Book List

  • November 2019
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BOOK LIST . Jay E. Adams A Theology of Christian Counseling A Thirst For Wholeness - The Book of James Child; Group Therapy- or Slander?; The Christian School teacher and His Disciples) Christ and Your Problems (booklet) Competent to Counsel Godliness Through Discipline How to Help People Change Insight and Creativity in Christian Counseling (A Study of the Usual and Unique) Lectures on Counseling (includes The Student Pastor - Counselor Today; Your Place in the Counseling Revolution; Counseling and the Sovereignty of God; Coping with Counseling Crises; The Use of the Scriptures in Counseling) Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage in the Bible The Big Umbrella (includes The Big Umbrella; Is Society Sick?; Grief as a Counseling Opportunity; Evangelism In Counseling; Demon Possession and Counseling; You are Your Brother’s Counsellor; How You can Get the Most Out of Counseling; Can Your Marriage Succeed Today?; Parental Sex Education; Drugs and Your The Christian Counselor’s Casebook The Christian Counselor’s Manual The Journal of Modern Ministry (also GCBC) Update on Christian Counseling - volume one

James B. Adamson The Epistle of James (NICNT) John Akers (w/ Armstrong, Woodbridge) This We Believe - The Good News of Jesus Christ for the World Robert Alden Psalms - Volume 1 - Songs of Devotion Psalms - Volume 2 - Songs of Devotion David Alexander Eerdman’s Handbook of the Bible Desmond Alexander Jonah (TOTC w/Baker, Waltke) - GCBC Joseph Addison Alexander The Psalms Translated and Explained Leslie C. Allen Ezekiel 20-48 - WBC The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah (NICOT) - GCBC Robert Allen The Biggest Book of Brainteasers Ever Ronald B. Allen Joel Bible Study Commentary Francis I. Andersen Job (TOTC) - GCBC Robert C. Anderson The Effective Pastor - A Practical Guide To The Ministry Ante Nicene Fathers (on Th.Journal.CD) The Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers The Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Second Series Augustine Confessions (trans. by Albert C. Outler - on Th.Journal.CD) Gleason L. Archer A Survey of Old Testament Introduction Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties David Atkinson The Message of Ruth David E. Aune Revelation 17-22 - WBC Greg L. Bahnsen Theonomy in Christian Ethics

David W. Baker Nahum, Habbakkuk, Zephaniah (TOTC) - GCBC Obadiah (TOTC w/ Alexander, Waltke) - GCBC H. Scott Baldwin Women in the Church (w/ Kostenberger /Baldwin) Joyce G. Baldwin 1 & 2 Samuel TOTC Daniel (TOTC) - GCBC Esther (TOTC) - GCBC Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (TOTC) Horst Balz Exegetical Dictionary of the NT, 3 vols (w/Schneider) William Barclay The Daily Study Bible. Gospel of Luke Glenn W. Barker 1, 2, 3 John - EBC C.K. Barrett The First Epistle to the Corinthians The Second Epistle to the Corinthians (Black’s NT Commentaries) Walter Bauer (Arndt, Gingrich, Danker) A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament J. Sidlow Baxter Explore the Book Richard Baxter The Reformed Pastor 1656 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Paul N. Benware Understanding End Times Prophecy Louis Berkhof Summary of Christian Doctrine Graham Best Beyond A Reasonable Doubt Henry Bettenson Documents of the Christian Church Bryan Beyer Obadiah (w/Jonah - John Walton) Bible Study Commentary Robert Blair The Minister’s Funeral Handbook Edwin A, Blum 1,2 Peter, Jude - EBC Darrell L. Bock Breaking the DaVinci Code Loraine Boettner Roman Catholicism James Boice Galatians/Ephesians (with Wood). EBC Joshua: We Will Serve the Lord Romans, 4 vols E. M. Bounds E. M. Bounds on Prayer George W. Bromiley The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 4 vols Theological Dictionary of the NT (logos) W.A. Brakel

The Christian’s Reasonable Service Vol. 1 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) The Christian’s Reasonable Service Vol. 2 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Jerry Bridges The Pursuit of Holiness (GCBC) Armin A. Brott & Jennifer Ash The Expectant Father Brenda Brown I Don’t Know How To Be A Widow Brown The Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew Lexicon (logos) Raymond Brown The Gospel According to John I-XII The Gospel According to John XIII-XXI F. F. Bruce 1, 2 Thessalonians - WBC Romans (TNTC) - GCBC The Book of Acts - GCBC The Canon of Scripture The Epistle to the Hebrews (NICNT) The Gospel & Epistles of John The Hard Sayings of Jesus The New Testament History Roy Buckelew Acts (Part 2) - Bible Book Study for Adults w/ study guide booklet E.W. Bullinger Figures of Speech Used in the Bible John Bunyan Pilgrim’s Progress Larry Burkett Debt-Free Living Using Your Money Wisely Frederic Bush Ruth/Esther. WBC Trent C. Butler Joshua - WBC G.B. Caird The Gospel of Luke - Pelican Gospel Commentaries - GCBC John Calvin Calvin’s Ecclesiastical Advice Commentaries - on Theo.Journal.CD Genesis Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Hebrews Institutes of Christian Religion (trans. by Henry Beveridge) - also on Th.Journal.CD/logos John (CCC) Donald K. Campbell Daniel: Decoder of Dreams Tony Campolo

A Reasonable Faith Partly Right Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops Catechism of the Catholic Church G. Lloyd Carr The Song of Solomon (TOTC) - GCBC D. A. Carson Exegetical Fallacies Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon (w/ Woodbridge) Matthew 1-12. EXPOSITOR’S BIBLE COMMENTARY (EBC) Matthew 13-28. EBC Scripture and Truth (w/ Woodbridge) Showing the Spirit - 1 Corinthians 12-14 The Gospel According to John The Sermon on the Mount Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest (2 Copies) Stephen Charnock The Existence and Attributes of God Wilberta L. Chinn Enjoy Your Quiet Time Robert B. Chisholm From Exegesis to Exposition Alan Cole Exodus (TOTC) - GCBC Mark (TNTC) The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians - Tyndale NTC Robert E. Coleman The Master Plan of Evangelism Winfried Corduan Philosophy of Religion (w/ Norm Geisler / second edition) P.C. Craigie The Book of Deuteronomy (NICOT) C.E.B. Cranfield Romans - A shorter Commentary Arthur E. Cundall Judges and Ruth (TOTC w/ L. Morris) - GCBC Daryl Dale Teaching Basics - primary Teaching Basics - junior

A.B. Davidson (H.C.O. Lanchester) The Book of Job - The Cambridge Bible R.L. Dabney Topical Lectures on Scripture (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Charles Darwin The Origin of the Species John J. Davis Conquest and Crisis: Studies in Joshua, Judges, and Ruth M.R. DeHaan Genesis and Evolution Richard W. DeHaan Satan Satanism and Withccraft

Delitzsch (Keil &) Commentary on the Old Testament vol. 1-10 Mark E. Dever Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (booklet) C. Fred Dickason Names of Angels Raymond D. Dillard 2 Chronicles - WBC J. D. Douglas The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church Ralph Earle 1 & 2 Timothy - EBC Mark the Gospel of Action Joni Eareckson Joni Dick Eastman The Hour that Changes the World Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health - w/ key to the Scriptures Jonathan Edwards On Revival 1834 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Reynolds R. Ekstrom The New Consise Catholic Dictionary John Ellis Against Deconstruction Walter A. Elwell Readings from the First-Century World (ed) Paul Enns The Moody Handbook of Theology Millard J. Erickson Christian Theology (2nd ed) Joseph S. Exell Genesis 1 - The Biblical Illustrator Michael Fabarez Preaching That Changes Lives Gordon D. Fee The First Epistle to the Corinthians Charles Lee Feinberg The Prophecy of Ezekiel: The Glory of the Lord - GCBC Paul D. Feinberg Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Perspective (w/ Norm Geisler) Francis Foulkes Ephesians (TNTC) - GCBC John M. Frame Apologetics to the Glory of God R.T. France Matthew (TNTC) -GCBC James M. Freeman Manners & Customs of the Bible (also logos) Richard Ganz Psychobabble

D. David Garland Amos - Bible Study Commentary Hosea - Bible Study Commentary Norman L. Geisler False Gods of our Time Christian Apologetics Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Perspective (w/ Paul D. Feinberg) Signs and Wonders - Healings, miracles, and unusual events: Which are real? Which are supernormal? Which are counterfeit? The Philosophy of Religion (w/ Winfried Corduan second edition) Elizabeth George A Woman After God’s Own Heart (plus prayer journal) A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart Becoming a Woman of Beauty and Strength: Esther Loving God with All Your Mind Norval Geldenhuys The Gospel of Luke (NICNT) Gene A. Getz A Profile for a Christian Life Style - A Study of Titus With 20th Century Lessons for Your Church H. W. S. Gesenius Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the OT John Guest Jeremiah, Lamentations The Communicator’ Commentary John Gibson The Daily Study Bible - Ezekiel Tom Gledhill The Message of the Song of Songs (BST) S. Craig Glickman A Song for Lovers - GCBC Louis Goldberg Levitcus (BSC) - GCBC Justo L. Gonzalez The Story of Christianity, Vols. 1 & 2 Grace Community Church / Master’s Seminary Fundamentals of the Faith (workbook) Ordination Practicum BI 701 Syllabus Parenting for Life (Syllabus - teacher) Parenting for Life (9 tape set) Theology III TH 705 (Syllabus) Theology IV TH 706 (Syllabus) Training in Biblical Counseling Advanced Issues (Syllabus - Scott) John Gray Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus Michael Green 2 Peter and Jude - (TNTC) Stanley Grenz Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms (w/ D. Guretztki, C.F. Nordling) Robert G. Gromacki Called To Be Saints - An Exposition of 1 Corinthians F.W. Grosheide The First Epistle to the Corinthians (NICNT) - GCBC Wayne Grudem 1 Peter - (TNTC) - GCBC Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Systematic Theology

Guinness Guinness World Records 2000 Donald Guthrie Galatians (TNCBC) - GCBC Hebrews (TNTC) New Testament Introduction The Pastoral Epistles (TNTC) - GCBC William Guthrie Your Salvation 1658 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Allen Hadidian Successful Discipling Donald A. Hagner Matthew 1-13 - WBC (Markan priority - Historical Criticism) Robert Haldane Commentary on Romans 1853 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Clarence B. Hale Let’s Study Greek E. John Hamlin Joshua - Inheriting the Land Victor P. Hamilton The Book of Genesis (chap. 1-17) - (NICOT) Hank Hanegraaff Counterfeit Revival The Face (that demonstrates the farce of evolution) Joshua Harris Stop Dating the Church: Fall in Love with the Family of God Stop Dating the Church: Fall in Love with the Family of God - GCBC R. Laird Harris Theological Wordbook of the OT, 2 vols (w/Archer, Waltke) Murray J. Harris 2 Corinthians. EXPOSITOR’S BIBLE COMMENTARY R.K. Harrison Jeremiah and Lamentations (TOTC) - GCBC Leviticus (TOTC) - GCBC Ronald N. Haynes Crudens Everyday Concordance to the Bible Homer Heater, Jr. Zechariah Bible Study Commentary A.C. Headlam and W. Sanday The Epistle to the Romans - ICC Howard G. Hendricks Footprints: Walking Through the passages of life (w/ Jeanne Hendricks) The 7 laws of the Teacher William Hendriksen Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon More Than Conquerors - An Interpretation of the book of Revelation The Gospel of Mark - GCBC Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus James O. Henry For Such A Time As This - A History of the IFCA Richard S. Hess Joshua TOTC James Allen Hewett

New Testament Greek: A Beginning and Intermediate Grammar D.E. Hiebert 1 Timothy - EBC 2 Timothy - EBC Titus - EBC Titus and Philemon A.A. Hodge Commentary on Westminster Confession Outlines of Bible Topics 1860 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Charles Hodge Commentary on Ephesians 1860 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Romans (CCC) Sermon Outlines 1897 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Systematic Theology, vol. 1-3 William L. Holladay A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon Stanley M. Horton Bible Doctrines - A Pentecostal Perpsective (w/ William Menzies) The Book of Acts T.C. Horton Names of Christ (w/Charles E. Hulbert) H. Wayne House Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine Divorce and Remarriage The Role of Women in Ministry Today David M. Howard (Gary Burge) Fascinating Bible Facts: People, Places & Events David Allan Hubbard Hosea (TOTC) - GCBC Joel & Amos (TOTC) Themes from the Minor Prophets F.B. Huey Jr. Jeremiah (BSC) - GCBC Barbara Hughes Disciplines Of A Godly Woman Jack Hughes Expository Preaching with Word Pictures Philip E. Hughes The Second Epistle to the Corinthians (NICNT) R. Kent Hughes Disciplines of a Godly Man Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome (Barbara Hughes) Charles E. Hurlburt Names of Christ (w/ T.C. Horton ) Julie-Allyson Ieron Names of Women of the Bible H. A. Ironside Expository Notes on the Prophet Isaiah Expository Messages on the Epistle to the Galatians Notes on Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther Addresses on Thessalonians In the Heavenlies (Ephesians) I Corinthians II Corinthians Acts Peter Jeffery Bitesize Theology (GCBC)

Jehovah Witness Let God Be True Sing Praises to Jehovah Irving L. Jensen Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations: A self Study Guide Jeremiah and Lamentations - GCBC Alan F. Johnson Romans the Freedom Letter, vol 1-2 Philip E. Johnson Reason in the Balance Terry L. Johnson When Grace Comes Alive (also GCBC) Flavius Josephus (on Th.Journal.CD) Antiquities of the Jews Concerning Hades Flavius Josephus Against Apion The Life of Flavius Josephus The Wars of the Jews Walter Kaiser Biblical Hermeneutics Five Views on Law and Gospel History of Israel Hard Sayings of the Old Testament Toward an Exegetical Theology Mary A. Kassian Women, Creation, and the Fall Keil (& Delitzsch) Commentary on the Old Testament vol. 1-10 W. Phillip Keller A Layman Looks at the Lord’s Prayer A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 - GCBC Page H. Kelley Biblical Hebrew An Introductory Grammar J.N.D. Kelly A Commentary on the Epistles of Peter and Jude The Pastoral Epistles - C3 Thomas E. Kempis The Imitation of Christ (also on Th. Journal.CD) Dan G. Kent Lamentations Bible Study Commentary Homer A. Kent, Jr. Jerusalem to Rome: Studies in Acts Philippians Expositor’s BC The Epistle to the Hebrews - GCBC The Pastoral Epistles - C3 Derek Kidner Ezra and Nehemiah (TOTC) - GCBC Genesis TOTC Proverbs TOTC Psalms 1-72 (TOTC) - GCBC Psalms 73-150 (TOTC) - GCBC The Message of Jeremiah (BST) Hosea (BST) Guy H. King A Belief that Behaves. An Expositional Study of the Epistle of James Simon J. Kistemaker Hebrews - NTC Don Kistler

Why Read the Puritans Today? (booklet) Cliffe Knechtle Give Me an Answer George Knight The Role of Relationship of Men and Women Walter B. Knight 3000 Illustrations for Christian Service Master Book of New Illustrations Treasury of Illustrations John Koessler Names of the Believers Names of Isreal Andreas J. Kostenberger Women in the Church (2 copies) Eric E. Kress Notes for the Study & Exposition of 1st John Colin Kruse 2 Corinthians (TNTC) Sakae Kubo A Reader’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Theo Laetsch Jeremiah Tim & Beverly LaHaye The Act of Marriage (also GCBC) William L. Lane Hebrews 9-13 The Gospel of Mark (NICNT) J. Carl Laney First and Second Samuel (EBC) - GCBC Moody Gospel Commentary - John Steven J. Lawson Famine In the Land: A passionate call for expository preaching Men Who Win Job - Holman OT Commentary - GCBC Psalms 1-75 - Holman OT Commentary - GCBC Charles Laymon The Interpreters One Volume Commentary on the Bible R.C. H. Lenski The Interpretation of St. Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians, to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, to Titus and to Philemon David M. Levy The Tabernacle: Shadows of the Messiah Wakter K, Liefeld Luke - EBC J. B. Lightfoot Galatians Philippians Robert Lightner Angels, Satan, and Demons - GCBC Sin, the Saviour, and Salvation Paul E. Little How to Give Away Your Faith (x2 ??) Know What You Believe Know Why You Believe - GCBC Dan S. Lloyd

Leading Today’s Funerals D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Darkness and Light (Ephesians 4:17-5:17) From Fear To Faith (Studies in the book of Habakkuk - And the problem of History) 2 Peter (Expository Sermon on) Preaching & Preachers Studies in the Sermon on the Mount Herbert Lockyer All the Teachings of Jesus All the Doctrines of the Bible All the Trades and Occupations of the Bible All the Women of the Bible All the Promises of the Bible Stephen Lonetti Making Known the Unknown God (syllabus) Richard N. Longnecker Acts. EXPOSITOR’S BIBLE COMMENTARY R. C. Lucas The Message of Colossians & Philemon (BST) Martin Luther Commentary on Galatians (Bib. Study Coll. CD) John Acts 1-12, 13-28 Alone With God (LW/CD-GCBC) Anxiety Attacked Ashamed of the Gospel (also LW/CD-GCBC) Beware the Pretenders - Jude Can God Bless America? (Life Works CD - GCBC) Charismatic Chaos Colossians/Philemon (2) 1 Corinthians (also LW/CD-GCBC) 1 Corinthians 12 - Spiritual Gifts Different by Design (2 maybe 3?? + Logos & LW/CD-GCBC) Ephesians Faith Works: The Gospel According to the Apostles (also LW/CD-GCBC) Follow Me - text upside-down - GCBC Follow Me - (x2) Fool’s Gold? - Discerning Truth in an Age of Error (also GCBC) Found: God’s Will (also on LW/CD-GCBC) Galatians (also LW/CD-GCBC) God Coming Face to Face with His Majesty God In a Manger (LW/CD-GCBC) Hard To Believe Hebrews How to get the most from God’s Word How to Meet the Enemy (also on LW/CD-GCBC) In the Footsteps of Faith (also LW/CD-GCBC) Introduction to Biblical Counseling (also LW/CD-GCBC) James (LW/CD-GCBC) Kingdom Living (The Beatitudes) Lord Teach Me To Pray (GCBC) MacArthur’s Quick Reference Guide (LW/CD-GCBC) Matthew 1-7, 8-15, 16-23, 24-28 Our Sufficiency in Christ (2 copies) (also LW/CD-GCBC) 1 Peter - GCBC Reckless Faith (LW/CD-GCBC) Rediscovering Expository Preaching (also Logos + LW/CD-GCBC) Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry (also LW/CD-GCBC) Romans 1-8, 9-16 (also LW/CD-GCBC) Safe In The Arms Of God Saved Without a Doubt Sola Scriptura (w/Godfrey, White, Sproul, Armstrong, Ferguson, Beeke, Lanning) Spiritual Gifts Strength for Today STUDY GUIDES (LW/CD-GCBC) - Ruth & Esther, 1 Samuel, Nehemiah, Daniel, Mark, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, 1&2 Timothy, Hebrews, James, 1&2 Peter, Revelation. Successful Christian Parenting

Terrorism, Jihad, and the Bible Think Biblically Truth Matters Truth for Today Devotional (LW/CD-GCBC) 1 & 2 Timothy Titus The Battle for The Beginning - GCBC (also LW/CD-GCBC) The Body Dynamic The Book on Leadership x2 (also GCBC) The Church the Body of Christ The Family The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness (also LW/CD-GCBC) The Glory of Heaven (also on LW/CD-GCBC) The God Who Loves (LW/CD-GCBC) The Gospel According to Jesus (also LW/CD-GCBC) The MacArthur Topical Bible (LW/CD-GCBC) The Murder of Jesus (LW/CD-GCBC) The Pillars of Christian Character The Power of Integrity The Power of Suffering The Second Coming The Silent Shepherd The Ultimate Priority The Vanishing Conscience (2 copies) (also LW/CD-GCBC) Think Biblically - Recovering a Christian Worldview Twelve Ordinary Men (LW/CD-GCBC) Unleashing God’s Word in Your Life (LW/CD-GCBC) Welcome to the Family Why One Way? (also on LW/CD-GCBC) Wayne Mack Biblical Counseling Life in the Father’s house Preparing for Marriage God’s Way (Syllabus - student) Preparing for Marriage God’s Way (Syllabus -teacher) Strengthening Your Marriage (2) Your Family God’s Way A Homework Manual for Biblical Living (Vol.1 & 2) Menahem Mansoor Biblical Hebrew, vol 1-2 W. Harold Mare 1 Corinthians. EXPOSITOR’S BIBLE COMMENTARY George M. Marsden Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism I.H. Marshall Acts (TNTC) The Epistles of John (NICNT) - GCBC Ralph Martin NT Foundations, vol 1-2 The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians - (TNTC) Walter Martin The Kingdom of the Cults The Master’s Seminary Journal Vol. 15, No. 2 - Fall 2004 Richard L. Mayhue First and Second Thessalonians How to Interpret the Bible for Yourself Seeking God What Would Jesus Say About Your Church Jospeh B. Mayor The Epistle of St. James Neal F. McBride How to Lead Small Groups Dan McCartney (w/Clayton)

Let the Reader Understand Josh McDowell Answers to Tough Questions Evidence that Demands a Verdict More than a Carpenter Right from Wrong The Resurrection Factor J. Vernon McGee Ezra/Nehemiah/Esther - Thru the Bible Commentary (TTBC) Ruth - TTBC Edward H. McKinley Marching to Glory Terry L. Miethe The New Christians Guide to Following Jesus William W. Menzies Bible Doctrines - A Pentecostal Perpsective (w/Stanley M. Horton)

Eugene H. Merrill 1, 2 Chronicles (Bible Study Commentary) Bruce M. Metzger Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek (3rd ed.) (2 copies - one 1978?) The Text of the New Testament Will Metzger Tell the Truth F.B. Meyer Tried by Fire - Exposition of The First Epistle of Peter J. Ramsey Michaels 1 Peter - WBC Alvera Mickelsen Women, Authority, and the Bible Terry Miethe The New Christians’ Guide to Following Jesus Henry Milman The History of the Jews Madeleine S. and J. Lane Miller (w/Bennett, Scott) Harper’s Encyclopedia of Bible Life Douglas Moo Romans 1-8 (The Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary) James (TPNTC) Carey A. Moore Esther - (The Anchor Bible) Elmer Mould Essentials of Bible History William E. Mouser, Jr. Walking in Wisdom - Studying the Proverbs of Solomon Robert Morey Death and the Afterlife The Islamic Invasion - Confronting the World’s Fastest Growing Religion Henry M. Morris Scientific Creationism (missing?) Studies In The Bible and Science The Genesis Record: A Scientific & Devotional commentary on the book of beginnings The Twilight of Evolution (2 copies)

Leon Morris Jesus is the Christ: Studies in the theology of John Judges and Ruth (TOTC w/A.E. Cundall) -GCBC Luke (TNTC) NT Theology Testaments of Love: A Study of Love in the Bible The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (TNTC) The Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians (TNTC) The Gospel According to John The Gospel According to John (NICNT) - GCBC The Revelation of St. John (TNTC) Frank Morrison Who Moved the Stone J. A. Motyer The Message of Philippians (THE BIBLE SPEAKS TODAY) James (BST) The Day of the Lion - The Message of Amos (BST) - 2 copies Jac J. Muller The Epistles of Paul to the Philipians and to Philemon (NICNT) - GCBC Jerome Murphy-O’Connor The Holy Land Andrew Murray The True Vine (John 15:1-16) from Coral Henderson Iain H. Murray Evangelicalism Divided The Puritan Hope John Murray The Epistle To The Romans (NICNT) Allen C. Myers The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary Jacob M. Myers 1 Chronicles (The Anchor Bible) 2 Chronicles (The Anchor Bible) John Napier Charismatic Challenge: 4 Key Questions (GCBC) Navigators Growing Strong in God’s family - Ron Oertli Hebrews (Ron Rhodes) - Life Change Series John- Life Change Series The 2:7 Series - Course 1 - Ron Oertli William R. Newell Romans Verse By Verse The Book of the Revelation Mark A. Noll A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada Peter T. O’Brien The Epistle to the Philippians (NIGTC) Stephen Olford (David Olford) Anointed Expository Preaching John Owen The Glory of the Trinity (Bib. Study Coll. CD) J. I. Packer I Want to Be a Christian Knowing God (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Power Religion (w/ Colson, Sproul, McGrath, Horton)

Sydney H. T. Page Powers of Evil (2) Richard D. Patterson Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah Martha Peace The Excellent Wife J. Dwight Pentecost The Divine Comforter: The person and work of the Holy Spirit The Joy of Living: A Study of Philippians Frank E. Peretti This Present Darkness Robert A. Peterson Hell On Trial: The Case for eternal punishment Larry Pettegrew The New Covenant Ministry of the Holy Spirit James Philip Mastering the OT - Numbers Arthur W. Pink Gleanings in Exodus Roy Pinney The Animals in the Bible John Piper Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came To Die God Is The Gospel Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (w/ Grudem) The Supremacy of God in Preaching The Supremacy of God in Preaching (REVISED 2004) When I don’t desire God: How to fight for Joy (also GCBC) Neal Pirolo Serving as senders: How to care for your missionaries David R. Pollock Business Management in the Local Church Bruce P. Powers (ed.) Christian Education Handbook David Powlinson Anger; Escaping the maze (GCBC) Power Encounters: Reclaiming Spiritual Warfare David Prior The Message of 1 Corinthians - BST Ray Pritchard Names of the Holy Spirit Iain Provan Lamentations - TNCBC The Pulpit Commentary Volumes 1-23 - MISSING vol. 20 Bernard L. Ramm His Way Out - A Fresh Look at Exodus Protestant Biblical Interpretation Reader’s Digest Jesus and His Times David A. Reed Jehovah’s Witnesses-answers verse by verse Daniel G. Reid (ed.) Concise Dictionary of Christianity in America (2)

W. Harold Reid How God Gave Us the Bible Lawrence O. Richards The Revell Bible Dictionary Herman N. Ridderbos The Epistle of Paul to the Churches of Galatia (NICNT) - GCBC Fritz Rienecker, trans: Cleon Rogers A Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament (2 vol) Jack R. Riggs Micah Bible Study Commentary Maurice Roberts The Thought of God O. Palmer Robertson The Books of Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah Haddon W. Robinson Biblical Preaching - The development and delivery of Expository Messages Norman Rohrer (& Peter Deyneka Jr.) Peter Dynamite: Twice Born Russian - The Captivating Story of Peter Deyneka Peter Dynamite: Twice Born Russian - The Captivating Story of Peter Deyneka - GCBC Allen P. Ross Creation & Blessing - A Guide to the Study and Exposition of Genesis James Rosscup Commentaries for Biblical Expositors Arthur A. Rupprecht Philemon Expositor’s BC Rousas John Rushdoony The Institutes of Biblical Law Leland Ryken The Word of God in English (also GCBC) J. C. Ryle Holiness 1879 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) “How Readest Thou” - An Urgent Appeal to Search the Scriptures (booklet) Mark (CCC) Charles Ryrie A Survey of Bible Doctrine Dispensationalism Today (2 copies) John H. Sailhammer The Pentateuch as Narrative W. Sanday and A.C. Headlam The Epistle to the Romans J. Oswald Sanders Spiritual Leadership Martin Sanders The Power of Mentoring D. Brent Sandy (w/Giese) Cracking Old Testament Codes Robert L. Saucy The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism The Church In God’s Program (x2, one is 1972) Francis A. Schaeffer Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History Samuel J. Schultz

Deuteronomy: The Gospel of Love Schaff (on Th.Journal.CD) History of the Christian Church John Sclim The Highly Educated, the Rich and Powerful: Whither are they bound? Stuart Scott The Exemplary Husband Martin J. Selman 1 & 2 Chronicles TOTC Gary Smalley with John Trent Love is a Decision Stephen Smallman What is True Conversion? (GCBC) George Smeaton Paul’s Doctrine of the Atonement 1870 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Chuck Smith Charisma vs. Charismania Jerome H. Smith The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Morton H. Smith Systematic Theology Vol. 1 Systematic Theology Vol.2 Patrick Sookhdeo A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Islam Christina Hoff Sommers Who Stole Feminism William D. Spencer (Aida B. Spencer) 2 Corinthians - Bible Study Commentary Roy E. Sprague From Vision To Venture To Victory - Great Is Thy Faithfulness (The History and Ministry of Northwest Independent Church Extension) R. C. Sproul After Darkness, Light - Essays in honor of RC Sproul After Darkness, Light - Essays in honor of RC Sproul - GCBC Essential Truths of the Christian Faith God’s Will and the Christian Lifeviews - Understanding the Ideas that Shape Society Today Not a Chance Pleasing God Power Religion The Glory of Christ Who is Jesus Charles Spurgeon A Collection of Sermons 1855-1880 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) All of Grace 1873 (Bib. Study Coll. CD) Lectures to My Students (sold?) The Greatest Fight in the World Treasury Of David (2 Vol. condensed by D.O.Fuller) - GCBC Kristen Stagg If God Should Choose Charles Stanley How to handle Adverstity Alan M. Stibbs The First Epistle General of Peter (TNTC) Nathan Stone Names of God

John Stott Basic Introduction to the NT Baptism and Fullness Favorite Psalms Men Made New The Epistles of John (TNTC) The Message of Ephesians (BST) Galatians (BST) Alexander Strauch Biblical Eldership -revised and expanded Meetings That Work Men and Women Equal Yet Different The New Testament Deacon Lee Strobel The Case for Easter James H. Strong Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Henry Barclay Swete Commentary on Mark Chuck Swindoll Anger (booklet) Dropping Your Guard: The value of open relationships Hand Me Another Brick Improving Your Serve: The art of unselfish living (2 copies) Living Beyond the daily Grind - Book 1 Sanctity of Life Three Steps Forward Two Steps Back: Persevering through peer pressure (2 copies) Mark A. Tabb Names of Heroes of the Faith R.V.G. Tasker John (TNTC) - GCBC The General Epistle of James (TBC) The Gospel According to St. Matthew (TNTC) The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (TNTC) John B. Taylor Ezekiel (TOTC) - GCBC Merrill C. Tenney John: The Gospel of Belief John - EBC New Testament Survey The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (5 vol.) GCBC Charles A. Tidwell The Educational Ministry of a Church Joseph H. Thayer Greek-English Lexicon of the NT Robert L. Thomas 1, 2 Thessalonians/1, 2 Timothy/Titus - EBC Exegetical Digest of James Exegetical Digest of 1 John Exegetical Digest of 1 Peter Exegetical Digest of 1, 2 Thessalonians Exegetical Digest of First Timothy How to Choose a Bible Version Introduction to Exegesis (syllabus) The Jesus Crisis (w/Farnell) The NIV Harmony of The Gospels Revelation 1-7, 8-22 Understanding Spiritual Gifts - A verse-by-verse study of 1 Cor 12-14 H. Griffith Thomas Hebrews. A Devotional Commentary J.A. Thompson

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