Book Immunotec Testimonies

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 164
Immunotec Products Canadian & US Testimonials For Training Purposes Only

Volume – 1

Preface Today’s dream has propelled many men and women to seek out great success, and healthy way of life. However today, having a dream and working hard isn’t enough. We need to learn how to have the right skills and tools and building blocks for us to be able to achieve all our goals. In this training booklet you will hear heartfelt stories of how you can empower your life and the lives around you. There are many personal stories of how the Immunotec products have affected and changed people’s lives. You will hear the extreme stories; of how some people were at the edge of death and are now living a health way of life. You will also learn how many are maintaining a very healthy, vibrant life style as well. Notice: This book is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical guide or a manual for self-treatment. If you suspect you have a medical problem, please seek competent medical care. The information here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment prescribed by your doctor. The personal stories in this book are true; contact information has been removed except all names are real. I would like to thank all the people who shared their own personal stories and allowed us to put them all together for all of us to learn and to share their experiences with them. “Tomorrow I may die and return as a spider or a snake and someone will be trying to figure out how to get rid of me. But today I am a human, a rare species, aware and awake, with an imagination to create, and grateful to be alive. When I look at my life in this way, hesitation about anything is absolutely useless.” –Jim Britt

When you TALK about it – it’s a DREAM When you ENVISION it – it gets EXCITING When you PLAN it – it becomes POSSIBLE When you SCHEDULE it – becomes REAL

Introduction: Many of us have our own compelling reason why we have joined Immunotec Research and why we use the products every day. It is my goal in this training booklet that you take the information and learn more about how we can truly help one another and become healthier and live a more enriching way of life. The wellness industry is changing, and we are on the leading edge of a new trend. People are now in search for a healthy and natural way of life. We can give them all the building blocks to achieve this goal. You will hear many personal stories that will move you into action, that will make you truly feel you can make a difference. Think about how excited it would be to get up every morning and know you can improve someone’s way of life. To watch them become healthier and happier and achieve their goals. In this booklet you will hear many stories of how every day people starting using the products and now how many of them have now become successful Immunotec Distributors and are running their own businesses from home. You are now part of a team, a new generation of heroes and leaders, who are taking control, who are making a difference in their own lives, and the lives of others. Listen to the stories and how they can inspire you to make a difference and for you to become your own story.

“Some view points on philosophy: We are each responsible for all our experiences. Every thought we think is creating our future. The point of power is always in the present moment. Everyone suffers from self-hatred and guilt. The bottom line for everyone is, “I’m not good enough.” It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed. We create every so-called illness in our body. Resentment, criticism, and guilt are the most damaging patterns. Releasing resentment will dissolve even cancer. We must release the past and forgive everyone. We must be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves. Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the keys to positive changes. When we really love ourselves, everything in our life works.” “The gateways to wisdom and knowledge are always open.” “Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back.” ---Louise L. Hay You can heal your life

Table of Contents List of Testimonials Body Systems Circulatory system ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Diabetes Blood Disorders Blood Pressure cholesterol level Heart Attack Hepatitis B Virus Hepatitis C

Page 8 – 10 Pages 11 – 11 Pages 11 -11 Pages 11 - 11 Pages 12 - 12 Pages 12 - 12 Pages 12 – 14

Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonials

1–9 10 11– 12 – 13 14 15 16 - 18

¾ ¾

Crohns Chronic indigestion

Page 15 – 16 Pages 16 -16

Testimonial: Testimonial:

19 20


Cystic Fibrosis

Pages 16 – 17


21 - 22


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Pages 18 -18


23 - 24


Muscular system ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Arthritis Pages 19 - 20 Eyesight Pages 20 - 20 Rheumatoid Arthritis Pages 21 - 21 Fibromyalsia Pages 22 –28 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pages 29 – 29 Improve Athletic Performance Pages 30 - 31 Improve Athletic Performance Pages 31 - 31 Power lifting Pages 32 - 32 Soft Tissue Damage Pages 33 - 33

Testimonial: 25 - 26 Testimonial: 27- 28 Testimonial: 29 - 31 Testimonial: 32 - 46 Testimonial 47 - 50 Information Testimonial 51Information Testimonial 52

Nervous system ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Epilepsy MS-Multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s Stroke Lupus Mental health Autism Depression Alzheimer's

Pages 34 – 34 Pages 35 - 37 Pages 38 – 42 Pages 43 - 43 Pages 44 - 44 Pages 45 – 45 Pages 46- 46 Pages 46 – 46 Pages 47 – 48

Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Information Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial testimonial

Respiratory system ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Asthma Pages 49 – 49 Testimonial 74 Allergies Pages 50 – 50 Testimonial 75 -77 Chronic Bronchitis Pages 51 – 51 Testimonial 78 Emphysema Pages 51 – 51 Testimonial 79 Lung Disease Pages 52 – 60 Many Cases Studies - 80 Pneumonia Page 61 – 61 Testimonial 81

Skeletal system ¾

Bone Density


61 - 62



(In search of) 53 - 59 60 - 63 64 65 - 67 68 – (on pg 132,#174) 69 70 - (on pg 132,#174) 71 – 72

Cancers/ HIV/AIDS ¾ ¾ ¾

Cancers Hope for Céline Dion Tumors

Pages Pages Pages

62 – 69 Testimonial 70 – 71 Testimonial 72 – 72 Testimonial

84 - 96 97 98 – 99 (on pg 132,#174)

Skin Care & Repair ¾ Athlete's foot 100 (In search of) ¾ Canker sores ¾ Cold sores ¾ Open Sores ¾ Skin Lesions ¾ Eczema ¾ Burns ¾ Bee Stings ¾ Skin Perfecting Cream ¾ Psoriasis ¾ Psoriasis before & After Pic Pages ¾ Hidradenitis Suppurativa ¾ SEVERE LEG ULCERS

Addictions ¾ ¾

Tylenol Overdose Addictions to Medications

Pages Pages


73 – 73 Testimonial

(#77 on pg 50)

Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages 76 – 76 Pages Pages

73 – 73 Testimonial 73 – 73 Testimonial 73 – 73 Testimonial 73 - 73 Testimonial 73 – 74 Testimonial 75 – 75 Testimonial 75 – 75 Testimonial 75 – 75 Testimonial 76 – 76 Testimonial Testimonial 113 76 - 76 Testimonial 77 – 77 Testimonial

(on pg 132 #174) 101 (In search of) (on pg ) 102 103 - 106 107 110 108 - 109 111 – 112

77 – 77 information 78 – 78 (In search of )

114 115

116 117

General ¾ Energy ¾ Headache/Migraines ¾ Calcium Testimonial ¾ CFS and Microplasma Incognito ¾ Fungus/Mold ¾ Infections ¾ Cyst ¾ Blocked Breast Duct ¾ Depleted Immune System ¾ Immume System ¾ Gout ¾ Lyme Disease

Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Page Pages Pages

78 – 79 Pages Pages 80 – 80 80 – 80 Pages 82 - 83 Pages 83 – 83 83 – 83 84 – 84 84 – 85

Testimonial 118 - 119 Testimonial 120 - 122 Testimonial 123 Testimonial 124 Testimonial 125 80 - 81 Testimonial 126 -128 Testimonial 129, 180 (on pg 132,#174) 82 – 82 Testimonial 130 Testimonial 131 Testimonial 179 Testimonial 132 Testimonial 133 – 134

79 – 79 79 – 79

Doctors Stories MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ¾ ¾

Dr. Code Page 87 - 87 Testimonial 135 GLUTATHIONE (GSH) DEFICIENCY AND THE PATHOGENESIS OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Page 88 - 89 Testimonial 136

Damaging Tissues ¾ ¾

Dr. Cheney (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) J Neurosci Res. Article

¾ ¾

Patricia A.L. Kongshavn, Ph.D. Professor Dr. Wulf Droge

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Page 90 - 90 Page 91 – 91

Page 92 – 92 Page 93 – 94

Testimonial Testimonial

Testimonial Testimonial

137 138


Doctors View Points: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Dr. Jim McCallum Dr. Jean Marcoux Dr. Allan Somersall Dr. Lynn J. Tomjack Denver Dr. Tom Iwama Dr. Russell Manel Dr. Tom Kwyer


Page 95 Testimonial Page 95 Testimonial Page 95 Testimonial (look on pg 39-42and #63) Page 95 Testimonial Page (look on pg104 and #07 ) Page 96 Testimonial

140 141 142 143 144

Medical Information & News Articles ¾ ¾

Neuroimmunomodulation Restor Neurol Neurosci.


96 – 96 Page 97 -97

Testimonial 145 Testimonial


Cancer News Johns Hopkins


97 – 97






98 – 98




Independent Distributors Stories ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Barbara Betty Lyons Fausta Magee Maryrose Regan Page Welly & Nancy Arnie Schroeder Page Anne Hula Jim Hawley Juergen Maimann Page Jimmy Tan Sheri Cramer Doug Leclair Linda Bain Joyce Keith Hampton

¾ ¾

Gunny Michael l

A Mother’s Stories

Page 100 - 101 Testimonial 01 Page 101 - 101 Testimonial 02 Page 101 - 101 Testimonial 89 101 - 101 Testimonial 03 Page 102 - 102 Testimonial 102 - 103 Testimonial 05 Page 103 - 103 Testimonial 06 Page 104 - 105 Testimonial 07 106 - 106 Testimonial 08 Page 106 - 106 Testimonial 09 Page 107 - 107 Testimonial 010 Page 108 - 108 Testimonial 011 Page 109 - 109 Testimonial 012 Page 109 - 110 Testimonial 013 Page 110 – 110 Testimonial

Page 111 Page 111



Testimonial 149 Testimonial 150

Personal Stories Herb Johnsen Pamela Cook Rosalie O’Hara Nancy Jim Spencer ¾ Brenda Noble ¾ Barabara Fairchild Page

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Page 112 - 113 Testimonial Page 113 - 114 Testimonial Page 114 - 116 Testimonial Page 116 - 117 Testimonial Page 117 - 118 Testimonial Page 118 - 120 Testimonial 120 – 121 Testimonial

151 152 153 154 155 156 179

Updates On Stories: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Wellington & Nancy Page 122 – 123 Sheri Cramer Page 123 – 124 CARL SCHENHOLM Page 124 – 124 Mabel Brucknak Page 124 – 124 Penny Repstock Page 125 – 126

Testimonial 157 Testimonial 158 (look on pg 107 – 107 & # 010 too) Testimonial 159 Testimonial 160 Testimonial 161

Energy Stories: ¾ ¾

Xtra-Sharp Information Real People Share Their Stories

Page 126 - 129 Page 130 - 133

Testimonial 162 Testimonial 163 - 174

Dietary Supplement & Weight Loss Accelererator ¾ KIDS OBESITY Page ¾ Prycena Questions Page ¾ Prycena Information Page ¾ Body Mass Index Chart Page ¾ Prycena Testimonial

134 – 134

135 – 136 137 – 140 141 – 141

Frank Story

Page 142

Testimonial 175

Melina Story

Page 142

Testimonial 176

143 143

Testimonial 177 Testimonial 178

Protein toothpaste ¾ ¾

T. Rivera Melina

Page Page

HMS 90/ IMMUNOCAL INFORMATION HMS 90 / Immunocal Medical Information on the Product ¾

Pages 145 – 146

Product Comparisons ¾

Pages 147 – 147


Page 148 - 149

Comparing Whey Proteins ¾

Page 150 - 150


Page 151 - 152


Page 153 - 160

HMS90 – Whey Protein Isolate Glutathione

Meet Immunotec’s Regional Leaders! ¾

Page 160 - 161

Books about Glutathione (GSH), Antioxidants ¾

Reference Books Pages 162 – 165

Information Information Information Information

Circulatory system Definition: the system of blood, blood vessels, lymph vessels, and heart concerned with the circulation of the blood and lymph ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Diabetes Blood Disorders Blood Pressure cholesterol level Heart Attack Hepatitis B Virus Hepatitis C

Page 8 – 10 Pages 11 – 11 Pages 11 -11 Pages 11 - 11 Pages 12 - 12 Pages 12 - 12 Pages 12 – 14

Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonial: Testimonials

1–9 10 11– 12 – 13 14 15 16 - 18


Diabetes 1 # Testimonial: Dear Herb: I am a Diabetic and I want to share my experience regarding Immunocal. Before using Immunocal, I had been controlling my blood sugar levels (usually 114 fasting), through diet and one 5mg Glipizide tablet per day. After using 1 envelope of Immunocal for just 5 days, begining mid-October, 2001, I experienced a significant drop in my blood sugar level (58) one and a half hours after breakfast (normal blood sugar runs 80 to 100). By increasing my food intake that day, I was able to raise my blood sugar to 74 by the end of the day. This situation continued until I met and spoke to Dr. Guttman, November 15th at a Health Seminar in Princeton, NJ. Dr. Guttman told me I needed to speak with my Dr. about stopping my medication or at least cutting the pill in half, in order to bring my blood sugar up to normal. After speaking with my Dr. I elected to cut my medication in half at that time. By February 2002, my blood sugar began to drop again, so I stopped using the medication entirely. I have been able to control my blood sugar since then by diet alone. My fasting blood sugar runs 76 or below, and one and a half hour meals blood sugar runs 90 to 96. Another improvement I experienced, which is what Dr. Guttman considers an important reason for a diabetic's use of Immunocal, is my circulation. I used to suffer from broken capillaries, causing red spots on my feet and ankles, which entirely stopped after 3 months on Immunocal. Also, I used to experience weakness and stiffness in my legs when I awoke in the am. That problem entirely stopped after only a week on 1 envelope of Immunocal per day. These days, I use 2 or 3 envelopes of Immunocal per day. Sincerely, Cathy Gulden (February 4. 2003)

Diabetes 2# Testimonial: When I was introduced to Immunocal I was having a great deal of trouble keeping my sugar down, even though I was on Insulin injections. I had lost the sight in one eye and the other eye was ulcerated, with loss of vision eminent. I was terribly down and lacked the energy to move and was rapidly gaining weight. My sister introduced me to Immunocal, after her hearing a radio show on the benefits of glutathione and calling the number. It was also suggested that I take the Xtra Sharp and the vitamin, which I agreed on. After two months on Immunocal and the Xtra Sharp my sugar was leveled and upon going to my eye specialist I was told that the ulcerations were gone, as was the itching and running from the eyes. I have more energy that I can ever remember having and I am now taking walks daily. In six weeks lost twenty-two pounds. Immunocal has definitely improved the quality of my life. Gwen Merriweather

Diabetes 3# Testimonial: Oct. 2003: Here is an unforgettable testimonial from the Portland Expo on diabetes. Shirley Hulen from Oregon shared: Hi! My name is Shirley Hulen, a 74-year-old homemaker from Milwaukie, Oregon. After having several tests done at the Women’s Fair in October 1999, a nurse advised me to see my doctor because of elevated blood sugar. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes as a result of the HbA1c test done at that visit. Next came a class at the hospital where we learned all aspects of diabetes, including neuropathy. At that time, I had no feeling from the ankles down, along with the tingling and pain. My disappointment came when I was told this condition would never go away and would continue to progress as more nerves were damaged. And progress it did---until it finally reached both knees! Since this was something I had to live with for the rest of my life, or so I was told, I accepted the fact I would be very inactive when I should be exercising to help control my blood sugar and to lose weight. Near the end of 2001, I learned about Immunocal and on January 7, 2002 I took my first packet. Within weeks, I began to notice some things missing or improved. A sore in one ear was gone after 3 to 4 years. No more headaches, because my year-round sinus infections were also gone after many years. I was able to almost close both hands after arthritis prevented it from happening. Imagine my excitement when I noticed that my neuropathy had lowered almost two inches below my knees. In the middle of March I began taking two packets of Immunocal a day and by late June the neuropathy was only in the bottom of my feet. How exciting for something that would NEVER be reversed! We just came back from our church campout on the Oregon coast. This year I walked everywhere I needed to go, with much improved balance. Last year I could only walk short distances with assistance and had to be driven the longer ones. Praise the Lord and Immunotec for Immunocal!!!! Shirley Hulen: P.S. My eyes are in excellent condition and there is no blurring

Diabetes 4 # Testimonial Lois Sausville shared this: I was introduced to Immunocal in October 2000. I am a diabetic and was taking glucophage 500mg AM and PM. I began taking one packet of Immunocal per day. Within 1 1/2 months I was off of my glucophage. I went for my 3 months check up and my Dr. had a fit because I stopped my pills without his permission. I asked him to wait until my blood test was back to see it's results and he did. His nurse called me, to say that the Dr. said that the blood test was normal, to continue what I was doing! I also was on the verge of having my gall bladder removed because of the pain that it caused me. After being on IMMUNOCAL for 6 weeks, the pain was gone and has not returned. What a powerful detoxifier IMMUNOCAL is. I thank GOD for discovering this life-changing product. It has improved the quality of my life immensely

Diabetes 5# Testimonial Sharon Smith from Terry Johnson’s group shared this: Sharon’s friend was diabetic. She was only on the pills so far, but controlling her diabetes was difficult. After just one box of Immunocal, taking it only once a day she has seen a BIG difference in her diabetes! She told Sharon, she NEVER wants to be without her Immunocal.

Diabetes 6# Testimonial George, a 62 year old: Since poor antioxidant and detoxification defenses are implicated in kidney disease and the complications of dialysis, there is no reason to believe that GSH supplementation may help individuals like George, a 62 year old former country and western singer. George had struggled with diabetes for over thirty years. Following only moderate success controlling his sugar levels, he developed progressive kidney failure and subsequent anemia. In a few short years he went from an active , gregarious entertainer to a listless, sofa-ridden recluse. His energy level and concentration deteriorated more and more and the local hospital clinic in Hawaii where he lived was obliged to monitor his condition closely. His levels of biliary urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine crept higher and higher - signs of diminishing kidney function - and his red blood cell (hemoglobin) value continued to fall. His physician placed him on a waiting list to undergo preparation for dialysis. After hearing about GSH, George started taking 20 grams per day of a whey protein isolate high in GSH precursors. Within three weeks his BUN and creatinine levels started to fall - a sign of improving kidney function. After a further three weeks his hemoglobin climbed by one full gram per deciliter (g/dL) of blood and he was again singing at his friend's parties. His wife was uncomfortable about his exposure to alcohol and cigarettes but three months later his renal function tests and hemoglobin levels had improved so much his physician put plans for dialysis on hold.

Diabetes 7# Testimonial Deana was a motivated, positive entrepreneur who developed a wellness health center even though she suffered from a serious case of diabetes. Increasingly fatigued, this 32 year-old Texan continued to run her center even after receiving and rejecting a kidney transplant, failing eyesight and dialysis treatments. Eventually she developed a chronic foot infection that required weekly debriding of dead tissue. Her doctor feared that amputation might prove necessary. She began taking high doses of the whey protein isolate Immunocal and found her energy levels increased over several weeks. Kidney function tests and hemoglobin levels improved. Medication doses for her anemia and hypertension were decreased or eliminated. Peripheral circulation was better. Five months later the foot was healed. Deana has since married and continues to run her clinic

Diabetes 8# Testimonial 1/2/03 MY TESTIMONY ABOUT IMMUNOCAL AND IT’S EFFECT ON CHOLESTROL & DIABETES: Frank L. Brucknak I am a borderline diabetic. My Doctors require a blood testing of both conditions quarterly. My test results on July 30, 2003 and October 15, 2003 were as follows: Cholesterol 183 173, Triglycerides 86 68, HDL 46 53, LDL 120 105, Hemoglobin, A1C ( sugar ) 5.8 5.3 Being a borderline diabetic, cholesterol is under scrunity much closer than if I wasn’t borderline; therefore a reading of 120 on July 30 would probably would not raise an alarm if I wasn’t a borderline diabetic. The Doctor’s were watching this point very closely in July to see what the October reading would be. If it had stayed the same or increased, medication would be necessary. In August I decided to increase my dosage of Immunocal to 2 pouches per day. To my amazement my test results were very positive (as seen above ) even in that short period of time. Thank God for Immunocal, I don’t have to go on any toxic medication. To say the least again I continue to be an affirmed believer in Immunocal and will continue to share the great story of Dr. Bounous’s invention of Immunocal for the rest of my life.

Diabetes 9# Testimonial Dear Jim: I have a friend who is a bad diabetic. She has been losing her sight for over a year due to diabetic retinopathy and has been traveling from Vegas to Seattle for treatment about 4 times a year. The treatments are extrememly painful and are of limited help. She started on Immunocal around Thanksgiving. I just received a note from her in Seattle, as she saw her Dr yesterday. She has no active eye disease right now. Her eyesight is 20/70, which is quite good for her at age 55. But what is better is that her stress level is way down, as she was told to learn Braille and prepare to be blind the rest of her life. She is a distributor and has shared Immunocal with many people already. I am going to try and make your Jan 20th meeting in Long Beach next week. Just thought I'd share the info. Mary Florin, RN

Blood Disorders Blood Disorders 10# Testimonial: Dear Herb Johnsen, Hello my name is Lucia Cerullo from Elizabeth, New Jersey. I am 19 years old and I have a very rare bleeding disorder. I have been on Immunocal for 8 1/2 months and it has done great wonders for me. I would like to explain a little more about my bleeding disorder. It's called factor 5 deficiency , it's one in a million and it has these side effects: easy bruising, nose bleeds, gum bleeds, internal bleeding, and compared to a regular person it takes me longer to clot when I have a bled. The reason why it takes me longer to coagulate is because I'm missing the factor 5 levels in my blood , which is a clotting factor. There is only one cure for my bleeding disorder, is by getting a Plasma transfusion of between 4-6 units depending on how bad my bleed may be. The only time I receive tranfusions is when I have an internal bleed or a severe nose bleed and so on. I am glad to say that since the first few weeks I started noticing a great improvement with my body. I wasn't receiving as many bruises usually would get and if I had bruises they healed a lot faster than normal. I have also noticed a great deal of improvement in my coagulation. Like for example, before I was on this Immunocal and I were to have nose bleeds they would bleed spontaneously from like a half hour an so on and now if I get a nose bleed it stops in like 10 minutes the most. I also used to have many problems when they had to draw blood because my veins are so small, they used to roll or disappear. Now that has improved a great deal also the most they have to stick me is twice and with a whole lot less pain. One other major injury was when I had a bad fall and twisted my ankle and pulled my calf muscle and all my weight went into my left leg. I had many problems with my legs since this injury and I spent a lot of time in and out of the hospital but with Immunocal it has improved a lot. I am taking up to 3 or 4 bags a day and I see that it help’s a great deal, in giving me energy and my bruises are decreased a great deal. Also I hardly have many bruises and I don’t bleed much from my nose and I haven't had an internal bleed since the summer, which is really great. So I recommend this product for any body who is well or extremely ill you will see a great improvement with at least 2 or more bags a day. Lots of love, Lucia Cerullo

Blood Pressure Blood Pressure 11 # Testimonial Blood Pressure & Thyroid - February 2003 Today I received a fabulous letter (testimonial) from my brother and sister-in-law. Here's how it goes: They recently went to their family physician for a checkup. For many years my brother has been taking various prescriptions for high blood pressure. .He has been taking two packs of Immunocal for the past one and a half months.. Last week his blood pressure reading was 111/71 - absolutely phenomenal The Doctor immediately asked what he had been doing differently and was told about the Immunocal he Doctor was amazed and told him to keep taking it. He also asked for information on the product. In addition, my sister- in- law has had problems with her thyroid for a long time. Her function tests over the years would fluctuate - sometimes high, then low - causing a variety of problems and complications. At this same visit the Dr said her latest test was normal .(She's been on two packs of Immunocal for a month or so longer than my brother) Just as they were leaving his office the Doctor reminded them to get the information to him asap. Herb - this warms my heart. Words cannot convey how fantastic this makes me feel. I am on Cloud Nine - Much love, Connie

Cholesterol Cholesterol level 12 # Testimonial: Dear Dr. Petrosino: "My cholesterol level went from 340 to 140 after only 15 days of taking 2 packets of Immunocal per day. Also, I had a fairly large cyst in my breast which my doctor first saw 4 or 5 years ago. Each year I had an ultra sound and it was slowly getting bigger. The doctor was going to biopsy it this year, but after my ultrasound, it had almost completely disappeared! Immunocal is the only thing I have been doing differently." Sincerely, Elizabeth Ackerman Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Cholesterol level 13# Testimonial: Frank L. Brucknak Referr to page 10 (Diabetes 8# testimony)

Heart Heart Attack 14 # Testimonial: A Testimonial for Mercury Chelation with HMS 90¨/Immunocal¨ ¥ Paul Rothe (June, 2003) In November of 1999, I had a minor pulmonary cardiac infarct (heart attack). Four months later, I tested 30% above the cardio-pulmonary fitness norm for my age (then 60), with good cardiac blood flow. I then visited a naturopathic physician who explained mercury's tendency, among numerous other negative effects, to disrupt the calcium balance important in blood vessel contractions. My attack was attributed to an arterial spasm. I was under considerable emotional stress at the time. I had my silver/mercuryÐbased dental amalgams replaced with composite material in July of 2000, dental fillings being a common source of mercury toxicity. I then underwent a series of mercury chelations through a naturopahic physician to remove the mercury residue still present in my body. At that time, I had a blood mercury reading of 66 ppm on a 'normal' reference range of 0 Ð 49 ppm*, considerably beyond the range of acceptability. After a series of 12 chelations, which were expensive and tend to be hard on the body, my blood mercury was reduced to 40 ppm by September 19, 2002Ña noticeable improvement. On May 28, 2003, after taking three or more packs (30 g) of HMS 90¨/Immunocal¨ per day for 8.5 months (midÐSeptember to the end of May), the same test for blood mercury as used previously returned a value of 28 ppm. I had changed nothing in my habits that would account for the 12 ppm drop since the September, 2001, test, other than the fact I had been taking HMS 90¨/Immunocal¨ daily over that period. I have been told that this is much higher than the amount which could have been removed through the passive excretion of mercury from my body without any special treatments. * This is far from a controlled study, but it does seem consistent with Medline studies which verify glutathioneÕs ability to chelate mercury in mice, rats, and perch. If I hadn't had other health issues (nonÐlife threatening) and a relatively active and regular regime of swimming, cycling and walkingÑnot to mention general ÔbusynessÕÑto 'soak up' some of the HMS 90¨/Immunocal¨ through activityÐinduced oxidative stress, the amount of mercury purged from my system might have been greater. Overall, my physical wellbeing has been transformed from that of a painÐplagued middleÐager (including limiting arthritis in my right knee) in less than a year to someone who feels 20 years younger. I experience this in the form of improved overall energy, enhanced physical performance and recovery, better sleep. I am even noticing signs of antiÐaging, such as improved eyesight for reading, fading age spots and wrinkles, more rapidly growing nails, and even a returning hairline! To what else could these changes be attributed other than HMS 90¨/Immunocal¨? All tests, for which records are on file, were requested through my family physician, the last two of which were run at the same hospital lab facility. As a detoxifier, glutathione via HMS 90¨/Immunocal¨ is capable of removing a wide range of toxins from the body.

Hepatitis Hepatitis B Virus Testimonial # 15 Dear Dr. Petrosino: Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) had downed me so much that I was feeling extremely weak everyday. I had no hope hope that I could find a product that would help me so much. Thanks to Immunotec for developing this product. After using Immunocal for nine months, I have realized tremendous results and am getting more better as time goes by. I have more energy and vitality, and the viral DNA test indicates that the virus is going down gradually. My doctor was really amazed about the results and told me to keep using the product since INTERFERON didn't work for me. The viral count went down from 5500 to only 500 the last time he did the test, and I hope that I will clear the virus from my system. The liver function test is extremely good. At this moment, I feel 80% better. I am so excited to be part of Immunotec family and the product immunocal. I recommend anybody with HBV to try this product. Best Regards, James Busienei March 27, 2002

Hepatitis C Testimonial #16

"I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C and cirrosis in 1989. I have been through 3 rounds of interferon with no success. I originally purchased Immunocal for my mother-in-law who has lung cancer. She noticed an improvement in her energy level right away. I decided to try it for myself and have noticed more energy and an overall sense of wellness. I am anxious for my next doctors visit to see how my blood work-up looks. I have only been using the product for about 3 weeks. My wife has no significant health problems but is taking Immunocal as a preventive measure and is already a believer after nearly 2 weeks. She was a skeptic at first. So now my whole household endorses the product. I look forward to better health and better living! My back pain and pain in my side (from cirrosis and Hepatitis-C) has improved along with more energy and desire to get out and do things." Sincerely, Michael Sinks 05/29/2001

Hepatitis C Testimonial #17 June 1, 2002 Dear Herb: Six months ago I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. I always took very good care of myself, so it was very difficult for me to admit and accept that I had contracted HCV. Looking back over the past few years, I could see that my energy level was decreasing. I just thought it was related to my age. My doctor feels that I may not be a candidate for Interferon and Ribavirin treatment. His plan is to perform tests every three months for the next year to see if there are any trend lines available to help further decision making. Three months ago, I started taking one packet of Immunocal daily, along with other supplements that I was previously taking. I continued to take one packet daily for around a month and started to feel slightly better physically. However, I still felt weak and had a hard time getting through the day. I then decided to take two packets of Immunocal daily, and within a few days started to feel much stronger physically, and more balanced mentally and emotionally. I just received my first three-month set of test results. I compared them with previous test results and could clearly see an improvement. I am Optimistic that I will continue to improve and look forward to my next three month test results. Thank you for introducing me to Immunocal. Sincerely, Anthony Talis Summary of Baystate Reference Laboratories Results for Anthony Talis Test Name: Albumin Date 10/18/2001 10/24/2001 05/17/2002 08/12/2002

Results 4.0 3.8 4.3 3.9

Reference Range 3.6 - 5.0 3.6 - 5.0 3.4 - 4.8 3.4 - 4.8

Points Above/Below Range 0 0 0 0


Test Name: Alkaline Phosphatase Date Results 10/18/2001 57 10/24/2001 49 05/17/2002 82 08/12/2002 59

Reference Range 63 - 163 63 - 163 39 - 117 39 - 117

Points Above/Below Range -6 - 14 0 0


Test Name: SGPT (ALT) Date 10/18/2001 10/24/2001 05/17/2002 08/12/2002

Results 165 142 69 59

Reference Range 21 - 72 21 - 72 0 - 41 0 - 41

Points Above/Below Range + 93 + 70 + 28 + 18

Test Name: SGOT (AST) Date 10/18/2001 10/24/2001 05/17/2002 08/12/2002

Results 90 79 61 52

Reference Range 17 - 59 17 - 59 0 - 38 0 - 38

Points Above/Below Range + 31 + 20 + 23 + 14

Test Name: Prothrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio Date Results Reference Range 10/18/2001 10/24/2001 11/02/2001 11.6/0.9 11.0 - 13.7 05/17/2002 11.7/1.0 11.0 - 13.7 08/12/2002 11.1/TBD 11.0 - 13.7

Points Above/Below Range 0 0 0

14 point improvement

Comments 23 point improvement 42 point improvement 10 point improvement Comments 11 point improvement 3 point increase 9 point improvement Comments

Hepatitis C Testimonial #18 Stay tuned for more.... August 5, 2001 Approximately five years ago I was feeling listless and generally in ill health so I thought I would go see my Doctor. After a complete blood count I found I had type II diabetes and also the Hepatitis C virus. When I asked my doctor what Hepatitis-C was he informed me that they didn't know a whole lot about it yet and called it non A non-B Hepatitis. I decided to venture off on my own to see where a naturopathic/homeopathic course would lead. At this time in my life I was excited and motivated to read and hear everything I could get my hands on to heal myself. After all, your body is magical and given what it needs, the body can heal and repair itself. Anyway, through eating mostly wholesome foods and proper supplementation, I was making excellent progress until my blood test 6 months ago showed my viral load count, which had previously been going down steadily, suddenly shot up higher than ever. I was devastated by this news. After many more tests I made the decision to go on a Doctor prescribed drug called Peg-Interferon and have been administering it for the last 5 months. The side effects from this drug can be severe and do alter your life style quite a bit. Some of these side effects were weight and hair loss, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and oh yea, loss of libido. Loss of Libido? Nobody said anything about loss of Libido before I began the treatments. Then, I was introduced to Immunocal and Magistral. Two packs of Immunocal in the morning and two late in the afternoon have changed my life. I am no longer fatigued during the day, the muscle aches and pains are gone, the rashes, did I mention the rashes? Well they are gone too. No more soreness on the bottoms of my feet, headaches, sensitive skin, my appetite has improved so I am gaining weight back slowly and my outlook on life has never been better. I am also happy to report that since starting on a tablespoon of Magistral in the morning and one at night and after only nine days my Libido has returned. My wife Susie and I are delighted! Thank you Dr. Bounous and Immunotec Research for giving me my life back., Jeff Beban

Digestive System Digestive System Definition: The organs that take in food and turn it into products that the body can use to stay healthy. Waste products the body cannot use leave the body through bowel movements. The digestive system includes the salivary glands, mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, intestines, and rectum. ¾ ¾

Crohns Chronic indigestion

Page 15 – 16 Pages 16 -16

Testimonial: Testimonial:

19 20


Cystic Fibrosis

Pages 16 – 17


21 - 22


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Pages 18 -18


23 - 24

Crohns Crohns 19 # Testimonial: CROHN’S DISEASE & IMMUNOCAL / HMS 90 2/8/99 – Campbellford, Ontario, Canada Gayle West: At age 7, our son Dean started showing signs of illness. He started losing weight, had terrible stomach pain, was extremely lethargic and spent a lot of time lying on the couch sleeping. It took several years and a battery of tests and finally at age 11, a Pediatrician gave us the diagnosis that Dean had Crohn’s Disease. The number of years had taken its toll and the disease had a very strong hold on Dean. The first course of treatment was to give him Prednisone, an anti-inflammatory steroid. While the drug seemed to work at alleviating the pain, emotionally it was very difficult on him. As a grade 7 student, he would have rather been sick and skinny than to have to attend school and have the kids make such hurtful remarks. After following the required Prednisone treatments and being slowly withdrawn from the drug, Dean held his own for about 2 months. Signs of the Crohn’s slowly started reappearing. We asked that Dean not be put back on the Prednisone, so his Pediatrician made arrangements to send him to Sick Children’s Hospital where they were having some success with other treatments. Dean went to Sick Kids, where they took him off of all food and fed him through a tube inserted through his nose into his stomach. This course of treatment meant that Dean could have nothing to eat or drink for 2 months. They taught him how to insert the tube himself so that we could return home. He had to insert the tube every night when he came home from school and start feeding himself with the pre-digested formula until he awoke for school in the morning. Dean continued this course of treatment for the full 2 months. On his 12th Birthday was the first time he was allowed any food by mouth, a piece of birthday cake. Slowly, he started introducing regular food into his daily routine, but he still had to continue the night feeds seven nights a week. For a year, seven nights a week, Dean inserted the tube in his nose, swallowing until it reached his stomach and finally he said he could do it NO MORE! At that point, the doctors at Sick Children’s Hospital told us that he had done it longer than any other patient they had and they said to let him go off the feeds and see what happens. It wasn’t long until Dean started getting the stomach pain, the diarrhea and the tiredness. We continued by going back to Sick Kids Hospital where they kept him for another 2 weeks and put him on 2 more pills, did biopsies and sent him home again. And, again Dean did not improve. He needed the night feeds to help his system get the vitamins, minerals and calories his body needed. At that time, we decided to ask Sick Kids Hospital if there was another way to administer the feeds. They said they didn’t like to go with it because it involved invasive surgery. But Dean said he would like to give it a try. At age 13, a G-tube (gastrointestinal feed tube) was implanted in Deans’ stomach. This allowed him to continue with the night feeds on a regular basis and to allow him to live like a normal teenager. For the past 3 years, Dean has continued on this course of treatment with some good periods mixed with flare-ups of the Crohn’s – which put him on the couch in pain every night for several weeks at a time. Although this treatment was helping him to keep on some weight, the symptoms of Crohn’s didn’t really allow him to lead a normal teenage life. The energy needed for sports and to be fully productive at school just wasn’t there. Dean was now 16 and during the flare-ups with the Crohn’s, we were trying to prepare him for the possibility that this was as good as he was going to feel for the rest of his life. We had read everything, tried everything suggested, both natural and prescription and were still willing for his sake, to KEEP TRYING! That’s when I was introduced to Immunocal / HMS 90 and was told by Paul Hazell that there had been good results with various conditions and it would be worth giving it a try. After listening to the tapes, reading the material available and discussing it with Dean, he agreed to give it a try. As a bit of background to Dean’s eating habits, he never ate breakfast, maybe he’d eat lunch and he seldom ate enough at supper to keep a normal kid mobile. When he did eat supper, he immediately went to lay on the couch where he was doubled over in pain for about 15 minutes. We never worried too much about him eating because he was still doing the night feeds and was being pumped full of calories every night. Sick Kids Hospital told us not to worry, it was “normal” with Crohn’s kids! We decided to go to my parents for the weekend the day that Paul delivered the Immunocal / HMS 90. I threw it in the suitcase not sure whether he would start taking it there or not. I pulled it out Friday night and asked him if he wanted to give it a try. He said yes, so Grandma mixed it with some applesauce before he went to bed and Dean ate it. Dean woke up the next morning, went to the kitchen and said, “Grandma, can I have some breakfast?” She immediately answered yes and asked him what he fancied. He answered “Bacon and Eggs PLEASE.” Well, I nearly fell over! He ate breakfast that morning and the next 2 mornings. When we returned

home, Dean’s improvement gradually became more evident. He has NOT ONCE had a stomach cramp since starting on the Immunocal / HMS 90. His weight had held it’s own and he has grown to 5’-6”. The diarrhea has subsided and there is a marked improvement in his energy level. At Dean’s last check-up at Sick Kids Hospital, the doctors examined him for nearly 15 minutes. Upon returning the doctor told us he apologized, but they were having a rather in-depth discussion about why Dean had done so well since his last visit. It was then that I decided to tell them about the Immunocal / HMS 90. Well, the medical profession is not readily accepting of anything new. They said he was more than likely in a “spontaneous remission”, but did not note in his files that he was on the Immunocal / HMS 90. Dean promised us he would stay on the product for 6 months to give it a try. Upon returning home from Sick Kids Hospital, I asked him if he wanted to stop taking it. Without hesitation he said NO. He knew he was feeling better and wanted it to stay that way. It has been 9 months now and Dean is still doing well. He does still do the night feeds from Sick Kids Hospital along with the Immunocal / HMS 90, but only 5 nights/week for both. We give him his weekends off. He has to this day not had ONE stomach cramp. He spends hours after school skateboarding or biking. He has lost NO time from school due to the Crohn’s other than his doctor’s appointments. He is snowboarding on school trips and nights and weekends and wherever he can find a hill. Dean’s Pediatrician cannot believe the overall improvement in him and says that although she can’t guarantee it, Dean’s improvement is the result of the Immunocal / HMS 90 and said she wouldn’t take him off it. She said she has never met a teenager willing to take any type of medication, so if he is willing to stay on it, he must know that it is making him feel better – and you CAN’T argue with that. If you have been thinking of trying Immunocal / HMS 90, I cannot begin to tell you what a difference it has made in Dean. Everyone has something you should try and it’s difficult to sort through all of the information and try to decide if you are being sold a bill of goods or whether there is some basis in fact about the product. I hope that after reading this, you will honestly consider giving Immunocal / HMS 90 a try. Although Dean will always have Crohn’s, it is our belief that Immunocal / HMS 90 has given us a son who now can function as a normal teenager and will progress into a young adult physically capable of a bright future. Gayle West Please note update: Upon speaking to Dean West as of 8/16/00, he is now taking the Immunocal / HMS 90 only once in awhile when he feels his energy level going down. He is feeling well and NOT taking anything else to help him with his disease. He said he doesn’t need to. His words of wisdom to those who have this disease: Bear with it and keep taking your Immunocal / HMS 90!

Chronic indigestion Chronic indigestion Testimonial: # 20: I take HMS90 for my overall health. Specifically, the best benefit I see is that after 20 years of chronic indigestion, the problem is gone. The constant painful bloating and burning sensation has ceased. It is hard to believe that I don't feel uncomfortable anymore! Immunocal has regulated my digestion. Mrs. Mary Sutton, Ontario Canada

Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Testimonial # 21: Hi Wally: Here's something that I received from John Molson that you may not have already. A lady in my Toastmasters group is the President of either the local chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Society or the Canadian President (I got this info second hand so don't know for sure). I had the opportunity to speak with her at the last Toastmasters meeting and asked if she had heard of HMS-90. She gave me the 'what are you trying to sell me' look. Then I asked if she had heard of Dr. Larry Lands because he had done a clinical study using HMS-90 with CF patients. Then she gave me the 'how do you know about him?' look. She told me that she knew 'Larry' quite well. I told her that I would email her some info the next day to read as the meeting wasn't the time or place. The next morning I was thinking that the only info I really had was the 1999 reference to the study that 'was being done' but I had nothing that spoke of the results of this study. I wondered why Dr. Lands hadn't mentioned it to Chris Black (the lady I was speaking to) and if it was because he wasn't happy with the results. So I emailed John, explained my situation and that Chris would certainly be checking any info I sent about Dr. Lands with him as she knew he quite well and asked if he had anything more recent to back up the study. He sent me this! It is just perfect. When I emailed it to Chris, she emailed back a little while later to thank me for the info that said that she will 'love to talk to Larry about this!'. My physiotherapist (who also wants me to do a presentation for her, her staff and some of her patients before too long) knows Chris quite well and said that she will definitely go for something like this if she is satisfied that it is legitimate. A Head Nurse at the hospital here (who is an avid XtraSharp fan and has people waiting to buy it!!) also knows her and had the same opinion. In my email to Chris, I also mentioned that I would be happy to do a presentation to her group if she is interested. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this could turn into something nice. If I read Chris right, if she is impressed with what HMS-90 can do to help CF patients, she will definitely be spreading the word through, not only her group, but all of the groups that she is associated with. Here's hoping. Things are going pretty good here, Wally. I have a presentation lined up for Friday although probably not as many people will show up as I had hoped. The newspaper messed up with my ad and did not put it in this weekend's paper! I have some flyers around town but ... oh well. A few people have phoned and have said they will be there so guess that's better than no one! I signed up a naturopath from Ontario a couple of weeks ago (thanks to Hugh for sending her to me as she asked to speak with someone IN Canada) and a lady from PA last week. My physiotherapist was very interested in the CF study as well and asked if I would forward her the info too (which I have done) as she knows someone who works in the Research dept of the U of BC and who is always looking for new information that can help with asthma. No promises but she was going to be talking (seeing?) her this weekend and wanted the info give her. I have, of course, checked my Immunoweb to see where I stand now and what my commission cheque is for January. Needless to say, I'm a happy camper! A NICE cheque and ... I'm going to get to Montreal for free after all! I thought I was quite a bit away from reaching the 40,000 pts but I guess I don't calculate the points the same way that Immunotec does because, by the end of February, I will be slightly over the 40,000 even if no more new customers or distributors come in! Of course, any new distributors I will put into Paul's downline to try to reach Gold as soon as possible. I am just thrilled, Wally! It feels so good to know that I can continue working this business full time! My confidence has increased by leaps and bounds and I have gone from 'thinking' that I can make this work to 'knowing' I can! What a difference that little change makes! Well, that's my update for now. Talk to you later! Penny

Cystic Fibrosis Testimonial # 22: Eight year-old Zach, a cystic fibrosis patient, loved baseball. He was smaller than the rest of the kids, but it was shortness of breath and recurrent respiratory problems, not height, that kept him off the team. He took more care of his nutritional needs and was good about taking his additional vitamins and antioxidant supplementation. His parents learned how to provide him with home aerosol treatments by mask. He has been using both oral and nebulized (by mask) Mucomist (N-acetylcysteine). Although primarily used as a "bench-warmer," Zach is back on the team.

Note from the author of this page: The Celine Dion Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for Kids is using Immunocal.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Testimonial # 23 "Just wanted to let you know that the products really work. I have Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), GERD, headaches and generally exausted most of the time. I started initially with 2 packages of Immunocal, vitamins and calcium daily. I was begining to feel better with this dose but into the 6th week I bumped upto 3 pkg. daily. I now feel great. I had been off of work for 3 mos. after some bladder surgery and just returned back to work as a Registered Nurse this week. Even though it was a busy week putting in approximately 48 hrs, I left work on Friday feeling energetic, a bounce in my step and a smile on my face. My co-workers were amazed at the change---keep in mind they are all nurses or medical professionals and they know how they felt after working less than 5 days in a row. My husband can't believe the change either." Thanks again, Beverly Pool R.N. December 8, 2001

Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Asthma Testimonial # 24 I am 56 years old and all of my life I have suffered from IBS. I wore either diapers or super absorbent, large pads to protect my clothing in case of accidents, which I often had. It got to the point of my not wanting to go out of the house. The pain and bleeding was unbearable at times. My dad had gone through surgery last summer and after a two month hospital stay started taking HMS90(Canadian name for Immunocal). In two and a half weeks time I saw a dramatic difference in his health, well-being and state of mind. Though sceptical as to what this product could do for my health concerns, I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time that at my sisters urging I decided to try HMS90. Taking only one package per day, in three months the diarrhoea and bleeding stopped, as did the severe pain. It all disappeared! I had prayed and asked God to please help me get well and feel better and my prayers have been answered. I started taking HMS90 on December 3rd. 2003 and now in May of 2004 I have energy and an overall feeling of well-being and after years of fear as to what may happen if I go out in public I can go out with confidence no longer afraid of ‘accidents’. For years I have been unable to eat salads, raw vegetables and fruits as it caused so much stomach pain and irritated my bowels. It is wonderful to be able to eat large salads with raw vegetables, to munch on carrots and raw fruits, not once in a while, but everyday!!! I believe God answered my prayers with HMS90. I also take the Pure Milk Calcium for my bones and the Xtra Sharp. I have more energy now than I can ever remember. I have also noticed a dramatic difference in my breathing, as I am an asthmatic and have been on medication since I was a child. My use of my inhaler has dropped from daily to maybe once per week. Certain allergens would cause lung infections, but not any more. A two-week asthma prescription now lasts for up to three months. Life just keeps getting better! Bonnie Reaume, Essex, ON. Canada

Muscular system Muscular system Definition: the 600 muscles in the body, both voluntary and involuntary ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Arthritis Pages 19 - 20 Eyesight Pages 20 - 20 Rheumatoid Arthritis Pages 21 - 21 Fibromyalsia Pages 22 –28 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pages 29 – 29 Improve Athletic Performance Pages 30 - 31 Improve Athletic Performance Pages 31 - 31 Power lifting Pages 32 - 32 Soft Tissue Damage Pages 33 - 33

Testimonial: 25 - 26 Testimonial: 27- 28 Testimonial: 29 - 31 Testimonial: 32 - 46 Testimonial 47 - 50 Information Testimonial 51Information Testimonial 52


Arthritis Testimonial # 25: Ok I will pass my little testimonial on to you and you can pass it on if you so choose. My name is Judy Murphy I am a professional dog groomer in Whitby Ontario. I have been grooming now for 7 years and at the age of 42 I am going to be grooming for at least another 10 years thanks to hms 90. I was diagnosed with arthritis at the age of 35 and was having a lot of problems with my hands seizing up and causing a lot of pain and discomfort. With pet grooming there is a lot of strain on the hands and joints along with the back and hips. I use scissors and am in water constantly along with a lot of lifting and bending. If it were not for the hms I would have had to retire 5 years ago. Because of HMS90 the career that I love and depend on was not sacrificed, I will be taking this product for the rest of my life and I am so very thankful for it. Anyone with arthritis should be directed to this stuff. It is an amazing product and the results speak for themselves. Thank you Immunotec Judy Murphy

Arthritis Testimonial # 26: Arthritis and Athletics Marion Devitt July/2004 (update) I am a (100 lb) 85 year old masters swimmer. I have also been struggling with arthritis for the past 20 years. I have to wear a brace on my wrist as a bone is missing in my thumb. I was first introduced to HMS 90 by Paul Rothe in the hot tub at our local rec centre. I have been taking two packs a day every morning for almost a year. Since taking HMS 90, I have experienced more energy and less pain from my arthritis. I work out and swim almost every day, and I have just returned from the Canadian Masters Swimming Championships (May, 2004). In the 85–89 age category, I set a Canadian record for the 100 metre breaststroke (3:01:49) and knocked a second off the 200 metre backstroke (6:56:00), which is one full minuite better than my personal best last fall! I am already working toward getting down to the 5–minute record for the World Masters Championships in Edmonton for 2005.

The following are my awards for 2004—so far: Duncan January 200m Backstroke 7:30.92 Canadian Masters Record January 100m Backstroke 3:08.91 Canadian Masters Record Victoria March 200m Backstroke 7:25.30 Canadian Masters Record March 50m Breaststroke 1:19.90 Canadian Masters Record Edmonton May 200m Backstroke 6:35.92 Canadian Masters Record May 100m Breaststroke 3:01.25 Canadian Masters Record Ed. Note: The times for each category above are progressively faster. Paul has just given me some of the new 5-Fruit Xtra Sharp to zip up my workouts. It seems to increase the time I have been able to swim in the pool, and certainly makes me feel during workouts! Paul also says I am looking better all the time, too—thanks to HMS 90. [Editor’s comment: Like many users of HMS 90 experience, Marion’s personality seems to have acquired a new sparkle since taking HMS 90. Coincidence?.... ALL the BEST to "YOU" From Jim Hawley, Immunotec Independent Distributor

Eyesight Eyesight Testimonial # 27 Carl Schenholm June 5, 2005 My name is Carl Schenholm. I am an 82 year old retired veterinarian, who has had macular degeneration for about 7 years. For about the last 2 years, my condition has been static with scar tissue. I have visited specialists at Wilner Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Bascom Palmer in Miami, Duke University Eye Center and Dr. Meir Schneider at the Institute for Self Healing in San Francisco. All of them said there was nothing that could be done because of the scar tissue. After being on 2 to 3 packs a day of Immunocal for 119 days, the spinning lights in the back of my eyes suddenly turned from white to orange. After 4 more days, I was able to see my face in the mirror while shaving (180 degrees with the left eye) for the first time in years. I was also able to see my wife’s face. The black spot in my central vision of the left eye lightened to gray. I feel there is a 10% improvement in my vision which still remains after 2 months. My right eye seems to be slightly better as of today. August 7, 2005 I am now taking 2 packs of Immunocal twice a day, and the black areas in both eyes are becoming more porous around the edges. My left eye continues to see through 180 degrees and my right eye is slightly less foggy in the center. I am continuing to use Dr. Meir Schneider’s self-healing techniques, such as palming and sunning the eyes and reading exercises

Eyesight Testimonial # 28 I stopped the Immunocal just to see what differences there would be. The immediate difference was that my eyesight went back to being slightly blurry all the time. I'm back on the Immunocal. I wasn't interested in finding out what other differences there were. :>) Linda Atkinson, Admin. Ops. Specialist, Executive Secretariat

Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Testimonial # 29 March 20, 1998 Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia and Immunocal IMMUNOCAL CUSTOMER: Woman, mid-seventies, experiencing severe, non-relenting pain throughout her entire body, particularly at the top of her head, her feet and her entire left side. PROGNOSIS: After a recent physical, Mrs. Howseman was told by her doctor that there was nothing they could do for her. She would have to change her life and accept the limitations therein! Hello, my name is Mrs. Howseman. I’m an elderly lady (mid-seventies). I have suffered from Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis for some time, having tried just about everything on the market to get rid of this problem. NOTHING UP TO THE TIME I WAS INTRODUCED TO IMMUNOCAL HAD ANY POSITIVE EFFECT AT ALL. Alice Weiss told me about this new product, but I had given up on any real hope in helping myself. I say given up hope because after my last visit to my doctor, I was informed that the medical people could do nothing more for me. I was told that I’d have to accept pain as a limiting factor in my life. This was very depressing to say the least! My hairdresser, Alice Weiss, the owner of Bertlynn Hair Stylists, persisted – so I tried the Immunocal. After taking the Immunocal for four days, at three pouches/day, I awoke on the fourth day to a feeling of energy I hadn’t experienced in a long time. The pain was not totally gone, but it was unquestionably less. When I went to place my feet on the floor, an experience always very, very painful for me, I was shocked and happy to fell little pain. I haven’t felt this good in years! There is nothing else that I can attribute this change to and I continue to take one to two pouches/day. I’m a very happy person with this change. THERE IS NO DOUBT that I will continue taking IMMUNOCAL. Sincerely, Mrs. Howseman

Rheumatoid Arthritis Testimonial # 30 : "On the fourth day of taking Immunocal, I remember thinking that I felt no different , but at 8:30 that night I got out of my car like I was twenty one , full of energy. It was an incredible feeling especially considering the fact that I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome due to my rheumatoid arthritis. On day seven my hands looked and felt normal. They had looked like lobster claws, red, swollen, and painful. I must have looked at my hands every ten minutes for the next week with a big smile. Amazing!! . What happened about three weeks ago , six months after I started taking Immunocal, inspired me to tell my story. My psoriasis started to disappear, after thirty-six years. I had tried everything I could think of, even the doctors told me nothing would ever work, I still tried. The only thing they could recommend was a $65.00 tube of cream about three inches long that had no effect at all. It's fun to watch my immune system kicking butt!! I am fifty-seven, and feel like a young man again! PS. The Magistral works also. Eight days after I started using the products my nightly trips to the bathroom stopped. When I ran out of Magistral it started again. I reorder, three days latter, a restful sleep and has continued. Never will be without it again." Henry Cheung, Ph.D. 07/20/2001

Rheumatoid Arthritis Testimonial: 31: Dr. Petrosino: "I have been using your product [Immunocal] for a month now to help my rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia and it has proven to work very well - better than most of the prescription medications I am currently on. I have noticed a decrease in effectiveness however the last 2 weeks and am considering taking 2 pouches per day. I registered on your "one box a month" plan and would like to switch to a two box a month plan, instead. ...I would like to start 2 pouches per day as soon as possible, (but only have a short supply left), I would appreciate a response as soon as possible. Thank you very, (very!) much. Regards," Sharon W. Kanata, Ontario, Canada

Fibromyalsia Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 32: " L. Christine Soldwisch Monday, February 03, 2003 8:43 PM I was diagnosed with Fibromyalsia and chronic fatigue in 1998. At first I was sick 3 or 4 days out of the month and very tired the rest of the month. Then it was sick 5-8 days out of the month and fatigued the rest. Then soon it was sick 2 weeks out of the month and exhausted the rest. Then over the years the pain became more intensified and all over the body. So I used to count the days in the month I was well, then it came down to days in the week, then day-to-day then minute to minute. There was almost never a time when I wasn't in pain somewhere, or sick with something, or dizzy and nauseous or all of the above. When I could do so, I would walk, but it was a battle just to do what a mom and wife would normally do everyday. I had to stop doing the laundry because we live in an apartment and I couldn't walk to the laundry room, (200 ft away). My husband took over that job. I of course, could not work, I had some days I literally couldn't get out of bed. Sheer exhaustion and feeling sick. Many days I couldn't get my little one to school because I was so sick feeling. I was put on pain meds and sleep meds and meds for digestive problems, and anti-depressants. Meanwhile, my brain became so foggy that I literally couldn't always find my way home. My own street seemed unfamiliar to me, I would have to go to a place 5 or 6 times to remember how to get home. I forgot to pick up my child from school, make deposits, pay bills, call the doctors, etc. My personality underwent a huge change, my sister says I was snappy and unhappy and impatient at times. I remember being so depressed I felt hopeless. I became so sensitive to pain that the seams on my jeans hurt me, it burned. If there was a piece of lint or a crumb on my sheets I would wake up feeling like a rock was burning my leg. Headaches were a part of everyday life, and every night was a continuation of the nasty day because I woke up every hour or so. I was at the chiropractor once a week sometimes more, took antioxidants, vitamins, and chelation. Tried MSM, Sam-e, Chondroiton, and anything else that came along to try to get relief, every thing I tried had very limited success. Then my friend, who's son is dying of cancer, heard about a way to boost your immune system, so she tried it for her son. I asked her to tell me about it, because everything I had read about my illness, I felt it was an immune system disorder. So she brought me a box of Immunocal to try. I started on 4 packets a day. I felt that if I was going to get help I needed to be on a high dose. The first day after 4 packets I was standing a little longer and had more energy. That was nice, but it couldn't be the Immunocal already. The 2nd day I had less pain and found myself piddling around the house. Doing a little straightening and cleaning and I made dinner that night with no help! The 3rd day I got out of bed in one motion, I was stunned, I hadn't done that in years, I was starting to get excited! The 4th day I was up and around and walking really well, with about a 40% reduction in pain. Everyday since then has gotten better. By the end of the first week, I was almost pain free! I was astounded. I signed up to be a distributor. My sister was on an out of town trip, called me to say she was home, and noticed the sound of my voice was very different. Came to see me and asked why I was happy, why was I standing without leaning on the counter or finding a chair quickly? I told her about my newfound health and Immunocal and she became a distributor. We are, needless to say, totally enthused about this product. She says "she got her sister back" and I say "I got my life back" L. Christine Soldwisch

Fibromyalsia Testimonial #33: Hello Leroy, I've been out of town for an extended time, due to the passing of my 98 yr. old Father-in-law. Thank you for the testimony of your friend. I'm going to print it and pass it on to my mother for a friend of hers at the retirement home where she lives. It is very timely. I'd like to add my praises of Immunocal. This past spring my chiropractor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia, after several months of not responding to treatment. As a massage therapist, I suspected it, but never mentioned it to anyone. You know, don't claim something you don't want. I also have been diagnosed with sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which caused major low back and groin pain. Now the really good news. After 2 days of taking 2 pouched of Immunocal daily, NO MORE PAIN. I used to wake up and be aware of the pain without even moving. Very deep muscle pain in my arms, low back and hips. The second morning after my double dose of Immunocal, the first thing I noticed when I woke up was the ABSENCE of pain. I also no longer have I what I referred to as "foggy brain" syndrome in the afternoons and evenings. Mental clarity has returned! So very thankful. I'm now on an Immunocal crusade! Shirley

Fibromyalsia Testimonial #34: Val from Colorado shared this for us: LaVonne, I'm feeling great again and am telling people all the time about how great Immunocal is and how great the Immunotec Co is. So here goes. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 15 years ago. Sometimes I would be hurting and tired and other times I was sure I didn't even have that disease. In this past year I kept getting hit with it harder and more often. I had tried many natural remedies since I work at a nutrition center. My sister had been using Immunocal for different reasons for several months and she kept urging me to try it. One night I was at her place and I was so tired and in such "fibro fog" that I could hardly function. I told her I didn't think I was going to be able to keep my job because I was so tired and in so much pain that I just couldn't remember things or keep things straight. She told me I really need to try Immunocal and that she had heard some really great testimonies specifically about Fibromyalgia. When we got home, I had my husband write me a note so that I would remember to go get some Immunocal the next day. I got started on it right away and 3 days later, I already noticed that I definitely felt better. Each day I continued to feel better. The "fog" lifted and my energy was surprising me. I used to come home from work at 3:30 in the afternoon and fall asleep on the sofa. After only 3 days on Immunocal I didn't need a nap anymore. I got so excited and so full of energy that after being on it for only 2 weeks I emailed LaVonne and said that I needed to become a distributor. I said that I keep running into people with Fibromyalgia and I can't tell them how good I feel and then not have it readily available for them. So now I am an excited distributor constantly telling people how good I feel and what a difference Immunocal has made in my life. I am very impressed with the company as well as all of their great products. Val Koenig

Fibromyalsia Testimonial 35: From Carl and Sandy Walper 2/4/97 Dear Carl, My name is Chris Rice. I do Body Management Therapy, Touch for Health, Reflexology, and Hydrotherapy. I have had almost 20 years experience in the complimentary health field. For many years, I supervised people on diets and supplementation. About two months ago, I was introduced to a product called HMS90/Immunocal by Dr. Gustavo Bounous. I had severe Fibromyalgia for 3 ½ years. I was not able to use my right arm because of pain. I was unable to work or be active in any way. With the help of HSM90/Immunocal I am now able to work & exercise without pain. My allergies have cleared up and I sleep better. I have been taking only one package a day for 6 weeks and am really excited about what it is doing for me. I am now pain-free. Sincerely yours, Chris Rice

Fibromyalsia Testimonial 36: From Randy Green’s group, Linda Hanson shared: Linda if you remember, had post polio syndrome, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia before she started Immunocal. She left those symptoms behind and never turned back! She has only been in Immunotec for several months but has made an impact on so many people’s lives. She has also won the president’s award

Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 37: Got a lady on 2 packs a day that had heard what it did for me and she was crying and was very depressed, as she had been suffering from chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia also. I told her to get on 2 packs a day, that there was hope. About three weeks later there was a message on my answering machine from her saying "Linda, you’re right, I feel soo good. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I can't believe I feel so good.”

Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 38: Eva Beames from Canada shared this: In 1993 I was diagnosed with having Fibromyalgia. My whole life had become a nightmare of pain, doctors, prescriptions, numerous painful tests, alternative treatment, prayer and despair. I tried every possible known pain killer, medical prescriptions, herbal remedies including evening primrose oil, gelatinin, melatonin, vitamins of every kind, Devil’s Claw, Ginseng, Glucosamine with Chondroitin, even some bizarre things such as soaking flannel in hot castor oil (as described in Cayoe’s “The Sleeping Prophet” in my sheer desperation for relief of pain), physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage, heat, cold, splints. I tried and bought numerous pillows, splints, special heating pads. I spent a fortune with minimal relief or temporary relief of an hour or two. I attended numerous specialists; (i.e. Rheumatologists, pain relief) seminars, group therapy sessions, chiropractors, naturopaths, iridologists, reflexology, reiki, meditation, tai chi, therapeutic swimming and still the pain persisted. I changed my diet substantially, i.e. no red meat, no sugars, no salt, limited wheat products, avoided anything that might contain caffeine. I avoided cooking as vegetables aggravated my hands. I changed my style of dress, i.e. sweat shirts (no buttons), pull on slacks (no zippers). Appearance became unimportant. I am normally a happy extrovert, having been a professional concert singer and then a legal secretary. I had a busy fulfilling life with a full-time job, a hobby of singing/performing and teaching voice. When this happened my life disintegrated. Chronic fatigue and pain I found difficult to describe like the muscles were being twisted and burned at the same time. Simple, taken-for-granted activities become a nightmare. Heavy doors were a battle. My son-in-law bought me a shiatsu massager for Christmas, which I couldn’t use because I couldn’t lift it to my shoulders. In his compassion he persisted in getting me to try other products. I must admit I was cynical and ignored his first suggestions to try HMS90 (Immunocal in the U.S.) However I finally did get my first shipment on August 18th 1997. Within four days I noticed a change in energy level and began to work in my garden. It was about ten days when I noticed I had no pain in my back, the back of my legs and ankles. I was able to walk up and down the stairs in my home with flexibility and ease. On August 31st I noticed that I was sitting in the lotus position watching TV. I was so happy I was running up and down the stairs in my home. As each day progressed, I noticed improvements. My immune system was so depleted two years ago I came down horribly sick, with shingles, which left me with permanent nerve damage, which disappeared in this two-week time frame. Then I noticed the most dramatic change. My right shoulder had been frozen since January 1994, and became extremely painful and I thought perhaps I was losing ground somehow but a pattern emerged. The areas where I had the most intense pain, my shoulders the back of my head and arms became intensely painful, climaxed and then the healing process began. My right shoulder is unfrozen and 95% pain free. My left shoulder is in the process and is in the healing phase. I continue to notice improvements each day. My digestive system ruined with over-medication (sometimes 20 Tylenol a day) was definitely improving. I had been on Naprosyn, Voltaren, Novasen, Amytriptillin, Norgesic and when the shingles hit me I was on Oxycet, a derivative of Perodan. Now I take my high blood pressure pills (I don’t think I need them but continue just to be sure), my multivitamins and Calcium A, D and C. I only occasionally take Tylenol for the occasional headache. The overwhelming pain seems to be under control, mostly gone and hopefully will all be gone soon. My life is mine to enjoy once again thanks to HMS90/Immunocal and I thank God for Dr. Bounous and his research team. Sincerely, Eva Beames, Toronto, Ont

Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 39: Gordon and Jean, Received this e-mail from Hal Gowing who is a retired Portland Detective and who was present at the “Over the Hill Gang” meeting two months ago. Hal started taking Immunocal and then checked with a Dr. that he knows… about the product and what it would do for him. Hal just received this attached e-mail from the Dr. Thought you would be interested. PS: This Dr. is located in Gresham, Oregon, I believe. Dear Hal...As you read this, pay diligent attention to the facts, because I am about to reference a material which will improve health, increase resistance to disease and slow the aging process. There is documented experimental evidence in the medical literature to show this. I have spent much time in recent days going through literature in the National Library of Medicine (part of the National Institutes of Health), with much amazement. Most doctors seem to be ignorant of the information provided, as I comprehend from patients I talk too. My interest in the substance is intensified by the fact that I have undergraduate and graduate degrees in nutrition, which I received from MIT prior to attending medical school. I just recently have become aware of these benefits because of being introduced to a product which increases levels of this naturally-occurring material in the body. The importance of antioxidants is becoming known to more of the lay population in recent times. Many people now are aware of vitamins E, C and A, in addition to selenium, all of which fit into this category (selenium, in fact, is a structural component of, and co-factor in, the normal metabolic cycles of the vital compound I will discuss). However, the MASTER antioxidant, present in every cell of your body, is GLUTATHIONE. It is made up of three amino acids, the units from which protein is made. Antioxidants are vital in the neutralization of so-called "free radicals" formed in the body during varying degrees of both normal and diseased metabolism. These free radicals, dangerous agents that suppress the immune (disease-fighting) system, promote deposition of lipids in arteries, result in formation of carcinogens and result in premature cell death. Glutathione is essential to the optimum health of white blood cells, which are the prime agents in the fight against infection and disease, in addition to subduing premature aging of ALL cells. In other words, we therefore have an increase in auto-immunity and resistance to degenerative diseases. Glutathione also controls the available activity of major antioxidant vitamins E and C in body function. A deficiency of glutathione can cause destruction of red blood cells, leading to anemia. It also is the most powerful detoxifying agent in the body, to deal with foreign unwanted substances. It is important to know that the concentration of glutathione in human cells decreases with age. It is recommended that individuals at ANY age take the supplement (this particular one is thought to be one of the best), which I just started taking as will my wife. I did not mention that it also increases your ENERGY level. The most amazing testimonial I received in the past few days was from a lady in Arkansas who had Fibromyalgia diagnosed in the early '90's, and who was suffering chronic pain. She would wake up two to three times each night with pain. Many therapies had been tried, some with a slight effect, numerous with no effect. After only three days of taking the product, she was able to sleep through the night without pain, and after ten days, she was able to get off ALL pain medication! As she said, "it has changed my life completely". Another gentleman has had no more headaches after ten years of having them DAILY (never diagnosed after numerous tests). This is completely awesome. So how does the supplement work? Two of the components of glutathione are plentiful in the average North American diet, but the third (cysteine) is NOT. This latter is provided by the supplement, such that glutathione then is produced within the body. Glutathione itself is not absorbed in the intestine, so cannot be given orally in that form for any effect. In short, we have a substance which will prolong life AND combat or prevent many diseases, research showing that it is beneficial in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, allergies, cancer, muscular disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and many more. It is unfortunate that this information is not more widely known or circulated. I realize that this dialogue is rather lengthy, so you might want to print a copy and study it at your leisure. I cannot overly stress the benefits of this supplement in improving health and prolonging longevity. Please give me a call or leave a message. (By the way, this is NOT to make money for me---it is to help anyone improve their quality of life and prolong it---anyone who has the sincere desire to DO so!) Positively, Don Burress, MD

Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 40: April 2003 newsletter: Valarie Erekson from Atlanta, GA shared this: About six years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue by an M.D. who prided himself on being an alternative medicine doctor. Fortunately, we were introduced to Immunocal at about that same time and made it our business to learn as much about it as possible. When we mentioned Immunocal to my doctor, he had heard about it, but obviously did not fully understand what it could do nor was he interested. He gave me a prescription for Guaifinisen and sent me on my way to learn about my disease (that now had a name) and about this guaifinisen stuff that was going to help me get better. I didn’t like the idea of taking any kind of drug for the rest of my life, so on my own, I abandoned the “Guai” and just took Immunocal, then PNT 200 when it came along, and now the Xtra Sharp to manage my symptoms. Most people I know with my condition, who are not taking Immunotec’s products, take a wide assortment of medications to control their pain and other annoying symptoms. They are not happy campers. I am drug free and proud of it. As far as I can tell, all systems are functioning normally and for the most part, I feel pretty good. Actually, I thought I was doing really well until I started taking Xtra Sharp. WOW! I didn’t know how much better pretty good could get. Because of my age (late 50’s), weight, and sedentary lifestyle (due to my kind of work), I am not running marathons yet, but I do seem to be equal to any task I decide to take on including a recent major yard cleanup and deep house cleaning & de-junking. I tripped over my own big feet a few days ago and took what could have been a very nasty fall down some stairs and bumped my head hard enough to put a dent in the wall. I can’t explain it, but I do not have the first bruise, bump, or sore spot anywhere from that fall. Either an angel cushioned my fall or these Immunotec products are much more than we realize. To give an idea of my typical day: When I get up, I usually hit the floor running. I work out of my home and between my businesses and all the domestic stuff; I easily put in 12 to 14 hours. I take one tablespoon of Xtra Sharp mid-morning and I’m good to go for the rest of the day. I find the Xtra Sharp not only jump-starts my day, but it also keeps me focused on my work. (No more brain fog.) If I do decide to take a breather, I have no problem catching 40 winks before pushing on. As for the other products: I take three packets of Immunocal every morning along with two PNT 200 capsules, 4 Pure Milk Calcium tablets, and one Co-Factor Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement. At night just before going to bed, I take two more PNTs. If there is an evening social event planned, I take just a little more Xtra Sharp in the afternoon. I also use the skin perfecting cream and the toothpaste. You might say I am a true believer in these products. Just as Dr. Iwama suggests, I eat a healthy diet of fresh fruits, vegetables & whole grains, drink plenty of purified water, stay away from addictive substances, refined sugars & grains, soda pops and processed foods, and I get a good night’s sleep. As I mentioned before, I don’t get the exercise I should, but I’m working on that. For some reason, when taking Xtra Sharp, I find I have no problem talking with people, listening, making new friends and learning how I can help them. Before Xtra Sharp, I’d mostly stay to myself and not reach out to strangers. Now I find it easy to follow Jim Britt’s councel. I have been hearing a lot lately about women being kidnapped in mall parking lots, etc. Women just can’t take the risk of going around in a fog looking like victims these days. I find Xtra Sharp makes me more aware of my surroundings and helps me walk and act like I am alert and in control. For security purposes, I recommend we women take Xtra Sharp to give us the edge we need for our protection when out in public. My husband, Paul, and I feel blessed to be associated with Immunotec Research. Immunotec products continually amaze us by what they do for us personally, and what they do for the health and wealth of others as well. All the products are great, but Xtra Sharp is my favorite despite the taste

Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 41: Hi my name is Kim Watros. I recently signed up as an independent rep. under David Standeford. I started taking Immunocal, 3 packs daily, as of February 22, 2003. I was diagnosed 3 years ago with Fibromyalgia, and within those 3 years have tried everything known to help the pain, with no success. I started on Immunocal, and within 2-3 days began to see results. I went to see my physician on March 7th. I had not taken my muscle relaxants for almost 2 days. I got the most wonderful news while there. My blood pressure went from 128/78 to 100/70, and I lost 5 lbs. When doctor saw that I was doing well, he asked what I was doing different. I informed him that I was on Immunocal. He instructed me to start weaning myself off of Neurontin, Skelaxin, Oxycontin, Celebrex, and sleep medications. He noticed that in the past 3 years I had tried many therapies: water aerobics, chiropractic, stimulation, whirlpool and massage, with no relief. This was the first time in years that I had not spent at least 4 days in bed, and he knew I had not been able to walk without a cane because of the pain. But when I saw him I was cane-free! I know within the next few months my condition will continue to improve, along with my life. Also, my doctor is reading about Immunocal on my personal website. I just want to thank my new love, David, for introducing me to Immunocal, because it has made such a change in my life. Sincerely, Kimberly A. Watros

Fibromyalsia Testimonial: # 42 Hi Karen! To answer your question, my mother has Fibromyalgia...she's had it for 8 years and literally gave up until she met Lee Lewis in a medical forum online. She used to sleep 17 hours or more a day, wake up to take 2 Percocets and go back to sleep. She had given up on life. After just 3 days on Immunocal she was given her life back. It is truly amazing! She has been on only one packet a day since November of '03, and I'll be introducing her to the other products slowly since she has such a sensitive system. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (it will be 2 years in June). I have the speech slurring and the fatigue. Also, since a tumor is located behind the optic nerve in my left eye, I suffer from Migraines and eye pulsations. My left eye will close at times, like blinking, yet my right eye blinks normally. I am clinically blind in my left eye. I have to tell you I was in total denial of my disease. I have 2 wonderful children and I would have rather died than have them suffer with a mother in a wheelchair. (I had 5 car accidents also, and was put on high risk....that was a very hard thing to handle since I thought I was in total control of my car and in reality I should never have been driving...2 of those times I was hospitalized, and once I totaled my Jeep Liberty.) My success on Immunocal was not as fast as my mother's, however my family and friends noticed the difference in me first. Now I can see a more than just shadows and I don't have the double vision. I began taking just 1 packet a day in mid-December. Now I'm on 2 packets a day, and I feel GREAT!!!!!!!!!! I am totally convinced about this product, which is why I decided to become a Distributor. My friends want to know just why I lack fatigue now and why am I so bubbly again? When I tell them that Immunocal is an all natural substance and about all the ailments it has been shown to help, they are amazed. My doctor even supports this treatment, and I am not taking the MS shots....he's allowing me use Immunocal as a treatment for now with the stipulation that if I go back to having symptoms, I will be back on the medication shots. I told him "I'm definitely NOT going back to a life with no future....I have to much to live for now!" My mother and dad have been away on a trip for the last 2 weeks, which is something she wasn't able to do before Immunocal. My father said to her one day, "Do you need to rest or lie down a bit?" Her classic response was, "No, do you?????" Gone are the days of sleeping for 17 hours! I truly believe the most positive point about this company is that there is such a great support system. And my sponsor Lee always has time to answer my questions. He is such an asset to the company. I am so grateful for regaining a life I thought I had lost! (Smiling) Take care Karen, Mickee Breslin

Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 43 I have felt so much better on Immunocal. My friend gave me some. I have severe fibromyalgia I mean severe. I hurt all over and vomit in my sleep and have bad indigestion. My hands go numb and then they burn. I have all the trigger points of fibro. I hurt so bad it is sometimes hard to walk. Now with Immunocal I have decorated my house for Christmas. I even went grocery shopping, and bagged the grocery shopping which would be unheard of before. Before, I could barely shop for 10 items. I could not clean my house. I could not fix dinner. Immunocal has given back my life. Unfortunately, I cant afford to buy it. My best friend and other friend who gave it to me are buying me each a case for Christmas, but after that it will be back to severe ! pain when that runs out. I have told 10 of my fibro friends about your amazing product. What is the smallest quantity I can purchase? I will be a guinea pig also for testing so I could get some. I could be one of your case studies. Well, let me know. Thanks so much, Sincerely, Pam Grissom Wed, 6 Dec 2000

Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 44: July 4, 2003 Independence Day, This is also descriptive of that day in May, 2003 when I received my first shipment of Immunocal! Don't tell me miracles don't happen. One occurred right here in my home on that day! I have suffered greatly from the debilitating pain caused by Fibromyalgia for many years. I am being seen by a specialist in the field of treatment for patients with Fibromyalgia. I was being treated with high doses of narcotics and muscle relaxers to treat the pain. At the end of my rope, I decided, just once, to give good ol' "snake oil" a try. That was when the miracle happened. I heard of Immunocal from a friend, and after praying about whether or not to try it, I felt a very strong impression to do so. When the product arrived in my home, my husband and I once again prayed that this would be the thing that would give me relief from my pain. I used three envelopes of the product a day, mixed in Cranberry Juice and in two days-----count them-2 days!- my body was free from pain. All those years of searching and in two days a miracle occurred, right here in my own home! I took a dosage amount of three envelopes of the product a day for a total of 2 months. I have been able to drop down to a maintenance dosage of two envelopes per day. I still take some medication for pain, but am slowly getting away from it. I have had one slight flair, just in the past week.....something about painting the exterior of my house with my husband, and getting less than my needed rest. So, I just increased my amount of Immunocal to 3 a day again and am already feeling well enough to again drop back down to 2 envelopes a day. I am forever thankful for those people who led me to the Immunocal and for the answer to my many, many prayers. God has been very good to me. A Miracle happened! Karen Metzger

Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 45: Phyllis Story: I just wanted to write a note to thank all my friends and family for all their prayers and support during the last ten years of my declining health. As you know, because of Fibromyalgia I became disabled and was unable to work, qualify for health insurance, or do anything around the house. I rarely went to church or did anything with my friends or family. I slept most of the time and it was often difficult to even read or watch TV. In February a friend of ours dropped by with some literature and samples of a product called Immunocal that was supposed to provide the building blocks so my immune system could rebuild and strengthen itself. I was very very skeptical. Besides doing a lot of internet research myself and not finding much, I had heard from countless people who had "heard" of a "cure" which was 99% bizarre! Since He was our friend I promised to read the literature to see of it made sense to me. I assumed that it was another far out thing but I was wrong. I was impressed with all the case studies and doctor's support plus there is no side effects. I have been taking Immunocal for almost three months and can hardly believe the improvement in my health! My pain and fatigue are gone and my mind can focus again! I'm not saying I'm cured but I haven't felt this good in ten years. I'm doing things I never thought I would ever be able to do again! I was even able to discontinue all of my prescriptions. So thank you again from the bottom of my heart!! Your prayers were indeed answered:) Phyllis Hooper Friday, June 13, 2003 3:12 PM

Fibromyalsia Testimonial #46 "Hello my name is Margo Evans and I would like to share with you my experience with Immunocal. Initially my search began on-line..for anything that might relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia for a family member. She has experienced pain for over 12 years. After several weeks of research, I kept coming across Immunocal. With the research and patents, I felt she had to try it. Within about 3 weeks of starting to take Immunocal she saw results...she started with 1 pouch a day and quickly went to 3 per day ..everyday. She experiences less pain overall, less fatigue in general...and sleeps much better than she has in years! This was really exciting ..and such a huge relief Now, I have my 3 year old son on the HMS90(Immunocal) powder also, to help with infection (he was getting ear infections regularly-causing the need for antibiotics - (which started a series of yeast infections!) Although he has had the odd cough this winter..he is very healthy!! He did not need antibiotics once this winter-no ear infections, not one!! Another family member uses inhalers for his asthma, he has cut back to about 1 puffer every 3 months, rather than 1 a month. Several other family members believe in the product also..and take it daily, including myself. As a preventative! Sincerely, Margo Evans 06/03/2001

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Testimonial # 47: "I just wanted to let everyone know the results that myself and my husband have experienced since using the Immunotech products. I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for a number of years now and since using HMS90 (Immunocal) have experienced much more energy and clarity of thought. It seems now I can follow through on things and get them completed. The PNT200 is great for me as it doesn't take much for me to get overwhelmed. When that happens I just take one or two and in about 15 minutes I am calm and carry on. But the best thing is my husband's results. For 4 or 5 years now my husband (a diabetic) has developed a deep purple black coloring on the lower part of his legs. He asked the doctor and the doctor said there was nothing that could be done. We knew if something didn't change eventually it would probably turn gangrenous and he could not only lose the use of his legs but possibly the legs as well. He started taking HMS90 in July and generally felt better for taking it so continued and to our amazement his legs have lost that purple black tone and are basically just a tan color and improving every day." Thanks again, Lynn Riley December 20, 2001

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Testimonial # 48: Sheryl was a 32-year-old mother of four children who had fallen ill following the caesarian delivery of her last child two years earlier - the surgical incision was taking far too long to heal. Her gynecologist was puzzled and noted some muscular atrophy. She experienced periods of such profound weakness that she was bedridden for days. Over the next 18 months this weakness recurred and she was eventually admitted to hospital. Various diagnoses were considered, including multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome, but supportive treatments for these conditions did not help. Then her dentist suggested that mercury toxicity might be a contributing factor so she had her mercury amalgams removed. Herbal supplementation was attempted to rid her of residual mercury. Her symptoms improved modestly. Some internet research led the dentist to Immunocal, which he suggested to Sheryl. Within five days she experienced a marked increase in strength. After ten days she was walking without pain. Two weeks later she rode her bike for the first time in two and a half years. Three weeks later, she felt "almost back to normal." She still feels well and continues to raise an active family

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Testimonial # 49 William, a lawyer from Alabama, noticed a change in his health at age 39. His initial visits to number of physicians were neither conclusive nor accurate in their diagnoses, nor were any treatment options helpful. He was unable to carry on his usual demanding workload and was forced to end his law practice in 1994. His own research led him to a local CFS support group. They suggested that he consult a prestigious south-eastern clinic specializing in chronic fatigue. Initial treatment with vitamins, nutrients and dietary changes proved minimally successful. The head of this clinic was investigating the use of Immunocal and after William was on the product 12 weeks, improvement were noticeable. Three months later, he woke up one morning and "felt well again". That day he picked up his golf clubs for the first time in five years. Today he is shooting in the low 90's and will be restarting his law practice in the fall.

L. Christine Soldwisch Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Testimonial # 50 Found on page 22 Fibromyalsia Testimonial # 32

Improve Athletic Performance Testimonial & Medical Information Glutathione gives athletes an edge! Studies show that increased GSH levels improve athletic performance Exercise physiology research has proven that raised glutathione (GSH) levels increase immune function, help resist infection, decrease muscle damage, reduce recovery time, increase strength and endurance and shift metabolism from fat production to muscular development. Whatever the desired result, many athletes seek to raise their GSH levels to gain an “edge” over their competitors. As Dr. Jimmy Gutman, MD FACEP describes it, “Glutathione is a peptide (very small protein) that occurs naturally within the body where it is assembled by individual cells from its three components-the amino-acids glycine, glutamate (glutamic acid) and the all important cysteine. Because it contains three amino acids it is referred to as a tripeptide.” Glutathione has three main functions which can be summarized as; antioxidant, detoxifier and immune system enhancer. (SEE NEXT PAGE FOR DETAILS ON GSH FUNCTIONS)

Muscle Performance ‘double blind’ Study: “THE EFFECT OF SUPPLEMENTATION WITH A CYSTEINE DONOR ON MUSCULAR PERFORMANCE” Published in the Journal of Applied Physiology 87: 1381-1385, 1999 By LC Lands, MD PhD, VL Grey, PhD, AA Smountas, BSc. Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Department of Biochemistry, McGill University Health CentreMontreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada This study was conducted in healthy adults for 1 month using the highest standard of scientific design (peer-reviewed, doubleblind, randomized, prospective and placebo-controlled study) to ensure validity of the results. Statistical calculations were performed to analyze the results. NOTE: The Journal of Applied Physiology in the United States, is used by most doctors of Respiratory Medicine. (doctors who monitor lung issues in health) It is a highly regarded medical journal. Muscle Performance study for Immunocal/HMS-90 cont’d Why is this important to athletes? Exercise increases production of free radicals and oxidative stress which in turn, contributes to muscular fatigue. To combat muscle fatigue, athletes need to raise their glutathione levels whose biosynthesis is dependant on cysteine availability. Immunocal/HMS-90 is rich in “cysteine” making this protein highly bioactive! A Canadian study, performed by Dr. Larry Lands from the Montreal General Hospital, shows that supplementation with a bonded cysteine product can increase muscular performance, improve body composition and antioxidant status. Dr. Lands’ double-blind study hypothesized that supplementation with a bonded cysteine donor (Immunocal/HMS 90) designed to augment intracellular GSH would enhance performance. Twenty healthy young adults (ten men and ten women) were studied before supplementation and three months after supplementation with either Immunocal/HMS 90 or a casein placebo. Muscular performance was assessed by whole leg isokinetic cycle testing, measuring peak power and thirty-second work capacity. Lymphocyte GSH was used as a marker of tissue GSH. Follow-up data showed that supplementation with Immunocal/HMS 90 increased the subjects’ peak power, thirty-second work capacity and lymphocyte GSH. Subjects in the placebo group (the other protein, Casein) saw no change. In addition, the subjects supplemented with Immunocal/HMS 90 had a decrease in their percentage of body fat while maintaining their weight (muscle mass). Muscle performance was increased by 13% in leg muscle, while GSH levels were increased by 35.5 %. One would assume that young healthy athletes would have high levels of GSH or glutathione in their blood……but they did not.

GSH helps our body stay healthy this way: A: GSH is the body’s own naturally occurring antioxidant and a free radical scavenger. GSH acts as an extremely powerful antioxidant, protecting each cell from being damaged by neutralizing unstable forms of oxygen. ( dangerous free radicals). GSH acts as a regulator of other antioxidant such as vitamin C & E. I: “Glutathione” promotes increases in the levels of T & B cells! These cells are our front line producers of antibodies which help fight attacking diseases, bacteria and viruses! (increased immune response) D: GSH acts as a detoxifying agent in the liver. GSH is an essential player in helping the body detoxify drugs, foreign chemicals, pollutants and carcinogens. 60% of pesticides are removed from the human body by “Glutathione!” (GSH) Immunocal/HMS-90 is a safe and effective way of elevating GSH in every cell of your body. The athlete gets more muscle performance, reduces delayed onset muscle soreness and can help him/her avoid illnesses like the flu, common cold and even more serious diseases! Immunocal/HMS-90 is rich in BCAA’s better known as Branch Chain Amino Acids as well.

Improve Athletic Performance Testimonial & Medical Information # 51: Work Outs (for fast recovery) Dear Dr. Petrosino: I have been regularly using HMS 90 Immunocal after all my workouts (for fast recovery).....which is truly amazing! I currently am an elite triathlete who will be competiting in a variety of triathlons for the 2003 season.......leading up to the famous Ironman Penticton and Escape from Alcatraz. Since I started using HMS-90 mixed with my favorite grape juice after a workout, I have noticed my recovery time has improved and my energy levels are amazing! I used to take a whey protein I bought from a local vitamin store; however, I never noticed the difference....whether I was taking it or not. When a co-worker (Patty Wickson) introduced me to HMS-90: I was very impressed! I religiously use HMS after all workouts and races! I basically workout 1 to 2 times a day; however, I only use HMS-90 after more intense or longer/endurance workouts: 7 packets/week. I have a race resume that I would love to send you, if you would be interested. Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Yvonne Timewell Thursday, October 31, 2002

Powerlifting Powerlifting Twin City Powerlifting HOPATCONG, NJ. - The Twin City Powerlifting Team began the 2001 season in great style by winning the team title at the ADAU East Coast Regional Powerlifting Championships held on Saturday February10th at Hopatcong High School. Mike Kuhns, 15, of Whitehall, PA, set the pace by winning the 148-pound title in the 14 -15 year old age group with lifts of 370 squat, 230 bench press and 265 deadlift for a total of 865. The squat is an American record for his age group. Coach Nick Theodorou, 50, of Easton, PA, was named one of the meet’s Best Lifters in winning the Open and Master’s 165-pound class with lifts of 415, 220 and 530 for a total of 1165. The squat, deadlift and total are American records for the 50 - 54 age group. Anthony Romano, 16, of Pen Argyl, PA, won the 181-pound class, 16 - 17 age group, with all new personal bests of 365, 220 and 415 for a total of 1000. Romano then set an American Record for his age group with a fourth attempt 430 pounds that also gave him a first place in the deadlift contest. Dan Thierry, of Nazareth, PA, set an Open American Record in the deadlift with 630 pounds to go along with a 525 squat and a 420 bench for an excellent 1575 total to win the 198-pound weight class. Thierry was named one of the meet’s Best Lifters. Rob Eckhart of Lehighton, PA, took fourth in the 220-pound class with lifts of 350, 340 and 500 for a total of 1190. Brant Givler of Leola, PA, took first place in the Open and 35 - 39 age group, 242-pound class with lifts of 500, 390 and 550 for a total of 1440. Georgia Litteck, 44, of Leola, PA, took first place in the 123 pound class Open and age group in her first contest and also one of the Best Lifter awards with lifts of 120 squat, 90 bench and 200 deadlift for a 410 total. 5 of the 7 lifters including Nick Theodorou, Dan Thierry, Rob Eckhart, Brant Gilver, and Georgia Litteck all using the new product “IMMUNOCAL”. Nick Theodorou states that all lifters have noticed numerous changes in strength, overall feeling of increased energy and have been very healthy running up to their meet (no colds or serious flu bugs). When a cold or flu does get a hold on an athlete, Nick indicates the duration seems to be much less than normal with the athlete recovering much quicker. Drug testing was conducted in accordance with the bylaws of the sanctioning organization, the ADAU (Anti-Drug Athletes United

Soft Tissue

Soft Tissue Damage Testimonial # 52 : Hello Dean, I am glad to give you a report on my experiences with HMS90. I suffered lower back pain for 7 years after a car accident. Another vehicle hit me from behind at a red light wtih such force that it totally demolished both our cars. The doctors called it soft tissue damage aggravated by stress. I did therapy, 6 months of acupuncture and massage to no avail. If I dropped something on the floor I could not bend over to pick it up. And none of the therapy the doctor prescribed changed this. The very first week I starting taking HMS90, my backache went away! And I could now bend over to pick up items I had dropped on the floor. I was thrilled. After 11/2 years on HMS90 my eye doctor said my eyesight was improving and changed my eyeglass prescription. Each time I have my eye exam, he has said my eyesight has improved even further. I take one packet once a day, faithfully. It has given me a much better quality of life, pain free. I am 60 years old and feel 45. Sincerely, Karen Sharp Charly's Hair Design Ottawa, Ontario

Nervous system

Nervous system (Neurodegenerative Diseases) Definition: the brain, spinal cord, and network of nerves that receive messages from inside and outside the body and transmits instructions about how to respond. ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Epilepsy MS-Multiple sclerosis Parkinson’s Stroke Lupus Mental health Autism Depression Alzheimer's

Pages 34 – 34 Pages 35 - 37 Pages 38 – 42 Pages 43 - 43 Pages 44 - 44 Pages 45 – 45 Pages 46- 46 Pages 46 – 46 Pages 47 – 48


Epilepsy Testimonial (In search of)

Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Information Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial testimonial

(In search of) 53 - 59 60 - 63 64 65 - 67 68 - (on pg 132,#174 69 70 - (on pg 132,#174 71 - 72

MS-Multiple sclerosis MS-Multiple sclerosis Testimonial # 53: I have a good friend who has been on Immunocal next spring three years. She also will have been diagnosed with MS three years ago at the same time. She has been in remission ever since. In the winter actually uses their hot tub. And the summer before she took bike lessons and learned how to ride the Harley her and her husband bought. She works full time for the government and I know other then in the beginning she hasn't been forced to lose any time at work because of it. She went through probably the most stressful time in her personal life as well as at work, and she came through with just a little numbness in her leg. Everyone with MS should be on Immunocal, for that matter everyone should be on it. Debbie H. / Alberta, Canada

MS-Multiple sclerosis Testimonial # 54 My name is Karen. One morning in 1995, I woke up in the morning and fell to the floor --I had partial paralysis along my left side. At first, the doctors thought I had a stroke, but upon further investigation the final diagnosis was probable Multiple Sclerosis. I was given intravenous steroids to reduce the swelling in my brain to give me back my mobility. But that was just the beginning. I was given Amitriptyline and Carbamazepine for reducing the pain and Dilantin to control seizures. My blood pressure went sky high (200/165) and I was given Atenol (and of course waterpills to counteract the side effects of the Atenol). I was taking so many different drugs, I felt like a regular pharmacy. In 1996, I had another attack where I partially lost my sight. Everything was fuzzy like real bad reception on your T.V. This meant more drugs and two weeks in the hospital. After two years of all the pills and the various attacks, I was really worn out. I was suffering from total fatigue and couldn't stay awake past 8 pm. Then in November 1997, I was introduced to Immunocal/HMS 90. After only two weeks, I started to feel the difference. The pain was diminishing and before long I wasn't taking any more pain killers. I also said goodbye to the blood pressure pills. BUT most of all, I have energy again and LOTS of it! I am able to do all the things I used to do before the MS. I got my life back--- Thank You Immunotec! Karen lives in Toronto, Canada. She is available to speak with MS patients

MS-Multiple sclerosis Testimonial #55 March 11, 2001 Hi my name is Beth Moscrop. I am from Peterborough, Ontario and I have Multiple Sclerosis (MS) I am very happy to say that I am doing quite well with the help of HMS90 (Immunocal) I am not on any medication. I am getting real good strength in my legs back so I don’t need to take as many rest breaks. I feel that overall I am feeling a lot better and can deal with stressful situations a lot better. I admit I still have to pace myself. I can not clean the whole house in one afternoon but I can do room by room and that is more than I was doing 1 ½ years ago. My daughter who is five years old makes sure that I remember to take my two packs a day because she knows that it is helping her mommy. I am so happy to be able to do things on my own again and still ask for help the odd time. It is great to be able to drive again and have my vision clear. I can stand and not feel as dizzy (still a bit but not as much). I can walk through a crowd without feeling too dizzy. Last year at this time I was using a walker and I was not too strong at all. I do not ever want to be confined like that again and I thank God and HMS 90 for helping me. Those of you who have MS please feel free to contact me if you would like to talk and those of you who don’t have MS just pray to God and thank him for keeping you from this disease. Thanks Immunotec for your help Beth Moscrop

MS-Multiple sclerosis Testimonial # 56: Dear Dr. Bounous, I don’t know how to start a letter of such importance other than to just get started trying to tell you how much you have changed not only my life but that of my whole family. I had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis over 20 years ago. I have relapsing remitting form of MS. I have gone the full gambit of symptoms over the years. Everything from numbness to paralysis, blurred vision to blindness and pain. I’m sure you can imagine how many drugs and therapies. I have never experienced a Christmas season without my yearly stay in hospital undergoing some form of IV therapy. This is my first year without visiting my local hospital. Approximately nine months ago after a month and a half in hospital I was introduced to HMS90 (Immunocal) by a good friend Sandra McCrindle. She sat in my kitchen with another Immunotec distributor spouting all the praises of HMS90 to my husband. I wouldn’t come out to listen. I had heard it all before. All I wanted to know is when I could take my next Morphine pill. The two dear friends persisted and my husband bought our first box of HMS90. After much persuasion from my husband I drank the drink he had mixed for me not expecting anything from it. After two months on the product I had to admit that I was feeling better. Only after our daughter came home from Ottawa and was amazed in the difference she saw since she had last seen me in hospital did I really start to believe it. I was so stubborn even when I was up walking in my walker. I am now after ten months on the product not taking anything for pain or any other MS medication. I don’t use anything for walking in the house; and only use a cane outside for uneven ground. My mother also has had MS for over 30 years. She is also having phenomenal results on HMS90. She has been on the product for over three months now and our family could not believe the change in either of us at Christmas. Her speech, and over all strength have dramatically improved. She is also free from bladder infections since on HMS90. Although she is full time in a wheelchair her overall quality of life has improved. Her transfers are stronger; and she even stood up for the family at Christmas with little assistance. My husband after watching me improve so dramatically wanted to try the product also. He has Wegner granulomatosis and was going through a difficult time with side effects to chemo drugs like cyclophosphamide and other drugs. The HMS90 has improved his strength and he no longer has the nausea from side effects of the drugs he must continue to take. Our family is now a four box a month user. Even our dog Burt couldn’t be left out; so he is on Xtralife. My children and husband have their wife and mother back because of your research and talent in bringing this wonderful product to everyone. Thank you, Thank-you, Thank you. Our whole family is on HMS90 and feeling the benefits. Sincerely, Kathy Charlwood

MS-Multiple sclerosis Testimonial #57 "I started on Immunocal in November 2000. I met someone on the internet, when we were talking once I mentioned that I have MS, her reply was "Me too, I have this nutritional product that you have to try". She was kind enough to send me a months supply. I tried it and 6 days later I noticed a dramatic eradication of one of the MS symptom. For months before I had developed an extremely weak bladder causing me to be incontinent (wetting accidents) so often that I needed to wear bladder protection. This was a very disruptive symptom that had developed because of MS. Only 6 days after starting Immunocal I did not have that problem any longer. I still wore the bladder protection for about 2 weeks or so due to fear that it would return but every time I was forced to have to "hold it" I had not one drop of an accident. I no longer need to wear that protection. 6 months later I steadily have more improvements. The exhaustion I was experiencing has diminished to not noticeable. My vision and stability has also dramatically improved. I thank God for my friend for telling me of this incredible product and mostly I thank Immunotec research for developing Immunocal. " Sincerely, Dawn Turck 05/23/2001

Richard Jackan (Right) with radio commentator Michael Reagan MS-Multiple sclerosis Testimonial # 58: My name is Richard Jackan I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997 at that time I was the chief engineer of an electrical connector company in Santa Ana California. After several months the company decided I should retire so they gave me one year salary and a nice goodbye. I went from a very good salary to Social Security. Well that was the beginning of my quest to find some way to find relief from multiple sclerosis. Since that time I have looked into multiple forms of relief, I started out by going to anyone that seemed to have something they said would help, I went two chiropractors and herbalists, I even tried Hyperbaric Medicine, which is going into a chamber which simulates you going underwater to 37 ft. and breathing pure oxygen while in the chamber, while I was doing the Hyperbaric Medicine, I found out about glutathione, which is an essential health aid, from a clinical nurse specialist who informed me that glutathione is only administered intravenously so I had him order a supply so he could administer it. So I started injecting glutathione and it really seemed to work on the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, I continued use it until I discontinued the Hyperbaric Medicine, which was too costly to maintain. I started looking for a new source of glutathione I looked throughout the Internet trying to find a new source for glutathione, I found many references to glutathione but the sources for glutathione were in pill form, and from my research I knew that glutathione does not work when taken orally. So I continued my search and bumped into a product that claimed it produced glutathione internally that product is Immunocal. I went into the Internet to locate sources for Immunocal and I got in contact with the Immunocal Company Representative and ordered my first boxes of Immunocal. And now my story really begins. I started taking Immunocal on September 8, 2003 since that time I have started noticing a slow recuperation first after a couple of weeks the bottoms of my feet, which had very little feeling and my toes were not spreading when I wanted them to, both the feeling of the bottom of my feet has come back and I can spread my toes at will, which might not seem to impressive but when the feeling comes back and you can move your toes at will, that's not bad. Another encouraging thing that has happened is after I came down with this little case of MS (Joke)... I was no longer able to snap the fingers of my left hand, interesting enough, after a few weeks of using Immunocal I was able, once again, to snap the fingers of my left hand and that's also not bad. Other interesting things have been happening, I seem to have better vision and other things seem to be functioning better." Richard Jackan

MS-Multiple sclerosis Testimonial # 59 Susan Doppler from North Dakota shared: Hi, my name is Tom Paul and I am 45 years young. This is my story about Immunocal and how it has assisted us in our fight with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In 1987 I began having various problems walking, standing, and with my vision. I went in to see my doctor and they indicated I had MS. I denied having the disease for about eight years, at which time it began to eliminate my ability to be independent in life i.e., could not walk without falling, very tired, vision problems. Ruby, my spouse and I determined it was time to begin to get serious about this MS. We adjusted my diet, and I began taking a multiple vitamin. This really did not seem to make much of a difference, and some friends suggested I talk with the Doppler’s regarding nutrition. Sue told me about Immunocal. I begin to use it and saw some benefits, but still was having complications due to the MS. Sue suggested that I raise my intake to two packets a day , I did and since then we’ve seen more improvement. We really believe that I am doing better because of our faith in God, a good attitude, diet, exercises, and Immunocal. I was in to see the doctor three weeks ago and they did a spinal tap and determined by the spinal fluid that the MS is in remission. This is the first time in three years there has been any improvement. We give the glory to God, the great supplements that the Doppler’s have introduced us to and a great attitude. Jesus is our life.........Tom and Ruby Paul


Parkinson’s Testimonial: # 60 Dear Dr. Petrosino: "March 1, 1996 a day I will never forget. It was the day I heard my neurologist say "Sorry doctor but you have Parkinson's." I was 59 years old with a fabulous dental practice. I had achieved a level of success and respect through out the dental community that most men only dreamt of achieving. I had planned another ten years of practice then to gradually retire. I was looking forward to traveling the world, winters in the south filled with golf and tennis, a special time of life to enjoy with my wife but with one word Parkinson's all had changed. My future was dark and frightening, and all future planning stopped. I was competitive and aggressive in sports, I enjoyed competition, but how do you fight a disease with no known cure? Self care had always been very important, as a family we eat according to the rules of proper nutrition. My dental office gave nutritional counseling to the patients. I exercised daily by playing squash and competing in the city squash league. I took vitamin supplements for over 30 years. How could I get Parkinson's? My attitude changed to "Why bother MY LIFE WAS OVER." You don't need to look after yourself if all you have to look forward to is sitting in a corner of a nursing home in a wheel chair shaking yourself to death. With movement disorder disease small simple procedures become major problems. Shoelaces, buttons, dressing, all become stumbling blocks. Walking, something that is so natural for everyone, now had become a major problem, getting worse with every passing day. My brain could not make my muscles work with the touch required for fine motor skills. This resulted in frustration that produced a deep and growing anger. I was handicapped and felt ashamed to be seen limping, I felt alone. But all that has changed, I do have a future and I will enjoy my old age. HMS 90 ( Immunocal) is giving me back my future. I have been on HMS 90 for one month and I know there are improvements, they are subtle but they are there. First thing in the morning and just before bedtime, when all the benefit of my Parkinson's drugs has passed, I find my walking has improved. I can tie my shoelaces and do up buttons faster and my fine motor skills have improved, but the biggest improvement is in my mental attitude, I have a positive sense of well being. I love life again. We do not know HMS 90's true potential. The body has the capability to repair tissue damage given the proper circumstances. There may be undifferentiated brain cells that can be adapted to produce dopamine or the brain may be capable of repairing cell damage if the immune system is restored to peak efficiency. By restoring the immune system the body will be able to repair itself. If one month has produced such a positive response just imagine the healing after one year of HMS 90, now think of the benefits possible after five years." Sincerely, Murray Chantler Guelph, Ontario September 20, 2002

Parkinson’s Testimonial: # 61 Dear Dr. Petrosino: "I have had excellent results within a few days after I started taking Immunocal. My energy level is 3 times what it was and the Parkinson's medication is lasting longer between doses. I have even cut back slightly on the meds. I was having a balance problem and now I am not. I still have the "internal jittery" feeling late afternoon into the evening. I am taking a packet of Immunocal first thing in the morning with about 6 ounces of juice. Do you think it would help (or harm) me if I took a 2nd packet of Immunocal in the afternoon?" Jim Reitano, Pawleys Island, South Carolina

Parkinson’s Testimonial # 62 Glutathione is part of the body's defense system and protects us against the onset of many disease processes. It can also help to reverse certain conditions or symptoms, either temporarily or permanently. The following story illustrates the apparent helpfulness of GSH supplementation in one particular case. Wally, a seventy-four year-old baseball fan, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in May 1997. His disease progressed quickly and his doctors placed him on Sinemet (carbidopa/levodopa). In November he began to experience severe headaches - presumably from the medication - and he discontinued it. Up to this point he had been a very active man, but now he deteriorated to the point where he could not get out of bed or even rise from a chair without help. He says movement felt like "walking in cement". He was constantly fatigued and soon needed a wheelchair to go outdoors. The doctors used other medications including Eldepryl (selegiline hydrochloride) and Requip (ropinirole hydrochloride). They helped slightly. In March 1998 he started taking Immunocal, a natural protein which raises GSH levels. After five days his headaches were gone. Within two weeks his fatigue has lessened. Two months later Wally was walking well again and was eventually able to visit the new Angels baseball stadium, Edison Field, and jog around the block. There was no other therapeutic intervention and seven months later his active lifestyles continued. Parkinson's disease: 62 year-old Carol maintained an active legal practice until 1990. After a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in 1986, she was able for a while to continue her career as a lawyer, but eventually had to quit. The stress was aggravating her symptoms and the symptoms were in turn increasing her stress levels. She was treated with a number of different medications but her health continued to deteriorate until she eventually needed help at home to carry out day-to-day tasks. She quit driving her car and stopped taking her daily walks, which she loved. Then, within days of starting to take a bioactive whey protein isolate she noticed her strength returning. Weeks afterwards she was once more exploring her neighborhood and nine months later she was driving again

Parkinson’s Testimonial # 63 Immunocal and my Parkinson’s Disease Diary ~ Dr. Lynn J. Tomjack (Denver, CO) Status Report: August 6, 2005 Immunocal Works !!! ... the first (90) days I first remember the onset of stiffness, the slowing of gait, and the gradual loss of physical mobility in early 1998. But a hectic business travel schedule and family illnesses, a personal divorce and hundreds of other priorities of life clouded and overshadowed the issues of Parkinson’s in my life. I was simply too busy to be “bothered” by health issues! By 2004 the disease was rampant in my body! By mid-2004, Parkinson’s was obvious to my close friends and business associates; everyone but me. I had stiffness in my right arm and leg … almost total loss of mobility and range of motion in my right extremities. My stiffness was so great that in September, 2004 I started writing all my business correspondence and even taking my business project notes in shorthand LEFT HANDED !!! With the exception of signing checks and legal documents, I had forced myself to become a totally LEFT HANDED person !!! Talk about the ultimate denial of an illness. Finally I looked in the mirror … Parkinson’s Symptoms were evident: I experienced uncontrolled drooling … uncontrollable urination frequency … urinary accidents … uncontrolled tremors and trembling motion in my right hand and leg … blurred vision … lost of strength in my right hand and fingers … “glassy” eyes … constant throbbing pain shooting from my right forearm up through the right shoulder … lethargy … depression … constipation … I had it all. In my early 30’s … (I am 56 years old now) … I took shorthand at 150 words per minute and was able to type at over 100 words per minute. Now, I took shorthand (left handed) and typed at a plodding 35 words per minute as my right arm laid virtually useless at my right side. I typed with only 3 fingers on my left hand. Whoever said Parkinson’s was not a horrible disease. December, 2004 … my Parkinson’s Diagnosis: Christmas Eve, 2004 … at the demonstrative urging of my daughter … visiting from CA … I made an urgent appointment with my personal physician in Denver … an Internal Medicine MD. Dr. Hussain IMMEDIATELY checked me into Porter Hospital in Denver … Dr. Hussain feared I either … had / was a candidate for … stroke or heart attack … because of my body stiffness and related symptoms. Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day, 2004 were spent in CAT scans, MRIs and a battery of heart and body tests. Literally $12,500 later … after the tests showed no stroke or heart complications … I was transferred to my current Doctor … Adam Wolff, MD … a brilliant Neurologist who confirmed my diagnosis as classic Parkinson’s. Below I have listed my medical treatment history with Dr. Wolff. I experienced some relief from the Parkinson’s symptoms with the medication regimen, but overall for the most part, the major disease symptoms remained. Current Rx History: Day 3: 1-09-05 Day 30: 2-05-05

Mirapex … (.125 mg) … 3X per day Mirapex … (.50 mg) … 3X per day

Day 62: 3-09-05 Day 64: 3-11-05

CARB / LEVO … generic for SINEMET (25-100 MG) … 3X per day Mirapex … (1.0 mg) … 3X per day

Day 83: 3-30-05

REQUIP (1.0 MG) … @ 3X per day … generic for Mirapex

Day 97: 4-13-05

CARB / LEVO … generic for SINEMET (25-100 MG) … 3 per day

Day 98-99: 4-14/15-05

CARB / LEVO … generic for SINEMET (25-100 MG) … 3 per day REQUIP (1.0 MG) … @ 2X per day … generic for Mirapex CARB / LEVO … generic for SINEMET (25-100 MG) … 3 per day REQUIP (1.0 MG) … @ 1X per day … generic for Mirapex CARB / LEVO … generic for SINEMET (25-100 MG) … 6 per day REQUIP (1.0 MG) … STOPPED TAKING

Day 100-101: 4-16/17-05 Day 102: 4-18-05 Day 192: 7-17-05 (to present)

CARB / LEVO … generic for SINEMET (25-100 MG) … 6 per day

Supplements … OK by Dr. Wolff (3-11-05) X X X X

Aspirin … 81 mg / day Vitamin C …1000 mg / day Glucosamine / Chondroitin … 1.05 g / 600 mg … 2X / day Calcium Softgel … Vitamin D + Calcium + Magnesium + Zinc + Copper

Then a very dear friend of mine … (an Immunocal distributor in Denver) … Nan R. Schouweiler introduced me to Immunocal. IMMUNOCAL: Bonded Cysteine Dietary Supplement (Nutraceutical) Started taking … (1 packet … 10 grams / day) … May 7, 2005. Today is August 6th, 2005 … (90) days after my first packet of Immunocal. Over 90% of my TOTAL pain is gone. My mental alertness has vastly improved. The Parkinson tremors have dissipated and are better than 90% gone. I am more alert and creative in my consulting work. My physical stiffness has significantly decreased … I am able to “tap my fingers” rapidly both left and right hand … at almost identical speeds … for the first time in 3 years … (my 80-year old mother traveled in July to Denver from South Dakota because of concerns over my health … and she insisted on countless pictures of me tapping my fingers rapidly together over and over. ) The overall mobility of my right extremities improves each day. My “quiet” decision to try Immunocal for (90) days: I made the personal decision to start taking Immunocal on May 7, 2005 … (1) packet a day … faithfully … at the insistence of my dear friend, Nan. I also made a personal decision NOT to tell any of my family I was taking Immunocal. Immunocal would be my (and Nan’s) private secret. In that way … any placebo effect I might have … would be known only to me. All other changes … IF ANY … caused by the Immunocal … would HAVE to be noticed and observed by others … none of whom knew I was taking Immunocal !!! Immunocal vs Parkinson’s … Results !!! About (3) weeks into the Immunocal program … (1) packet a day … people started talking about significant changes: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

My son (Lee) told me I seemed more alert and my eyes were “not as glassy” as they used to be … the “scalely” look was gone !!! My sister (a RN) called and said my “raspy” voice had cleared up and I also seemed much more alert !!! A close friend (Jim) … noticed I seemed to be moving easier and “less stiff” My daughter called and said … “Dad, your mental outlook has greatly improved … you seem less depressed and melancholy !!!”

About (6) weeks into the Immunocal program: ¾ ¾

My league friends at the bowling alley remarked how much more smooth my bowling approach was and how much HARDER I was throwing the ball (RIGHT HANDED) … than they could ever remember … my bowling average from the fall league had also increased over (50) pins !!! Other friends remarked … I was smiling more than they remembered in years … I was actually walking more naturally and not dragging my right leg with my right arm “frozen stiffly” at my side

(3) months into the Immunocal program: ¾ My personal results (from my Parkinson’s daily diary):

+ ability to sleep longer stretches and have deeper sleep + almost total removal of all neck, shoulder, and arm pain + regaining of majority of sense of balance and fluidity of movement on my right side + ability to concentrate easier and in longer duration + regained lost creative ability + greatly reduced anxiety and depression + restored positive mental health outlook + restored sense of physical vitality + greatly reduced voice faltering and unevenness in voice tones + restored 75% of finger dexterity in right hand and fingers + eliminated constipation Immunocal has given me back … “Quality of Life” !!! I know I am rambling … but since April 18, 2005 … my Parkinson’s RX medication has been unchanged … and the ONLY VARIABLE in my treatment … has been the Immunocal !!! My “Quality of Life” is returning … ⇒ (90%) of my mobility and range of motion has returned to my right arm, fingers, and leg ⇒ My blood pressure (May, 2005) was 160 / 90 … now with Immunocal … it is 125 / 75 ⇒ I now take shorthand notes with … either … my LEFT or RIGHT hand ⇒ The uncontrolled drooling has completely stopped ⇒ The uncontrolled urinary “accidents” have completely stopped ⇒ The dreaded Parkinson’s tremors are (90%+) gone ⇒ The “throbbing” unceasing pain in my right forearm and shoulder is GONE !!! ⇒ Constipation, lethargy, depression, melancholy … GONE !!! ⇒ Mobility and range of motion are returning to my right arm and leg … proof of this is the fact that this 5-page memo was typed in less than 45 minutes … when 2 months ago I was plodding … typing with (3) fingers of my left hand while my right hand / arm lay “frozen” stiffly by my side ⇒ My vision is no longer blurred … I now can read the small print on my NIV Bible without glasses … first time in years I can do that ⇒ I play in a competitive (Over 50) baseball league … and also a competitive (Over 60) baseball league … and after (14) games this summer … I’m hitting (.424) … not bad for a 56-year old with Parkinson’s !!! ⇒ In 2004 I would play a baseball game on a Sunday … and it would take me a full week (6 days) to recover physically and be ready for the next game … now after taking Immunocal for (90) days … let me give you my physical schedule for the last (10) days: • • • • • • • • • •

Saturday … July 23rd … played (7) innings of baseball in 105 degree heat Sunday … July 24th … played (9) innings of baseball in 103 degree heat Monday … July 25th … walked 3.2 miles Tuesday … July 26th … walked 3.2 miles Wednesday … July 27th … bowling league Thursday … July 28th … walked 1.5 miles Saturday … July 30th … played (7) innings of baseball in 101 degree heat Sunday … July 31st … played (9) innings of baseball in 100 degree heat Monday … August 1st … walked 1.5 miles Tuesday … August 2nd … walked 3.2 miles

JULY 19, 2005 … APPOINTMENT WITH DR. WOLFF, NEUROLOGIST: Nan and I went for my most recent appointment with Dr. Wolff on July 19th. Dr. Wolff stated he had reviewed the Immunocal info Nan had provided him and he had also checked out Immunocal with his mentors in Chicago and at Stanford in CA. Dr. Wolff examined me and reviewed my Diary notes since our last visit in April, 2005. He observed / noted that Immunocal seemed to be having a tremendously positive effect on my Parkinson’s treatment … and was considering treating some of his other patients with chronic pain with Immunocal … based on my experiences. Dr. Wolff … citing my positive results with Immunocal … stated that it was his recommendation that I continue on Immunocal and not change my RX medication and check back with him in another 90 days. Dr. Wolff also stated that Immunocal would also pose no health threats to my daughter … who started taking Immunocal for her MS … 5 days ago.

Final Comments about Parkinson’s and Immunocal: Friends … family … loved ones … all who suffer from physical pain and afflictions… GOD is the only true physician … the only true healer … this is my unwavering belief !!! Only he can restore our total health … but I personally thank God for Immunocal … I believe that this natural product is a Godsend for me personally. My suggestion … contact a Distributor! My final recommendation: If you … or someone you love … HURTS … try Immunocal faithfully for (3) months … and make your own decision for your personal health. WHY am I so enthusiastic about Immunocal … because Immunocal gave me dignity and my “quality of life” back … in spite of Parkinson’s … praise God !!! Sincerely, Dr. Lynn J. Tomjack Denver, CO August 6, 2005


Stroke Information #64: Medical Information Neurodegenerative Disorders: GSH Prevention of Neuronal Death. GSH is an important protector of energy metabolism (mitochondrial function) during periods of oxidative stress.54 Dopaminergic neurons are very sensitive to changes in the internal oxidant buffering capacity of the cell caused by reductions in GSH levels that can lead to disruption of calcium homeostasis and cell death.55 GSH, but not vitamins C or E, protects human neural cells from dopamine-induced apoptosis.56 Notably, dopamine treatment during GSH depletion is documented to produce defects in psychomotor behavior in a laboratory animal model.57 Oxidative stress has been implicated in various neurodegenerative disorders and may be a common mechanism underlying various forms of cell death including excitotoxicity, apoptosis and necrosis. Bains and Shaw58 present evidence for a role of oxidative stress and diminished GSH in Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. GSH modulation may prove to be beneficial in spinal cord injury,59 multiple sclerosis60 and stroke.61,62 Since cysteine supplementation increases GSH it may hold promise as a method to modulate neurodegenerative diseases. 54. Zeevalk, G.D., Bernard, L.P., Nicklas, W.J. Role of oxidative stress and the glutathione system in loss of dopamine neurons due to impairment of energy metabolism. J. Neurochem. 70(4): 1421-1430, Apr. 1998. 55. Jurma, O.P., Hom, D.G., Andersen, J.K. Decreased glutathione results in calcium-mediated cell death in PC12. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 23(7): 1055-1066, 1997. 56. Gabby, M., Tauber, M., Porat, S., Simantov, R. Selective role of glutathione in protecting human neuronal cells from dopamine-induced apoptosis. Neuropharmacology 35(5): 571-578, May 1996. 57. Shukitt-Hale, B., Denisova, N.A., Strain, J.G., Joseph, J.A. Psychomotor effects of dopamine infusion under decreased glutathione conditions. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 23(3): 412-418, 1997. 58. Bains, J.S., Shaw, C.A. Neurodegenerative disorders in humans: the role of glutathione in oxidative stress-mediated neuronal death. Brain Res. Brain Res. Rev. 25(3): 335-358, Dec. 1997. 59. Lucas, J.H., Wheeler, D.G., Emery, D.G., Mallery, S.R. The endogenous antioxidant glutathione as a factor in the survival of physically injured mammalian spinal cord neurons. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 57(10): 937-954, Oct. 1998. 60. Singh, I., Pahan, K., Khan, M., Singh, A.K. Cytokine-mediated induction of ceramide production is redox-sensitive. Implications to proinflammatory cytokine-mediated apoptosis in demyelinating diseases. J. Biol. Chem. 273(32): 20354-20362, Aug. 7, 1998. 61. Weisbrot-Lefkowitz, M., Reuhl, K., Perry, B., Chan, P.H., Inouye, M., Mirochnitchenko, O. Overexpression of human glutathione peroxidase protects transgenic mice against focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion damage. Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. 53(1-2): 333-338, Jan. 1998. Skaper, S.D., Ancona, B., Facci, L., Franceschini, D., Giusti, P. Melatonin prevents the delayed death of hippocampal neurons induced by enhanced excitatory neurotransmission and the nitridergic pathway. FASEB J. 12(9): 725-731, June, 199

Lupus Lupus Testimonial # 65: Donna Maxwell's Story, I was diagnosed in February 2003 with Lupus. I was then put on three different medications including Prednisone. During the first year of this treatment, my condition slowly worsened despite the medication that had been prescribed. The pain in my joints increased to the point it was necessary for me to begin taking strong pain medication, throughout the remainder of the year. The nights became very painful for me to the point that I was unable to even have a good night’s sleep, which also began to affect my work as a hair stylist. There were days that I was unable to even get out of bed and this continued through out the second year, and the only treatment that I was getting from the medical professionals was they increased the dosage of my medication. The week before March 13, 2005, the pain and suffering was so much that I was unable to get out of bed; it effected my being able to think correctly. My weight, which had increased due to the Prednisone had increased a good 25% over my normal weight of 110, then drastically fell to below 100 pounds. My blood pressure increased to 180/97. The doctor said that the protein count in my blood was extremely high and that I would need to take Chemotherapy as the only solution, which I was prepared to do, to save my life. The treatment for the Chemo was set for the 28th of March. On March 13th, my mother-in-law, who is a strong believer of natural heath and treatment, heard about “Immunocal”, and on the 17th, she started me on the product, which I took 1 pack for 2 days, then 2 packs for 2 days, and then to 4 packs per day. After 10 days of treatment, I started to notice a remarkable improvement in my well being. After 4 weeks of treatment, I felt like a young 20 year old person again, and I am now 43. This is the best that I have felt in over 20 years. This is the best that I have ever felt and since I have begun using Immunocal I have not missed one day of work. On the 27th of March, I elected not to have the Chemotherapy to the doctor’s dismay, and do not regret it one bit. I am weaning myself off of the Prednisone; I am taking no pain medication at all. To sum it all up, don’t anyone ever try to take away my Immunocal, under the threat of death. I will stay on Immunocal forever. “I have a lust for life”. Donna Maxwell.

Lupus Testimonial # 66 "I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in 1991. This disease can devastate life, as it has in my case. It can cause damage to all the systems of the body. I'm also hypersensitive to most medicines used to control the symptoms of Lupus, therefore, I've had to find alternative methods to control it. This has not been an easy task. But recently a doctor informed me about Immunocal. Since I started using this product I've experienced a better energy level. So now I can enjoy time with my family and friends. It's also helping to detoxify my body, due to my sweat glands working better. I'm happy to have a little of my life returned to me." Sincerely,L. Harris, Florida April 11, 2001

Lupus Testimonial #67 LUPUS & FIBROMYALGIA TESTIMONIAL I was diagnosed with Lupus and Fibromyalgia two years ago. I was on Prednisone with all its side effects, Zanax for panic attacks, Vicodin for pain, Flexeril for muscle spasms, Prozac for depression, Ambion for sleep and Valium for nerves. I had suffered with constant excruciating headaches for over a year. I could not do simple chores and could not drive. I also suffered from inflammatory Bowel Syndrome and had to use laxatives on a regular basis. I received my first box of Immunocal on a Monday and took the first packet at 4:30 p.m. At the time, my legs feet and hands were causing me great pain and I had severe headache. About 30 minutes later, I notice a warm tingling sensation in my legs, feet and hands and about two hours later the pain in these areas disappeared. When I awoke Tuesday morning, the headache was gone and my back pain was gone. I was able to cook supper that evening for the first time in over seven months. The following Thursday, I was able to vacuum the house, clean my oven and rearrange the furniture. I have been taken three packets of Immunocal a day for over three weeks now. I went through a short period of detoxification as Immunocal removed the drug residue from my body, I am now pain free, able to do my housework and able to drive again. My skin is soft and supple and the spots on my face have faded. My complexion has gone from pale and shallow to having a healthy glow. I have complete mobility for the first time in over two years. My body is back in balance and all bodily functions are normal. Thank-you Dr. Bounous for Immunocal and for giving me my life back Carol, East Texas

Mental health

Neurodevelopmental Disorders Testimonial # 68 - Autism Medical Information Report: Antioxidant Levels May be Linked to Autism var byline = 'By Serena Gordon HealthDay Reporter,'; if By Serena Gordon HealthDay Reporter SUNDAY, April 3 (HealthDay News) -- Could oxidative stress, a suspected contributor to many disease processes like heart disease and cancer, also play a role in autism? University of Arkansas researchers think it may. In a recent study, autistic children were found to have significantly lower levels of an antioxidant called glutathione and its metabolic precursors. "Glutathione is the major antioxidant in cells important for detoxification and elimination of environmental toxins, and its active form is reduced in about 80 percent of the kids with autism," said the study's lead author, S. Jill James. She is director of the biochemical genetics laboratory at Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute and a professor of pediatrics at the College of Medicine at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock. Reduced levels of antioxidants, such as glutathione, would increase the level of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when antioxidants aren't able to clear the body of free radicals, which can damage cells in the brain, gastrointestinal tract and immune system. "[Our findings] suggest that these kids would be more sensitive to an environmental exposure and would be less likely to detox from heavy metals," said James. Exposure to heavy metals, such as the mercury preservative that was commonly used in children's vaccines until recently, has long been suspected as a trigger for autism in genetically susceptible children. Most research, however, has failed to confirm this link, and in 2004, the Institute of Medicine issued a report stating that it did not believe that vaccines contributed to the development of autism. Not everyone agreed with that conclusion, however. Laura Bono, chairwoman of the National Autism Association, and the parent of an autistic child, believes vaccines play some sort of role in the development of autism and said the new study's findings would seem to support a link. "These are children that are more vulnerable, that don't quite detox the way the rest of us do," said Bono. James didn't look at the vaccine question for the current study. She said that autism is believed to have a genetic basis, but that it "takes an environmental trigger to bring out the genetics." For this study, James and her colleagues compared blood samples of 90 autistic children to those of 45 children without the disorder, and found that the active form of glutathione was reduced by about 80 percent in children with autism. James also said the metabolic precursors of glutathione were reduced. "If they have lower glutathione, they would reach a toxicity earlier than someone with higher levels," said James. "But, it's not clear whether this is a cause or a consequence of autism," she added. James and her team also looked at changes that occur in several genes that could affect glutathione metabolism in blood samples from 233 autistic children, vs. 183 children without autism. They found changes in three genes more often in the children with autism. James said these are common genes that don't cause autism, but they could contribute to the development of these metabolic abnormalities. James presented the study findings Saturday at the American Society for Nutritional Sciences' scientific sessions at the Experimental Biology conference in San Diego. While this study is just a first step, she said, it wouldn't be unreasonable for parents of autistic children to talk with their child's doctor about giving them antioxidant supplements since these supplements are non-toxic. Others aren't so sure, however."This is an interesting study and worth some more follow-up, but for parents or clinicians, it's an item of note, not a call to action," said Craig Newschaffer, director of the Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore. "There are no leaps to be made about using antioxidants as a therapeutic agent." In other autism research released this week, scientists from the University of California, San Diego report that the "mirror" neurons don't function properly in people with autism. Mirror neurons are those that activate when you perform an action and then see someone else perform the same action, or vice versa. These neurons have also been dubbed the "monkey-see, monkey-do" cells. "The findings provide evidence that individuals with autism have a dysfunctional mirror neuron system, which may contribute to their impairments -- especially those that involve comprehending and responding appropriately to others' behavior," one of the study's author, Lindsay Oberman, a doctoral student at UCSD, said in a statement. The research will be published in the journal Cognitive Brain Research

Autism Autism Testimonials # 69 Dear Mr. Roberts: My name is Natalie Stubbs and I reside outside of Atlanta, Georgia in the USA. My son, Ethan, recently turned 7 and has been taking Immunocal since he was 6 to 9 months old. At age 4, Ethan was diagnosed with autism. His most recent set of school evaluations show some unexpected and very exciting results. The school psychologist remarked, "We know Ethan had autism, and now it looks like he does not" and could not account for that result. He shows a range of neurologic abilities never really anticipated for his autism. I am aware that Immunotec has ongoing trials involving autism going on in Florida. I wondered if you or any of the doctors would be interested in reviewing Ethan's case as his experience with your product predates his personal diagnosis of autism and may predate the onset of your trials. Please feel free to contact me if you believe Ethan's experience would be beneficial to your efforts to help others like him with your wonderful product. Immunocal has truly given Ethan a more typical life than anticipated and appears to have helped him break the limits of his autism. We would love to work with you to help others in any way possible. Respectfully, Natalie G. Stubbs

Depression Depression Testimonial # 70: I have suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. I never told anyone about what I was going through. However, the people closest to me were aware of my mood swings and how I acted during certain stressful times in my life. In 2001 I went to my family Doctor to get some help with severe anxiety and depression. Of course, the only thing they can do is prescribe various popular medications that carry all sorts of other symptoms and side effects for which more medications are prescribed, thereby compounding the problems. I have never been one to take medications, I usually always try other ways to fix any health problems. I have learned over the years that I my physiology is extremely sensitive to medications, so I don’t like taking anything that makes me feel like I’m in a fog. Unfortunately a lot of antidepressants do exactly that. This is one of the many reasons I tend to favor alternative approaches to maintaining my health. So from 2001 to 2003 I went through many trail and errors of trying to correct these issues. Then a friend came by one evening for dinner, and introduced me to some products from Immunotec (HMS 90 and Xtra-sharp ) After taking one package a day of HMS 90 and 60mls of sharp each day I noticed that I felt better. I had more energy, and most importantly I didn’t feel the effects of the depression. I felt 100% better in a matter of days and it only took a short time to STOP all medical prescriptions. Of course, I kept my personal physician completely informed of what I was doing throughout this period. I have heard that discontinuing anti-depressant medication carries with it certain withdrawal stages, but I experienced none of that, thanks to Immunotec! Melina Coates Disbury, AB

Alzheimer's Alzheimer's Testimonial # 71: My name is June Martin (Distributor #090501), wife of John Martin who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1998. At that time he was forgetful but we still had a very normal life. By 1999 he had to stop driving and mid-2000 needed to be watched. In July 2002 he was admitted to VA Nursing Home. Went in walking with a slight unsteadiness, talking and was continent. In Sept. 2003 he was no longer able to walk and was incontinent. By November 2003 he had pretty much been silent for 7 or 8 months. He wouldn't open his eyes, couldn't sit up in wheelchair, didn't talk (just grunted) and drooled constantly. Started the Immunocal in October 2003, two packets a day and in December I increased his dosage to four. Started seeing much improvement. He started sitting up straight, opened his eyes more and started talking again. In June 2004 he went to therapy and was peddling from his wheelchair, walking with the help of a machine and with no machine the aides held his arms and he walked with them for quite some distance, talking up a "Storm" while doing so. He said" I'm going to walk home" He is ‘THE STAR’ of the Nursing Home and the Drs., Nurses and Aides are my best customers. Especially the aides on double shifts with the Xtra Sharp. THEY LOVE IT!!!! I have very recently purchased a used handicap van with a ramp so I can bring him home, take him to the Mall and to the beach where we can walk the boardwalk. It really stimulates him being out as he some times asks me if he'll ever “get out of here". John is a "backseat" drives though!! When we got home one day he said, "When you get a little bit older you'll drive better"! I'm 71 years young and he is a very young 85 and looks great! Other than Alzheimer's John is a very healthy man. Think he thought of me as one of our kids. I could go on and on. It's a miracle!!! All 21 residents that were in the Alzheimer's Ward when John went in, have passed away and he has been upgraded (out of that ward) and has gotten much better. God Bless you all at Immunotec. I'm a two time cancer survivor so needless to say I’m taking Immunocal also. I had two mastectomies. One in 1987 and the other in 1997, My sister had one in 1952 and is still alive at 80!! My mom died at 85 of breast cancer. My Dad had lung cancer in 1949. They took out lung and he lived another 15 years. A brother died of brain tumor after surgery at age 36 in 1963. Another brother died of bone cancer at age 47 in 1977. My only brother left is in a Nursing Home in MA. because of Alzheimer's. Very healthy though otherwise. As soon as I make enough money as Distributor will send him Immunocal too. SO YOU CAN SEE HOW IMPORTANT IMMUNOCAL IS TO MY FAMILY!! Thank you! Thank you. Happy Holidays!! June Martin ALL the BEST Jim Hawley, Immunotec Independent Distributor

Neurodegenerative Diseases – Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Information # 72 By Patricia A.L. Kongshavn, Ph.D Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are neurodegenerative diseases in which cell damage and degeneration is seen in certain specific areas of the brain. In Parkinson’s disease nerve cells slowly degenerate in the part of the mid-brain (the substantia nigra layer of the basal ganglia) that controls movement, resulting in progressive loss of muscular coordination and balance. In Alzheimer’s disease brain cells degenerate, brain mass shrinks and characteristic neurofibrillary tangles and neural plaques are seen post mortem. Increasing lines of evidence suggest that mitochondrial damage plays a key role in Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and some other neurodegenerative diseases (1-5). This, in turn, increases the generation of reactive oxygen species and the onset of oxidative stress, leading to oxidative damage and programmed cell death. At the same time, glutathione homeostasis is disturbed (6-9). In one study, glutathione levels were reduced by 40% in the substantia nigra in early stage Parkinson’s disease (7). These levels fall even much further in later stages, the magnitude of reduction in glutathione seeming to parallel the severity of the disease (9). The lowered glutathione values and increased oxidative stress are thought to be responsible for the loss of dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra in Parkinson’s disease patients (7, 8). The use of antioxidants, particularly glutathione, for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases is an obvious consideration (6-9). In an in vitro study, glutathione was shown to protect human neural cells from apoptosis i.e. cell death, induced by dopamine (8). Sechi et al. showed that intravenous injection of glutathione was effective in reducing symptoms (42% decline in disability) in early Parkinson’s disease patients and possibly retarded the progression of the disease (9). Other treatment options to increase brain concentrations of glutathione are better choices for long-term treatment. Banaclocha has reviewed the putative usefulness of N-acetyl cysteine for this purpose in the treatment of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other age-associated neurodegenerative diseases (1). Immunocal is an even better choice than this drug, being entirely non-toxic and proven to raise intracellular glutathione (10). References. 1. Banaclocha, MM. Therapeutic potential of N-acetylcysteine in age-related mitochondrial neurodegenerative diseases. Med Hypotheses 56:472-477, 2001. 2. Schultz JB, Lindenau J, Seyfried J et al. Glutathione, oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. Eur J Biochem 267:4904-4911, 2000. 3. Jenner P, Olanow CW Neurology 47:S1161-S170, 1996. 4. Kidd PM. Parkinson’s disease as a multifactorial oxidative neurodegeneration: implications for integrative management. Altern Med Rev 5:501, 2000. 5. Lohr JB, Browning JA Free radical involvement in neuropsychiatric illnesses. Psychopharmacol Bull 31:159-165, 1995. 6. Reid M, Jahoor F. Glutathione in disease. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 4:65-71, 2001. 7. Sian J, Dexter DT, Lees AJ, et al. Alterations in glutathione levels in Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders affecting basal ganglia. Ann Neurol 348-355, 1994. 8. Gabby M, Tauber M.Porat S et al. Selective role of glutathione in protecting human neuronal cells from dopamine-induced apoptosis. Neuropharmacology 35:571-578, 1996. 9. Sechi G, Deledda MG, Bua G et al. Reduced intravenous glutathione in the treatment of early Parkinson’s disease. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 20: 1159-1170, 1996. 10. Lands L, Grey VL, and Smountas AA Effect of supplementation with a cysteine donor on muscular performance. J Appl Physiol 87:1381-1385, 1999

Alzheimer's Testimonial # 73 "When I started taking Immunocal two and a half years ago, I did so because of the information that was known on cancer. I needed to be able to prevent against after having lost both my parents to it. But then I realized that it wasn't only for the cancer prevention. Now for the first time in my life I am acutally healthy." "I know two gentlemen on Immunocal, one no longer shows the signs of Alzheimer's Disease and the other after seventeen years of shaking with Parkinson's is able to eat in public because the shaking has stopped. A lady with MS who started taking Immunocal immediately after being diagnosed two and one half years ago, and has been in remission ever since." Thanks again, Debbie Harmonic August 27, 2001

Respiratory system Respiratory system

Definition: the system that allows breathing; includes the nose, pharynx, trachea, and lungs ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Asthma Pages 49 – 49 Testimonial 74 Allergies Pages 50 – 50 Testimonial 75 -77 Chronic Bronchitis Pages 51 – 51 Testimonial 78 Emphysema Pages 51 – 51 Testimonial 79 Lung Disease Pages 52 – 60 Many Cases Studies Pneumonia Page 61 – 61 Testimonial 81


Asthma Asthma Testimonial # 74: September 19, 2002 Dear Scott, As you know, I have been using Immunocal for about six months. What you didn’t know, until now, is that I was sending some of it to my brother in Barbados. His eleven-year-old daughter has asthma and, although she has been to three different doctors, she was getting very little relief. About two months ago, I received a call from my brother who informed me that after ten days of using the Immunocal, his daughter’s symptoms had virtually disappeared. He was surprised and delighted, to say the least. But here is the REALLY amazing part: Just to convince himself that it was the Immunocal that had made his daughter better, he stopped giving it to her. And after a week all of her symptoms returned – the coughing, the wheezing, and the shortness of breath. He then put her back on the Immunocal, and within three days she was back to her healthy self, once again. Now he buys the Immunocal locally, in Barbados, and he is convinced that if he continues to give it to her she may be cured in about a year’s time. I don’t know about anyone else but I’m sold on this product. I think it is truly amazing. Sincerely, Jason

Allergies Allergies Testimonial # 75 : Peter Reed

Dear Hugh and Dr. Petrosino: Please send another (2) two more 30-pack boxes of Immunocal to my mailing address. My wife and I are finding great value in using your Immunocal. Both of us have severe seasonal pollen allergies. Denise was taking over the counter drugs twice a day to control her symptoms. She has not taken these drugs in the two weeks since she began using Immunocal and it is the height of her allergy season. What surprised me was that her relief came within 24-hours of starting the protocol. Taking Immunocal twice a day is giving her better symptomatic relief than those drugs and they had side effects. Thank you! I have been taking Immunocal for three weeks. It took three years of allergy shots to reduce my allergies to this low of a level of symptoms. I have been through 4 protocols of allergy shots in my thirty-seven years of suffering. None have worked better than Immunocal and certainly none have worked as quickly. Sincerely Peter Reed Oakland, California

Allergies Testimonial #76 Jan 16, 1998 To whom it may concern: Fourteen years ago I was diagnosed with having a growth on my liver the size of a grapefruit. This growth has remained the same size all these years, but now I am happy to report that the Ultra-Sound I had done in Dec 97 revealed that this growth is almost gone. I am also grateful that I was introduced to HMS 90 (Immunocal) in March of last year and began using the product then. This product has also got rid of my allergies, Arthritis in my finger joints is gone and mental attitude has improved. I am also very pleased with the results I have received from HMS 90. Sincerely, J. Mary Johnston

Allergies Testimonial #77 This testimonial was given at the Immunocal Seminar at the Portland Airport Sheraton, Portland, OR on March 7, 2001. Hello, my name is Tom Salazar and I am from here, from Portland. Thank you all for coming this evening for an opportunity of great health and wealth. It's a privilege for me to be here and I'll tell you why. I'm a computer drafter that stares at a screen for 8 hours a day. I used to have a list of health challenges that were as long as my arm. They ran from A to Z, from allergies, athlete's foot down to zits and everything in between. It was so apparent to one of my co-workers, that he said, "Man, you were born on the wrong planet, man". Well back last December, serendipity if you will, I like to say God's Will in disguise, I heard about this product called Immunocal, and about its therapeutic value covering a long list of health conditions. I thought, "Right", who wrote their script, "a Hollywood Tabloid?" Yet, it caught my interest because their list paralleled my list. I came on that cold windy night on December 7th, and once I heard the facts, I could not help but get involved. It was for me a day that will live in infamy as far as diseases are concerned. Now I can run without gasping for air. I don't need to constantly use nasal sprays to clear my nasal passages. Now I don't go to bed tried and wake up tired. I don't need to go and have my liver checked for damage because of the prescription drug that I was taking. I don't need to worry about bloating up to 260 pounds because of mind-altering antidepressant prescription. Boy, you talk about me being fat and happy! In addition, I don't need to worry about the high cost of a prescription that came in a box about the same size as Immunocal. All the others prescriptions that were costing more than I wanted to pay because my insurance would only cover so much and I landed up paying the big difference. You know, in this light of high prescription cost, and the cost of an array of specialty herbs and supplements, I cannot afford not to take Immunocal and for more reasons than one. Folks, Folks, I am telling you this is for real. This is why I believe that Immunocal is destined to become the, Now listen now, The number one nutritional supplement of choice, WORLDWIDE! Tom Salazar Portland, OR

Chronic Bronchitis & Emphysema

Chronic Bronchitis & Emphysema Testimonial # 78 Dear Dr. Petrosino: A good friend of mine was all excited after hearing a presentation by Dr. Jimmy Gutman about Immunocal. In the question and answer session that followed his presentation she asked if Immunocal (HMS90 in Canada) could help someone with chronic bronchitis. When he answered that even individuals with emphysema had been helped, she couldn't wait to tell me about this "breakthrough in cell defense." I had been plagued with bronchitis for over 10 years and I can honestly say that I was doubtful that anything could help me, but she persuaded me to try it for two months. After six weeks of only one package a day, my lungs were completely clear. Even when I go to play pool in a smokey bar, I don't go to bed wheezing like I used to. It's helped my little girl with her asthma, too. THANK YOU, DR. BOUNOUS (the inventor), FOR HMS 90!" Sincerely, Joe J. Calgary, AB February 18, 2002


Emphysema Testimonial # 79 July 2003 Hi Scott, I tried calling, but was told your voice mail was not set up yet. So thought I'd write. I am doing well. In fact, on June 1st, when I turned 71 years old, I did a tandem sky dive. It was wonderful and I plan on doing one every birthday for as long as I can. I never miss taking my Immunocal, and since I have been taking it, I have not been sick for one day. There have been people with colds and flu all around me. I clean for several people and have been in homes where there were sick people that sounded pretty contagious, but I never came down with anything. I feel I have Immunocal to thank, and also you Scott for bringing it to my attention. By the way, we jumped out at 13 thousand feet, then five thousand feet of free fall at 120 miles an hour (that took l minute) and then floated the rest of the way. It was just GREAT. Hope all is going well on your end. Sincerely, Elinor Scott’s Note: Elinor is in remission from Emphysema


LUNG DISEASE Testimonial # 80 many Cases Studies on Many Illnesses One of the most distressing symptoms that anyone can experience is shortness of breath – dyspnea. Patients describe themselves as ‘not getting enough air’. This triggers a series of physiological and behavioral reactions that include increased heart rate, blood pressure and hormonal secretions accompanied by a feeling of general panic. Shortness of breath is a common symptom of many respiratory illnesses. Just as the gut separates and absorbs food from the outside world into the body, the lungs are a passage for the exchange of used air and fresh air. But there’s a crucial difference between food and oxygen – we can’t store oxygen. We must meet a second-by-second demand for the life-giving element or die within minutes. The body responds immediately to any interference with this exchange. Over 30 million Americans are affected by chronic lung disease. Dozens of illnesses can affect the respiratory system. The study of pulmonary (lung-related) medicine is vast and complicated. It deals with congenital problems like cystic fibrosis, acquired diseases like bronchitis and selfinflicted problems like smoking. The importance of GSH in the respiratory system cannot be overstated. We can’t address every known respiratory problem but we will discuss a large number of common and not-so-common ailments, including: Asthma Bronchitis, acute and chronic Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Emphysema Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Cystic fibrosis Pulmonary fibrosis Cancer Pneumonia Toxic exposures Tobacco abuse

ANTIOXIDANTS AND THE LUNGS As you will see in the following pages, inflammation of the lung is common to most pulmonary diseases, whether the disorder is acute – like toxic exposure – or chronic – like cystic fibrosis. The process of infection in asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia all lead to inflammation. Many traditional medications attempt to reduce this inflammation. The body’s inflammation response itself generates free radicals, and antioxidants are increasingly used to complement conventional treatments. The researchers P.E. Morris and G.R. Bernard drew attention to this complementary treatment in an article aptly called “Significance of glutathione in lung disease and implications for therapy”, in which they reviewed the great weight of evidence that supports such research. There is a fragile balance in the lungs between oxidants and antioxidants. Oxidative stress is high in the lungs for many reasons. For a start, this center of oxygen interchange produces very large numbers of oxyradicals. Secondly, white blood cells are highly active in the lining of the lungs, where they release huge quantities of oxidative products, both because of their high metabolic rates and the way they combat biological and chemical invaders. Finally, antioxidants in the fluid lining of the lungs play a large part in our front-line defense against airborne pollutants, many of which are powerful sources of free radicals. When white blood cells encounter, for example, a bacteria, they release caustic substances like peroxides. This is biochemical warfare, and the white blood cell and the surrounding tissues use GSH to defend themselves. When oxidant levels grow too high or GSH levels too low, the inevitable result is tissue damage. Remember that GSH is the most critical of all naturally-occurring antioxidants and that it effectively supports exogenous antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Unlike glutathione, exogenous antioxidants are derived from the outside environment and are not native to the body, but together they soak up free radicals. Generally, most tissues and organs must manufacture their own glutathione from dietary or drug-delivered precursors. However, the lining of the respiratory tree – which usually requires high levels of GSH – can absorb GSH directly. To take advantage of this unusual ability, a topical GSH aerosol has been developed and used successfully to treat a number of diseases, including adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), pulmonary fibrosis and HIV infection. In addition, the topical form of NAC (Mucomist) – a potent GSH precursor – has long been used as a treatment for cystic fibrosis. Oral and intravenous GSH precursors are receiving a lot of attention from researchers, and many papers have been published on the subject. Pulmonologists (lung doctors) are paying increasing attention to lung GSH content and learning a great deal about future applications. O. Ortolani and his team in Italy placed forty intensive care patients with respiratory difficulties on intravenous GSH. They compared their response to an equal number of patients not given the treatment and found significant reductions in oxidative stress levels.

An experiment in preventive medicine was conducted by S. De Flora and his research team at the Institute of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, University of Genoa. Patients were placed on a course of oral NAC tablets or placebo during the months of the influenza season. Although the number of people infected by the virus was unchanged, subjects receiving NAC experienced significantly fewer and less virulent symptoms. ASTHMA Bronchial asthma causes constriction of the bronchioles (airway passages). Figure 34 shows the windpipe and lungs, and cross-sections of normal and narrowed air passages (bronchioles). Asthma is always unpleasant and sometimes even fatal. The intensity of asthma attacks vary, but all are characterized by a feeling of tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, restlessness, coughing and wheezing. Although asthma is reversible and intermittent, it tends to recur and is generally considered a chronic condition. It is one of the most common causes of absenteeism and hospital admission in school-age children, among whom it is most prevalent. It currently affects about 15 million Americans and is on the rise. Asthma is variable in frequency and severity and can be triggered by a very wide variety of stimuli, including allergens (things that provoke an allergic response). These include dust, pollen, dander (tiny particles of animal skin, fur and feather), certain foods and drugs, viral infections, emotional stress, anxiety and even plain old exercise. Muscles within the walls of the bronchioles flex and go into spasm, the walls thicken, air passages become clogged by mucus, and air is trapped in the deepest airways (the alveoli). The wheezing sound is caused by air passing with difficulty through these narrowed passages. In its severest form, breathing become impossible and the patient suffocates. Asthma sufferers should make an effort to identify and avoid the triggers that cause their attacks, whether allergic, infectious, toxic, or emotional. They can also take preventative medications – antihistamines and sodium cromoglycate. These minimize the effects of all allergic response. Once an attack is in progress other drugs are needed to reopen (dilate) the walls of the bronchioles. These are called bronchodilators and are commonly used in inhalers such as salbutemol or albuterol. Inhaled or ingested steroids are also available. They minimize the swelling and inflammation of the bronchial walls. In any case, once an attack has begun, treatment must be immediate and aggressive. The longer an attack lasts, the more the symptoms advance and the longer they take to reverse. There is little time to waste. It has been long thought that low levels of glutathione and glutathione peroxidase levels play a role in the onset and progression of asthma. Numerous studies in asthmatics have identified such abnormalities in their red-blood GSH, white-blood cell GSH, serum GSH, platelet GSH and lung-fluid GSH. There is a direct correspondence between low glutathione levels and the severity of the asthma attack. Dietary, environmental, and genetic factors that diminish the potency of the antioxidant systems in the lung increase the risk of asthma. This relationship between antioxidant levels and asthma is seen in situations of elevated free-radical activity. Examples are lead poisoning, excessive iron stores and G6PD-deficiency, as well as low levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium (a component of glutathione peroxidase). A recent presentation to the American Lung Association by pulmonologist Dr. Carol Trenga described an antioxidant cocktail that helped asthmatics who were particularly sensitive to air pollutants. European physicians have long used GSH precursors in the treatment of asthma, particularly as a mucolytic (phlegm thinner) to break down thick secretions. In a double-blind study, inhaled bronchodilators were used with and without NAC. The NAC (GSH-enhanced) group experienced greater improvement in pulmonary function than the control group. CASE STUDY Jean-Pierre, a financial analyst, suffered from allergies and asthma his whole life. Summers were particularly bad and he often had to leave his native Montreal for weeks in August to escape the ragweed allergy season. In early summer, he was started on a program of NAC (Nacetylcysteine), L-cysteine, selenium, alpha-lipoic acid, multivitamins and stinging nettle (Urtica dioici). That season, he reported having to use his Ventolin inhaler (salbutemol, a bronchodilators for asthma) only two or three times a week, rather than two or three times a day, and his use of antihistamine drugs was at a minimum. He’s even ventured to go camping with his girlfriend. BRONCHITIS, EMPHYSEMA, AND COPD Bronchitis is an inflammation or obstruction of the bronchi, the larger airways that eventually branch out to become the bronchioles (the site of asthma). It resembles asthma in some ways, their common symptoms being shortness of breath, a phlegm-producing cough, chest discomfort and occasional wheezing. Bronchitis has two distinct forms – acute or chronic. They differ in important ways. Acute bronchitis is almost always caused by infection, either viral or bacterial. Coughing, chest pains, fever and chills are common complaints. In the healthy individual, it is usually a short-lived illness that clears up once the infection is overcome. If the infection is bacterial or mycoplasmal, antibiotics may be required. Occasionally, some inflammation remains, leading to a post-inflammatory cough that may persist for weeks. Inhaled steroids are often prescribed for this condition. Like emphysema (described below), chronic bronchitis is an ongoing illness requiring frequent medical attention. Although it may be exacerbated by infectious disease, chronic bronchitis is usually caused by long-term exposure to lung irritants – toxins, allergens or repeated bouts of acute bronchitis. The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoke. Lungs exposed to tobacco smoke are subject to several pathological processes. One of the most critical is the dysfunction or loss of cilia lining the airways. Cilia are microscopic hair-like structures that trap and remove dust, mucus and other debris. A single puff of a cigarette can paralyze these hairs, increasing the chances of subsequent lung injury and infection.

As chronic bronchitis progresses, the lung’s ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide diminishes. In an attempt to compensate for the loss of pulmonary function, energy demands increase, the chest muscles work harder and the heart pumps faster. This in turn can lead to secondary diseases such as pulmonary hypertension, heart failure and emphysema. Emphysema progresses slowly over time and is usually the result of prior lung disease. Chronic cough and shortness of breath are typical symptoms. Although it may occasionally be caused by hereditary factors, environmental exposures, chronic asthma or chronic bronchitis, emphysema most often results from years of heavy smoking. It is the most common cause of death from respiratory disease in North America. Emphysema shares many symptoms with chronic bronchitis. In fact, the two diseases usually overlap to some degree. They are often classed together under the heading COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). However, they differ anatomically. Emphysema results in irreversible damage to alveoli – tiny sac-like structures where the actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs. Alveoli are counted in the millions, like bubbles in a bubble bath. Emphysema causes them to burst one by one. They then coalesce into fewer, larger sacs. As a result, their total surface area dwindles, decreasing the amount of air that can be exchanged by each breath. It is well known that most lung diseases are characterized by weak antioxidant activity and impaired glutathione-related enzyme systems. Taking advantage of this information, a group of French researchers tested to see whether GSH screening could predict a predisposition to pulmonary diseases. They tested subjects for the absence of a gene (GSTM1) responsible for a specific GSH enzyme. About 47% of the French population lacks this gene. They found that heavy smokers with moderate chronic bronchitis were missing this gene 66% of the time and that smokers with severe chronic bronchitis were deficient in 71% of cases. They concluded that factors diminishing GSH function – in this case a hereditary factor – put individuals at higher risk for respiratory problems. Other studies determined that COPD patients were very sensitive to low GSH levels after even light exercise, demonstrating the precarious balance of glutathione in these patients and the great importance of maintaining adequate stores of GSH. N.C. Hansen and his team at Odense University in Denmark conducted a double-blind study of the general well-being of patients with mild chronic bronchitis. They administered oral NAC during the winter months to these patients, and placebo to a similar group. Of the two groups, the GSHenhanced group did much better on a GHQ (general health questionnaire). Several other research teams have studied the use of oral NAC as a preventative measure. Although it didn’t significantly reduce the number of chronic bronchitis attacks, their severity – measured by symptoms and days off work – was greatly reduced. In a large open study of over two thousand patients, K.P. Volkl, B. Schneider from Hanover Medical School in Germany showed that the use of NAC led to clear improvements in symptoms and pulmonary function. The four-week study included patients with acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and emphysema. All groups had similar improvement in their disease. SMOKING AND GSH There is no longer any doubt that cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD, cancer and cardiovascular disease. One of the ways in which cigarette smoke damages the body is by profoundly raising the extent of oxidative stress in the lungs. A single puff of cigarette smoke contains billions of free radicals and can literally “burn up” antioxidants. But this isn’t the worst of it. A still greater source of oxidative stress results from the lung inflammation resulting from smoking. The total oxidative damage caused by smoke corresponds directly to the degree of lung injury, respiratory compromise, morbidity and mortality found in individual patients. Pharmacologists are investing the use of inhaled GSH to prevent the occurrence or progression of emphysema in smokers. As a GSH precursor, NAC is receiving equal attention. Double blind studies in smokers using NAC demonstrate the enhanced ability of their lungs to clear away thick secretions in their airways. R.B. Balansky at the Institute of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine in Italy exposed rats to high levels of cigarette smoke. This led to decreased body weight, intense pathological damage of the terminal airways, inflammation of the bronchial and bronchiolar linings, alveolar damage, emphysema, white blood cell abnormalities and pre-cancerous lesions. Rats given daily NAC at the same time suffered significantly less damage, demonstrating the protective role of GSH against lung damage and the onset of cancer. Smokers are also more prone to the development of infectious bronchitis and pneumonia. Chronic bronchitis in smokers results in increased bacterial colonization. Treatment with NAC has decreased both the frequency of infectious episodes and the virulence of the bacteria. ADULT RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME (ARDS) ARDS is acute, life-threatening respiratory failure following pulmonary injury. It leads to profound dyspnea (shortness of breath), pulmonary edema (fluid accumulation in the lungs) and hypoxemia (oxygen starvation). This all-too-common medical emergency is caused by a number of different acute processes that directly or indirectly damage the lung. They include bacterial or viral pneumonias, inhalation of stomach contents or other toxins, direct trauma to the chest, sepsis (overwhelming generalized infection), profound circulatory shock, drowning and many other medical

conditions. Even with appropriate therapy the survival rate is only about 50%. Long-term complications include the eventual development of pulmonary fibrosis. ARDS is a very complicated inflammatory process of which edema is only one facet. In the past, physicians treated this disorder aggressively with corticosteroids, because of their well-known anti-inflammatory properties. Unfortunately, randomized trials have shown that steroids are relatively ineffective against this disease. A hunt is on for useful treatments. For several reasons, ARDS patients experience high levels of oxidative stress and subsequent depletion of antioxidants and glutathione. One cause may be the release of free radicals at the injury site by endotoxins. Endotoxins are produced by certain bacteria, though only released when the bacteria die. However, most of this oxidative stress probably comes from inflammation. Some white blood cells (neutrophils) are very active at sites of inflammation, producing very large amounts of reactive oxygen species, such as free oxygen radicals, hydrogen peroxide, ‘hot’ oxygen, and others. Recognizing the severe oxidant-antioxidant imbalance and GSH depletion that comes with this condition, many researchers have pt NAC under the spotlight. G.R. Bernard and his team at Vanderbilt University tested the usefulness of intravenous NAC for the lungs. Both in the lab and in clinical trials they found increased oxygen delivery, improved lung compliance (elasticity) and an improvement in the condition of pulmonary edema patients. Trials with another GSH precursor – OTZ (Procysteine) – led to similar results and reduced the duration of lung injury. In a larger double-blind study, P.M. Suter’s group at the University of Geneva used intravenous NAC on intensive care patients. Compared to a control group, the NAC patients showed significant improvement in oxygenation and required less time on mechanical ventilators (life support). PULMONARY FIBROSIS Pulmonary fibrosis is also called fibrosing alveolitis or interstitial fibrosis, among other things. It is a non-specific condition in which the lungs respond to damage by the production of scar tissue (fibrosis). This leads to stiffness of the lungs and difficulties clearing secretions. It also interferes with gas exchange. Its causes include numerous bacterial, viral or fungal infections and inhaled toxins, dusts (organic and inorganic) and chemicals. Occasionally stomach contents can be inhaled to the detriment of the lungs. Other diseases are involved less often, such as certain autoimmune disorders (mistaken immune response to healthy processes), sarcoidosis (a multi-system inflammatory disorder), or collagen-vascular diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, polyarteritis nodosa, scleroderma and dermatomytosis). This disease is often an unwanted result of radiation therapy or chemotherapy. The standard treatments have limited success. Oxidative stress plays an important role in the causes and conditions of many types of pulmonary fibrosis. J. Behr and his group of pulmonologists from the University of Munich studied this phenomenon both in laboratory cultures and in pulmonary fibrosis patients. Because pulmonary fibrosis is an inflammatory disorder, their treatment includes therapy to suppress the immune inflammatory response. With the help of NAC, patients’ pulmonary function tests improved and the number of oxidative breakdown products fell. By using aerosolized NAC, Z. Borok from the NIH (National Institute of Health) revered the oxidant-antioxidant imbalance in pulmonary fibrosis patients. Both NAC and aerosol GSH have shown success in this situation. Clearly, both oral and inhaled NAC can successfully raise pulmonary GSH levels. In patients with pulmonary fibrosis, fibroblasts – cells in part responsible for the fibrous scar tissue – grow excessively in both number and activity. When tissue cultures were made of these cells, it was found that the presence of GSH down-regulated their growth. This implies that GSH may slow the progress of pulmonary fibrosis. CASE STUDY With a background in law from her native France, Nona became actively involved with business and philanthropological pursuits in Canada. She was a 41 year-old mother of three suffering from Hodgkin’s disease and requiring both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Although these treatments cured her of Hodgkin’s disease, the treatments left her lungs scarred – the condition of pulmonary fibrosis. Her interests had to be dropped as her breathing deteriorated. She ended up staying at home, using home oxygen and many medications. Despite all interventions, her pulmonary function tests (PFT’s) continued to fall. After six weeks of Immunocal 20 grams/day she went back to her pulmonary doctor, claiming she could breath again. Thinking there might be a placebo effect; the physician repeated her pulmonary function tests, which showed her back at about 90% of normal values. To eliminate other possibilities, the Immunocal was withdrawn. She subsequently deteriorated again. Three weeks after reinstating the Immunocal, her PFT’s went back up to 95% of normal values. She promised herself never to stop again. CYSTIC FIBROSIS Cystic fibrosis affects many organ systems, but particularly the lungs. It is also called mucoviscidosis because it secretes a sticky mucus which neither lubricates nor flows freely in the nose, throat, airways and intestines. Cystic fibrosis is one of the most common inherited diseases in North America and affects some 30,000 people. Survivors live to an age of about 28 years, depending on the extent of pulmonary involvement. Cystic fibrosis is most often classified as a disorder of the exocrine glands, and primarily affects the pancreas in fibrocystic pancreatic disease, the sweat glands, and pulmonary mucus production in mucoviscidosis. The problem stems from an inherited defect in the gene responsible for secreting certain fluids from these glands.

The disease often becomes apparent early in life. As babies, cystic fibrosis patients have extremely frequent digestive difficulties. Their pancreas do not provide enough digestive juice. This leads to malabsorption (poor ability to use nutrients) and malnutrition. Their skin loses large amounts of salt and they may sweat profusely. The lungs secrete a very thick (viscous) mucus that can obstruct airways, causing coughing, wheezing, and recurrent lung infections. Comprehensive and intensive therapy with health workers specialized in nursing, nutrition, physical therapy ad respiratory therapy is essential for this problem. Dr. Larry Lands, director of the cystic fibrosis clinic at McGill University in Montreal, aptly points out that inflammation is central to cystic fibrosis, that inflammation always precedes lung infection, and that lung infection almost inevitably follows severe inflammation. Continued inflammation depletes antioxidants and GSH even more and a vicious circle ensues. The decrease of GSH in cystic fibrosis is noticeable in the fluid lining of the lungs (epithelial lining fluid), and also in blood serum, red blood cells and elsewhere. This points to whole-body depletion as a result of ongoing oxidative stress. Cystic fibrosis patients are at even further risk of antioxidant depletion because of pancreatic involvement leading to digestive difficulties and poor absorption of essential nutrients. Many researchers are investigating the use of supplemental antioxidants in this disease, including Lands’ team investigating Immunocal, the whey-based GSH precursor. NAC as long been utilized in an aerosol form to break down mucus accumulation in cystic fibrosis patients. It can be used in the same way for asthma, bronchitis, COPD, emphysema, pneumonia and other situations where thick secretions impair pulmonary function. CASE STUDY Eight year-old Zach, a cystic fibrosis patient, loved baseball. He was smaller than the rest of the kids, but it was shortness of breath and recurrent respiratory problems, not height, that kept him off the team. He took more care of his nutritional needs and was good about taking his additional vitamin and antioxidant supplementation. His parents learned how to provide him with home aerosol treatments by mask. He has been using both oral and nebulized (by mask) Mucomyst (N-acetylcysteine). Although primarily used as a “bench-warmer,” Zach is back on the team. CONCLUSION An impressive amount of research has made clear the critical importance of antioxidants and GSH in all these pulmonary diseases. Unlike most other tissues, the lungs can use GSH as-is – through direct contact – rather than having to first absorb its precursors and then manufacture it, s is the case elsewhere in the body. There are many ways to elevate pulmonary GSH, including oral, intravenous and inhaled therapies. In the next few years we will see increased use of these products to raise glutathione levels in acute, chronic and critical care patients. REFERENCES TO LUNG DISEASE BALANSKY RM, DE FLORA S. Chemoprevention by N-acetylcysteine of urethane-induced clastogenicity and lung tumors in mice. Int. J. Cancer 77:302-305, 1998 BALANSKY RB, D’AGOSTININ F, ZANNACCHI P, DE FLORA S. Protection of N-acetylcysteine of the histopathological and cytogenetical damaged produced by exposure of rats to cigarette smoke. Cancer Lett. 64:123-131, 1992 BARANOVA H, PERRIOT J, ALBUISSON E, ET AL. Peculiarities of the GSTM1 o/o genotype in French heavy smokers with various types of chronic bronchitis. Human Genetics 99: 822-826, 1997 BEHR J, DEGENKOLB B, MAIER K, ET AL. Increased oxidation of extracellular glutathione by bronchoalveolar inflammatory cells in diffuse fibrosing alveolitis. Eur. Respir. J. 8: 1286-1292, 1995 BEHR J, MAIER K, DEGENKOLB B, ET AL. Antioxidative and clinical effects of high-dose N-acetylcysteine in fibrosing alveolitis. Adjunctive therapy to a maintenance immunosuppression. American J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 156: 1897-1901, 1997 BERNARD GR. Potential of N-acetylcysteine as treatment for the adult respiratory distress syndrome. Eur. Respir. J. Suppl. II: 496S-498S, 1990 BERNARD GR. N-acetylcysteine in experimental and clinical acute lung injury. American J. Med. 91(3c): 54S-59S, 1991 BERNARD GR, WHEELER AP, ARONS MM, ET AL. A trial of antioxidants N-acetylcysteine and Procysteine in ARDS. The antioxidant in ARDS Study Group. Chest 112: 164-172, 1997 BIBI H, SCHLESINGER M, TABACHNIK E, ET AL. Erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity in asthmatic children. Ann. Allergy 61: 339-340, 1988 BOROK Z, BUHL R, GRIMES GJ, ET AL. Effect of glutathione aerosol on oxidant-antioxidant imbalance in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Lancet 338: 215-216, 1991

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HULL J, VERVAART P, GRIMWOOD K, PHELAN P. Pulmonary oxidative stress response in young children with cystic fibrosis. Thorax 52: 557560, 1997 HUNNINGHAKE GW, KALICA AR. Approaches to the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. American J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 151(3 Pt 1): 915-918, 195 IKEGAMI K, LALONDE C, YOUNG YK, ET AL. Comparison of plasma reduced glutathione and oxidized glutathione with lung and liver tissue oxidant and antioxidant activity during acute inflammation. Shock 1: 307-312, 1994 KADRABOVA J, MAD’ARIC A, KOVACIKOVA Z, ET AL. Selenium status is decreased in patients with intrinsic asthma. Biol. Tr. Elem. Res. 52: 241-248, 1996 KELLY FJ, COTGROVE M, MUDWAY IS. Respiratory lining tract fluid antioxidants: the first line of defense against serious gaseous pollutants. Cent. Eur. J. Public Health 4 Suppl: 11-14, 1996 LANDS LC, GREY VL, GRENIER. Total plasma antioxidant capacity in cystic fibrosis. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 29: 81-87, 2000 LAURENT T, MARKERT M, FEIHL F, ET AL. Oxidant-antioxidant balance in granulocytes during ARDS. Effect of N-acetylcysteine. Chest 109: 163-166, 1996 LOTHIAN B, GREY V, KIMOFF RJ, LANDS LC. Treatment of obstructive airway disease with a cysteine donor protein supplement: A case report. Chest: 117:914-916, 2000 MACNEE W. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from science to the clinic: the role of glutathione in oxidant-antioxidant balance. Monaldi. Arch. Chest Dis. 52: 479-485, 1997 MACNEE W, BRIDGEMAN MM, MARSDEN M, ET AL. The effects of N-acetylcysteine and glutathione on smoke-induced changes in lung phagocytes and epithelial cells. American J. Med. 91(3C): 60S-66S, 1991 MEYER A, BUHL R, KAMPF S, MAGNUSSEN H. Intravenous N-acetylcysteine and lung glutathione of patients with pulmonary fibrosis and normals. American J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 152: 1055-1060, 1955 MEYER A, BUHL R, MAGNUSSEN H. The effect of oral N-acetylcysteine on lung glutathione levels in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Eur. Respir. J. 7:431-436, 1994 MISSO NL, POWERS KA, GILLON RL, ET AL. Reduced platelet glutathione peroxidase activity and serum selenium concentration in atopic asthmatic patients. Clin. Exp. Allergy 26: 838-847, 1996 MORRIS PE, BERNARD GR. Significance of glutathione in lung disease and implications for therapy. American J. Med. Sci. 307: 119-127, 1994 NOVAK Z, NEMETH I, GYURKOVITS K, ET AL. Examination of the role of oxygen free radicals in bronchial asthma in childhood. Clin. Chim. Acta. 201: 247-251, 1991 OLIVIERI D, MARISCO SA, DEL DONNO M. Improvement of mucociliary transport in smokers by mucolytics. Eur. J. Respir. Dis. Suppl. 139: 142145, 1985 ORTOLANI O, GRATINO F, LEONE D, ET AL. Usefulness of the prevention of oxygen radical damage in the critical patient using the parental administration of reduced glutathione in high doses. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. 68: 239-244, 1992 PACHT ER, TIMERMAN AP, LYKENS MG, MEROLA AJ. Deficiency of alveolar fluid glutathione in patients with sepsis and the adult respiratory distress syndrome. Chest 100: 1397-1403, 1991 PARR GD, HUITSON A. Oral Fabrol (oral N-acetylcysteine) in chronic bronchitis. Br. J. Dis. Chest 81: 341-348, 1987 PATTERSON CE, RHOADES RA. Protective role of sulfhydryl reagents in oxidant lung injury. Exp. Lung Res. 14 Suppl: 1005-1019, 1988 PEARSON DJ, SUAREZ-MENDEZ VJ, DAY JP, MILLER PF. Selenium status in relation to reduced glutathione peroxidase activity in aspirinsensitive asthma. Clin Exp. Allergy 21: 203-208, 1991

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Pneumonia Pneumonia Testimonial # 81 Dear Dr. Petrosino "I had pneumonia continuously until I got on Immunocal. Then I never had so much as a sniffle. I stopped taking it because I ran out of money, but I'm back on it now. Sincerely, Sheila Clubb Ollie, IA Wednesday, October 26, 2001

Skeletal system

Skeletal system Definition: the bones (206 in an adult) that give the body support and protect vital organs ¾

Bone Density


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Bone Density Testimonial # 82: July 14, 2003 Oded Rencus, M.D. Riverbend Medical Group Dear Dr. Rencus, To say the least I was very happy with the report you gave me on July 11, 2003 concerning my recent bone density test. As I related to you , I visited with you in your office last June 25, 2002 about not taking Fosamax because of the side effects it produced. Instead you agreed that I should not take it for that reason. I proposed instead of Fosamax, I would prefer taking Immunocal ( a special formulated whey protein isolate ) and Pure Milk Calcuim , both produced by Immunotec Research, Ltd. On my first visit last year , May 24, 2003, I presented you with a packet of information about Immunocal and it’s positive effects on the immune system. It is the only non-drug entrée in the PDR, which also tells about it’s properties and it’s effect on the body. After experiencing “the amazing positive results of my test” ( your words to me ) within less than a years time , would you consider prescribing this to your patients that have or may experience side effects from prescription drugs that you prescribe? My personal feelings from a humanitarian stand point is that people should have that option. My husband and I are distributors of these products in this area. We would be very happy to meet with you at you earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with you as a vendor of these products, in order to help people who otherwise might suffer the side effects of prescription drugs.. Yours Truly, Mabel Brucknak

Bone Density Testimonial # 83 Betty’s Mom: In the fall of 1998, my mother had a bone density test and a diagnosis of osteoporosis was confirmed. In Nov. of 1998 she started on Immunocal for her emphysema, diabetes, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and irritable bowel syndrome. In Feb. 1999 a Doctor put her on Evista (a selective estrogen receptor modulator) The Doctor had put several women with osteoporosis on Evista and was monitoring all of these women for his own small study. He was told Regina was taking a food supplement (Immunocal) but he was not concerned and told her she could continue if she so desired. In the fall of 2000 she had a bone density test done along with the other women in this small study. Regina was the only woman in this group who not only had an improvement in her diagnosis but now had a normal bone density as in a young adult. Because of the side effects she experienced while on Evista, one being severe leg cramps, her Doctor told her to discontinue the Evista as she didn’t need it. The bone scan done 10/10/00 showed Betty’s mother’s bone density as normal. She took 3 packs of Immunocal per day for several months and went to 2 packs before the bone scan. She now has to take only 1 pack per day! Betty reports that her mother has had just amazing results with Immunocal other than the bone density report. Her energy has returned along with a host of other benefits, as you read earlier. As Betty says, “ I have my mother back and I’m so thankful!” Betty Lyons was a registered nurse in Canada. She now does her Immunotec business full-time!

Cancers/ HIV/AIDS

Cancers/ HIV/AIDS ¾ ¾ ¾

Cancers Hope for Céline Dion Tumors

Pages Pages Pages

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84 - 96 97 98 - 99(on pg 132,#174

Cancers Brian's Battle by Karen O'Handley Testimonial # 84: Wouldn't you agree that when someone you love is very ill, you would search high and low to find something to help them. regain their health? Most assuredly you would. And when you find that "something" that helps your loved one, wouldn't you want others to know about it? Without a doubt! My name is Karen O'Handley, and I have been asked by many people to write this story about my son, because it has given hope to those going through their own difficult health challenges. In May of 2002 I took my 19 year old son Brian to our primary physician Dr. Raymond Dann because of a swollen, area on the right side of his back. Brian thought he might have pulled a muscle while playing baseball, however the swelling wasn't going down. Since the location of the swelling also involved the underside of his right arm, I was hoping another possibility might be a swollen lymph gland. Upon examining Brian, Dr. Dann immediately became concerned about the look and feel of the area, so he ordered a CT scan to be performed the next morning. Four days later Brian and I went back for the results. Imagine my complete shock and disbelief when we were told that the CT scan showed the following: a large tumor in Brian's right scapula (shoulder blade), as well as a large mass under his right arm; a growth in the sternum bone in his chest that had already damaged the bone; a growth over his heart the size of a small fist; and multiple metastases (nodules) in BOTH of his lungs. It was impossible for me to comprehend that my only child had stage IV cancer, because at 6'2" with an athletic build he looked as healthy as a horse, and he was not in any pain. Plus, he had never smoked or abused alcohol or drugs, and he lived a morally clean lifestyle. He was also very active with baseball, basketball and football, and he played the drums and the guitar. I can only imagine the thoughts that were racing through Brian's mind when he heard the news! I tried my best to remain strong for my son's sake, but the tears flowed down my face as I drove us home from the doctor's office. Later that same week Brian had a full body bone scan, and a biopsy was performed on the mass under his right arm. A few days later we were given the diagnosis: Ewing's Sarcoma/PNET, a rare and very aggressive cancer that most often strikes young children. It is usually a bone cancer, however it can be soft tissue, and in Brian's case it was both. Naturally, I knew nothing about this cancer, in fact I had never heard of it -- but I had to quickly educate myself. This was an emotionally difficult thing to do, because everything I read was absolutely horrifying, as well as depressing. There is a very low survival rate with Ewing's and it is very difficult to stop this cancer because it is so resistant to treatment. In some cases, the tumors are known to double in size daily. Next, armed with all Brian's test results, we visited 2 oncologists, a surgeon and a radiologist to see what could be done to help my son. However, because of the spread of the cancer, at that point surgery and/or radiation were out of the question. The only treatment that could be recommended was mega, doses of chemo, however the possible side effects from the treatment were horrific. We were told that any of the following could happen: brain hemorrhaging, collapsed veins, spontaneous internal bleeding, heart damage, liver damage, kidney damage, bladder damage, sterility, and severe deep depression. The question rolling around in my mind after hearing the list of possible side effects was: Which was the lesser of two evils - the aggressive cancer or the toxic treatment? Additionally, we were told he would need blood transfusions every 3 - 4 weeks due to the damage to his blood supply from the chemo. All of this was unacceptable to me, on many levels. Also, it didn't make sense to fill my son with toxic chemicals when he already had a severely weakened immune system -- why else would he have cancer? I decided there had to be another answer "out there", and that I had to build up Brian's immune system before he could undergo such a dangerous medical treatment. For the next 7 months we visited many natural practitioners, herbalists and nutritionists, as well as a renowned cancer clinic in Mexico. With the help and support of our loving friends, donations were collected and several fund raisers were held in order to raise the many thousands of dollars that had to be spent in order to use these types of natural supplements and treatments, because our health insurance covered none of it. Unfortunately, these natural treatments were not strong enough to stop Ewing's Sarcoma. In fact, the most visible sign of the cancer -- the mass under Brian's arm -- was rapidly growing larger. It had grown so huge that he could no longer put his arm down by his side, and his skin covering the mass had deep purple stretch marks because of the rapid growth. Outwardly, the mass had wrapped around to the front of his chest, and was pushing in the right side of his chest. Inwardly, it was wrapping around his lung. The bones of his right shoulder and the top of his arm were pulled out of alignment because of the expansion of the mass, so his right shoulder sloped downward and became 2-3 inches wider than the left shoulder. His upper body was noticeably deformed. He was now also in a lot of physical pain, as well as emotional pain. (Visualize slicing a football lengthwise, placing one of those halves under your arm, contouring it to your shoulder blade to wrap around to the front of your chest. Imagine how you would feel, and how Brian must have felt.) At this point, the only thing my son wanted to do was close his eyes and go to sleep in death. I was at my wit's end, because it was obvious nothing natural was going to stop this monster growing inside him. I knew he would have to undergo the mega doses of chemo -- but what was going to protect his body from the horrific side effects? I had spent many sleepless nights worrying about my son, but this night in particular was very difficult. I felt as though Brian was a lamb going to the slaughter, and I beseeched God with many tears that night to show me what to do for my son, and send me to the right person to help him.

The next morning at 8:00 the phone rang, and it was a woman named Betty Murray -- a friend of a friend. She had heard about Brian from one of my closest friends, Joyce Keenan, and about how I was searching for something to help his immune system. She called to tell me about a product with a strange name: IMMUNOCAL. I remembered my tearful prayer the night before, and I knew then and there that I was supposed to listen to what she had to say. Betty told me right away that she didn't know a lot about Immunocal because she was a new distributor and just learning about the product, so she was smart enough to get an expert on the phone to talk to me -- Jim Spencer. Jim is an Independent Entrepreneur with Immunotec Research Ltd., the developers of Immunocal. He travels around the U.S. as a spokesperson for the company conducting health seminars to teach people about a simply wonderful molecule in each cell of our body, called "glutathione". He helped me to understand what role glutathione plays in the cells: that it's the "master antioxidant", an immune system booster, and a detoxifier. He explained that Immunocal is a biologically active, undenatured whey protein isolate which supplies the body with the "precursors", or building blocks, for the cells to make more of their own supply of this precious antioxidant. In the case of someone with cancer, the tumors themselves are very high in glutathione, which contributes to their rapid growth and explains why they are often resistant to even chemo and radiation. A very interesting thing happens, however, when a cancer patient eats Immunocal daily. The healthy cells INCREASE their supply of glutathione, while the tumor cells become DEPLETED in glutathione! This phenomenon is called "negative feedback inhibition", and it is extremely useful for treating cancer. It was clear to me this was exactly what I had been looking for over the past 7 months -- something non-toxic and natural to build Brian's immune system and also protect his organs and blood supply while undergoing the rigors of chemo! The icing on the cake was when I was told that Immunocal is in The Physician's Desk Reference as well as The Pharmacist's Redbook, and it also has a method-of-use patent as an "anti-cancer therapeutic agent" (as well as 5 other method-ofuse patents in other applications). And there is over 20 years of research on Immunocal, along with multitudes of clinical studies. I wanted Brian on it immediately, and I wanted to take it too, because it's NOT just for cancer patients. We ALL need to be eating Immunocal -- including children -- because of the polluted environment we live in. The water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe -- our bodies are rapidly breaking down from all the toxins and the stresses of life in this system of things. Immunocal is "food for the immune system", and gives us the help we need. I immediately put Brian on the recommended dose for cancer patients -- 4 packs of Immunocal daily. Yet I also wanted to take it, and I wanted us to take some of the other unique products that Immunotec Research makes. But where was all the money going to come from? I was, and still am, a single parent, and I needed to be home with my son monitoring his recovery, yet I had to find a way to support both of us and pay for all these products. I definitely had "a big-enough WHY" for needing the freedom to work from home, and I saw that I could be financially rewarded for telling people about the importance of Immunocal for them and their loved ones. So, in my typical style, I "dove right in" and started my first home-based business in Dec.'02, even though I had no office equipment and I had never done network marketing before. That did not stop me, however, because I knew I would learn the business as I went along, and I had faith that the office equipment would somehow materialize ... which it did! To make a VERY long story a little bit shorter: Brian went through 4 months of the mega doses of chemo beginning in March '03, under the supervision of oncologist Dr. Leo Orr. The only side effect he experienced was total hair loss, which rapidly grew back when chemo ended. He maintained a good appetite, and he gained 10 pounds. Blood transfusions were never suggested, and he never became anemic. When his white blood cell count would drop as expected after each round of chemo, he simply had to give himself Neupogen shots in the thigh for a few days, and the WBCs would go up again. The huge mass under his arm responded very quickly to the chemo by softening, and then slowly it began to shrink. When the chemo protocol was completed, another CT scan was performed so a comparison could be made to the original one done in May '02. Dr. Orr gave us a lot of positive news: the metastases (nodules) in the lungs were shrinking, and there weren't as many; the mass over his heart was completely GONE, and the heart returned to it's normal size (in the previous scan it was noticeably swollen); the cancer in the sternum was GONE, and the damaged bone healed in and was smooth in appearance (even Dr. Orr was amazed at that, because chemo does not HEAL anything -- it is designed to destroy -- yet Brian's body healed itself while he was on chemo). The mass under his arm was shrinking and the primary tumor in his shoulder blade was a little bit smaller, so the green light was given for Brian to begin 6 weeks of radiation treatments, 5 days per week. (NOTE: I also give credit for the recovery of Brian's bones to another unique product that Immunotec Research makes called PURE MILK CALCIUM, which we take everyday.) Radiation therapy began a few weeks later under the supervision of Dr. Eva Lean and Dr. David Hodgens, and the targeted area was the right shoulder blade and the mass under his arm. I was expecting some kind of nasty side effects because I had read a lot about radiation complications. But the only thing Brian experienced was bright pink skin, which looked like a sun burn. It never hurt, nor did it require any cream or lotion. While undergoing this treatment the mass under his arm got MUCH smaller -it was obvious the cancer cells were dying quickly, and not resistant at all. (I continued giving him 4 packs daily of Immunocal throughout all of the radiation treatment - - in fact he's never been off of it since the first day I gave it to him.) New tests were needed to determine the effectiveness of the radiation therapy. Oncology surgeon Dr. William Bowman had to determine if surgery was necessary to remove any remains of the tumor from the shoulder blade. We waited the required 6 weeks after radiation before having more tests, then Brian had a full body bone scan and an MRI of his upper body in Dec.'03. When the results came in, we received fabulous news from Dr. Bowman ... there is NO CANCER in any of Brian's bones, including his shoulder blade, which meant he did not need surgery! Next we received the MRI results and more great news ... the metastases are ALL GONE in his lungs; the heart and the sternum are all clear and ALL OF HIS ORGANS ARE "NORMAL", including his lymph glands. Finally, in Jan.'04 Brian had a biopsy of the area where the mass

had been. The biopsy slides were examined at the pathology lab where the procedure was performed, and then they sent the slides for confirmation to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia to be reviewed by a specialist. Both labs confirmed it ... no cancer cells were found ... MY SON IS CANCER FREE! Isn't that amazing? What an incredible blessing! We didn't expect to hear such fabulous news after just ONE YEAR of taking Immunocal daily. I was expecting that we'd be fighting this battle a lot longer, so you can imagine how relieved we feel! From this point Brian will have follow up MRIs and labs (blood work, etc.) every 4 months so we can monitor his recovery. As I write this (April 2004), Brian is 21 years old and will be 22 in July. It was just under 2 years ago, in May 2002, he was first diagnosed with a deadly stage IV cancer. He has his life in front of him again, thanks to Immunocal and the excellent medical care he received from many caring, talented doctors and nurses. Brian's primary physician, Dr. Raymond Dann, tells his patients: "Immunocal is the reason Brian is alive today." So naturally, he will stay on Immunocal for the rest of it! He is presently taking 3 packs daily, and I will keep him on that dose for a long time because he's going through a tremendous recovery process. After all, his body has been through quite a trauma, and his immune system needs to recover not only from the cancer, but the chemo and radiation as well. We just have to be patient, which can be hard, because Brian wants "to make up for lost time" and get on with his life. And naturally, I want that for him too. In closing, I thank God for allowing Dr. Gustavo Bounous to make the discovery of a simple whey protein that helped the control mice in a clinical study to live longer than the ones that were not fed the specialized protein, even when the control mice were injected with cancer cells. I also thank God for giving my son his life back, when surely he was going to die from such a horribly aggressive cancer. I am so grateful that Betty Murray had the courage to call to tell me what she knew, because she was an answer to my prayers. And I am also grateful to Immunotec Research for the opportunity to make a living working full time from my home, helping people regain their health while also helping those in my downline organization that are committed to increasing their income. What's not to like about that? I look forward to an enjoyable future with this wellness company, Immunotec Research Ltd., and the pleasure of seeing my family and friends flourish. I sincerely hope you take the time to investigate how Immunocal can help you and all you know to improve their health as well! Warm Regards, Karen O'Handley

Breast Cancer Testimonial # 85 Quebecer Ivy-Marie is a very active thirty-seven year old breast cancer survivor. After undergoing her initial surgery, the pathologist's report suggested she undergo a dozen sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She experienced many side-effects, including profound weakness and fatigue - a new experience for her. After ten sessions of therapy and many visits to her doctor to treat side effects, she was put on 30 gm/day of the whey protein concentrate Immunocal. Her strength and sense of well being improved within a week and she tolerated her last session of chemotherapy with few side effects. She is back to her usual routine, and remains disease-free

Ingrid Cancer Testimonial # 86: Dear Leroy and Monika, Thank you for your e-mail. I had it on my mind, to write you, sorry it took me so long. How are you doing? I am doing fine, health wise and other wise. Since I take the product, I noticed to have more energy and the "unclean" skinproblems in my face (from taking the chemotherapy) are disappearing. Beginning of the month I had the Chemo and at that time the Tumormarker was on 4.2 and when X-ray was taken from my spine, the could not find any cancerous signs on it. In May I had in my lung a metastasis of the 4 to 7 cm and 4 others of 2.5 cm in diameter. Beginning of August the bone scan and the CT showed, that there is only one Metastasis of 1.5 cm and around 10 other tiny "objects" smaller as 0.5 cm, but it is not possible to find out, if these smaller "objects" are malignant or not. After the 6. Chemo End of September, the doctor will have another test. But till then I will take the product and hopefully all readings of cancer may be of the past! We are very happy about this news! Thanks to Jehovah, who gave to me the power beyond what is normal and all the good gifts in men, who helped me on the way of recovery. Gaby is taking the product too and we will write you later, which improvement she will experience. Please tell me, if I should send my orders to you or directly to Canada? I got only one package of vitamins, I need 5 boxes more. With Christian love, Ingrid

Mary Levers Breast Cancer Testimonial # 87 December 1996 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Luckily, I was operated on December 24th. Janurary 6th I was given the pathologist's report and I would need to have chemotherapy and radiotherapy. My first chemo was on January 24 and I was to do 12 sessions. The doctor told me that I could have different reactions to the chemo like vomiting, nausea, hair loss, sores in my mouth, etc. To counteract I was to do 24 sessions of radiotherapy simultaneously. If there were any complications I'd have antibiotics prescribed. After checking me out and prescribing the antibiotics, Dr. Dowell introduced me to HMS/90. He explained that it would help my immune system and being a pro-anything natural, I became interested in this food supplement. Two days after my 10th chemo session I began taking HMS/90. Incredibly, I had already noticed a change in my system ... I was especially interested in HMS/90 for its detoxification process since it would help my body eliminate the drugs. I had more energy than I have had in a long time and my body recovered from chemo much quicker without any side effects! This is definitely due to HMS/90. I continue to take HMS/90 faithfully and continue to build up my strength and hope to be back to normal in a few months. HMS/90 has given me a better quality of life. . I would be pleased to talk with you... Mary Levers

Terminal Lymphoma Testimonial # 88: Edith Groom, Victoria, B.C., Canada January, 2004 I would like to share my story of how HMS 90 has saved my life. In November of 2001, at 83, I lost my husband, Howard, to cancer. In the next few months I became aware that I was losing weight, although I felt fine. By January, after successive checks with my doctor, he suggested I go for a few tests. A few tests included several weeks of ultrasounds, and biopsies of my liver, stomach, and bone marrow. By April the results were in. I had cancer (lymphoma). As my doctor put it, this can be like a raging lion within the body, but chemotherapy is very successful in knocking it back. By mid–August, after six treatments, I was in pretty bad shape with terminal lymphoma (Stage IV, rampant/wasting). The last scan still showed cancerous nodes on my abdomen and chest. My grand-daughter was a great help to me, as I just didn’t have the energy to do very much for myself. I had a walker by my bed, but couldn’t even get out of bed to stand or use the commode. In early September, Paul Rothe, suggested I try HMS 90. I took three packs per day, and by November, was feeling much better. I must have been better because I was able to host the family dinner for Christmas! In March, when Paul made one of his calls to see how I was doing, I was able to tell him that I was almost back to my old self. My last scan was complete clear, and I didn’t have to go for another checkup for three months! Although I have only regained 20 of the 34 pounds I lost during my illness, I am doing really well. But, I am still taking two packs of HMS 90 per day to keep the cancer from coming back. If I hadn’t taken HMS 90, the story would have been a lot different. Edith

Fausta Magee Chronic Lymphocyte Leukemia ( CLL) Testimonial # 89 After many months of feeling fatigued and getting many colds and infections I was finally diagnosed with CLL. A lot of good that did me as I was told that there is no cure. It is a progressive leukemia and that if I was fortunate enough to not get ill and keep my white blood count down there would be a cure within the next 10 years. My white blood count was increasing with each blood test every month so the cancer was growing. This is all validated through my doctors by the way! I also grew lumps on my neck and wore turtle necks and scarves during the summer to hide them as I did not want to worry my children. In September of 2003 I also developed a skin disorder on my right arm which I also tried my best to conceal. Living on antibiotics was not for me but what choice did I have? Every time I got infection my count would increase so had no choice but to take the drugs. I became very ill in June of 2004 and had given up. I made my funeral arrangements and put my affairs in order. A good friend of mine from Ontario sent me 4 boxes of a Immunocal/HMS-90 in August of 2004...She was very firm that I needed to take 4 packages a day. The night before I received the package I had prayed to God for a miracle.(My miracle arrived in the mail via my angel friend in Ontario.) Within a week of taking the product (3,10 gram packs per day) I had my life back! In six weeks my white blood count had gone down, and my lumps were getting smaller. It has now been 6 months of being on the product. I have no lumps, my right arm is looking like my arm again, my hair has a shine, my finger nails have no ridges and what can I say, I am delighted. I still have leukemia but who cares as long as I feel and look good. I am experiencing a nice quality of life and that is all that counts. My new saying is “ If I am going out , I am going out feeling good! It is gratifying to have my quality of life back and who knows where it might go from here. As long as I take this GSH enhancer I feel great! I share the information on Immunocal/HMS-90 with everyone and hope that you do too! Fausta Magee, British Columbia, Canada February, 2005

Larry Prostrate Cancer Testimonial # 90 My name is Larry and I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer in Dec 2001 with a Gleason score of 3+3. After 2 consultations with my urologist, I elected to go with the natural way of healing and managed to keep my PSA under control. In addition to my many natural supplements, my diet was 90% vegetarian. I continued to loose weight and lacked energy. I was introduced to Immunocal (HMS90) 5 months ago and have been on 3 packages a day. To date, I have regained my normal weight, improved muscle mass, and am full of energy. My recent physical examination with my family doctor revealed a soft prostrate and normal in size. I also take Magistral twice a day for preventative purposes. I owe my good feeling and mental attitude to this amazing product Immunocal . My golf game has never been better! My age is 65 going on 40! Larry McArthur Red Deer, Alberta Canada

Franklin Prostate Cancer Testimonial # 91 Franklin was a semi-retired general practitioner who at age 68 scored a PSA reading of over 8 micrograms/liter on a routine screening exam, suggesting a high possibility of prostate cancer. In continued tests, a urologist took a cystoscopic biopsy and confirmed the diagnosis. Four out of Franklin's six biopsy sites tested positive for high-grade tumor. For personal and practical reasons, Franklin delayed aggressive treatment and opted to take 30 grams/day of Immunocal, (3 pouches) a protein isolate that raises glutathione levels. Bimonthly PSA levels showed a gradual decline, his latest reading being 3.8 u/L. He is still being closely followed by his urologist, and his decision to undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery will be deferred unless his PSA levels rise again

Prostate Cancer Testimonial # 92 June 11, 2002 This is Norman’s experience: Dear Herb, About two years ago, Norman became very ill with Congestive Heart Failure and Pneumonia. In the hospital they found Prostate Cancer. Norman could not walk 10 feet without being totally out of breath. With medication, and herbs, there was some improvement. During this time, our friends Cathy and Bob called and told us about Immunocal. I asked them to send it out as soon as they could. Norman started taking 3 envelopes a day and in a month he was getting up, going out in the yard doing things. When we went to the Doctor, Norman’s PSA had dropped from 53 to 0.4. Today, he is not on any medication, but takes 2-3 envelopes of Immunocal a day, and is doing very well. Submitted by: Elsie and Norman Bailey North Carolina

Ovarian Cancer Testimonial # 93: Complaining of abdominal pains, Louisa from Alberta found out she had ovarian cancer. While awaiting surgery, she fell ill with a persistent cough and malaise which turned out to be a metastasis (spreading cancer) which had traveled to her lung. She ultimately needed pelvic surgery to relieve her discomfort, but decided not to undergo treatment for her lung metastasis. She started taking Immunocal and multivitamins daily and noticed a great improvement after several weeks. Four months later, repeat chest x-rays showed no increase in tumor size. Nine month later the radiographs revealed a decrease in tumor size. Louise continues to enjoy tending to her family and household

Stage Four Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Testimonial # 94 Herb, I wanted to let you know the good news that my father was declared cancer free this week. As you probably remember, he was diagnosed with stage four non-Hodgkin's lymphoma last year. As a 78 year old man, his prognosis was not particularly good. He had a sizable tumor in his throat close to his artery and another in his groin. When they did further tests they found one more under one arm. Because the tumors presented themselves on different sides of his body, the assumption was that the cancer was already throughout his system and was well established. The doctor's first concern was the size of the tumor in his throat which was threatening his artery to the brain. Surgery was required to remove a piece of it but the part closest to the artery had to be left behind. The second concern was not knowing if dad could withstand the potency of chemotherapy that would be required to fight this type of cancer. Herb, we are so grateful that we knew about Immunocal's patents as a chemotherapy agent and it's moderating effects on the side effects of chemotherapy. We called Mr. Molson at the company to determine doses and got dad started on 6 packs a day immediately. The oncologist said he was too busy to really study the material about Immunocal that we took to him, but said that it couldn't hurt. Dad has been through four or five cycles of treatments over the last few months. He never felt ill or nauseated at all. The only side effects he experienced were some mouth sores at various times in the cycles. Even though each cycle made him weaker, his over all side effects were very minimal and the doctor was extremely pleased with the way that he was tolerating the treatments. Through out the last few months, the doctor grew increasingly more and more optimistic as he watched dad's progress. And last week, after a CAT scan, dad was told that there was no cancer to be found in his body!! He still will go through a few more rounds of chemo, but at this time he has beat it! We are praising God for His mercy and so very grateful that there are tools like Immunocal to be useful at this time in history! Herb, you won't be surprised to know that the doctor would like some Immunocal information now. I guess he's seen enough that he's willing to take the time to give it a better look! Thank you again for your persistence in getting us to take Immunocal seriously- you might have just saved a life! Love to you, Pat 1/23/04

Cancer Throat/Neck Cancer in Stage D Testimonial # 95 This is what Immunocal has done for me. In July of 99 I was diagnosed with throat/neck cancer in stage D, and given only a 20% chance of survival over 6 months. I had an operation on 1 SEP 99 and 33 days of radiation during the months of Nov and Dec of 99. I started taking Immunocal in Oct of 2000. I had my first follow up with the doctor in March of 2001 at which time the doctor stated that where the operation had taken place there was no cancer. However on the other side of my throat I had developed a new lump that was 3.0 cm in size. I continued to take Immunocal and had my next visit in June 2001. The doctor stated that I was cancer free and the lump on the other side had shrunk in size to 2.5 cm. and that we would just watch it for a while. On my next visit Oct 2001 I was told by the doctor that I was cancer free and that the lump on the other side was gone. It is now June of 2002, I take Immunocal (2packets a day) on a daily basis and I am still cancer free. I am thoroughly convinced that I am cancer free this day due to the regular and continued use of Immunocal. Immunocal also helps me to maintain a good and steady blood glucose reading, I average 70 to 130 on a steady basis, and that is excellent for a 100% insulin dependent diabetic, I also wear an insulin pump. May you take Immunocal and have the success with the products of Immunotec that I have had Sincerely, David Vaught

Sylvia Dad’s Story of Cancer Testimonial # 96 Dear Sylvia, I have just returned from my 6 monthly catscan and want to share the joy of a good report with you. As you know, I had my first major operation for my gastric cancer and cancer of the esophagus over 5 years ago. Unfortunately it re-appeared and re-appeared several more times and within the first 2 years I had 4 major operations. You kept telling me to try IMMUNOCAL / HMS 90 but I did not have confidence in this type of product. However, after 4 operations I had nothing to lose. My surgeon refused to operate again and suggested chemotherapy. I have seen side effects of this treatment and did not look forward to it. I finally listened to you and started my daily IMMUNOCAL /HMS 90.Thank you for being so persistent. The last 3 years I am now perfectly clear. The chances of surviving this type of cancer are less than 5 percent and the oncologists at the Vancouver Cancer Clinic call me the "miracle patient”. I feel great and I wish to thank you for insisting on using IMMUNOCAL. When I finally mentioned this to the oncologists today, they wanted to obtain more details about the product. I you can send me some information, please do so. In the meantime - all I can say: Thank You. Love, Dad

René Angelil Testimonial # 97 Hope for Céline Dion René Angelil [Husband of superstar singer Céline Dion] Takes Immunocal by Michelle Coude-Lord "Le Journal de Montreal" on Sunday, October 17, 1999 In his fight against cancer and with the approval of his doctor in Florida, René Angelil has included Immunocal in his daily menu since last April. There is no commercial agreement between René Angelil and Immunotec, but the Dion family has close ties to doctors working in the field of cystic fibrosis, and they are aware of the work of Dr. Lands. One evening late last March, Thérèse Dion, Céline Dion’s mother, met with the representatives of Immunotec to discuss cancer treatment. “I don’t believe in coincidences,” Mrs. Dion told us this week. “It all happened at the time I learned that René had cancer. I called Céline to tell her about Immunocal. René’s doctor, who had contacted Dr. Bounous, saw no reason why René couldn’t take this vitamin supplement.” Dr. Bounous points out that “the discovery that whey proteins slow carcinogenesis (the process of cancer formation) and tumor growth itself had already been confirmed by researchers in Australia, the US and Europe. Their tests were conducted on different species of animals and on different types of tumors. The proteins encourage the cellular production of glutathione, an important antioxidant which acts to strengthen the cells of the immune system. We can presume that, under these conditions, the immune system is more effective in combating small tumors. “But this theory must be proven scientifically,” continues Dr. Bounous. “This is why the work of renowned researchers like Dr. Lands is necessary. Studies on Immunocal will be presented next May at an international conference in New York organized by the Mount Sinai Hospital. They will deal specifically with the manipulation of cellular glutathione in the treatment of cancer and AIDS.” The Foundation René Angelil has no association with Immunotec, beyond taking the whey supplement. In this, he is like thousands of other people in the US where Immunocal is sold. The Achille Tanguay Foundation, which gives assistance to poor and underprivileged families and which was founded by Thérèse Dion, receives a direct contribution of $10 on each natural product sold. “We want to eliminate poverty, and Immunotec wants to prevent sickness,” says Mrs. Dion. “We are happy with this association simply because we want to help. I would like to make it clear that our family derives no other benefit.” Hope for Céline Dion An Exciting Medical Discovery For The Immune System Helps Céline's Husband ...Rene Angelil QUEBEC--(BW HealthWire)--Nov. 15, 1999-- Celine Dion can now sing forth `my heart will go on' with new meaning. "Eight months ago her husband René Angelil was diagnosed with melanoma [of the throat] and that cast a shadow not only over her career, but over her life. She has subsequently taken a hiatus from touring and recording, to concentrate on more important matters. Now thanks to some important breakthrough research out of Montreal, Canada, it was recently reported in Le Journal de Montreal that Rene has been making good progress. He has made use of an important innovation discovered by the eminent research scientist Dr. Gustavo Bounous. The Dion family has close ties to doctors working in the field of cystic fibrosis, and they are aware of the work of respirologist, Dr. Larry Lands who is one of the many specialists now pursuing the clinical applications of Dr. Bounous' discovery. Dr. Lands says, ``In situations of on-going oxidative stress like COPD and cystic fibrosis, there is an even greater demand for the antioxidant Glutathione (GSH), compared to normal healthy individuals. Nothing can be more vital for anyone than breathing, but that can be exhausting for patients with lung disease. The same oxygen that sustains life, poses metabolic challenges to human cells that need to mount adequate defense. It appears that increasing GSH is the cells' most effective response. The delivery of Immunocal(r) provides the only safe, effective and convenient source of the essential precursors.'' (Please see Dr. Land's published case report of Immunocal® supplementation in a patient with COPD.) But that's not all. So much that goes wrong with the human body starts with a broken down immune system. When that happens we lose the war against common microorganisms, toxins, even cancer and the like. Last March, Therese Dion, Celine Dion's mother, met with Bounous, Lands and others to discuss their work and became fascinated by the new approaches to health and disease management. ``I don't believe in coincidences,'' Mrs. Dion told us this week. ``It all happened at the time that I learned that Rene had cancer. I called Celine to tell

her about Immunocal. Rene's doctor, who had contacted Dr. Bounous himself, saw no reason why Rene couldn't take this supplement.'' It is now past six months that Rene has been adding Immunocal to his daily regimen, with surprising efficacy. Dr. Bounous points out that ``the discovery that specific whey proteins slow carcinogenesis (the process of cancer formation) and tumor growth itself have been confirmed by researchers in Australia, the US and Europe. The tests were conducted on different species of animals and on different types of tumors. These remarkable proteins which are also found in mother's breast milk, encourage the cellular production of glutathione, which acts to strengthen the cells of the immune system. We can presume that under these conditions, the immune system is more effective in combating renegade cells and small tumors. ``Preliminary results are encouraging but this theory must be proven scientifically,'' continues Dr. Bounous. ``This is why the work of renowned researchers like Dr. Lands is necessary.'' Studies on Immunocal® will be presented next May at an international conference in New York organized by the Mount Sinai Hospital. They will deal specifically with the manipulation of cellular glutathione in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. That's just the beginning." Céline Dion's Husband Reneé Angelil declared Cancer-Free Excerpted from an news report by Marcus Errico Jun 9, 2000, 1:15 PM PT "Pop music's most celebrated wannabe mom is (finally) with child. The hitherto fertility-challenged Celine Dion has announced she's due next March. "We just found out," she says in a statement Friday. "In three weeks, if all goes well, we'll hear the heart of our baby, beating inside of my tummy." Last week, Dion, 32, confirmed that she had undergone fertility treatment in New York to help her jump-start a family with 57-year-old managerhubby Rene Angelil. Apparently the procedure was successful. The news ends a year-long disheartening period for the "My Heart Will Go On" diva. A year ago, she announced she was semi-retiring from musicdom to concentrate on raising a family and spending time with Angelil, who was recovering from cancer. (In her statement today, Dion says recent tests have shown no cancer in her husband.) Then in February, Dion filed a $20 million lawsuit against The National Enquirer, saying it falsely reported she was pregnant with twins. "This thing has really upset me," Dion said at the time. "Since the story came out, everyone has been congratulating me, and I have to keep telling them that it's not true. I only wish it was true, and I hope and pray that some day it will be." Her prayers apparently have been answered. "This time it's for real--I'm pregnant," her statement Friday reads. "We are completely, totally happy. And we thank God for the great joy we've been given. "Over this past year, we went through a terrible test together, but we made it through stronger, closer, more loving than ever."

Tumors Brain Tumors: Tumors Testimonial # 98 "I had a brain tumor in 1997, and I have felt tired, depressed and in constant pain from arthritis in the hands. I was on medication from my doctor for the pain and on medication to prevent infections. I began taking immunocal and my energy returned, my pain was reduced to the point that I removed the glove that I had to wear. I don't know of any new infections that have been dectected, high sugar was detected, but it is now at a controllable level, my stamina is something to enjoy now and I feel like I am a whole person again." Sincerely, Ralph J. Coppley 05/23/2001

Malignant Tumors Testimonial # 99 Dr. Petrosino "[My mother] is doing terrific on Immunocal. I am genuinely thrilled as quite frankly, I didn't see her living long at all with two malignant tumors in her liver. She has figured out how to mash up the powder in order to get it to mix with juice or water, but I guess I thought she would receive one of the vortex mixers when she received her order." Sincerely, Lee T. Tuesday, August 07, 2001

Skin Skin Care & Repair

¾ Athlete's foot 100 (In search of) ¾ Canker sores ¾ Cold sores ¾ Open Sores ¾ Skin Lesions ¾ Eczema ¾ Burns ¾ Bee Stings ¾ Skin Perfecting Cream ¾ Psoriasis ¾ Psoriasis before & After Pic Pages ¾ Hidradenitis Suppurativa ¾ SEVERE LEG ULCERS


73 – 73 Testimonial

(#77 on pg 50)

Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages 76 – 76 Pages Pages

73 – 73 Testimonial 73 – 73 Testimonial 73 – 73 Testimonial 73 - 73 Testimonial 73 – 74 Testimonial 75 – 75 Testimonial 75 – 75 Testimonial 75 – 75 Testimonial 76 – 76 Testimonial Testimonial 113 76 - 76 Testimonial 77 – 77 Testimonial

(on pg 132, #174) 101 (In search of) (on pg 78, #118 ) 102 103 - 106 107 110 108 - 109 111 – 112 114 115

Athlete's foot Athlete's foot Testimonial # 100 ¾ (In search of) Tom Salazar # 77 Look on Page 50

Canker sores Canker sores Testimonial Look on page 132 and #174

Cold sores Cold sores Testimonial # 101 ¾ (In search of) Open Sores testimonial # 118 (can be found on Page 78) Joan Tantzen

Skin Lesions Testimonial # 102: The 61 year-old Canadian Charles loved boating. His dream was to retire and spent most of his time on the water, travelling the coasts. Tall, handsome and fair-skinned, he was unfortunately prone to sunburn. Despite sunscreens and hats, being on the water often left him unprotected and his complexion grew ruddy and inflamed. His physician was worried about the possible development of pre-cancerous sun-induced lesions on his face. Charles had already started taking Immunocal for a potential prostate problem. After several weeks he noticed that his tendency to burn was significantly decreased, despite some "accidental" exposures. In two months his in-the-sun complexion was no longer so different from his winter complexion

Eczema Testimonial # 103 Hi Herb, Frank is also on Prycena pg 142 #175 But the best testimony is that I've been taking Immunocal for one year at the rate of 1&1/2 envelopes per day. I have experienced eczema for about three years. I wondered if Immunocal could possibly help this irritable skin condition. I have been controlling the itching and the irritation by the use of a substance called udder cream. Since four weeks ago I have had no outbreaks of eczema and have not used udder cream on my skin. I have tried to figure out what I have changed in my life for the past four weeks. I've come to the conclusion that I've changed nothing but have continued taking Immunocal daily. I believe that Immunocal has been the prime mover in my case to beat eczema. I have no reason to discontinue Immunocal and everything to gain by continueing taking to it. I sincerely hope this helps someone else that is bothered by this irritable scourge. Be diligent is the best advice I can give anyone who decides to help themselves by introducing their life to Immunocal. Keep on keeping on!!! ( as the old saying goes) Frank

Eczema Testimonial # 104 "I was taking only 1 packet a day and the results were slow in coming, but about a month ago I started taking 2 packets as a minimum and the eczema on my right hand that I have been fighting for over 3 years if finally beginning to clear up!!! Oh, didn't mean to send a personal testimonial! :) " Sincerely, Karen Ross, Florida April 11, 2001

Eczema & Cataracts & Fibromyalgia Testimonial # 105 I started to take IMMUNOCAL in May, 1997. Since then my cataracts are gone, my eczema is healed, and I no longer suffer from fibromyalgia. Considering the fact that I have been taking good vitamins and powerful antioxidants for years, the effect of immunocal is more than amazing. I was diagnosed with full lens cataracts in both eyes in February, 1997. In May I began to take Immunocal. In October, I saw my eye doctor and was told that no longer had cataracts. Furthermore, my vision also improved. I suffered from eczema for several years, during which neither conventional nor alternative methods helped. I was given cortisone ointments by allopathic and herbal preparations by Chinese doctors. The symptoms improved somewhat but the disease persisted. After about seven months into taking Immunocal, the eczema cleared up completely. Prior to that I also had to watch what I ate carefully. For example, shell fish and vegetables of the nightshade family would cause the eczema to flare up. I now enjoy all of these and other previously restricted foods freely. I had fibromyalgia starting in 1992. The pain was so intense that both of my arms were almost immobilized. Again nothing from western or Orinental medicine helped. I took a product consisting of noni juice from Tahiti. I was 75% healed when I began to take Immunocal. Within six months I was 95% healed. I was at a plateau for the next two years. About a year ago, I started to take a product called Juice Plus+. Now I no longer have any pain. Although I cannot say that any one of these three products or the combination of them did the total healing, I can say that IMMUNOCAL certainly made a big contribution to the healing process. The cause of my fibromyalgia is believed to be a result of the so called Gulf War syndrome. I was in Kuwait as an oil fire consultant a week after the war. There are other more general benefits such as not getting colds or flu and reduced allergy sensitivities. Henry Cheung, Ph.D. 07/20/2001

Eczema Testimonial # 106 My precious little 5-month-old James started developing a reddish patch rash about his little body. His rash then became a dry, itchy skin where he stretched and scratched. This dry skin now developed to a yellowish, oozing, weeping eczema. I, mama Maria being concerned rushed him off to the doctor. The doctor prescribed Cortisone 10 and said to use it once in awhile. The doctor was not too concerned of James' dark green colored stool. I read the caution on the prescription and it stated that it was not to be used by infants unless approved by a physician for it was developed for adults. James condition was becoming increasingly severe so it had to be applied more than just once in awhile even though I knew it had side effects. I was asked to come to an Immunocal meeting and was not planning on attending because of a serious situation. My mother called and told me that have to come to save my dad from extreme embarrassment for no one had come to the meeting and Sandi and LaVonne had already arrived. During the meeting, I was asked if I had any medical concerns. I explained James' condition. Sandi quickly spun around and excitedly told me of her story on how her son was cured of that same condition with Immunocal, a natural,and no side effect product. Then I shared how I developed lumps in my breast when breast-feeding and LaVonne quickly turned and spoke to me. I signed up as a distributor that night because of my concern for my loved ones and others who need this product to relieve their suffering. Lets see, a ¼ tsp. per 3 lbs. so 15 lbs., James should get 1 ¼ tsp. of Immunocal in his milk; lets bump that up to 2 tsp. since his condition is so severe. After a couple of day, James skin was quickly clearing up. After 4 days, it was gone and the color of his stool was that of a breast feed infant. James became fussy about taking his Immunocal and now doing so well it was not forced on him to drink. Two days later, the eczema was back in full force. To start with, I quickly applied Immunocal's Skin Perfecting Cream externally and the sores started to fade quickly, while internally 2 tsp. Of Immunocal went into his milk for long-term maintenance. skin condition and color is beautiful and he is doing well thanks to Immunocal, and to think if I would have not gone to the Immunocal meeting that it would have not come to be for my little baby James. Maria Martinez Vancouver, WA

Burns Testimonial #: 107 February 8, 2003 Dear Herb: One day while cooking, I absent-mindedly reached into the oven to retrieve a pan, forgetting that the broiler was on. My thumb received a searing burn and, to make things worse, I then grabbed the handle of the pan and burned my hand. I immediately applied ice to both areas, cursing my carelessness. Then I remembered Immunocal Skin Perfecting Cream and immediately applied it generously. Within a few minutes the burn was soothed and it healed so quickly I couldn't believe it! There are no scars either. There’s magic in that stuff! It’s been about one week since this happened and there is no sign at all that I was burned. I did apply the cream several times that first day but none after that. Irene Moore

Skin Perfecting Cream for Burns Testimonial # 108 "The cord of my curling iron caught on the corner of my vanity while I was curling my hair jerking it from my hand. In the instant that it took for the curling iron to fall to the floor, the barrel of it caught the side of my face and also my neck, burning them severely. Each burn was approximately two inches long and an inch wide. The first thing I saw was the Immunocal Skin Perfecting Cream and quickly applied it to the burns. Immediately the excruciating burning sensation subsided. I continued to apply the cream in the morning and evening. The pain never returned and I have no scarring whatsoever. I praise God for Immunotec and its fine products." Sincerely, Bobbie Jo Sims December 28, 2001

Immunotec’s Skin Perfecting Cream: 109 Immunotec’s Skin Perfecting Cream, 10% active ingredient for healing is Immunocal! It is a safe and very effective skin cream. Protopic is a topical treatment for eczema that may cause stinging, burning and an increased risk of skin infections (according to the Protopic web site). As someone who copes with eczema (a common inflammatory skin condition accompanied by rashes and itching) the prospect of adding stinging and burning is not very inviting, to say the least. And you have to wonder: If a topical treatment stings, burns and infects some patients, maybe that's a red flag that something is not quite right. Last week the FDA issued a public health advisory to inform consumers that the use of two topical eczema creams - Protopic and Elidel - may pose a cancer risk. Both of these products address eczema by suppressing the immune system. (Talk about a red flag!) The FDA advisory is based on animal studies that revealed the cancer risk. Human studies may take more than a decade to confirm or disprove a similar risk among us non-lab animals. Product packaging for Protopic and Elidel will be required to carry a black box warning about the potential cancer danger, and consumers will be advised to use these products on a short-term basis. Meanwhile, before eczema patients apply a cream that may cause cancer, they might want to try a natural alternative that doesn't sting, burn, infect or suppress the immune system and that of coarse is our immunocal cream

Bee Stings Skin Cream testimonial #: 110 Hi Jim, A few things. First my neighbor, who is in the media business, was stung by a bee the other day and came over to see if I had any baking soda. I had her try the Skin Perfecting Cream and she was blown away, the pain gone instantly. She is so impressed that we are going to meet with her to try and figure out ways to promote the Cream and the Immunocal. Then I was stung twice in 2 days and I have ended up in the emergency room 3 times with stings, put the cream on and bingo, no pain and no emergency room. I honestly feel that because I take Immunocal daily and also the other antioxidants that my immune system is in such good shape that it has successfully fought off the effects of the stings. The cream absolutely stopped the stinging immediately!. Tom Pratt for a friend

Psoriasis testimonial #: 111 Roland is a 44 year-old energetic and sociable business entrepreneur who suffered from psoriasis for ten years. Itchy, scaly eruptions often covered his entire body, and aggressive scratching led to bleeding and scabbing. His dermatologist tried many different treatments including strong topical corticosteroids and methotrexate tablets, which he had to discontinue due to side-effects. Ultraviolet light therapy was suggested, but having the financial means, Roland preferred frequent trips to Mexico and the Caribbean to sitting in artificial light. Having done significant homework on his condition, he concluded that the psoriasis was caused by an immune dysfunction. He started taking 40 grams/day of Immunocal to raise his glutathione levels. Within two weeks he was free of bleeding and scabs and described his scaling as 75% improved

Psoriasis Testimonial #112 I have suffered from Psoriasis for nearly 10 years, and when I say suffering I'm not exaggerating! My dermatologist said that mine was a severe case - I would say that was an understatement. It was not unusual for my whole body to be covered with itchy, scaly eruptions (my scalp and legs particularly) bleeding or covered with scabs. Unfortunately my dermatologist could not do very much to help me. The only thing that seemed to help me partially and only temporarily was to take a trip to Mexico every two months - an expensive and disruptive treatment. Who knows what more serious damage I was inflicting on myself by overdosing on ultra-violet rays! I was introduced to Immunocal just when I was about to schedule a trip to Mexico. My dermatologist had explained to me that Psoriasis was a condition which involved the immune system so I felt that Immunocal offered at least a potential for helping me. I was not ready for what happened next. After only 4 days of using Immunocal the improvement was both visible and dramatic - I would say about a 75% improvement and no more bloody patches and scab. Thank God for Immunocal and Dr. Bounous! Roman Motyka, Quebec, Canada

Before and After picture of psoriasis #113

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Testimonial # 114 "Dr. Petrosino My Name is Lori, I am a 26 year old female who has a disease called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. This disease makes you have boils like lumps in your armpits, groin, buttocks, thighs, and well pretty much any where you have sweat glands. This disease is very painful and disabling. In Dec/00 I came across Immunocal on the internet. So to make a long story short I been on Immunocal for 6 months now and I have not had a one of my blow outs (as we HS sufferers call them) in 2 wonderful mobile months. My area is the armpit, groin and sometimes on the buttocks, so it was very hard to walk, write, or even to sit down was a challenge. So in the case of having Hidradenitis Suppurativa this what I call a miracle. I never thought I would be able to do the things I enjoy again. But because of Immunocal I can. Thank you so much you have no idea how much this product has helped me!!!!!!!!" Sincerely, Lori Saturday, May 19 2001

Skin Ulcers SEVERE LEG ULCERS Testimonial # 115 Hi there, I have a story for you.....An old friend by the name of Bob Essig is a customer of mine.. H is story: He was in the VA hospital for severe ulcers on his legs...he had been in the hospital for 4 months......I got him to take immunocal (2 packs a day) It was no easy task, He by nature is one of the most negative puckerbutts on the planet, a severe diabetic and quite obese. The VA doctors had told him the legs both had to be amputated below the knee........He said "Let them rot off you ain't gong to cut them off" the ulcers were so bad you could literally see the bone..He had some major skin grafts that didn't take.......3 months later one leg is healed completely and he is taking 80% less insulin. Did I mention he requires oxygen?? he wears a canula full time until now and now he can go for an hour or so without it. The VA doctor is dumbfounded and I think she is probably going to be a customer/distributor of mine. His other leg is healing fast and he no longer uses crutches. Him being a crusty old "wounded in action Marine vet" it takes some doing to even put up with him .....for some goofy reason he likes me and Marty and for the last 20 years or so has been a cherished friend of the family. On rare occasions I may say something "nice" about him because the quality of his friendship is first rate.....BUT!!!!! I will be quadralaterely incandescently damed if I will EVER say anything NICE TO him.!!!! He is very outspoken about "flim flam Charlies magic goofy dust" ( honest.....I am trying to get him to say "IMMUNOCAL" ) He is a great testimonial and I thought you might like to hear about it. Mike would you and McTavish.....Gimme a call on the telecommunicator (I think Pa Bell calls it a phone) I am moving along pretty good (I think) and would like a little counsel......maybe a LOTTA counsel. As I go flopping along in this mortal coil called life with only half my weapons in the wits department, I am barely smart enough to know I need counsel from time to time. Cheers, Charlie

Addictions & Overdoses Addictions & Overdoses ¾ ¾

Tylenol Overdose Addictions to Medications

Pages Pages

77 – 77 information 78 – 78 (In search of )

116 117

Tylenol Information on the effects of Tylenol: # 116 Tylenol Overdose: Linda was a recently unemployed 24 year-old office manager whose common-law husband had abruptly moved out of their apartment. After drinking two bottles of wine, she swallowed 30-40 tablets of extra-strength (500mg) acetaminophen. The next morning, after the effects of the alcohol had worn off, she showed up at the emergency department of the local hospital. Her stomach was not pumped because it had been so long since she took the pills. Her acetaminophen blood level was at 150 micrograms per milliliter (µg/ml) - enough to damage the liver if left untreated - and her initial liver enzyme profile was already showing mild abnormalities. A dose of NAC (Nacetyl-cysteine) treatment was given immediately and continued every four hours for the next three days. Oral charcoal was also used on the first day. Her liver enzyme abnormalities worsened over the first forty-eight hours but were finally reversed and returned to normal. Although suffering from nausea and cramps during her hospital stay, she was glad to be alive. After being cleared by the psychiatric consultant, she was sent home

Addictions to Medications and the Effects Testimonial # 117 (In search of)

General General ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Energy Headache/Migraines Calcium Testimonial CFS and Microplasma Incognito Fungus/Mold Infections Cyst Blocked Breast Duct Depleted Immune System Immume System Gout Lyme Disease

Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages Page Pages Pages

78 – 79 79 – 79 79 – 79 80 – 80 80 – 80 80 - 81 82 - 83 82 – 82 83 – 83 83 – 83 84 – 84 84 – 85

Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial

118 - 119(on pg 132,#174 120 - 122(on pg 132,#174 123 124 125 126 -128 129, 180 130 131 179 132 133 – 134

Energy Energy Testimonial # 118: Energy & Open Sore Testimonial "I am an 82 year old great grandmother. My daughter got involved with this product and she assured me that it could only help. I have been on HMS90 (Immunocal) for 2 years now. It started with a severe sunburn on one of my arms that became an open sore and just would not heal. I had it over a year. I am very small (4ft 6") and started with 1/2 a pouch a day. Finally I got talked into taking at least one full pouch. I like it just in water and then I add a little fruit stir up for taste. It took about 4 weeks but then I realized that the sore was starting to close. About 6 months along it was just a spot that looked a bit darker. I was so thankful as it was scaring me. The doctor had no answers except Cortisone cream. At the same time I felt energy like I had not had for some time. I am a very active person, but major surgery in 1997 had knocked the wind right out of me and I was not able to get it back. HMS90 definitely made a difference. This year I had another experience. Due to a medical accident in the early 90's I was now fighting with a prolapsed colon. At my age no surgeons really wanted to tackle this. So I went to Toronto. Because of my persistence a specialist took a closer look. Although I registered as having had a silent heart attack sometime ago, he decided that all my vital signs indicated that I was a very healthy person. He also decided that he would do the major corrective surgery: through the belley cradle the colon in a netting that was subsequently fastened to the tailbone I had been on 2 pouches of HMS90 at least 3 weeks before and came through surgery with hardly any bleeding. Although they wanted to keep me originally 10 days, they let me out in 5. This was at the end of March and now I am fit as a fiddle. OK, I can't run like a 20 year-old, but I'm not far behind!" Sincerely Joan Tantzen 06/07/2001

Low Energy Testimonial # 119: Benjamin, a 44 year-old physician, always wished for a 36-hour day so he'd have time to see his patients, do his research, practice his music, keep in shape, and spend more time with his wife and children. Like many other professionals, time and energy were at a premium. Aware of the effect of GSH on the immune system, he took a course of vitamins, selenium and amino acids in the hope of more easily fighting off the viral illness to which he was exposed daily. He incorporated Immunocal in to his regimen, wishing to take advantage of its GSH precursors. He soon noticed he was waking up from 30 to 60 minutes before his alarm went off, and he felt just as refreshed. Now he regularly works later into the evening

Headache/Migraines Headache/Migraines Testimonials # 120 I used to suffer from migraines, but I have been taking the HMS 90 and Xtra-sharp and I have not experienced them since. When I do get a headache all that is needed is a tsp of sharp and they are gone with in 30 minutes. M Coates Didsbury, AB (For more great results for Xtra-Sharp & HMS 90 look on pg132 and Testimonial #’s174

Headache/Migraines Testimonials # 121

Headache/Migraines Testimonials # 122


Calcium Testimonial # 123: Hi Nick, Just got word, my training was postponed until August so I'll be around for early weigh-ins on Friday and the meet on Saturday. I also wanted to thank you for some advice you gave me awhile back. About a year ago you told me about the calcium supplement you carry (looks like a little milk bottle) to help Michelle with her broke arm. Well a year later we finally found the right doctor, I'm beginning to loose faith in the medical profession. She underwent a procedure about six weeks ago. She had her ulna shorted and the angle modified to solve the problems she was having with her wrist. I found the second bottle of the calcium supplements that for some reason she never took and told her to take them. Her doctor is amazed at how fast her arm is healing and he believes she is a week or two ahead of what she should be. Thanks again for the guidance, you've always been there to give me sound advice on supplementation and once again, like always, you're right on the money. As a final note I'm finally starting to get some training sessions in again feels good to start moving the weights again. Best Regards, Chris

CFS and Microplasma Incognito CFS and Microplasma Incognito Testimonial # 124: "I am a prior user of Imuplus for the past month, but was unhappy with the product because it could only be mixed with milk and I thought it had a horrible smell. I just bought my first box of Immunocal to try through my doctor. (I have CFS and microplasma incognito). I received my Immunocal from the Immune Institute from Dr. Ferre Akbarpour in Huntington Beach, CA. I hope this helps. Thanks." Sincerely, Kathy Huntington Beach, CA

Fungus/Mold # 125 Linda, Could you find out if Immunocal is okay for people who have "systematic candida" which is an overgrowth of fungus/mold and yeast in the whole body system. I need to know if the "whey" in Immunocal is okay for people with candida fungi/mold. So, please ask about the candida and let them know I have 15 strains of toxic mold that is causing the neuropathy. So, please ask about the mold/fungus as well. John's answer: Immunocal/HMS 90 helps the immune system in a non specific way against viruses, bacteria, fungus etc. This would hold for Candida. As per the article below oxidative stress contributes to the disorder. Taking Immunocal/HMS 90 would optimize the immune response to counter the challenge and lower oxidative stress. John M

Infections: Infections Testimonial # 126 (In search of)

( look on page and Testimonial # )

Infected Tooth Testimonial # 127 "Over the last 3 years my teeth having been going on me. Rather than having them pulled, I have been having root canals done on them. I had stopped taking the Immunocal because I had run out of it around Christmas, and even then I was rarely taking it myself (but getting everyone else to use it). There wouldn't be another shipment until my shuttle kicked on February 10. Then a day before I got the box (Feburary 9th) I had to go to the dentist. A new tooth was bothering me. The dentist told me that I would have to get another root canal which I was going to do, but then I told him not to begin because I was going to try Immunocal. Anyway, I started taking it faithfully everyday and the infection went away! I was back to him the other day and he said usually the infection would have reoccurred by now, and he said the longer I go without infection, hence no root canals, the more it would seem that it was the Immunocal that did the trick....Anway, so far my teeth feel great. Perhaps, the Immunocal stopped the infection and allowed the nerve to be revitalized although my impression of a nerve is that like the brain, once it starts to go, there is no reversal." Tom Garvey Charlottetown PE, Canada

Infected Ear & Nose Testimonial # 128 Dave Herman (LaVonne's son) shared: I've had difficulty hearing things most of my life, and after several ear infections, it culminated in a very nasty procedure that involved removing my right ear from my head (I swear I am not making this up!), and rebuilding all the bones of the inner ear with salvaged cartilage. It did help, but it still left me with below normal hearing performance in that ear. It has been this way since High School, and I've grown accustomed to it. The other day, while I was sitting in my office, reading the patent information on Immunocal (Ok, Ok, I was actually reading Popular Science!) I heard something really, I could hear my watch ticking. Now, I understand this means very little to you, but I've never been able to do this. Never in my entire life had I been able to hear the ticking of my watch while it was in my lap. Furthermore, I was able to hear the ticking of my watch when I held it up to my right ear. This was and remains amazing to me. My amateur conclusion: I think I've been victim of a prolonged inner ear/nasal infection, because I've never really been able to consistently breath via my nose, I'm in a constant state of nasal congestion. Now this hasn't yet changed too much, I mean, I feel a general improvement, but I think this is only the beginning. Because of this, I'm now taking be-tween 2 and 3 packets of Immunocal a day. Yeah, I guess it could become expensive, but I don't plan on money being much of an issue in a few months from now anyway! Now of course I've felt all the other benefits of the Immunocal, I feel better, I don't get sick, and I have a great deal of energy. I also noticed my skin became much more clear and soft. Even here in the South, my skin would get dry and flaky in the low humidity of the winter, but not this year, I have smooth skin, just like I was slathering body lotion every day. I think the real proof is going to come as Spring gets ready to unload it's usual assault of pollen on my immune system. Not many people know this, but an allergic reaction to pollen and other non-threatening things like that are all signs of a compromised immune system. I've read that Immunocal can have a positive effect on allergies, and I'm going to be the guinea pig! So far, so good... I was starting to have itchy eyes the other day, I took a packet of Immunocal, and I swear I am not making this up, my eyes stopped itching in about three minutes, for the rest of the day! I'll keep y'all informed! David Herman Atlanta GA. Ed: note: David started taking Immunocal only 5 months ago at one packet a day. Just recently he upped the packets and of course takes the CoFactor multiple/vitamin/mineral supplement with it

Cyst Cyst Testimonial #129: I had a cyst on my back, next to my right shoulder blade for the last 10 years. The cyst was about 3 1/2 to 4 inches in diameter and protruded about 1 inch. While it was on my back and not uncomfortable, during the summer when not wearing a shirt, it was readily noticeable to others. About 5 years ago, when visiting the doctor with the flu the doctor commented on the cyst and suggested he could remove it for me surgically. Well, about the beginning of March, I started taking Immunocal/HKS 90. Several weeks later the cyst had started weeping. Squeezing the cyst would, on occasion, produce a white pus. After about 3 to 4 weeks, the cyst was noticeably smaller and producing a clear fluid. Six weeks later the cyst has virtually disappeared. At first I thought the changing condition was just a natural phenomena. Then after a period of several weeks, it occurred to me that the one thing that had changed was that I was taking Immunocal/HMS 90. While this may be a coincidence, after 10 years or 120 months, it disappeared in the same month that I was taking Immunocal/HMS90 for the first time. Clifford King, Quebec, Canada

Breast Blocked Duct Testimonial # 130 I wanted to have a healthy life and as a nurse with a lot of sick people around me, I was searching for a product to enhance my “Boomer” years. My friends told me about HMS90/ Immunocal at a time when I had a sinus problem, then I got the flu. Working all different hours I needed something to work for me Right away. I took one pouch a day and when I got sicker they told me to take two pouches a day. I did that; I got well in 3 days! It works! In April I went for a regular breast screening at the clinic, and was referred to my own doctor for follow up tests because they had found a dark area in my left breast and a lump under the same arm. He scheduled me to see a woman breast specialist and a surgeon. A biopsy revealed that there was 4 inches of my left breast duct that was blocked with an overgrowth of tissue and it was full of fluids. There was a slightly bloody discharge upon aspiration. The lump under my left arm indicated that the duct was blocked up to the armpit and must be removed. I WAS FACING LOSING A BREAST!! HOW DEVASTATING!! I asked for a second opinion before surgery. My doctor sent me to the man that was to do the surgery. We talked and I asked for another set of tests, he agreed. I did not tell him WHY! I knew I needed some time because I had been listening to Dr. Somersall for over 10 years, also heard many first hand stories at the Toronto meetings with my upline and believed the recoveries. I understood there was a decrease in my body’s antioxidant enzymes which protect my body against free radical damage. I believed the bio active “glutathione” in HMS90/IMMUNOCAL were the properties my body needed to fight this attack of foreign bodies and it would be efficient enough for me. I increased the 4 pouches a day/ the Vitamins and I also rubbed the Skin Perfecting Cream on my left breast every night. I took no other medications during this time; I believed this was a must for my recovery. Six weeks later I had been through the second set of tests and was scheduled to visit the surgeon to discuss the operation. He began to tell me that he was amazed that the lump under my arm was already smaller in size, that the 4 inches of infected duct was also decreased in length and there was no trace of blood in the aspiration; he was happy to tell me that as far as he is concerned there will be “NO SURGERY” He said, YOU ARE IN A RECOVERY STATE—WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING –DO NOT STOP!! I was extremely excited and I jumped off the table and kicked up my heels. Yes!! He asked me “what is it you are doing anyway?” I spent the next 20 minutes in my surgeon’s office discussing HMS90/IMMUNOCAL and the products with him. That beats surgery anytime, I would like to tell you!! When I was done, he said to me” I can see you have faith in this and you will recover if you do not stop what you are doing, come back and see me in September. Here is my email address to tell me more about this Supplement. Please tell my son too, he is out at the front desk.” He was fascinated about the value of this dynamic product. THANKS to all those who have contributed to the availability for me to get wellness in my body. Especially to Immunotec Research Ltd. For the amazing discoveries that I was able to benefit from! Blessings to all of you. Sincerely, Judith A. Jewell-Belfry, RN 07/14/2001

Cyst in Breast Testimonial #180 Dear Dr. Petrosino "My cholesterol level went from 340 to 140 after only 15 days of taking 2 packets of Immunocal per day. Also, I had a fairly large cyst in my breast which my doctor first saw 4 or 5 years ago. Each year I had an ultra sound and it was slowly getting bigger. The doctor was going to biopsy it this year, but after my ultrasound, it had almost completely dissappeared! Immunocal is the only thing I have been doing differently." Sincerely, Elizabeth Ackerman Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Depleted Immune System Testimonial # 131 Nancy is a beautiful person who has had a rare immune disorder for over 10 years. When I first shared Immunocal with her, she rightfully wanted to ask her doctor if it was OK to take Immunocal. At that time he said “No” because I believe the doctor did not bother to check his P.D.R. or any other sources about Immunocal. If he had checked he would have learned about the 10 Method of Use Patents and the well-documented clinical studies that prove Immunocal’s benefit to a depleted immune system. Ten months later, about 3 weeks ago, she took things into her own hands and learned to make life saving decisions on her own initiative. Just after three days of a double dose of Immunocal per day she had her first entire night’s sleep in ten years and her kidneys and bladder had less pain. Finding this out her doctor now has told her to continue on Immunocal, and she will continue to monitor her. My goal is to help Nancy be in complete remission from this sickness of 10 years We must always keep in mind that Immunocal does not heal any sickness, but what it does do is help the cells of our body make more glutathione, and it is the only product on the market that does this. So be careful about claims that other products make about their ability to influence the immune system. Always request verification of any claim that a company makes about a so-called immune enhancing product. Herb Johnsen

Immune System Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Testimonial # 179 Monday, May 12, 2003 1:21 PM I have just read your site on looking up Glutathione on Google. The reason I was looking it up is that a study has just been published by the Liver Unit, Department of Gastroenterology, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester UK., entitled "Oxidative Stress and PBC". (PBC is Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, an autoimmune disease mainly affecting women. It has nothing to do with alcohol consumption. Autoimmune attack destroys bile ducts and then the liver). This study looked at people in the early stages of the disease and I quote: "The most striking antioxidant depletion occurred with plasma total glutathione where levels were significantly reduced (30% of controls)." This is very interesting having read your site as the biggest and unexplained problem in PBC is that many people with the disease suffer crippling fatigue, and they get symptoms in the very early stage of their disease, before there is any apparent damage to their livers. Low glutathione levels look like they may be an explanation. Thought you would like to know. F Halloran London UK

Gout Information # 132 Define: Gout is one of the most common forms of arthritis (joint inflammation). It appears as an acute attack often coming on overnight. Within 12-24 hours there is severe pain and swelling in the affected joint. The skin over the joint may be red and shiny. The GOUT question. There are several reasons a person may be concerned about consuming a milk protein for this, mainly: (1) Animal fats, including from dairy, should be avoided, and (2) concern about purine from certain protein sources (namely meat). Let's give 3 reasons why the Gout sufferer should consider taking Immunocal: (1) Immunocal is fat-free, (2) whey protein is considered the Cadillac of proteins, the standard, so it does not cause the purine problem that meat does, and (3) a key problem of the Gout sufferer is the kidneys' inability to remove uric acid from the body. Recall that the body's master detoxifier is glutathione, and the only thing patented (and proven) to boost the glutathione is Immunocal. Remember the friend with the swollen liver (from agent orange) who reduced it back to normal since it has helped him detoxify? Got another good story today! A friend who has cirrhosis had a surgery awhile back to install a shunt, and has diabetes very bad as well. Finally, I helped her get started on Immunocal about 2 months ago. Today the doctor was checking out the diabetes and said that her high albumin levels dropped down to normal. He stated that he has never seen anything happen like that in his life! Now he made an appointment to have her liver function tested. I'll let you know how it goes !

Lyme Disease Lyme Disease Testimonial # 133 About 11 years ago, I noticed that I had this very strange ‘rash’ on my leg. It looked like some bug had drawn a bulls-eye on my leg and took aim! At the time, I had no knowledge whatsoever of Lyme Disease and I just assumed it was some sort of weird spider bite. I showed it to a few friends and then forgot about it. I did feel a bit ‘off’ for a few days after that, like I had a touch of the flu, but I had no idea that the two of these things could be related to each other. For a few years, life went on as normal. Then health issues started to crop up -unexplained low-level fevers, swollen glands, joint pains (which increased in intensity over the next several years), eye problems, gradually increasing weakness in my legs, numbness and tingling sensations in my right arm and leg, neurological problems (brain fog) and a chronic fatigue that left me feeling totally drained from morning to night. Tests for arthritis, lupus, thyroid all came back negative. Then, about four years ago, I was diagnosed by a doctor from Hope with Lyme Disease. When I studied up on Lyme, I realized that this was exactly what I had – right down to the bulls-eye rash. The next battle was in determining how to fight this disease. Because of personal feelings, I was reluctant to take antibiotics for the recommended length of time that would be required for someone dealing with Chronic Lyme. I resigned myself to a life of further deterioration and possibly a wheelchair in my future. Then I was introduced to HMS-90. Being a bit of a skeptic, I researched all the information that was available. I read about the doctor from McGill University who first discovered the active ingredient in HMS-90. I read the clinical medical studies, the critical role that glutathione plays in the body, I skimmed through the patents that have been issued to Immunotec Research Inc. regarding HMS-90 and much more. The deciding factor was that this is a 100% natural protein that would do so many good things for my body even if it wasn’t effective against the Lyme Disease. So, not expecting anything dramatic to happen, I started taking it. The results astounded me! I regained energy that I hadn’t had in years! I could get through a whole day without feeling like I was on the verge of collapse. Over the next few months, all of my Lyme symptoms disappeared entirely or were so reduced that I hardly noticed them. I’ve had Lyme for a long time and I know that it will take a long time to fight this disease but HMS-90 has given me back my life! Thank you Dr. Bounous and Immunotec Research Please – do yourself or a loved a huge favor and find out what HMS-90 can do! Penny Repstock Independent Distributor

Lyme Disease Testimonial # 134 Manuel Alonso has spirochetal post-infection syndrome (lyme disease), and CFS (chronic fatique syndrome). See what Immunocal/HMS90 has done for him. This extraordinary I have now been back one week on 2 packs a day and the difference is amazing!! I can now truly say that this product makes a difference. The levels of energy dramatically change in patients like mw with compromised immune function and chronic disease. As my case relates to spirochetal post-infection syndrome, and CFS, I think the potential for this in the Lyme patients and CFS is enormous. If I get strong enough, I would not mind at all to hit a couple of Lecture circuits. I have done my share of lecturing as professor in my days and as the foundation director later. I have practice. Again, if I get better, I have to go to Boston to meet with some foundations there, so if I can be of use in the east coast, we can talk about it. I want other people that suffer similar illnesses to benefit from this. In any event, please ship part of the 18 boxes as soon as you can, I do Not want to run out of this again.

Doctors Stories MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ¾ ¾

Dr. Code Page 87 - 87 Testimonial 135 GLUTATHIONE (GSH) DEFICIENCY AND THE PATHOGENESIS OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Page 88 - 89 Testimonial 136

Damaging Tissues ¾ ¾

Dr. Cheney (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) J Neurosci Res. Article

Page 90 - 90 Page 91 – 91

Testimonial Testimonial

137 138

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s ¾

Patricia A.L. Kongshavn, Ph.D.

¾ Professor Dr. Wulf Droge

Page 92 – 92


Page 93 – 94



Doctors View Points: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Dr. Jim McCallum Dr. Jean Marcoux Dr. Allan Somersall Dr. Lynn J. Tomjack Denver Dr. Tom Iwama Dr. Russell Manel Dr. Tom Kwyer


Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 (look on pg and #) Page 95 Page (look on pg and # ) Page 96

Testimonial Testimonial Testimonial

140 141 142





Medical Information & Article Write Ups: Page

96 – 96 Page 97 -97

Testimonial 145 Testimonial

¾ ¾

Neuroimmunomodulation Restor Neurol Neurosci.


Cancer News Johns Hopkins


97 – 97






98 – 98




Doctors View Points & Testimonials: Dr. Code Testimonials # 135 Dr. Code Tells a compelling story of his diagnosis with multiple sclerosis and his personal journey to wellness. Immunotec Health Message with Dr. William Code, MD, FRCPC As Residency Program Director at the University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Code had a busy career of clinical work, research and teaching. The Financial Post Fortune 500 Edition profiled him as the quintessential baby boomer when he left his hectic lifestyle for the quieter surroundings of Vancouver Island in 1992. Dr. Code added the treatment of chronic pain problems to his clinical anesthesia practice but soon after, began to notice major problems with foot drop, fatigue and increasing weakness of his right side. Dr. Code tells a compelling story of his diagnosis with multiple sclerosis and his personal journey to wellness. Dr. Code describes the development of a product that is destined to become the #1 nutritional supplement of choice worldwide and why the medical community should focus on nutritional-based, rather than drug-based interventions. His recovery, as far as he is concerned, has been impacted by Immunocal, a nutraceutical, cystine delivery system product, “Immunocal” developed at McGill University Research Center by Dr. Gustavo Bounous. Dr. Code, tell us about your life before you were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis? As Residency Program Director at the University of Saskatchewan, I had a very busy career of clinical work, research and teaching. The Financial Post’s Fortune 500 Edition profiled me as the quintessential baby boomer when I left my hectic lifestyle for the quieter surroundings of Vancouver Island in 1992. What is your medical background? I completed 13 years of medical training, which included 2 years of research on the brain. This permitted me to be a specialist in anesthesiology in Canada and the United States. My major interest within this field was pain management in long-term illnesses, such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis and fibromyalgia. What is multiple sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune illness that strikes people most commonly in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. It is now understood that MS results from some of our own white blood cells attacking the myelin (fatty) coating of the nerves in the brain and the spinal cord. How long have you had multiple sclerosis? I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1996. At the time, I was stumbling when walking and I couldn’t empty a syringe with my right hand because it was so weak. This, coupled with severe fatigue, necessitated that I leave my practice of anesthesiology and pain management. What type of multiple sclerosis do you have? I have been diagnosed with either primary progressive or secondary progressive multiple sclerosis by some of the best multiple sclerosis neurologists in North America. Why do you use Immunocal/HMS 90? Immunocal/HMS 90 helps optimize and smooth the function of our immune system. It also helps by reducing the free radical injury to the myelin coating surrounding the nerves in the brain and the spinal cord. How much Immunocal/HMS 90 do you take and how long was it before you noticed a difference? I initially took a pack a day for three months and noticed no real difference. I then spoke with a number of experts who suggested that I take three packs per day (2 at once and then another later on an empty stomach.) Apparently those of us with MS usually only have 5% of our optimal glutathione! Within three to four weeks of increasing the amount of Immunocal/HMS 90 as suggested, I noticed a big improvement in my energy and my cognitive function. Does Immunocal/HMS 90 interfere with any of the drugs used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis or the symptoms of MS? No, it does not. In fact in many cases, it might reduce the unpleasant side effects of agents such as interferon. What has Immunocal/HMS 90 done for you? I know that Immunocal has greatly enhanced my energy levels and muscle strength. It has almost eliminated the shooting electrical pains that are quite common among up to 70% of people with multiple sclerosis. Certainly the extra stamina has helped me regain my balance and position awareness (proprioception.) Certainly Immunocal/HMS 90 has been the largest piece of the puzzle in my recovery process. I recommend this product to all the people who want to stay healthy, to those folks facing health challenges and to my medical colleagues. If medical professionals will just take the time to research this product they will look at it differently than most alternative health products. Dr. Bill Code, MD, FRCPC

Doctors View Points & Testimonials #: 136 GLUTATHIONE (GSH) DEFICIENCY AND THE PATHOGENESIS OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Recent findings in tissue from multiple sclerosis victims corroborate the mechanisms documented in a growing body of research based evidence as to the steps leading to disease expression. “Observed depletion of GSH, elevation of ceramide level and apoptosis in banked human brains from patients with neuroinflammatory diseases (e.g. x-adrenoleukodystrophy and multiple sclerosis) suggest that the intracellular level of GSH may play a crucial role in the regulation of cytokine-induced generation of ceramide leading to apoptosis of brain cells in these diseases.”1 Cytokine, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- ) or interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 )-mediated activation of sphingomyelinases (SMases), leads to degradation of sphingomyelin to ceramide, a sphingolipid 1,2, and the universal lipid second messenger. This potentiated a 2-fold increase in H2O2 generation, leading to lipid peroxidation and loss of activity of respiratory chain complex IV in the GSH depleted state compared to GSH-replete mitochondria 3. “Mitochondria are a target of ceramide produced in the signaling of TNF.3” Pretreatment of cells so as to increase intracellular GSH inhibited the TNF- -induced sphingomyelin hydrolysis and ceramide generation as well as cell death 4. The literature implicates excessive or inappropriate generation of nitric oxide (NO) in Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 5. “Human astrocytes released abundant NO upon stimulation with the pro-inflammatory cytokine (IL)-1 , which was potentiated by interferon (IFN)-gamma and TNF- . IL-1 receptor antagonist protein markedly attenuated astrocyte NO production.6” “It is now well documented that NO and its toxic metabolite, peroxynitrite (ONOO-–) can inhibit components of the mitochondrial respiratory chain...5” “...neurones, in contrast to astrocytes, appear particularly vulnerable to the action of these molecules.5” “...the susceptibility of different brain cells to NO and ONOO– exposure may be dependent on factors such as the intracellular GSH concentration...5” “Evidence is now available to support this scenario for neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis.5” Variable vulnerability to oxidative stress has been well documented in various neurological cell types. “Astrocytes maintain high intracellular concentrations of certain antioxidants, making these cells resistant to oxidative stress relative to oligodendrocytes and neurons.7” In fact, astrocytes appear to play a central role in the antioxidant defense of the brain.7 One of the major antioxidants used by astrocytes is GSH and, “...astroglial cells prefer cystine from [instead of] cysteine for GSH synthesis...8” Other conditions give insight into the effect of GSH on SMases and ceramide. “Cell culture studies of hypoxic PC12 cell death...suggest that GSH protects cells from hypoxic injury by direct inhibition of neutral SMases activity and ceramide formation...9” This protection appears to be lost in MS patients as GSH is decreased in plaques10, and was absent in the CSF in MS.11 Protective mechanisms involving GSH appear to occur in MS, “...blood GSH was increased (p<0.01) [in MS] during exacerbation and remission as well. This rise in this thiol is likely to be a compensatory mechanism defending the cells from further oxidant injuries.12” The relationship between cytokines and GSH has been demonstrated in cell cultures of TNF-resistant (TNFr) and TNF-sensative (TNFs) cell lines. “The basic level of GSH was significantly higher in the TNFr cells than in TNFs cells. Treatment with 20 microM ceramide decreased cellular GSH in TNFs cells by 50% in contrast to an insignificant decrease in the TNFr cells.13” Also, the effect of intracellular GSH on neutrophil and lymphoid apoptosis give further insight into the crucial regulator role played by this important thiol. “Because apoptosis is a critical mechanism regulating PMN survival in vivo, manipulation of PMN intracellular thiols may represent a novel therapeutic target for the regulation of cellular function.14” “Thiol compounds, such as L-cysteine and GSH, play crucial roles in the regulation of lymphocyte proliferation.15” “These data suggest that the inability to neutralize oxidative stress results in the apoptosis of lymphoid cells under Lcystine-and GSH-depleted conditions. The protective effects of rADF may be explained by...enhancing the L-cystine internalization and elevating the intracellular GSH content.15” © 2000 AmmunoMed, LLC. •

Singh, I., Pahan, K., Khan, M., Singh, AK. Cytokine-mediated induction of ceramide is redox-sensitive. Implications to proinflammatory cytokine-mediated apoptosis in demyelinating diseases. J Biol Chem. 273(32): 20354-62, Aug 7, 1998.

Xu, J., Yeh, CH, Chen, S., He, L., Sensi, SL., Canzoniero, LM, Choi, DW., Hsu, CY. Involvement of de novo ceramide biosynthesis in tumor necrosis factor-alpha/cycloheximide-induced cerebral endothelial cell death. J Biol Chem. 273(26): 16521-6, June 26, 1998.

Garcia-Ruiz, C., Colell, A., Mari, M., Morales, A., Fernandez-Checa, JC. Direct effect of ceramide on the mitochondrial electron transport chain leads to generation of reactive oxygen species. Role of mitochondrial glutathione. J Biol Chem. 272(17): 11369-77, Apr 25, 1997.

Liu, B., Andrieu,Abadie, N., Levade, T., Zhang, P., Obeid, LM., Hannun, YA. Glutathione regulation of neutral sphingomyelinase in tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced cell death. J Biol Chem. 273(18): 11313-20, May 1, 1998.

Heales, SJ., Bolanos, JP., Stewart, VC., Brookes, PS., Land, JM.., Clark, JB. Nitric oxide, mitochondria and neurological disease. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1410(2): 215-28, Feb 9, 1999.

Hu, S., Sheng, WS., Peterson, PK., Chao, CC. Differential regulation by cytokines of human astrocyte nitric oxide production. Glia. 15(4): 491-4, Dec 1995.

Wilson, John X. Antioxidant defense of the brain: a role for astrocytes1. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 75: 1149-1163, 1997.

Kranich, O., Dringen, R., Sandberg, M., Hamprecht, B. Utilization of cysteine andcysteine precursors for the synthesis of glutathione in astroglial cultures: preference for cystine. Glia. 22(1): 11-8, Jan. 1998.

Yoshimura, S., Banno, Y., Nakashima, S., Hayashi, K., Yamakawa, H., Sawada, M., Sakai, N., Nozawa, Y. Inhibition of neutral sphingomyelinase activation and ceramide formation by glutathione in hypoxic PC12 cell death. J Neurochem. 73(2): 675-83, Aug. 1999.

Langemann, H., Kabiersch, A., Newcombe, J. Measurement of low-molecular-weight antioxidants, uric acid, tyrosine and tryptophan in plaques and white matter from patients with multiple sclerosis. Eur Neurol. 32(5): 248-52, 1992.

Ronquist, G., Frithz, G. Adenylate kinase activity and glutathione concentration of cerebrospinal fluid in different neurological disorders. Eur Neurol. 18(2): 106-10, 1979.

Karg, E., Klivenyi, P., Nemeth, I., Bencski, K., Pinter, S., Vecsei, L. Nonenzymatic antioxidants of blood in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol. 246(7): 533-9, July 1999.

Davis, MA., Flaws, JA., Young, M., Collins, K., Colburn, NH. Effect of ceramide on intracellular glutathione determines apoptotic or necrotic cell death of JB6 tumor cells. Toxicol Sci. 53(1): 48-55, Jan. 2000.

Watson, RW., Rotstein, OD., Nathens, AB., Dackiw, AP., Marshall, JC. Thiol-mediated redox regulation of neutrophil apoptosis. Surgery. 120(2): 150-7; discussion 157-8, Aug. 1996.

Iwata, S., Hori, T., Sato, N., Hirota, K., Sasada, T., Mitsui, A., Hirakawa, T., Yodoi, J. Adult T cell leukemia (ATL)-derived factor/human thioredoxin prevents apoptosis of lymphoid cells induced by L-cystine and glutathione depletion: possible involvement of thiol-mediated redox regulation in apoptosis caused by pro-oxidant state. J Immunol. 158(7): 3108-17, April 1, 1997.

Doctors View Points & Testimonials # 137:

Dr. Cheney This is from an interview with Dr. Cheney, who first coined the phrase "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." He found that the organism mentioned here for MS was wiped out in the people he was treating for Fibromyalgia - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, in 6 months of taking HMS 90, even those who were taking only one pack a day. The ones taking 2 packs did do better with their other symptoms. Here's to unravelling the puzzle of MS. From a radio interview with Dr. Cheney: "This is exciting stuff. We wanted to see not only if this product (Immunocal/ HMS 90) improved glutathione functionality, which it did, but we also wanted to see if it knocked out micro-organisms, like the PNS article said it would. So we measured for IgM (visa?) the inverse dilutions of IgM for chlamydia pneumoniae. Chlamydia pneumoniae is an intracellular pathogen. It's a common cause of hospital-acquired pneumonia. It ubiquitously infects the population, but seems to activate under certain conditions. And if it activates, some of the clinical conditions of this organism are chronic sinusitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis. But it also gets into the central nervous system. In a study published by a neurologist out of Vanderbilt showed tha chlyamdia pneumoniae may be a very important pathogen in multiple sclerosis. Indeed, data they shared with me recently (and this is coming to publication soon) showed that 80 percent of the cerebral spinal fluid of MS patients is actively infected with this organism. Versus 15 percent of other neurological diseases that are not MS. In a journal-published article on neurology, aggressive treatment for chlyamdia pneumoniae rapidly reversed an acute exacerbation of multiple sclerosis. So we measured IgM levels for this pathogen at Vanderbilt. Most laboratory measurements of this organism are not very good, so this is a research grade assessment, and probably may not generalize to the run-of-the-mill types of tests that you might get in your local labs. But IgM elevations of 1 to 1600 (?) dilutions is evident of significant active infection with this organism. Six months later, it just wiped it out. IgM just fell to normal levels. It didn't really matter whether you were taking one pack a day or two packs a day. Just wiped it out. Makes you wonder what this might do for MS. Think about that.”

Doctors View Points & Testimonials #: 138 J Neurosci Res. 2002 Nov 15;70(4):580-7. Nitric oxide synthase is present in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with active multiple sclerosis and is associated with increases in cerebrospinal fluid protein nitrotyrosine and S-nitrosothiols and with changes in glutathione levels. Calabrese V, Scapagnini G, Ravagna A, Bella R, Foresti R, Bates TE, Giuffrida Stella AM, Pennisi G. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Section, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Catania, Catania, Italy. Nitric oxide (NO) is hypothesized to play a role in the immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Increased levels of NO metabolites have been found in patients with MS. Peroxynitrite, generated by the reaction of NO with superoxide at sites of inflammation, is a strong oxidant capable of damaging tissues and cells. Inducible NO synthase (iNOS) is up-regulated in the CNS of animals with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) and in patients with MS. In this study, Western blots of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with MS demonstrated the presence of iNOS, which was absent in CSF from control subjects. There was also NOS activity present in both MS and control CSF. Total NOS activity was increased (by 24%) in the CSF from MS patients compared with matched controls. The addition of 0.1 mM ITU (a specific iNOS inhibitor) to the samples did not change the activity of the control samples but decreased the NOS activity in the MS samples to almost control levels. The addition of 1 mM L-NMMA (a nonisoform specific NOS inhibitor), completely inhibited NOS activity in CSF from control and MS subjects. Nitrotyrosine immunostaining of CSF proteins was detectable in controls but was greatly increased in MS samples. There were also significant increases in CSF nitrate + nitrite and oxidant-enhanced luminescence in MS samples compared with controls. Additionally, a significant decrease in reduced glutathione and significant increases in oxidized glutathione and S-nitrosothiols were found in MS samples compared with controls. Parallel changes in NO metabolites were observed in the plasma of MS patients, compared with controls, and accompanied a significant increase of reduced glutathione. These data strongly support a role for nitrosative stress in the pathogenesis of MS and indicate that therapeutic strategies focussed on decreasing production of NO by iNOS and/or scavenging peroxynitrite may be useful in alleviating the neurological impairments that occur during MS relapse. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Publication Types: C • Clinical Trial • Controlled Clinical Trial PMID: 12404512 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Doctors View Points & Testimonials # 139: Neurodegenerative Diseases – Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s By Patricia Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are neurodegenerative diseases in which cell damage and degeneration is seen in certain specific areas of the brain. In Parkinson’s disease nerve cells slowly degenerate in the part of the mid-brain (the substantia nigra layer of the basal ganglia) that controls movement, resulting in progressive loss of muscular coordination and balance. In Alzheimer’s disease brain cells degenerate, brain mass shrinks and characteristic neurofibrillary tangles and neural plaques are seen post mortem. Increasing lines of evidence suggest that mitochondrial damage plays a key role in Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and some other neurodegenerative diseases (1-5). This, in turn, increases the generation of reactive oxygen species and the onset of oxidative stress, leading to oxidative damage and programmed cell death. At the same time, glutathione homeostasis is disturbed (6-9). In one study, glutathione levels were reduced by 40% in the substantia nigra in early stage Parkinson’s disease (7). These levels fall even much further in later stages, the magnitude of reduction in glutathione seeming to parallel the severity of the disease (9). The lowered glutathione values and increased oxidative stress are thought to be responsible for the loss of dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra in Parkinson’s disease patients (7, 8). The use of antioxidants, particularly glutathione, for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases is an obvious consideration (6-9). In an in vitro study, glutathione was shown to protect human neural cells from apoptosis i.e. cell death, induced by dopamine (8). Sechi et al. showed that intravenous injection of glutathione was effective in reducing symptoms (42% decline in disability) in early Parkinson’s disease patients and possibly retarded the progression of the disease (9). Other treatment options to increase brain concentrations of glutathione are better choices for long-term treatment. Banaclocha has reviewed the putative usefulness of N-acetyl cysteine for this purpose in the treatment of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other age-associated neurodegenerative diseases (1). Immunocal is an even better choice than this drug, being entirely non-toxic and proven to raise intracellular glutathione (10). References. 1. Banaclocha, MM. Therapeutic potential of N-acetylcysteine in age-related mitochondrial neurodegenerative diseases. Med Hypotheses 56:472-477, 2001. 2. Schultz JB, Lindenau J, Seyfried J et al. Glutathione, oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. Eur J Biochem 267:4904-4911, 2000. 3. Jenner P, Olanow CW Neurology 47:S1161-S170, 1996. 4. Kidd PM. Parkinson’s disease as a multifactorial oxidative neurodegeneration: implications for integrative management. Altern Med Rev 5:501, 2000. 5. Lohr JB, Browning JA Free radical involvement in neuropsychiatric illnesses. Psychopharmacol Bull 31:159-165, 1995. 6. Reid M, Jahoor F. Glutathione in disease. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 4:65-71, 2001. 7. Sian J, Dexter DT, Lees AJ, et al. Alterations in glutathione levels in Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders affecting basal ganglia. Ann Neurol 348-355, 1994. 8. Gabby M, Tauber M.Porat S et al. Selective role of glutathione in protecting human neuronal cells from dopamine-induced apoptosis. Neuropharmacology 35:571-578, 1996. 9. Sechi G, Deledda MG, Bua G et al. Reduced intravenous glutathione in the treatment of early Parkinson’s disease. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 20: 1159-1170, 1996. 10. Lands L, Grey VL, and Smountas AA Effect of supplementation with a cysteine donor on muscular performance. J Appl Physiol 87:1381-1385, 1999

Doctors View Points & Testimonials #

Professor Dr. Wulf Droge,

Professor Dr. Wulf Droge, Immunologist and former head of Cancer Research at the Heidelberg Cancer Institute, Heidelberg, Germany Professor Wulf Droge is now Medical Director of Immunotec Research in charge of research with Immunocal. The human immune system is extremely dependent on adequate glutathione levels to perform properly, in the words of Wulf Droge et. al. : "Thiols And The Immune System: Effect of N-Acetyl cysteine on T Cell System in Human Subjects"; Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 251; 255-270,1995): "Even a partial depletion of the intracellular glutathione pool has a dramatic consequence for the process of blast transformation and proliferation, and for the generation of cytotoxic T cells." ( T –cells are those cells which help the body defend against diseases.) Abstract: - Cysteine and glutathione in catabolic conditions and immunological dysfunction. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care. 2(3):227-233, May 1999. Droge, Wulf The conspicuous increase in the plasma cysteine disulphide/thiol ratio in elderly persons and cancer patients indicates a shift of the plasma redox state. The most important redox buffers in skeletal muscle tissue and blood plasma, i.e. glutathione and albumin, respectively, are significantly decreased in different models of cachexia. Treatment with N-acetyl cysteine, i.e. a thiol-containing antioxidant, was found to increase the plasma albumin level and to ameliorate the loss of body cell mass in cancer patients and healthy individuals. The treatment of HIV infection with N-acetyl cysteine, in contrast, serves mainly as a tool to ameliorate the physiological and immunological consequences of the virus-induced cysteine deficiency. NOTE: Immunocal, a natural cysteine delivery system, developed and researched at McGill University Medical Research Center (often referred to by Doctorsin the USA as “The Harvard of the North” in Montreal, Canada, was found to increase glutathione and the plasma albumin levels in vitro, in animal and human studies.

Dr. Wulf Droge is now Medical Director of Immunotec Research’s Medical Advisory Board, in charge of research with Immunocal. Here is a list of his ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS:

1958 – 1964

Studied chemistry and biochemistry at the Universities of Hanover and Freiburg, Germany Masters degree in chemistry

1964 - 1967

PH.D. thesis at the Max-Planck-Institute of Immunology, Freiburg (topic of thesis, Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides)


PH.D. in biochemistry, University of Freiburg postdoctoral DFG fellowship at the Max-Planck- Institute of Immunology, Freiburg


Visiting fellow at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis


Postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard University,Biological Laboratories, Cambridge, Mass. with professor Strominger


Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute in Munchan, Germany


Scientific member at the Basel Institute for Immunology


Habilitation at University of Freiburg

Since 1976

Professor, faculty of Biology at the University of Heidelburg and head of the Department of Immunochemistry

RESEARCH AREAS: ¾ Redox regulation and signaling pathways in lymphocytes

¾ Pathogenesis of HIV infection ¾ Mechanism of disease related wasting and aging ¾ Action of tumor necrosis factor ¾ 1977-1980- and 1983-1986- Acting Director of the Institute of Immunology and Genetics, Heidelburg, Germany

MEMBERSHIPS: ¾ European Association for Cancer Research ¾ American Association of Immunologists ¾ British Society of Immunology ¾ Gesellschaft fur Immunologie

Doctors View Points & Testimonials # 140: I am an Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgeon and when I first heard about Immunocal I wasn't very interested. When I finally read the clinical studies about Immunocal and realized how this product worked on optimizing the immune system response, I felt strongly that this product was going to have a major impact on the health profession and I wanted to be a part of it. I feel more convinced today about the impact of Immunocal on the health of people after having seen such dramatic health results of those people on it." Dr. Jim McCallum

Doctors View Points & Testimonials # 141 "Almost everyone I put on Immunocal tells me that they feel better as soon as they start taking the product. This is explained by the fact that Immunocal brings to all the cells in our body, the building blocks necessary to produce glutathione, a small protein that each cell needs to function properly. In severe asthmatics taking Immunocal, the attacks become less frequent and less severe. The need for medication is decreased, they sleep better, they don't miss work or school as often, resulting in a better quality of life." Dr. Jean Marcoux, Board Certified Allergist, Immunologist

Doctors View Points & Testimonials # 142: "Immunocal is the future of the wellness movement - nothing else I know can impact the ability of every cell in the human body to defend itself from the common pathological mechanisms. To raise glutathione levels is to reduce premature oxidation, to quench destructive free radicals and help detoxify the poisons inside each cell when it needs to. Only Immunocal is clinically proven to do that in a safe, effective and convenient way." Dr. Allan Somersall

Doctors View Points & Testimonials Dr. Lynn J. Tomjack Denver (On page 39-42 and #63 )

Doctors View Points & Testimonials #: 143 "Current research is uncovering the fact that the underlying culprit in most disease and aging processes is free radical damage and oxidative stress. Therefore, the most reasonable way to combat these degenerative changes is to find a safe and effective way to raise anti-oxidant levels. I have concluded that glutathione is the crucial anti-oxidant. I believe that Immunocal is the safe, effective, and natural way to raise glutathione levels. Taking Immunocal everyday should be a vital component to anybody's proactive health plan." Dr. Tom Iwama

Doctors View Points & Testimonials Dr. Russell Manuel Can be found on page 104 and #07

Doctors View Points & Testimonials # 144: " Immunocal works and it's safe. I believe it is the safest and most effective antioxidant available. Also, Immunocal is the best way that I know to support and maintain the immune system. This is especially important at a time when medicine is beginning to recognize how many diseases are caused by a deficiency of the immune system. But that's not the whole story - just as important, are the people behind the product. Everyone at Home Office is of the highest integrity. As a doctor, I appreciate the power and efficacy of Immunocal. As a person, I enjoy being associated with dedicated and delightful people." Dr. Tom Kwyer

Medical Information & Article Write Ups # 145 Neuroimmunomodulation. 2001;9(4):193-202. Impaired activity of phagocytic cells in Candida albicans infection after exposure to chronic varied stress. Rodriguez-Galan MC, Correa SG, Cejas H, Sotomayor CE. Inmunologia, Departamento de Bioquimica Clinica, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina. OBJECTIVE: Candidiasis is a prototypic opportunistic fungal disease that may follow severe modulations of the immune system of the host. The purpose of this study was to evaluate which innate immune mechanisms involved in the protection against fungal invasion are impaired under stress conditions. METHODS: Wistar rats were infected intraperitoneally with Candida albicans and immediately exposed to chronic varied stress (CVS) over 10 days (CVS; Ca-S); the fungal burden (CFU), histopathological lesion and ACTH levels were evaluated. Additionally, functional assessment of peritoneal cells (PC) included the phagocytic and anticandidacidal activities and the production of H(2)O(2) and NO. RESULTS: In the only infected animals (Ca), C. albicans colonization stimulated an efficient inflammatory response, while in Ca-S rats poor tissue reactions were associated with increased CFU in livers and kidneys (p < 0.05, Ca vs. Ca-S). Whereas the phagocytic process was not modified, the candidacidal activity of PC was significantly decreased after the application of CVS (p < 0.001, Ca vs. Ca-S). The H(2)O(2) production by macrophages and neutrophils was downregulated by the infection, and while at early intervals these cells possessed a residual oxidative capacity, by day 10, the production of this metabolite was blocked. Spontaneous NO production by macrophages was significantly increased in both Ca and Ca-S animals (p < 0.001), but in stressed rats, this reactive nitrogen intermediate was noticeably downregulated (p < 0.05, Ca vs. Ca-S). The hyperactivity of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis after exposure to stress was confirmed by an increase in baseline plasma ACTH levels. CONCLUSION: These results show that during infection with C. albicans, the exposure to CVS contributes to the spread of the fungus and downregulates critical functions of phagocytic cells involved in the control of this opportunistic pathogen. Copyright 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel PMID: 11847481 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Medical Information & Article Write Ups # 146

1: Restor Neurol Neurosci. 1998 Jun;12(2-3):127-34. Estrogens with an intact phenolic group prevent death of neuronal cells following glutathione depletion. Behl C, Lezoualc'h F. Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry, Clinical Institute, Munich, Germany. [email protected] Oxidative stress-induced neurodegeneration has been implicated in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Therefore, neuroprotection is of central interest in basic and preclinical neuroscience. Recently, we reported that the AD-associated amyliod beta protein can induce neuronal cell death via the generation of free radicals, oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. The depletion of the intracellular pool of glutathione (GSH), an important intracellular oxidant, can also induce oxidative events. Various lipophilic antioxidants, including the female sex hormone estrogen, can protect neurons against oxidative cell death. Here, we report that estrogens prevent oxidative cell death induced by GSH depletion in murine clonal hippocampal HT22 cells and in cells of the sympathetic precursor-like cell line PC12. Estrogens act as free radical scavengers and inhibit the intracellular accumulation of peroxides caused by GSH depletion and, ultimately, prevent neuronal cell death. This protective activity is independent of the presence or activation of estrogen receptors but is dependent on the presence of an intact hydroxyl group in the steroid ring A of the estrogen molecule. The modification or the absence of this group led to a loss of the neuroprotective activity. These data further support the important role of antioxidants in neuroprotection and may help in the design of novel antioxidant drugs. PMID: 12671307 [PubMed]

Medical Information & Article Write Ups Cancer News Johns Hopkins Testimonial # 147

Medical Information

No plastics in micro. No water bottles in freezer. No plastic wrap in micro. Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in their newsletters worth noting... This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Don't freeze your plastic water bottles with water as this also releases dioxins in the plastic. Dr. Edward Fujimoto from Castle hospital was on a TV program explaining this health hazard. (He is the manager of the Wellness Program at the hospital.) He was talking about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics re leases dioxins into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Dioxins are carcinogens and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies. Instead, he recommends using glass, Corning Ware, or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, without the dioxins. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc.,should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He said we might remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons. To add to this, Saran wrap placed over foods as they are nuked, with the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food, use paper towels Pass this on to your family & friends & those that are important in you

News Article # 148

THEBABYBOOMER’SHEALTHREPORTNo.4 “I prayed to God for a miracle.” “How happy I was to have a second chance at life!” For many months, l had felt unnaturally fatigued and kept getting colds and infections. Then my doctor diagnosed me with Chronic Lymphocyte Leukemia (CLL). I was told there is no cure. My doctor tried to lift my spirits by saying that someone would probably come-up with a cure within the next ten years. But since it is a progressive leukemia, I knew I needed to keep the number of white blood cells down if I wanted to last that long. Unfortunately, my white blood cell count kept increasing with each blood test every month, letting us know the cancer was growing. Lumps formed on my neck, forcing me to wear turtleneck sweaters and scarves to hide them even during the summer, because I didn't want to worry my children. I also tried my best to conceal the skin disorder developing on my right arm. I hated living on antibiotics, but what choice did I have? Every time I got an infection, my white blood cell count would take a jump. By June of 2004, I was very ill and had about given up. I made my funeral arrangements and put my affairs in order. I prayed to God for a miracle. The next day, a good friend of mine from Toronto sent me some glutathione (GSH) enhancer, firmly insisting that I take some every day. Within a week, I experienced a complete turnaround in my condition! How happy I was to have a second chance at life! In six weeks, my white blood count had gone down and the lumps on my neck were shrinking. After six months, I had no lumps, the skin disorder on my arm cleared up, my hair began to shine, and my fingernails lost their ridges. What can I say? I was absolutely delighted! I still have leukemia but I don't worry so much, as long as I feel and look good. I am enjoying a high quality of life and that's all that counts. My new saying is "If I'm going out, I'm going out feeling good!" As long as I keep my glutathione levels up, I feel great! How gratifying to have my life back! Fausta Magee P.S. After only 10 months in this business I’m earning over $10,000.00 per month. Call or email today and we’ll share the good news with you! You will be very pleased with the benefits to your health, and for those choosing the business opportunity it can also mean a lifetime residual income. Would you like that? If you would like to learn more about this product and its powerful healing powers, please contact me at the number or email address below. Neil Matthies

Independent Distributors Stories:

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Barbara Betty Lyons Fausta Magee Maryrose Regan Page Welly & Nancy Arnie Schroeder Page Anne Hula Jim Hawley Juergen Maimann Jimmy Tan Sheri Cramer Doug Leclair Linda Bain Joyce Keith Hampton

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I would like to thank all the Independent Distributors who helped gather all this excellent information for us to use in our journey of learning. Without your stories and your input, this would not have been possible. Jim Britt’s Business Building Tips “The Six Daily Actions” ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Daily Action #1: Use the products and share them with others. Daily Action #2: Share the opportunity Daily Action #3: Follow-up Daily Action #4: Build teams Daily Action #5: Develop self-sustaining leaders Daily Action #6: Practice self-management o o o o o

If you applied all six, you’ll be very successful. Give yourself an “A+”. If you applied five, you’ll build a good business. That deserves a “B+”. If you applied four, you’ll build a fair business. Give yourself a “C”. If you only applied three, well it could happen over time. That’s a “D”. If you applied less than three, just mark on your calendar … on vacation unpaid

"In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy." *Albert Clarke

BARBARA Testimonials # 01 A Distributor’s Many Stories " Roy and I were visiting friends in Denver the first of May when they were having a special meeting in their home. It was about something called Immunocal, and it caused the body to produce Glutathione... The video we saw that night was filled with many wonderful testimonies of patients, their family members, and their doctors who had seen amazing results after just a few weeks or months on Immunocal, depending on the severity of their illness and their current physical condition. ¾ One man who had been taken off Chemotherapy after developing heart toxicity from the chemotherapy treatments [for his Prostate Cancer] had a PSA reading of 208 (that is through the roof!). Roy's PSA was 70 when he had cancer. After one month of taking Immunocal, his PSA reading dropped to 28! The following month it dropped to 11! He then went on vacation like he had done before he was ill. Immunocal turned his situation around and gave him his life back! Another lady's story that really interested me was one who had severe diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. After two months on Immunocal there were major improvements. At the time the video was filmed she'd been taking it for one year. ¾ As she shared her wonderful testimony along with her sister and her doctor, it gave me hope for my mom. My mother suffers from Alzheimer's Disease as well as Parkinson's Disease. After learning about Immunocal and hearing the testimony above, we started my mom on it. We are seeing real changes in my mother. She has gone from hardly eating to eating 100% of two full meals a day and a good portion of her third meal. She is talking plainer and knows us now and understands what she is talking about. Before she didn't recognize us most of the time. She's awake much more during the day and resting very peacefully at night. No more night terrors. Just the past few days she is sitting up in her bed by herself without even using the bed rails. We are witnessing her getting stronger with each day that passes. One other wonderful change is the diminishing effect of the sharking that goes with Parkinson's Disease. ¾ I am experiencing many great improvements in my own health from allergies and a sciatic nerve in my right leg. I have also suffered from a neck problem a specialist told me only surgery would help. the pain was totally gone after I had taken Immunocal for ten days. I have also had a problem with fibroid breast lumps in my right breast. Those are gone! We are hearing many exciting reports from people among our own family and friends we have introduced Immunocal to. It's helping those with fibromalgia, emphysema, various cancers (especially prostate cancer), colitis, arthritis, and many others too numerous to mention. Here are a few: ¾ My sister, Bernice Arnold, was walking with a cane the middle of May because her doctor told her she needed a knee replacement and that it was bone to bone. She is now walking without the came and more importantly, without pain. She also had lots of pain in her lower back which is gone now. She has more energy and a sense of well being. ¾ My brother, Charles Fairchild, has emphysema. He is breathing much better and it has cleared up a prostate problem he had and is helping his colon problem. He said he feels so much better. His wife, Shirley, has arthritis. The pain in her legs has diminished greatly in just a few short weeks. She is also experiencing a great improvement in varicose veins in her legs and has seen a big improvement in her skin condition. Their daughter, Marsha, who has suffered with psoriasis for several years is experiencing healing with Immunocal as her skin is clearing up. ¾ My father-in-law, Floyd, has severe lung problems including emphysema. His breathing has improved greatly. He is 89 years old. Roy's brother John said Paw Paw spent most of the afternoon mowing his lawn and working in the yard. He goes back to the doctor next week. I can't wait to hear what he says. ¾ My friend, Trish, who is a seamstress by trade and was going to quit because of arthritis in her hand, used to have to pry her fingers open in the mornings and work her hand before she began sewing. She has seen a world of difference since she began using Immunocal. She said, "I woke up one morning after taking the product about 2 1/2 weeks and just opened her hand and most of all the swelling was gone." She was so amazed and happy. Many people are taking it who have cancer, kidney problems, and all sorts of major disorders. I'll keep you informed on their progress. Since I was only introduced to this in May, I continue to share this wonderful product with people, and we're just beginning to learn what it can do for others. But, one thing I do know is that it's important to have a strong immune system to keep us healthy with all the things that assault us daily. It is a joy to share the hope with others that their lives can improve. I believe this is a blessing from God, so I'm going to keep sharing the good news!!!! BARBARA Immunocal Distributor AUGUST 10, 2003

Betty Lyons Testimonial # 02

In the fall of 1998, my mother had a bone density test and a diagnosis of osteoporosis was confirmed. In Nov. of 1998 she started on Immunocal for her emphysema, diabetes, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and irritable bowel syndrome. In Feb. 1999 a Doctor put her on Evista (a selective estrogen receptor modulator) The Doctor had put several women with osteoporosis on Evista and was monitoring all of these women for his own small study. He was told Regina was taking a food supplement (Immunocal) but he was not concerned and told her she could continue if she so desired. In the fall of 2000 she had a bone density test done along with the other women in this small study. Regina was the only woman in this group who not only had an improvement in her diagnosis but now had a normal bone density as in a young adult. Because of the side effects she experienced while on Evista, one being severe leg cramps, her Doctor told her to discontinue the Evista as she didn’t need it.. The bone scan done 10/10/00 showed Betty’s mother’s bone density as normal. She took 3 packs of Immunocal per day for several months and went to 2 packs before the bone scan. She now has to take only 1 pack per day! Betty reports that her mother has had just amazing results with Immunocal other than the bone density report. Her energy has returned along with a host of other benefits, as you read earlier. As Betty says, “ I have my mother back and I’m so thankful!” Betty Lyons was a registered nurse in Canada. She now does her Immunotec business full-time!

Fausta Magee, British Columbia, Canada, February, 2005 Testimonial # 89 on page 83

MARYROSE REGAN IMMUNOTEC STORY Testimonial # 03 I first began taking Immunocal/HMS 90 in May of 2003 at the advice of my alternative practitioner, Juergen Maimann. I had been under Juergen’s care since January of 2003 to overcome a severe lung and throat infection that kept recurring. Within three weeks of taking the product Juergen invited me for a hike at Elbow Valley Falls. A couple of hours turned into a six-hour hike in pouring rain. I was certain that I would be sick the next day or at the very least very sore as I was not used to a lot of physical activity. I came home took a hot bath in Epsom salts and took an HMS 90 drink and went to bed without supper. The next morning I was in the shower and realized I did not feel sore I thought that the soreness would come later in the day or possibly the next day. I went all week with no soreness and no repercussions from the hiking trip. Since I have been on HMS 90 I have been sick only once and that was only for a day or so, previously most colds or flu would have me down for a week. In September of 2004 Juergen and I went to the Immunotec BBQ in Montreal. We traveled by plane from Calgary to Toronto, then by van to Montreal. We spent four days and three nights in Montreal and returned to spend our last night in Toronto at Juergen’s son’s place. We were very tired from our excursions and thus got ready for bed immediately. Within twenty minutes of getting into bed I was wheezing so hard that I could not breathe (could hear my breath whistling) and was paralyzed with the fear that I would not wake up again if I went to sleep. Juergen prepared me an HMS 90 drink of two pouches or 20 grams in water and had me drink it immediately, within twenty minutes of finishing the drink I slept peacefully and deeply awaking very refreshed the next morning. I did not realize until later that Robert’s landlord had cats and that the cats had free rein of the house while the bachelors were at work all day. I had experience allergic reactions to cats before but not since I had been on HMS 90. This experience taught me that I am still allergic to cats but HMS 90 keeps the symptoms in check as long as my body is not stressed or exhausted. Thank you Juergen for introducing me to a product that lets me live symptom free. MaryRose Regan, Independent Distributor for Immunotec Research Ltd

Welly & Nancy Testimonial # 04 Dear Herb, Nancy isn’t on any antibiotics at present. She has increased to three packs per day. We believe the strengthening of her immune system with increased Glutathione levels is working! I believe we are going to be very successful in this business because: 1. We have an unshakeable belief in this product, Immunocal. 2. We have a total commitment to the business -- not a “let’s try and see if it works attitude”, but a solid belief that it will work if one works it. We believe in having the maximum of tools (Web Site if possible). 3. We have a commitment to spend time each day telling others this good news through literature, video, tapes, e-mail, regular mail -- doing something is better than doing nothing. 4. We know we must be patient with people and not give up on them. I've been sharing information with one man in particular for about a month. He has a friend with Parkinsons. His friend is interested in using Immunocal. I sent him some articles from my web site. Today he e-mailed me asking what it would cost to become a distributor. All this was done through e-mail, as I haven't seen him in person due to not being able to go to church for a while as I was giving Nancy antibiotic treatments. Don't try to force it -- just share it. People will be ready at different times. Someone you talked to yesterday may be ready in two months. But if you keep it going they will begin to “pop in” at different times. I just keep a positive attitude and

enthusiasm about what the benefits of this product are in terms of the scientific facts and results people are having. Keep informing people, keep explaining, keep encouraging -- and one day they will "get it." I let people know of my commitment to be the best resource person I can be for them and my belief that they can succeed in this business. What makes this possible is my reliance on the credibility of the company and the credibility of doctors like Doctor Gutman. There’s also the credibility of the support team – the web sites, my upline, conference calls, videos, tapes, literature, the credibility of results, and especially -- testimonials. I believe…therefore all things are possible… Sincerely, Welly & Nancy

Arnie Schroeder Testimonial # 05 Why am I involved with the Immmunotec Research Ltd. Opportunity! First of all their products are greatly improving my Health .About 5 months ago in June, I had my medical and found my Prostate had been enlarged { requiring surgery } and Cancer had set in. To keep the cancer in control I decided to do it with proper food and natural products. Then a month later in July, Francene Drubick called me. I had talked to her at one time to do joint business advertising, She asked me how I was doing and told her the state of my Health. She responded That “ I’ve got the products to treat your Cancer and take care of your Prostate “ Well I said I wished she had called me a month ago. She continued, the company she was with marketed all natural products and for the Prostate they had a natural liquid product that would take care of my Prostate and for my Cancer, the company, Immunotec Research Ltd. had a product to CURE and treat Cancer, which was developed at McGill University ,a prestigious Canadian University Medical Centre.This product is world class,it is patented in 7 North American and numerous international countries, it is published in 23 Clinical studies and listed in the presitigious US Physicians’ Desk Reference THAT’S NOT ALL !!!!!! She also impressed me that the Cancer product called “Protein Whey Powder” would not only take care of my Cancer but would also improve my IMMUNE SYSTEM to optimal level. Dr. Bounous in his research and experiments also found that if you would improve your Immune System to optimal level you in turn would PREVENT and CURE the so called AGING DISEASES as Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, arteriosclerosis, retarding the process of plague formation in the arteries, protect against the complications of diabetes and detoxifies pollutants we breath, eat and drink. So you can see how elevating the IMMUNE level plays a critical role in…. DISEASE RESISTANCE and GENERAL GOOD HEALTH !!!! My next concern was the founders of Immunotec Research Ltd. This is a story in itself !!!! ¾ Dr, Gustavo Bounous M.D. Director of Research and Development. Career Investigator of the Medical Research Councel and recipient of the 1965 medal of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Dr.G. Bounous is the Discoverer of undenatured Protein Whey Powder called HMS 90 in Canada and Immunocal in the United States. ¾ Mr. Chuck Roberts: President of the board. His experience is in` Network Marketing and over 30 years of traditional Business experience. His Grandfather established Kraft Foods. ¾ Dieter Beer: Co-founder. A German industrialist with wide- ranging holdings. He provided the financial resources necessary for HMS 90 and Immunocal production and patenting, and to the Clinical trials confirming its health-promoting properties ¾ Mr. John Molson: Vice President. His key role is in the co-ordination of studies and product research.Had corporate banking experience and had a background of sales and marketing with Molson’s Brewery the family business So the founders bring a wealth of experience to Immunotec Research Ltd. I have already experienced results in using the products. I’d like to end my story with a quotation from ¾ Dr, Barushal who is now the head of immunological Research at a Toronto hospital and Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto .”This product is capable of changing the way that Medicine is practised around the world. “ Arnie Schroeder.

Anne Hula Testimonial # 06 I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in October 31, 2003. I found that I was so very tired and weak all the time. I had an awful lot of chemo and 10 days of radiation (all on the head). My protocol for treatment was 2 years starting Nov 1, 2003 August 17, 2004 my friend, Fausta Magee, in Vancouver called me. She has Chronic Lymphocyte Leukemia and for that type she can't take chemo or radiation. She was going downhill. We chatted for about an hour and a half, crying on each others shoulders. She had developed a bunch of swollen lymph nodes, said she had lived a good life and if this is what the Good Lord had in mind for her she was ready to go. She was planning her funeral. One week later she called me, all excited, saying "I've got my life back". After talking to her I said "Whatever you're on, I want". A friend had sent her a package of Immunotec's HMS 90 and she took it for a week ( 4 pkg a day)

When I got my box Sept 1, 2004 I was also taking 4 pkg a day and after the 5th day, I couldn't control myself, I wanted to do so much. I hadn't done anything for a year because I was always so weak and tired. I had had constant care from my family. They came and lived with me to look after me. That day I painted my guest room, ceilings, closet and all. I moved furniture back and forth. I washed the windows and did a thorough vacuum job. My daughter, Lorna couldn't believe that I could be doing all that, so she phoned my sister Mary & they came to see for themselves. (it's a 5+ hour drive for Mary.) Since they phoned and said they were coming, I had to do the decorating too and put up the curtains and got new bedding on, got pictures on the walls, to pretty it up. I had worked from 6:30 in the morning to 10:30 at night. When they arrived at 11pm, Lorna said, "You don't even look tired mom" I said, "I'm not". A week earlier, I could only have washed the window or vacuumed the room. I have been full of energy since. It has definitely changed my life and I am so grateful that my friend Fausta told me about it. I now have to tell everyone. I have made it my mission to help people with their health, wealth and happiness. Needless to say I am now promoting these products. The product is an (AIDE) Antioxidant, builds the Immune System, a Detoxifier and an Energizer. It helps the chemo work better and makes the side effects less problematic. Everyone needs to build their immune systems and then the body can look after any disease or health problem that comes our way. After I started on the product, I have been very busy. Most of Fausta's swollen Lymph Nodes are now gone, (She now calls them bumps) I was totally finished with chemo October 31, 2005 and feeling great. No more chemo, no more radiation and no more chemo pills. I will continue to always take my special product – Immunotec’s HMS 90. My new mantra is I’m grateful to be alive in 2005 !!! Anne Hula

Jim Hawley Testimonials # 07 Dr. Russell Manuel A letter from one of my Immunotec associates, Corallee Morgan, Quincy, WA October 2004 Hi Dr. Manuel, 1. I'm Corallee and I talked with you about 2 weeks ago. I have been running full tilt for those 2 weeks and have neglected my correspondence. Here are the details of the success stories in Quincy WA. My name is Corallee Morgan. I began taking Immunocal in January of this year with the hope of alleviating some of the pain and lack of mobility from osteoarthritis. Much to my surprise, I began to notice improvements in my night vision, sense of smell and ability to pick out sounds within about 2 weeks. After 26 years of being on my feet on cement, varicose veins throbbed by the end of the day. This pain lessened until I no longer noticed being uncomfortable by evening. I am mostly pain free from the arthritis and the mobility in my right shoulder has returned. I still have morning stiffness and sitting for long periods causes some stiffness, but movement eliminates that and I'm able to go about my life. I notice that I move with renewed purpose and speed as I go through my work day. This past month I increased my intake to 2 packs and have seen a good rise in my energy levels. This has been lacking in the past. I believe that the increase has helped me get through a very difficult week of extended work hours and a very busy schedule outside of work. 2. Mercedes Napoles is a friend who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. She has been unable to work for about 3 years. Several months ago, she had an episode and lost most of the vision in her right eye. Her doctor told her there was nothing he could do to help her and she would just have to accept her limitations. She was very scared that she was going to go blind. I had mentioned Immunocal to her previously and now she was ready and eager to try anything. She began taking one packet daily and everyday she would cover her good eye to see if she had any improvement in the bad one. In 2 to 3 days she said she noticed some changes taking place and on the 5th day she called me to tell me that all her vision had returned, her pain was gone, she was sleeping at night and when she woke in the morning was able to get right out of bed and move normally instead of sitting for a while on the side of the bed and then hanging on to the wall to get where she needed to go. When she came to see me at the Post Office where I work, I could see the change in her color and that her eyes had sparkle in them once again. I know this is difficult to believe, 5 days is such a short time, but I saw it happen with my own eyes. Mercedes said she felt something happening in her body on the very first day. She really can't describe it, only that she knew it was something good. Her energy level is much better and her husband says he has his wife back. He is so impressed that he has begun taking Immunocal also and says that his energy level is much better and he is not so tired after a workday. Mercedes and Moises tell everyone that will listen about the wonderful things that have happened and as a result there are more good stories. 3. Marina and Hugo Barraghan work with Moises at the local food processing plant. The work is hard and the hours long. Marina and Hugo are both diabetics but Hugo also has severe Asthma and has to us his inhalers steadily. He has been unable to work for several months because of an ulcer on his foot that would not heal. When I met with his wife and several other people at Mercedes’ home, he was unable to attend because he was so ill. Marina signed that day and as soon as her shipment came, she began giving Hugo 2 packets a day. Within the first week, Hugo had cut his inhaler use down to a minimum and was feeling generally much better, enough to begin doing some simple chores at home. He was so impressed with the effect on his asthma that he would like to see his grandson on Immunocal too as he has asthma. Hugo required surgery on his foot last week. The ulcer had healed so that a metal plate could be put into his foot to support it as the bones in his foot are disintegrating. He is home and says he feels fine and has no pain from the surgery. He was given pain killer but does not feel the need to use them. He has been on Immunocal only one month, but feels that it helped him come through this surgery with a better outcome than could have been expected. He continues to take 2 packets and is looking forward to getting back to work when his foot has healed and is stable enough to walk without the use of crutches. 4. Maria Vigil came to hear about Immunocal because she is a severe diabetic. She also works with Moises, Marina, and Hugo. She had previously had laser surgery on her eyes and was now worried that her vision was worsening once again. Even with her glasses, her vision was blurring and making it difficult for her to see properly. Her coworkers say she never talked to anyone, even her husband, at work. Maria signed that day also and began taking Immunocal one month ago. Amazingly, after 3 days, she put away her glasses and says the blurring in her eyes is all gone and her vision is better than before. She is thrilled that her blood sugar is no longer out of control and that her energy level is so good she is doing things she has not done for years. She shyly shared with us that even her hair is coming back in. She suffered from extremely thin hair as a result of the diabetes and is so pleased to see an improvement. Her coworkers are astounded at the change in her, she talks and laughs with them and will tell anyone who will listen about her own personal angel, Mercedes. I truly wish I could show you the pink, healthy color in their cheeks, the bright sparkle in their eyes, let you hear the gratitude in their voices as they talk about their "angels." I am rewarded over and over again as I listen to how their lives are continuing to improve. 5. A gentleman with inoperable cancer took Immunocal through his radiation and chemotherapy for about 4 months and is now cancer free. He went through a very serious bout of pneumonia, blood clots in his lungs and other complications right after the end of his treatment and was hospitalized for 2 weeks without any immunocal. Fortunately he had been taking 2 or 3 packets a day preceding this as his age, near 80, and lowered immune systems could have been disastrous. The pattern of his life has returned and he is able to take part in community activities, spend as much time as he wants at the family owned business and generally enjoy his life. He continues to take his Immunocal and our Mercedes has convinced his wife Gert that she would benefit also.

There are many more people showing interest in our wonderful product and many watching as someone they know tries it. I have said many times that I am not a salesman, but I do feel I am on a mission and this has taken on a life of its own. To build a business based on helping people live their lives healthier and happier is truly a blessing. I hope I am up to the challenge. I hope this is helpful to you, Corallee Morgan Dr. Manuel’s comments: - what links all these beneficial results together is that glutathione [GSH] levels are so low, in many diseases, as a result of the oxidative stress from the disease state itself. Most people do not get enough of a particular amino acid to replace the low levels of intracellular GSH. Immunocal provides this essential amino acid. Glutathione is the master antioxidant which is naturally present in all our cells and when it is lacking other antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E are rapidly depleted because they can no longer be recycled because of the low levels of GSH. - people with Multiple Sclerosis are known to have very low levels of GSH…….as low as 5 % of normal. Mercedes rapid improvement from taking only one pack/day of Immunocal is exceptional. I usually advise taking 2 or preferably 3 packs a day for 3 months to give Immunocal a fair trial. - Hugo, who has asthma, was able to cut his inhaler use down to a minimum in one week. My 12 year old athletic grandson was able to markedly cut back on the use of inhalers and then go on to get several gold awards in track and field within a month of starting 1 pack/day of Immunocal. Everyone with allergies and/or asthma should consider giving Immunocal a three month trial. - Maria V., a severe diabetic, benefited greatly with improved vision, increased energy and better control of her blood sugar levels. There are now many examples of the benefits of increasing GSH levels in diabetics. As GSH is low in most diabetics, taking measures to increase GSH is a priority to prevent complications. - Cancer: there are published studies and method-of-use patents for cancer treatment. I had prostate cancer diagnosed over six years ago and chose to do nothing invasive. My doctors strongly advised surgery. Instead, I’ve taken 3 packs/day of Immunocal and am healthier now than I was 6 years ago. I think that every person with a diagnosis of cancer should consider taking Immunocal, with their doctors’ approval, as part of their treatment. ALL the BEST Jim Hawley, Immunotec Independent Distributor

JUERGEN MAIMANN’S IMMUNOTEC STORY Testimonial # 08 I was introduced to HMS 90/Immunocal by my good friend, Doug LeClaire one evening as I was visiting in the Fall of 2000 as he gave me a drink to help me with my cold. I went home and had a very restful sleep and awoke the next morning totally symptom free. I called Doug the next morning to ask, “what was in the drink” that he gave me the night before. He told me it was HMS 90. I asked, “What is HMS 90?” Doug said, “it was the precursor to glutathione.” I asked, “What is glutathione?” He said, “Glutathione is the body’s master anti-oxidant, immune booster and detoxifier.” I asked, “How do I get it?” He said, “come on over, I will have the paperwork ready.” As I am a trained as a Clinical Irridologist I recognized immediately that HMS 90 would benefit my clients and me thus I immediately signed up as a Distributor. In September 2004 my son, Robert Maimann, a mountain goat, came back to Calgary for his holidays. He wanted to climb in the Rockies again and took me with him. On one of our trips we left the parking lot at Lake Louise at 9:00 a.m. and returned at 1:00 a.m. the next morning after 16 hours of non-stop scrambling. This was no easy feat even for an experienced mountaineer like Robert. We experienced high winds, rain, sleet, snow and lost our trail on the way down thus had to travel in the dark in deep brush walking with only one head lamp. It was while travelling in the dark that I fell and broke two ribs. We returned home to Calgary at 3:00 a.m. and slept for 10 hours from sheer exhaustion. The next day I realized that I had two broken ribs from one of my falls where I hit my ribs against rocks that were sticking out of the rock wall. Other than the soreness from the ribs I had no other symptoms. My son, Robert, on the other hand was exhausted and did not recover so easily. He attempted a glacier two days later with a friend and had to turn around half way up, as he did not have the stamina to finish the excursion. When he asked me how could I recover so fast as he is 40 and I am 65. I immediately referred him to HMS 90 and he became a distributor before he returned to Toronto. I thank Doug LeClaire and Angela Koch for introducing me to a product that works and helps people to get healthy and stay healthy and active. I love life! Juergen Maimann, Independent Distributor for Immunotec Research Ltd

Jimmy Tan Testimonials # 09 Prostate Cancer & Hepatitis B Hi Dr. Petrosino, I am Jimmy Tan, distributor of Immunocal in Malaysia. I would like to present 2 testimonial on Immunocal. 1) Prostate Cancer: A 66 year old male medical report on 25/08/2001 showed Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA) : 5.4v ng/ml & Prostatic specific antigen : 21.7v ng/ml. And doctor recommended him for chemotheraphy. He went to another doctor for a 2nd opinion and was advised to take Immunocal from 28/08/2001 (20gm per day). He went for check-up after 30 days and the report showed CEA : 3.0ng/ml & PSA 4.9h ng/ml. After 53 days, he went for another check-up and the medical report showed CEA : 2.5 ng/ml & PSA : 2.8 ng/ml. At 95 days, another medical report showed CEA 2.5 ng/ml & PSA 2.1 ng/ml. The doctor said that he is totally cancer-free. 2) A 41 year-old male diagnosed with Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg): Reactive & Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatiod Factor : 617 IU/ML on 1 Sept 2001. He started on Immunocal immediately and after 90 days, the new medical report showed HBsAg: Positive & Rheumatiod Factor : Negative These claims can be supported by medical reports from recognised Medical Labortories in Malaysia. Regards, Jimmy Tan, March 30, 2002

Sheri Cramer Testimonial # 010 Personal Testimonial

August 4, 2005

August 11, 1988 my life changed forever, I was hit by a drunk driver, my heart stopped 3 times on the way to the hospital. The next 16 ½ years, were filled with pain, drugs and over 30 surgeries, including the amputation of my left foot, all attempting to restore my health. The reality was that the combined effects of physical trauma and drugs were slowly destroying me. After awhile my body would no longer tolerate drugs of most kinds, pain killers in particular. New wonder drugs were prescribed, I was told that they could not fail to prevent the uncontrollable nausea I experienced when taking most medications. All failed to relieve my symptoms. My only option was to endure the pain. By the end of 2004 I suffered from daily cycles of nausea, arthritic inflammation in my hips, spine and both knees. As well my left leg, the one missing a foot was a source of constant, grinding pain. I was scheduled for further surgery to remove my fibula as a last resort to restore my mobility. Then in October 2004, I was diagnosed with squamous carcinoma cancer, caused by excessive radiation, due to over 100 x-rays on my legs. In January 2005, after several biopsies with no end in sight, I looked at my husband and said “people can’t live like this, you can’t suffer year after year like this, I’m not getting better, I’m worse every year, people can’t live like this……..” I was contemplating ending my life. Feb 2005, I was introduced to HMS-90 by a friend, who had MS and had seen positive results. I began taking HMS90 (4 pkgs. a day) in the hope that my cycles of nausea could be relieved. To my amazement, not only did my nausea disappear, but also all of my other issues began to improve. I decided to add 4 Naturally Sourced Calcium and 1 Multi-Vitamin/Mineral. Next I noticed that my back, chest and hips no longer bothered me. Then over the next several weeks I was able to climb stairs without using a cane and a hand railing to assist me. In the past climbing stairs was a task involving almost unbearable pain. I was ecstatic about the improvements in my health and feelings of wellbeing. Then the truly unexpected happened. My left leg, the one that had my foot amputated and was scheduled for further major surgery began to heal. I was slowly able to walk further and further with less and less pain. I have canceled the surgery that I have waited so long for. For the first time in 17 years I feel good again. No… not just good, wonderful!! Excellent!! I can’t find the words to describe how wonderful I feel. As I write my story tears are streaming down my cheeks, happy tears now…. I do not have an ounce of pain left in my body!!! My life has been on a daily schedule for 16½ years, scheduling my daily routine so I was able to make it through the whole day. Making it the whole day meant dealing with enormous amounts of pain, to the point that my insides felt like shredded paper, my brain distorted and confused. If I pushed myself any further then I was forced to take heavy medications, which made me very, very sick. I don’t ever want to feel or live in that kind of pain again. Now that I know, we can prevent diseases, we don’t have to live in pain. I feel the need to reach out to everyone, to encourage all people to take HMS90, rebuild your cells, and keep your cells healthy. I don’t believe in miracles, but I do believe in science and results. I am living proof “of the power of the body” to heal it’s self, if you provide the best tools it needs to maintain good health, your body will repair almost anything. HMS90/Immunocal is that tool. My husband jokes, if your foot grows back then it will be a miracle! Sheri Cramer

Doug Leclair Testimonial # 011 Engineer and Hair Stylist TURNED SUCCESSFUL DISTRIBUTORS! Oakville, Ontario Couple is Helping People Get Healthy and Financially Free: It’s 6:20 a.m. and Doug Leclair is up out of bed and ready to start the day. Unlike the others who are lined up on the busy streets, fighting the morning rush to get into the office, Doug makes his way into his den, starts up a warm glow in the fireplace and curls up on a comfortable lounge chair with a good book and his cats by his side. Compared to traffic jams and the usual rush, this is a much more peaceful way to start the day. As an engineer, Doug helped many companies over the years earn hundreds of thousands of dollars while he worked 60-70 hour weeks. He was tired of working for others and wanted to work when and with whom he wanted. Doug’s partner, Angela Koch, was a hairstylist with 14 years of experience, who owned and ran her own successful salon. An unfortunate car accident left her physically unable to continue her hairstyling career, so Angela needed something else to focus her attention on. Doug was first approached about the Immunotec products by his good friend Foster Owusu. Doug had faith in Foster’s recommendation of the products, so in February 2000, he signed up as a customer and began taking Immunocal/HMS 90 on a daily basis. It didn’t take Doug very long to realize the efficacy of the product, when for the first time in 11 years, he had no seasonal allergy symptoms. Foster knew of Doug’s potential to become a successful distributor and kept him up-to-date about the impact that Immunocal/HMS 90 was having on the health of others. This, combined with his own positive experience, got Doug extremely motivated to become a distributor. Angela also started with Immunotec as a customer in October 2000 and became a distributor shortly thereafter. After spending eight years and thousands of dollars on various other health products, Angela and Doug were both thrilled to find that Immunocal/HMS 90 helped Angela tremendously with her fibromyalgia, including relief from irritable bowel syndrome and chronic sinusitis (symptoms typically associated with fibromyalgia). Doug’s biggest priority as an Immunotec distributor is educating others on what Immunocal/HMS 90 can do for their health while helping them achieve financial freedom.“I’ve helped distributors get to the title of Diamond and am helping others achieve financial freedom everyday. It’s extremely rewarding.” Angela feels that her biggest motivation comes from the success stories that she hears on a daily basis about the impact of Immunocal/HMS 90 on people’s lives. She also enjoys network marketing ith Immunotec because of the type of people attracted to this company and its products. As Angela puts it, “These people are well informed, intelligent, fun-loving, and they speak from the heart - they are truly concerned about the welfare of others.” For Doug, the most rewarding part of being a distributor is helping others overcome their own objections with respect to the company or network marketing. He believes that the best way to overcome these objections is to bring people to an Immunotec Head Office “Red Carpet Day” or to a meeting. “It’s the best way to validate the integrity of the company and the benefits that network marketing has to offer.” Doug also suggests that distributors use all the support offered by corporate staff, which, in his opinion, “is unparalleled”. Take advantage of the training, the extensive research and access to the knowledgeable and resourceful members of the company. Doug suggests that new distributors be patient. As he puts it, “This business will happen in time. Those who succeed will be those who have chosen to. It takes time, energy and a commitment to the business to reap the rewards.” Angela suggests that new people should start as customers. “I believe that customers with a positive first-hand experience on Immunocal/HMS 90 will eventually become your best distributors. Of course, there are some who see the bigger picture right away, so we sign them up right away!” Doug and Angela feel that the decision to work with Immunotec full-time has been the most rewarding experience of their lives. “Listen to people, ask lots of questions and allow them to make their own decisions regarding the product and/or opportunity. By sharing and caring we empower others

Linda Bain Testimonial # 012 THE GIFT of GAB is MAKING LINDA BAIN RICH! SINGLE, 56… and DOING GREAT! Linda Bain started talking about Immunotec products 2 1/2 years ago and hasn’t stopped talking since. She is so impressed by the credibility of Immunotec and its products that she wants to share them with everyone that she knows! Linda Bain is no stranger to the corporate world. Having spent many years in management roles, Linda, was absolutely exhausted by the idea of continuing along the corporate path. She was fed up with dealing with the demands, the pay limitations and the lack of security that the corporate world offered her. Due to her frustrations, she made the biggest decision of her life and started along the path to success. She initially joined Immunotec as a parttime Distributor. A year and a half later, she decided to JUST DO IT! She left her corporate job and became a full-time Distributor. When asked if she was scared to make the move, Linda replied, “It wasn’t easy. I had expenses, two kids and a mortgage, but I took the risk and JUST DID IT!”. Now 56, Linda has achieved financial freedom. She has succeeded and continues to do so by making a commitment to do the business every day. She works hard; harder than she’s ever worked, but she enjoys what she is doing. Her biggest achievement is that she gets to help people on a daily basis and offers them the opportunity to be healthy and financially free. In Linda’s words, “It’s the best!”. On top of empowering people, she challenges anyone to find another place where you can take three years of your life and earn an income well into the 6-figures. Linda honestly believes that anyone can be successful. As she puts it, “I live in a village of 1500 people and I’m single. If I can do it, anyone can!”. All you need is to get outside the box and get started. The only thing stopping a person from being successful is the million excuses that they create (lack of time, lack of energy, no experience). Once you decide to forget about the excuses and face the fears of why you can’t do it, you can become successful. Immunotec makes it so easy, by providing great trainers and fantastic tools to help you along the way. In fact, Linda feels that the only way to not become successful in the business is to stop doing the business Linda considers herself lucky that she has the opportunity to gain new friends every day, by meeting people and sharing her knowledge about a product like no other.She can now act as a teacher and a health/wealth educator. If that isn’t rewarding enough, Linda also gets to contribute to the growth of a fabulous company, which she feels is extremely gratifying. A member of the elite Achievers Club, Linda has benefited from the mentoring of Jim Britt and the interaction with other Immunotec leaders. Linda has a few words to offer to new Distributors who are starting up their business: “JUST DO IT! It’s as simple as that! I did it and you can too. Face your fears, get outside the box and get started. As you become successful, think of one of my favorite sayings, Inch by inch, row by row, watch your garden grow, every day”! Linda Bain

Joyce Testimonial # 013 Hi L: It's so nice to hear from you. Even though I don't reply a lot, I want you to know that I enjoy and appreciate and register in my psyche this wisdom you keep sharing. It's great for me! I hope that you're enjoying your sabbatical. I'm working on, as always. What's different is that I'm getting fortified (and younger in mind & body} with this fantastic new natural supplement I found thru a friend. All of the challenges are so much easier when you can approach them from your 30's state mentally, emotionally & physically. I didn't realize the subtle losses in these areas from aging until I was able to function from a younger state again from the inside & outside in all ways. It's been quite a remarkable revelation. This supplement(HMS 90) boosts your immune system and it really works! It also turns back time! Some people have had their hair go back to brown from gray. It has been referred to as "the penicillin of the 21st century". I can feel & see why. It is a natural product that after 23 yrs. of research actually gets into your cells detoxifies them. It actually has anti-cancer, and anti-aids gov. drug patents, it is so effective! Even though it is used in hospitals to speed the healing/recovery process for patients, you don't need a prescription to buy it. Your title for this email: ".really nobody is immune" is right. We do have to boost our own immune systems for our psyche and for our body to prevent the failures and catastrophes from happening to us. I'm pretty excited to find this miraculous natural immune boosting, anti-aging, master antioxidant supplement, as you can probably tell by now. Plus, it's a Canadian company, it’s affordable and it's easy to get. Yeah!! So, dear friend, I am happy to share my good news with you. Feel free to pass it on if you think it will help others. I'll be happy to give you any of the details and information I have of course. Just give me a call and let me know. Luv to you and Tom

Joyce (Alberta Distributor)

Keith Hampton Gives Back! Testimonial # 014 Keith Hampton of Calgary, Alberta joined Immunotec in January 2005 after attending one of Dr. Bill Code’s seminars. He swore that he would never join a Network Marketing organization, but after being convinced by Dr. Code’s presentation, not only did Keith sign up as a distributor, he achieved the Gold title! According to Keith, “it just made sense … both logically and scientifically”. Keith shares the products and opportunity with as many people as possible. He claims he “is not in it for the money”, although he’s not doing too badly; in less than a year Keith has managed to recruit 28 distributors and 89 customers. The combination of Keith’s appetite for knowledge and the wonderful people in his upline drive him to continue, and as he says, “it is my way of giving back to society”. Good job Keith!

A Mother’s Stories ¾ ¾

Gunny Michael l

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A Mom’s Story Testimonial # 149 "I'm a single mom from Ontario who taught school for 15 years until my youngest daughter contracted leukemia at the age of two and underwent intensive chemotherapy for the next 3 yrs. She has been disease free for 8 yrs now. She will take Immunocal forever to keep her IMMUNE SYSTEM working at an OPTIMAL LEVEL. And it has been. Whatever the going bug during the school year, she won't catch it !! My other daughter used to suffer from life threatening asthma attacks. Hospital admissions, steroids,specialists etc. etc. She turned 16 last Friday and is passionate about sports. She's been on Immunocal for a year now . Not one attack, no steroids, not even a steroid inhaler. It's been simlply miraculous! She takes Immunocal for the clinically proven and documented substancial effects of increasing athletic performance... At 16 , that is what motivates her infinitely more than an optimally functioning immune system. Her asthma has all but DISAPPEARED... My elderly 91yr old mother has been on 2 packets of Immunocal for 2 yrs now. Her debilitating arthritis pain has disappeared entirely! She also suffers from ARID (Age Related Macular Degeneration) which is a leading cause of blindness in the elderly. Her condition has not only NOT PROGRESSED in the last 2 &1/2 yrs, she can actually see better. And even though she is declared as "legally blind", she still lives alone and manages very well. As for myself, even though in excellent health,I take from 2 to 4 packets of Immunocal daily, and I have not even suffered from so much as a cold in the last 2 yrs. I do have a history of MIGRAINES, however, and still suffer from them on occasion. What is exciting is, that now they will dissipate with just 'Anacin', while before I would be out of comission for that day." Sincerely, Gunny

A Mom’s Story Testimonial # 150 My son Michael started taking HMS 90 and Xtrasharp on a daily basis in May of 2005. Since then both he and I have been delighted to see a dramatic change in his grades. At the time he started, his grades ranged from 50 to 70 percent. That range has jumped 20 points across the board, to the 70's and 90's. Michael and Melina Coates Alberta

Personal Stories Herb Johnsen Pamela Cook Rosalie O’Hara Nancy Jim Spencer ¾ Brenda Noble ¾ Barabara Fairchild ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

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Testimony of Herb Johnsen # 151 Welcome I have a tremendous passion for Immunocal and Immunotec Research Ltd., and here are my reasons: 1) Immunocal is real, without any duplication out there. 2) Immunotec is a Research Company and comes out only with quality products. (XtraSharp, Immunocal toothpaste & Prycena are new in the past year or so.) 3) Immunocal, with thousands of documented clinical and scientific studies to back up what is said, cannot be denied by anyone. 4) 11 method-of-use patents -- the same kind of patents given to drugs and listed in the PDR manual and Pharmacist’s Red Book -- the only natural product in the drug section of the manuals. Also, there are an additional 26 method-of-use patents in other countries around the world. 5) We are in the right Industry, since economists say by the year 2010 the Health Industry will be over 1 TRILLION DOLLARS. I personally believe at that time we will be near the top in this Industry, because of Immunotec’s present rate of growth. 6) In 4 years GLUTATHIONE will be as well known as Vitamin C. The only Company that has a product that will increase the production of GLUTATHIONE in all of our cells is Immunotec Research. When this fact becomes well known, every one who is involved will see their sales skyrocket. If you understand how millions were made on Penicillin, then you ought to figure out what will happen here. 7) Everyone needs this product, especially in the environment we live in today. Our bodies are constantly being attacked daily with new viruses and many old viruses. Our own body’s natural defense against these viruses is a strong immune system. No one can deny what I have just said, and we do not have to argue with anyone about this, for it is a fact. 8) With many people who already have a sickness in their body, if Immunocal is taken soon enough and in the proper amount, they can find a Doctor who will help them with this. There are many people who will go into remission from their illness. This has happened many times already. 9) Last but not least, the most important reason to me is I have seen how it has affected my own body. I typically take 3 packets a day. Do I have to? NO. Do I want to? YES. Why? Because I have been sick in the past and I don't like it. I have had Cancer removed out of my body. I have had Heart By-Pass Surgery, and Digestive Problems as well as Sinus problems for years that at the present are not a problem to me. I personally know people who have put this product to the test with exceptional results and have gone into remission from various illnesses. #9 is my biggest reason for the passion I have for Immunocal. The only way many of our friends and loved ones will ever know what is available to help them is if you and I tell them. This is an awesome responsibility, once you have been told. Are you acting on your responsibility?

I want to encourage you to print out and save these 9 reasons and keep it with you, because all these reasons are valid and truthful, and it can be a help and encouragement to you when some people reject every thing that you have shared with them. Most people take care of and maintain their cars and homes, which both can be replaced. However, we only receive one body in this lifetime. Sadly, the majority of people are not willing to spend money on their body until it breaks down. When it does, they will spend any amount to regain their health, and sadly, in some cases it may be too late. Disclaimer: Immunocal in NO WAY Heals or Cures any Sickness or Disease in your Body. Immunocal only begins the process of getting your cells to produce more Glutathione through precursors that are in Immunocal. This in turn strengthens the Immune System. Very Sincerely Herb Johnsen

Testimony of Pamela Cook # 152 I had originally suffered with Hypo-thyroid disorder, which was discovered when I was 15yrs. old but had been evidenced in my life from the age of 9yrs. However, at age 31 my sister-in-law noticed a lump in my throat. I would feel like I was choking, especially if I was passionate about a subject, then I would be unable to talk. I shook, had big eyes, was sick looking, couldn't sleep and had a resting heart rate of 120. Overall it was a scarry time. It was like my system was on high and I could not slow it down. I went to Dr. Prince in Windsor. I was diagnosed and treated with radio-active iodine. After about six weeks my system went to the opposite extreme and tests revealed that I had no thyroid function. Thus the battle for me to this day. I also suffered with Endomitriosis and cysts on the ovaries with an eventual hysterectomy, all just prior to the above. It is hard for me to explain what Immunocal/HMS90 has done for me in this respect to the Graves Disease. I have had other health challenges since 1988 that have left their own wake of symptoms and so I cannot be sure what to attribute to what. In 1988, due to the finish on my front teeth, I had six caps put in and within six weeks I was almost totally incapacitated due to mercury poisoning. The dissimilar metal at the back of the caps caused a leak in the amalgam fillings and I went downhill fast. I lost my memory, became bloated, skin pastey and grey, couldn't digest anything, kidney infections and extreme physical fatigue that left me unable to even cook supper or do laundry, etc., all the while the doctors were at a loss as to what was wrong or how to help me. I went to a herballist and was put on high antioxidants and other preparations and was sent to be tested for mercury poisoning. It was off the chart! For the two months that it took to replace the many amalgam fillings in my mouth I actually took DMSO in water to help clear out the mercury. (DMSO is used topically to remove heavy metals from animals) I have never had the energy, stamina or memory that I experienced prior to this happening. In 1991 I worked for a furrier, doing accounting. There was a problem with the buildings ventillation and we were all subject to the chemicals used to clean furs. The building was old, had asbestos, and when someone smoked in the lunch room, we all got to share the experience from our offices. Needless to say, an already compromised immune system can only take so much. I went downhill once again and in one year had to leave the job, at the insistence of my doctor. I had severe sinus problems which left the sinus cavities marred with scar tissue making sinus infections a chronic problem. Add to that menopause and you have a recipe for my feeling I was "on the way out". In November of 2001 I was helping my sister with a painting job and was up a few feet on a ladder. The ladder went out from under me and I landed on the floor, but not before hitting the wall with my right arm extended which caused a severe shattering of the right shoulder, leading to surgery and a diagnosis of Osteopinea(brittle bones). I also collapsed a vertebrae and damaged my right hip. When I accompanied Lorraine Ford to London for one of her checkups in June of 2002, I was in bad shape. Constant pain, sleeping in a recliner for part of the night due to the shoulder pain and then transferring to a bed, to rest the spine and hip, for the rest of the night. My pelvis would tip and I was unable to hold an adjustment and getting out of a chair and bending down were two actions that caused much pain. Sleep depravation, fatigue, generally wondering what I was here for! It took until the early part of Spring in 2003 for me to actually believe that the HMS90 Lorraine was taking to help her situation might be of help to Doug and I. I started with one box, and told Doug to take it. If it helped him then I might try it!!! After three days he said that he thought it was good for him and that it was making him feel better. I waited a few weeks, while he took it off and on. In the mean time Lorraine kept calling and giving me testimonies she had heard, etc. Finally in May of 2003, I wanted to order HMS for my Dad who was terrilbly ill. I told Lorraine to sign me up and I would see what I could do. I knew I could use what I ordered and that I could re-order at any time with a 40% discount. Before I could get Dad to take the HMS90 he was hospitalized and spent the next two months in two hospitals. The family of the one who is ill suffers also. I knew the stress we were all going through was going to take it's toll on all of the family. I had picked up Dr. Gutman's book from Lorraine's counter and started to read it while outside of the waiting room of the ICU where we awaited news of whether my dad would live. I was taking one pack of HMS at the time. As I read, I started to up my intake of HMS and was at two to three packs per day by the time I had finished reading it. A year later I can certainly attest to the benefits of HMS90 and the Xtra Sharp. I can bend over to do gardening, instead of crawling. I get out of a chair pain free. The constant pain at the area of the collapsed vertebrae is mostly gone or barely noticeable. My chiropractic adjustments are holding and I need only go once a month instead of twice weekily. I am remembering more and have clearer thinking and I have the energy to start my day in the early morning and keep on going till sometimes 11:00 or so at night. I have a sense of well-being - I find myself saying out loud, to God - "I feel really good today. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day!" Another good result of taking the HMS90 was the disappearance of Parkinson-like symptoms. Although never diagnosed, I experienced what I refered to as seizures on my right side, starting at the head, then travelling, in an instant down my right arm, causing me to drop whatever was in my

right hand. I would stumble on the slightest thing as my right leg wasn't doing what my brain told it to do. This problem had been progressing over the last few years. The china is now safe! No more jerks, no stumbling, just an inner sense of well-being. I will always be grateful and will hold an extra special place in my heart for Lorraine Ford, who, regardless of her own health challenges, chose to reach out with love, to help others by spreading the word about Immunotec's life changing products. Pamela Cook Belle River, ON. Canada

Testimony of Rosalie O’Hara # 153 Thursday, August 24, 2000 was the beginning of a brand new life. I took my first pouch of IMMUNOCAL in the morning, one in the afternoon. No reaction. The next morning I took a pouch of IMMUNOCAL and one in the afternoon. A couple of hours later, I began to eliminate black fluid, which continued on for a total of six sessions the same day. I took one pouch on Saturday and one on Sunday with the same thing happening, diminishing in intensity. By Monday August 28th, the poisons were flushed out of my system and a new person emerged. It was a new morning! I went back to two pouches per day of IMMUNOCAL. A LIFE OF HELL! The nightmare began in October 1997 when I fell and jolted my body. I had pain in the right hip that became progressively worse. Unfortunately, no physician diagnosed this pain which was in fact emanating from the spine and I actually cancelled hip surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital. One doctor after the other was looking at only the hip. Then I tried a succession of different pain medications, and since I was walking with 2 steel crutches hooked on my forearm, I was losing the use of my legs. I was on the road to being permanently crippled. My wonderful husband, John, newly retired, drove me back and forth to work from Brooklyn to Queens, making 2 round trips a day. I wasn’t able to dress myself. Putting on stockings was impossible. Refusing to accept this “no life” existence, I went to the Rehab doctor at Elmhurst Hospital Center where I worked in the Department of Anesthesiology. After several months of physical therapy on my legs, (and my arms – which also were affected by the fall) the Rehab doctor said now that my muscles were stronger, there was nothing more they could do. She felt badly about the pain persisting and suggested acupuncture. Acupuncture treatment was in its infancy at the hospital where I worked. Blessedly it helped; I responded very quickly – and went twice a week for several months. I was almost totally pain free. It only lasted as long as the acupuncture treatments. I was back in pain. Because my desk at hospital was so busy, I made that the priority and went haphazardly and acupuncture did not work. Then, in late August 1999, I began to get pain from the back of the top of my other leg radiating down to the foot, and numbness was developing in both legs and feet. In a matter of a couple of weeks of medications, epidurals, I was again in a hopeless condition. Now, I was experiencing deadly, relentless pain and I preferred death. Through the intervention of an anesthesiologist, who was also a neurologist, and who knew immediately my problem was neurological, I finally was diagnosed and helped. On October 5, 1999, I was operated on my spine, three vertebrae, by a wonderful neurosurgeon at New York University Medical Center. I came out of the surgery with flying colors; in four days I was home, no pain, no medications. Five weeks later, on my first post-op visit to the surgeon, I, again, could not step on my right leg. PAIN! The doctor said I could always go back into the OR. (It just was not my destiny to be free of all this.) I did not want more surgery! Something in my gut told me it wouldn’t come out the same as the first surgery. Since it was the L5-S1 vertebrae (the tail) I knew it would not be an easy rehabilitation. The memory of the road back from the trauma of surgery is vivid after having had five serious operations on the legs and spine. After several months of pain progressing to severe pain, a lot of different medications, winding up with Tylenol three /Codeine, then Percocets, eight per day, the surgeon wanted me to try a nine-day regimen of Prednesone. I vehemently protested, “no steroids”. My original surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery – Cornell – also said I should try it to see if the inflammation would subside. After two weeks, I had the prescription filled. It was a complete waste of time and only added to the poisons already in my body.

Three days after I finished the Prednesone, I woke up with one swollen leg that was twice the size of the other. I was immediately hospitalized with a blood clot in the back of my right knee on March 28, 2000 and have been on Coumadin ever since. Out of desperation, from end of May to July I was scheduled for surgery twice. The first time, I panicked and cancelled. The second time, it was the internist who refused to clear me. It was too risky because of the clot. I wasn’t on Coumadin long enough. What to do! I sought out the acupuncturist and went to her privately and had no reaction whatsoever until a few days after the fifth treatment. This time, I didn’t respond so quickly but I was so desperate, I stuck with it and it slowly began to work. Now I had already started getting pains in my abdomen which increased (it always gets worse). I was bound and had many problems eliminating. One night when I couldn’t sleep at all from those additional pains, I tried to stop all medications cold turkey. I was up for 36 hours, again pleading with God to heal me or take me. I wound up calling the Director of the Pain Management Clinic at Elmhurst. She told me I couldn’t stop that way and wanting so much to help me, offered Codeine by itself, which I refused. So she suggested weaning off the Percocets, one less pill a day for a week. Here I was totally debilitated, functionless, and struggling in a drugged stupor. A NEW LIFE – MY PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED In August 2000, a week and a half after my talk with the doctor, a friend of mine, Michael Blinick, whom I hadn’t spoken to in over a year, called to see how I was doing. I told him of my condition and said I was going to die of stomach cancer if not because of the spine. I had no life and I would prefer leaving this misery. He said he could get me help right away. In three days I had IMMUNOCAL and here are the dramatic results: • • • • •

• 7.

I got off the pain medications immediately without having to wean off. I did not have any withdrawal symptoms and no longer walked around in a dazed condition. I stopped taking Prevacid, antacid. By the detoxification, the pains in my abdomen disappeared immediately and completely. I haven’t had anything but a normal elimination since then. The inflammation has greatly subsided in the spine and hip staving off surgery until today. I still have spinal stenosis. If I do need surgery, I’ll be able to tolerate it and be better prepared. I had had a vascular problem for several years with “black and chronic swollen feet” and wore Surgical stockings when I could put them on. The acupuncturist noticed on the Tuesday after I started IMMUNOCAL, “Your feet are normal.” I hadn’t been paying attention because of the other problems. No more need for stockings. This is the first year since 1993 when I had pneumonia, that I haven’t taken a flu shot. No usual “Winter cold/virus.” My chronic acute sinus condition is GONE.

I have been taking two to four pouches of IMMUNOCAL every day. Because I’m still on Coumadin and cannot take Vitamin E, I’m just taking one B Complex tablet, and 2-3 Vitamin Cs daily along with IMMUNOCAL. Since taking IMMUNOCAL to build my immune system, I have energy I haven’t had since my twenties. Also, I found by taking a third pouch, I feel even stronger, and my body has begun to correct little things like a small growth, the size of a pencil’s eraser, on my skin on the inside of my arm. One morning, about three months ago, I went to finger it and screamed to my husband that it’s gone. All I have left is a small dot of skin discoloration as a memory. Am I passionate about IMMUNOCAL? You bet I am! I’m so happy to be alive. My life has been a great joy with my newfound health. Now I am sharing my experience with IMMUNOCAL with everyone, with the world. So many people, all with different medical challenges, are now changing their lives with IMMUNOCAL through me. What a blessing for all of us! March 20, 2001

Testimony of Nancy # 154: Dear Family and Friends, Nancy saw her urologist yesterday. What has happened needs some perspective. Some of this you may have heard before in a different context.

FROM THE EDGE OF DEATH For the first time in forty years I heard Nancy say something she had never previously said, ?I don?t think I?m going to live much longer.? And that is how the summer of 2002 began for me. I want to say that I believe in prayer and that God answers prayer and at times He ?moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.? I want to thank everyone who has prayed, and I hope you will continue to pray. On June 28 Nancy?s urologist admitted her to Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa. because of high levels of e-coli and Beta strep in her pelvic area and in her urine cultures. She began giving her strong antibiotics IV --Vancomycin 1000 mg. along with Gentamicin. She was also on a morphine drip for pain. This lasted for five days. At the end of five days, Nancy had a temporary ?port? inserted in her left arm. She continued at home on Vancomycin 750 mg. IV twice a day. After three weeks, Nancy began to have a reaction to the Vancomycin and had to stop the treatment. During this time she was seeing her urologist every week. After 26 days of antibiotics, e-coli and Beta strep were still showing up in the pelvic area and urine cultures. The antibiotic treatments had not eliminated these bacteria totally from her system. I don?t think the doctor knew what else to do except more of the same -- back to the hospital if her condition worsened. ?God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.? Around July 12, Nancy began to take as a last resort a whey protein that would provide the ingredients for her cells to begin producing and raising the levels of Glutathione. On August 30 Nancy again returned for her weekly exam. This time her urologist said there was no sign of any bacteria in her pelvic area. However, Beta strep and e-coli were still showing up in her urine cultures and she had to come back in a week -- but to also continue taking the protein she was taking. Yesterday -- September 6, 2002 -- her urologist told her that there was no Beta strep or e-coli showing up in her pelvic area or in her urine cultures and to come back in THREE WEEKS. All glory to God for this significant change. He still answers prayer. I believe that what Vancomycin and Gentamicin couldn?t do, the increased Glutathione levels in all of her cells did thanks to Dr. Bounous and the whey protein -- Immunocal -- that provided the ingredients to the cells so they could produce and raise the levels of Glutathione. Aging, fighting diseases, and stress cause the Glutathione in your cells to become depleted. HOWEVER, this whey protein delivers the ingredients to the cells for them to replenish the Glutathione and even increase the levels in the cells. I must repeat what the research doctors are saying because it has implications for everyone: ?1. Oxygen is a fuel. All fuels when they are used emit a pollutant. The pollutant that oxygen emits is called a free radical. Researchers say that these free radicals are responsible for between 300 to 400 disease processes. They are so important that a whole new science has emerged -- Free Radical Biology. Researchers have learned that Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and will destroy these dangerous free radicals which can cause cell damage and can disrupt the DNA in the cells which will cause the cells to mutate. This mutation can lead to cancer. The presence of Glutathione is also necessary for other antioxidants like Vitamins C & E to work. 2. Because aging, fighting diseases, and stress depletes the Glutathione supply in the cells, it diminishes the capability of white cells to fight disease. Research doctors have discovered that Glutathione is the food or fuel that the white cells need in order to effectively fight infection. 3. Glutathione is also a powerful detoxifier ridding the body of cigarette smoke and other environmental pollutants and carcinogens which cause cancer.? Dr. Jimmy Gutman, M.D. There is only one known natural source that possess the ingredients that the cells can use to produce and raise the levels of Glutathione. I call it a miracle protein. The trade name for this whey protein is Immunocal. ?Most doctors along with the general population have never heard of Glutathione. And yet within the next five years it will increasingly become part of the practice of medicine.? Dr. Gutman, M.D. Nancy still has some major health problems. But returning ?from the edge of death? certainly is a significant step to a brighter and more hopeful future -- a longer and healthier life. For me I can say at age 60 that I am feeling healthier, have more energy, and have a greater feeling of well-being than at any time I can remember. I feel like I?d say like 40 again. There is a sense of joy of living. I know we have faith and there is a joy that comes from a spiritual change. But this a joy of physical well-being and vitality. I have to admit -- I LIKE IT! I hope this information is an inspiration and help to you -- Wellington & Nancy (Sept. 6, 2002

Testimony of Jim Spencer has unique reason to appreciate Immunocal # 155 Immunotec Brings Family Harmony to the Sunshine State Jim Spencer didn’t come to Immunotec Research the usual way. He was working as a photographer and advertising consultant when approached by an associate to produce a campaign for Immunocal in the United States. The US government had just approved Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement status for Immunocal. Jim needed to do some research in order to properly sell the company and its products. What he read convinced him that Immunotec was home to a breakthrough. In January of 1999, Jim called six friends and convinced them to travel with him to Immunotec’s Home Office in Montreal. They left 80 temperatures in Florida for a frigid -30 in Quebec. Thankfully, the reception at Immunotec was a warm one! The group spent an entire day with Chuck Roberts, John Molson and Dr. Gustavo Bounous. They toured the facilities, asked questions and looked at the company’s direction with regard to its compensation plan. Fortunately, Dieter Beer and Dr. Jimmy Gutman happened to be in the office that day, and Jim and his group had the privilege of first-class exposure to the company and its principals. Jim arrived back at his home near Miami, determined to make a concerted effort to build an Immunotec business. The first person he really wanted to test the product on was his mother-in-law. She was the reason that Jim had originally moved to Florida from his home in New York. She was virtually bed-ridden, disabled by fibromyalgia, arthritis and osteoporosis. Jim had purchased a large home and moved her in with his family. Although she was enduring painful cortisone shots every six weeks, she refused to try Immunocal because it hadn’t been prescribed by her doctor. So each day for the next 3 months Jim mixed up an Immunocal drink and took it himself. And then the flu hit the Spencer home. Jim’s wife, his mother-in-law and the children all suffered the multiple discomforts of the seasonal onslaught: fatigue, nausea, aches and pains and fever. At least one out of every 10 Americans comes down with the flu each year, usually between late fall and early spring, but having been on Immunocal for three months, Jim was not affected at all. After noticing this, and when she recovered from the flu, Jim’s mother-in-law decided to try Immunocal too. Over the next ninety days Jim observed a transformation in her. The symptoms that had limited her movements began to disappear. She started to do chores around the house – sweeping the kitchen and tidying up after the children. She ventured outside and began to shop again. In her fifth month on the product, she bought her own house … and moved out! In the years since Jim has been with Immunotec, he’s seen a dramatic increase in his sales organization. With recent changes to the Compensation Plan, he knows that a great deal more growth is on the horizon. Since its inception in May of 2002, Jim has been an active member of Immunotec’s Achievers Club. Immunotec audiences have benefited from the in-depth product knowledge he shares while touring North America with Jim Britt, headlining at Health/Wealth Seminars. Aside from the obvious benefit – hey, his mother-in-law did move out! - Jim enjoys the freedom his Immunotec business affords him. He can travel, pursue his personal interests and take time to spend with his wife and children. Next time you talk to Jim about his Immunotec experience, you’ll know why he’s really smiling

Testimony of Brenda Noble # 156 Personal Testimony by Brenda Noble From June 18th to September 1st 2002 For a period of 2 years I suffered such severe illness that I approached 12 different Medical Specialists and one Chinese Naturopath Doctor in an effort to find relief. In spite of all this medical consultation I continued to suffer continuous body pain, and fatigue 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This type of suffering let to depression as well because I could obtain no relief. One Specialist diagnosed me with Polymyalgia and suggested I go on the steroid Prednisone. Another specialist said I had a nerve that was pinched in my neck and also suggested Prednisone. Due to having Pharmaceutical experience for 14 years, I knew the terrible side effects of Prednisone and so I refused both Doctors. One of the Doctors went so far as to tell me that if I did not take it I would die. However, I was determined not to and hoped that I would some day find a natural cure for my problem. In February of 2001 a Chinese Naturopath Doctor informed me that I had poor circulation of my blood which in turn was weakening my kidneys. He insisted he could cure me, so I started treatment that day with Acupuncture and began to boil and take the herbs he prescribed twice a day.

Five months, and $7,000 later I was able to lift my arms, and walk much better. This made me very happy and I began to have hope. However, my happiness was short-lived. As soon as the winter months set in the pain returned, and within a few months I was bedridden. By May of 2002 I could not walk, and found myself in severe pain with terrible swelling in my legs and feet. The inflammation seemed to worsen by the hour. Thinking I might have a kidney problem, I asked my Family Doctor of 10 years for a referral. He refused to refer me to see a kidney specialist as he said there was no need for the government to waste money on doing tests on me. After insisting that he refer me, he did so under protest, and as he handed the paper to me he said 'if you go and see this Kidney Specialist I never want to ever see you in this office again.' I left that office in shock with tears in my eyes thinking how could a family Doctor of 10 years do this to a patient? I faxed the referral paper to the Kidney Specialist and when his office staff called me I was told my Doctor put a question mark on the comments section. I explained my ex-doctor does not know what is the matter with me. I was given an appointment within 2 weeks. I soon found another doctor The Kidney Specialist located in Richmond Hill, Ontario started tests on a Thursday and on Friday with Ultra Sound. By Monday a second Kidney Specialist saw me and ran additional tests. He discovered my entire Kidney was infected and inflamed. My Potassium levels had dropped far below normal level and for this reason I could not be given anything for the pain or inflammation. The most I could do was bathe my feet and legs and take Aspirin to try and ease the pain. However, nothing I did worked. Every day I cried from the pain. I could not sleep and my energy level was zero. By this time I was reduced to being in a wheel chair as I could not ambulate. I had to crawl on my hands and knees every day to get to the washroom and my meals were carried to me by my husband. I had always been an active person, and exercised daily. I loved to participate in sports and to work with and help people. The thought now occurred to me that you can have all the money in the world but if you don't have your health you have nothing. Nevertheless, I am the type of person who never gives up and I had faith that some day I would find the answer to this health challenge and find a natural cure. I clung tenaciously to this hope. In June 2002 my girlfriend Leslie called me and said she found a product that could help me. At first I thought it might be another fly-by-night product which will cost me more money and not do anything. Leslie felt my problems were tied in with my immune system. She asked if I would listen to a friend of hers from Florida named Jim Spencer who would explain a wonderful product to me. Being skeptical I asked if the product was sold through MLM and she said 'Yes'. I reminded Leslie I couldn't even walk let alone do a new business. As much as I wanted to go back to work for the past 2 years I simply was not ready for this. She told me not to worry but to just listen to him and for the moment I was inspired to listen to what he had to say. Jim called me later that day and asked me a few questions. He explained the science behind HMS 90 for about a half-hour. He assured me he was not interested in me doing any business right now, but he promised me, based on what I had told him, and if I took the right amount of HMS 90, within 5 days I would probably be out of bed and walking. I remember thinking that this guy must be God or this is one Miracle Product, as not even a Doctor had told me those words. I just had to have faith that he was not bluffing me. He gave me a website address so I could do additional research on the product. I had to literally crawl to my office to look it up. As I began to read about the company and the clinical trials I began to feel better about the HMS 90 product and the Immunotec Company which I learned came from Montreal, Canada. When the product arrived in 2 days I started to take it 3 times a day. By the third day I was amazed that I was able to get out of bed and walk again WITHOUT PAIN. The inflammation was starting to go away. By the 5th day I was able to drive 3 hours to my family reunion. By the 7th day I was able to travel to my Niece's Graduation. By the 9th day I had begun to feel a more stable energy level. I was smiling again! After ten days I was able to go down the stairs without holding onto the railing. I no longer had to lift each leg with my hand and move tediously from one step to the next. Incredibly, by the 12th day I was actually running up and down the stairs. I felt as though I could have flown out the door without wings. I was so happy and so thankful I had for this dramatic recovery! As requested, I had taken 3 packages a day of the HMS90 for the first week, and after that 2 a day. By September I was only taking one a day and I feel great! After I had been several weeks on the HMS 90, the Kidney Specialist called and asked me to go back to his office for a number of new tests. When I returned this time I went alone and was able to walk into the office with no pain. I saw him on August 2nd, but did not receive the reports back until August 26th. When I returned to see him a funny thing happened. Initially I had been found to have an infection in my kidney and very low potassium. However, the second group of tests seemed to confuse him as he looked at my chart. In fact he got up from his chair and went back to the office computer to look up my chart again. He was convinced that there was an erroneous report in my file! When he came back to the office he said "Brenda the second group of tests shows no inflammation or Infection around your kidneys, and your potassium is normal! (This was the first time in nine years it had been normal) What a tribute to HMS90 and Xtra Sharp!

What did you do?, he asked. "I know you were taking aspirin and bathing your legs and feet but it doesn't seem possible it could do this! I explained I had stopped doing those things because a friend had sent me this product. I opened my purse and showed him the HMS 90. When he saw it he said he had heard many Doctors talk about this product at the hospital. I asked why he didn't put me on it back in June. He said because he is a Kidney Specialist and doesn't prescribe this product. "Well", I said, "I think maybe you will be in the very near future." He smiled and said, "Brenda I am very happy to see it helped you and our tests prove that it works. I can tell you have no pain and can see you are smiling and walking very well. I would suggest that you continue to take this product, and in 6 months I will ask your family doctor to send you for more tests to make sure it continues to work." Shortly thereafter a girlfriend of mine named Debbie Quincey called to see how I was doing. She could tell by my voice that something had happened to me. She said, "you sound so good! What did you do? I told her the whole story with all the wonders that the HMS 90 had done for me. She then asked if the company marketed by multi-level? I told her it was. Then she asked if I had joined the company yet. I told her no, but that a friend had sent the product to me. Suddenly, she announced I better not join this MLM company without her being the first person under me! I laughed, and reminded her that she was already focused on another company and I would not want to take her away from that. "You are my mentor. If it has helped you this much you're bound to do the business, and I want to follow and do it with you." That very same night our upline-to-be, Jim Spencer & Francine called, and I tied in Debbie so she could listen. After they explained the products and the company to her there was no hesitation on our part. We both joined that same night with Action packs! Not only has HMS 90 made a profound change in my health but now it's given me a new livelihood! I now have the desire to share this product with as many people in the world as I can. Hopefully it can not only help them get their health back, but it could also change their financial life as well. By mid-August I felt so good that I decided to go to work full time. I now had a wonderful team with Debbie, John, Carlton & Arnie. With the support of my upline, along with the confidence I have in the HMS 90 product and this wonderful company Immunotec Research I was able to reach the Gold Distributor Level by end of August . I plan to help my team attain that level next as I want them all to follow me and this company to share this product with the world. I still feel great each day and I am thankful to the many people who have helped me to recover and give me hope again in my life. Thank you Immunotec for the vision and research you had with the HMS90 / Immunocal Product. THE SKY IS THE LIMIT, REACH FOR THE TOP AND NEVER GIVE UP! Sincerely, Brenda Noble Toronto, Canada

Testimony of Barbara Fairchild #179 Barbara Fairchild: Her desire for her Mother's improved Story quality of life led her and sister to Immunotec!

Two-time Grammy nominee, Barbara Fairchild, is no stranger to the world of music and entertainment. Barbara has been entertaining since she was five years old. Recognized by many for her appearances on TNN's Nashville Now with Ralph Emery, Crook & Chase, and most recently, Prime Time Country, people have enjoyed her heartfelt singing, down to earth personality and humorous perspective on life. She has appeared on the Tonight Show, Hee Haw, and the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Barbara's live performances have also included many European and USO tours. She and husband Roy Morris settled in Branson, Missouri in 1992, where they have fallen in love with the Ozarks and its people. She has been guest performer at various Branson theaters and in 1993, she started performing in her own show. Though Barbara's demanding show schedule keeps her busy, she still makes time for her family; husband Roy, their five children and seven grandchildren. Indeed, it was the concern for a loved one that brought Barbara to Immunotec in May 2003. Barbara and Roy were traveling in the Denver area when their friends and hosts told them that someone was going to come over to talk to them about glutathione. Of course neither one of them had any idea what glutathione was, but when it was explained that it had to do with the immune system, Barbara was all ears. Roy had successfully battled cancer a few years before and they both knew how essential a strong immune system is. That night, as they listened to Immunotec distributors Candice Adams and Mildred Nelson talk about Immunocal, they realized that the bonded

cysteine supplement might be helpful for Barbara's mother, Opal. In her late 70s and battling both Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's, she no longer recognized her family, didn't talk, kept her eyes closed for days at a time and was fed by tube. In her isolation, her head jerked constantly. Never one to be too quiet, Barbara declared that if Immunocal could help her Mama, the whole would would hear about it. Watch out world! In the months that followed, the progress was steady but sure. Opal began to reply with single word answers. The doctors took her off six of her nine medications and reduced the dosage of another. In April 2004, a videotape made while she was visiting her home amazed her doctors. It shows her being very interactive and responsive, talking, laughing and playing games with her grandchildren as they gathered around her bed. Today she talks, jokes and is amazingly different from the sickly woman of a year ago. During this time, Barbara and her sister Bernice Arnold learned to be their mother's surest advocate. Bernice is also an Immunotec distributor and shows her love and concern for her mother by making daily visits to her residence. When nursing home staff found it challenging to mix the protein or to administer it on a regular basis, Barbara and Bernice were adamant that it must be done. They stood toe to toe with health professionals and insisted that they do what it took to help their mother. A year later, they no longer have to insist. Having seen the marked difference in one person's quality of life, staff members happily comply with the ladies' request that Immunocal be a part of their mother's diet. Persistence pays off! Most of the staff have become Xtra Sharp customers and recently, some have signed up as Immunotec distributors. And true to her word, Barbara's world is finding out about Immunocal! Hundreds and hundreds of people she has met on her travels have been helped and are seeing joy arise out of suffering. Barbara believes that "a man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument". As a recording artist, Barbara might not think of herself as a salesperson, but when she tells the story of her mother's experience, it doesn't take much more to sell a box of product! Once you have experienced the benefits, then, if you find you don't like selling, you don't sell. You just share your experiences. In the past year, Barbara has seen her check grow to over $6,000 per month. She and Roy have watched their business become a family affair with all five of their children involved as distributors. And each of their grandbabies, from ages three to eight, takes Immunocal. She continues to count her blessings -- among them, her gift of singing and having her mother literally given back to her. And unlike the lyrics to her trademark "Teddy Bear Song", Barbara doesn't have a "sewed on smile and a painted twinkle in her eye" -- her happiness comes straight from the heart!


Updates On Stories: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Wellington & Nancy Page 122 – 123 Sheri Cramer Page 123 – 124 CARL SCHENHOLM Page 124 – 124 Mabel Brucknak Page 124 – 124 Penny Repstock Page 125 – 126

Testimonial 157 Testimonial 158 (look on pg 107 – 107 & # 010 too) Testimonial 159 Testimonial 160 Testimonial 161

Wellington & Nancy Watts Testimonial # 157 Hi Herb, Nancy's story is about progress. She has been on Immunocal twice a day for about a month. Tomorrow I'm ordering six boxes of Immunocal -Nancy's going on three per day, and I'm going on two. The other is for a friend. Plus I'm ordering some XSHARP. This is Nancy's story: (The Past) NANCY WATTS -- MEDICAL INFORMATION AUTO IMMUNE DISEASES: 1. Fibromyalgia 2. Interstitial Cystitis (Acute) 3. OsteoArthritis 4. Pyelitis (Lining of kidneys infected) 5. Rheumatoid Arthritis 6. Sjogren’s Syndrome. MEDICAL INFORMATION 1. Allegra -- 60mg. -- 1 tablet -- 2x / day 2. Ambien -- 10 mg -- 1 tablet at bedtime 3. Carafate -- 16mg / 10ml -- 2 tsp. -- 4x / day 4. Doxepin -- 100 mg -- 1 capsule every day @ bedtime 5. Menest -- 0.3mg -- 1 tablet per day (Discontinued) 6. Provera -- 5 mg -- (1-12 days of cycle) (Discontinued) 7. Neurontin -- 400 mg @ bedtime 8. Phazyme -- 200 mg. -- 4x / day 9. Plaquenil -- 200 mg -- 1 tablet 1 time a day 10. Plavix -- 75 mg -- 1 tablet daily 11. Ranitidine (Zantac) 150 mg -- 2x / day 12. Synthroid -- 0.05 mg -- 1 tablet daily 13. Vioxx -- 12.5 mg -- 1 tablet 2 times a day AS NEEDED: 1. Doxycycline -- 100 mg -- 1 capsule 2 times per day 2. Levsin -- 0.125 mg. -- 1 tablet every 6 hours 3. Xylocaine -- 5% ointment -- use on feet at night 4. Clindamycin -- 150 mg -- 4 capsules 1 hour before dental procedures 5. Vancomycin – IV SUPPLEMENTS: 1. Calcium with minerals & Vit.D 2. Ester C 3. Vit E with B6, B12, & folic acid 4. Multiple Vitamin 5. Immunocal -- 2 packets / day (Glutathione enhancer) ALLERGIES: 1. Adhesives 2. Ceclor 3. Cipro 4. Codeine 5. Erythromycin 6. Iodine 7. Lactose Intolerant 8. Latex Intolerant 9. Noroxin 10. Penicillin 11. Percaset 12. Sulfur 13. Tobramycin 14. Dye used for x-rays So when I wrote that she didn't have any pain in her kidneys for the first time in 15 years, it was a significant step forward. She isn't at a point of saying that she's better yet, but she is much less ill and moving toward being better. She has much greater strength and vitality.

On June 28 she was in the hospital on IV antibiotic therapy twice a day which continued at home for another two weeks. With B-strep and E-Coli in her body she was having a difficult time, but cultures have turned around with only one negative as of last week. She is definitely making progress. To be honest Immunocal was the last resort. We both said -- "Let's try it. There just isn't anything more that can be done." And we are so glad we did. If I never sponsor one person, it has been worth it! (But the sponsoring is going to happen!) By the way don't give up on people. It took us over a year to say yes to Immunocal Story. Thanks Herb for not giving up! Wellington & Nancy Watts

Sheri Cramer **UPDATE**

Sheri Cramer Testimonials # 158 (on pg 107 - 107 & # 010 ):

November 6, 2005 From June to August, I sometimes thought that I could decrease to 3 HMS90…. I’m still feeling no pain, then maybe just 2… Well, within 4 days I was feeling the pain, pain again…. Immediately I would increase back to 4 packages…..Ahhh no pain. So I decided that I would stay at 4 packages for 1 year, then we went camping September long weekend. I managed to make it to the trailer, get into bed, take my leg off, along with 1 nylon sock, 1 thick liner, 2 wool socks, another nylon sock. Ahhh I’m in bed. Then I remembered….. I forgot my night time HMS90……. I don’t want to put all that back on my leg…. I did tell myself that I wouldn’t forget the next night….. Well I kept forgetting….. But after 5 days no pain… I thought, lets see how long I can go without pain at 2 packages a day, which I took first thing in the morning. As of September 2, 2005 I decrease my intake of HMS90 to 2 packages a day and I still feel as good as I did when I was taking 4 packages a day. Although, after many hours of research, I also incorporated a few other items; 8 months of 4 packages a day of HMS90, 1000 mcg of Calcium & 1 Multi Vitamin/Mineral, decreased to 2 packages of HMS90 along with the below items, for 1 ½ months and I still feel as good as if I was on 4 packages a day. This clearly tells me that my body healed what needed to be healed and now I will continue my regime for good health. (Building blocks to manufacture Glutathione 2 HMS90 =$4.00 also recycles Vitamin C & E) 1 Selenium (200 mcg) Gel Caps =$0.12 (Helps to recycle Glutathione) 1 Vitamin C “Ester” (500 mg) =$0.20 (Helps to replenish Vitamin E) 1 Vitamin E (400 iu) Gel Caps =$0.05 (Helps to replenish Vitamin C) 4 Naturally Sourced Calcium (1000 mcg) 1 Vitamin D3 (1000 mcg) Flax Seed (2 tbsp freshly ground) 1 Multi Vitamin/Mineral My Daily Cost to staying HEALTHY

=$0.92 =$0.04 =$0.27 =$0.12

(Promotes strong bones & muscle) (Helps absorb Calcium & Anti-Cancer) (Raises my Omega 3 levels naturally) (Folic acid, Vitamin B1, B2, B6 and B12)


What does QUALITY of LIFE mean to me? What ever it takes, I will find $5.72 a day. Living life and enjoying every moment without drugs and pain FREE! LIVE life to the FULLEST, we only have Life ONCE!! I recommend this routine for anyone whom is suffering from any illness. If you are healthy and want to stay healthy, start with my continued routine! If you require further information please call me: 403-387-0003. I will let you know how I learned to take control of my own health! Wishing everyone Quality of life, Sheri



Updated Mabel Brucknak: # 160 July 14, 2003 Dear Dr. Rencus, I was very happy with the report you gave me on July 11, 2003 concerning my recent bone density test. As you know, I visited with you in your office last June 25, 2002 about not taking Fosamax because of the side effects it produced in me. You agreed that I should not take it for that reason. I proposed that rather than taking Fosamax, I would prefer taking Immunocal (a specially formulated whey protein isolate) and Pure Milk Calcium, both produced by Immunotec Research Ltd. On my first visit last year, May 24, 2003, I presented you with a packet of information about Immunocal and its positive effects on the immune system. It is the only non-drug item entered in the PDR, which also tells about its properties and its effect on the body. After experiencing “the amazing positive results of my test” (your words to me) within less than a year’s time, would you consider prescribing this to your patients that have or may experience side effects from prescription drugs that you prescribe? My personal feeling, from a humanitarian stand point, is that people should have that option. My husband and I are distributors of these products in this area. We would be very happy to meet with you at you earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with you as a vendor of these products, in order to help people who otherwise might suffer the side effects of prescription drugs. Please call us at (413) 000-0000 to set up an appointment. Yours Truly, Mabel Brucknak

Updated on Penny # 161 Lymes Disease Hi Neil, I would be very happy to help you in any way. I'll give you a bit of background on my Lyme so that you can compare it to your mother-in-law (ei - how long, severity, etc.). I contracted Lyme 12 years ago but it took until about 4 yrs ago before I knew what the matter with me was. A long story so I won't go into it here - suffice it to say that we don't exactly have Lyme savy doctors out here! Once I knew what it was, I did a ton of research on Lyme and how it can be treated. There were varying degrees of antiobiotic therapy that were extensive in time (I met people online who had been taking one or more antibiotics, different doses, different antibiotics for upwards of 2 and 3 years with no real signs of improvement). This was not a route that I was prepared to go as, although I am not a doctor, I knew darn well that long term use of antibiotics has a very detrimental affect on one's liver and kidneys. I figured I didn't really need those complications as my kidney function was already affected. Three years later, with no alternatives in sight and my health deteriorating until I had severe neurological and physical problems, I decided to take the plunge and do something - anything! I had an appointment with a doctor to start antibiotic treatment three weeks before I heard about HMS-90. After researching HMS-90, I decided that I didn't have anything to lose so ordered some with no real expectation of anything dramatic happening. I started on 2 packs a day and then, a couple of weeks later (at the recommendation of Dr. Code) I switched to 3 packs a day and continued with that for approximately 8 months. I am now down to 2 a day unless I am particularly stressed out, tired or fighting some other infection and then I bump it up again for awhile. My results with HMS-90 were so dramatic and incredible! Within one week, I noticed an increase in my energy level (chronic fatigue was a huge problem for me). I felt like I had energy back that I hadn't had for years! Within a month, most of the other symptoms had disappeared (joint pain, eye pain, neurological symptoms, bladder control, muscular tremors) with the exception of some joint pain still in a couple of the worst joints. But that had diminished dramatically and now it is mostly gone. I'm not sure if my results were faster because I had no antibiotic residue in my system as I know of several other people with Lyme who are taking it and, while their condition has improved dramatically, it wasn't quite as fast as mine was. They have all been on antibiotic treatments, however, and one of them for many years now. Neil, I cannot recommend highly enough that your mother-in-law give this serious consideration. I don't know how severe her condition is, now long she has had it or if she has been taking any antibiotic treatment for it. She will need to be absolutely committed to taking HMS-90 for a long time at the 2 - 3 pack a day level. This is a very insidious bacteria and it isn't easily removed. Even yet, if for some reason, I miss too many days (ei - a two week camping trip last year), my symptoms will start to reappear - although not in to the same extent as I was living with beforehand. Also, she can expect to go through an occassional 'herx' reaction. When on antibiotics, this is a very common occurance. It is a result of the fact that, when the bacteria is found and killed, it throws off a real nasty toxin that makes a person feel even worse than they normally do. This only lasts for a few days, however, but it is nothing to be alarmed about - in fact, it is a GOOD sign as it means that there has been a die-off of bacteria. As this bacteria is only in the blood stream about once a month, you can reasonably expect some crappy days every month or two. I didn't get my first full herx until I had been on HMS-90 for about 3 months. It scared the daylights out of me because I didn't realize what was going on at the time but it only lasted about 5 days and then was gone as quickly as it came. Since then, I have had several smaller 'herxs'. I believe that HMS-90 is working on this bacteria because glutathione is a cellular molecule and this bacteria resides, for the most part, in the cell. Most antibiotics can only reach the bacteria during that brief period every month when it reproduces and leaves the cells to find new 'homes'. This is, however, only my personal opinion and certainly not based in any factual evidence. In closing, here are my personal thoughts about HMS-90 and Lyme Disease. You know, Neil, if I have to take 2 packs a day for the rest of my life to keep feeling the way I do now, it is worth every penny. I never want to go back to where I was before HMS-90! I truly believe that the day will come when 1 pack a day will be sufficient to maintain my health and I intend to do that anyway for the preventive measures on diseases of aging. Life with Lyme is a terrible thing to live with. HMS-90 has given me back my life! If there is anything else I can do or send that would help, please let me know. I have attached my testimony as well. Regards Penny Repstock

Xtra Sharp Energy Stories

Xtra Sharp Energy Stories: ¾ ¾

Xtra-Sharp Information Real People Share Their Stories

Page 126 - 129 Page 130 - 133

Testimonial 162 Testimonial 163 - 174

Xtra Sharp/Pure Milk Calcium Information # 162 Xtra Sharp does not work on the adrenal glands like other energy boosters. If you keep stimulating the adrenals, you become very fatigued without your stimulant. You exhaust your immune system and some Chronic Fatigue sufferers are turned around because they were deficient in minerals-potassium, to be exact! Xtra Sharp has no ephedra, no sugar, no caffeine and no carbohydrates! New X5 does have 11g of carbs. People who are taking potassium-retaining heart medications probably should not take Xtra Sharp. Most people taking heart medications are on diuretics, which means they are “peeing” out their potassium, magnesium and other minerals very fast. Xtra Sharp is GREAT for them. If they are already on potassium pills, they can cut back on the pills and take Xtra Sharp, which is potassium in a liquid form and much faster and easier for the body to absorb into the system. Some people are sensitive or allergic to some herbs – heart will race, etc. Just drink 6 - 8 glasses of water (dilute and pee out Xtra Sharp!). If you don’t drink the water, the racing heart will calm down anyway. NO ONE has ever had a heart attack from an allergy reaction, BUT it is scary to the person. Remember, this is VERY rare. One more precaution: If you are taking Xtra Sharp everyday, maybe twice a day for a long time, and it is very warm, or you are sweating a lot but not drinking water, you can feel confusion, maybe even be a little dizzy. You are dehydrated and you’re getting more potassium than you need. Just drink water and it will stop. Ingredients in Xtra Sharp: Potassium (citrate & glycerophosphate): Most Americans are potassium-deficient. Potassium controls their energy level. - Works with sodium to regulate the body's water balance and normalize heart rhythms. - Nerve and muscle functions suffer when the sodium / potassium balance is off. - Can help dispose of body wastes. - Can help assist reducing blood pressure. - Can aid in allergy treatment. VERY FEW people do not notice a reaction their first time they take a dose of Xtra Sharp. They are usually VERY low in potassium. By the second dose, they have been brought up to normal “I feel good” levels. Magnesium: Magnesium has many functions in the body. One of the things it does, working in opposition to calcium, is relax nerve impulses and muscle contractions. Magnesium is mainly an intracellular (inside the cells) ion. Most magnesium in the body is in the skeleton, 20 percent to 30 percent is in muscle, and only about 2 percent is outside of cells (extracellular). Magnesium regulates cellular ion balance—keeping potassium in the cells and sodium out. In heart tissue, magnesium functions as a calcium channel blocker, preventing the influx of calcium into cells. Calcium influx can be precipitated by lack of oxygen to the cells. Magnesium performs all these actions by being an enzyme activator. In fact, magnesium is involved in more than 300 different enzyme reactions. Iron: Iron is part of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of the blood. Iron-deficient people tire easily because their bodies are starved for oxygen. Without enough iron, ATP (the fuel the body runs on) cannot be properly synthesized. As a result, some iron-deficient people become fatigued even when their hemoglobin levels are normal. By the way, people who crave and chew ice all the time are VERY deficient in iron. Calcium: Calcium is needed to form bones and teeth and is also required for blood clotting, transmission of signals in nerve cells, and muscle contraction. The importance of calcium for preventing osteoporosis is probably its most well known role. The body needs calcium to make strong

bones. Calcium is also needed for the heart, muscles, and nervous system to work properly. The bones serve as a storage site for the body's calcium. They are continuously giving up calcium to the bloodstream and then replacing it as the body's need for calcium changes from day to day. When there is not enough calcium in the blood to be used by the heart and other organs, your body will take the needed calcium from the bones. When you eat foods rich in calcium, the calcium will be restored to the bones and the balance between your blood and bones will be maintained. Iodine: Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormones, which are necessary for maintaining normal metabolism in all cells of the body. Reports suggest that iodine may have a number of important functions in the body unrelated to thyroid function that might help people with a wide variety of conditions; these other uses for iodine are only supported by minimal research. Alfalfa: Historical or traditional use (may or may not be supported by scientific studies): Early Chinese physicians used young alfalfa leaves to treat disorders of the digestive tract. In India, physicians prescribed the leaves and flowering tops for poor digestion. It was also considered therapeutic for water retention and arthritis due to its high mineral content. North American Indians recommended alfalfa to treat jaundice. Angelica: Historical or traditional use: Used for both men and women with cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure and problems with peripheral circulation. Celery seed: Historical or traditional use: Celery Seed is most often taken to aid in the maintenance of healthy joints. It is suitable for anyone who wishes to reduce the degeneration of body joints that commonly occurs with age. Celery Seed can also ease joint discomfort that occurs due to inflammation and is, in fact, mainly used for the relief of symptoms of such conditions as arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. Celery Seed has an antiseptic property that makes it useful to the health of the urinary tract and a diuretic property to help relieve fluid retention. Chamomile: Historical or traditional use: Chamomile taken internally prevents and treats ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems including indigestion, gastritis, heartburn, and flatulence. Damiana: Therapeutic Actions and Indications: Acts as a tonic on the central nervous system and the hormonal system. Used in treating depression and anxiety, particularly when influenced by sexual factors. Strengthens the male sexual system. Dandelion: Therapeutic Actions and Indications: Dandelion is an excellent, safe diuretic and liver tonic. Dandelion is a valuable diuretic, because it is rich in potassium- a vital mineral often lost when the kidneys are stimulated by drugs. It is useful in treating: water retention due to heart problems, inflammation and congestion of the liver and gall bladder, and congestive jaundice. Echinacea: Therapeutic Actions: This herb targets the secretory immune system (lymphatic system, skin, and mucous membranes) and activates cellular immunity when the cellular integrity is threatened by viral attack. Gentian: Therapeutic Actions and Indications: Excellent in treating sluggish digestion and lack of appetite, as indicated by conditions like dyspepsia and flatulence. Gentian stimulates the appetite and digestion and promotes the production of saliva, gastric juices, and bile. Ginkgo Biloba: Historical or traditional use: The main active compounds in Ginkgo leaves are the Flavoglycosides. These compounds have antioxidant and free radical properties helping to improve mental performance, brain function and concentration problems. Helps keep blood platelets from becoming “sticky”. Ginseng: (American) Historical or traditional use: American Ginseng root is matured six years before it is harvested. American Ginseng is a traditional vitality herb used by the Native Americans. It has many properties similar to the popular herb Korean Ginseng. This product is especially popular among people leading an active and demanding lifestyle. Grape seed: Historical or traditional use: Grape seed extract is a bioflavonoid-rich extract used for fighting free radicals and maintaining capillary health. Proanthocyanadins have been indicated for: poor distribution of microcirculatory blood flow in the brain and heart altered capillary fragility and permeability chronic arterial / venous insufficiency in the extremities breakdown in the elastic fibers of the capillaries (collagen & elastin) Guarana seed: Historical or traditional use: Promotes Energy - Guarana is a world-famous plant found primarily in the Amazon Jungle. It has been used for centuries by the Brazilian Indians and is commonly referred to as Brazilian Cocoa, a remedy for fatigue. In homeopathic medicine, Guarana is used to treat headaches. There is, however, no evidence of its effectiveness for this problem. Among Guarana’s many effects are a tendency to strengthen and speed up the heartbeat, relax blood vessels (except for those in the brain), and open bronchial tubes. Guarana also discourages blood clots, stimulates the urinary system, and promotes production of digestive juices. Licorice root: Therapeutic Actions and Indications: Acts on the endocrine system and the liver as an antihepatotoxic effective in treating hepatitis and cirrhosis. Licorice is also an expectorant and anti-inflammatory, useful in cough and bronchitis.

Milk thistle: Therapeutic Actions and Indications: Excellent as a liver tonic and in treating numerous liver and gallbladder conditions such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. May also reverse toxic liver damage and protect against hepatotoxic agents. Helps to increase glutathione levels in the liver. Passion Flower: Therapeutic Actions and Indications: As a sedative, passionflower is the preferred herb for treating insomnia and leaves no hangover. As an antispasmodic, it is helpful in Parkinson's disease, asthma (with much spasmodic activity), seizures, and hysteria. It relieves nerve pain in conditions like neuralgia and shingles. Sarsaparilla: Therapeutic Actions and Indications: Gradually restores the proper functioning of the body, correcting a wide range of systemic problems. These include scaling skin conditions such as psoriasis, and rheumatic conditions. Especially useful for rheumatoid arthritis. Saw Palmentto: Historical or traditional use: It is one of the best herbs available for prostate health and the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy, as it can increase urine flow and decrease the frequency of nighttime urination. The berries are used for asthma, colds and bronchitis. It is also good for poor appetite and digestion. Spirulina algae: Therapeutic Actions and Indications: Rich in marine minerals. Thyme: Historical or traditional use: Thyme is antibacterial and antifungal. It eliminates gas, lowers cholesterol, reduces mucus and helps headaches. Thyme is good for croup and other respiratory problems. GUARANA • Relieves stress • Improves alertness and concentration • Fights fatigue • Natural anti-depressant Helps with weight loss ~ GUARANA LEGENDARY HERB OF THE AMAZON Boosts energy. Guarana has a broad-spectrum effect that ranges from its use as a builder of stamina and staying power, to its value in calming and soothing the whole body and relieving physical and mental stress. It is thought to stimulate brain function and aids concentration and alertness.1 It has been found to be helpful for headaches, especially migraines, and Slimmers may also benefit from Guarana, as it helps to allay feelings of hunger. The body system most commonly affected during these daily happenings is that of the adrenals. The adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, are responsible for the secretion of various hormones, such as adrenalin, which help our bodies cope during stressful situations. A constant onslaught upon the adrenals, which comes with continued everyday stress, may result in one of our most common modern day complaints: extreme tiredness and fatigue--often referred to as 'adrenal exhaustion'. By rebalancing the adrenal energy, Guarana imparts a calming effect on the whole body as well as providing it with increased energy and an uplifted mood. FIGHTING DEPRESSION The natural action of Guarana may have a special place in the treatment of depression, especially where depression is brought on by nervous exhaustion or menstruation.4 It helps to provide uplifted feelings without sudden highs and lows of emotion. Because it acts upon the whole system, and not just one particular body part, the effects are longer lasting. It does not give a short boost followed by a craving for more. IS IT JUST A CAFFEINE PILL? There has been speculation among some that Guarana is just a caffeine pill. This is not essentially true. Caffeine is a single substance with specific actions in the body. The caffeine present in Guarana is known as guaranine and its effect on the body is determined by the other active substances in the herb. Because of the presence of these other elements, Guarana's total action is gentle, without the side effects commonly noted with the use of single substances. Guarana, almost identical to caffeine, is released slowly--over as much as 6 hours--so the energy boost that is experienced from Guaraná is not like that of coffee (with a sudden rush and quick drop-off), but continues to escalate over hours. The tannic acid is an astringent

(any of a group of substances that tend to shrink mucous membranes and raw surfaces and to dry up secretions) and probably accounts for its use as a digestive tonic. THE SAFETY FACTOR Guarana has been used without harm for thousands of years in the Amazon region. More recently it has become the subject of much clinical and laboratory investigation by the government and universities of Brazil. Guarana has been found to be safe and effective in recommended doses without harmful side effects.6 Also important is the finding that Guarana is non-habit forming and will not interfere with sound sleep.7 To sum up—Guarana is a high-energy source that increases mental alertness, fights fatigue, slows the pulse, decreases the appetite, and is an excellent mood elevator. This herb can also be used as a nervine tonic for hangovers, menstrual headaches, and neuralgia. It is also useful for leucorrhea, diarrhea, and fevers; its chief use in Europe and North America is for headaches, especially if of a rheumatic or nervous nature. REFERENCES 1, 5, 7. Hildreth, B., BA (New Zealand), Survival in the Concrete Jungle, pp 38, 37, 39. 2, 6. Willard, T., Ph D, Wild Rose Scientific Herbal, Wild Rose College of Natural Healing Ltd. p162. 3. 1989 Symposium on the Herbs of the Brazilian Rainforest, 19 May 1989. 4. Grieve, M., A Modern Herbal, Dover Publications, New York, p38.

Real People Share Their Stories...On Xtra-Sharp Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 163 I love my XtraSharp. I've been take it first thing in the morning just before my work out. The first benefit I noticed is how it helped me give up coffee! I do love my coffee in the morning; however it was giving me an upset stomach. So I changed my routine and started taking my XtraSharp first thing and then going to the club for my workout. I had no withdrawals ... I've given up coffee many times always with a few days of headaches and cravings... not this time!!! What I noticed from my workout is my focus. Yes, I do have more energy, however it's brain energy!!! My focus is sharp and my mood is elevated. Unlike coffee, sugar or ephedrine there is no come down. The energy boost is smooth and natural, never a crash! And this is the best. One day a few weeks ago I was having a gathering at my home.. I hadn't eaten all day so I grabbed a couple of cookies...big mistake. I hadn't had sugar for some time, and my reaction was a terrible headache. I had a bright idea that XtraSharp would help. It was late in the afternoon, around 5:00 PM so I was concerned about not being able to sleep so I only took 1 teaspoon instead of the recommended dose of 1 ounce. One teaspoon and my headache was gone in 5 minutes... XtraSharp is a magic elixir not just an energy drink!! It's a dream come true. A fast acting product that makes a difference in someone's life. Cheri Lynn ... Ojai, California.

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 164 My name is David Vaught and I am an Insulin dependent diabetic and a cancer survivor, (thank you Immunocal). I also use XtraSharp on a daily basis. It gives me energy, stamina and makes me feel good. There are no side effects and it does not raise my blood pressure, increase my heart beat or interfere with my eating and insulin usage. But it does help me to maintain a good positive energy and attitude allowing me to absorb what ever the day brings my way without getting stressed out. XtraSharp is an excellent product to assist one in getting through the day, especially those long hard days. Regards, David E. Vaught, California

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 165 I am looking forward to getting my order. I have to admit that when I asked for your free sample I didn't really believe that it would work. I have tried many things for energy, but they just haven't worked. When I talked to you I was skeptical, but I was willing to see if your product would really give me the energy I needed to get through the day. When it came in the mail it was late so I decided to try it the next day. I had my usual coffee and was at the time of day when I feel real tired, (late morning). I took the "XtraSharp" and waited. Boy was I surprised when it really worked. I called and ordered it that day. I used the 2nd "XtraSharp" the next day with the same results. Thank you. Susan, California

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 166 "I love to take XtraSharp right before my work out, it gives me a huge boost of energy and I have a better work out" ... Monica Davis Vancouver, Washington

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 167 Every morning before I take my walk I take a pouch of HMS90 (Immunocal), OJ and a splash of XtraSharp. I can keep up with the dog:)) When I get back from my walk it is time to make lunches, get kids off to school and buzz around doing all the 'Mom' chores. I occasionally slip in a round of golf – walk and carry! Come home, be a Mom again - make dinner and get the kids off for their evening activities. Because my one child plays hockey and lives 2 hours from us - I must be able to be alert for the long drive home after games. Those nights I take another 'shot' at supper and sleep like a baby all night long. Being in my mid 40's, I want to live the life of an 'energized bunny' With XtraSharp I have accomplished that. Debbie Quincey, Ontario Canada

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 168 My name is Wellington E. Watts, II, and I live in Glassboro, N.J. and am presently teaching at Ambassador Christian Academy. Since I write music too, naturally my slogan has become: Don't BFlat when you can BSharp -- XSharp! I begin each morning at 6:00am with breakfast. I take about 2 tablespoons of XSharp around 6:15am. I arrive at school about 7:45am. I have a lot of energy for the day. It gives me an advantage with the class because I have the energy to keep two steps ahead of them. At the end of the day, I still feel good and not depleted of energy. What is significant about this is the contrast with last year. I would run out of energy by noon at times. When I got home, I'd hit the recliner for about a 30 minute nap -- totally exhausted. At 60 I now feel energetic and productive. I don't know how what I'm about to say fits, but something unusual has happened. Saturday I returned home from getting my hair cut. My wife Nancy said,” I don't believe this. I see new hair coming in and its black. You are not nearly as gray." What's doing this I don't know, but I'll take this little extra perk! This is what I take -• 6:15 am -- two tablespoons of XSharp • 3:15pm (About) -- 2 packets of Immunocal in a little OJ • 6:15pm (About) -- 1 tablespoon of Magistral I use the face cream on two marks on my face I had removed. Thank God they were not cancerous or precancerous. The marks have almost faded away since August. I take the calcium and the multiple as well. This is my everyday not-so-dramatic story of just plain feeling good! "I FEEL GOOD!"

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 169 I'm not a morning person. Like, really, really not a morning person. So, I tried XtraSharp in the morning. Five minutes later, I was dancing in the shower. I never dance in the shower. I never dance! I love this stuff. Now it's part of my daily morning routine. Hawk, Southern California

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 170 I’m a police officer and a First Sergeant (soon to be a Master Sergeant) for the National Guard. To maintain my weight, I’m an avid runner. The first time I used XTRASHARP I ran the fastest time I’ve run for a long time. I continue to use XTRASHARP for the extra energy and endurance. I really like the pick-me-up feeling it gives me, without feeling jittery. As for myself, I love XTRA SHARP. I don’t need to use it every day, but on those hectic days when I start to run out of energy, I take only a ¼ of a Tsp. after lunch and feel great. I also like taking a little bit before walking (if I don’t walk too late in the evening), as I’m able to pick up my pace and burn extra calories. Greg Barros, Dickinson, ND

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 171 I have allergies and had been sick for a few weeks. I had been to the doctor 3 times and the coughing was getting worse – I was supposed to wait it out. I would cough so hard I would throw up. I don’t care for the funky taste of XTRASHARP but nothing else was working so I gave it a try. The first morning I started to use it I was able to breath better, I felt more energy and my coughing improved. I started with 2 teaspoons a day and am taking less now. XTRASHARP has made a big difference for me. Susan Schock-Kling, Dickinson ND

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 172 I'm the world's biggest skeptic. I get so tired of hearing about the next wonder product. Most are all hot air. But, XtraSharp has proved to be very different. The simple truth is, it gives me more energy. I'm an avid runner and I stay very in tune with my body. I started taking 2 oz of XtraSharp before every run. Now I would never want to run without it. My runs are noticeably better with XtraSharp. The thing I like most about XtraSharp is the kind of energy it gives me. It's not jitters or nervous energy, it's more of a sustained energy that lasts all day. The other good thing is I don't feel a "down time" later in the day. Ok, even a skeptic like me can be convinced. XtraSharp is living proof. Dotty Helsel, Hollidaysburg, PA

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 173 For as long as I can recall, at least since high school, I have always experienced a ‘lull’ in my energy level at around the mid afternoon mark. This stayed with me right up through adulthood, and though worse on some days than others, I found myself overwhelmed quite often by the sheer weight of my workload. Being a graphic designer requires a high level of organization, time management, and the ability to transform the abstract into something real and tangible. Creativity must be available on demand. A friend told me about Xtra-sharp, and despite the fact that I am traditionally a hard-shelled skeptic; I acquiesced and agreed to sample the product. About three days into taking it each morning, I found myself sitting at my design station, at 3:30 in the afternoon, absolutely charged with energy. I called my friend and said “I feel like jumping up and running around the block a couple times! This stuff is amazing!” I signed up for auto ship that day. No longer did a stack of work orders piled on my desk daunt me. I found it easy and simple to organize according to due date, complexity, process, and priority. My days turned from a tangled web of dismay to a smooth operation of high production, maintained through my entire shift. Not even two months later, I opened my pay cheques at the end of the month to discover I had received a healthy pay raise, in recognition of the increased efficiency and production from my corner of the shop. Xtra-sharp gave me the edge I was missing. I haven’t so much as glanced back since. Rob Hopkins Red Deer, AB (Is now a distributor

Xtra-Sharp Testimonial # 174 List of Symptoms: ¾ Headaches and migraines ¾ Heavy menstrual bleeding to the point of being “anemia” ¾ Pre Menstrual syndrome, cramping to the point of heavy painkillers prescribed ¾ Mood swings ¾ Depression ¾ Anxiety ¾ Severe tumors/cysts in uterus and surrounding the cervix area ¾ Lack of energy ¾ Mental process lacking clarity, cohesiveness For many years I have had to deal with all of these issues, in 2002 I had been seeing my Doctor too find a solution for the Pre menstrual syndrome and other health issues. I was at the point of several different medications being prescribed. At one of my appointments my doctor found several tumors/cysts in the uterus and surrounding area. After long thought I decided that a hysterectomy was needed to alleviate the pain and problems I was suffering from on a daily basis. I could no longer suffer with the pain and very heavy bleeding that was on going. As well, could no longer handle all of the side effects to all the different types of medications that we had tried for some type of help. By 2003 I had seen my doctor and we made the arrangements for a specialist to do the hysterectomy which was in 3 months time. My doctor did all the necessary tests that were needed for him and sent off the letter. During this time with in days of seeing my regular doctor a friend came over and introduced me to the Xtra-sharp (of course not knowing all the health issues I had). He just figured I would need the sharp for energy since I am a single mom of six kids. He was right, so I took it and fell in love with the Xtra-Sharp. However, the amazing thing was yet to come. Three months later when I went for my appointment with the specialist he could not find one tumor or cyst. They were all gone, not one trace of them anywhere. Well of course he back peddled and tried to protect my doctor who he thought had made a mistake. I even heard him say to himself very quietly “that isn’t like her to make a “….So I said well the only thing I have done different in the last 3 months is take this all natural tonic. All I can say is he wasn't to open to the ‘all natural products’ However, I know that is exactly what got rid of them. Because when you look up just a few of the ingredients on the bottle they do say for a lot of these symptoms I was suffering from. And after all of that, I didn't have to have the hysterectomy. He couldn't find any reason for it. Melina F. Coates Didsbury, AB

Dietary Supplement & Weight Loss Accelererator ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

KIDS OBESITY Prycena Questions Prycena Information Body Mass Index Chart Prycena Testimonial

Page Page Page Page

134 – 134

135 – 136 137 – 140 141 – 141

Frank Story

Page 142

Testimonial 175

Melina Story

Page 142

Testimonial 176

Information Information Information Information

A FAT CHANCE FOR KIDS OBESITY ‘A CRISIS’ Will overtake smoking as fatal factor: expert MICHAEL FRISCOLANTI CANWEST NEWS SERVICE Toronto – Obesity has become such “a crisis of historic proportion” that it is only a matter of time before it overtakes tobacco as the leading cause of premature and preventable death, a leading expert said yesterday. David Katz, an outspoken critic of fast-food culture and the high calories that go with it, said cases of obesity are growing so rapidly that some of today’s children could be grappling with heart disease before their teenage years are finished. “We live in a toxic nutritional environment of our own making.” Katz told colleagues at the annual Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. “It is a sea of calories in which we are drowning." So many people are drowning in that sea, he said, that decades worth of medical advances aimed at fighting heart disease and other ailments are in danger of being overrun. “The crisis shows no signs of improving any time soon,” Katz said. “We’re all in the same gig sinking ship, I’m afraid to say,” said Katz, director of medical studies in public health at the Yale University School of Medicine. Katz, a slight man who insists he snacks on multigrain bread and the odd piece of dried frui t, said the obesity epidemic is rooted in the simple fact that humans have not adapted since the prehistoric age when people hunted for their dinners. Food was scarce back then, and people burned thousands of calories in the physical act of finding their next meal. Today, Katz said, kids do little but lie on the couch and play video games in between visits to the kitchen. “We are designed for a very different world than we live in now,” he said, comparing people’s inability to adapt to that of a polar bear in the desert.” (but) we have not change.” During his 90-minute presentation, Katz painted a disturbing picture of today’s high-speed, high-calorie world. Burger King drive-throughs beckon us at every corner. “The toll of this is enormous,” he said, “Children growing up in the U.S. and soon Canada are the first cohort in modern memory looking at a shorter live expectancy than their parents because of epidemic obesity and diabetes.” Today, about one in 10 Canadian children is overweight – a number that has almost tripled since the mid-1980s. The Gazette, Montreal, Monday, October 27, 2003

Prycena: Dietary Supplement & Weight Loss Accelererator

1. Should Prycena and Immunocal/HMS 90 be taken separately? ¾ To avoid competition for protein binding sites, we recommend that Immunocal/HMS 90 be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and that Prycena be used prior to lunch and supper. 2. What is the maximum recommended dosage? ¾ As directed on the label - 1.8 oz (50 g) per day. 3. Does Prycena have an effect on cellulite? ¾ Prycena’s activity targets adipocite fat cells to reduce their size. This may reduce the size of cellulite but other effects are not known. 4. Can a diabetic they take Prycena? ¾ A diabetic must calculate the fructose in the product and incorporate it into their daily regime. They should consume the recommended dosage: 1.8 oz split into one or two servings. Prycena contains 20 grams of carbohydrates per serving or 10 grams per scoop. We believe Prycena can be easily incorporated into a diabetic diet plan. As always, if in doubt you should consult your Registered Dietician. 5. What sugars are in Prycena and how much? ¾ Prycena contains about 13 grams of fructose, 0.6 grams lactose and 2.0 grams of maltodextrin per serving (2 scoops). 6. What is the source of whey? Does the milk contain antibiotics or steroids? ¾ Prycena is from the same Idaho milk source as Immunocal/HMS 90. The milk used to produce Prycena is very clean with extremely low bacterial counts. The government allows a bacterial count of 100,000 parts per milliliter; milk used by Glanbia has an average count of 1,000. Whey is derived from cheese and cheese cannot be produced from milk that contains antibiotics or steroids. 7. Is the whey a concentrate? An isolate? ¾ The whey is an isolate, which is why it is so low in fat and lactose. 8. Can this product be heated without adversely affecting outcome? ¾ The product can be warmed without changing the protein structure. Use of a microwave oven is not recommended. 9. What is represented in the 14% mineral content? ¾ Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and trace amounts of zinc, copper and iron are found in Prycena. There is 1000 mg of Calcium in a 50g serving. 10. How much caffeine is in one scoop, recognizing that it is made from cocoa? ¾ The amount of caffeine in the product is low and should not cause any side effects. 11. Is there any chromium in this new product? ¾ Only trace amounts of chromium are found in Prycena. Levels are certainly safe for humans. ¾ 12. How unique is this product relative to anything else on the market in Canada or the United States? ¾ Glanbia is not aware of anything remotely similar on the market. Prycena is certainly a unique product! 13. Some users of Prycena have complained of constipation after taking the product. What would be a suggested course of remedial action?

¾ When an individual increases protein intake, they should also increase their intake of water. Eight-ten glasses of water are recommended daily. Should further action be required, the addition of a magnesium supplement to the diet is recommended. Extra fibre and exercise are also known to relieve constipation. 14. Can I take Prycena if I am lactating? ¾ Lactation increases one’s nutritional needs significantly and while there is no obvious reason not to take Prycena (its minerals and protein would be very desirable), we would not recommend beginning a diet while lactating. If you have a question about this you should consult your physician. 15. What type of protein is in Prycena? ¾ Prycena contains only whey proteins, partially hydrolyzed to increase the activity of the weight control peptides . 16. How much lactose is in Prycena? ¾ There is about 0.6 grams of lactose per serving. This is a very small amount when compared to other dairy products. For example an 8 oz glass of milk has about 12 grams and half a cup of ice cream has 4 grams. 17. Will it affect me if I am lactose intolerant? ¾ It is unlikely that this much lactose to cause an intolerant reaction, particularly if the serving is taken in two halves (i.e. one scoop at a time). Taking the product before a meal would also reduce the chances of a reaction. 18. What does each of the ingredients in Prycena do? ¾ Fructose – natural sweetener Maltodextrin – lower glycemic index sweetener, adds creaminess Cocoa powder – Color and chocolate flavor Natural Flavor – Flavor to make it taste good Carrageenan Gum – Thickener to give the drink more body Now that you've got the scoop, use it! And Stop Fat Now!

Most Diets: ¾

Leave you hungry – How successful can this be?


A Drink replacement – How long can you go before you have to ‘eat’ food?


Restrict foods you can eat – Deprived of the foods you like to eat?


You have to PAY for every pound you lose and/or buy only their food – miss a meeting and you have to pay a $20 fee and more!


Have stimulating drugs, herbs or caffeine – side effects can be nasty and even deadly!

How about something: ¾

Safer than drinking a glass of milk!


Scientifically proven to work!




With 20 grams of PROTEIN per serving and 1000 mg of CALCIUM per serving to build strong bones and to assist in a multitude of cellular functions! A Simple, Natural Solution! Pry = before cena = meal Immunotec's NEW Prycena with active ingredient Prolibra, is a weight loss “accelerant”.

BURN BABY, BURN!! Prycena contains two peptides: a glycomacropeptide that helps maintain a feeling of fullness and a micropeptide that, along with almost 1,000 mg of dairy calcium, helps burn fat and calories naturally. To increase the fat burning mechanism, the amount of the micropeptide (or fat-burning peptide) has been doubled in the NEW PRYCENA thereby helping you burn even more fat and calories. Prycena also contains 24% of the recommended daily value of fiber, which is so important with respect to weight loss! And, the source of this fiber is arabinogalactan, from the Larch tree! Arabinogalactan has been shown to increase the growth of healthy bacteria in the gastronintestinal tract and is known for its immune enhancing properties.

Prycena Natural Weight Loss System Drug Free – NO caffeine, NO drugs, NO ephedra, NO PPA, No Side Effects EXCELLENT Source Of Dairy Calcium Easy to take: 3-4 oz of WATER or milk (soy, rice, dairy or other variety of milk) with one scoop 15 – 30 minutes before lunch and dinner!

Use only the recommended amount of liquid. Keep your drink concentrated for best results.

Weight Loss Trial – Dairy Based 16 Week Trial W eight Loss (lbs)

25 20 15 10 5 0

Low Calorie Low Calorie Regular Milk Diet Milk-Based based diet Diet Summerbell, 1998

Dairy vs. other Calcium Sources

Weight Loss (%)

30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Low Calcium

Dairy Calcium


Shi H,DiRienzo D, Zemel MB 2001

Fat Pad Loss (%)

Dairy vs. other Calcium Sources 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Low Calcium Dairy Calcium

Calcium Carbonate

Shi H,DiRienzo D, Zemel MB 2001

Facts on new Prycena; per serving (2 scoops /1.7 oz) Calories 140 Total Fat 1g Cholesterol 0mg Sodium 160mg Total Carbohydrates 16g Dietary Fiber 6g Fructose Sugars 7g Protein 20g Calcium 980mg Iron 2 mg

Other ingredients Whey protein isolate- whey mineral complex Crystalline fructose Fiber (arabinogalactan) Natural flavors Natural cocoa powder Maltodextrin Carrageenan gum Soy Lecithin

How to Purchase Prycena One canister equals 28, 1- scoop servings 14 day supply at two scoops a day, recommended dose

So you need two canisters a month. Become a “customer” !! YOUR FIRST ORDER: PRYCENA ACCELERATOR PACK US: $101.38 including shipping CA: $93.00 plus tax and shipping according to province

Prycena Accelerator Pack

If you know someone who wants to start a weight-loss program, or if you're looking for the tools that are necessary to begin yours, look no further! The Prycena Accelerator Pack is designed to bundle everything that you need to get going: A one month supply of Prycena (two canisters) A Prycena Weight Management Booklet A copy of Focus on Weight Loss Magazine A Prycena pedometer A Prycena water bottle .....all for the price of only two canisters of Prycena! Take advantage of the opportunity to get everything you need in one package. * Prycena Accelerator Pack is available for a one-time purchase only. YOUR NEXT STEP IS TO PURCHASE PRYCENA ON A REGULAR BASIS, 2 CANISTERS A MONTH AS AN AUTOSHIP CUSTOMER YOUR COST: US $82.70 INCLUDING SHIPPING CA: $93.00 plus tax and shipping

Questions Can diabetics use Prycena? Answer: YES. Only 10 grams of carbohydrates and 7 grams of crystalline fructose per scoop. Less ‘sugar’ than in a piece of fruit. Can people who are lactose intolerant take Prycena? Answer: YES. All the ‘irritants’ have been removed. Can a person with true milk allergies take Prycena? Answer: NO. There is one milk protein that their body would recognize. Only 4% of the World’s population has a true milk allergy. LOSE WEIGHT WITH ICE CREAM!!!

Lose Weight With Ice Cream You’ve probably heard it by now … MANY people are losing weight with Prycena! And they’re doing it in a unique way; they’re making Prycena ice cream! The idea first came from Keith Hooper who enjoyed ice cream and decided to try making his own version with Prycena. His idea worked and now he’s enjoying his delicious Prycena ice cream treat and melting away - he's lost an amazing 55 pounds in 17 weeks! Interested in whipping up a batch of your own? Here’s how to do it: Combine 18 ounces of milk - regular, soy, or chocolate (for even more delicious flavor) with 3 scoops of Prycena in an ice cream maker and voila … a delicious frozen treat that will help you shed unwanted pounds. Order Prycena today and enjoy!

BIG QUESTION, NEXT PAGE… Do you need to lose weight?

WEIGHT 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 HEIGHT 5'0"

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Body Mass Index Chart A BMI of 27 or greater is approximately 20% above ideal weight. This is where the presence of risk factors begin to occur. A BMI of 30 or greater is approximately 30% above ideal weight, otherwise known as obesity. Calculating the BMI: You can also use the following formula if you are outside the range of the table. Example: for a person who is 65 inches (165 cm) tall weighing 150 lbs (68 kg).


Multiply weight by 704

150 x 704 = 105,600


Multiply height by itself

65 x 65 = 4,225


Divide the answer in step 1 by the answer in step 2 to get BMI

105,600 divided by 4,225 = 24.99 BMI = 25 (rounded)

Prycena Dietary Supplement & Weight Loss Accelererator •

Frank Story

Page 142

Melina Story

Page 1421

Testimonial 175 Testimonial 176

Dietary Supplement & Weight Loss Accelererator Prycena Testimonial # 175:

Hi Herb, I started Prycena on April 24th. I stepped on the scales this morning and found I had lost 9 pounds. Nine pounds in 20 days!!!! Credit goes to Prycena, my discipline, walking a mile to a mile and !/2 , 5 days a week. It takes a well rounded program to accomplish your goal. Prycena has helped me to control my caloric intake. It discourages me from over indulging by curbing my appetite. But the best testimony is that I've been taking Immunocal for one year at the rate of 1&1/2 envelopes per day. I have experienced eczema for about three years. I wondered if Immunocal could possibly help this irritable skin condition. I have been controlling the itching and the irritation by the use of a substance called udder cream. Since four weeks ago I have had no outbreaks of eczema and have not used udder cream on my skin. I have tried to figure out what I have changed in my life for the past four weeks. I've come to the conclusion that I've changed nothing but have continued taking Immunocal daily. I believe that Immunocal has been the prime mover in my case to beat eczema. I have no reason to discontinue Immunocal and everything to gain by continueing taking to it. I sincerely hope this helps someone else that is bothered by this irritable scourge. Be diligent is the best advice I can give anyone who decides to help themselves by introducing their life to Immunocal. Keep on keeping on!!! ( as the old saying goes) Frank

Prycena Testimonial # 176: I started the Prycena Dec 19/ 05 about 2 ½ weeks ago. In this time I have lost 5 pounds, and 2 inches. I feel great and looking forward in achieving my goal of losing 25 pounds in total. Will update when I have done this! Melina Coates (Didsbury, Alberta)

Protein toothpaste ¾ ¾

T. Rivera Melina

Page Page

143 143

Testimonial 177 Testimonial 178

Protein toothpaste

Protein toothpaste Testimonial # 177

I've been using the Protein toothpaste now for two months and I love it! Not only is it good tasting and refreshing but it has made a HUGE difference in my gums. For the first time in eight years I had a stellar review from my periodontist. If anyone knows about pocket trouble with their gums you'd understand the thrill of finding out they are closing up. My periodontist was so impressed he asked what had changed. Remembering that I had started using Protect about two months ago, I told him about the Protein toothpaste. Now he is interested. Being someone who always brushed and flossed, tried many types of toothpastes with no real results. I ate well and took vitamins but still couldn't get away from the deep pocket syndrome with my gums and then to have a 80% improvement within the last three months of seeing my periodontist was amazing. Now I don't have to see him for 8 months, unheard of with someone like me. This is a truly wonderful product and the results can be life changing and lucrative. I highly recommend others to try the same thing and see what their dentist say. Thank you Immunotec!! Sincerely, T. Rivera

Protein toothpaste Testimonial # 178 I've been using the Protein toothpaste now for four months and I love it! I have my children using it too. I have noticed in that time I never have gums that bleed, and no longer develop sores inside my mouth. We all have experienced canker sores, especially those of us who have stress in our lives. They will appear often and can be very painful. Since I have been using the toothpaste and taking taking HMS 90 I haven’t had to deal with them at all. Melina Coates, Didsbury, AB

HMS 90/ IMMUNOCAL INFORMATION HMS 90 / Immunocal Medical Information on the Product ¾

Pages 145 – 146

Product Comparisons ¾

Pages 147 – 147


Page 148 - 149

Comparing Whey Proteins ¾

Page 150 - 150


Page 151 - 152


Page 153 - 160


Page 160 - 161

HMS90 – Whey Protein Isolate Glutathione

Meet Immunotec’s Regional Leaders!

Books about Glutathione (GSH), Antioxidants ¾

Reference Books Pages 162 – 165

HMS90/Immunocal 100 g

1 Packet 10 g

Nutritional Breakdown

30 packets 1 box

Total Fat Saturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Potassium Total Carbohydrate

0.01 g 0.01 g 0 0 0.04 mg 25 mg 30 mg 0.10 g

0.13 g 0.08 g 0.01 g 0.04 g 0.37 mg 250 mg 300 mg 1.0 g

0.39 g 0.24 g 0.03 g 0.12 g l.ll mg 750 mg 900 mg 3g

Dietary Fiber Sugars Protein Vitamin A Vitamin C

0 0.15 g 9g
0 1-5 g 90 g <10g 0

0 4.5 g 270 g <30g 0


60 mg

600 mg

I8O0 mg

i Magnesium


90 mg

270 mg


0.5 mg

5 mg

15 mg


0.93 mg

9.3 mg

27.90 mg














21 mg

210 mg

630 mg

Calories Calories from Fat

37 0.1

366 1.0

1098 3

Amino Acid Profile of Immunocal g/10g of Immunocal AMINO ACID ASP

Immunocal 1.143


Immunocal ..279

































OSMOLARITY ANALYSIS: Medicare HCPCS CODE B4155 Osmolarity (mOsmol/kg H2O) Osmolarity (mOsmol/kg H2O) 21CFR§18.1979c Immunocal Amino Acid Profile Review /October 2002

NDC Number 28770-0970-01 GRAS-

As a nutritional chemist, PHD and a certified Sports Performance coach with over 2 decades of experience working with a wide variety of athletes including elite World and Olympic medalists, I was very impressed upon reviewing the amino acid profile of Immunocal. It has been our experience working with these athletes, and is well documented, that exercise exerts a huge systemic demand for amino acids on the human body. Many studies, such as Lemon at Kent State University, have demonstrated that certain amino acids are consumed much faster than others during even moderate exercise. L-glutamine, in particular, is known to be the most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue and shows the highest blood concentration of all the amino acids after an exercise session. Immunocal supplies almost 1.8 grams of Lglutamine/glutamate in one pouch! Also, the three branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine, are absolutely fundamentally necessary for the maintenance, repair and growth of lean, functional muscle tissue, are available in a high percentage in Immunocal/HMS-90. Young at MIT showed that L-leucine oxidation is increased by 240 % during even moderate exercise! Immunocal provides almost one gram of L-leucine in one pouch! The total amount of the three BCAAs in one pouch of Immunocal is over 2.2 grams! Knowing the superb bioavailability of Immunocal to human beings and the excellent profile of Immunocal, particularly with respect to the aforementioned amino acids, it should be obvious to any athlete and coach that supplementing with Immunocal will greatly aid recovery from workouts and help any athlete achieve his or her goals, safely, legally and effectively. • • • • • • • •

Immunocal is a bioactive whey protein nutraceutical,cystine delivery system that supports the immune system, raises T cell levels and detoxifies the liver. It is rich in cysteine-cysteine and glutamyl-cysteine dipeptides. It supplies about 1.8 grams of L-glutamine/glutamate per serving. It supplies almost 2.2 grams of the essential branched chain amino acids, including 1 gram of L-leucine, per serving. It contains <1% fat, cholesterol and lactose. It is safe, effective and legal for use in all sporting organizations. Proven to improve volitional muscle performance 13%! (Lands, et al., Journal of Applied Physiology Vol.87 / 1381-1385, 1999) It will greatly aid athletes by reducing soreness, enhancing recovery and minimizing down time from illness.

19 Measured with distilled water 391 Measured with Osmolite UPC Code 6-28770-097001

“Product Comparisons” Do these stats look even close?? Commercial Whey Proteins are ‘not’ the same as Immunocal! Commercial whey proteins are pasteurized, thus killing any or most of the bioactivity in the whey. Immunocal is not pasteurized thus maintaining bioactivity of this product & the level of Cystine, an amino acid critical to the cellular production of Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant found in every cell of a human or animal.




Ultimate Whey®

Serving Size

10 grams

30 grams

10 grams

22 grams







0 grams

1.5 grams

0 grams

1 grams


0 mg

40 mg

<1 mg

13 mg












0 grams

5 grams

0 grams

0.4 grams

Phase II/III Clinical Trials





Physicians Desk Reference drug guide (PDR)

page 1438

Not listed

Not listed

Not listed

Medicare B Code Reimbursement





Published Medical Citations (brand name)

YES: 426




U.S. Method of Use Patents

YES: 8




Laboratory Comparison to Other Wheys





Data in this chart has been excerpted from manufacturers' sales literature and from examination of published documents and public records.

UNIQUE FORMULATION AND UNIQUE PRODUCTION PROCESS OF IMMUNOCAL AND/OR HMS 90 QUESTION: What makes Immunocal in USA and HMS 90 in Canada different than the high quality Whey protein that I am currently taking? ANSWER: 1. The formulation is unique, there is no other like it. • Immunocal/HMS 90 supplies a disulphide bonded cystine which is generally not preserved in other whey proteins. The double bonded cystine makes it easily absorbed through the cell membrane where it is broken down and readily joins with glycine and glutamate to make glutathione or GSH. Without the double bonded cystine the body treats the single cysteine molecule as a free radical and it is eliminated. • The double bond of the cystine molecule is easily broken down into the single amino acid of cysteine through the following methods: ¾ high temperatures used in the modern pasteurization processes, ¾ oxygen or oxidation, ¾ antibiotics also destroy the bond and the bioactivity, and ¾ vigorous mechanical mixing therefore avoid using a blender to mix. 2. Immunotec Research Ltd is a research company that is backed by 25 years of research and they have taken great care in the unique production process of Immunocal/HMS90. • The herd of cows that produce the milk to make Immunocal/HMS90 is in Idaho, which is the cleanest state for air pollution. • The cows are never given antibiotics and are in pastures that are never treated with herbicides or pesticides. • It takes approximately 125 quarts of milk to make one box of Immunocal/HMS 90, which contains 30 pouches containing 10 grams each. (this is approximately 4.166 quarts of milk per pouch) • The milk is put through a cold pasteurization process to preserve the natural bioactivity of the milk. This means the milk is heated to 62.7degrees Celsius and is held at that temperature for not less than 30 minutes, it is then cooled rapidly to 4.44 degrees Celsius. During research Dr. Bonous found that high temperature pasteurization (72 to 79 degrees Celsius) was responsible for the loss of the bioactivity of the milk and thereby decreases the immune response. • The milk is also put through a screening process to make sure there is absolutely no antibiotics in the milk. Antibiotics also destroy the bioactivity of the milk. • The milk is then screened through a ceramic screening process, which takes out the lactose and fat. • Absolutely everything is checked and rechecked for content and quality including the bacteria. • HMS 90/Immunocal is produced as a pharmaceutical grade product, not as a food product, which means that every envelope, has a serial number and a lot number thereby making it traceable. • The pouch that Immunocal/HMS 90 is stored in is made up of paper and foil with a thin membrane of plastic between. This protects HMS90/Immunocal from oxidation, which will break the double cystine bond and turn it into cysteine, which the body would eliminate as a free radical. • A machine fills the pouches at a speed that is seven times slower than capacity in order to also preserve the bioactivity of the contents. This process is also done in an oxygen free environment by replacing oxygen with nitrogen. • The process is never touched by human hands and produces whey that is very fine, it is not instantized and therefore not easy to mix that is why a mixer and instructions are provided to our customers. 3. Most other whey protein products on the market today may contain all of the necessary amino acids to produce Glutathione or GSH; however, there is no other whey protein powder that is produced with as much quality control that guarantees the same value is in every pouch. A large container of whey protein may be cheaper than Immunocal/HMS 90; however, once the container is opened only the first few servings provide the optimum value to the human body. The rest of the container has been exposed to oxygen and as discussed previously the oxidation process breaks down the cystine into cysteine, which is then eliminated, from the body as a waste product. 4. Immunocal/HMS 90 acts in three ways providing the most benefit of any whey powder on the market today. Three letters create the acronym, AID, which describes Immunocal/HMS 90’s benefits as follows: • A FOR Antioxidant - glutathione is known as the master antioxidant, • I FOR Immune Booster, keeping glutathione at optimum levels allows the immune system to operate efficiently, and

D FOR Detoxifier, glutathione is responsible for eliminating the unwanted items or toxins from our cells such as mercury, lead, cadium, pesticides, herbicides, and other toxins ingested through our air, water and foods. These items listed above are only a few the actual list is quite long.

Write by: Juergen Maimann And MaryRose Regan Independent Distributors

Comparing Whey Proteins When I was up at Immunotec last Monday, Dr. Bounous and Dr. Gutman explained the difference between our product and other whey. This is to the best of my understanding of what was said. Comparing Whey Proteins •

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Unlike most other whey proteins, HMS 90 is undenatured, meaning the protein integrity has been preserved. This makes it almost identical to human breast milk, including its immune promoting properties and also biological activity. Proving what it does to the immune response has been validated by science and has enabled the product to acquire patents for treatments of various diseases, by the Canadian, U.S. and Australian governments. If another whey states that it is undenatured, check to see if it has been flavored or instantized. This process in itself immediately destroys about 60% to 70% of what makes an undenatured whey protein work. HMS 90 is individually packaged. This preserves the product and doesn’t allow air or moisture to get to it. Exposure to air and moisture would quickly denature the protein through oxidation. (In effect the disulphide bonds that holds together the two cysteine molecules would break apart and cysteine would be released.) We know that cysteine on its own is toxic. This may explain why a lot of the other whey proteins when tested actually blunted the immune response, and a couple of them actually lowered glutathione levels. Immunocal (HMS 90 in Canada) is the only whey protein I know of that has been validated by science, thus earning it a place in the U.S. Physicians Desk Reference. It is also the only whey protein covered by Medicare and Medicaid in many states for the treatment of cancer, AIDS, cystic fibrosis and fibromyalgia. No other whey protein that I have seen, advises, as ours does, that people who have had an organ transplant should not take their product. HMS 90 is powerful enough in boosting immune response that they could reject their transplant. (These people are on immuno suppressant drugs) In the past year I have encountered a couple of sales representatives who told me that their whey proteins are undenatured. Neither of them could show me anything stating “undenatured” either on the package or in their literature. That was alright with me, I figured I would see it in their science (I am so spoiled with ours) When I then asked them to show me some research they showed me Dr. Bounous’ research on Immunocal. Neither one could show me any research on their own product. When you look at what required portions are for other whey proteins, surprisingly HMS 90 is usually less expensive. Independent Immunotec Distributor

Angela Koch, Oakville, Ontario

HMS90 – Whey Protein Isolate “Did you get a copy of the latest “Health News” talking about a Major Medical Discovery by a Canadian? Yes, it is an absolute major medical breakthrough that’s probably as significant as penicillin was back in the 1940’s. Everybody knows how penicillin revolutionized medicine. What did he discover? What Dr Bounous discovered at McGill University in Montreal was a way to raise your glutathione levels for the first time ever. You’re probably wondering ‘what the heck is glutathione’? You can’t even pronounce it. You probably haven’t even heard of that word, have you? Well, guess what? It’s one of the most important words you will ever hear and you need to remember this. An easy way to remember this word is think of wearing a tie. I lift my tie up. I put some glue on it and I “Glue The Tie On”. Do you really want to know the importance of glutathione? Your doctor has known about it since 1888 and he never told you about it. There’s a reason why he hasn’t told you about it. Want to know what the reason is? When the glutathione levels dropped in your body there was nothing he could do. It was very serious – but there was nothing he could do, so why give you the bad news, I can’t do anything about it He’d tell you that you have a chronic illness, this illness or a disease thing but he really didn’t tell you about glutathione because he knew he didn’t know anything about that part of your body. Now – We Can ! And here’s why you need to know about this. Glutathione is one of the most important things in your body. It’s in every cell in your body and that’s critical because it does all the natural things that keep you healthy in your body. We’re born with high levels of glutathione. This is what nature gave us to keep us healthy. And here are 3 things that it does, it does many more, but the 3 majors are: Firstly, it’s your body’s Master Antioxidant. Well, what that means is, it makes all the other antioxidants that you ingest, work 20 times harder. You know about Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium and all the other super antioxidants we’re hearing about every day and we’re supposed to be taking to take care of the free radicals in our body. If you have low levels of glutathione, you can drink all the vitamin C in the world and you’re never going to keep up to all the free radicals you’re putting out everyday. So it’s the key, it’s the Master. What do we mean by antioxidant? Here’s how it works. One molecule of Vitamin C will grab a free radical and neutralize it. Now the Vitamin C has been neutralized, so it has to leave the body. Here’s where glutathione comes in. It grabs the Vitamin C and the free radical then it brings it over to glutathione. Glutathione grabs the free radical and says thank you very much.. Vitamin C go get another one and another one and another and over and over again. So you see how that works as a Master Antioxidant? Secondly, glutathione is your Immune System Booster and Regulator. It optimizes your immune system and guess what? The highest levels of glutathione are in your white blood cells. Your first defense against the next super bug, the next SARS, the next flu coming at you. We trained these bugs to be tougher because of our antibiotics. This is the only defense we have left. Number three, though, here’s the big one. It’s your Immune System Regulator. What we mean is if you have an auto immune disease or you know of someone who has an auto immune disease, basically what an auto immune disease is, is your immune system is out of whack. It means your immune system begins to attack you. What glutathione does, is it regulates you. It gets your immune system to stop attacking you. And if it stops attacking you, then of course, you’re going to heal. So that’s another thing it does. And the third thing glutathione does, it’s your body’s Detoxifier . What we mean by that is all that car exhaust, cigarette smoke, all those pesticides, herbicides, all that stuff we get in our bodies. Our homes are full of toxins. The foam from the carpet and vinyl we walk on is constantly out-gassing. Those toxins get into our bodies. We’re dying because of toxic buildup because they’re carcegenic. Well guess what? As a detoxifier in the body is it takes all of those heavy carcegens, those heavy metals in our body and it makes them soluble. Once they become soluble, the liver can process them and flush them out of the body. So you can see, this is what nature provided to keep you well. Here’s our problem…We cannot ingest glutathione, we cannot inject glutathione in the body to rebuild it. Glutathione has to be manufactured in the cell in the body, which means the only way we can make glutathione is we need the precursors or the building blocks. 2 of the 3 building blocks are readily available in nature. We have lots of them. The one building block we need is called Cysteine. That’s the one that is rare in nature, difficult to get, it has to be in a certain form. The body needs to bring it into the body in a certain form. It needs to be 2 cysteine molecules bonded together by a disulphide bond. And that’s the way the body has to receive it. When it’s in that form, you ingest it, it goes into the stomach, into the intestines, out into the blood stream, and up into the cells. When it gets into a cell, it divides. When it divides, the glycine and glutamate, the 2 other amino acids, bond to it and manufacture glutathione. Nature provided the natural source for us to get this cysteine in our bodies every day. In fact the largest concentration of it is found in you. (if you’re female) But, it’s in human breast milk, that’s why it was so important to breast feed your children when they were young. And we’re mammals, therefore theoretically it should be in every mammalian, and it is, in smaller concentrations.

Guess what? If you drank fresh cow’s milk, goat, camel, whatever country you lived in, you would be getting this bonded cysteine into your body every day. But unfortunately, we now pasteurize our milk. That’s the problem….Heat…As soon as you apply heat, to the cysteine-glycine disulphide bond it breaks. Now you have 2 individual cysteine molecules. Cysteine in singular molecular form is toxic to the body. You cannot absorb a single molecule of cysteine. It comes in the stomach and right out the back end. So, that’s why it’s so important to get these 2 molecules together in our bodies and we’ve been doing that for over 50 years. Here’s the problem…First 25 years nobody really notices any real problems for not getting this cysteine in their bodies but the last 25 years we’re noticing major changes. What are we seeing, childhood diseases are going sky high. Why is that? Autoimmune diseases are going sky high. Cancer, we haven’t slowed down cancer. We’ve spent trillions of dollars on cancer and we’re getting more people with cancer than ever. Our society today is more toxic than it has ever been before. We live in the most toxic environment in humanity, 50 years ago it was no where near this toxic. Our glutathione is working overtime to try and take care of all those bugs that are coming at us. Now what’s the Master Antioxidant level ? Number one the biggest free radical manufacturer, free radical maker in the body is Stress. It produces way more free radicals than food digestion or exercise. And I don’t know about you, but this is probably the most stressful environment, we have in North America . So you get a huge ultra stress on people, using up your glutathione. You got these bugs using up your glutathione. We have so much pollution in our body, we have our glutathione working overtime. So that’s why you’re now seeing the results of it. Our glutathione is dropping faster than ever before. And we have no way of replenishing it. Now we got these diseases going crazy, I mean cancer, is becoming the number 1 killer for children. There are 15 & 16 year old kids that have rheumatoid arthritis. Their knees are swollen up like footballs. This is an old age, old man’s disease. Now you’ve got 15 year olds doing it. They say now, that, 1 in 3 people will get some form of cancer. So now you see why it’s so important to talk to you about glutathione. What can we do? This is where Dr Bounous comes in. He has discovered a way to isolate those 2 bonded cysteine molecules out of the food source so that we can ingest them as a food supplement every day and rebuild our glutathione. The animals are in Northern Idaho, in a very clean environment with no pesticides or herbicides. They are organically fed and have never had hormones or antibiotics. The milk is extracted in an oxygen free environment. Then nitrogen is used in the milk machines to keep the air out. Then a cold pasteurization process is used. Only in Dr. Bounous process are ceramic micro filters used to get rid of the rest of the bugs. He extracts the whey powder, sells off the cheese product to the cheese industry and packages the whey protein isolate concentrate in a nitrogen free package. Now with 10 medical patents and it’s sold as a pharmaceutical drug over in Europe, and here in Canada it’s a food not a drug. Here’s the key, if you were living in Germany right now, (a) you’d have to go to your doctor and (b) you’d have to have a chronic disease, then (c) you’d get your prescription so you could go to the pharmacy to buy your product which is a little late by the way, because you’re already sick.. If you took this product, you probably wouldn’t have gotten sick. But now it’s a pharmaceutical drug. That one packet is going cost you $ 20.00. Ridiculous, it’s a food! The good news, In Canada that same packet contains 1 gallon of fresh cow’s milk in cysteine molecule concentration. That’s a pretty powerful dose. What would a gallon of milk cost you in the store today? $ 4 ? The white liquid you see in the store today will probably cost you $ 4 or $ 5, depending on where you buy it. Here’s the good news. That packet which is equal to one gallon of cow’s milk is going to come to $ 2. That’s half of what you pay for the crap that’s in the store. And because it’s food, no GST. So, to me this whey protein isolate HMS90 is probably one of the most economical & the best nutrients I can put in my body for two bucks.

GLUTATHIONE ESSENTIAL HEALTH AID ANTIOXIDANT – IMMUNE BOOSTER- DETOXIFIER Why your body needs a regular supply of this critical substance, and how it protects you from oxidative free radicals, disease and toxins. CONTENTS: WHAT IS GLUTATHIONE? ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

• Why Glutathione is Essential to Health • The Master Antioxidant • Food for the Immune System • Natural Detoxification • Glutathione in Natural Medicine • Glutathione in Traditional Medicine • Drugs That Raise Glutathione Levels • Natural Products That Raise Glutathione Levels


• Putting it all together

SELECTED MEDICAL REFERENCES ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

• Aging • Antioxidant Functions • Neurological Disease • Cancer • Athletic performance • Toxins, Pollution, Radiation • AIDS • Heart disease, stroke and cholesterol • Diabetes • Lung disease • Digestive diseases • Hepatitis • Kidney disease • Pregnancy, Lactation and Childbirth


• Glutathione (pronounced "gloota-thigh-own") also known as GSH is the body's essential health AID - Antioxidant, Immune booster and Detoxifier. This small protein, produced naturally in the body, maintains these three crucial protective functions. In fact, your life depends on glutathione. Without it, your cells would disintegrate from unrestrained oxidation, your body would have little resistance to bacteria, viruses and cancer, and your liver would shrivel up from the eventual accumulation of toxins.


• Glutathione is not yet a household word. Even doctors who have heard the term may have only a vague idea of it. However, everyone will soon be talking about this critical substance. There was a time when only scientists had heard of cholesterol and vitamins, but today everyone knows about them. Now it's glutathione's turn In the last five years, over twenty-five thousand medical articles about this substance have been published, and this scientific understanding is gradually becoming common knowledge.


• Each and every cell in the body is responsible for its own supply of glutathione and must have the necessary raw materials to make it. Glutathione is always in great demand and is rapidly consumed when we experience any sort of pressure - illness, stress, fatigue and even exercise. Some well-known causes of glutathione depletion are shown in figure I. Glutathione levels also diminish as we age and many diseases normally associated with aging have been linked to glutathione deficiency.

WHY GLUTATHIONE IS ESSENTIAL TO HEALTH ¾ Glutathione's three major roles in the body are summarized by the letters A-I-D - Antioxidant, Immune booster, and Detoxifier - three critical processes driven by glutathione.

THE MASTER ANTIOXIDANT (AID) Over the past thirty years researchers have explored the value of antioxidants in good health, as well as the treatment and prevention of diseases involving oxidative attack by free radicals. This has produced a whole new branch of medicine - Free Radical Biology. Free radicals have been implicated in all sorts of illness, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and aging itself. Well-known and widely used antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium neutralize free radicals. These occur naturally in nature, but not in the body - they must be introduced as part of a balanced diet. Given the critical role of antioxidants in good health, it is not surprising that the body itself manufactures its own natural antioxidants. The most important of these is glutathione. Because all other antioxidants depend upon the presence of glutathione to function properly, scientists cal1 it "the master antioxidant."

FOOD FOR THE IMMUNE SYSTEM (AID) The immune system's function is to identify and attack germs and other invaders, including cancer cel1s. A body with plenty of glutathione fights off these threats more easily by denying most of them a foothold and by confronting the few that get through with an enhanced immune system. Elevated glutathione levels enable the body to produce more, white blood cel1s - the most important front line defense of the immune system. Glutathione plays a central role in the functions of these immune cel1s. Dr. Gustavo Bounous, a leading glutathione expert says, "The limiting factor

in the proper activity of our lymphocytes (white blood cel1s) is the availability of glutathione." In other words, healthy growth and activity of immune cel1s depend upon glutathione's availability. Put simply, glutathione is 'food' for the immune system.

NATURAL DETOXIFICATION (AID) Whether we know it or not, we are continual1y inhaling and ingesting natural and synthetic toxins. They are unavoidable in these modern times, both in our pol1uted cities and our engineered food supplies. When the body has its health and the nourishment it needs it works tirelessly to eliminate toxins and protect itself, but increasing levels of environmental pol1ution are depleting its stores of glutathione more and more rapidly. Our main organ of detoxification is the liver – the 3 body's most concentrated source of glutathione. Studies show that low glutathione levels lead to poor liver function, causing more and more toxins to circulate through the body and resulting in damage to individual cel1s and organs. Doctors routinely use glutathione promoting drugs to detoxify victims of certain types of drug overdose.

GLUTATHIONE IN NATURAL MEDICINE Practitioners of complementary medicine have long advocated the use of milk thistle for liver problems. It turns out that this herb works by modestly elevating glutathione levels. The mineral selenium also produces subtle elevations in glutathione by becoming integrated into the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.

GLUTATHIONE IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE Emergency doctors, toxicologists and lung and liver specialists are well acquainted with glutathione's therapeutic uses. American physicians seeking ways to raise a patient's glutathione levels can open the standard Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) and find two options ~ the pharmaceutical drug NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine), sold under brand names Parlodex and Mucomyst, and the natural dietary supplement Immunocal (patented whey protein isolate).

DRUGS THAT RAISE GLUTATHIONE LEVELS Pharmaceutical drugs like those shown in figure 2 have been used to raise glutathione levels. However, they all produce side effects and are unsuitable for long-term use. The drug NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) is a potent glutathione precursor that has been available for many years, and is also found on the shelves of health supplement stores. This pharmaceutical chemical is used to break up mucus in lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis, chronic bronchitis and asthma. It remains the standard treatment for acetaminophen overdose. Most traditional glutathione studies on humans have been conducted with NAC.

Glutathione-promoting substances Drugs Natural products Glutathione co-factors Drugs Natural Products Glutathione co-factors DRUGS NAC SAM OTC OTZ Procysteine Glutathione monoesters Glutathione diesters

NATURAL PRODUCTS Oral Glutathione Cysteine Methionine Melatonin Glutamine Lipoic Acid Silymarin (milk thistle) Whey Proteins Bioactive whey proteins (Immunocal)

GLUTATIONE COFACTORS Selenium Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Folate, Folic acid Vitamin C Vitamin E Other Nutrients

GLUTAMINE Whether taken orally or intravenously, glutamine supplements raise glutathione concentrations, but completely healthy individuals shouldn't require supplemental glutamine and it can lead to side effects such as gastrointestinal upset. Older people as well as kidney and liver patients should be cautious. Any serious use of this supplement must be monitored by a health professional.

LIPOIC ACID Lipoic acid occurs naturally in the body but is also found on the shelves of health food stores. It is known that as glutathione molecules neutralize free radicals they gradually become oxidized, but lipoic acid can replenish its antioxidant powers by converting it back to a reduced form. It is still being investigated by scientists. SILYMARIN (MILK THISTLE) The milk thistle plant, (Silybum marianum, silymarin) has a long history in the treatment of liver problems. It clearly prevents the oxidation of fats and maintains glutathione levels, but possible toxic reactions include gas, cramps and diarrhea. Liver disease should never be treated without the supervision of a health professional. WHEY PROTEINS Whey, a large group of proteins, is a constituent of milk from humans and other mammals, and under ideal circumstances contains the buildingblocks of glutathione. Many whey products are marketed to health-conscious people but they vary greatly in their protein content, their concentration, the forms of proteins present, and other factors that affect the product's bioactivity (biological action). Perhaps the most important criterion of all is the extent of the product's protein denaturation - a breakdown in the protein structure. This reduces its potential bioactivity in the body without affecting its food value. In addition, many nutritionists point out that the fat or lactose content of whey products may still be high enough to cause concern. Others have reservations about the milk industry and its liberal use of antibiotics and steroids to boost production. Also, we cannot ignore the very real issue of fat-soluble and water-soluble environmental toxins passing into the milk. The whey content of truly fresh milk contains such potent glutathione building blocks as lactoferrin, beta-lactalbumin and serum albumin - all easily denatured by heat or mechanical agitation. Pasteurization and other industrial processes tend to denature milk products and by the time they reach your table their bioactivity is lost. To maintain the bioactivity of glutathione precursors whey proteins must be extracted from milk with special means, and careful monitoring is essential. Whey products may contain anything from 20% to 90% protein. These proteins vary greatly in their make-up as well as the extent to which their glutathione precursors are denatured. So, although some whey proteins are bioactive, most are not.

BIOACTIVE WHEY PROTEIN Bioactive whey proteins contain high levels of non-denatured protein and this assures their glutathione-promoting activity. Much of our knowledge of the glutathione sustaining effect of dietary whey proteins is the result of research initiated at Montreal's McGill University in Canada during the early 1980's. Dr. Gustavo Bounous was studying protein supplementation in general when he discovered the bioactive potential of whey protein in particular. He investigated its effect on the immune system and published his ground-breaking results. They encouraged other scientific teams to study the effects of glutathione-enhancement in tests on a wide variety of diseases. Dr. Bounous and his team went on to develop Immunocal ~ a

whey protein made under pharmacological conditions to maximize the protein's bioactivity. Undenatured whey protein is a natural extract of milk - a safe, dependable and effective way to sustain elevated glutathione levels.

GLUTATHIONE IN HEALTH AND DISEASE It is believed that glutathione has an important role to play in the treatment and prevention of hundreds of diseases, It may in the future be considered as important to health as a well-rounded diet, exercise and good lifestyle. Clinical tests show that raised glutathione levels may address some of the major health issues of our time - heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, cigarette smoking, hepatitis, AIDS and more. Glutathione provides the body with tools to fight off these threats naturally. Healthy people also benefit from elevated glutathione levels through an enhanced ability to fight off toxins, infectious disease, pre-cancerous cells and the aging process itself. Diminished glutathione levels are a symptom of aging and are particularly evident in such ailments as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Glutathione is also important to physically active people. Many world-class athletes are discovering that well-maintained glutathione levels give them the edge over their competitors, bringing greater strength and endurance, decreased recovery time from injury, less muscle pain and fatigue, and muscle-promoting activity.



• Medical science is still ascertaining all the critical roles played by glutathione in disease resistance and general good health. Clinical evidence links low glutathione levels to the most common illnesses of our time as well as newly emerging diseases. • As an essential AID to health, glutathione works as the master Antioxidant in our body, optimizes the Immune system and Detoxifies a long list of pollutants and carcinogens. However, the body's glutathione levels are not raised by eating glutathione, since it is poorly absorbed through the digestive system. It must be manufactured within the cells of the body, Therefore, the best way to raise glutathione levels is by providing the building blocks used by the cells to make it themselves. • Pharmaceutical medicine has created drugs that do this very effectively, and they have their uses in critical situations.But they also have side effects and repeated use is clearly inadvisable. Recently, scientists have developed a natural way to raise glutathione levels by safe, reliable dietary means. The emergence of bioactive whey proteins is an exciting step forward in nutritional supplementation.

Raising glutathione levels: some possible clinical applications Aging ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Infectious disease and immunology • Parkinson's disease • Alzheimer's disease • Cataract formation • Macular degeneration • Cancers of aging • Prostate problems • Osteoarthritis

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Cancer ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Cardiovascular ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

• Prevents heart disease • Prevents stroke • Prevents atherosclerosis • Reverses atherosclerosis • Prevents reperfusion injury • Inflammatory bowel disease • Hepatitis • Malnutrition • Pancreatitis • Peptic ulcer

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

• Breaks up mucus • Cystic fibrosis • Asthma • Chronic bronchitis • Emphysema • Pulmonary fibrosis

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

• Athletic enhancement • Decreases recovery time from physical stress • Decreases cholesterol LDL oxidation • Supports hemoglobin in kidney failure • Diabetes


Toxicology ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

• Cancer prevention • Suppresses tumor growth • Eliminates carcinogens, mutagens • Retards oxidative damage to DNA • Prevents wasting disease • Eases side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy


Digestive system ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

• Anti-viral (AIDS, hepatitis, herpes, common cold, etc) • Bacterial infection • Certain autoimmune dysfunction's • Chronic fatigue syndrome • Immuno-suppression

• Detoxifies certain drug overdoses • Detoxifies substances in cigarette smoke, auto exhaust • Detoxifies pollutants including heavy metals, pesticides • Prevents hearing loss from noise pollution • Detoxifies many well-known carcinogens

SELECTED MEDICAL REFERENCES HEART DISEASE, STROKE AND CHOLESTEROL Raised glutathione levels fight the oxidation of circulating fats in the bloodstream including cholesterol, retarding the process of plaque formation in the arteries - the underlying cause for most heart disease and stroke. NUTRITION REVIEWS 54: 1-30, 1996

DIABETES Diabetics are more prone to infections and circulatory problems leading to heal disease, kidney failure and blindness Glutathione protects against the complication of diabetes. CLINICAL SCIENCE 91:575-582, 1996

LUNG DISEASE Doctors have used glutathione-promoting drugs to treat many lung diseases including asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Fewer potential therapeutic roles can be found for cigarette smoke damage, pulmonary fibrosis and other illnesses. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 307:119-127, 1994 DIGESTIVE DISEASES Glutathione protects the body from the inflammation of gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease GUT 42: 485-492, 1998

HEPATITIS The liver is the major storehouse for glutathione. Glutathione is impaired in alcoholic hepatitis as well as in viral hepatitis including hepatitis A, B, and C. Raised glutathione levels restore liver function. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 91: 2569-2573, 1996

KIDNEY DISEASE People with kidney failure or dialysis suffer from higher levels of oxidative stress and decreased glutathione levels. Raised glutathione levels help prevent anemia. NEPHRON 61: 404-408, 1992

PREGNANCY, LACTATION AND CHILDBIRTH Glutathione's role in fetal and placental development is crucial. It also acts in the placenta to detoxify pollutants before they can reach the developing child. Many complications of pregnancy have been linked with poor glutathione levels. EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 37: 167-174, 1994 Portions of this booklet adapted from Glutathione, Your Body's Most Powerful Healing Agent by GUTMAN & SCHETTINI @2000 G&S Health Books Inc., Montreal, Canada.

IMMUNOTECDISTRIBUTERPROFILES Meet Immunotec’s Regional Leaders! RÉNALD PLAMONDON CREATING POSSIBILITIES! Location: VARENNES, QUEBEC Rénald is a true and generous giver, helping many people - from celebrities to physically challenged children. His very reason for leading is to demonstrate the tremendous power of networking and its potential in financial as well as personal rewards. Nothing brings him more joy than knowing that he has helped to make someone’s dream come true. He is committed to leading others in the organization to do the same; mainly because he wants to relay the message that everyone holds health as a priority, and therefore everyone has an interest in hearing about Immunotec’s products and opportunity. As a police officer, Rénald knows the importance of having “back-up”. For the meetings he cannot commit to, due to his full-time career, he is “covered” by Sylvain Dion, also a leader in his organization. WALLY KRALIK - PAVING THE WAY! Location: LAKEFIELD, ONTARIO Wally has been compelled to ride the ups and downs of the rollercoaster of life. And his life experiences have birthed in him a commitment to coaching those distributors who aspire to become potential leaders. Today,Wally is very successful and leads by that example. He views his role as “paving the way and helping others set higher standards and reaching their goals.” Wally is a dedicated husband and father. He’s also a man who derives great satisfaction from helping others to achieve success in health and wealth. He has developed a solid and secure business - more that just a “j-o-b” as he puts it.He strives to generously share the keys to his success with others. He is happy to “set the tracks for Immunotec’s aspiring leaders!” SANDI WALPER COMBINING PASSION AND BUSINESS! Location: RED DEER, ALBERTA Years ago, Sandi was a farmer and a rancher, without any business experience and facing a drought. Today, she has an organization with tremendous and flourishing success! The good news? She is devoted to sharing her innovative marketing strategies with Immunotec distributors who seek to excel as she has. Sandi combines her work with her passions; and the outcome is ground-breaking success! She is a true Immunotec pioneer; one of its first and most innovative distributors. She is happy to share the secrets of her success… and that makes her an exceptional leader. Her dedication to offer valuable coaching and show the way to others makes her the picture of passion and possibilities! LORI CURRIE - DRIVING OTHERS TO SUCCESS! Location: BARRIE, ONTARIO Lori is first and foremost a devoted mother, and had spent many years as a stay-at-home mom raising her children. She joined a direct sales company, and “fell in love” with the concept thanks to the abundant opportunities. Initially, her Immunotec business was part-time. But with the “strength of the product and the commitment of great people on her team”, it grew to become a satisfying full-time career. Her final calling came when she saw how Immunocal/HMS 90 helped one of her friends through a life-threatening disease. Lori decided to focus all her energy on her Immunotec business and success has been exponential since then. Together with her team, Lori is “helping more and more people every day with their health and their wealth.” The gratitude of others is the best part of her success… Lori finds this tremendously rewarding and she’s “looking forward to a great future with Immunotec Research!” FAUSTA MAGEE - THE SPIRIT OF GIVING! Location: SURREY, BRITISH COLOMBIA

Fausta is a giver! Her success stems from her loyalty to her family, her community, and her business. She works hard by always devoting herself to cultural and social events. But that does not stop her from supporting members of her Immunotec organization and showing them the path to success. Her start in a direct sales company began parttime; with the initial intent to help generate extra income to help pay for the education of her children. She quickly learned that helping her “top producers” was the key to her success. She was introduced to Immunotec in 2004, after an unfortunate Leukemia diagnosis. She feels lucky to have had a friend who “cared enough to send her Immunocal/HMS 90”. She joined Immunotec and reached the Diamond level within a month! Today, her goal is to share her story, the products, and lead others to a wonderful opportunity! JIM SPENCER FOCUSING ON DUPLICATION! Location: WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA A photographer by trade, Jim captures the true essence and power of duplication! As he grew more successful with Immunotec and realized that he could not be verywhere at once, Jim put the power of duplication and leadership to work. To him, it’s a simple formula; if he ensures that his organization has leaders that can accomplish what he can, then success is inevitable because he knows that a distributor’s economic value is squared the minute he is duplicated. Jim has over 13 years experience in the network industry, and has been a national trainer and speaker for a number of years.He speaks regularly at Immunotec meetings, and is very pleased to see the addition of a new group of regional leaders. He knows the importance of attending Immunotec meetings, and has seen the growth associated with meetings. Jim is committed to his business, his distributors, and to Immunotec. He plans to continuously support others in the company – a true leader!

SCOTT ELLIOTT - BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY! Location: DALLAS, TEXAS Dr. Scott Elliott is a practicing Chiropractor, a very successful entrepreneur, and much more! He is a firm believer in total well-being and promotes both success and wellness because he deems that the two go hand in hand. When introduced to the Immunotec opportunity, Dr. Elliott immediately predicted great potential - a chance not only to succeed, but to excel, with a company that supports his values and the chiropractic oath that he adheres to: “Seek only the best. Accept only the finest, not just success, but excel. Not just be doctors, but be healers”… all of which resonates Immunotec! By effectively “teaming” individuals to accomplish a common goal, Dr. Elliott extends Immunotec’s commitment to wellness through research. He remains devoted to helping, healing, and teaching others to do the same. Immunotec’s corporate-assisted meetings represent a key investment in a distributor’s business growth. The strategy includes distributors, regional leaders, and corporate representatives as meeting leaders. Regional Leaders – successful Immunotec distributors who have built large and solid corporations – are dedicated to spreading the Immunotec message and paving the way for the next generation of aspiring leaders.

Books about Glutathione (GSH), Antioxidants Breakthrough In Cell-Defense : How to Benefit From the Real Glutathione Revolution By Dr. Allan C. Somersall, Ph.D., M.D. with Dr. Gustavo Bounous, M.D., FRCS Breakthrough in Cell-Defense tells the story of Dr. Bounous and the discovery of an amazing health discovery for the 21st century. Benefit from the real glutathione revolution. Two decades of acclaimed research have culminated in this simple yet profound development for your immune system— now destined to revolutionize the health and wellness movement. Discover this major medical breakthrough: Enhance your immune response, increase your resistance to disease, improve your health and vitality. There are unfolding implications for both health and disease: AIDS, environmental illness, aging, cancer, chronic fatigue, degenerative disease, and much, much more... Read this modern research DRAMA. You may experience your own breakthrough in self-defense."

Glutathione - Your Body's Most Powerful Protector Dr. Jimmy Gutman's latest work on glutathione has just been released. The volume includes new material, including valuable information on seizures. "For the growing number of people interested in complementary medicine - a synthesis of alternative and conventional treatments for illness - it will be obvious that this book is timely. Glutathione plays a pivotal role in the defense against both aging and disease, and this well executed and researched publication makes that very clear. I highly recommend Glutathione - Your Body's Most Powerful Protector to anyone intent on living a healthier life naturally." --- Phyllis Balch CNC, Author, Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Books about Glutathione-GSH, antioxidants Glutathione (GSH) : Your Body's Most Powerful Healing Agent How to boost your immune system and take advantage of your body's most powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. By Jimmy Gutman, MD, FACEP and Stephen Schettini Dr. Jimmy Gutman, M.D., the recognized glutathione expert, explains how to boost your immune system and take advantage of your body's most powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. This critical information is a must for anyone interested in prevention of disease or for those needing information on an existing condition, which may be a result of GSH depletion. You don't have to be a physician, scientist, or involved in the medical profession to grasp a clear understanding of the body's master antioxidant and it's critical role in cellular health, optimum immune response, and as a major detoxifier. It is my Bible to better health Glutathione : The Ultimate Antioxidant by Alan H. Pressman, DC, PhD., CCN, Sheila Buff, Foreword by Richard A. Passwater Through nutritional supplements, individual treatment plans, and delicious recipes designed to boost GSH in the bloodstream, Dr. Alan H. Pressman helps you battle allergies, arthritis, asthma, cancers, cataracts, chronic fatigue syndrome, digestive problems, heart disease, HIV, hyperactivity, infections, jet lag, mood swings, muscle pain, skin problems, weight gain, and much more.

Built to Survive: A Comprehensive Guide to the Medical Use of Anabolic Steroids, Nutrition and Exercise for HIV (+) men and women by Michael Mooney, Nelson R. Vergel Author's comment: If there is one survival tool every HIV (+) person should consider it is taking dietary supplements that increase glutathione production. Suggested dosing is 500 to 1,000 mg three times per day. Other supplements that increase glutathione include L-glutamine (12 to 36 grams per day), alpha lipoic acid (100 to 1,000 mg per day), selenium (200 - 800 mcg per day), and (undenatured) whey protein. Protein malnutrition can cause a decrease in glutathione production too, so be sure to get plenty of protein three times per day. Oxidative Stress, Cell Activation and Viral Infection Edited by C. Pasquier, et al. Summary exerpt of article : "Place For An Antioxidant Therapy In Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection" (pp 311-321). Oxidative stress, a known activator of HIV replication in vitro, has a potential role as a cofactor of HIV disease progression. Arguments supporting the role of oxidative stress as a cofactor in HIV activation are summarized in this review. The role of intracellular antioxidants such as glutathione (GSH), and drugs and nutriceutical agents promoting GSH synthesis, are discussed. The review also includes the early results of nutritional interventions based on a diet enriched with a whey protein concentrate prepared in a proprietary manner. Books about Glutathione-GSH, antioxidants Nature's Goldmine by Dr. Allan C. Somersall, Ph.D., M.D. This books looks into harvesting miracle ingredients from milk. A strong proponent of complementary care, Dr. Somersall has been at the interface of nature and science for over two decades. You'll be fascinated to learn about the new milk technology and see the pivotal role Immunotec plays in the industry.

Alternative Medicine Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Environmental Illness by Burton Goldberg, Editors of Alternative Medicine Digest Written by Burton Goldberg and the Editors of Alternative Medicine Digest, this alternative medicine guide shows how doctors reverse various conditions with proven complementary therapies. Immunocal is included on pages 127-129.

The Super Anti-Oxidants : Why They Will Change the Face of Healthcare in the 21st Century by James F. Balch This Book is Worth a Read (December 12, 1999 Reviewer: Ralph Nordstrom from Southern California) This is an exciting book. Packer reviews the research on antioxidants, not only from his own lab at the University of California, Berkely, but also from labs around the world. He not only quotes research results in vitro and on mice but he also quotes such human studies as are available. Packer is enthusiastic about the effects antioxidants can have on improving health and increasing ones life. He freely speculates about discoveries he expects will be found in future research but he is careful to state them as such. I'd skip to the last part on implementing the Packer plan and put that into action, then return to the beginning of the book and read up on all the research. The Gsh Phenomenon : Nature's Most Powerful Antioxidant and Healing Agent by Alan H. Pressman, Sheila Buff "Glutathione(or its reduced form, GSH) is a natural protein found in the body's cells and in many fresh fruits and vegetables. Pressman, a chiropractor and nutritionist, considers glutathione to be the most important antioxidant molecule, high levels of which appear to protect against the dangers of cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune diseases, and chronic illnesses. Glutathione plays an essential role in helping the liver detoxify environmental poisons and the body's own metabolic wastes, a process necessary to overall health. Two dozen high-glutathione recipes, lists of holistic health organizations and suppliers, and a glossary conclude the book." - Penny Spokes. Read a section from Chapter 1: Amino Acids,Glutathione and Optimal Health Books about Glutathione-GSH, antioxidants GLUTATHIONE: Nature's Powerful Antioxidant By Jimmy Gutman, MD, FACEP, and Stephen SchettiniFrom The Publisher: Glutathione, produced in the liver, is a protein that battles disease and slows aging by maintaining the health of red and white blood cells. Dr. Gutman details how it boosts immune function, protects cells, eliminates toxins, and influences longevity. Although he notes that human glutathione levels decline as people age, Gutman shows readers how to elevate levels of the substance in the body to promote continued immune health. Glutathione: Metabolism and Physiological Functions Edited by Jose Vina Over 30 papers discuss the techniques and findings of investigating the level and function of the peptide glutathione in cells. It has been associated with such functions as antioxidant defense, the regulation of metabolic pathways, hormonal action, the detoxification of xenobiotics, the maintenance of cell structure, and more recently with nutrition, aging, and immunology. Glutathione in the Nervous System by Christopher A. Shaw This new resource captures the excitement of a new field in neuroscience, describing the history and chemistry of glutathione in relation to antioxidant defenses and oxidative stress. This book provides an overview of the glutathione molecule and its various roles and makes far-reaching predictions about the potential role of glutathione in the nervous system. The specific topics include the discovery of the GSH receptor in hydra and its evolutionary significance, the regulation of apoptosis in the nervous system, the role of altered glutathione status in the development of Parkinson's disease, and free-radical toxicity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Glutathione S-Transferases: Structure, Function, and Clinical Implications Edited by: N. P. Vermeulen, et al. Book Description: Glutathione s-transferases (GSTs) constitute the most important enzymes protecting human and many other organisms from potentially toxic chemicals, including drugs and carcinogens. This book reviews scientific developments in research of this enzyme Books about Glutathione-GSH, antioxidants Biothiols, Part B: Glutathione & Thioredoxin: Thiols in Signal Transduction & Gene Regulation by Lester Packer (Editor), Melvin I. Simon (Editor) From Booknews: The series highlights natural antioxidants and artificial antioxidants that mimic natural systems. The present volume provides a comprehensive account of the molecular mechanisms underlying the multiple functions of biothiols, with emphasis on their interaction with oxidants and the biological and clinical implications of this process. The topics covered range from the reactions of thiyl radicals in in vitro models to complex processes in clinical medicine and diverse therapeutic approaches involving thiols. Books that cite Glutathione Stop Aging Now! : The Ultimate Plan for Staying Young and Reversing the Aging Process by Jean Carper on Page 125: ".- CAUTION: RAPID AGING AHEAD A lack of glutathione in cells is a primary cause of faster aging, theorizes Calvin Lang, a professor of biochemistry at the University of ..." on Page 127: "... - STRONG POTIONS FROM THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH - causing a gradual decay of immune functioning. Yet, by replenishing glutathione, you can abort and reverse this "inevitability.." on Page 24: "... the names are familiar,

such as vitamin E and C. Others are less so, such as ginkgo, coenzyme Q-10 and glutathione, just now emerging as superstars in the laboratories of scientists trying to slow down the aging process.." on Page 129: "...THE ANTIAGING PROMISE OF GLUTATHIONE Here's what glutathione promises to do to keep you young: Maintain healthy immune functioning. Rejuvenate old and weak immune systems. ..." on Page 67: "... vitamin E. However, they find that giving animals a mixture of vitamin E, beta carotene, vitamin C and the antioxidant glutathione is much more effective at making cancer vanish than is vitamin E alone..."

The Truth About Beauty: Transform Your Looks and Your Life from the Inside Out by Kat James, Oz Garcia Excerpt from page 162 "... a key detoxityng agent in the body. Many doctors consider glutathione to be the body's primary protection against cellular damage. Beauty ..." Books about Glutathione-GSH, antioxidants The Wrinkle Cure: Unlock the Power of Cosmeceuticals for Supple, Youthful Skin by Nicholas M.D. Perricone Excerpt from page 49 "... two or more chemicals interact) with complex names such as glutathione, catalase, and superoxidedismutase that can stop free radicals in their ..." on Page 70: "... body, but to the skin as well. Alpha lipoic acid helps other antioxidants such as vita- min C, E, and glutathione hang on longer, giving skin cells ..." on Page 136: "... works against liver damage because it's a pre- cursor of many of the antioxidants that protect the liver, such as glutathione. It also helps your immune system stay in good shape. It enhances the health of the skin because it increases " What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause by John Lee, Jesse Hanley, Virginia Hopkins Excerpt from page 203 "... stress on the liver, lowering levels of the important antioxidant glutathione, which in turn puts the liver at greater risk from ..." The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma by Jack Challem The Inflammation Syndrome is the cumulative effect of lowgrade inflammation–including the aches and pains that we all experience–that grows into chronic, debilitating disease. Triggered by inflammatory foods in your diet, the Inflammation Syndrome wreaks havoc on your health, paving the way for such serious diseases as heart disease, diabetes, Syndrome X, obesity, arthritis. Excerpt from page 123 "... taking the antioxidants or vitamin E had higher levels of glutathione peroxidase, a powerful antioxidant made by the body, and ..." on Page 140: " In a laboratory experiment, researchers found that Pycnogenol reduced peroxide formation and increased levels of glutathione, an anti-inflammatory antioxidant. on Page 218: "... Eat fruits and vegetables high in glutathione and/or take glutathione and glutamine supplements to help defuse fat's free radical activity. Glutathione is a Rambo-like antioxidant that helps ..." on Page 262: "... Eat foods high in glutathione (fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, such as avocado, asparagus and broccoli-see page 132) and/or take glutathione supplements." Glutathione, Antioxidants and Cancer Books about Glutathione-GSH, antioxidants Herbal Medicine, Healing & Cancer by Donald R. Yance, Arlene Valentine (Contributor) "... vital to the health of the immune system and to the digestive system, and is the highest quality protein obtainable. A concentrated whey product, is a patented product that is a unique source of glutathione precursors. It is used in ..." What to Eat if You Have Cancer by Daniella Chace on Page 55: "... and vitamins C and E enhance its effects. In fact, some studies suggest that combining selenium and vitamin E with glutathione is more effective for cancer prevention than using either alone. Glutathione and the amino acid cystine can increase levels" on Page 212: "... an amino acid, may help to protect healthy cells when taken seven to ten days before start of therapy. Glutathione may also help to protect cells when taken the week before treatment. During Treatment O Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and on Page 106: "... studies indicate that selenium inhibits the formation of tumors and may slow their growth. It is also a cofactor of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that is an integral part of the body's defenses against free radicals. When zinc levels are low, ..." The Complete Cancer Cleanse : A Proven Program to Detoxify and Renew Body, Mind, and Spirit by Cherie Calbom (Author), et al on Page 194: "... fed 30 grams of whey protein concentrate per day for six months, some patients' tumors showed regression. By raising glutathione levels, whey protein can help to strengthen healthy cells and simultaneously weaken cancer cells." Page 41: "... Natural Medicine. Without these liver helpers, scores of important detoxification processes in the liver would not take place. For example, glutathione is the most important antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals generated by Phase I detoxification"

Antioxidants Against Cancer by Ralph W. Moss Must Read. Clear, Concise, Well-researched, Convincing (April 16, 2000 Reviewer: Owen R. Fonorow from USA) This book should be given to every medical student and Oncologist in this country. Lately, the media is full of reports cautioning cancer patients about anti-oxidants. After reading Antioxidants Against Disease, you will have the knowledge necessary to evaluate these unsubstantiated media reports for yourself. Ralph presents all sides, not just one side. Few people in the world know as much as Ralph Moss about Books about Glutathione-GSH, antioxidants treating cancer. Ralph left the NY Sloan- Kettering cancer center when they asked him to misrepresent research results. Moss was a spokesman and was supposed to say that no benefit from Laetrile had been found, yet Ralph knew otherwise. He had spoken with the research scientist and knew that standard tests in mice had indicated significant benefit from Laetrile. Ralph resigned and began his quest to bring us the truth about the myriad of cancer treatments. Glutathione S-Transferases and Carcinogenesis by T.J. Mantle, C.B. Pickett, J.D. Hayes (Editor) See also: Cancer Therapy : The Independent Consumer's Guide to Non-Toxic Treatment and Prevention by Ralph W. Moss This thorough guide is a must-read for cancer patients and their families seeking treatment options. Subscribe to the Glutathione Report newsletter to learn more about safe, natural ways to optimize glutathione levels

Information provided on any of the Products is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Only your health care provider should diagnose your health care problems and prescribe treatment. Statements regarding dietary supplements are provided solely to offer our customers additional information. No health claims for these products have been evaluated by Health Canada or the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has Health Canada or the FDA approved these products to diagnose, cure or prevent disease. Please consult your health care provider before starting any course of supplementation or treatment, particularly if you are currently under medical care. Make sure you carefully read all products packaging prior to use. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your health care provider.

All events and names in these testimonials refer to actual living persons. No editing or corrections were made in the compilation of this book. All contact information has been removed out of respect for the privacy of the individuals who contributed their stories.

Independent Distributor Melina F. Coates Libra Consulting Ltd. 403-337-2009 403-922-2715

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