven seals that preserve it. Each seal is an Occult Lord. On the book the lamb rests. The lamb is a column of light and it is also the Christ, he who will be sacrificed on the altar of the world. For only through the lamb will the Lord make the new alliance between heaven and earth. 55.6 Thus the lamb seals up the last seal of the book and it utters the last prophecy, before the Lord comes to the world through His Son, and it seals up the cross before the rose becomes light and sign of the Lord. 55.4 55.5

Three symbols the Lord has before Himself. Three spirits He has: the spirit of the Book, that is as old as time; the spirit of the Lamb, that is as young as a child and the spirit of the Cross, that has no age. Three faces stare at the Lord, three faces that are only one. And the Lord stares at them as well. 55.8 And the Lord raises His right hand and the faces become stony. And the Lord raises His left hand and the faces become fiery and bright. Then the Lord sends them unto His world, so that they accomplish His Work. And they are born amidst men: the first to write the Book, the second to be the Child, that will also be the Christ and the third to transform the cross into the rose. Thus the three spirits are fulfilled and the three worlds are accomplished, and they are the whole Work. 55.7

56 A fiery cross: thus is the world. And in the centre of the cross there is the child, foundation of all of the things. Like a beating and bleeding heart, or a red stone, alive and irradiant. 56.2 The child that sometimes claims Christ for itself, when it has to come to earth in order to die for men. Or rose of light, when it opens and closes the cycles of manifestation. 56.3 Thus the Lord displays himself to man, by means of the symbols and by means of the truth of the symbols, by means of their transcendence as well. And man understands in his heart what he doesn't understand in his head and he pleases himself in that and the Lord is pleased with him. Since the absolute understanding is not for man, but for the Lord of man. 56.1

The cross has four bars, four directions it has: to north and to south, to orient and to occident also. And in its centre, in a point that is, by not being, the synthesis of all that: the Child, that is the rose and the Christ. 56.5 Thus the truth is unveiled before the eyes of the one who wants to see and it is hidden, in the same way, before the one who is only conceit and vanity of the things of the world. For the truth is simple like the day that dawns and the night that follows the day. And whatever there may be that is more in this, it is already man's contrivance and dream of his. 56.4

Four points define the cross, four parts of the world as well. And the principles of the cross are the same that the world has. 56.7 Four Lords support it: the first through the fire, which is the spirit of God; the second through the air, which is His dream for man; the third through the 56.6

water, which is the seed of the soul in all of the things and the fourth through the earth, which is the base and foundation of everything that lives. In the centre of the cross, invisible and final, a fifth Lord prays and waits. 56.8 In him the Father has His living genesis and the genesis of the Word, and of the Love and of the Law. For that one is the Guardian of the Light and he is the one that guards man. In there, the blood is shed in the cup that the Mother has in Her womb. For the fifth Lord is the very Man, archetype and reality of which all of the men are the flesh and the appearance. Thus he is the Son of Man, since all of the men are only one in him. All of the symbols repeat themselves in only one symbol: the cross- thus the Father has wanted it for the world and He has accomplished it. And He has given it to man, so that he could see in the darkness and he wouldn't get lost on behalf of the darkness.


57 The spirit of the Lord spoke to His prophet and it told him: on a distant land I will build a temple for me, in it the New Alliance will be celebrated and against it no power will prevail. I will have my seat there and those that serve me will be by my side. That place will be sacred in man's time and in the time after man and my fire will inhabit it, for glory of those that serve me and that are only one with me. 57.2 The prophet heard this and he made his way to the place that the Lord indicated him. In that place he planted a tree and when it bore fruit, he picked its fruits, he took them with him and he gave them to all those he met. 57.3 Those were thus marked by the fruit they took and the Lord saw them and He received them for Himself. And, when all of the fruits were given, the sowing ended. Then the prophet took the place of the Lord and he left that land and that land was blessed. 57.1

One land the Lord took for Himself. He built His temple on it and, to serve Him and to serve His purpose, He took its people. He marked those people through the fire, that is His sign amidst men. This is why that land was covered with serpents and for such name it became known. 57.5 The Lord had His sign and His fire and His purpose in the serpent. And with that sign He marked all the ones that served Him. Thus the serpent was served in memory of the Lord. And when the serpent was forgotten and its cult was ignored, even though it was served by some that showed its sign. In those the Lord marked His Work and the aims of His Work. And those signs remained so that they could be seen. 57.4

A land of serpents: this is the Work. And in the midst of it, occult and unknown, a temple of light and fire. Before its altar is the last of the prophets, he who remained so that the Alliance came true. This is the whole Work revealed. 57.7 The Lord keeps watch and prays. Before Him, in silence, His prophet waits for the hour. What does he expect? 57.8 Somewhere amidst his people a child will be born. In it the Lord has His sign, His serpent, and when the hour of the child sounds it will be time of everything to end. 57.6

Then the prophet will raise and wield the symbols of the Grail upon the altar. With the first he will cast the fire on earth. With the second he will separate the just from the unjust ones. With the third he will invoke the seas and the waters. And with the fourth he will take the good news to the people. 57.10 All this the prophet will do, when the moment of the child sounds in the most distant Occident. Then the Lord will make him see His sign, and he will see it. 57.11 But before all this happens, they will be released across the world those that will capture it from the light and that will subject it to the darkness. And men will lose their soul and they will not understand the reason why. By that time the Lord will deny His face to man, so that man doesn't jest either about the Work or about the Lord. 57.9

The Lord saw him amidst men and chose him for Himself. And having laid hold on him from earth He released him from it and He filled him with His fire, which is also the spirit. And only afterwards did He send him amidst men, so that he gave evidence of the Lord and of His Work. And he has done so since there is man on earth. 57.13 In each cycle of the Lord he resumes the wand again, for he goes ahead of the Lord to announce Him and this he has done from the beginning of times and he will keep on doing it until the whole time of manifestation ends. 57.14 Then the Lord will take hold of him again and He will blow on him the fire with which He generated him and that fire will grow like a sun that is born of the darkness and he will have no end, but he will remain beside the throne, as a sign. 57.15 And he has been given many names, but he only has one: that name is sign of the Lord. Mercy is his name and Meditation as well. Thus the Lord has consecrated him and has entrusted him to man, so that he served man and he served the Work. 57.12

One land, one temple and one child that carries the sign in itself: this is the deciphered message. And before the child is adored, a time of darkness and pain, so that those that expect the Lord may adore and fear Him and so that those that have forgotten Him may also remember Him. 57.17 For the time of the Lord is for just and unjust ones, and it is intended to separate the wheat from the tares and to throw these into the fire that will purify and consume them. Thus the Lord wanted it, thus He accomplished it. 57.18 All this will be seen, before the child is seen and its prophet with it. Since the prophet will come first, to announce the time of the child and to prepare its people. And only afterwards will it display itself, to close the cycle of the darkness and to open the cycle of the light. 57.19 Then many will be with it, to adore it and to adore The One that sent her. The child will be like a sign between the Lord and the peoples of the world. And the peoples will come before the child so that it blesses and advises them. All this will be accomplished on a land that takes to the sea, on the extremity of the Occident. 57.16


58 A fiery column: thus is the prophet before the Lord. A column that speaks

and cries out on the desert of the world, antecipating the revelation. Since only the Lord has the key of the Law in His hand. And He alone can break the seals that seal the Book. 58.2 What is the prophet, but a book still to be written? A book where the Lord marks out, with fiery letters, His Will and His Law? And the prophet announces the day of his Lord and that day is written on him, since there is no distinction between the prophecy and the prophet, just like there is no distinction between the Lord and His world. 58.3 And what is the accomplishment of the world, but the accomplishment of the Work and the accomplishment of the Lord of the Work? Thus the Lord accomplishes Himself together with His children and He rejoices in their joy and He mourns over their pain. And He does everything so that the pettiest does not lag behind, but he reaches the top of the mountain and penetrates the temple. For there is no accomplishment of the Work while this one is not ended. And how will it be ended if it doesn't contain everything and all in itself? 59 When the Book is written, three symbols will become united: the Book that is the Word and secret of the Word, the Cross that is the Sacrifice and the transcendence of the Sacrifice, and the Lamb that is the Man, the hand of the Lord, His symbol and also the one that is here to be devoured. All this will be visible when the Book is finished. 59.2 Then the prophet will place it on the altar. And on the Book he will place the lamb, and on the lamb he will place the cross that holds the rose in its centre and that will be an ancient symbol of the very Christ. 59.3 And the entire Earth will see it as a sign in the heavens, and on the hand of the Lord the entire Earth will see it as well. That one will be the sign for the last phase of the Work to begin. That one will be the sign of the Lord. 59.1

Three symbols become united in the Prophet. The word that is gift of the Lord, the Book that is the transmission of the word and the sign of the times that are still to come. The Lamb that is the one that will shed the blood into the cup, so that the cup may be raised and the New Alliance be accomplished. And the Cross that is the connection between the past and the future, sign of the Work that has been suspended. 59.5 The prophet brings all this to show it to men, and the men will see it in the prophet himself and they will perceive him as part of their own, and as both volition and fulfilment of the One that has sent him. 59.6 Around these symbols they will gather, like the flocks gather around the shepherd. Since the shepherd leads them to the Father and raises them unto Him. The prophet will do so, he who will lead the flocks of the Lord in the last days to the nuptial banquet that has been long prepared in the Father's house in the New Jerusalem. 59.4

Three symbols but only one truth. Since there is no prophecy without prophet and there is no prophet without his Lord. And what is the Lord of the prophet but the living word, the incandescent word? Thus the prophet feeds himself on the word and he feeds himself on the fire that there is in him or in his


spirit. He feeds himself and he fulfils himself. And he accomplishes the word and he accomplishes the fire and the very spirit accomplishes itself as well. And the Lord accomplishes Himself in him, since every Work is the same. Three enigmas are before the Lord, three beings are before Him: veiled and occult, what do they hide? One of them brings the Book, another one brings the Cross, the third one leads the Lamb by the hand. 59.9 Three spirits the Lord has before Himself: the spirit of the Word, the spirit of the Law and the spirit of the Sacrifice. And the Lord takes them in His hands, He moulds them into only one and He hurls him into the world, so that he sows the word and he sows the law and he sows the transcendence of the word and of the law. 59.10 Thus the prophet is the union of three spirits and the accomplishment of three things. And he manifests them and he accomplishes them. 59.8

He accomplishes the first one in the good news, in the testimony that he gives of the Father and of the times that are still to come. He accomplishes the second one in the bridge that he creates, so that those that come from the past may connect themselves to the future and accomplish the whole of the Work. And he accomplishes the third one in himself, in the surrender that he makes both of his body and of his soul, so that the Lord can manifest Himself in him. This is the triple accomplishment of the Work and everything is revealed in it.


The prophet comes to announce the Lord and His day. He also comes to announce the kingdom of the Child, the Child that will be taken before the altar of the world and upon which the sacred oils will be poured. That one comes to fuse everything and to unite the high and the low world. 59.13 But beforehand the prophet will go before the Child and in the presence of some, those that are the spirit of the Cross, he will take it for the Father and he will announce it so that it is known that it is so and that the prophecies will be accomplished in the Child. 59.14 Then the Lord will come upon it as a fiery spirit and a column of light will be seen. The column will penetrate the child through the mouth, through the heart and through the womb and it will remain inhabiting the child. Only then will the child speak about the good news and will it work the miracle of the union amidst those that came from the past to build the future and it will join them on a place that will be both of meeting and of prayer and of miracle. 59.15 It will do the same with those that live on the Word and that sow it according to what the Book says. And it will still do it with those that are the lamb and that have been born to accomplish the Work. 59.16 Then the Child will be union of all this and sign of all this and last accomplishment of the Holy Spirit, and it will testify to It through the dove. 59.17 But before that time the Lord will take the prophet's steps to the place where the child inhabits, so that it is baptized in spirit. The prophet will take it in his hands and he will entrust it to the Mission. And he will tell the child that he takes it for himself on behalf of his Lord, since he has been commanded to say so. And thereafter the child will go with him, along the paths of the world, and it will accomplish the Work with him. And once the prophet is dead and the Mission is 59.12

accomplished, the child will take the mission for itself and it will continue it in the time of Man, which is the time of the end. Three times the child will be baptized: the first one through the water and through the salt, symbols of the earth and of the Lady; the second one through the fire and through the spirit, symbols of the Man and of the Father; the third one through the sacrifice and through the blood, symbols of Holy Spirit. The first time in Peter's and Paul's Church; the second time in John's and Jesus' Church; the third time in the Church of Melchisedek, King and Lord of the Dove and of the World. The first time at the age of seven months, the second time at the age of seven years old and the third time at the age of twenty-one. 59.19 Only then will the child take the symbols which are the ones of him who comes in the name of the three Spirits before the Throne: first, the Book of Life, where there are the names of those that will be called to accomplish the Work, those that the angel will invoke before the throne and the altar; then, the consecrated couple, the one that is the Cup and the Sword, which is also the wand of the Lord: those that will be the columns of the new temple and the Lamb to sacrifice; finally, the Cross where the fiery rose buds, that is the gathering of the ones that will be faithful, those that assumed to give testimony of the Christ. 59.20 And, with these symbols, the child will show itself to the peoples, so that the peoples may see it and may follow it. They will do so and they will join it in the centre of the world, before the altar of the whole earth, when the earth is only one. There the Mother will be adored in Her light of the soul and the doves will be seen. Place of faith and of miracles, where the rose buds. 59.18

60 In an unknown and occult temple a child goes before the altar to be consecrated to the destinies of the world. The Child is the sacred Lamb, that one that carries in itself the mystery of the last stamp, that one that will be the sacrificed. The Child goes before the altar and the priests take it from chaos and they give it the light of spirit: they consecrate it to the Holy Spirit. 60.2 Holding the oils, they pour them upon its head. Taking the fire and the water, they mix them and they give them to it to drink. Then, taking the clay, they mould a statue to the Child and they give it the statue, so that it always remembers. 60.3 Being sacred this way, the child lies down on the ground of the temple . Then the priests invoke the living forces, the Great Father and the Great Mother. These come upon the Child as two columns of light: the first column as green flame and the second column as ruby flame. By getting mixed upon the child's body, They become an immense golden sun and They penetrate through the top of its head and They go down along its spinal column, and once its whole body has been taken by the light, the child remains surrounded by it, like a soft and transparent halo. Then the priests take the Child, they raise it from the ground and they entrust the Child to its destiny. 60.1

Unknown and occult, the temple of the Lords of Destiny exists. Marked out in the shape of a cross, it has the form of the crystalline cube. 60.5 On the four extremities, invisible and sacred, four angels with erect wings 60.4

keep vigil. They hold the four symbols in which the Grail is veiled. On the four points of the cross, the four Lords are present, veiled on their faces and occult in their thought. 60.7 In the centre of everything, marking the convergence of the light and of the shape, a Fifth Lord is. The same vestment clothes him. His veiled face stands by all this. With his hands crossed upon his chest, what mystery does he keep? Maybe the fiery rose that buds on the centre of his chest! 60.8 This one is the eternal and imperishable Christ, the one that is by not being, and by not being he exists and he is all of the living things and the link that unites them. Spirit made shape of body, to inhabit and to be the sacred vase in which the sacrifice of the darkness and of the light is brought about. Thus humanity is present in him with the blood that it sheds from the dawn of the world. Thus the fiery stone is accomplished, with no pause, and it accomplishes the very world. 60.9 All this the Fifth Lord is, since on him the life of shape converges and the spirit, that nourishes the form and that is life. 60.6

Kneeling before the black stone altar they are those that are, even in life, the Lord and Lady. Taken by the fire, with Their flesh devoured, they are just a veil that hides a secret fire. They are the Chalice and the Sword that, once united, become the Dove, that one that announces the reign of the Holy Spirit. As two columns of light, translucent and transparent, thus they are before the altar. What ancient mystery do they officiate this way?


On the altar a book lies open. On its living pages the symbols of all of the beings and of all of the things can be seen. The destiny and the forms that it clothes itself with to accomplish the beings. This is the Book of Life, that one that contains all of the books that man has written under the breath of spirit, for accomplishment of the Work. In it they are also the names of those that cyclically come to the manifestation in the world, for accomplishment of the world and glory of the Lord.


Flanking the open book, two flames burn eternally: the one on the right is made of the fire of the earth; the one on the left is made of the fire of the heavens. Thus the forces are accomplished on the altar and the energies marry for manifestation of the sacerdotal couple that veils and expects the child. Mingled with the flames two forms inhabit them, distinct and single. They are the breath of the eras, mixed with the Word Root of all of the things. It is the beginning and the end of the worlds. It is the Father and the Mother in Their igneous forms.


Over the altar, suspended and untouchable, made of light and of shadow, the Being that is the sum of both flames. Like a ball of yarn of golden lava, always in motion on a fixed axis. Or a winding galaxy, made of a centre and of a periphery, where the centre is motionless and the periphery moves and agglutinates new forms and energies continually. Thus is that Being that, while being there, is not indeed; instead there is just a door that leads to Him, somewhere. And, wanting to reach him where He truly is, it matters to go through the door that the two opposite energies are and, once united, to jump into that


spiral of fire and light. Then, suddenly, space and time will be different and the world itself. Our appearance will also be another. 60.14 Thus settled in agreement with the foundation of the worlds, we can see and know what is invisible to the beings: that reality is not this one that we perceive. Once gone into that other world, what do we see then? 60.15 An immense temple, made of light, expects us. In its centre, at a distance that blinds and stuns, a throne on which a Being sits that is the sum of many others. Dragon or fiery serpent. With eyes that carry the lava in themselves, burning and igneous. An immense and infinite presence, where Power is the Law and Love serves the balance of Justice. Everything and nothing resides in it. Lord of created and still to create worlds, of everything that has been durst and that is still to be dared, nothing compares to it, nothing describes it. It is truly One and Intransmissible. These are the symbols and the Beings that, together, form the temple of the Lords of Destiny, since there is no place in space, but rather a Being that moulds space, or takes it for manifestation. And sometimes it displays itself on an extremity of the earth and immediately afterwards on another extremity, according to His will, He that governs and creates everything. Suspended between the form and the idea of form, this temple or being will always exist. Thus the Lord ordered and wanted it.


61 What is the world but the truth of the Lord, an unattainable truth for man? And what is man but another face of the same truth, an even more occult truth? The Lord reflects Himself in the world like the light is reflected in the shadow, going through a translucent veil; the Lord reflects Himself in man like the spirit is reflected in the matter, having a soul in between that conceals and undefines. 61.2 Two veils: this is the illusion. And man's senses want to have faith in them, as they have faith in the truth that vivifies them. Thus man and the world are deceived, by having faith in what it is illusion and not in what it is true, since by loving illusion the truth is soft to them, but by loving the truth no illusion will be possible to them. This is why the world loves the veiled truth of the Lord through the enigma of the cross that crucified His spirit, but it denies what vivified that spirit. 61.1

A body of flesh where a diffuse flame burns: so is man before his Lord; a raw stone where a diffuse flame burns, so is the world for its Lord. Flesh or stone, clay or blood: who will distinguish them? If it were not for the flame that solitary burns, nobody would distinguish them, since the flesh of man feeds from the world and continues it in itself. And the world, once the time of the flesh is over, calls him to itself and takes him. 61.4 Like a serpent winding round itself, forming circles in time and in space, so are man and the world, since both are the same thing seen in a different way. And if man has the experience of walking on the earth and of wearing out the matter that weighs on him, the world has the same experience through the flesh of man. Experience that matter takes for itself, when man ceases walking and surrenders to it. 61.3

A bodyless ideal, this is how man looks at his Lord, this is how the world looks at the One that dreamed of it, without perceiving that the spirit of the Lord vivifies the flesh and vivifies the world and vivifies all of the things. And it is because He vivifies them that they live.


And what is the Lord for man? A will-o'-the-wisp? An ideal? Thus man turns away from the truth and heads for the world. And the world, that has been given to the darkness for a generation, receives him and deceives him with the hope of a Godless world. Seduced by the flesh and by the longings that he receives from it, man does not see that it lives solely by action of the spirit that is hidden it. Thus man hurries into the denial of the Lord, since by loving the ideal better than the truth, he commits the sin of illusion and of unconsciousness. And this sin will not be forgiven.


Small is the man that loves only the flesh and the world and that sees his Lord in that flesh and in that world. Since the Lord is in all of the things, visible or invisible, of the heaven or of the earth and even in the deepest of the abysses He is the one that has always been. 61.8 No power, either of man or of the gods, has dominion over him. And His spirit extends from the origins of time and of space, by means of creation, up to the end of everything. 61.9 Not an immense flame, but that which feeds every flame and every denial of the flame. Not a spirit, but the form, the concept and the draught that generates the spirit. Not a face that is mirrored in all of the faces, but the genesis of all of them. 61.10 Nothing can circumscribe or define that which the Lord is, for He moves like the wind and He has the stability and the permanence of the marble and He is flowing and vivifying like the immense and ethereal sea and untouchable like the fire. 61.11 A total presence, a deformation of time and of space, a boundless conscience, an unstoppable volition, almost a pain, almost a scream. And the absolute silence before His motionless face, last face, impossible face, when one looks beyond everything that is real. Total love, total fusion, absolute conscience. 61.7

It is necessary to die in the flesh, through the flesh, to reach the spirit. And once the latter has been touched and the enigma has been puzzled out, the Lord appears in all His Glory and Splendour. 61.13 This is His music, unstoppable and everlasting, this is His echo in all of the creatures. And the soul surrenders to this bottomless abyss and the conscience precipitates into the flame to be devoured. Nothing satisfies it now, only its Lord can take it and console it. 61.14 Fiery nuptials, this is the Lord before His creature. And the creature entrusts Him his flesh and entrusts Him his visions and his ideals and the creature ceases for His sake. Then the Lord takes him and transforms him into spirit: flame of His Flame, book of His Book, cup of His Grail, stone of His Temple, servant of His House. It is of this that the prophets and the martyrs and all that serve the Lord are formed. 61.12

A fiery spirit, thus is the Lord before the prophet. A spirit of peace and consolation, thus is the Lord before His servant. A spirit of justice and righteousness, thus is the Lord before His warrior. A spirit of love and light, thus is the Lord before His Messiah. Since one thousand are the faces that the Lord has before man and one thousand are His truths sowed in him. And to each man He appears according to the will that determined that destiny. This is why there are a lot of religions and creeds but only one Lord for all of them.


The Lord is like a poet that had written a thousand poems. In each poem a perfect book, in each book a complete work, a rare and precious jewel. And after having written His poems, he had given them to men. And then He had left in search of new poems. 61.17 For there are poets that love the complete work too much and that remain captured by its beauty and its spirit and there are others that, once the work is finished, turn away from it like the lover turns away from the object of his love, so as to free it. Thus the writer fulfils himself and the Work is accomplished. 61.16


62 Do rejoice, o children of Lusitania, for the Lord has chosen you as His people in these days of the end. He will make His Son be born amidst of you. And with him the prophets and the servants of His house and the priests of His temple will come to announce and to prepare His coming. 62.2 Do rejoice because your grace is greater than your merit. And if you are worthy of that which the Lord grants you, even greater that merit will be, for the seed is sown where there is good soil and not amidst stones and brambles. So, if He found you worthy of this favour, it is because your light is huge. 62.3 Do rejoice and do prepare yourselves, so that when the moment comes you know how to see, even in the darkness that precedes the dawn, for it would not be good that the light came without your perceiving it. It could even slip by your side. Therefore , do concern yourselves with being children of the Lord, loving and keeping His light, so that you know and your wisdom saves you. 62.1

Do rejoice, o children of Lusitania, do rejoice in the Lord, since the day of the miracle is imminent. 62.5 And what greater miracle will there be than a light being born amidst the darkness? Or a beautiful and fresh rose amidst the manure? And what greater darkness and disturbance will there be than the days of the end? Thus the Lord shows you what there is to be done, since the space that there is from the darkness to the light is a draught, and the space that there is from the disturbance of the soul to its understanding is a draught as well. And what space or time, no matter how large it is, will be able to keep you away from your Lord? Do keep yourselves for Him then, in the silence of your hearts, and He will be close to you in your flesh and in your spirit and in everything that you dare in His name, since the Lord is only one with all of the things and on all of them He has His hand. 62.6 Do rejoice, o children of the dawn, because your time is near. Thus the Lord 62.4

has wanted it, thus He says it to you through the voice of His prophet John. For that reason He has sent him ahead, so that he spoke to you about the good news and about the times that are still to come. For it would not be good that the flocks went astray across alien grounds and got lost amidst brambles and furze. For the darkness observes the steps of those that the Lord loves and wants. 62.8 So He has sent you John, in order that he wrote His Book, which is the Book of the Revelation, so that you are not disturbed by the temptation of the darkness and its prodigies, but rather keep yourselves in His Word for His Son that is still to come. 62.9 Do rejoice, since the miracle is great and the vision will still be greater. And all those that have the hand of the Lord on his heart, those will see His Son face to face and they will follow him. 62.7

You are grand, amidst the nations, o Lusitania, for long ago the Lord chose you as a sacred land, land of the revelation, land of the good-news. 62.11 In you He has sown strong wheat field and good fruit tree. And day will come in which that sowing will produce abundant crop, so that all the ones that have hunger feed on it, so that the whole earth feeds on it. 62.12 And He has led you from the darkness to the light, throughout time. In order to guide you he has sent His servants and His prophets and His priests. And they have done so in His name: first in the obscurity that precedes the breaking of dawn and afterwards in the full rousing of the midday. For your destiny is to be house of prophet and house of the Lord. 62.13 This is the reason why your people keep the sacred names, those that are the columns of the altar, man and woman. And in your kings and in all the ones who were great, those same columns have shone. And in all this there was no more than signs, than seed sown on the ground, since only the accomplishment of the miracle counts. 62.14 This miracle has body of man and name of man, but it is not a man, it is rather the light that begins to appear and sun that shines intense and ruby-red. So it will be seen: as an immense sun above the whole earth. 62.10

63 Do rejoice, o Lusitania, for you will be grand among the nations. Amidst your people a child will be born. Amidst your people the Saviour will be born, He who comes to herd the flocks of the Lord and to lead them back to the Father's house. He who comes to be the lamb of God. 63.2 That one will be sacrificed on the altar of the world. And his blood will be shed in the cup and it will remain as testimony before men, since the Lord determined so at the beginning of the cycles: that there is not pact between heaven and earth without a mediator. Thus He has sent His own Son to the world, so that the pact was celebrated and a new eucharist was given. 63.3 He will come as a Child, to grow in the truth and in the love of the Law and for the sacrifice of the end of the time. Thus He is the Sacred lamb, the one that lies on the Book. Since the Book will be given to men before He comes, so that they know Him and wait for Him. 63.1


A Lamb lies on the Book: this is the enigma of revelation, this is the occult

parable. Understand it if you will. The Book is sealed: the secret and the prophecy seal it. The lamb rests reclined, attentive he expects what is still to come. In silence he expects the hour. 63.6 Between the Lamb and the Book, a Cross rises up to the firmament. Anticipation of what is still to come? Since the lamb only exists for the sacrifice. And what does the cross exist for? By uniting the sky to the earth, and the two ends of the horizon, what does it unite? In the lamb that marks its centre, lamb that is also the very world, it unites everything. 63.7 And if the blood is shed in the cup, since the Mother is concave and receptive, it is still to procreate the times that are still to come. So the earth is assumed as a cup open to the blood or to the spirit of the lamb. And the latter is assumed as the link of a chain without beginning or end, that uniting men amongst themselves unites them to the Father and to the Mother and to the Holy Spirit. 63.8 And what is the Book, but the testimony of all this? Secret and occult testimony, repeatedly retaken from the eras, so that the eras are accomplished. So the truth lies in the Book, before being the truth. And both in the lamb and in the cross the same truth still to happen. The Lord writes it this way, by linking Himself to the world that He dreamed and He gives Himself up to eternity, so that it be. 63.5

A lamb, a cross and a book: this is the revealed mystery. Before the Lord three spirits are raised up. On the altar of the world three symbols are laid down. In the deepest cave, three doors are locked. The Book has three parts. Three prophets will write it. The first in the Love of the Lord, the second in His Law and the third in His Justice. Everything has three parts. And among the three vertexes of the triangle the rose buds, occult and unknown.



In the centre of Cross, invisible and veiled, the Concealed wakes up, like a will-o'-the-wisp. In the centre of the world, having the three thrones surrounding him, he comes to life the last of the warriors, he who lay shrouded. In his raised hands he holds the sacred sword and the chalice that kept the blood of the Christ. At his feet, still closed, he has the Book where the whole truth is revealed.


Thus are the three spirits before the Lord: secret and occult in the revelation of the mysteries. 63.13 For before the Lord only the symbol exists, and there is neither man nor thing that is not dressed in those vestments. Therefore, by being so, each thing is many others in the same one thing. And being only one thing in itself, it is the endless diversity. The Lord wanted this and dreamed of this and made this for greater glory of His name and it has been so. For that reason the world is only one thing in itself, but it is many and several in the appearance of the creation. And throughout the whole vast world of the worlds and of the beings the same Law governs. Since being all of the things many and several, before their Lord they are just one and He Himself. 63.12


Thus He stares at Himself face to face in the face of all the more that there

is. And by staring at Himself He creates and by His creating the world exists and continues. And the whole mystery that there is, that there was and that there is still to be, lies in this alone: a Being that is the sum of everything, looking at himself in the mirror of eternity. And if he dreams he creates. And if he wakes up he moulds again. And if he sleeps he forgets. 63.15 These are the revealed cycles of creation and of dissolution. And this is all that there is to be known, that must be said. 64 Do be glad, o Lusitania, for the Saviour has been born. The Mother conceived him and has given birth in the shady cavern where the serpent sleeps and keeps vigil. There where the three Mary’s feed the vase with the blood, the breath and the desire, He has been born there by breaking silence and forgetfulness. Now He is sitting at His Mother's feet, the Lady, by the throne of black stone and before Him are those that will serve Him.


First, the three Mary’s, that are those that keep the vase and the future; then, his priests, that are those that came to speak of the Book; next, his prophets, that are those that came to testify on the Book and on the Fire, in his name; finally, his servants, that are a whole people.


Before all of them the Infant shines and his face glitters. Naked in his body, a mantle upon his back clothes his nudity. Over his head, he has the crown of the Emperor of the World suspended. In one hand the real sceptre, the world in the other one. So he is, Priest and King in only one thing. Before him every head bows.


Do be glad, o Lusitania, for your hour is near: the Saviour has been born. Dreamed of by entire generations, the angels conceived him and gave him to men. 64.5 Thus the prophecies come true and the truth is accomplished. And if the mists still keep him secret it is because your faith is little. Dream of him a little more and you will see him, as today you see that sun that rises upon the horizon of the world. Better: you will see him as an immense sun, the light of which surpasses that of the very star. His Father wants it so, so that the darkness backs one step and the creatures choose. 64.6 Then yes: once the hour and the moment have been chosen, you will see the world as an immense battlefield, having on one side those that come for the darkness and on the other side those that come for the light. And you will still see the Beast beside the darkness, the one that will reign over the nations in the end, and on the other side the Saviour, the one that has come to lead you in this fight. 64.7 There the Lord will allow himself to be seen, in the thickest of the fight, and He will be fiery spirit. He will have the scale in one hand and the sword in the other. With the scale he will weigh the works and the conscience of the works and with the sword he will do justice. 64.8 Thus you will see Him, as an immense colossus made of fire and living flame, for He will come to silence whatever exists, be it animal, man or god. And after him the world will rest from the darkness during a cycle and there will be no 64.4

remembrance of the darkness. A battlefield: this is the world. And amidst of it, occult and unknown, the Saviour. On another spot of the world, unknown as well, he that is the Beast. The Lord wanted it and created it so. And He made them both be born amidst man, so that man chooses, since it would not be good that man had only light or darkness, one Lord or one Shadow of His. 64.10 Thus the Lord of the world created a Shadow of Himself, that is the Beast, and He made him be born amidst man, son of men, so that the world chose. And He made His Son be born as well, so that the darkness was not an only power amidst man, but it had opponent and fight. 64.11 And for a draught He gave the world to the darkness and man preferred the darkness. And then He gave it to the darkness and to the light, since not every man loves the darkness. So, there are those that follow the darkness for its sake and for its fruits sake and there are those that follow it both in fear and in illusion. To those the Saviour will show Himself as a small flame amidst the desert. And they will see him as a hope and they will be able to choose. 64.12 And after they all have chosen, either the darkness or the light, the world will catch fire under the will of its Lord and men will fight amongst themselves, father with son and brother against brother, since the world will make them forget the blood and the esteem that comes from it. And that will be the time of the end. 64.9

65 A sealed book: this is destiny. Seven seals keep it, seven seals that are seven spirits before the throne. They pray, keep vigil and expect. Above them, the face of the Lord keeps vigil and also prays. 65.2 Thus the genesis of the worlds takes place and the worlds' uncertain journey is marked out, from adversary to adversary, until the consummation of the Work. Since only the Work matters. 65.3 And the being, if it exists, exists in function of the Work that it accomplishes, not in function of itself, since the being is ephemeral, but the Work is real. And if the Lord has His love in the being, in the Work He has His will. 65.4 So the Work is greater than man and, being fruit of his, it is a greater fruit than he is, for in the Work there is man and there is man's accomplishment, while in man there is only man himself. 65.1

There is a world and there is a Work. And between both there is he who operates: Man. So he is the living bridge between the world and the accomplishment of the world. Between the genesis of the world and its full assumption. Between the sketched statue and the wonder of the finished statue. 65.6 The Lord conceived him unfinished so that he could give the final touch to what is similar to him in the appearance. And He sent him to the world, so that he created another world inside of this one: the Work. And He gave him the flame of the spirit, which is a small flame, so that he could illuminate himself and heat up the vase. 65.7 Thus the raw material of the world has been vivified continually by man's flame, generation after generation, for the glory of the Lord. And this is the great 65.5

alchemy, the great task, upon the accomplishment of which depends the future and the past and the whole time given to the creature. For unless the Work takes place and becomes ripe and from that ripening the Holy Spirit, which is golden and igneous flame, springs out, there will not be continuation either of the creature, or of the world or of the beings. 65.8 A great miracle: this is the Work. Since by having started from the black of the matter, the red blood of the spirit has been added to it, the blood of man and of every creature, which is its nourishment and vitality. 65.9 Thus the darkness has given in progressively before the flame and it has retreated into the abysses, and the world could be given to man and to those that love the fire. And the flame grew upon the matter and wrapped it. And once the matter was made red hot, it became a red stone, a stone of living fire. 65.10 This was the heart of the Work and the Lord blew on that heart and He made it live. Then, in its centre a small star was born, made of white light, almost immaterial. That was the seed that the Lord gave to the world: a sun of gold to illuminate it. Around that invisible sun the world took place and men were grouped, layer after layer, as far as that one that is the last and that is the forgotten and unknown man, he who loves the matter and who disdains the spirit, since he doesn't understand it. 65.11 So that this man would not get lost, the Lord gave a second flame to the world, a flame that He placed above, upon the firmament. And between both flames He marked out a path of truth, vertically, and that was the vertical bar of the cross. 65.12 So, he who accomplishes the Work will have to go from an end to the other of that path. And on the firmament he will accomplish the external part and in the core of the heart he will accomplish the inmost part. The first with the Father and His angels, the second with the Mother and Her serpents. And only after having done this will the Work be finished. 65.13 Since there is a base and a dome in the temple and walls that are man's flesh and his blood spilled along the endless eras, until it is changed into mortar and granite humus. And what would become of the temple if there were only base and walls, or only dome without anything to cover? Thus is the Work, that while having three parts it is only one thing. Just like the temple, that being three it is only one temple and only one truth. 65.14 The Grail: this is the accomplished Work. Two angels sustain it amongst the two of them. Columns of light and of silence, they are. Behind the angels, suspended between firmament and world, the Father, the Mother and the Son keep vigil. 65.15 With their hands stretched out, the angels heat up the vase. A very subtle fire that one is, next to no fire, rather fine dust of light. Just one blow and what would it be? Forgetfulness or nothing. For that reason the three keep watch, so that the fire is not extinguished, but rather grows and matures the vase. 65.16 Before this sight, coming from all of the directions of the world and of the space, they arrive those that continually come to adore the finished Work. They are angels, gods of splendour and of bravery, beings made of light and of sunset and still others that are only real because the Lord wants it so, such is their light. They arrive and they silence. Prostrated before the vase, in prayer and vigil, they see and they know. And that suffices them.

This is the world and the whole Work: a vase that contains everything that is accomplished or still to be accomplished. Spirit and matter, a made and still to be made thing, the Lord and the Lady united in only one that is pure and that is sacred and that is spirit: the transfigured matter, life transformed into freedom and completeness. This is what the angels have guarded since the moment the two forces united, somewhere. And they will always guard it, because the whole Work is sole and it is only one.


66 There are three medicines in the Rose: the one of the roots, the one of the stem and the one of the corolla, the stem being the vertical log that unites both. Since in the roots there is the Mother still to manifest Herself and in the corolla there is the manifested Father. In the stem there is just man, with his medicine made up of opposites. For man doesn't create, but he receives and unites that which he received. Three medicines that the Rose unites. 66.2 For that reason the work of the Brethren should be triple in the world but one in the genesis of the world, that is the Father on one side and the Mother on the other, with him in between. So his symbol asserts it by crucifying the Rose, that is he himself and that is the world, amidst the four Lords that govern destiny. 66.3 Three medicines in three worlds, this is the symbol that the Rose portrays. Where the roots are meant to be the physical, the stem is meant to be the psychic and the corolla is meant to be the spiritual or mental of the Work to be done. The Rose being the whole Work. 66.4 The disciple, starting from the maternal womb of mother earth, accomplishes the first marriage by joining the death that there is in the roots of the very world. There the shady cave and the primordial serpent expect him. And having accomplished this part of the Work, he ascends through the stem to the very world to accomplish the second phase of the alchemic process in it, since while working on his brethren he accomplishes in them the transformation of the blood and of the soul that feeds him. Until the moment when, the phase of the world being accomplished, he ascends to the corolla that is the world itself accomplished in the sun that gives it the life and the spirit. In order to achieve it he will have to bring about the mystery that Christ symbolised: his joining the world in its four extremities and destinies by means of the crucifixion. 66.5 Since four are the sacred paths that lead to its centre, as four are the symbols of the revelation of Grail, being this one occult and invisible in the centre of the world, or of the cross, or of the very man. 66.6 There, in the unknown and forgotten place, the Rose blooms and for the world it will be the Christ or its Lord and King: the Millenary Child. For the cross it will be the Humanity or the nations that accomplish the purpose on earth. And for man it will be his flame, that which has been given to him to remind him of where he has come from. 66.7 Thus the Rose becomes accomplishment of the Being, or of both the Lord and the Lady, since there is nothing that is no part of them and thing of Theirs. And, the Child being accomplished, the World is accomplished; the Humanity being accomplished, the Blood is accomplished; and, Man being accomplished, his Lord is accomplished in him. So everything starts from and converges at the centre 66.1

again, since they are a centre where periphery converges in the sole and entire fulfilment of the things. One sole model presides everything, man being the shadow of his Lord and the latter, in His turn, the shadow or illusion of something which is final and neither the eyes can see nor the spirit surmises and nevertheless exists. 66.9 Lord that is mingled with the very world, since the cross of destiny doesn't designate the directions of space and the symmetry of time alone, but also another geometry that is sacred and primordial to this one: the one of the Lord Himself raised up on a wider cross than this one. Thus man, by crucifying himself in the cross of the world, is unconsciously crucified in a thousand crosses of abysmal and uncertain dimension. 66.10 The Rose of the world, triple in itself and in what it manifests, feeds on Man, like it feeds on Christ or on His Lord, the roots being always in his womb, that is the infernal and abysmal ground; the stem being in the spinal column of man or of the god, making way to the energies that, ascending and descending, achieve the totality of the process; and the corolla being in his brain, or beyond it. Thus man reflects himself in his superior and this one in the infinite. Thus the earth joins heaven and the latter joins somewhere beyond the abyss of the being and of the existing. 66.11 Such is the reality of the Rose, that being flower of the earth has not sprung from it, but has been laid on it. So the gods wanted it in the beginning of the world and as a sign they have left it. And in order that it bloomed and gave seed, they planted it in the centre of everything. In the world, in its precise centre. In man, amidst his heart. In heaven, on the forehead of his Lord. These are the places of the Rose. 66.8

By signalizing the still-to-accomplish Work to man, it signalizes both the fulfilled and the still-to-fulfil destiny. The Book has the Rose on its blood cover. To Cross had it when Christ assumed Himself. Man receives the Rose when he has accomplished his part. The Lord displays the Rose to the neophyte, before the Iacob's ladder ascends. The angels bring the Rose when they come to announce the good news to the world. 66.13 Seal and symbol is the Rose on the Cross. Vision and infinite is the Rose on the forehead of his Lord. Justice and love is the Rose in man's heart. Thus the Rose is accomplished, by accomplishing everything and all, since the Work is its and the accomplishment of the Work is its as well. 66.12

Let him who carries the Rose know it: he will not fulfil himself but in its thorns, since those are the pains of the world and of the soul of the world and his part in that. Nor will he fulfil himself without the serpent that sleeps in the limbo, the same is to say, without his brothers that sleep and dream in the shadow. Nor will he perform the rest of the Work without his Lord, for what he will have to become the Great Dragon, he who carries the flame before the altar of the world. And unless he fulfils himself threefold he will never fulfil himself, since three are the aspects of all of the things and three are the truths that keep them. 66.15 There being no accomplishment of every one who ascends in the light, how 66.14

will there be accomplishment of all of the rest? He who carries the Rose must assume his accomplishment as accomplishment of everything else, for he is the seed thrown to the ground by the hand of his Lord and alone in his full blooming will there be world blooming. 67 A Consoler I have sent you. See: my sign is on him. An open hand, this is my sign and, in the middle of the hand, a flame. So you will see me, amidst of you, as a burning flame in the middle of a hand and behind it the Consoler, he who will speak about me to you in the times of the end. 67.2 On that one I have my love and my will, on that one I have my path. And the love and the will, will bring you to the path, that is the path of my temple, that one which is on the top of the highest mountain in the world and where my fire burns. There you will have to go, all of you that my Consoler wakes up for the truth. Since he will baptize you with the water and he will open your eyes of the flesh, but I alone will baptize you with the fire and I will open your eyes of the spirit. 67.3 He is my door. You will knock on it and it will open up and once having entered through it you will no longer be able to step back, but you will go before him and he will receive you in my name and he will gain you from the darkness and you will be denied to the darkness. And once this has been done, he will show you my path, which is the path of the justs, the path of the desert and of the purification. And having taken the desert for you, you will be close to me and you will see me, for I am next to you and it suffices that you raise your hand or your eyes and you will see me. 67.4 You will enter my temple as pilgrims and you will go before the altar and you will kneel down before it. Then I will give you the second baptism, with fire, and you will be redeemed. Only then will your flesh be transformed and you will see me truly as I am. A boundless flame, this is how I am. A devouring and purifying flame that embraces the whole earth and goes across the heavens. 67.1

Thus you will see me, as a flame. And amidst the flame, my angels and my servants and my priests and prophets, and all those that love me and serve me. So you will see me and you will see them. And you will see the whole world and all of the things, since they are but my fire made flesh and made soul. So you will see me and having seen me you will understand. Then you will give thanks and you will take my burden for yourselves. 67.6 You will go around the earth to announce my name and my mercy. You will open my paths and you will sow my seed. And for each seed thrown to the earth you will reap a thousand times. And for each path open unto me, you will receive a thousand emoluments in heaven, for I am the beginning and the end, He that opens the cycles and that closes them. And I alone am the Law, the Justice and the Love. 67.5

Three virtues has the just: the love for the Law, the submission to the Justice and the capacity of giving himself up to Man. So he accomplishes the Work and he accomplishes my mission for man. So he accomplishes myself and, having accomplished me, he accomplishes himself, for there is no division between the


just and the Lord of the justs, just like there is no division between the Work and the Lord of the Work. 67.8 The Work being accomplished and the just being accomplished, my mission ceases amidst of you. Then you may come all of you and I will receive you in me. From the four corners of the earth you will come. Ahead of you, to guide you, those that govern your destiny will come. 67.9 Having all arrived in my temple and having your name entered the Book, I will make an immense fire for you in the middle of the temple and you will fall to the fire, one by one, to be purified. Only then will you come unto me to rest and to be only one with me. And even the just will have to fall to the fire. And the prophet that I have sent to the world. And every one that, being part of me, made agreements with the world, for the world has been given to the darkness and the darkness is part of him. And those that go to the world enter the world and the darkness, that is the reason why they will have to go to the flame, to purify themselves again, before they can come unto me. Three justs I have sent you. You will follow them like the flock follow their shepherd, since my love, my prayer for you and also my message are in them. And how will you come to me if you don't go to them? Follow them first. Follow them in the trouble and in the grief. Follow them when nobody follows them and your reward will still be greater. Follow them and your faith will grow like my fire grows in the forest, since my spirit is in them and see: my sign as well . I have sent them my dove. My dove and my spirit, that is fire. So, wherever you see my dove, there they are, and wherever you see my flame devouring the souls and purifying the bodies, they will be there also. Since my flame and my dove go ahead of me, and where they are I will be. So, when you search for me along the paths of the world, seek those that have the dove and the flame on their heads, since those are my justs and they alone will be able to lead you.


Do you love me? Do love them then! Do you want me? Do want them! Do you think my love is easy? Take care so that you don't get lost: my love is difficult. If you love me truly you will have to ascend to the cross and in it you will crucify yourselves like those that I sent you, since the rose only blooms in the one that has shed his blood for his love for me and for my Work. 67.12 This is my love for you: a rose in the centre of a cross. And how can you reach the rose if you are not that cross? So you will have to assume yourselves, each of you, as Christs, for only Christ becomes the rose, that splendid rose of fire and of light that is my accomplished spirit. 67.11

Do not deceive yourselves: he who loves the rose must love its thorns, he must love the sacrifice, he must love the cross and the path of the cross; he must love the world, since the cross is the world and it is the rose. There is no accomplishment out of me, or of my world, or of my rose. 67.14 If you love me truly, you must accomplish the rose in you. Then you will have me for you, as a fiery rose amidst the world. And you will have the world in you, each part of it a part of yours. And you will never leave the world again, just like you will not leave me. 67.15 What is the world but a rose? And what are you but the seed of the rose? A 67.13

seed still to bloom: this is why I sent you my justs and my Consoler, so that you discover that by yourselves, since in them the rose blooms, the world is redeemed and their word is of salvation and wherever they go my spirit goes. They are my sign for you. Do follow them. You believe you love me because you adore me in temples where I do not dwell. Beware of the tricks of the darkness: it was them that made the free spirit a temple of stone and made my love a statue and made my justice a metal chain. I am not where the darkness is. 67.17 If you want me for you, you will have to love my flame, you will have to love my spirit, not the stone, nor the statue, nor the trick of shadows between the statue and the stone. There, only the shadows exist. There, only the darkness and the ones that love the darkness live. My priest does not officiate there. My prophet does not talk to you in that place. My servant does not sweep that temple. 67.18 My temple is of light and in order to reach it you have to go to the bottom of your spirit, since only the one that knows himself knows me and only the one that goes up my mountain goes up his own mountain, and only the one that deciphers my labyrinth masters his own labyrinth. Do not believe, therefore, that it suffices to adore the statue or the temple of stone to adore me. 67.19 So they have deceived and seduced you, through the stone and through the temple, but I tell you: where the stone is I am not, and where there is a statue of me, there is a statue of my shadow and not me, for I am a column of fire that strikes through the world from pole to pole and from equator to equator and my spirit enfolds the worlds and the universes and it is in the time of the creatures and out of it and there is nothing that is not part of me. 67.20 How can you wish to have me in the stone and in the temple? How can you wish to have me to your measure? I have neither measure, nor stone, nor temple. I am the foundation Stone of the World and of the Firmament and I alone am the temple and its measure, that is the same of everything. Not a statue or an altar that serves your prayers, but the fire that creates the statue and the altar and the prayer that you are before me. 67.16

68 The word of the Lord is like the breath of the dragon. If it meets with receptivity, it gives life and immortality to the beings, but if it meets with resistance it condemns to death and it converts the beings into ashes, since the beings are also made of the breath of the dragon. Breath that time and forgetfulness have condensed in roots and stone, or that experience and conscience have subtilized in energy and freedom. Thus the beings are freed by the encounter with the Lord, when what they are has been transformed into freedom and receptivity. Then the word can be seed and the seed can be immortality and life. But if on the contrary the beings use the gift of the dragon to slip into the dense and material life, the word of the Lord meets with barriers and, before these, it goes ahead, destroying and consuming. So the word of the Lord can be either liberator gift or destructive gift. Everything depends on man.



A great dragon: this is the word of the Lord, the breath of which extends

across space and time, wrapping around the worlds and giving them an order and a law, uniting them in love and in justice, making them procreate creatures according to its force and its geometry. A dragon that bites its own tail, generating two kinds of worlds: those that are in the law and those that are deviated from it; those that are inside of it and those that are not. 68.3 Thus the dragon is the great guardian of the worlds and it is the great guardian of the Lord. It is also the one that keeps vigil before the throne. And when the Lord raises His hand upon the worlds, the dragon goes ahead of Him to generate the light or the darkness, the freedom or the pain, since the dragon is the scale of the Lord and it is also the one that carries His fiery sword. And all those that live by the sword of the Lord and that have become that sword live in the dragon and by the law of the dragon. And they are also before the throne, transformed into the sword that the dragon brings with itself. There is a lineage of sacred warriors. To those the Lord has entrusted His sword and His dragon and He has sent them ahead of Him to the worlds, so that there is submission to the Law and submission to Himself. Those watch over the execution of the Law and over the accomplishment of the Work and the breath of the dragon is with them and wherever they go the breath goes ahead of them, as a flame of intense radiance. 68.5 Thus the Lord announces Himself through His warriors and His dragon and His sword, so that all those that see them and recognize them by the sign don't get lost, but have the eternal life. 68.4

The breath of the dragon wraps round the worlds like the Law wraps round space, time and governs eternity; it wraps round them and it gives them life. The Lord penetrates this life and He gives it His word and from this union love is born, that is the greatest gift of the creatures, since love unites everything and makes everything present to the Father. Thus the Lord becomes close to the creatures and makes them close to one another. And He calls them before Himself, to devour and to consummate them. 68.7 Then He places Himself in the centre of His dragon as an egg of light and the creatures come to meet Him across the space. When the space is full of them and there is only light around Him, the dragon raises its head and casts its breath in the centre of the ring so that the creatures are transformed and may penetrate the Great Egg and fertilize it. 68.8 So the creatures, transformed by the dragon, are like the seed of man to the seed of woman. And some penetrate the Egg and others do not. Those that penetrate the Egg will fecundate the Lord and become creators with Him. The others will keep wandering across the space and give rise to the comets and the wandering heavenly bodies. This way the creature participates in the creation and becomes only one with it. And it participates in the word and in the magical verb that gives rise and continuation to the worlds. 68.9 The Lord is like an open and receptive space and not like a closed and isolated thing. So, he who wants to go before the Lord and to unite with Him must go out of love, not out of hatred; out of justice, not out of greed; out of the rectitude of the Law and not out of lawbreaking. 68.10 For the Lord loves and receives the justs close to His throne and He prepares 68.6

a nuptial banquet for them, but woe to the one that goes before Him in cowardice and in vanity. That one will be devoured by the dragon and by the sword and his ashes will be cast into the great abyss, so that the shadows gain him from life and yield him nothing, nor forgetfulness nor death. There is only one law before the Lord: Love. And one fair measure: that of His Law. Everyone that seeks the paths of the Lord must consider that, since the Lord is just and before His face every knee bends and every body tumbles over the ground. Woe to him who goes before Him in mistake and in confusion. That one will only know the pain and the forgetfulness in the pain. 68.12 The love of the Lord is like a bonfire of always renewed flame. And who will be able to go before this flame if he has not been consumed in the love that he feels for it? In order to go, he will have to have wings in his feet and in his heart and to have already been transformed into accomplished spirit, or else the Lord will spit him out of His mouth and He will send him to the shadows. 68.13 He who goes before the Lord not being in His Grace is like a shadow that tries to protect himself from the light in the bottom of the abyss. And, if the shadow goes before the Lord, it goes concealed from Him, wrapped up in veils of illusion and lie. The same way goes the one that hasn’t ripened the seed, nor has picked the fruit of love but has taken it from the ground before the time of the crop. And the fruit was bitter and small and it didn’t turn out well. He who goes like this, goes mistaken, for the seed hasn't bloomed. 68.14 The Lord looks in his face and He sees gloominess and He looks in his heart and He sees darkness and He looks in his mouth and He sees lie and falsehood. Then the Lord raises His hand, His dragon becomes inflamed, the sword is raised and it falls upon the one that has gone where he should not have. 68.15 Thus the beings are thrown out of heaven over the edge of the abyss and those ones will no longer be able to go before the Lord, since His seed is in them no longer but it has been given to the darkness. 68.16 And what is the abyss but the forgetfulness of the Lord, the ignorance of the Lord and the absence of His love? And what greater and bottomless abyss will there be than, having been before the Lord and having brought His seed in one's heart, to have the seed removed from him and to lose the light? 68.17 Just like the angels that tumbled down from heaven, vivifying the shadows and becoming Lords of the shadows, so he will fall into the abyss he who goes before the Lord without being ready to be received in the light, since the light only suffers itself and, before it, even the one who has some light but doesn't have it all, even that one will seem to be made of darkness and stone. And having gone there he will become blind and deaf and speechless. 68.18 The light gives life to the one that has accomplished the plenitude of the Work and that has become the Work, but it also gives death to the one that, not having accomplished the Work, breaks its seals and exposes himself to the breath of the dragon. To that one, the hair falls of his head and the nails fall of his feet and of his hands and the flesh falls of his bones, and these become ashes. 68.19 The Lord is like a sun in expansion, or an atom of total brightness. And His light can only give life to the one that is no longer body, nor blood nor bones, but light alone. That one the Lord will take for Himself and He will receive him in Himself and he will have eternal life. And his eyes will open up for the light of the 68.11

Father and his ears for His Book and His Word, and his mouth will be one more trumpet above dawn. And after the trumpet has been played and the Verb has been pronounced, his mouth will become closed on the Book, with seven seals, and thus it will remain. 69 The Lord conceived him of the lava of the volcanoes and He blew life on his eyes and he saw. And He moulded him according to His form, which is of an angel and of light, and He gave him the power to know what the Book says and he saw and he knew. And He imagined for him a seed made of the stars and of time, and He set it in the centre of his heart, so that he could know about the mysteries of the things by himself, and he knew. 69.2 Then the Lord found that His work was complete and separated him from Himself and He sent him to the world as His son, so that he procreated and populated the world according to the Law and to the justice of the Law. And so it has been done for many cycles. 69.3 This was the first man, Adam, archetype and foundation of the Work. 69.1

The first one procreated the many and these populated the earth, always in the agreement of the Law and of the justice. And the Lord watched over them and smoothed their paths, according to their merit. That lasted for many cycles. 69.5 So the Lord found the Work begun in man's heart and outside of him and, so that neither man nor the Work nor the sense of the Work would get lost, He established an alliance with the world: this alliance was a fiery circle. 69.4

The Lord took it from the heavens to give it to man and there were some that put it on their heads as a crown of gold, or silver, or I iron, according to their reward before the Lord; and others put it on other parts of the body, always to mean the same. And when the man betrothed the woman, they were united like this: wedding-ring with wedding-ring, on the finger of the Lord, for they took Him as secret witness and priest. And before Him they became united, notwithstanding a priest on earth. 69.7 The Lord found grace and mercy in everything and everything He took as good and fair and man met light before the face of his Lord. 69.8 This lasted for long, but time came in which man forgot his origin and the cause of everything and the Lord was forgotten. Then temples of stone were raised on the face of the earth and images were adored there. The Lord saw this and He denied His face to man and He turned away from him and from his idols. 69.9 Man filled the earth with temples and idols. And each man created a temple and an idol and paid it homage both in life and in death. Around each man others gathered, according to the temple and to the idol. Thus the nations of the earth and the peoples and the languages were formed. And when everything was divided, the shadow entered the world through the door of the temples and of the idols and went before man and found room in him and man received it and loved it. Then the shadow reigned over man, inside and outside of him, in his temples and in his idols and even in his faith. 69.10 The Lord saw this as well: He turned away and He went to the desert, where He took for Himself the highest mountain that there was in it. On its summit He 69.6

built a temple made of light and of fire. And in order that man would not be able to get in, at its four doors He set four angels armed with fire swords. In the middle of the temple He raised an altar where He set four spirits that are four symbols: a Book, to symbolize the whole knowledge of the Work; a Cup to symbolize the whole sacrifice of man and of the creatures; a Wand, to symbolize the mastery of the fire and a Sword, to symbolize the path that leads from the world to the temple. 69.11 Having done this, He went to the central and occult point and there he ascended, remaining suspended, as if He were a sphere of light and of fire. And He stooped down on Himself like a rose when it closes its petals and so He remained for a long time. Then, little by little, the sphere took the shape of an egg and something started to toil in it: an image or just the idea of an image, a dream or the sketch of a dream. Amidst the dream one form took reality: three faces in only one face. The one of an old man, the one of a child and the one of a lady. Then the sphere opened up and three different beings sprang from it. The three went before the altar and they accomplished a rite on it, and the spirits were blessed for themselves and for what they symbolize. Then, each of them took one of the spirits for himself. 69.12 The Lady took the Cup to receive the blood and descended to the centre of the world. The Son took the Sword, raised it upon the face of the earth and He set the fire on it, so that it consumed, and then He joined it and so they were both suspended upon the face of the world like a fiery cross in the centre of which a rose blunts. The Lord took the fiery Wand for Himself and left that place towards the deserts of the world and He travels them transformed into a column of wandering fire, for the sun of the morning never finds Him in the same place where it left Him. Ever since there have been three paths for the Work: the first one goes through the Mother and through sacrifice, and it is necessary to marry the earth and to go down to its centre and to overcome the serpent that guards the door of the cave before unwrapping the veil of illusion and seeing the face of the Truth. 69.14 The second goes through the Son that is also the Concealed, and in order to get unto him it is necessary to dare to die in the cross of the world, for the world, before the rose of gold can open its petals: this is the path of intelligence subordinated to wisdom and of reason subordinated to love. 69.15 The third path goes through the Lord and through taking for oneself His mission, that is the one of traveling the deserts of the world , and through going by His side searching for those that, having abjured the temples and the idols, left for the desert in search of the revelation. 69.16 These are the three paths of the Work and he is fortunate he who travels them one after another, with neither rest nor loss of faith, since it is written that he who travels them will be tempted, not once but three times: first, by the flesh which is the shadow of the world, next, by the mind which is the shadow of the intelligence and finally, by power which is the shadow of love. 69.13

70 There is only one Lord and one servant: reality and the shadow of reality. All the rest is nothing but illusion.


Illusion and vanity in man, illusion and pride in the Lords of the shadow, illusion and lawbreaking in those that love evil and that have their force in it. 70.3 Not two things, but only one thing: thus is the truth. And before all of the things, only one visage with a thousand faces. Thus the Lord shows and hides Himself, for there is he who loves the Lord of illusion and there is he who loves the illusion of the Lord. And one will go unto Him along a straight and vertical path, like a bird, and another will go unto Him along a path made of labyrinths and darkness and suffering. And the first one will see him in all His glory and majesty, but the second will only have a partial vision of Him, made of doubts, fears and hatred. 70.4 And however, either loving Him in the truth or in the illusion, both will find Him, since the Lord is in all of the man's paths, marking the four points of space and of time, and nothing happens under the heavens or under the earth that doesn't have His will and His hand in that. 70.2

You love illusion because you live in the darkness. If you beheld a little higher you would see that above the mantle of the darkness my light shines, like an immense sun. Thus is the world for you: a mantle of darkness and above it, invisible and occult, a sun. 70.6 And since you live in the darkness, you have pacts with it. This is why the darkness is so necessary for you. And the Lords of darkness seduce you with false promises and useless paradises and you have faith in them and you have no faith in what tell you. 70.7 But I tell you that he is blind he who looks in only one direction and fears the shadow and loves the pain of the shadow for fear of seeing the light. What shall I do with that one? And even for that one my light exists, if he looks at the heights, if he looks at me and lays his pain on my face. For I love the pain that there is in man, if it helps him join me and see me as I really am; but I abjure your pain, since it only helps anchor you in a world of darkness. 70.8 This is why I tell you: behold higher, behold farther and do have no faith in the darkness, for if you have no faith in it, even if for just one moment, it will appear to you just as it is: illusion and shadow of something that is not in them. Then you will see me, even there, amidst your illusion and your pain, as a sun that shines occult and unknown and you will turn away from the shadow like the world that wakes up from its sleep for the reality of the midday. 70.9 Then I will reign in your heart as a sun of gratitude and love and you will lose me no more, for I am like a miracle for that one that comes unto me submerged in shadows and illusions. From the shadow I lead him to the light and from the light I raise him unto my altar. And before this one every doubt will cease. 70.5

Don't deny me, o children of the dawn! If you deny me, it is you that you deny. And how will you reach me if you do not reach yourselves? If you do not find yourselves between the nightfall of the world and its awakening? 70.11 He who seeks me - and you all seek me, even in the love for the darkness must come unto me like a new-born baby: with neither veils on his eyes nor webs in his heart. Just a child. Then I will gain him from the darkness and I will wrap him in very soft cloths so that the light doesn't hurt his eyes: that one will see me as somebody very close and very distant, for the light draws near and drives 70.10

away. And woe to the one that approaches the light being unable to see it. So you are before me: children in fear of reality. And how will you see me if you do not look around me? Then seeing what I do, you will come unto me for the Work and this one will transform you and it will make you worthy of me. But coming unto me without coming for the Work, you will have to have eyes that see far in space and in time, since my light is mortal for the blind ones. 70.13 And all of you are blind: blind and spoiled children. The darkness has rocked your cradle and you love the cradle. But when you come unto me, you will have to come on your own foot and you will have to have gained wings, for I love and I receive everyone who receives and loves me, but I abjure and I hurl down into the abyss everyone that comes lame and blind and deaf unto me. 70.14 Do you believe that my temple is a place of rest? My temple is place of war and of preparation for the war. For my armies have been on the march since the dawn of the worlds and they will be on the march until the moment everything returns to me. I am not your rest but your war: a sacred and fair war for man's and every creature's sake. And I love your war if it is fair and in my name, but I abjure your peace if it is made in the name of your complacency and of the lassitude that dwells in your soul. 70.12

Do you believe by any chance that I have come to bring peace? I have not come to bring peace, but war. And if you love me truly you will love my war, for I make it in your name and of all of the living things. 70.16 So I call upon you, o children of dawn! Take my war for you and defend my name, for my name is holy and my Law is fair. 70.17 And wherever you go in my name, take my banner with you. And if you have to sow something, do sow the fire so that the just is placed apart from the unjust and the former lives in the fire and by the Law and the second one is consumed in the Law. 70.15

If you want a new world, do sow the good seed now and fight the good combat, since the seed that is on earth is of little use and can bear little fruit, it will rather bear straw that my fire will devour. And when all of the straw has been devoured and all of the weeds have been rooted out, then it will be possible for you to go from land to land, since every one that remains will have justice with him and the love of the Law will be upon his heart. 70.19 In those you can trust and you can take shelter under their ceilings like the dog that takes shelter under its master's hand, but before my fire travels upon the earth do take care of yourselves, since there are more of those that love the darkness and the illusion than there are sands on the desert. And until my fire comes more there will still be, for I do want and wish it so. 70.18

Do not think that the world is a place of rest and of lassitude for you, but of test and pain of the test. For I want it for my altar and to sacrifice the darkness on it. And how could it be that, if there were only peace and love of the peace in it? So I had to give it to the darkness and to give it to man, so that man might chose between the darkness and me. And he who has chosen the darkness will be devoured by it and he who has chosen me will have his support in me and in me he will blossom.


For I love the good seed and I love the good sower and I guide and protect him, so that the harvest is large . But I turn my eyes away from the bad seed and I do not care about the bad sower. And if the hail falls on his field, I will neither put my hand on him nor protect him, but I will leave him entrusted to his fate. Since I only have one Law and one scale to weigh. And every one that is not worthy of me will neither come unto me nor have pacts with me, he will rather have them with the darkness, since he has chosen it so. And I will respect that agreement.


Therefore I tell you: do sow a good seed and do fight a good combat, but do not neglect your fate since the enemy stalks, do rather take care of the sowing and do protect your field from every weed, since the darnel must not grow amidst the spikes, so that when my fire comes upon your heads you do not remain under its sign, but you rise up upon the fields like a straight and vertical tree. 70.23 That is my will for you: that you are worthy of my son, of the consoler that I send you, since he who is not worthy of him will not be worthy of me. And how will you sit at my table and celebrate betrothals with me if you are not worthy of his sacrifice? Do become worthy of him then and of what he does in your name, so that I welcome you at my table. 70.22

And he must see this, he who says he loves his Lord in the test and in the affliction: I am a column of fire that continually travels the earth from end to end. What do I seek? Man's secret, his lost name. For only this way will I be able to transform the whole earth into a temple of mine and each man into a sword of light suspended upon the darkness. 70.25 And when the moment comes and each warrior consummates himself into a priest and a servant and a prophet before the altar, I will transform that sword into a cross and in its centre the rose will bloom, that is my seed in man. And before this even the darkness will kneel down, in submission. 70.26 This is what I want for man: an open rose in the centre of a fiery cross. And that the whole earth be a cross, in the centre of which my rose blunts, that is my temple with its altar. For I have come to accomplish vast Work and not to keep in the tears and in the pain. 70.27 He who loves me, must love the pain of the Work and accomplish it in himself and raise the hands to receive the sword and when the battle is over he must become worthy of ascending to the centre of the cross, since he will be baptized in it with the fire of the spirit, he that has already been baptized in the flesh and in the blood. Then he will be allowed to be born in me as my beloved son and to sit down with me in my temple. 70.24

71 Over the edge of the abyss a cup is suspended. Then, emerged from the nothing, a hand raises it and pours its content: it is blood the liquid that is poured. In the bottom, amidst shadows and darkness, indistinct faces rise up. The sacrificed humanity's blood falls upon them. 71.2 Thus the shadows are fed and the fear on the face of the world is prolonged, since there is no real life there, but sunset that has not come to an end yet. When the moment of closing the door has come, the light will be dissipated in the 71.1

bottom of the abyss and the shadows, unreal as they are, will go from the existence that they don't have to the understanding of that. Shadows they will become definitely, neither in the world nor in man's heart where they dwell now, but in the bottom of the abyss that there is in each being and the door of which is closed. There they will live like the dreams and the premonitions live, without ever being what they are. And alone in there will they live. The world is made of shadow. And there where man believes to see light it is still the shadow that he sees, for the geometry of the Lord has conceived it and made it so. If there is light in each thing and being, it lies hidden and unknown. Secret it inhabits timeless world: we only have the premonition of it. And if we begin the path of the sacrificed and go from stage to stage, making way to the Father, it is the light that we feed. From small flame it will become huge and from huge flame it will become bonfire and from this one maybe a sun. And once arrived here, we will be allowed to look the Father in His face, like the children look at their parents in the eyes. 71.4 Until then we only feed the flame, and he is small he that has not done even that. The other is not great for doing it: he fulfils a duty, nothing else. And if he has a reward on earth for being visible in the light that he spreads, he will have it in heaven if his spirit has the same light before the Father. Therefore, may our pride not be obscured by the light that we can have before the others, even if it is huge, since before the Lord everything is small and ephemeral. 71.5 And even if as gods we leave the world and the memory of the peoples, even though we will go small and naked before the last test. And only by standing it will we overcome destiny. Then what is destiny but the Law? And what is Law but the breath of the Lord even with the dawn? Let us fulfil the law of sacrifice and maybe He holds out His hand to us, as if He held it to the one that is about to drown. As for pride and vanity, let us leave those to the world and the flesh . 71.6 Before the heaven everything is small and before its Lord even heaven is mean, let alone the creature that has ascended. That one is just a sketch of something that lasts for long between heavens and earth. And if he goes from the non existing to the being, he owes it just to the hand of God that made him leave the limbo. Not to himself, nor to that light that he carries invisible, but to the will of the one that is everything and that absolute and eternal reigns over everything. 71.7 He alone is the Lord of the endless and of still to count eras. He alone is worthy of ascending and being the light. What are we? Sketch or illusion of something. Flame also, but brief. And the Lord goes before the small flame and he blows on it. It trembles, it wavers. A little bit more of breath (which is life) and it fades. 71.3

This is what we are: a flame that burns and wavers every now and then. Not a bonfire yet, much less a sun that irradiates with neither pause nor rest, in a perennial love. Just a flame upon an endless desert, having around the stone that eternity has made sand. And above, out of the whole human understanding, stars and planets and gods, that are the genesis of all wisdom. 71.9 If we were able to penetrate there, amidst of them, the veil might rise a little. But from here, a great way off, fastened to the earth and to the limbo that 71.8

is our matter and our weight, what more can we do but dream of that? And it is by dreaming and by watching over the sleep that we keep on raising this castle of cards upon the desert plain. May God and the destiny decide not to blow hard, or else the castle will collapse and we will stay as what we are: a flame only.


Everything is a light that spreads out. The Lord brings it by the hand and keeps on giving it to the man that has become worthy of it. Once the man has gone before his Lord, He opens the door and peeps in. 71.12 Man's door is situated in his heart and upon it. The Lord looks at it and blows. If the man is tough and has won endless battles, the Lord blows more, He blows harder. Then man vacillates: he had believed to be different from what he was, he had believed to be more. 71.13 The Lord closes the door and seals the man. And the man continues his pilgrimage rushing into more battles for the light's and for the Father's sake. He goes stronger now, he has more light. He has seen the face of the Eternal and he has learned something more. If he persists in the path of the cross, with neither fatigue nor resentment, maybe he sees the end to it, maybe he gets to the top of the journey. 71.14 Then he will go before the Lord again and his seals will be broken and his flame will be blown. A breath no longer but a storm-wind: the breath of light upon the face of the world; a hurricane that, starting from a centre, revolves upon itself continually. 71.15 Thus is the Father's word for the one that goes before Him to be welcomed. And if the flame is strong and the spirit is ready, the Lord takes him for Himself and gives him a place in His temple, so that he officiates and watches by the Work; but if the flame is still weak, the Lord deviates His eyes and gets ahead of him, as if He had not seen. And man bends and continues the journey. 71.11

This is the world: an endless battle for the light. And the Lord of the world keeps vigil and prays, since man is flesh of the earth and flesh of the heaven and he is blood, part light and part darkness. A light amidst the darkness, a light full of ambition and fear that wants to scale to heaven without going through the pain of the heaven, that wants to possess the light without feeding it with his blood. This is man: a small light over which the Lord watches.


72 On a closed book a serpent sleeps: it is Ouroboros, the serpent of the Christ. A sign of the Lord, it has come to announce the kingdom of the Child, the kingdom of the one that will last a thousand years. The peoples of the whole earth will go before that one and their kings and leaders as well. For the hand of the Lord is on the child's head and also the dove that announces peace. 72.2 So in the kingdom of the Child there will be a time of peace and the spirit will speak freely. And woe to the one that rises against the Child or against those that follow it. That one will be hurled down into the abyss. And many will rise against it, since their ambition and greed are huge. But the Lord will be above all of them, like the thunderbolt and the storm are above the face of the earth. 72.3 And when the storm sounds, what will the earth do but hide from it and wait 72.1

until it is over? Man will do likewise: hide from the wrathful face of his Lord and wait until the storm is over. But the Lord will neither remove His eyes from him nor forget him, so that there is no injustice on earth, but obedience to the Law; nor derision of the Law, but love for it. 72.4 Thus the Lord will wait for the time to judge man and this one will go before Him to be weighed. And he that has followed the Child will bear a sign of that, and that another that, not having followed the Child, got divorced from it, he will also carry a sign on himself. And by this sign the Father will judge them and He will set them apart amongst themselves. And the key of the kingdom of the earth will be given to some and the key of the heaven to others. And the heaven will have power over the earth for a thousand years and the kingdom of the Child will last the same. A whole people waits: this is the Child before its Lord. And the Lord beholds it in its eyes and He sees the whole earth, entire and one only. That people see it that way: as a total and complete thing, where the spirit lives and flames. And the Lord sees the world through it and He loves the world. And He congratulates Himself in the world and He redeems Himself with the world. This is why the Lord has sent the child to the thick of the people, so that the people lived, not in the darkness, but in the light. 72.6 So the child is like a sign of the Lord, a sign of His Spirit; not the Lord, but a path towards Him. And with the child the Book will be born and the Child and the time still to come will be spoken about in it, so that he that waits doesn't wait in vain, but has a sign to follow. 72.5

He that loves the Book must love the child one thousand times more, since the child is the genesis of the Book. And the child will sit on the Book in the centre of the earth, as if it were on a throne, and all those that go before the child will go before the Book and they will have their names on the Book since eternity. Then an angel of the Lord will read the Book and will read the names that are written in there. And all those that have their name in it will be saved and all those that don't have it will have to go across the earth in search of their name. 72.8 For man is the name that the Lord has written for him upon the sands of eternity. And will become of the man that doesn't have a name written by the hand of the Lord? Where will the fire inhabit him, but in his name? Thus the Lord has created him, clay with a name written with fire. And if there is no fire in the clay, how can he walk upright ? Once the storm has come, the clay will become mud and the mud will become dissolved powder. 72.9 Firstly man must seek the hand of the Lord and His fire that will bake him inside and make flesh mixed with blood. And he must seek the name that is the talent in him, the verb and the word of the Book, since man is born when the Lord writes his name on the Book, and he dies to the flesh when the Lord erases it, and he stays in it if the Lord opens the Book and He sees his name written in gold. 72.10 And what is man but a name written on a book? Written on the Book of Destiny, on the mind of his Lord? Since the Lord is the open door of life and His path amidst men. And if men don't come by His hand, where will they come by? 72.7

There is only one truth and one essence that changes continually: that is the plasma that the Lord carries in Himself. Made up of the worlds, it contains everything. One gesture of His and everything returns to Himself and reality is dissolved, and even dreams; another gesture and everything issues forth and once again there is reality and dream about what is truth and illusion.


73 The world is like a tower which is square both in its foundation and in its dome. And between the dome and the foundation the same geometry. Level upon level it is added up, showing that reality is always the same and different. Equal in what it means and different in what we see of it. Equal because there is only one measure and everything is made upon it, and different because the eyes only see what identifies with them. 73.2 Thus the Lord has conceived the world and has accomplished it: according to His own measure. And He made it steady and eternal, for what He gave it the cube as foundation and as summit and as half way between one thing and the other. 73.1

Watched from above, the whole world is like a tower, at the top of which the mysteries of the Lord are celebrated and His temple of fire and light rises up; immediately afterwards the second temple of the world rises, the temple of the Lady, and afterwards the temple of Man, that is the result of the other two and son of them. 73.4 Thus the levels are added up, descending and ascending, forming amongst themselves a kind of an immense and infinite pyramid and for that reason the whole world is truly only one temple, in which the three temples preside and the three powers govern and keep vigil. 73.3

Human reason must not be confused with the escalade of the huge mountain of the world, nor with its meanness before the greatness of the task to accomplish, nor even with the comparison that it may establish between itself and that temple, since that temple, being immense, is no more than a particle of sand in the hand of the Lord and, being of the size of the world, it fits after all in the heart of the one that has reached its top. 73.6 Once the task has been accomplished and the doors of the three temples that crown its summit have been surpassed, the disciple's triple alchemy has taken place and he has been consecrated priest or prophet or servant of the Only God. 73.7 Having gone before Adam, he received the cross and he was crucified; having gone before Lady, he received the rose and he was conceived; having gone before the Father, he was laid naked on a stone lute so that he died and was reborn from his ashes. And being the cover sealed by the last silence and having in his hands nothing but the occult rose, the disciple undergoes the last test. 73.8 The fire will take him from the flesh and will strip him of it. Then the Lord will take him for Himself and He will dress him with the white tunic of His servants and He will give him a thread and a mantle according to his rank and merit. 73.9 And He will give him seat in His temple according to his task, since four are 73.5

the parts of the world and of the supreme temple of the world: at East, those that serve by the sword and that make the sacred war of the Lord; at south, those that keep vigil and pray in the desert and that prophesy; at west, those that serve by priesthood and by the contemplation of the sacred and by the continuation of the temples on the face of the world; at north, by those that keep the wisdom and that cyclically are born to take the path of the cross. 73.10 Such are the four parts of the temple and of the earth and of the Work to accomplish. And he who accomplishes his part in it and makes it in the plenitude of the Lord, he will find out himself one only with him in the centre of His temple one day, transformed into living fire. Then he will live another death, then having lost his flesh to enter there, he will have to lose that which is his in order to be everything without being anything. 73.11 Having been stripped of symbols and of garments (even though they were made of light), having abdicated from tasks to accomplish and of the accomplishment itself, he will be ready to take the last leap: only then will the Lord take him in His arms and Keep him close to Himself. 73.12 Naked and uncertain He will take him. More naked and uncertain than when he came out of the uncreated to life, for then he lived in the limbo of the dream of God, not conscience but life, while now, starting from the dream of the accomplishment of the being and of the full conscience of having been so, he casts himself into the emptiness that mediates and separates the life of the creature from the life of the creator. 73.13 Extreme trust alone will take from one thing to the other; only his total love for the Lord will make him overcome the abyss, since the gods are still men, even though they are gods and are accomplished. And the gap that separates gods from men is just the distance of a step of light and darkness. But the Lord is a different thing: He is neither man nor god, he has seat neither in the flesh nor in the blood that vivifies it. He is not even real: He is rather a diffuse dream, yearning, longing. 73.14 A column of light is the complete form that He can have before the one that loves and wants Him. And so He receives him, as light, and He gains him from the illusion of reality and He strips him of it. And the disciple is dissolved in that boundless ocean, in that conscience that denies the existence of a conscience of something, in order to be conscience of everything. And there is name no more and there is being no more, so that there is just a light that is light alone before the man that has ascended to it, for there is not even light in him, but rather presence and silence. 74 The spirit of the Lord is upon the world as a column of light and of fire: light, for the one that has stripped off his flesh and the eyes of the flesh; fire, for the one that has begun his crusade to the height. 74.2 Thus the Lord sends His spirit ahead of Himself, as a sign, and He places it upon the world like the seed is thrown to the ground, so that the farmer sees the hand of life in the seed that grows and loves the seed and loves life. 74.3 In the same way the Lord announces Himself to those that love Him so that, by seeing Him in all His glory and splendour, they may approach Him like the farmer approaches his seed, and they may have the gift of life and of its 74.1

perpetuity in Him, like the farmer has it in his fields and in the crops and in the continuation of his progeniture. 74.4 A seed of fire and light: this is the Lord. And inside of the man's heart, feeding him on life, the same seed. And in the core of the heart of the world, in the intimate of the incandescent ruby that the Great Mother holds against her breast, the same seed shines. 74.5 The Lord is like a spark that, dispersed and occult, makes everything live in agreement with the Law. And what is the Law, but the supreme measure of all of the things? Measure that finds its exact weight and its balance in the cosmic scale. And what does the scale weigh, but the love of man and the love of the Law? This way man lives by the Law and by the love of the Law, just like his Lord makes him live by the love that He has for him and by the Law, that is the weight and the exact measure of all of the things. 74.6 Life is a subtle and uncertain thing: a draught of hesitation is enough and suddenly it hurries into the abyss. This is why man holds two measures in himself and two laws govern him: his love for the high and for the low world, for the Lord and for His shadow. If he chooses the height, it is the light that takes him and that leads him to the supreme temple before the Lord; if he chooses the abyss, it is the darkness that takes him by the hand to meet the shadow. 74.7 And what is man, but a scale as well? A scale in which the world is weighed? Since man is made of flesh and of blood on one side and, on the other, he is made of heights and of abysses. Thus man is like a seed thrown onto two fields at the same time: on one field the Lord stands and on the other is His shadow. And both tend the soil and the seed, with infinite care and patience, waiting for it to blossom. If man blossoms in the field of the shadow, it is the shadow that gathers him and delivers him to the abyss and to the world of the flesh; if he blossoms in the field of the light, it is the light that roots him up from the ground and that takes him with itself before the Lord. 74.8 Man is so: a bridge with two margins, parallel and infinite. They begin in eternity and go beyond it; they begin in chaos that precedes all light and all life, and go beyond the light, straight up to the chaos from where they came. 74.9 Thus is the light and the shadow a kind of circle without beginning or ending. And amidst the circle, like a sort of almond confined in a cocoon of darkness and of light, the Lady, She that holds in Herself the last flame and the last darkness, the beginning and the ending of all of the things. Both lines start from Her and, having both lines touched all of the things and having penetrated them in intimate relationship and full conscience, they return to the Mother again. 74.10 This is why the world is constant mutation and permanent whirling between forms and genesis of the forms, in search of the great and supreme perfection, then having started from the Mother, that is the great synthesis and the nameless beauty, nothing satisfies the beings, nothing fulfills them. In everything they try to accomplish and reach her, since they have the supreme measure in her. 74.11 And what are the Lord and the Shadow, but this measure? The measure of light and of darkness, the measure of the Law? And what does man accomplish before the Lord more than the law of the light, the law of life and of continuity? And before the shadow and the world, what does he accomplish, but the shadow and the world and its law? 74.12 So there are two paths for man: the one of the world and the one of the Lord

of the world; the one of the flesh, and of the continuation of the flesh through the blood and the spirit that lives in it, and the one of the Lord, that is the path of the divestment of the flesh and of the overtaking of the blood and of its spirit. 74.13 If man fulfills himself in the flesh and in his species, he accomplishes the shadow, he accomplishes the spirit of the world and he ties himself to the world; but if he fulfills himself in the Lord, he accomplishes himself in the light and in the fire that leads to the light and he accomplishes the light and he detaches himself from the world, for he has detached himself from the flesh. 74.14 Thus the flesh is the fetter that keeps him attached to the world and to the Shadow. And unless man sets his eyes on the Lord and looks beyond the world and the flesh, he won't see more than the flesh and the world, since the blood that feeds the flesh feeds the world as well, so that the world supports the flesh, and before the eyes of man blood is like a serpent of fire and of desire and of lust so that man sees the flesh only and loves it alone. Blood does this, not out of the love for man, but for the shadows that tie man to the world. 74.15 Since blood is like a spirit of light that loved the shadow more than the light and took man for itself, as its medium and its voice. And it is in him and in his flesh, for only in the flesh can it live and have body. 74.16 Thus blood feeds the flesh and feeds on the flesh. And it feeds man, so that man serves the longings of the flesh and his own longing, which is to stay in the world and belong to the world. A serpent of fire: this is the blood inside of man. If man consents in the darkness and surrenders to it, the serpent takes him for itself and carries him with itself to the abyss of the world and it feasts on him, like the voracious animal feeds on its prey. 74.18 Blood is like a bird of prey, if man yields his will to it and entrusts his destiny to it; or like a lamb of peace, if on it man imposes his will, that is the Father in him, and if he gives it the cross of sacrifice to accomplish the soul. Then blood is shed in the chalice that is on the altar of the world and the Father holds it and raises it to the firmament and blesses it, so that it becomes light. 74.19 But woe to the one who sheds his blood, not out of love for the Law, but out of love for the darkness. That one will lose his blood in the chalice of darkness and the blood will take him from the light and it will make him be swallowed by the abyss. 74.20 For such as there is a Lord of light there is another one that is of the abyss. And He also has His altar and His chalice, always prepared to receive the blood shed out of love for Him. And having received it, He drinks it and He drinks the soul of the one that has given himself up to Him. 74.17

This one will never be born again, since he denied the light and he denied the Lord of the light and he entrusted himself to the darkness and he took communion with it.


75 A wand under the firmament: this is the prophet in the hand of his Lord. And where the Lord goes, the prophet goes with Him, by His hand. And when the Lord raises the wand to the sky, the prophet invokes the elements. And when the Lord


throws it onto the ground, the prophet becomes the serpent and he gives the wisdom to the man. 75.2 A wand beneath a hand: thus is the prophet and thus is his Lord. When the Lord rams it down amidst the world to signal the things, the prophet becomes the point of convergence of all of the things. Thus the prophet is stone of foundation of the temple and he is stone of dome of the same temple. And he is continuation of the hand of his Lord. If the hand rises above the creature, it is the prophet that is in the hand. And when finally the Work is finished and the purpose is accomplished and the hand raises the cup before the infinite, it is the prophet that is in the cup and that accomplishes the Verb. 75.3 For the prophet doesn't exist for himself, but in function of his Lord and of His Work and of His Will and Love. And where the Lord goes, the prophet goes with Him. And where the Lord doesn't go, the prophet doesn't go. Since there is not such a thing as a prophet and prophecy, but only a wand that the Lord raises above the worlds, when the hour sounds. 75.4 Then the prophet intones the sacred word and the wand is cast upon the worlds to signal the place of the temple. And the wand is raised upon the ground. The north and the south the occident and the orient are delimitated around it: the place of the Lord and the place of the creature. A word: this is the prophecy. And to pronounce it, he who has neither voice nor body nor is anything, thus the Lord has created him as a part of His, continuation of His, and has sent him to His worlds to accomplish the Work. And the prophet is in the Work and the Work is in him, since he is the path of his Lord. 75.6 So there is not a book to write, but rather the prophet that rediscovers himself in the Book and that entrusts himself to man to accomplish the Work and to consummate destiny. And destiny takes place through the prophet and through his voice, that is the voice of the Lord and that is His Law for the world. And once destiny is accomplished and the Work is accomplished, the world turns to the Lord and fulfills itself in Him, since the Lord is the accomplishment of the whole Work. Not just the part of the world and of man, but the whole part and the world and the whole man. 75.7 He who wants to accomplish the Work must accomplish the Lord of the Work beforehand, since the foundation of the Work is the world, but the foundation of the world is its Lord. And if the Lord is not fulfilled in the Work, how will this one be fulfilled in Him? For this reason the Lord has sent His prophet ahead of Him, so that he gave evidence of the Work and of Him, as its Lord. And in order that he wrote the Book, path and sign of the Work. Then how will man come to the Lord if he doesn't come through the path of the world and through the transcendence of the world? Through the path of the flesh and of the transcendence of the flesh? 75.8 Flesh and world transformed into flame: so are the world and man before their Lord. And the prophet is the sign of this, the incandescent wand in the hand of the Lord. The wand is thrown onto the earth, as fire, and the flame goes ahead of the wand and it works miracles, and it is the Lord that is in the flame, as spirit, and that accomplishes the wand and that accomplishes the flame. 75.9 So is the prophet before his Lord: an incandescent wand, a wand where flame inhabits. And the flame is in the word and it is in the Book. And the prophet gives the word to man and he gives man to his Lord. And the Lord joins man and 75.5

He takes him for Himself and He joins the world, that is the Work of man, and He takes it also. And once man is taken and the world is taken, the Work is complete and light is accomplished and the three parts of the Work are accomplished as well. 75.10 He who wants to accomplish the Work must accomplish its Lord beforehand and then the world and afterwards he is meant to accomplish himself. Since three are the worlds of the accomplishment of the things and three are the apprenticeships of the path. And he who loves his Lord, he must accomplish them one after the other, or else the Work will be incomplete. And what Lord will love an unfinished work? Or a world made by the half? Or a man that is just flesh and nothing else? Thus the Work is the transcendence of the flesh and of the world and of the very Lord of the world. 75.11 Once all of this has been accomplished, the Lord will raise the Work before the firmament, like a cup in which a seed of light is deposited, so that the Work is based, neither on the world nor on its Lord, but on the one that is beyond the worlds and of the Lords of the worlds: the one that is One and is nameless. Only that one can raise the Work and cast it amidst the stars, like a seed of renewal. Only that one can finish the Work and take it for himself. This is the genesis of the worlds and of the beings: a Great Work. And in its core, the voice of the prophet and the voice of the Lord, as a sign.


This is what the prophet is in the world: a sign of the Great Work and a sign of the Lord; not one body, but just an echoless voice; not flesh of the earth, but blood where his Lord's fire runs. A sign and a word: and the sign is given to man and the word is cast upon the earth, as a seed. If the soil is good, the seed will bear fruit; if the soil is bad, the fruit will not be born there. 75.14 Thus the prophet shall travel over the whole earth by the hand of his Lord, to cast the seed of the word and the seed of the sign. And where the prophet goes, the Lord goes with him. And if there is good soil, there will be seed on it and the Lord will bless it with His spirit; but if the soil is b arren and doesn't bear fruit, the prophet will cast his fire there, as a purification, and the Lord will neither bless it nor give His spirit to it. 75.13

A prophet and a Lord: this is the sign for the world. On the four corners of the earth, the four spirits that are before the throne will free the seals and the Book will sound like a thousand trumpets. Then the angels of the Lord will come, as if in procession across the earth, and wherever they go there will be a just. And with that just they will create the foundation of a temple and its priest. 75.16 Thus the earth will be covered with temples of light, not of stone; and with priests of the Lord, but not with statues to worship. And when the whole earth is no more than a map of light it will be only one temple and in its centre an altar will be placed and on the latter the symbols of the Great Work will be placed. Then the world will be accomplished. 75.17 But until that time comes, the suffering of man and of the world will be much. And the prophets of the Lord will go before men and they will be thrown stones at, for their light is great and it creates shadows. And the justs will suffer and their temples and altars will be razed. And there will be persecution, death 75.15

and gibe of the word. He even the Son of Man will suffer. The Lord will see all this and He will receive the blood of the justs in the cup, to celebrate the New Alliance. 75.18 But when the cup is full, the Lord will blow upon the earth like the storm, and fire will fall upon it like a flood. And the Lord will be in the storm and will be in the fire, and the wind will blow and poke the fire, so that the whole earth is purified in it. 75.19 Then, when there is only a globe of incandescent fire before the face of the Lord, the blood of the justs will be flowed out upon the earth, the fire will be gone out and the earth will bear fruit again. At that time peace and justice will reign amidst men and the Lord will be worshiped, neither in the stone nor in man's temple, but in the fire and in the temple of the world. 76 Between heaven and earth, unknown and errant, you travel the paths of life, my Lord. On your raised up hand, you hold an oil-lamp. Such is the light that you have made for man. And if man sees you, he follows you. Across valleys and plains, he follows you like the flock follows its shepherd, but few are those that notice you. Their eyes only see the darkness of the world and the pains of the world and all that which ties them to the world. This is why you pass amidst them and they look at the other side. And you travel their paths and they believe you are absent. And you penetrate their cities and their homes, and it is as if you penetrated a cave with no light. 76.2 Since man sees just his image in everything. And if there is happiness in the image, he believes he is happy. And if there is pain, he thinks that he suffers for you. Thus is man: an image that looks at itself in the mirror of life. And as there is a reflection, the image believes it is alive. But you alone are alive, my Lord. You who are the origin of every image and of every mirror and of all that is life. 76.1

An image before a mirror: man sees himself and he fools himself this way. If You could be that mirror, my Lord, in which man sees himself, he certainly would see beyond his own self. Disclosed in his truth, that is your truth, he would see you in himself and he would see beyond himself. Then he would know you as that occult face that presides every creature and that is both every thing that exists and that is still to exist. And by seeing you like this and by knowing you are present in everything, how would he be able to ignore you? He would rather ignore himself and the reflection of everything that the light, touching the shadow, returns him. Since the game of the light and of the shadow is just a game, and he would see that it was an illusion and he would get ahead of it.


Everything serves you, my Lord: and You serve everything for the sake of the Work. So You love man, not for his sake but for the sake of the Work that there is in him. And You also love every living creature, not just because of it, that is minute and ephemeral both in its shape and in the soul of its shape, but because there is a Work in it. 76.5 So, your love is destined neither to man nor to the creature, since they are both unfinished things, but to the consummation of man and of the creature, for man is just a sign of something greater than him; and the creature is just another 76.4

sign as well. Not the accomplishment of the Work, but a sign that the Work exists in man and in the creature. 76.6 And by accomplishing the Work You accomplish the creature and You accomplish man and You accomplish something more than them, since it is the whole that You love and not a part of it. And if you love the portion, it is because You see the whole in it and You guess it there, like the sculptor guesses the future statue to accomplish in the veins of the stone. 76.7 Thus is man no more than a hazy and ephemeral beginning of what You are. And every seed cast on the soil is no more than the shadow and the presentiment of the ear of corn that will bloom, since the beings start from you and return to you. They start as presentiment and return as completeness. And you send them to manifestation like the birds that leave their nests, to dare the flight. And You take them, when they finally have become Your face and Your hand, one upon another. 76.8 Then You devour them in their forms and in their vanities and in their ideals, which they raised in search of You, and You still devour them in the veiled and uncertain idea that they have of you. Then how will the shape love the light, if there is no shape in it? Or how will the stone still to be carved love the chisel and the hand that will transform it into a statue? The same way the stone will have to know the fragmentation of the chisel and of the power of the sculptor's hand, before bearing fruit. And the shape will have to die as reflection and illusion, before it may ascend to You, my Lord. 76.9 The man's paths are those of the shape and of the completeness of the shape, but Your paths are those of the light and of the accomplishment of the light. And how can shape become light if it doesn't die? Thus You give them death, that is Your consummation, and You give them life, that is transcendence. And if there is love for You in them, they will love Your death and Your life and Your transcendence. And they will welcome all this, like the ground welcomes the seed cast into the obscurity, since the obscurity allows the passage from light to the darkness and from these to light again. 76.10 The same happens with man that, by being devoured, is devoured by the light and thrown amidst the obscurity so that he may be born again, since there are those who have been born of the flesh and those who have been born of the light. And every man comes to shape by means of the woman, but he will have to go through the obscurity and through death before coming through light, since much and varied is the birth of every thing and not only one. 76.11 And there are those that are born of the woman and remain by the woman. And there are those others that are born of the obscurity and transcend neither the obscurity nor the cave where it inhabits. And there are still those that are born of the light and that rejoice in it like man rejoices in his woman for the sake of flesh and of the taste of blood. Those have been born only once, even though they are accomplished in their shape or in their light. 76.12 But another is the destiny that the Lord reserves to man: that he is born, not once, but a lot of times, since there is perfection both in the shape and in its absence, but there is no glorification in the Lord. And he, who loves the darkness, doesn't glorify the Lord. And neither does he, who loves the light. But He is glorified by the one who loves Him and that, for the sake of His Great Work, loves the shape and loves the obscurity and loves the light.

For, if the Lord has made him go this way through the shape and through the obscurity and through the light, it is because He has loved him much and He has wanted him much, since there is no father who wants limitation for his son, be he from the darkness or from the light. If he loves him, he will want for him the infinite of there being neither shape nor light nor any thing that can take hold of him. 76.14 It is so that the Lord loves His servant and His priest and His prophet. He loves them beyond reality and beyond the conscience of what they are. And because He loves them, He wants them close to Him, in that same ocean with neither waves nor tides, where the two still to accomplish infinites converge and where gods and demons go, in the beginning and at the end of the eras, to reverence the only and unnamable Lord: He that has neither name nor face nor appearance, but that is everything. 76.13

Before Him, they go, like the pilgrims go before the idols and the stone temples built by the Shadow. 76.16 And they will go also those who are displeased as much by the obscurity as by the light. Those will go by the hand of their Lord, like the flock of the end of the world will follow the last shepherd. 76.17 And they will be received and they will forget name and shape and all that is incidental, even though it is universal and accomplished. And they will forget even the light and the face of their Lord, since it will have been used as a guide and nothing else. 76.18 Devoured for the last time, they will see and know. 76.15

77 The knowledge of the things of heaven is identical to a treasure that somebody had hidden and then afterwards had talked about it to some but without revealing the path that leads to the secret. And those had spoken to others in their turn, as if they knew the secret, but without knowing it. And years from then, many had heard of that occult treasure and searched for it in deep caves and at the top of the mountains, but truly without finding it ever. 77.2 Such a treasure would be like a symbol of the path and the reason why the path is started. And it would be like a precious gain, half-hidden, half-found and, as a consequence of being so spoken about, half of it would be myth and half of it would be truth. And the one who found it, would not truly be able to find it, since the discovery would be the real half and the invented half would be lacking. 77.3 The same happens with the things of heaven, in which one half is unveiling of the veil and another half is occultation of it, since man loves everything by halves. And having found the path of the Lord, he thinks he has not found it, for being simple. 77.4 Thus the celestial treasure remains still to be found for every one that imagines it and doesn't live it. And so it will remain until the new man comes, he who, for being a child, lives everything by totality and nothing by the partial that exists in it. That one will take the path of heaven for himself again and he will teach it to those that listen to him. 77.5 And all will wonder, since whole generations have searched for it in so many places when it was at the distance of a blow. Like a curtain that, being torn 77.1

apart, would reveal the face that hides behind it, thus is the secret to man: at the distance of a veil. But few are those that, being it so close, dare to disclose it. They prefer to imagine it difficult and inaccessible, for that satisfies them in their vanity and in their illusion. But those will not find it. He who seeks the secret of the Lord must seek his own secret first. And he who wants to ride the great mountain of the world in order to climb to its summit, he must ride his intimate mountain first and climb up to its unknown summit. And he who wants to sow the fields of heaven and grow the celestial flowers, he must cultivate the fields of the earth first and sow in man's core beforehand. 77.7 Since heaven is where the Lord is and the Lord moves from one point to the other on earth in a very short while and He never remains in the same dwelling. And how can we come close to Him if we don't reach Him in His hidden home, in the core of our soul? 77.8 We must do the same to the things heaven: to seek them in us first. And wanting to accomplish them, we must do it on the others. Since what is heaven but the earth placed on the other side of the mirror of eternity? And what is the mirror but the time that the Lord has frozen into illusion and senses for the man to see it? Thus every thing is its very self and door to the Lord, since the Lord moves from one to another continually and He is in all of them. 77.6

Heaven is like a flower placed in the middle of a cross. The cross is the world, the middle of the cross is the centre of the world. Hidden and unknown, the flower feeds both the form of the earth and the reason for its existence and every creature that lives on it. Thus is the Lord as well: occult and unknown, in Him is the nourishment of every creature and of every living thing. And the being searches for Him on earth and he finds himself crucified in it. And he finds himself continuation and will of his Lord and His accomplishment amidst his brethren. Since there is not such a thing as one Lord and one creature, one heaven and one earth, but a mixture of both. 77.10 The Lord rises upon the earth, like a mountain of light. His children, who are His shadows, climb to its summit and join Him. Next, He penetrates the depth of the earth and He lays His foundation in its core, raising a temple of light and fire there. Those who find Him there join Him also. Since the Lord is the symbol of the path and the very path and the last reason for its existence. 77.9

He who takes the path to its end and discovers himself by travelling it, he will discover his Lord in himself and his path in Him. And he will see Him without a mirror, like he sees himself. And he will accomplish Him in every moment, for He is present in every moment. And he will search for Him in mountains or in abysses no more, since it will be enough for him to turn his face to see Him close to him. 77.12 That one will be born of the woman no more but he will be born of the light, for he has accomplished himself with the light. The Lord will bring him by His hand, like a father brings a son, for He has taken him as a son. And He has freed him from the darkness and from the kingdom of the darkness and He has consecrated him for Himself. 77.11

78 This is the huge void, the huge nothing and, amidst of it, a breath, a light. Thus is my spirit amidst of you: a breath. And what are you before my spirit, but a huge void? Thus my spirit sheds upon you, to wipe off the void and to transform it into matter of redemption. 78.2 So, don't resist my breath, since he who resists is left to the darkness, and the darkness takes him and does not consent him the light. And he who takes my breath for himself, he shall be safe from the darkness and my breath shall feed him and make him live. 78.3 If you want to live, take my breath and let it feed you like the animals feed their youngs. Since my breath will transform you into my children both inside and outside, into children of my spirit. And if it does not do so, who will do it? Do you believe by any chance that the spirit of the earth will do it? Take care, since the earth has a double flame and a false radiance. And if it loves you and exalts you, it can also make you perish. Or do you think that your efforts are enough to drive you out of the darkness and to bring you unto me? 78.4 If it were not for my breath you would still inhabit the limbo. If it were not for my spirit you would have never passed from the darkness to the presentiment of the light. Coming on your own steps, you would have to travel the earth a thousand times and it would not be enough. This is the reason why I have sent you my spirit and my prophets and my priests, so that they spoke to you about me and they guided you. And they have done so continually, cycle after cycle. And some have come unto me and others have lost themselves without meeting me. For my breath has been cast upon the earth and there are those that love it like they love me and there are those that hesitate before it and cover their face. My breath neither loves those nor wants them for itself and it passes by and they get lost. 78.1

You are like small lights in the endless darkness. Inside of you there is a small light that I feed continually, since the darkness that surrounds you also fascinates you and, if it were not for not my fire, you would have given up your flesh to the darkness a long time ago. 78.6 This is what you are: a piece of flesh where my fire inhabits. And those of you who forget about my fire, in those the fire faints and is extinguished and I don't feed it any more. Those will feed the shadow and become children of the shadow. And you all are children of the shadow, since you were born of it, like you were born of the flesh and of the blood, which is also matter of the shadow. And all of your actions, what do they do but prolong the shadow and its kingdom? You do want it so and I do consent to it, like the father suffers his children to choose their path. But there will be a day on which your time comes to an end and your choice ceases before the Law. 78.7 Then you will be judged one before the others and before the fruits of your work and before me. And I will weigh you in the scale of life and woe to the one who has not fed my fire. I will give that one to the darkness and I will not take him again, for he has chosen the darkness above me and he has veiled his face from me. I will comply with his wishes, by giving him to the darkness and forgetting him. 78.8 Mind what you sow now: since your time is of trial and sacrifice. If you sow a 78.5

weak seed on the ground, it shall not bloom. And if you sow it in the darkness, it shall bloom in the darkness. Who among you wants to reap fruits of darkness and pain? You had better throw your seed amidst stones and thistles, then your merit would be greater and greater would be your glory before me. But if you sow it in the darkness, the darkness takes you and you have to feed on it. Do you think that I deceive you? What father would deceive his children? For I am like a father to all of you and I take every one that comes unto me and I transform him into a column of my temple. And what greater glory will there be for you than all being columns of my temple? And all of you being before the altar, in prayer and reverence? Since on the altar there are the four spirits, those that govern you and that govern everything in agreement with the Law. 78.10 Do want greater glory than this? There is not such, I tell you. And if the shadows tell you the opposite it is in order to deceive and seduce you. Since the shadow loves the darkness and fears the light. And what will become of the shadow if all of you go from the darkness to the light? Then the world would be like a torch amidst the darkness and I would hold it and I would take it by the hand to light me up with it, and I would cast it amidst the endless space to illuminate the worlds. This is your destiny: to illuminate the worlds. 78.11 What destiny will be greater than to accomplish my will and to fulfil my love, then is it not a love act to illuminate those who are imprisoned by the darkness? If you were all able to see beyond the veil of the shadows, in the same instant you would become my children and my flames. But the shadow is inside of you like a bad seed. And some times you believe in me and other times in it. And I wait and it waits. 78.12 Some give themselves up to it and it takes them and it makes them procreate in the darkness; others give themselves up to me and I transform them into light. This is why you live in the fight between the light and the darkness and even your parents lived so and your children will still live. And the fight shall still continue for many cycles, since man is a battlefield between me and the shadow. And if I am victorious there is light in him, but if the shadow is victorious, it is the darkness that is victorious. 78.13 A day will come in which I will deny the darkness to the world and I will take the world for me, since its cycle will have been closed. Then you will be judged and the darkness will also be judged and every shadow will see my light, as a spirit. Before the spirit all of you will bend your head for I am your Lord. And I have created you half shadow and half light so that you might choose, since the choice is destiny and he who chooses is also chosen. 78.9

Do you believe that I am lesser than the shadow? The shadow springs up from me when I take shape in order to create you and to create the worlds. Then I project shadow and, since there is nothing of minor in me, not even the shadow, it vivifies from a part of mine and it tries to live and I consent to it, like I do consent to every creature that lives. But I observe it also, and I have my Law on it and my Will watches over it, continually, since there is only a scale and a sword and every creature will have to go before it to be judged, be it either shadow or man or another thing. 78.15 For that reason I warn you: do not choose the shadow or you will be 78.14

devoured without any merit, since the shadow is no adversary of mine, but a part of mine that I have let live. And if it lives, it lives because I do consent to it and it lives because you assent my flame to it. Then it feeds on you, like the creatures feed on each other; not because there is flesh in them, but because I sowed my seed in everything that lives. It had to be so, so that you could go from the darkness to the light and stand before me. 78.16 I will see you in your heart, when you come like this. And I will see your fruit and the fruit of your labour and I will know about you. And I will either take you or not, according to your work, since you are my Great Work and if you have made sound work, the Work will be visible on you; but if you have made wicked work, the Work will be devoid of life and only your flesh will pulse on it. But it is not the flesh that I want, but the flame: therefore you will be seen out of the flame. Not out of the flesh, which is fruit of the earth and ephemeral, but out of the flame, which is splendour of my flame and last accomplishment of what you are. 78.17 For I am so as well: a flame that burns continually, veiling the accomplishment of the Work upon the worlds, sometimes reaping sometimes rejecting, since not everything is worthy of me. And among you there is the good seed and there is the wicked seed. And I do want the former for my nourishment, but I do not care about the latter. I preferably cast it into the fire, so that it is devoured and it has no descent. 79 Every outset is involuntary. The started Work is just a sketch of the finished Work. The being that rises from the mud is just an idea of the one that will be accomplished through the mud. Only the Lord holds the beginning and the end of the eras in His hands, since everything starts from Him and everything returns to Him, once destiny is accomplished. 79.2 The Lord looks in the mud and He sees the creature rising, heading for the height. And He looks in the Work and He sees its outline, its presentiment. And He looks in man's heart and He sees a light that persists in keeping lighted a small and uncertain light. And the Lord feeds that flame with His breath and it grows inside of man and out of him, in his actions and in his words. 79.3 And man testifies on earth with his eyes set on the Lord, since the Lord blesses the creature that tears the curtain of darkness heading for the light, and He blesses the one that struggles to reach the top of the mountain. In them He builds His temple and He accomplishes His Work. Since that Work and that temple will remain beyond the flesh and its ephemeral duration. 79.1

A Work to accomplish: this is man and this is the world. And man and the world give their hands in search of the fire that feeds the alchemic vase of the Lord, for only the fire can burn the clay and give it the appearance of a being, or burn man's flesh and draw out of it the essence that will transform the flesh into light. And what is light, but the breath of the Lord?


The word of the Lord was disseminated upon the world at the beginning of things and it penetrated them like the water penetrates the earth, in order to feed it and to draw fruit out of it. And once the time of insemination of the earth


came to an end, the word was lodged in it like the seed is lodged in the cultivated field. For the word is a seed of long fruit and much florescence and, being fed by man, its nourishment must be long and laborious. It is not enough to water the earth now and to leave it afterwards. But it must be watered every time the sun rises and every time it hides away. Since the seed of the earth bears fruit and dies but the seed of heaven bears fruit and remains. 79.6 Likewise is man: a perennial seed that the Lord cast upon the earth, so that it bore plenty of fruit. And once man is accomplished on earth, the Lord touches him to estimate his steadiness and his burn. If He discovers a flame in him, He takes him for Himself and He wants him for a servant of His, but if He finds him slack and cold He flings him into the mud again so that he looks for the path once more. 79.7 Since the Lord loves the seed, but He loves the harvest a thousand times more. And what would become of the seed if it had no crop to give? Thus the Lord loves the fruit of the seed, for as He loves the fruit the seed should also want it for itself, since the fruit accomplishes the seed, but without fruit there is no seed worthy of love. 79.8 The Lord teaches him this, for loving the accomplishment and not the road that leads there, since he who loves the road more than its accomplishment may get astray without reaching the end. A road of fire and light: this is the path of the Work. And once the road is accomplished the Work is accomplished in the same instant by means of a miracle of transcendence called love. Then what is the road but the word, and what is the Work but love? And what is all this, but the Lord of the road and of the Work? Thus man fulfils himself in the road and he fulfils himself in the Work and, when he believes he has accomplished himself, the Lord gathers him unexpectedly like the farmer gathers the fruits of his orchard in the right season. Then man finds himself fruit of his Lord and he assumes himself as nourishment of His, since he has fulfilled himself as fruit. 79.10 The Lord draws him out of the earth and He frees him from the earth through the liberation of the flesh and of the blood of the flesh. And having freed him this way, He blows His breath on his face, so that the flame releases him also from the soul of the earth. Only then does man see himself as light and as fire and as integral accomplishment of the Work. 79.11 The accomplished man is like an egg of light, transparent and crystalline, in whose centre a bonfire burns. Thus the man made by the Lord is like a seed of light. The Lord takes the seed in His hands and blows it upon the worlds. If the seed falls upon the earth and finds it virgin in which it may deposit itself, a man of God and a temple priest will be born from the seed. 79.12 These are not born of the flesh, although they are born of the cave that the flesh is. But they are born of the Lord and of His own light. And there are others that, being blown on, fly above the worlds and remain around them shining like stars upon the firmament. And they illuminate the earth and the souls that are tuned in with them, for they serve them as guides in the search of the paths of the Lord. 79.9


A seed of fire in the middle of a cave: thus is man. Around the fire, craving

for it, those of the abyss and of the shadow. Not out of love for man but out of greed for him, for there is neither blood in them, nor fruits of the blood, nor the density of the earth, just a veil upon the border of an abyss. A veil of illusion and of forgetfulness, where every wrong move is the last. And if they want man it is in order to steal his fire and his blood that it is the soul of the fire in him. Thus they become almost dense, almost creature. And thrown down in the abyss, it won't be the same, since the death of the shadow has no power either over the flesh or over the blood. 79.14 Thus this immortality made of crimes and of robberies to man smiles at them. And man, ignorant of himself and of God, celebrates pacts with them, thinking he is accomplishing the Work, when he only accomplishes the shadow and its abyss. 79.15 Thus the shadow deceives him, with false promises. And he, who believes it, accomplishes the shadow and forgets the Lord. And the shadow becomes strong in him and he becomes its servant, until there remains nothing but flesh, as an illusion of a creature. But the Lord, that sees and knows everything, looks deeper, beyond illusion, and He sees shadows instead of light, abysses instead of heights and He gets ahead of him as if He had neither listened to nor noticed him. He who seeks the Lord, must seek Him in the heights, where the atmosphere is rarefied and the light expands continually, since the Lord walks upon the earth like a giant, and His steps go from mountain to mountain without touching the valleys or the shadow of the valleys where slumber waits; he who seeks Him must stand watchful, for only the Lord chooses the moment of the last awakening in the creature. 79.17 And what will become of the creature that, having sought his Lord, has let himself fall asleep in the last instant? Certainly the breath of the height will pass above him and will not leave a seed of light. But it will go ahead and it will entrust him to the shadow, since the flame shines on him no longer. 79.16

80 A flame in the middle of a circle: this is life, which the beings feed by giving it their flesh and their dreams and everything that is illusion in them. Then the flame grows and it takes the circle for itself. Beings, fascinated and surprised, let themselves be taken, they surrender to the flame and they are consumed. 80.2 And if the flame grows a little bit more, it suddenly outstrips the very circle of the causes and of the effects; there it is, sovereign and demanding, before the Lord of the circle. 80.3 Since the flame is like a blind fire: while limited in its fold, it obeys and it creates, but if the forms cede to it the talent of the continuation and the dream of something more than being a flame, there it is, mad and unrestrained. 80.4 Then the Lord stops it and sends it back to its place again, in the centre of the circle, which is also the circle of life. 80.1

Life is in the form and the form is the beings' limit. Life is in the circle and the circle is the barrier between the form and its absence. 80.6 Within the circle or within the form the beings live their experience and they accomplish their mission, which is being perfect and one. Once out of the circle 80.5

or of the form that contains them, they penetrate wider and more dangerous areas as well. 80.7 Since the form is like a seed and the circle is like the earth and life is like the hand that sows the seed on earth. And above the hand there is its Lord that looks after the seed and after the good course of the earth. 80.8 But if the seed is sown not on soil but on mud, what will be born of it? Nothing but rottenness. 80.9 Thus is life without its Lord, for He only knows how and where to sow the seed so that it blooms. And He takes care of it with zealous devotion, so that it gives more seed in a future time. He who looks for accomplishment must be before life like the seed is before its Lord: docile and tranquil. 80.11 For there is no farmer that does not love the seed and the soil and that doesn't take care of both. But he surely has a thousand cares, from sunrise to sunset, regarding its tilling and its sowing and its watering. For the seed is a fragile and uncertain thing and the soil is a stable thing if it is fertilized and watered, but it is hard and useless if it is left by itself. The farmer knows it is so and he takes care of them so that when harvest time comes the crop is rich and his house is full of ripe seed. 80.12 Life does the same with the one that inhabits in its bosom: it takes care of him and it gives him abundant manure, since the beings don't fulfil in themselves, but in their works. And once the works are accomplished, a small grain will come out of each one to be set at the feet of the Lord, as an oblation. 80.13 The Lord will hold the grain and He will weigh the one that has brought it to Him. If his weight is great, still more will be given to him before heaven, but if his weight is small, it will be taken out of him and he will remain so. Since he who already is before the earth, will grow beyond it. But he who is little or nothing in it, how will he be before the Lord? Thus is the seed on earth: small or huge, according to its merit. 80.10

A seed of light has been given by the Lord to each being, so that each being might look after it and would have concerns and labours because of it. And having given it, the Lord turned away from the beings so that these, considering themselves free, might take care of it their own way. 80.15 And there were those that forgot about the seed and ignored it, because they had forgotten their Lord and had ignored His Work. And there were those others that, although they did not forget the seed, took little care of it, believing that it would live by itself. And there were still those that took all the cares with the seed and accomplished themselves in it and fulfilled the Work that the Lord laid in the seed. 80.16 And once harvest time arrived, the Lord called them before Himself and before His spirits and they went, one by one. 80.17 Some of them went full of accomplished seed and such was its weight that they went down under it. To those the Lord gave a place in His house and the seed was converted into light. 80.18 Others carried the asleep seed, for they had not taken care of it. To those the Lord blew upon their eyes and nostrils, so that they woke up and they could 80.14

speak. These repented and went before the earth again, to take care of the seed. And others went before the Lord with neither seed nor fruit, since they had ignored the seed and had turned away from Him long before. Those were entrusted to the flames by the Lord so that these devoured them, for they were not worthy.


Such is the justice of the Lord and the justice of life before those that carry the seed, and all the beings carry it with themselves, even if hidden, unknown, or forgotten. 80.21 For that reason the Lord has this written, so that he who has forgotten the seed may still remember it previous to going before Him with empty hands. 80.22 And so that the other one that has abandoned the seed a long time before may seek it where he left it and retake it and take care of it, for that one will also have merit before the Lord. 80.23 And so that he who, not having abandoned the seed, still looks after it, may know that the Lord watches over him and looks after him, for he is also a seed in the heart of his Lord and in the heart of the very life. 80.24 The Lord had this written, so that once harvest time comes (and the time is near) no one goes before Him without carrying anything: either an accomplished seed or a hidden seed, but still a seed. 80.20

81 The spirit of the Lord is like a bird hovering between heaven and earth. Hovering and looking for those that, having travelled the paths of heaven or those of the earth, are searching for a new song and a renewed eucharist now. 81.2 Since the Lord belongs neither to heaven nor to the earth, but He belongs to the infinite and to eternity. And if He walks through heaven, He walks like the wanderer, always in search of a wider horizon. And if He walks across the earth, He walks alone, since not even the greatest of His servants can follow Him. This is why the Lord waits for His children half-way between the elements, neither through heaven nor across the earth, but half-way between them. 81.3 Until the moment when, tired of searching for Him and disappointed with the whole search and even with the sense that there may exist in the search, His children let themselves be taken by the winds and by the tides of the soul. Then, all of a sudden, they find Him where they didn't expect to find Him. 81.4 And He takes them for Himself and He sets wings on their feet and on their heart and He carries them with Him, neither heading for heaven nor heading for earth, but heading for farther than gods or demons or shadows of men have ever gone. And they go with Him and if they return, they return distinct, they return different, not gods, but accomplished and integral men. 81.1

The spirit of the Lord is like a sign upon the dawn of the world, since the full light causes the hunger for light to be forgotten. And the total darkness brutalizes the one that seeks, reducing him to the illusion of having sought. 81.6 And how will it be possible for the Lord to reveal Himself but in the antechamber of the soul? For the soul is like a door and he who seeks opens the door and goes through. Then the servants of the Lord come to meet him in order to greet him and to divest him of the clothes that he has brought from the path. 81.5

And having divested him of emotion and of thought and of flesh, so they take him, naked and pure, before the face of the Lord. And the Lord regards him and He sees him. And if he is worthy He takes him for His servant and He gives him a mission and its accomplishment. But if he is not, He turns His face on him and He parts with him, like the mother of the young parts with it, so that it may grow in pain and in life and it may be accomplished. 81.7 The Lord also does so, since not everything is worthy of Him. And there are many creatures that, having gone unto Him, He neither welcomed nor recognized, for it is necessary that man fulfils himself as a man before going. 81.8 And what is this accomplishment but the one of the Work and the one of the world? Thus the Lord has ordered His prophets and His servants, who are still men, to do so. And they do so and they tell others, when the hour of the Lord comes, all may go in the fullness of the love for the Work and in the full conscience of its accomplishment. Then the Lord will take them, because they have left both the Work achieved and the world in the light. 81.9 But how will the master be able to welcome the servant that has neither tilled the ground nor sown the good seed? For sure he will send him back to the field again, so that he fulfils himself and fulfils the mission that he has given him. Since what is the servant but the accomplishment of the mission? And if this is not done, what good is it for him to exist? Death would rather suit him for being sweeter than the refusal of the light of the Lord. Then having gone before the Lord, how is it possible to love another thing? 81.10 Thus the good servant must only go before the Lord in the full accomplishment of the light and in its full conscience so that the door of the soul opens up once and for all, and not by portions, since he who goes before the Lord in search of the accomplishment will not find Him, but he will find His Shadow. And what is the shadow of the Lord but the very world? Shadow and labyrinth of the shadow, since the world ruins him who dwells upon the world. And every creature that doesn't set the accomplishment of the Work as a part of his own accomplishment certainly gets lost in the world. 81.12 Since the world is place of passage and not of rest for the warrior. And if the warrior suspends the battle and goes to rest under the shadow of a tree, the smallest evil will be his falling asleep. Maybe he will not even wake up any more. The enemy, always stalking, will certainly come upon him unexpectedly and find him so: defenceless and unveiled. Then, he will take his soul and he will steal his heart from him, without his acknowledging that. And once the warrior has woken up, if he wakes up by any chance, what battle will be his? Not the battle of his Lord. He has lost that battle before having lost or won it. 81.13 It is so with the man that, seeking the Lord in a field of heated struggle, believes he has found Him in the confrontation and in the hatred and in the bitterness. If he sought Him in the forgiveness he might possibly find Him; or in the last indifference, when hatred or love are no longer important in man's heart, he surely would see Him then, since the Lord is like a tired warrior. If He fights, it is not for the fight in itself, but for its fruit: man. Thus the Lord engages Himself beside man, in the same battle. 81.14 Since man is like a tree that has not borne any fruit yet. And if there is no fruit in the tree, what good is it for? Not even the fire will want it, for once it has 81.11

not accomplished life, which is continuation and resistance, how will he accomplish the flame and its continuation? 81.15 For that reason the Lord fights beside His son. Against the shadow that ties the world and that jests with the world, since there is no fight for the world but for the Work. And the shadow abhors the Work, since once this one is accomplished, every shadow and every twilight comes to an end. 82 The soul is like a pearl hidden at the bottom of the sea. Wrapped up in veils of light and shadow, the soul rests solitary and unrevealed. It accomplishes fate, by letting itself be in man the voice that silences him and in the world the voice that wakes it up to the bright morning. And before the soul man finds the ocean and the silence of the endless things. And the world, diseased and gloomy, remembers the miracle of light in each dawn awakening and retakes the crusade. 82.2 Thus the soul is a token of something higher and deeper, for it is part of the Lord and part of the Lady. It holds communion both with the earth and with heaven, with the blood and with its abysses and with the light and with its heights. Since the soul is like the drop of water that, falling from the firmament, has penetrated the ocean and has become concealed in it like the pearl conceals in the shell. And the fisherman approaches it, apprehensive and amazed by what he will find, and it gives itself up to him. 82.1

Likewise, the soul surrenders to the one that divests of his veils, one after the other, until he approaches it as naked as when he was born. Then the soul welcomes him in its nuptial bed and it takes him for itself and it sets wings on his feet and on his hands and on everything that is ethereal and transcendent in him. And man, renewed by this marriage with the ethereal, marvels at so much beauty. 82.4 And what is the soul but his lost half, his twin soul? This way he finds it when he has found himself. And if he finds it, he finds himself in it. But if he has not found himself before going unto it, he will not find himself in it either. Then what is the soul but a mirror of endless borders? So that he who looks at himself in the mirror may see himself, no one only thing, but all the things that are man and that are every creature. 82.5 Thus is the soul: a sign and an answer. And man finds it and he finds himself in it and he searches no longer, since he has totally found himself. 82.3

The soul is daughter of the abysses, but it is not abyss. It is made of hidden light, but it is not light nor is it occult. It is an irradiant bridge between the high and the low world, but it is neither the high nor the low world. It is like a cup full of blood, but it is not the blood that there may exist in the cup. It is like a diaphanous and transparent veil, but it is not the veil, it is rather what it hides. 82.7 All of the paths lead to it, but it is not the path, it is preferably its transcendence. All of the beings carry it in themselves, hidden and sought at the same time, but it is neither hidden nor sought. It is like a treasure buried in the middle of a deep cavern, but the cavern has its entrance quite visible and it is only needed to go up to there. 82.8 What is soul then? A drop of water dived in an ocean. The ocean is the 82.6

eternity and the moment always present. The drop is partially light and partially shadow. Light when it reflects heaven and shadow when it reflects the abyss. And it is neither light nor shadow, when man comes near it and takes it in his hands. Then it reflects his face, luminous or shady, according to what he is and to the destiny that he has. 82.9 Dived in the sea, the drop is hidden. Dived in the being's heart, it is a short way off the hand. And if the step is taken, suddenly there it is quite visible. Thus is the soul, infinite both in the meaning and in the illusion. And present, like when the pearl comes out of the sea and reaches light by the hand of the fisherman. For the fisherman is like the one that, having penetrated the dark abyss, returns from it after the test has been overcome. 82.10 Thus is the soul, like a prize given to the one that has overcome the illusion of there being death or of there being life, when there is only the being before Lord and Lady, united. And the being is before Them, like before the Great Work. And the Great Work is occult and visible before him, since its form is the one of a closed vase, but its reality is as transcendent as the shadow and the light together. And the being sees and understands, and seeing he silences. 82.11 Thus is the being before the universe: in silence. Since there is no such thing as many diverse and dispersed things, but one only that has three faces: the first is the one of the Lord of the Work and it is of fire and light; the second is the one of the sensitive Matter, the one of the hermetic vase, it is the Great Mother and it is black like the abyss still to exist; the third is the synthesis of both: Adam is his name and he has never had a beginning. It is also the one you call the Holy Spirit, for he is the revelation of the Great Work and he is its flame. And when he intones the sacred name, the servants come in haste to accomplish him and the Work becomes the size of the world and it is visible like it. 82.12 These are the three ones that keep vigil, those that are the main columns of everything that is real or not, be it for death or for life. The beings are reflections of them. And when they come together by the steep and stepless stairway, they are just reflex and illusion no longer but truth also, for they will have to go before the Work as truth, so that the blessing and the alliance are restored and the world continues, since the world doesn't exist only by itself, but also by those that, renewing themselves, renew the world as well. 82.13 And Christ did this when, dying on the cross, he transcended the cross. He made a new alliance and He signed it by the blood. Man was just a witness. 83 There is the Work and there is the maker of the Work. The Work is the world and it is man and it is every creature that inhabits the world and inhabits man, since man also is like the world. The maker is the one that looks after poking up the fire beneath the Work so that it doesn't extinguish, since the Work is like a vase filled with fire and blood. And there is the fire that comes from outside and heats up the vase and there is that other that inhabits the inward and that is the real genesis of the Work. 83.2 Thus there are two fires in the world and in man and in the Work and in every existing thing. The first one comes from heaven and it is a sign of the Lord, the second one comes from the earth and it is a sign of the Mother. And once the veil is torn, which is the vase of the Work, the two fires join. Thus heaven and 83.1

earth get married to procreate the dragon, that is also the Holy Spirit, the one you also call the Christ. Two fires, this is the truth. And between them, the flesh in man and in the creatures, the unhewn stone in the world, and the vase in the Work. Keeping and separating, until the internal fire tears the veil and is mixed in the external. Then the fire will be like a column of light and a cross will be seen from horizon to horizon, since the accomplished Work is a sign of the Lord and of the Lady. 83.4 Thus They announce themselves to the world, by means of the cross, and They show Themselves both to man and to the creature, by the accomplishment of the cross. Since what is life but the search for the being's accomplishment? And how will the being accomplish himself but by means of the double fire? 83.5 Thus the sign of the cross is symbol and accomplishment of the symbol and it is accomplishment of the Work, since every Work is communion of opposites. And the opposites join in the centre of the world and in the middle of the cross and the rose is born, that is vision of the Work. 83.3

Two flames: the Father and the Mother in search of the Son. And the Son is the world. And once the world is accomplished, the Work is accomplished, that is the Father and the Mother's synthesis through the Son. Thus the Verb is retaken, since the Word has become flesh and blood and stone, invoking the name of the thing and giving it life. 83.7 And it is in the stone like the breath of the spirit is in the chalice, and it is in the blood and in the flesh like the spirit is in the prophet's mouth. And if the prophet doesn't pronounce the word, the word is not fulfilled. 83.8 Thus it is necessary that the world is accomplished so that the Work is done. And once the Work is done and once the opposites become united, Adam will inherit the earth and many of his children will inherit it with him. And also every creature. And that time will be golden, since the Work has been done and the cross is of light. 83.6

Adam is a seed of light and darkness. Neither the light nor the darkness, but a seed, a beginning. 83.10 The Lord came upon him and He blew the light on his eyes and on his ears and on his mouth and on his heart and the light inhabited there. And the Lady came and She blew the darkness on his womb and blew on his feet and on his hands. And those of the abyss and those who have neither form nor being came with the Lady. And those of the light came with the Father, those of the infinite of the light, who have no form and no being either. 83.11 One and another placed themselves around Adam in order to serve him and to inhabit him. And Adam sent them to the world, so that they served the Work and served the world. These are the spirits of the prophets and of the ones that have power on earth and also before the heaven and the abyss. These carry the sign in themselves. And this sign is like a seed. 83.12 The seed opens up before the word and it lets pass either the light or the darkness, either the abyss of the light or the abyss of the darkness, either the Lord or the Lady. Since the word is like a sword or a cup. And where the sword falls the flesh opens up and the blood spouts out like a fountain. Then the cup 83.9

lays hold on it and takes it to the feet of the opposites, so that the blood is sacralized. 83.13 This has happened since man discovers himself, then it is Adam who discovers himself in him. And in each man that is born from the ashes of the flesh and of the blood, a prophet shines and the opposites are accomplished. Thus the world is preserved, by the flesh that is discovered to be a vase and by the blood that is discovered to be spirit, since the world doesn't exist by itself but by Adam, the first to have a beginning. He seals the world and he accomplishes it when the creature is accomplished. Since the creature is like a veil of flesh on the border of the non-being. And by becoming accomplished, he abandons the border, he takes the mainland and he becomes alive. Then the Holy Spirit is in him as an incandescent glory and he gazes at himself on that light and he wakes up. Thus the world goes from the non-being to the being and it goes from the sketched Work to the complete Work. Two flames, but only one reality. Since truly there is no dispersed thing but one only thing. As there is no such a thing as being and non-being, but the Lord and the Lady having Adam as Their support and foundation. Nor heaven above the earth or light above the darkness but a spirit that does not project shadow except for in man's heart. And man looks and he sees as double what is one thing alone. And by seeing it he effects and he takes another to the same. But Adam is only one and every face is only one in him.


84 And on the third day and in the third hour the prophet went before his Lord and he saw Him face to face. And he saw that He was immense and that in Him there was the secret of all of the things and of all of the creatures. And what he saw pleased him and he reverenced the Lord and through Him he reverenced all of the things and all the beings. And the Lord blessed him and let him go.


The prophet retired from the face of his Lord and he took a cavern for seclusion and he lived his last years in it, before the Lord gained him from the flesh and freed him from it. Thus the Prophet was accomplished and the cycle of prophecy was accomplished and the Book was written. 84.3 The Book was written in the prophet, before it was written on the stone and in man's soul. And the Prophet accomplished himself in the Book and it lived by the prophet and by the word of the Lord. And once the Book was accomplished and the prophet was forgotten, the Lord held him in liberty and He freed him from the ashes of the Work, so that he was fire alone. 84.4 Then the prophet rose up upon his cave and he ascended on the sacred mountain. And the Lord took him by the hand and He took him with Him. And the prophet was forgotten. 84.5 This happened on the last days of the Lord and of His manifestation, since the prophet came before man to testify on his Lord and he came to write the Book and to pronounce the Word. And once this was done the prophet was accomplished in the Work and the Work was left to itself, so that it was 84.2

accomplished in man and with man. And man took it in his hands and the Lord entrusted it to him. What is man, but the accomplishment of the Word and the accomplishment of the Work? And what is the prophet, but the sign for man to accomplish the Work? And once the Work is accomplished in the prophet, the second part is done and there only remains the third still to accomplish: the one of man and of the world. 84.7 For the Lord has conceived it and given it to man, so that he continued it. And man has been doing so, sometimes in the forgetfulness and other times in the awakening. And if man forgets, the Lord blows the trumpet and He wakes him up and it is the prophet who comes to announce the day of the Lord. 84.8 Thus the prophet does not take part in the Work, although he is part of it. Since he is like a bridge between the Lord and the creatures. And the Lord steps on him to go from heaven to earth and to go from the Being to man. And man accomplishes himself with his Lord and accomplishes himself with his Word. And the prophet accomplishes himself as well. 84.9 Since there is both man and the seed of the Lord in the prophet. And the manly part is carnal and the seed is fiery. And what is the prophet, but the union of the flesh and of the fire? Of the Lord and of the creature? Thus the prophet is like a wand that the Lord holds in His hands. And the Lord leans on it to go from a point to the other of the world. But, once the wand is worn out, the Lord casts it upon the face of the earth and it becomes fiery serpent and it gives wisdom to men. And once wisdom has been taken by man and the wand has been forgotten, the serpent takes shelter in the cavern and it takes the shape of the circle and, biting its tail, penetrates eternity. 84.10 This way the prophet leaves the world of the flesh by the wisdom of his Lord and by the wisdom of the fire that inhabits the wand and that inhabits the serpent. And he becomes the serpent and he gets wings, when he has accomplished the Word and he has accomplished his part of the Work. Then he becomes dragon and the Lord takes him for Himself and He gives him a place in His temple, or He sends him to the world again, to accomplish the third part of the Work and to be the seed of the future. Since there are two faces in the dragon: the one that guards the altar and the spirits on the altar and the one that is reborn in the world cyclically to take the cross of the world and to sign the pact between heaven and earth anew. 84.11 And the prophet does this, not as a prophet of the Word and of the Book, but as a prophet of the Word and of the Fire. Since the Lord is in him in body and spirit, and wherever the dragon goes the Lord also goes. And he who follows the dragon, follows the spirit of the dragon and follows his Lord. And the Lord takes him under His protection, under the wing of the dragon, since the dragon is like an accomplished and mature spirit and, a Holy Spirit. And the Lord is in him and he is in the Lord. 84.6

A Holy Spirit: this is the dragon. A spirit of abundance and communion. For also the dragon is like an invisible bridge between heaven and earth. And the Lord takes it as a bridge and He walks on it to meet man. And once man is accomplished, man takes it as a bridge and he goes before the Lord.


Since what is the dragon but the face of accomplishment and the face of eternity? And what is eternity but a circle of fire where life is drawn? And life is in the centre of the circle, in the core of the Egg that is the Work. And it goes and it comes from the centre to the periphery, always within of the limits of the fire, since beyond the dragon it is the abyss and those of the abyss, and it is darkness also.


He who wants to accomplish the Work must accomplish the dragon, then what would become of the Work if the dragon died? Who would feed the world? A seed of light: thus is the dragon. And, in the centre of every creature and of every living thing, a seed also, fruit of the dragon and accomplishment and testimony of the Work. For how would man be able to accomplish the Work if he did not hold a seed of its inside of him? And how would he get to the vision of the Lord and of His dragon, if he did not have them in himself, as a seed? Well then, let the Great Work be done, not because of it but because of its Lord. And let it be done because of the dragon as well, so that there is continuation of the Work and continuation of life.


85 Every Work is uncertain if it does not have the hand of the Lord on it, since the hand of the Lord is like a sign. And if it points the future, that is because the Work takes place in the future. And if it points the present, that is because the Work belongs to the present. And if instead of pointing the time of the Work it points man, that is because he has come to serve the Work. 85.2 Thus is the hand of the Lord upon the Work, like a sign. And once the sign has been seen and the Work has been understood in all its splendour and magnificence, the Work is served, by serving its Lord. 85.3 The Work is like a spirit accomplished in the flesh. If the flesh is accomplished, the blood is also accomplished and in the blood the spirit of the blood, that is the spirit of the Lord. 85.4 Thus the whole Work is multiple and its accomplishment is also multiple. And the Lord is in the sketched Work and in the complete Work and He is in the one that accomplishes it and in the one that will be accomplished in it. And in all this He is visible. 85.5 Then, what would become of the Work if the Lord didn't inhabit it? Matter without life, this is what it would be. So, in every Work there exists one Lord. And there is the part that belongs to man in it and there is the part that does not, but that belongs to the Lord of man, since the path is long and it has stages, and some of the stages belong to man to do and some others do not belong to man, but to his Lord. 85.6 Thus is the Work also: one half belongs to the world and one half belongs to heaven. And the world's half is the one of man and of every living creature, but the other half doesn't belong to him. 85.7 Let man accomplish himself in the Work and this will be complete for his part and the world will also be accomplished. But he must not take the other part for himself, for it doesn't belong to him, but it belongs to those that look after it, day and night, since the first dawn of the world. 85.1

There is the world and there is the Work. The world is part of the Work but the Work transcends the world. Man accomplishes a part of the Work, by accomplishing himself with it. And once this part is done, the Lord weighs the Work and He weighs Man and He sees what is done. And He gives His consent, so that the Work is concluded. 85.9 Then the world becomes the Work and the Work becomes the world. And man goes before the Work as he goes before the Lord, to transcend the Work and to transcend himself. And, once this is done, the Work is finished both on earth and in the heavens, for man transcended himself and the world was transcended. Thus the Lord takes hold of them: accomplished and transcended. And He takes them to His temple, on the altar, and they remain there. The Work on one side and man on the other side. 85.10 The Work is like a seed of man and of the Lord. And once the Work is accomplished and man is completed, the seed can be sowed on the ground, amidst the worlds, so that it blooms. 85.11 So the Work is every accomplished thing. And the Lord has made the Work before there being a man or a man's germ. And then He made man so that he accomplished the Work and He gave man to it and He entrusted it to him. For there is no Work without a servant of its, as there is no flesh without blood to feed it. 85.12 Thus man is for the Work like the blood is for man. And the blood is accomplished in the flesh when the flesh has been given to the Lord and the Work is accomplished in man when man wants it for himself no longer, but he gives it to The One that has conceived it. 85.13 Then the Lord takes the Work of the man's hands and He blows His breath (which is life) on it. And the Work becomes fire and His breath is the Living Word. 85.14 For what is life, but transcendence? And what is breath, but the spirit that lies asleep? And, entrusted to the Lord, what will the Work be, but the seed of man? The seed of his future? And the Lord takes the Work and He takes man, and He combines both and, once this has been done, the Work is complete. 85.15 So man has come to accomplish himself and to accomplish the world. And, having done so, all the rest is done and all the rest is surplus and useless. 85.8

One servant and one Lord: this is everything. And between both the Work, that is part of the servant and part of the Lord of the servant; a part of the world and a part of what transcends the world. 85.17 Since the Lord conceived the Work as a seed of accomplishment and the Lord laid a part of it in man, as a sign of His, and He laid another part in the world, as a sign of His as well. And He laid still another part among the stars that illuminate the world, also as a sign. 85.18 Thus the Work is scattered all over the creature and all over that which is a sign for the creature: a sign of his Lord. 85.19 What task will be man’s task, but the gathering of everything that has been dispersed? So he must see himself as part of everything and, in each part of his, a sign and reference of that which is outside of him. Since every living thing is in man and every sign is in him as well. 85.20 There where the Lord laid a seed in the stars, man can have it in his own stars. And there where the Lord sowed the seed on earth, man can find it in his 85.16

own soil. Thus man is canal and epitome of every sign of the Work. And once man is accomplished the threefolded seed is accomplished and the Work is complete. A still-to-decipher code: this is man. Distributed over a thousand distant places and times of before and after. A conscience added to the totality that is unknown, such is its infinite. And on everything the hand of the Lord. On the servant and beyond the servant, as if it were indicating the path. 85.22 And the servant goes along the path that the Lord indicates, between apprehensive and fearless. But one thousand are the paths that man races, knowing some of them and ignoring others. 85.23 Thus is the Work also: a thousand parts and only a half of them visible, as if a veil set by eternity, covered the path and the faces. And what does the face behold but the reflection of the face? Not the path but a part of it. 85.24 Only in the transcendence of the face is there a room for the face and is there a room for the path. Then the Lord comes about man and He takes him and He shall lead him. But what will become of the man that does not discover himself? The way to go from the semblance to the face: this is the question. 85.25 For there is no semblance, but face, nor veil of eternity over the path, but only the path. Nor man and Lord of man, but only a Lord in man. Thus the metaphor becomes path and man becomes decipherer of enigmas, before the veil becomes light. And once the light and its Lord have been taken, suddenly there is man and the Work in only one thing. This is the path of man, the path of recovery of light. 85.26 There are no limits for conscience: what there exists is flesh upon bones and blood in the flesh. Nor is there a limit in the flesh nor in the blood, since also in the flesh the doors are pulled out over the same world that shines above the flesh. 85.27 There are two infinites: the one from above and the one from below. The one from above because it is God; the one from below because it is the creature. And once the path of discovery has been started, suddenly man becomes his seed and his inmost sun and the one that leads him from above. 85.28 And if the discovery is greater than the flesh, it is neither greater than man nor greater than his Lord. Then once the enigma has been taken and once the labyrinth of the flesh and the blood has been deciphered, it is the Lord that lives. And once the road has been started by man, it ends in the infinite since man is also bridge and road and continuation of the road. 85.29 And what is there beyond the road but its Lord? And what is there beyond the seed of the Work but its complete maturing? And what is there beyond the ready man but the man still to complete, the Lord of man? Then what is the spirit of life, but the spirit that transcends life? And once man is transcended, what will man find?: a face without semblance, the dimension of abyss added to eternity. 85.30 Such is the truth in man, as it is the truth in each living thing and in every still-to-live thing. Since the rule is only one, notwithstanding the illusion of the appearance. 85.31 If man is gained from illusion, he will find the Lord as a part of his own, and he will find himself in that part, alive and imperishable. Since every Work is one only and it is a unique thing and only one. Not the way the eyes see it, one part here and another part there, with neither bridge nor connection, but its contrary: 85.21

all parts united amongst themselves. What does man fail, then? To take the path and to travel the road. Not in order to search out of him what is inside of him nor to search inside what is somewhere, but to have himself in the light. And to have himself in his Lord. And in order to take place among servants and priests and prophets of His temple, that is the very world. This is the occult genesis: only one thing and truth.


86 It takes shelter in the shadow and it hides amidst man as if it were one of them, not being so. And man looks it in its face and he doesn't see it. This is the Enemy, the one that has come to challenge the Christ. This is the Beast and man has no power over the Beast. He only has power he who stands before man like man stands before the Lord. This one shall face the Beast and shall send it back to the limbo, and it shall remain chained for a thousand years. But afterwards it shall free itself, in the time of the future, and it shall be when the Lord comes to judge the living and the dead. Then, there will be two fields on earth: the one of the justs and the one of the shadows. And the Lord will be for the justs and the Beast will be for the shadows. That will be the final combat and after it everything will be different.


Neither the earth nor man will be the same, since the earth is fruit of man and man is fruit of the earth. And between the earth and man there is the shadow and there is the Beast, which is the Lord of the shadow. And the shadow is in the cavern, guarding its occult door. And the Beast is hidden, between the cavern and man. And if man takes the path of the cavern, he discovers the shadow and he discovers the Beast. And the Beast lays hold on him and doesn't let him go. 86.3 But a day shall come in which the cavern will be unveiled before the look of man and man shall see beyond the door that hides it. And he shall see the Beast in it and what is truth and deception in its words. Then he will be able to choose between the cavern and the Temple, between the Beast and the Lord. And if he chooses the cavern, the cavern will lay hold on him. And if he chooses the Lord, He will dazzle him with His light. 86.4 Thus, several are the times for man. And there is the time of the shadow, which is this very time, and there shall be another time, in which the shadow has no power, that will be the future. Then man will be like a light upon the face of the world and wherever he goes peace will reign. And the Lord will be with him, closer than the face and the semblance are to each other. But that time is not from now and, before it comes, man shall conquer his own light and subject his own darkness for the sake of the Work and for the Lord's sake. And having done so, the Work will be entrusted to him, so that he takes care of It , just like the child is entrusted to his parents. 86.5 This way man shall tend and continue the Work, since it began in the Lord but it shall not end in Him. And the Work shall accomplish man and It shall accomplish the world until the moment when there is no such thing as a Work and a world and a man, but only one thing that is addition and unity of all this. 86.6 Then the Lord will take it again in order to breathe the spirit on it and after this He will cast it amidst the worlds, beyond the abyss, in order to be a seed of 86.2

other works. Thus the Work is two things: the seed of man and of his world and the seed of another more occult Work. And once the first part is accomplished, the path of the second one opens up and the door is unveiled and the Lord is the door-post through which he will pass.


A Work and a world: this is what man sees. But hidden in the core of the Work is the world or its reflection; hidden in the core of the world is the Work, like a fiery sun. 86.9 Then what is the Work, but the world? And what is the world, but the Work? And once one is finished the other one is also finished. Just like, once man is accomplished, he is also accomplished he that is not just man, but spirit also: Adam is his name, but he is fire and light. 86.10 The Lord holds him in His hands and He breathes upon his face unceasingly, so that the Work does not stop, but grows, like the grass grows upon the soil. 86.11 This way the Lord feeds Adam and the latter feeds the Work and the world and man feed on the Work. For there is no such thing as diversity and separation, but there is only one thing, which is unity and truth. 86.12 This is the Lord and it is She that is only one in him; it is the world and man, as synthesis and result of the finished Work. 86.8

One Work alone and one only seed of the Work: this is the truth before the Lord, that the illusion of there being diversity multiplies continually, some times in the direction of the light, other times in the direction to the abyss, for even the abyss and the light are part of the Work. Not as duality, but like a flame that reflects a shadow. And the shadow inhabits the abyss and the flame inhabits the light. 86.14 But, before the Lord, there is only one flame, fruit of His powerful and infinite breath. And He breathes on the flame and it quivers and He breathes a little stronger and it holds on. Then He lets it live, even creating the illusion of there being a shadow, for everything must be an outcome of the conscience, and he who goes before the Lord must go in the completeness of the being and not in the decline of the being. 86.15 For that reason the Lord consents to the light and to the shadow, so that there may be paths and there may be he that starts the journey, since the love of the one that has overcome the road is greater than that of the one has not overcome it. And the first holds fire and the latter doesn't hold it. 86.16 And what is the Lord, but a spirit of fire? White and crystalline fire, just like a fine dust of stars upon dawn. 86.17 Man faces the night and the terror of the night and he wakes up in the morning, renewed like the world. And once he has come out before the light, there he goes like a child. So he meets the Lord and he sees Him just as He is: as a soft light, almost inexistent. And the door of dawn opens up and he goes through. 86.13

87 There is the Work and there is the Lord of the Work. And between the Work and the Lord, there is man. And around the Work and man, observant, there is


the shadow, which watches and waits, since the shadow is stealthy like the thief that steals upon his victim under cover of the night. And it hides in the darkness, like the thief hides before getting over his prey. And when the thief jumps, he carries a weapon with his fist, up to hurt, up to kill. 87.2 The shadow does the same to those it spies. For that reason it is so important to walk on the path of light, having the Lord as an ideal of accomplishment of the Being and using His measure in everything: the measure of love and of justice. The Lord has given man a Work to accomplish: the one that will make him go from the mud to the stars, the one that will make him retake his place near Him. And man accomplishes himself in everything he does, if he sets conscience and the love for the Law in it; or he violates the Work, if he verges on it armed with shadow and with the bitterness of the shadow. 87.4 Since the shadow is like a contagious disease and, if man touches it, the shadow clings fast to him. And if he has ever touched it, it never leaves him again, but it hides in him, like the animal hides amidst the grass, in the forest, and the hunter passes and he doesn't see it for it became only one with the soil. 87.5 Thus is the shadow when it attaches to man. It seems there is man only and, however, the shadow is in him. And he who approaches that man approaches the shadow and is contaminated by it, since he has approached it like the child approaches the thief, with neither calculation nor prudence. And the shadow lays hold on him and it lets him go no more. On the outside, he has a man's appearance, but inside he is infected. This way the shadow grows continually. 87.3

88 To what shall one compare the Work but to a vortex of forces, having an axis as a centre? And to what shall one compare the Word, but to a spirit of truth and justice set before the Lord, like the seed in the farmer's hand? 88.2 The farmer sows the seed on earth and, if the seed falls on good soil, it will bear fruit many times multiplied. Just like the Lord that, by sending the prophet to accomplish the Word, sends him as a seed of truth and of justice, seed that the man shall multiply. 88.3 The same happens with the Work as well, which while being a vortex is unity and, while being periphery and endless multiplication, is also point of arrival and of departure. 88.4 An endless vortex: this is the face of the Work. And in the middle of the vortex, secret and hidden, its centre. There is neither changing nor transformation there, just a cup held by an invisible hand, whose content pours out. Thus the vortex is fed by the cup and is perpetuated. 88.5 And what is the vortex, but a veil that the Lord casts upon the creature's face: a veil and an enigma! So that he who departs does not leave in vain, but finds a solution for the labyrinth. 88.6 For what would become of the Work if they didn't look for it? And how would they be able to find it, if they didn't find it in themselves? They would have to invent it! The face of the Work would be an endless contradiction then. Because, isn't the whole human work a contradiction and a flickering ideal? 88.7 Only in the Lord does the Work exist: before man it is mere consequence. 88.1

Veil or illusion, it does matter little to find it out. Amidst the Work lies the enigma: that enigma has a name of creature and is alive. A hand suspended over the abyss: this is the face of the enigma. 88.9 And, behind the hand, last and fiery, He who doesn't have a shape, but essence only. Before that one, the peoples have bent since the dawning of creation. They will bend before Him when all the creation is nothing but forgetfulness. 88.10 An open hand and, in the middle of it, an eye that stares at us: only this is visible. And a breath all around, likes a fine dust of stars and fire. 88.11 A great mystery exists in this hand that rises vertically over the abyss, either to bless or to punish. And once the eye is open in its centre, upon the face of the one that stares at it, what knee will not bend, what face will not be covered with ecstasy or fear? 88.12 Thus is the vision of the One Only: either as ecstasy or as fear. Not love, which is man's fruit; nor the accomplishment of love, which is fruit of the Work, but ecstasy and fear, until the moment when, these being surpassed, they reveal themselves as justice alone. 88.8

To be born out of death: this is the difficulty. And having gone to the centre of the Work and having found it accomplished in oneself, it is necessary to die before the veil is disclosed. 88.14 Then, isn't death like a grave made of glass for the one who knows? And if it is made of stone, that is because he who is there has chosen it so. The Lord has not imposed it on him, but his own will has. And the Lord regards him and gives him His blessing. 88.13

89 The world is like a sphere of darkness in the middle of the which the flame burns: that flame is a cavern of fire. In the centre of the cavern, the Great Mother rocks the Child, he that is also archetype and sign of man. He that is Holy and that is Spirit. 89.2 Around the sphere, the infinite. Neither height nor underneath, neither upwards nor downwards: just the infinite. 89.3 Between the infinite and the sphere of blackness, a beam of fire. This is the Lord, for the world is like an egg closed on itself. And the Lord comes upon the egg and fecundates it. And the egg lives and bears seed and continuation also. 89.1

The sphere is black like the abyss, since it is made of the abyss. Matter is its name and it is more ancient than the worlds and the gods and men. 89.5 Before there was form, there was the sphere already. Before there was fire and beam over the wall of the infinite, there was the sphere already. Suspended above eternity, there was nothing else but the sphere. And during endless cycles it stayed like this: static and serene. 89.6 If it was not for the beam of the Lord, it would still remain so. But the beam came and with it the spirit of light. And the light shone upon the sphere and illuminated it. Not upon every of its parts, since not every part belongs to the light. And there is the part of the light and there is the part of the darkness. And 89.4

the light is in the centre, upon the Mother and the Child. And the darkness is in the periphery, upon man and all of his work. 89.7 So the sphere spins: in two directions at the same time. Upon itself, that is the sphere in the middle and upon the infinite, that is the sphere of the darkness. And there is the one that moves with the sphere in the middle and there is the other that moves with the darkness. Since there are two destinies in everything, even in the Work. 89.8 And one takes accomplishment in himself and the other in that which is external to him. And he who takes accomplishment in himself, also accomplishes himself in the Work, but he who doesn't take accomplishment in himself, will not accomplish himself in the Work either. The sphere is the whole of the Work. Its seed is its heart. Beating and alive is the heart and, in the middle of it, on a throne of silver and red stones, is the Mother sitting. She wears a mantle upon Her body. On Her head, a crescent made of white stones. On her lap, upright, is he that is the very seed of the Work and of the sphere. That one is called man, but he is not a man, he is rather like a fire crystallized in man's form. His eyes stare at eternity. His face shines like the light. On his stretched hands he holds the cup and the sceptre. At his feet, a book. This is the whole prodigy. This is the whole secret.


He is three symbols: he has the fourth one as foundation and support of the Work, for between him and man there is a path and that path is signaled by the justs. 89.11 Who are these but the ones who carry the other symbol in themselves? The one that is not revealed, but that is seen by him who ascends to the Lord! And how can man ascend to the Lord but through the accomplishment of the Work? And what is the Work but the complete consummation of man? 89.12 Thus the Work is everything, and man is also part of it, and once man is accomplished the Work is accomplished and the Lord is accomplished in them. 89.13 And man sees the Lord face to face and he sees the fourth symbol, the one that is occult. And he lies down on it, as if on a tough bed. Then his heart blossoms and, in its place, the rose opens its petals to life and he comes to the world as Christ or Man, to give continuation in the mystery. And the mystery is accomplished in him and everything is accomplished in him. 89.10

There are four symbols in the world: three revealed and an occult one. The three have their spheres in the Lord, in the Lady and in the Child and they are among men, as a sign, for them to see. The fourth one is not where they believe it is, but in the mission and, if there is redemption, there is a sign of it in man; but if there is not such, it is like a veil of illusion upon the face of the one who walks, since the fourth symbol is like a spirit of completeness and of light, and, where it goes, the light goes with it and where it doesn't go there is not light, but darkness; that one doesn't have a man's name, but it is a man; they call him son of man, but man is his very son. 89.15 Wherever the symbol goes it sows roses and it sows thorns and it sows the cross. It carries the cross with itself since the rising of dawn. It has it in itself, visible for the one who ascends upon the face of the world and looks beyond the 89.14

illusion of there being a world. And if it is the Lord of the very world, the one that wanders, the one that will return at the end of times to bring manifestation to an end: that one is the lamb. This is the symbol: a sun amidst many constellations. Each constellation is a spirit, each spirit is a sign of the Work and, amidst of them, occult and unknown, the one that is the synthesis of everything: there the rose sleeps and the cross blossoms; there the neophyte sleeps and dreams. But he who goes before it and discloses its veil, finds it awoken and the dream gains him from reality and transforms him into sign of transcendence. Then the rose buds in his chest and his body becomes a cross. Thus the Work remains and its purpose remains. And it is man that accomplishes it and it is his Lord that gives it to him to perform.


A master and twelve disciples: such is reality. A master that is occult and twelve disciples that are revealed, such is the appearance of truth. And man goes after the appearance and he finds nothing but thorns. And being tired of these, he tries to go after the scent and he becomes intoxicated. And only when the thorns and the scent have been exhausted and the rose appears limpid and transparent to him, will the cross take him and give him reality as pledge. 89.18 Thus is the Master and thus are his disciples. Truth alone for the one that is equal to them in everything, for the fourth symbol is like a stairway to eternity. 89.19 One goes up the stairway, step by step, without thinking of the quest, but rather of the Grail and, once arrived at the top and looking about, it seems that nothing has been done. A world complete and another still to complete, this is the parable. And once the first is complete it is necessary to complete the second one so that there is dawn. 89.20 Then the disciple goes down upon the face of reality, he takes body and soul of the body and blood also and, having taken them, he throws himself among men. These follow him at first and then they leave him, so that there is sacrifice. And he takes it for himself, like somebody that has taken the road as path. 89.21 It is so with the disciples as it was with the Master of them all. And once the cross has been raised upon a hill of olive trees or not, the neophyte is raised to the altar and is sacrificed on it. Then the cup receives from him the spirit that there is in the flesh and he frees himself from the flesh. And the cup remains on the altar and the neophyte on the cross of the world, until another one takes his place. 89.22 It has been done so, it will always be done so, for there is no disciple greater than his Master and what the Master did each one will also do on occasion. 89.17

90 There is no greater alchemy than the transformation of the shadow. And he alone deserves the light, he who goes before the shadow and returns from it without being touched. To that one I shall grant the light and I shall grant its possession, so that he is perpetuated in it, for he has been born a second time. 90.2 Do you want to be worthy of me? Do go before the shadow and rescue it from the darkness, for the darkness is like a tyrannical and cruel master and it uses the shadow and those who went before it to perpetuate itself in the world; but a day will come in which my children will go before the darkness and will take the 90.1

mastery of the shadow off it and the shadow will become light and the darkness will be returned to the abyss. 90.3 That day will be my day, that day will be the day of the completeness of the Work, and after it there will be no light and shadow upon the world; night and day, in different and equal parts, but a light alone, like the one of dawn and of sunset. 90.4 Only then will the doors open up for you, so that you may pass freely from one world to the other. And you shall come before me in spirit and truth and you shall go before your Mother in conscience and accomplishment. And you shall be worthy children and you shall serve the purpose. 90.5 But before that, you have to subject the shadow in you and around you and you have to win it for the light. And you have to go before it like the lamb goes before its shepherd: half in fear and half in love, since love alone can save you from the darkness. And if you have no love in you, how will you transform the darkness into light? Is it not as vast as you yourselves? 90.6 So you shall go before it in the love that you have for me and for the Work that I have given you for you to accomplish. And with these two signs you shall go and it shall surrender to you, for I shall be with you and it shall see it. This way you will accomplish my task and yours. And you will have the world for you, that is the external part of the completed Work. You judge wrongly when you judge by yourselves alone. Do judge by me and you will judge with justice, for I suspend the scales of life above your face and I suspend it above the face of the shadow and I level the plates and one is not greater than the other before me. 90.8 Thus is the Work: inside, a sphere of intense and irradiant light, but on the outside, the darkness as far as the eye can reach. You are also like this: in your heart, a seed of light, but on the outside of the seed, the darkness and its territory. 90.9 How can you find yourselves worthier than the shadow, then? And if by chance I had laid a seed of light in it, how would you perceive it? Are you not - all of you- shadows that hide when the night falls upon the face of the world? I see you so: small shadows that hide. 90.10 But I have given you a seed and I have sent you my justs so that they gave you a sign of me and you some times accomplish the seed, other times you forget it; some times you go before me, other times you go before the darkness. And how many of you, having gone before the darkness, got lost in it and were transformed into shadows? 90.11 Therefore I tell you: do go before the shadow and rescue it, for there is neither being nor creature less worthy of receiving me in itself. And I will choose the shadow that is worthy and I will choose the man that is worthy; and the one that is not so, either shadow or man, I will fling him off me and I will turn my face on him and I will not see him. 90.12 Do you believe that my love is lesser when I lean over those that are in the abyss? I would be small if my love had two measures. My love is one alone and it loves the one that chose the abyss as much as the one that chose the temple of the light. 90.13 Then is not every creature worthy of being loved? And who can foresee what 90.7

the future will bring? Maybe he who is greater before you is not worthy of me. Maybe I refuse him my face. 90.14 Be careful with what you measure! And take care with the scale that you use to measure the good and the bad! Maybe it is not the right measure. Love may fail it, and love is the only measure that you can have before the others, for love alone can make you worthy of seeing beyond the illusion of the world. 90.15 If you want to be worthy of me, it is so that you will have to measure: with my love, not with your vanities and illusions, since what you are is different from that which you judge, and what you are is that light that I have given you. But that which you judge, that passes like the day passes and the night passes. And if you judge by what passes, how can you be fair in your judgement? You will have to judge by that which you are, by your seed, by the love that you have for me, or you will be unjust. Do love light above all, but do love those also that, having dived in the darkness, may want to repent of it. You will have to love those as you love me: in the completeness and in the integrality, since, what justice would there be, if you loved half of the Work alone? And what accomplishment would that be if it had only one half to accomplish? Is not the world one only thing? Made up of two halves, but only one thing - the world is this and you are this. So, do love me above all of the things, for I am your sign; but do love also those that, having sought me wrongly, have dived in the darkness and can not free themselves from it, for the Work is made of two halves: one almost complete and the other still to be done. You must not concern yourselves with the complete half, since it is set on the right road, but you must concern yourselves with the half that is still undone. Thus is the shadow and you are: two halves of the Work; one almost done, the other not yet. 90.17 For that reason I send you as a sign of mine before the shadow, for the time of the shadow and of the transformation of the shadow into light has come. And you shall go before it, not for you, but for me, who commands you to go, and for every shadow that you rescue from the abyss you shall say: we have done it, not for us and for our part in the Work, but for the Lord that has sent us, then the time of man has been accomplished, but the time of the shadow has not been accomplished yet. 90.16

91 The Book is not the Work, but a sign of it, just like the prophet is not the prophecy, but a sign of the Lord. And the Lord accomplishes the prophet and accomplishes the Book, because the Work and its spirit, that is the spirit of prophecy, was accomplished. 91.2 So each sign of God is a warning of that which is to come, but it is not that which is still to come, since only the prophet can accomplish the Book and accomplish the Work, that is a vaster book. And if the prophet accomplishes himself as a book, his Lord will show him to men this way, so that they read the Divine Word in him, since the Book ends when the prophet begins and, if the prophet ends, what is the Book good for? 91.3 Thus the Book is like a sign of the hour of the Lord and of the hour of prophecy. But the prophet is greater than the Book and the Work is greater than 91.1

the world and the Lord is greater than the prophet and the Work and all of the things together, for the things come to accomplish His Will and not to accomplish themselves, and if they are accomplished, it is because they accomplish His will, not because they accomplish theirs. 91.4 A prophet I have sent you: his name is John. My spirit burns in him since the sun rises until it sets under the horizon. I wanted him so: as a fiery spirit, so that you see him, not for him, but for me that live in him. 91.5 And how will you see me if it isn't for the fire? So you will see me: as a column of fire. And my fire will cover the world like a curtain in flames so that the world burns and your eyes open up for me. 91.6 Do you believe that my prophet has come to bring you peace? He has come to bring you war! Not your war, that is gibe and slander, but my war, that is sanctity and completeness for the just. And the just will love me in the accomplishment of my fire, that will also be his, and he will understand me just as I am, since how will you come unto me if you don't come in truth and conscience of me? You will rather come in the madness than in the ignorance of what I am, for I love better the one that, due to his love for me, fell under madness than the one that, for fear of me, hid himself amidst the darkness. 91.7 Do you believe I don't see in your hearts? Do fear the wild animal that conceals you, since in the same way that it conceals you it also mocks of what you are and, if you are not conscious of the wild beast, how do you want to be worthy of me? Do cut off its head and take its blood as a sign of sacrifice, before you come, for I will see even in the darkness and woe to him who comes and is not worthy! I shall not take pity on him. Do sacrifice the wild beast, or else you will not be allowed to come. Do you believe that my love is easy? I only love the just and that one that, not being just, seeks his justice in me. Then what measure will there be that is not mine? And how will you measure, if you don't measure by me? Am I not your Lord? You will have only one measure: my measure; and only one Lord, before who every knee will bend, for unless you love me, how will I be able to love you? And if you don't want me for your measure, how will I be it? Do remember: only one measure and only one Lord, since there is only one Law and everything serves it, even in ignorance.


I take your love as a pledge: my prophet takes it for me. He will keep it until I come before him and he will look after each of you, so that he doesn't get lost before I take him for me. Thus he is a sign for you and for me. For you, of what I am, for me of what you are. 91.10 Take care of him then and of the accomplishment of what he tells you in my name, for a day will come in which he will speak about the divine things alone and about those that I tell him to. Then you will recognize him as a sign of mine and you will follow him, by following me, and you will go where he goes, not for him but for me. And, once the command that I gave him is accomplished and the Work is finished, you will see him, not him, but me through him. Then you will see him as a living fire, a burning and last fire, amidst of which I burn without consuming. And you will see my hand on him, open and burning as well. 91.11 This you will see if you are worthy of me, for among you there will be those 91.9

that will follow him and will neither be worthy of him nor of the Work; and there will be others that will follow him in fear, so as not to blaspheme against me, but those they will see neither him nor me. 91.12 You will see me only if there is justice in your hearts and submission to my wish, which is that of your accomplishing the completeness and the Law. For that reason I command you to follow my prophet, as if you were following me, so that your love may be like a sign of surrender and of redemption. And I will see. What more shall I tell you: the Work is almost complete! This is what you need to know for the time being. The spirit of prophecy has incarnated amidst of you and his name is John: this is what you are allowed to know. 91.14 The rest belongs to me alone and I shall give it to the one that yields to me. That one shall drink from the flame of life and he shall know beyond the knowledge that there is in the world. I will gain him from the darkness for me and I will make him a column of my temple and a priest before the altar. But beforehand you shall have to accomplish the Work and to testify on the Book and before my prophet. 91.13

92 Amidst of a sphere of blackness, a light shines: this is the prophet, this is the Book. A light in the middle of obscurity: thus the Lord announces himself to man and makes him know His presence so that man chooses, since the Lord loves the one who serves Him in the unconsciousness of himself and of the Work, but he loves a thousand times more the one that serves Him in the fullness of the light and in the conscience of himself and of the Work. For that reason the Lord had the Book written, as a sign for the Work and for the one that wants to accomplish the Work so that it would not happen that, while wishing to accomplish it, he did something different from it. 92.2 Thus the Lord sends His prophet ahead of Him and He commands him to write the Book, since it is not good that the sheep goes astray and loses its flock: it can become entangled in brambles, it can be taken by the wolf that spies. And if the sheep gets lost, the flock is diminished. And what will become of the shepherd that lets the flock go astray? He had better go astray as well, since having gone before the Lord of the flocks, what will he answer for the lost sheep? The same happens with man. For that reason the Book has been written, so that nothing might get lost either of man or of another creature. And the Book has been given to man, so that he might see a sign there and he followed it. 92.3 So, the Book is like a shepherd and he who wrote it is like an occult light. But once the Book has been followed and the Work has been accomplished, the light is revealed and the prophet is accomplishment of his Lord and a sign of His and testimony of His will, since there is not truly a prophet and a Book, but only a spirit of light that is the prophet and that is the Book. You must follow that one, for he is truly the shepherd that leads you. 92.1

I have sent you a sign: a sign and three spirits of justice, so that the Book is achieved like every Sacred Work. The Sacred Work has three parts. The Book will have three parts: one for each spirit and, once the Book is complete, the sign will be given and he alone will get astray from the flock the one that wants to get


astray from it. I will keep watch, but you shall not see me, for I have sent you my prophets and my spirits of justice and if you are not worthy of them, how will you be worthy of me? 92.5 Do become worthy: this is my will for all of you; do accomplish the Book and you will accomplish the Work in what is your part, since the accomplishment of my Work is your exaltation and a path to me, but do not believe that I will accept you just the way you are. You will have to walk along my path beforehand and that path is called accomplishment of the Work and it is called spirit of justice, then what will become of you if you do not go through my path up to that which is the best in you? I shall not want you as sketches. If you do love me, you shall have to prove it by the justice and you shall have to accomplish it by the love, that is a sign of mine and a seal of yours, upon every act that you perform. 92.6 Thus I will weigh you and your Work: by the justice and by the love that there is in it. And if the justice and the love are great, a greater reward you will have, since my balance is just and faithful is its destiny. But do take care so that it may not happen that, having come unto me, you are not worthy of me. Then my balance would slope towards the abyss and you would fall into it. Therefore I tell you: do follow the Book and do accomplish the Work that there is in it and do go before my prophets and my spirits before coming before me, so that they ascertain your heart and give you the baptism through the water of life and they purify you, then he who comes to me and comes in blemish, he will be devoured by my fire and he will be lost. Do come to me, but do go before those that I have sent before me first, so that they may purify you. In every Work there is a centre and a periphery and between one and the other there is a sign. So, I am the centre of the Work that you accomplish, and in the periphery is the world and you are and all of the creatures are. And between me and you is my Book and are those that are my sign for you, since the path that goes from the centre to the periphery is long and full of traps and I want you for myself, not for you to get lost while coming in search of me. So, I have had a book made, as a sign of what I am and of what you are also, in order to guide you in the path of return, since some of you have searched for me and have got lost and others have searched for me and have found me when they didn't expect it any longer, and the greatest number of you have neither searched for me nor got lost, you have rather forgotten me.


If you do want me, you have to search for me. Do search for me like the lovers seek each other, between the fear and the satisfaction that love brings. And do not fear, since my spirits are amidst of you to show the path of return. So you will find me: like a long-sought lover; so the lost sheep finds me: like a highly craved shepherd, since the sheep that gets astray from the flock discovers love and loves its shepherd a thousand times more; so you will love me, then while having searched for me you have got lost from me and I will welcome you like the shepherd welcomes the lost sheep: with joy and celebrations. Then is not every sheep a part of its shepherd? And being the sheep lost is not the shepherd diminished? The same happens with you and with me. If you do get lost, I also do get lost in you; do find me then, and I will find myself as well.


93 The spirit of the Lord is like a fiery mountain, on the top of which there is a temple of light. From the four corners of the earth, along difficult and easy paths, flow those that seek Him, since the world is like a ball of darkness where only the sacred mountain shines. 93.2 Thus the Lord stands out above the horizon: as a light. And having come before the mountain and seeing its infinite dimension, they wonder at the Lord and at His Work and they reverence the Work and the Lord of the Work, for they see Him just as He is: an immense and incandescent light. 93.3 A mountain and a temple: this is the whole truth that there is in the world. And between the mountain and the world a thousand paths. Thus the Lord shows Himself to those that seek Him: a thousand paths and a thousand enigmas and for all of the enigmas only one solution: the love of the Lord and the accomplishment of His Work. Thus the world is accomplished, cycle after cycle, out of the love for the Lord and for His Work. A thousand paths and a thousand servants for each path, since the Work is vast and it has the dimensions of the world. And what is the world, but the whole Work? Not only the Work that is root of the matter, but also the Work that is root of the spirit and of the word and of the prophecy. 93.4 So is the Work like a complete and total world. And what is each world but a part of it? A small and meanest part! Not the whole, but the part, since only in the Lord and in His world is there totality. 93.5 So, each thing is part of the Work but it is neither total nor complete. And the Lord has it in itself as a thing of His. And He takes it from chaos and He gives it life so that it lives. But once its destiny has been accomplished, He takes it again and He gives it dissolution, which is the transformation of the things and of the beings. Man calls this death and life but what there is a flame that sometimes is alight and that fades other times, according to what the Lord wants or denies. So the Lord is the one that gives and the one that draws and in all that there is only Work and perpetuation of the Work, out of the love for the law and for the justice. 93.1

There is only a Lord and a world. The world is named Work, since the world is always like an unfinished thing. One doesn't give a name to the Lord, for there is no name that may comprise Him, but rather He contains everything that has a name or that doesn't have it nor that has never had it. Between the Lord and the world there is the Work, that is part of the world and part of the Lord; part of those that have come to accomplish the world and part of those that have come on behalf of the Lord, to accomplish the Work. 93.7 Thus the world is composed of two classes of beings: those that had their origin in the world and those that had their origin in the Lord; one made of flesh and blood, where the living flame sleeps; and another made of flame, where flesh and the blood inhabit as a minor and ephemeral thing. The world has been delivered to both so that they accomplish it in the love for the Work and for the Lord and in every cycle there are those that ascend to the Lord, climbing His sacred mountain and penetrating His temple, which is of light. Then the Lord gains them from the flesh and from the spirit of the blood, which is the spirit of 93.6

the earth, and He takes them before the altar so that they are consecrated to Himself and then He makes them pass through His fire so that they become light and life and, being transformed in this manner, He sets them as columns of His temple or He sends them back to the world, so that they perpetuate His name and accomplish the Work. 93.8 This has happened since the Work has had its beginning and it will always be like this while the cycle of the manifestation does not cease, by the will of the one that has created and sustains everything. A Work and a Will: this is the flame that has incarnated in the flesh and in the earth, for accomplishment of the flesh and of the matter, of the blood of the flesh and of the blood of the earth and of the spirits that there are in that, for there are those that have come by the flesh and by the earth and that accomplish themselves in it and there are those that have come by the blood, that is like a fluid fire, and that will accomplish themselves in the fire. And above all of them there are those that have agreements neither with the flesh nor with the blood, but they rather have pacts with the fire and with the spirit that there is in the fire: those will be accomplished by the fire. 93.10 And the will of the Lord is in all of this as a sign for the creature, for there is not a world and a Lord, but a Lord that has a world for Himself. And if the world is accomplished, it is because there has been accomplishment in the One that has created it; but if the Work is not accomplished in the love of the Lord and in His Law, what will be the use for the world to be accomplished? 93.11 He who seeks the accomplishment of the world, he must seek the accomplishment of the Law first, for only in the keeping of the Law will there be accomplishment of the world and, once the Law has been fulfilled, it is the world that fulfils itself in it. Then the Lord can take the world for Himself, as a complete and accomplished thing, and He can take it before His altar and lodge it on it, as an oblation to His spirit and having gained it from the laws of the matter this way, He can free it from them. He will do this as a sign upon the stars and the firmament so that the darkness sees it and fears it, like the shadow fears every one that has the light in him. 93.12 The Lord will do all this, not for Himself, but for the Work, for even the darkness is part of the Work. And, if there is fear in the darkness, there will be hope for it and the shadow will come closer to the light and will be able to be gained by it. 93.13 The Lord wants this: that His servants are as a sign of Himself so that the shadow becomes light and the darkness is overcome. 93.14 Then there will be glory upon the earth and in the firmament also. And every one that is born then will not be divided between the darkness and the light, but he will be like one thing only. The Lord will be present in that one, in spirit and truth, and there will be full conscience and full accomplishment of the Lord and of the Work. 93.9

94 The Lord has called him from the limbo to accomplish the Work and he has become man and he has taken for himself the burden of the flesh, so that the Work had a voice.


This happened in the last days of the man's cycle, before the Lord came for the man and for the shadow. This has happened so that all those that lived for the light would not get lost for the light, but might accomplish it. 94.3 And the justs came together on the verge of the earth, around the voice of the Lord, and on the voice they testified their fervour and their faith. Then the Lord came upon them, as a subtle flame, and they received Him in themselves and they had a doubt no more about what belongs to the Work and about what belongs to the darkness, about what belongs to man and about what belongs to the shadow. 94.4 And having received the Lord as a flame, they were transformed into conscience and they went across all four corners of the world, to announce the good news. 94.5 This will be the great diaspora, at the end of man’s cycle. This is the reason why it is written: from the remotest parts of the earth those will leave that have come to accomplish the lamb and to accomplish its kingdom, that is the kingdom of the Child and of Holy Spirit. They will give the world and the peoples a new faith signed by the sacrifice of the blood, so that the pact between the Lord and the earth is renewed. 94.6 Then the darkness will have no power over man, but only over the shadow. And a day will come in which not even over the shadow it will have the power, since there is the day of the Lord and the day of the darkness and, once the darkness has been overcome and the Beast has been banished to the abyss, there will only remain the Lord and the light. Then the shadow will be transformed, since there will be no place that the light does not penetrate: be it in the deep cave or on the prairie. And the shadow will be penetrated with light, like a veil is penetrated with the body that it conceals. And the light will be in the shadow and will give it consistence. 94.7 The Lord wants this for the shadow, as He wants it for man, as He wanted it for the creature, and He will give it to it when the darkness is overcome. 94.2

As a voice he has come and he has become flesh: flesh where the flame of the spirit burns. 94.9 The Lord has created him so: a fiery voice, so that man might have faith in it and might be redeemed through it. And He has sent him to man, ahead of Himself and of the Lamb, so that he testified for the kingdom of the light and of the Lamb. 94.10 And he has done so by giving evidence of his faith and on behalf of his faith he wrote the Book and the voice inhabited the Book, like the echo inhabits the cave, or the light inhabits the flame. 94.11 Thus the Lord has manifested Himself as voice and as flame: voice that echoes on the desert and flame that devours the flesh and the spirit of man so as to lead him back to Him. 94.8

I have sent you a prophet: a voice. Do follow the voice, but do not forget that I am behind the voice. 94.13 Do accomplish the Book, do accomplish the Word, but do not forget that every book is dead letter if my spirit is not in it. 94.14 Do love and accomplish the Work, for your destiny is in it, but do not forget 94.12

that every work is fragile and uncertain if I am not in it. Do go before the darkness and do challenge it but do take care, for if I don't go with you to feed you on flame, how will you return to the world? The darkness is also a Master. Its illusions multiply. One false step around it and there you are lost for me. 94.16 Do you believe that I deceive you, by saying this? The darkness will deceive you more, by claiming it is a daughter of mine, for neither have I laid my seed in it nor do I want it; I have rather laid my seed in you, for I want you as my children. 94.17 And the darkness will still deceive you, by claiming to be a thing of mine and part of what I am and many of you will believe it is so, as a part of me. Then you will consent to it and you will make sacrifices of blood to it, believing you are making them for me. And it will take your blood and your spirit in it and it will feed on it like the wild animal feeds on meat. Then you will no longer be worthy of what I am, for you have distrusted me. 94.18 I do not want you for your doubts nor for your certainties: I want you for your love and for your faith. And if you love me, you shall neither make an agreement with the darkness, nor have any arrangement with it, but you shall denounce it in your discernment and you shall deny it my flame, that is your pledge before me, and I will receive you when the hour comes and you will rejoice, for you were tried and you resisted. 94.15

Some of you believe that you love me because you follow those that have come in my name, but I tell you that he alone loves me that follows no name, be it the name of a man or of a beast. 94.20 You will follow me when your faith alone leads you in the labyrinth that the world is, for faith is like an intense flame that illuminates everything around. And which of you, armed this way, will fear the darkness and will let yourself be seduced by it? That one shall not fear, that one shall be the one that I will prefer to become a column of my temple, since the world relies upon his shoulders already. 94.21 This is what I want for you: an intense faith, a deep love. And I shall be in your faith and in your love, like the seed is in the bosom of the earth, awaiting for the eagerly desired moment to arrive. Then the seed will become flower and it will bear fruit. 94.22 So I will bear it in you as well, when your moment arrives. That will be the moment of your sacrifice, since the flesh will be able to enclose you no longer, I alone will be able to take you and give you another kingdom and another body so that my light is like a new conscience in you and so that you may wake up from the artifices of the darkness and from the artifices of the world. 94.23 I do want you so: awoken. This is why I invoke you out of the limbo, where you are, neither flesh nor light, almost shadow alone. And you shall come to my call, like my prophet did. And you shall write my Book with your blood. Then, what is the Book, but your destiny? You shall write it a thousand times and others will write it with you, going where you shall go out of the love for the Work and for me. 94.24 Thus the Book shall be accomplished and my prophet shall be accomplished in it and I shall be accomplished in you, since there are no separate parts in the 94.19

Work, but only one thing in it. 95 The spirit of the Work is like an occult seed: buried in the earth, its roots immersed in the mud, it awaits the moment of the revelation; only then will it become a tree of majestic bearing and will it bear fruit. Not a common fruit, but the fruit that the Lord has announced to man since the time of man began, and each man will go before the tree and will take his fruit in it and he will eat the fruit and the wisdom and the light and the understanding of the Work will be in the fruit. And the understanding of the Lord, also. 95.2 This will happen in order that man understands the Work and understands the Lord of the Work and may become jointly liable with it, since he who does not come near the Work in love and communion, he will not be able to accomplish the Work, and the Lord will not take place in him either. 95.3 So, it is necessary that there is love in man, towards the Work and towards the Lord, so that there may be accomplishment of man and, through him, of the world, since there are not two separate things, the Work and man, but only one and, being the agent accomplished, the Work is accomplished and the cycle of man is brought to an end. 95.1

The Lord has given us a sign of the Work: that sign is called John. Not the man, but the tree. And John feeds the tree like the mud feeds the earth and the seed hidden in it, so that the tree bears sound fruit and man may feed on it. So, John is not a man, but man's archetype: not the form, but the essence that there is in it. 95.5 Like a veiled and secret light: thus is John. Like a tree with a thousand branches: he appears before man like this. And the Lord throws sometimes one branch sometimes another branch upon the face of the world. And the thrown branch becomes a wand and the Lord walks leaning on it. 95.6 Thus John is the invocation of the force of the Lord and he is a flame of His. Not a wand made of the fruit of the earth, but a wand made of earth and of heaven: of mud and of fire. 95.7 And the Lord raises it above the firmament of the world, and heaven and earth converge on it. And He raises it above the face of those that come to Him in prayer and the flame consumes them, and they become fire and light. 95.8 Thus is John like a flame that walks by the hand of the Lord. And he goes where the Lord goes and he doesn't have another master but Him. That is the reason why he is the sap of earth and the sap of the tree that sustains the firmament, and the sap of man that takes from the tree and eats the fruit of understanding. 95.9 John feeds him and sustains him and gives him the foundation on which he is to take form, just like the tree sustains and makes steady the earth in which the roots lay their foundation, for the world would be a fragile and uncertain thing, if it was not for the flame that devours it. 95.10 Thus the Lord has cast John upon the earth and He has set him between earth and heaven as main column of His temple and around him He has laid the foundations of life and of eternity, so that man might perpetuate himself in the flesh and in the blood. And the foundations are three and seven and twelve and 95.4

around them another infinite number. It has been so and so it will be until the moment when the cycle of eternity is accomplished in the Lord, since only the Lord opens and closes the cycles. John is life and life is the sap that there is in man. This sap is called breath and is called blood. The Lord has laid him in the blood, as He has laid man's flame upon his heart, so that man would keep it as a secret. And the flame inhabits man and it is man's secret and it is the gift of the Lord for him. The same happens with John. For being in the blood, he is beyond man and he is with man and, once man is accomplished, the blood is accomplished and the Holy Spirit is accomplished, that is the spirit of man and of the Work, and John is accomplished so. 95.12 This has happened since the sap flows in man. And once the spirit is accomplished, man goes before the Lord and he is taken from the sap and the sap becomes flame and light, and John is freed in it. Thus John is like a flame that grows continually beneath the face of his Lord. For that reason he is not absent from the earth, but he lives in it as an occult flame. Then what is the earth, but his house? And what is the flame of the earth, but his flame? And the spirit of the earth gives him the hand like a brother gives his hand to the other so that they grow together. 95.13 Thus is John like a son of heaven and of earth; not a man, but the seed of man. And the seed is igneous and the Father and the Mother are upon it, enfolding it and purifying it; not like bodies upon bodies, but stretched hands and, between one and another, the flame that John is. 95.11

A flame and a spirit and, upon him, the stretched Father's hand and beneath him the hand of the Lady, keeping him, for he is an occult and unknown flame, until the moment when the two hands come together and close upon him, to cast him amidst the stars transformed into a sun of rare and intense brightness. 95.15 Only then will John be accomplished by the light that is not born from the earth and from the fire, but that comes from the Lord. And this will happen when the cycles of the earth and of man have been accomplished in John and when all the blood is in the cup, which is the Great Mother, and She takes it before the altar of the world and the Lord blesses it. Then everything will be accomplished, be it on earth or in the firmament and it will be John's cycle. 95.14

96 A fiery hand in the heaven: this is the sign of the Lord. And in the middle of the hand an open eye looking steadily at man. 96.2 Thus the creator looks after the creature and guides its march of return to the house where it was born, since life in the form is nothing more than an exile, a pain of the body and of the soul, that only has an ending by means of reconciliation. 96.3 Then the Lord will hold the form of the creature and will dissolve it by the power of the fire and the creature will find itself freed from the weight of the flesh and from the pact of the blood. 96.4 Then the forces of the earth will not have power upon the creature, and the darkness and the shadow will not command over its destiny either, for the Lord has got hold of it from the flesh and He has freed it from the flesh and the 96.1

creature finds itself in the light and takes comfort in the light. I have prepared a kingdom for you where death and pain do not exist; not on earth, since the earth is broken up clay, where two siblings reign. On earth you shall have to prepare your home and your strength and your light shall grow by your opposition to the world. But you shall not remain on earth beyond the hour of the body, that is the hour of the revelation of what you are. You shall remain on it so that the hour comes and the light comes with it. You shall not remain beyond the hour of man, which is your hour, but you shall turn away from it and you will forget it, then once the hour of the blood comes to an end, the cycle is closed and the darkness is given to the darkness and the shadow is given to the shadow and you are given to my light so that you redeem yourselves in me.


I wanted it so when I gave you to the world, not as part of the world, but as a part of mine. And if I gave you to the world, it was so that you accomplished the Work. But having done so, what does the world matter? The Work does matter rather than the world, since the world is like the altar of the Work and once the Work is accomplished, what is the altar good for? You are so and the world is so. 96.7 I shall take you from the world when the hour comes for you, and I shall turn you away from the world, like the Work will turn away from the altar that saw it be born, for the child must grow without the shadow of those that gave it the seed of the flesh as life. 96.8 You also will grow beyond the world and the things of the world, for you are as dearest children before me and I have a place of preference for you: there will be neither tears nor laments there, but there will be light and light alone, and milk and honey as nourishment and you will have me for you, as now you have each other, and you will see me in each of you, for I will inhabit all of you. 96.6

You believe you are my children because you follow me, but I tell you that he alone follows me he that renounces everything out of the love for me and for the Work. I shall take that one from the flesh and I shall free him from the flesh; there is a place prepared for that one in my temple and he shall inhabit it. 96.10 But what shall I say of the one who neither loves me nor accomplishes my Work? He had better deliver himself to the darkness, for his prize would be greater; I shall not remember his face, nor his name, nor his offspring, since he has misused my love and he has misjudged my Law and he has not listened to my word through my servants' mouth, nor has stopped in order to listen to, but he has proceeded ahead, as if the word was not a sign of me. That one will not be saved, but he will be left in trust to the world so that the world remains in him and his flame will be lost and his soul will be taken from him and there will be no Law or Word of Salvation for him, but darkness and shadow alone. 96.11 And do not believe that I am threatening you, I rather tell you that it shall be like this, not because of me, but because of the Law. You shall meet with it and testify to it and it will see you inside and it will lift you up to me, if you are worthy, or it will lower you to the world, if you are not so, since the choice is yours and I only watch what you do and I love the one that loves me and serves me and still the one that serves me without loving me; but to the one among you that neither loves me nor serves me, what can say but that I leave him entrusted 96.9

to himself? So, it is you that condemn yourselves before my face and not me that chooses you, for you are all worthy of love before me and I want you all for my children, but on every cultivated field there is the good herb and the weed: the good herb is saved for the cattle to graze on and as nourishment for man, but the weed is given to the fire, since it is of no use even to the cattle. 96.13 So it is the same with you: there is the one that is a good herb and there is the one that is not so. I will feed on the former and so will my fire; but what shall I do with the latter? Either to set fire to him, or to abandon him, I do not care in the least. The darkness took him before I did, he lives in the darkness, even without knowing it and, once the hour of the darkness has arrived, that one will walk with the darkness, for he has chosen wrongly and has turned his face on me and he has not wanted to see me. Then the darkness took him for itself and he wanted that. 96.12

There is the darkness and there is the light and between the darkness and the light are you and is the world, that is your work. For that reason the world was given to you, so that you accomplish it. 96.15 Then what is the world, but a mirror of yours? And what is every creature but something of your own as well? And if there is good and bad creature on earth and in heavens and under the waters, it is because you too are so: good and bad and neither one thing nor the other. 96.16 If only you all could be only one spirit before me, I would receive you in that very instant, but you are diverse in the appearance and in the content; diverse in the form and in that which the form conceals. 96.17 And among you there is that one that serves me because he has seen my light and he has entrusted himself to it and I live in that one, and there is that other that has neither seen me nor sought me, and I inhabit that one only as a secret. And there is still that one that, having seen me, has turned his face on me and went ahead; that one has denied my light and has denied me and has given himself to the darkness and the darkness has taken him from me. 96.18 So are you and is your world and is every creature living in it. For that reason you shall accomplish the world, so that you accomplish its unity and, if you do so, you shall see only one spirit in it, that will be the sum of what you all are. 96.19 Then the world will close on itself like a shell closes on the hidden pearl and the world will remain so, sheltered and occult, for your spirit is in it no longer but it is in me and it will come and remain before me until I send it again to accomplish the last phase of the Work. Then you will return to the world again, not in flesh any longer but in spirit instead, and the world shall open like the shell opens up to the light and in the core of the world the pearl will shine that is the Holy Spirit, that one that I have sent to incarnate in the world and to accomplish it. Then you will create again, but in the harmony and in the love and each creature of yours will be like a light. 96.20 This is the cycle of all of the things and every being participates equally in it, even if denies itself to the light and entrusts itself to the darkness, for also in the shell there is the hard and black part covered with slimes and, once the shell is opened and the pearl is taken by the hand of man or of his Lord, what is left to the shell? An empty safe: this is the shell without a pearl. 96.14

Do take care so that the same doesn't happen to you, do love the pearl instead, that is my spirit before you, and do love the light, that is the life of the pearl, since you will live in it when the hour strikes and the pearl becomes light. 96.22 Thus you will be saved by your hand and you will come unto me. But if you entrust yourselves to the black shell and the slimes, what will become of you when the pearl leaves? What would you be good for? Thrown into the bottomless abyss, the shell is sucked and there it is that becomes powder and sea mud. You will be so, if you deny yourselves to the light. 96.23 Do not believe that there is salvation in the darkness, for there is only denial of me in it and nothing else; not a light opposed to mine, but the absence of my light: this is what the darkness is. And if I refuse it my the face and if I deny it my shadow, not even that it will be, but slavery and denial of everything, for do not believe that there are two Lords before you: one of darkness and another one of light; I do exist and I am everything and my shadow exists, that is part of what am. And once my cycle of manifestation comes to an end and once the light that I lit on the face of the firmament is extinguished, suddenly the shadow ceases and there only remains the rough and black matter as far as the eye can reach. Not the darkness, but Great Lady. 96.24 Then, not even before Lady does the darkness exist, even if in dreams. It exists for you, because it is fruit of yours, and it feeds on you like the young of animals feeds on its mother, sucking its milk and its life. Likewise you do feed the darkness, establishing pacts with it and giving it your blood and the light, that it secret of yours and my pledge. But a day shall come in which you will have nothing to give to it, because the cycle has been closed and my light has hidden from you and it only exists in my own centre. Then the darkness will be dissolved in the obscurity and that one that has entrusted himself to it, he will be dissolved in the obscurity. 96.21

97 There is only one secret under the heaven and the earth: the serpent and the dragon. He that follows the path of the earth, follows the serpent, he accomplishes wisdom; he that follows the path of the dragon, follows the heaven, he accomplishes intelligence. 97.2 Once wisdom is reached, it is intelligence that rouses up; once intelligence is accomplished, it is wisdom that rouses up, for there are not two truths in the Being, but one alone with two faces. And if it stares at the past, it stares with serpent eyes; but if it stares at the future, it is with dragon eyes that it stares. 97.3 Thus the Lord and the Mother come together in the one that searches, since every path is of return to unity and only in its accomplishment is there truth and transcendence. 97.1

He judges wrongly, he that discriminates between heaven and earth, for there is no such thing as one heaven and one earth: there is one body united to the other, a serpent united to a dragon. And there is the fruit of that union: that fruit is called Being. 97.5 As flame, it exists to feed the being and to take it to the continuity, for it would not be good that the being was limited to itself. So the flame that there is in it is like a necessity of giving itself, for only in giving does it find the 97.4

accomplishment of what it is. Thus the being is fulfilled and the plan is carried out, since every plan is of continuity and the flame feeds that one in which it lives and takes it to come near another, so that it has the flame in itself. This has been done since the being was born of the ashes of the marriage between Heaven and Earth. So, a part of it is Fire and another part is ashes and the flame feeds on the ashes and these keep it alive, as if it was a piece of incandescent coal.


This is man also: one part flame and another ashes; one part of spirit and another of clay. In the spirit, his Lord has a place; in the clay, the Mother of the world has a place. And the spirit joins the clay to create man and the transcendence of man, since what would man be good for, if there was not transcendence of man? So, Heaven and Earth do marry in every man,the serpent and the dragon, since every man is part of the Work and he is accomplishment of it.


Every Work has two parts: the periphery and the centre. In the centre the flame sleeps, the Lord sleeps, the spirit is accomplished. In the periphery the matter sleeps, the Mother sleeps and dreams, the flesh and the clay are accomplished. 97.9 If man grows above himself, he joins the flame and he joins the matter, and the matter is pierced through by the flame and becomes crystalline. Then the Work becomes only one thing, only one vision before Heaven and Earth: an egg of golden light. In that very instant the angels are above it and hold it and take it to the firmament, so that it shines, for the Work is on the earth while it is not accomplished, but it belongs to the firmament alone. For that reason the angels are like a sign of accomplishment and if they go before man, it is because the Work is complete there and it is necessary to leave. And man goes with them, by their hand, and he becomes an angel or another thing. 97.8

A piece of incandescent coal: that is vision of the Work. A piece of coal alive in the centre and covered with ashes on the outside: this is vision also. But in the coal a ruby is accomplished, half light and half darkness; part of the man and part of the being. And the half of man is of glass and it breaks, but the half of the being is of light and it has no existence. So is the Work and every living being: a piece of incandescent coal. 97.11 Like a heart suspended in a blood sea: the blood is the sea and it is infinite. The light goes and comes across the sea: it is seen in waves. This is the blood of man and it is his spirit of the flesh. 97.12 If man accomplishes the flesh, the blood becomes flame, and flame becomes spirit and light and man becomes alive. Not like a piece of coal covered with ashes, but like a ruby covered with light. And the light is golden and it is like a sign upon the world, so that men see it and long for it. 97.13 Then, is not every man a sign of life? So, let every man be a sign for the other ones, a sign of the Lord and of the Mother and of the complete Work, so that between the world and the firmament there is a kind of a stairway and a place of departure and another of arrival, since that alone is good. 97.10

You believe the Work is complete, but every work is always imperfect: only my spirit accomplishes you. Do become a work of mine and my spirit will make you go from the mud to the light. 97.15 I do want you so: light. And from that light I will remove three parts: one shall remain in heaven, to shine eternally; another one I shall give to the earth so that it grows and is fed, and the third one I shall keep for myself, as nourishment of mine, and I shall place it on the altar, in the cup. 97.16 This is what you are: a Work and, once the Work is accomplished, the sacrifice begins. Then, is not every work the surmise of a vaster one? And aren't you all like a surmise of that what I am? So, do not believe you are accomplished because you finished the Work: once the Book is complete, the Book begins for you; you shall have to accomplish it, then, among each other: for you all are it in flesh and you shall be it in spirit. If three have made it, it has been on my behalf; nor for themselves have they made it, they have made it so that all you might know it, since the Book is like a sign of the heaven and it must shine above the whole earth. And how shall that be, if each of you is not the Book? So I command you, not to preach the Book to each other, but to take it for yourselves as a gift of mine, so that there is neither distance nor separation between what you are and what I am. 97.17 And you shall become my Book among men, for I shall preach and not you. And I will tell you where you must go and what you must say and do, for the word is mine and it doesn't belong to you. 97.18 Do take the Book and receive it like the parents receive their son, for it is like a fiery seed that you must fondle and make grow among you, so that it bears fruit and sowing: I want it and I command you to do so. 97.14

A part of the Work is ended: there are still two to be ended. The spirit has come above your head and has poured its light: a part of that is done and a part of the Book is ended: there are still two to be ended. Do accomplish what is still to be accomplished and you will accomplish the whole Work. 97.20 Then my spirit will stay upon you and it will withdraw from you no more until your time ends. It will guide you, it will speak to you on my behalf and it will instruct you in the Law and in the spirit of the Law and to what is from the Heaven and from the Earth and the good and the bad that there is, since what you know is still little and it is possession of man too much and it is of use to him alone. But I want another kind of wisdom for you: not the wisdom of man, but my wisdom and that of my spirit. Thus, the spirit will go upon you and it will make you children of mine, so that you say to each one what has power in him and not what you believe to be true, because the truth is not only one thing, as you believe it to be, but it is an infinity, and, before each man, one truth is real and another is false and in that one that is real, not everything is of interest to say. 97.21 Therefore, when you go before man, in my name, you shall not speak out of your mouth, but out of my spirit, since it alone knows what is real and what is not so, and it will tell you what is, and it will not deceive you. 97.19

98 The spirit of the Lord is like a light that goes ahead of the flock to lead it. The flock follow the light and shun the precipices and find a place where to stay


overnight. This is the good flock, because they follow the light and they let themselves be guided by it; but there is also the flock that do not follow the light, but they swerve from it. That flock fall into the precipice and get astray across the fields without finding a place where to take refuge. This is the parable: understand it if you will. There is a Lord and there is a flock. The light is the spirit of the Lord, the flock is the spirit of man. The spirit of man is made of two parts: a part is with the Lord, the other is with the Beast. The part that follows the Lord climbs up the mountain and doesn't get lost, but it reaches its summit; the part that doesn't follow Him, follows the Beast and the impulses of the Beast and it loves the world and loves the flesh and takes delight in it. Its paths are not the paths of the mountain, but of the world, and it gets lost in it. 98.3 But a day shall come in which the Beast will be unmasked and the spirit of man will see it as it is: shadow and illusion. Then the Beast will be delivered to the abyss and will be lashed to it so that it remains in it, and the spirit of man will be able to choose. 98.4 The Lord will do so in the last days, so that there is no more deceit and illusion on earth, or between the earth and the creatures, but conscience and vision of the unity alone. 98.2

Upon the highest mountain of the world, a spirit inhabits: that one is the Lord, He that has not had a beginning nor will have an ending, then He suffices to Himself. 98.6 Around the mountain a thousand paths cross: some of them are steep and their stones get loose, causing the tumble to that one that doesn't have wings yet: others are soft and the feet do not get hurt on them and there are no tumbles either, but there are fruit-trees instead so as to appease the hunger and fountains to quench the thirst. But in these there are also narcotic flowers and he that picks them falls under the sign of forgetfulness and he wakes up no more. 98.7 All this the Lord has commanded to exist on His mountain, so that only the most courageous and just of all men might reach its summit. 98.8 And in each cycle the spirit of man sees the light shining upon the sacred mountain and sends those that love the light and that are solidary with it. So, there are always pilgrims along the paths of the mountain and there are always those that reach its summit. These are welcome by the Lord and are transformed by His light, so that they are born of the flesh no more, but of the spirit. And when this is consummated, the Lord makes them columns of His temple, or priests of His, or He sends them back to the world again, so that they serve the Work and serve the world, rescuing the darkness and the shadow. 98.9 These are the ones born of the light, the reborn ones. And even if they are born of a woman, they are born of the spirit of the flesh no longer, but of the Holy Spirit, that is the one that inhabits the blood of the creature, for they have taken the Lord as a sign on them and that sign is like a firey hand opened above their heads. 98.5

The world is the Work and the Work is part of the world: the rest belongs to the Lord. There are two spirits in the Work: the one of Heaven and the one of


Earth, the one that has started and the one that there was already before the start. They came together one upon the other and the world was born and with the world man was born and the creatures were born. And having this happened, the Lord came upon the man's body and blew a flame on him that inhabited him. 98.11 This was the beginning of the Work in man and it was his spirit. And man rose up upon the world and gazed upon the firmament and the abyss. And above the firmament he saw the Lord and he adored Him; and above the abyss he saw the Beast and he was afraid. This fear was the first pact between man and the Beast. So the Beast entered man, through his heart and through his fear and it stayed in him as a shadow. 98.12 The Lord saw this and He took pity on man and He sent him a spirit greater than his, so that it led him in the escalade of the sacred mountain. This was the Holy Spirit, the spirit of man sent by his Lord, but man looked at it and he didn't recognize it. 98.13 Then the Lord opened the man's right side, abreast of his head, and blew the spirit into it, as a fiery flame and a light, and man received it so and he recognized it as a sign of the Lord and he took it for himself. This is the reason why the spirit of man is sacred and it has in it the sign of the Lord, and that sign is like a light and a flame. 98.14 And the flame devours the flesh, starting from the blood and ascending along man like a fluid serpent: this is the blood and it is his spirit, that is alive. And if the fire transforms the flesh, the man sees the light that there is inside of him and around him also. Then his head opens up for him and it reveals to him the light that the Lord has set there. And that is seen, not only by him, but by those that are around him and have a liking for him, for the light of the Lord cannot be hidden in the one that has found it inside of himself, but it must overflow from him and enlighten those that search for it. There are two spirits in the Work; a third one will inhabit it and then the Work will be taken by the spirits and it will be like a sun of immense light, shining above the face of the abyss and of the firmament, so that the abyss repents and the Beast is wiped out of the face of reality, for the Beast lives, but only for the light not being bigger and, where the light goes, there is no place for the Beast and it hides in the shadow. 98.16 But a day shall come in which the shadow will be rescued of the face of the world and the Beast will be lost. Then the Work will shine above the face of the abyss, like a sun of splendour, and the abyss will revolve on itself to hide and it will not be able to do so. 98.17 This will be done when the spirit of man is only one and every creature is only one thing and a unity with the world. Then the Work will be complete and the chalice will be erect upon the firmament. And that will be the last sign. 98.15

99 The word is life for the one that listens to it and accomplishes it, or death for the one that denies it in his heart, for there are not those that have been chosen and others that have not been so, but instead all have been chosen and some come to the call and others do not come. 99.2 So it is man that chooses the Lord and not the Lord that chooses the servant 99.1

and, if there is accomplishment in man, it has been work of his and preference of his; and, if there is not, it has also been so, for the Lord loves them all equally, justs and unjusts, and He wants them all for accomplishment of His and of the word. The word is like a fiery flame that rouses in man's heart and that wakes him up for the Work and for the moment of the Work. If man listens to it, his soul wakes up and makes him part of the Work and this is accomplished in him. 99.4 Thus the word is like a sign, a finger pointed at man's heart so that he wakes up and sees. And what does he see when he wakes up? He sees the Lord amid the Work and amid the world and amid himself, anchored in his heart. He sees this, for the Work is the hand of the Lord set above the world, so that there is accomplishment of the world and man's accomplishment. 99.5 And if man participates in the Work whole-hearted and if he entrusts himself to the Work, the Lord comes upon him like Heaven comes upon Earth and He takes him for Himself and He lays His flame on his head and His hand remains shining on him. Thus the Lord marks the one that has Him in himself, as a sign of His and sign of the accomplishment of the Work, for it would not be good that he that has entrusted himself to the Work should wander across world lost and without a sign, he must rather be guided by the spirit and have light as its sign, so that those that see him may say: there goes a servant of the Lord, he has the flame on himself. We can listen to and follow this one, for he will lead us on the right and fair path, since the Lord is with him. 99.6 The sign of the Lord does this for man: it makes him guide of flock, it makes him shepherd and servant. For a day shall come in which there will be flocks astray across the world and no shepherd. Then the Lord will send His servants, those that have His sign, and they will go to the middle of the world to teach the accomplishment of the Work and the spirit of the Law, that is the spirit of love. And those that see them, if they have love in themselves, will see them, not as men made of flesh, but as light and flame, made of spirit, and they will follow them. 99.7 This will happen in the end, when every shepherd has got astray from his flock and the flock have denied him, for there will be a time in which the flock will deny the shepherd and will tread on him and will leave him so that he is devoured. 99.8 A great darkness will come upon the world then and an immense hunger and thirst, and the earth will not suffice to feed man. And man will wander from hill to hill and from valley to valley in search of consolation and he will not find it, for the Lord has turned away from the world and has taken shelter in Himself. 99.9 But this time will pass fast, for man will look at the sky and will cry out for his Lord and He will listen to him. Then He will send him the justs so that they comfort him and they will do so. 99.10 This will be the time of the preaching of the Book, from end to end of the world, so that nobody says that he has not listened to the Word. But they all will listen to it through the mouth of the prophets and through the shepherds and many will follow it and they will follow the spirit of love. 99.3

100 Blood and tears: this is man's destiny, because his path has turned away from the Law and he has surrendered to the darkness and it took him as its servant. And man has loved servitude and he has taken delight in it and he has set his eyes, not on the Lord, but on the Beast and the Beast has taken him from the Lord. 100.2 Man preferred the darkness to the light and the flesh and its spirit to the living fire. And the Lord turned away from man and He gave him to the mastery of the darkness, so that he suffered. This is man's genesis, this is the genesis of the Beast and of the world. 100.3 The world took the Beast as its master and entrusted its spirit to it and the world was given to the Beast and to man, for in everything there must be a master and a servant. And the Beast was the master of the world and man its servant. 100.4 This has been so for a long time and it will still be so for a long time, but the day of the Beast and of the trial of the world shall come. Then the Lord will come upon the world to judge the Beast and to judge man. And the Beast will be sent to the abyss and it will be given to man to choose: either the Law or annihilation, for the Beast does not have the light of the Lord in itself, but man does. For that reason he and the Beast will be judged apart and he will have to choose. 100.5 But woe to the one who chooses the kingdom of the world and of the flesh: that one will be banished from the light, that one will be banished from the sphere of man and he will return to it no more, since not everything is worthy of man. And in man there is he that belongs to the shadow and there is he that belongs to the light: and they are two. And the Lord loves man, but He abjures the darkness. 100.6 Man will have to choose, so that there are not justs and unjusts upon the earth, but justs alone. And the light of the Lord in the just as only measure of the Law. 100.1

A master and a servant: this is the just measure. And whatever is more or less than this will be Lawbreaking and not submission to it, since it is not true that there are two things in the world, but one only. 100.8 The Lord stares at the creature and sends it His spirit, so that there is life in it, and the creature takes the spirit and lives in it. This is the Law and, if there is love for the Law, the creature lives in it and the Lord lives in it, as only one thing. But if there is neither love nor obedience, but perjury instead, the creature entrusts itself to the Beast and makes a pact with the darkness. So it serves the darkness instead of serving the light and it serves the Beast instead of the Lord. That is man's slavery and it is entrusting oneself to flesh. 100.9 Then the Lord hides His face from him and forgets him, and man sinks in the darkness and he gets lost in it, since he who doesn't love the Lord loves the darkness and he is taken by it as a servant, since there is not a path for man by the side of the darkness or by the side of the Lord. So, the man serves either the Lord or the Beast, the light or the darkness, the Law or the shadow of the Law. 100.7

He is wrong the one that believes he loves himself: there is no love out of me. Out of me there is only obscurity and darkness. This is what you love in


yourselves: illusion and darkness. So the Beast confounded you when it gave you the world and the flesh to love, and it entrusted you to the yoke of the flesh and of the world, servants of its. 100.11 Those of you that loved the flesh and that accomplished it, accomplished the realm of the Beast and gave it the supremacy of the world. But I tell you that there is only illusion in the flesh. And what will become of the flesh if the spirit of the fire does not inhabit it? It will be speech-impaired ! So he will also be the one that surrendered to the flesh and to the world: of stone and inert, voiceless, since my word is absent from him and, if there is no word, how will there be a voice? 100.12 It is not you that speak though your mouths, but my word does it. Likewise, it is not in the flesh that the fire is, but because the fire strikes through it, it lives. If only you could be made of fire and voice and my spirit would be free to prophesy and to create the love of the Law and the love of the Work. 100.13 But a day shall come in which some of you will entrust your flesh and your blood to me. On those I will pour my spirit and they will be a part of mine and their voice will be heard from one end to the other end of the earth, so that there is no more illusion about what is mine and what is of the shadow. Then you will come to me on your own foot and you will receive me as I am and you will love me too. 100.14 A great confusion has been installed in your heart because some of you believe they love me and they love the shadow; others believe they are of use to me and they use my name and others believe they are in my light and they are absent from it. All this happens because you are astray from the Law. 100.15 And those that say they love me they sow the hatred amidst their own kind. And those that follow them look at their works and don't see the Law, but concupiscence and darkness instead. And some turn away from them because they remember the spirit, but others surrender. 100.16 All this happens to the one that has entrusted himself to the world. For only the world deceives man and makes him see the illusion. And man loves illusion as he loves the flesh and he establishes himself in it. Some of you have bewailed before me, for the shadow deceives them and it has made them see a world given to the shadow. But I do tell you that the time of the shadow is brief and that for the just it is even briefer. A blink of an eye, this is time of the shadow. 100.18 If only you loved the flesh and its fruits less, then the shadow would not be among you to seduce you and to deceive you. But a part of yours is of shadow makes pacts with it. Thus I tell you to rouse from the shadow and to rouse from the world that it has created for you. Then you shall see me as I am: a spirit of freedom and justice! And you will love me like the plant loves the sap that makes it live, for it is not true that there is a plant and a sap, but life alone. So are you and I am: only one thing, also, and if you love me, I sprout in you, like the flower sprouts in the bush. 100.17

Let the world search for you as a new seed: this is what I want, so that you are genesis of the world and of yours as well. 100.20 Do not believe that the days of the Work have come to an end, on the contrary they have started anew. And you will be shepherds and flock and you will 100.19

follow each other, following me, since you shall not be greater than I am before the world and I command you to renew the world out of the love you have for me and for the Work, that is a task of yours now. I will watch for you, but woe to the one that wants to deceive me in his labour! Do you believe you belong to the flesh? I will show you that you belong to the fire, by making you experiment the fire. Then you shall see for yourselves what is occult to you and you shall see that there is only one Lord and one servant and that everything else is appearance of that. 101 The spirit of the darkness is like a bird of prey perched on your heart, for it feeds on blood and on soul. And you give it your blood to drink and it takes your blood from you and gives it to the abyss and to those that inhabit the abyss. This way the cycle of destruction is perpetuated. 101.2 You do this without noticing it. But there are some among you who do so in the knowledge and in the certainty of their actions. 101.3 For you there will still be pardon, but not for those. For I will send you my messenger to speak to you about me and to teach you about me and my realm. And if you listen to him you will be saved, but to those others I will not send the good news, and they will not know about it either, for it would be of no use to them. 101.1

But I gain you from the blood and I set you free from it. And I gain you from the abyss, for the days of the abyss are near. 101.5 My brief hour will strike upon the face of the abyss, for in the abyss there are those that fear me and those that do not know me. And not all hope will be denied to them, in case they listen to my wail and listen to the word through the mouth of the prophets and that much will suffice them to abandon the abyss, for he alone is lost he that turned his face away from me so as not to stare at me and not that one that, for having sought me, has gone astray from me. I will reveal myself to that one when my hour strikes and he will see me just as I am and I will gain him from the abyss and I will take him with me, since not everything belongs to the abyss and to the darkness and even in the abyss there is that one that expects me. 101.4

You do consider the abyss to be little worthy and the shadow to be useless, but I do tell you that my spirit is where my children are, be it in the abyss or in the shadow. And do take care, for even he who joined me in spirit may sin and fall into the abyss. How can you believe you are safe and better than they are? Do you believe that the spirit has no blemish? Only my face is beyond the light, everything that lives in it does have blemish. 101.7 And woe to you if I send you to the abyss to release it and you do not do so. Do you believe that I have two loves? I only love that one that, out of love for me, goes where I want him to go and does what I command him to do. And if I tell him to sacrifice in the blood, he sacrifices there. And if I send him to die in the hands of my enemy, even though he still goes, out of his love for me. 101.8 I want this for you: that you are made like I do want you, not of hard stone or granite, but like soft clay. Then, what shall my hands do of you if you are made 101.6

of granite? I will rather spit you of my face and I will turn you away from me if you are so, since it is not what you are that I love, but what you are before me. You love the light like the children love their toys, but a day will come in which you will forget even the light out of your love for what I am. Then, how will you have me if the light is enough for you? A trap, this is what the light will be for you if you dwell on it. 101.10 For that reason I will send you to the abyss, to rescue it and to rescue yourselves in it; so that in contact with it you may see beyond you, beyond that which in you is of abyss and of light, for I am of light, but I am not in the light; and I am of darkness, but I am not in the darkness; and I send my spirit upon the face of the abyss and of the mountains, but I am neither in the abyss nor in the heights. 101.9

I want the same for you: that you may go where my spirit commands you to go, out of your love for me and for the Work, but I want that you do not belong to anything, neither to the light nor to the abyss, for I do not want you because you belong to the light and you love it, but because you do love me and my Work. And if you do it just as I command you to, then you shall have me too; but if you do not do so, even if out of your love for the light, what shall I want you for? 101.12 Do mind what you believe to be light and to be darkness, for it may happen that you are wrong and that you see no more than your fears and desires. Do you believe that only the darkness deceives? I tell you that the deception is in your heart and if you are misled even the light will mislead you too. 101.13 It is not what you see that matters, but what I want for you and for the things. And if I want the things luminous, I make them of light and I set them in your eyes for you to see them; but if I want them obscure, I make them of obscurity and I blind you to see there, for there is not such thing as darkness and light, but spirit alone. And there is the spirit that is with the Work and that wants it and that also wants me and there is the spirit that doesn't want the Work, but abhors it instead and abhors me. This is everything that there is. 101.14 For that reason I tell you that you shall release the darkness if I command you to go before it, since even in the darkness there is the one that is worthy of the Work and of receiving it in himself. And day will come in which I will do so, in order to test you and to test the love that you say you have for me and so that you know for yourselves what is mine and what is not. For I will not be able to judge you but by your love and by your works. 101.11

102 Man is like an empty shell in the middle of which a flame burns: this fire is the Holy Spirit. It is also the breath of the Lord that man transforms into words and into blood. 102.2 Through the words he feeds the soul and he makes it big or small, for according to the spoken word, thus is the action in him and is the result of the action. And through the blood he feeds the body and he feeds the roots of the body, which are the same of the earth, and he makes the generation of the body which is the generation of the offspring. 102.3 Man does this, sometimes moulding the fire out of word, other times out of 102.1

blood, since man moves in circles and he sometimes tumbles to the right and other times to the left, but a day shall come in which he will be able to move straight ahead and upwards. Then he will fall neither upon the word nor upon the blood, but he will join them in only one thing that will be his spirit, and he will become only one with it. A solitary flame in the middle of an empty shell: thus the Lord keeps vigil in man. And He prays endlessly, for man is like an illusion always about to melt away. 102.5 He sometimes looks inside of himself and he sees the flame and he surrenders to the flame and the Lord lives in him and speaks for him, but soon after he looks on the side and he neither sees the flame nor knows of it. And once the flame is forgotten and the path of the fire is forgotten, the Lord remains silent in him and the word falls asleep. 102.6 That is man in truth and not just in illusion: for the flesh and the bones are illusion and the truth that there is in it. It is is also illusion the truth of the flesh, for there is only one truth in man, that is the flame and the breath that inhabits the flame. 102.7 And once the flame has gone out and also the breath that feeds it, what is man but an empty shell? A shell without soul, since where there is no flame how will there be a soul? On what will it feed? 102.8 A word with no echo, this is the man who lost his soul. And man speaks in the void and only the void answers. The void and the shadow, faking the echo. 102.9 And he is pitiable he who believes in what he hears: that one is lost, then the shadow comes with the echo of the shadow and through the shadow the Beast comes. And the shadow dresses in light to deceive man and where he sees light there is only obscurity and void. 102.10 Thus man yields to the realm of the Beast, then, having lost his soul, he lost the word and the path of the word, which is also the path of the Lord. 102.11 And where there is not the word there is not the spirit of the word either, nor the soul of the word, which is man's soul. Thus man goes astray from the Lord, since he doesn't have a path to Him. 102.12 And having gone astray from the Lord, what will man become but wandering darkness? So is the man that lives under the sign of the shadow: a piece of flesh that wanders without destination, for in the Lord alone is there destiny and objective and out of Him all is misdeed and illusion. 102.4

A destiny: this is the Lord. And what does man do since he is born but moulding in it? Moulding and rebelling against it, then man wants and he doesn't want and sometimes he turns towards the south, other times towards the north; and he searches in the south what there is in the north and in the north what there is in the south. 102.14 And what does the Lord do but watching over him? Since the Lord is like an invisible fire that waits for man in the centre of the world. And if man searches for Him, the Lord looks him in his eyes and sets stumbling blocks on his feet, so that he takes notice of what is all around him. And man falls and he stands up, but he takes little notice, since man is like a blind man that sees a mirage: the mirage beckons to him from the distance and he goes running, without looking 102.13

around. Thus is the shadow for man: a mirage that beckons to him. And man runs to the shadow and it opens its arms to him. But behind the shadow is the Beast and behind the Beast are the obscurity and the void. And man takes the shadow for himself and he is taken by it and the void devours him. 102.15 This has been so and it still is so, since the realm of the Beast is man's realm and their age is the same. But the time of Beast will end soon and it will only remain the world and man. 102.16 Then there will not be illusion between the Lord and His servant any longer. And man will see God as He is: a fire of light. And he will take Him this way, for himself, so as to redeem himself in Him. This is the destiny of the creature: to redeem in the fire of its Lord, to let itself be taken from the flesh by it. 102.17 For the creature is shell of spirit, but only the spirit matters in it. And the shell is like a temple where a priest officiates on the altar. The whole truth of the temple is that one of the priest and that one of the sacrifice, not that one of the stone pilled up on the stone, nor that one of the dome that closes the temple and that separates it from other temples. 102.18 So is man also, for his flesh is like the stone of the temple and his spirit is like the priest. And if there was not priest, what would the use of the temple be? And if there was not word in man, what would be the use of flesh and of existence to man? Since the whole truth of man comes to him from the Lord, not from having flesh and from belonging to the world for having it. It is not man that belongs to the flesh, but the flesh belongs to man. Man uses the flesh as he uses a crook, to lean on it. It once the crook has been chosen and toughened in the fire, it becomes weapon and safe support. 102.20 So is the flesh in him also, then having been toughened in the flame of the Lord and hardened by many long walks, it becomes reliable harbour and docile clay in the potter's hands. 102.21 The Lord does this for the flesh and for man: to burn the scum’s, to transform the flesh into blood and this into spirit, for only the spirit sings. 102.22 And how will the Lord listen to man but through the song? It is not the whole life in man like a sacred song, a song without beginning or ending? Thus man sings for the soul and the soul sings for her lover, the Lord. And the Lord listens to the soul and listens to man. 102.23 For it is not true that there are a man and a soul before the Lord, but instead there is a flame that has neither sex nor body nor blood. Then having once lived in the flesh, it lives in it no longer and having lived in the blood, by the blood it redeemed itself. And what is it now but a flame? And the Lord takes it in His hands and He takes it to His heart, to take it in Himself. 102.19

103 A burning thorn: so is the Lord for man. And what is man for the Lord, but a land still to plough, a land still to yield? 103.2 But the farmer's day comes and the land is ploughed and the weed is separated from the good plant and the seed is sowed on earth. 103.3 Then the field is covered with seed and for each seed a thousand are born. And the farmer sets some of them apart for himself and he entrusts others to his Lord and he gives others to the animals and he still throws others away, for being 103.1

of no use. And woe to the seed that is of no use. That seed will not be born again.


A burning thorn: this is the Lord. Man climbs up the sacred mountain in quest of the Lord. And having arrived before His Temple and His angels and His servants, he looks and he sees the thorn. And he falls on his knees. For the mystery of the Lord is greater than man's reason and it is in vain that he tries to understand. 103.6 So the sign of the Lord appears to him, as a thorn. And woe to the one who, before it, does not fall to the ground, in reverence. That one will be punished for his pride. 103.7 Then the fire devours the impious and dignifies the one that is mild in his heart. And the former is crushed and given to the darkness, but the latter sees the Lord face to face. 103.5

A thorn on a mountain: this is the sign. Since every one that seeks must find and every one that loves the Lord will have Him for himself. 103.9 And what is the mountain but the world? And what is the thorn, but the angel of revelation? So, do not believe that I am in a place far away from you and from what you are, but on the contrary, then while being I am amidst of you, where you are. 103.10 And he that searches for me shall not leave to distant lands in search of me. He had rather look for me in his place, for he will find me there. And that another that was born to be my servant, shall not look for my house in his dreams, for there is not such thing as a house and servants. So, that one shall serve where he is out of his love for me and I will receive his task and it will be a thing of mine, since I give and take. 103.11 And if you search for me, do search for me and not for that which you imagine to be mine, for it may happen that what you search for is a shadow of me or of you. Then you will go astray. 103.12 For that reason I tell you not to search for me far away, nor through majestic works, for my balance is just and its pointer is made of gold and I throw it amid you to judge you. And where there is justice, that one shall be with me; and where there is not, that one I shall not want. 103.8

I have given you a sign: my Book. And in the Book one law: the Law of Love. For that reason I tell you that the mountain is where you are and not far away from you. 103.14 And what will become of that one that does not accomplish himself where I commanded him to be? Do you believe that your destiny is blind? Do not judge it for yourselves, do judge it for me. Will I be blind to send you where there is no Work to do? 103.15 Therefore I tell you: do accomplish what you are and your part of the Work will be done, leave the rest to me. 103.16 But do take care in the accomplishment. Do it perfect and concluded, for my angel keeps vigil next to you on my behalf. And the one he points his finger at will be left aside, just like the farmer does with the seed that is of no use. To that one I will deny my face. 103.13

Therefore, do take care of the Work and carry it out perfect, so that my angel does not point his finger at you, but supports you and helps you instead, for that will be a sign of worth. And I will see it and I will overwhelm you with gifts. 103.18 But if you do not do the Work as I command you to, but you neglect it instead, you also will be treated so, with negligence. And once it has come the hour of revelation and of your being brought before my balance, where will your praise be? Neither on earth nor in heaven will there be a voice to defend you from the outrage, since you were given a lot and you did nothing. 103.17

A thorn: I give you this sign. And a hand in middle of it: my hand, so that you recognize me when I come for you, for there is a time for the sowing and another for the inactivity of the soil. But once the soil has rested and the seed is open, then it is time for the harvest. 103.20 So it will be with you as well, for I have seeded you on the ground and you have borne fruit. And there is good fruit and less good fruit. And I will come for the good one and I will pick it for me. And I will come for the less good also and I will take it also. And I shall set one on my right and the other one on my left, for it must be so. 103.21 So, do not judge for yourselves what is good and what is not, since it may happen that your judgement is not the right one and where you see darkness, maybe I just see ignorance and fear of life; and where you see light, who knows whether there is vanity and illusion? So, do judge little and leave the judgment to me, so that there is neither mistake nor perjury. 103.19

Do take care of the Work, but do take care of the fruits of the Work twofold, since the time of the Work is the time of man and of every creature. And the time of the Work will pass, but not the time of man and of the creature, then once the Work is accomplished, there is still man to be accomplished and, once the time of man is over, another time will begin: my time. 103.23 So, do take care with what you measure, be it for good or for bad, for I am the right measure. But who among you can measure for me? And a time shall come in which I shall be amidst of you to measure. The Book and my prophets and my servants tell you about that time. They speak to you about the harvest time. 103.24 And I shall go where you do not expect me. And I shall take a part of everything for me, since the time of the tiller is near. And what am I but a tiller? And what are you, but my seed? 103.25 So I seeded you on the ground and you bore fruit. And there were those of you that fructified a lot and I have already reaped them and freeded them from the ground. Those are my prophets and servants and those that speak to you about me. 103.26 And there are those others that fructified less and that fell asleep in the bosom of the earth. I have not reaped those yet, since they are not ripe. 103.27 And there are still those that went rotten under the effect of t ime and that let themselves be corrupted. I know nothing about them and I shall not turn my face to them, since they left me out of their love for the Beast and for the fruits of the world and the Beast will take them for itself in the last days, and they will stay with it, as you stay with me, for there is a time and a realm, both for the Beast and for its Lord and, in the time of the Beast, its children will rejoice with 103.22

it and they will flourish on the face of the world and they will shine a great deal under the face of the firmament, but their realm will be short and their glory brief. 103.28 And after the time of the Beast, the time of its Lord shall come, that is also the time of man, and those that have joined the Lord will shine with a splendour never seen before and for an endless time, since the time of the Beast is like a draught, but the time of its Lord has neither beginning nor ending, and it will rather be the time of eternity. I tell you this so that you may know it and so that you are not afraid, for the Beast inhabits amidst of you and your time is also its time, but it will be short and it will pass fast. After that, my time will come and the time of my realm, that I prepared for you, so that you may live it with me and with all those that serve me, for my greater glory and yours. 103.30 But before that you still have a lot to go through and to battle for my sake, since the Beast has come for you and for the world and it will not turn away without fight and a lot of tribulation. For that reason I send you the Book, as a sign of me, so that you know about this and you may stand ready, then it would be bad for you that the battle came and you did not fight. 103.31 So I tell you: there is a cultivated field and another still to cultivate. And on the cultivated field there is a great amount of fruit awaiting the harvest; on the other there are only stones and thistles and weeds. And there is one only tillerman for both fields. But the tillerman loves one and he loves the other less. Thus, he takes care of one with devotion and he does not care about the other. 103.32 So is the world also and is the Work. In which, one half of it is mine and the other half belongs to the Beast. But a day will come in which I will judge the tillerman and I will call him to account over the seed. And the tillerman will be judged with the seed, for the seed was also sown in the field still to cultivate and it did not bear fruit. 103.33 Do look after you and after the field then, so that the same may not happen to you and, having bloomed due to intense care had with you, and a great deal of devotion too, you became bitter and barren and not even as mulch I could have you, then it is not true that there is only good fruit. And, even in the good fruit, a part of it is saved from corruption, for I have my hand on it and it is mine, but I do not have it on the other part. 103.34 So the same happens with you, for even in the heart of the just the shadow can still exist. And if it can be in him, how can it not be in you that are not so? Do take care of the seed and of the Work then, and be just and I will take you from the earth and I will free you from it when the hour strikes. 103.29

104 A fiery wand before the firmament: this is the prophet. A hand holds the wand. Thus the hand of the Lord holds the prophet over the face of the earth, before releasing him amid men. 104.2 For the prophet is like a sea of flames and wherever he goes, he goes out of the will of his Lord and not out of his own will. 104.3 There is not such thing as a being, but a wand that reaches from heaven to earth and that is the centre of a sphere of flesh and blood. And the Lord casts the 104.1

wand upon the earth so that it blooms and it covers itself with fruits. That is the flesh of the wand and it is its blood. 104.4 And the Lord tastes the fruit and blesses it and gives it to man. This is wisdom of the fire. Understand it if you will! A wand in the hand of his Lord: this is the prophet's truth. And if the Lord casts it upon earth, it covers itself with fruits. And if He does not cast it, it becomes motionless, suspended between the being and the non-being. 104.6 Thus, it is the hand of the Lord that makes the wand worthy and it is His igneous breath that makes it alive. And woe to the wand that knows neither the hand nor the breath: that wand does not live. 104.7 Since also for the wand there is a destiny which is the service, and there is darkness which is not serving. And if it serves, it grows in glory and majesty in its Lord. But if it does not serve, it wastes away in itself and it remains as a wand. 104.5

A wand: so you see it. But I do tell you that it is not so: it is my breath instead. If you see it as a wand it is is because my breath has frozen so. 104.9 If only you could see beyond the instant that passes you would see a fiery column. And my throne and my temple and my angels above the column and, underneath the column, on its foundation, the Book of Life. And at the bottom of the Book my servants and the people as far as the eye can see. 104.10 Then what is the prophet, but the union between me and you? And how will he testify if he does not do so about the Book? You will also testify about the Book before the prophet, for he will speak to you about the Book when he speaks to you about me but, having done so, he will remain silent for a long time. 104.11 Then you shall go before him, to testify about me and he shall listen to you in my name. And he who does so before him and before the Book, I shall listen to him and I shall take him for me. And he who does not do so for fearing me and the Law, I shall not look him in his face. 104.12 But a day shall come in which my prophet will speak to you about me, so that you are solaced. And many will listen to him. And many more will go unto him without listening to him, but out of hearing. And they all will be welcome. 104.8

I have given you a sign: my Book. And to announce it, my prophet: not a man, but a spirit of justice I have sent you. 104.14 You shall see him, for I conceived and accomplished him in flesh and blood. And he will be amidst of you until my hour comes. Then I will take him off the world and I will seize him from the world and the world shall see him no more. 104.15 But I will do so only in the last days, and beforehand there will be terror and fear upon you and in your hearts, since you turned away from the Law and you have forgotten it. 104.16 You will be asked to give account for that, for it is not just that the good and the evil take the same place at the table with me. And I shall place some on my right and others on my left, so that they are different. 104.13

An immense procession: this is what I see. And in the distance a temple made of fire. I see it on the summit of a mountain. You make for it. And some of you know that and walk and others do not know it, but they also walk. But few of


you see it. The temple has four doors and four windows. Guarding the four doors, four angels. Above the windows, four spirits. On the hands of the first, a book, that is the Book of Life; on the hands of the second, a wand, that is fiery and lives; on the hands of the third, a cup, that is full of blood and tears; on the hands of the fourth, a sword, that is of white fire and shines. 104.19 This is my temple for you. And in the middle of it, before the altar, three spirits keep vigil: they are those that write the Book. I am in those in fire and life, then I reveal myself triple before you. And you shall see three faces, but I am only one. You do see three: they are not three, but one. This is the enigma. 104.18

index of chapters

The Book of Life is the one where the names are... This is the Book of Ioan... This is the book of the living creatures' generation... The creatures' existence is the aching of the soul... The Great Mother is the soul of all things The Book of Life is the book of the living creatures ' generation... When the Word sounds, who will speak it?... The germ is in the egg, life is in the germ... This is the genesis of the worlds... The hosts of the Lord come upon the world like a lance... The Lord’s spirit Keeps vigil... The truth of the Lord it is in His Word... This is the long expected book... This is the Book of the Lord... The Word of the Lord is a gift... In the heart of the world a treasure shines... The Lord is fire... The Word of the Lord burns the lips of the one who says it... The hand of the Lord hangs over His creatures... In your offspring I will write a book... This is the Book that was already before existing... He who journeys must always look straight ahead... The creatures' existence is the glory of the Lord... Blood is crucified spirit... The fire of the Lord falls upon the soul of the chosen ones... The Word of the Lord is like a nut... Man's flesh is like an unploughed field... The creatures' genesis begins with Adam... And in the third month and on the third day the prophet was devoured... In the Beginning the Verb was and the Verb was with God… And on the seventh day and at the seventh hour the Lord descended upon His world... The Verb is flesh... I see a rose that grows continually... I see a winged dragon spitting fire upon the earth... And on the third day and by the third hour the angel blew the trumpet... The angel of the Mister... The Lord is a warrior at fight... In the bowels of the world an occult cavern exists... There are seven sacred nations... In the centre of the world, the Mother is seating in Her throne... On the sacred promontory, a sleeping serpent keeps vigil... A fiery dragon: this is the Work to accomplish... In the beginning there was chaos... Everything starts up from the Father... A huge athanor: this is the world...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Above the world, distant and absolute, the Lord prays... The word of the Lord: this is the dragon... And on the third day and by the third hour the Lord visited His world... The kingdom of the Father is like a rose... Seven angels the Lord has sent before Himself to the world... This is the Book of the Lord, this is its genesis... The Lord is like a gardener that would have a thousand flowers... There are three flames in man... Man's path is the path of doubt... Before the Lord three symbols shine in the night of the world... A fiery cross: thus is the world... The spirit of the Lord spoke to His prophet... A fiery column: thus is the prophet before the Lord... When the Book is written, three symbols will become united... In an unknown and occult temple a child goes before the altar... What is the world but the truth of the Lord... Do rejoice, o children of Lusitania... Do rejoice, o Lusitania... Do be glad, o Lusitania, for the Saviour has been born... A sealed book: this is destiny... There are three medicines in the Rose... A Consoler I have sent you... The word of the Lord is like the breath of the dragon... The Lord conceived him of the lava of the volcanoes... There is only one Lord and one servant... Over the edge of the abyss a cup is suspended... On a closed book a serpent sleeps... The world is like a tower... The spirit of the Lord is upon the world as a column of light... A wand under the firmament: this is the prophet... Between heaven and earth, unknown and errant, you travel... The knowledge of the things of heaven... This is the huge void... Every outset is involuntary... A flame in the middle of a circle... The spirit of the Lord is like a bird... The soul is like a pearl hidden at the bottom of the sea... There is the Work and there is the maker of the Work... And on the third day and in the third hour the prophet went before his Lord... Every Work is uncertain if it does not have the hand of the Lord... It takes shelter in the shadow and it hides amidst man... There is the Work and there is the Lord of the Work... To what shall one compare the Work... The world is like a sphere of darkness... There is no greater alchemy than the transformation of the shadow...

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

The Book is not the Work, but a sign of it... 91 Amidst of a sphere of blackness, a light shines... 92 The spirit of the Lord is like a fiery mountain... 93 The Lord has called him from the limbo to accomplish the Work... 94 The spirit of the Work is like an occult seed... 95 A fiery hand in the heaven: this is the sign of the Lord... 96 There is only one secret under the heaven and the earth... 97 The spirit of the Lord is like a light that goes ahead of the flock... 98 The word is life for the one that listens... 99 Blood and tears: this is man's destiny... 100 The spirit of the darkness is like a bird of prey... 101 Man is like an empty shell... 102 A burning thorn: so is the Lord for man... 103 A fiery wand before the firmament: this is the prophet… 104

The Book of the Life is a work with his richeness of contents, deserves an analysis and deep reflection. In this context, exist reflection circles about the Book of the Life, where the ideas and the symbols are analyzed, and whose participation is free. Information: [email protected]

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