Book 1-2 Questions

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 315
  • Pages: 2
Odyssey Questions Books 1-2 Instructions: Please answer these questions clearly in brief, concise sentences Book 1: What went on in the House of Odysseus Summary: Athena appeals to Zeus for permission to help Odysseus reach home. His home in Ithaca is overrun with suitors who are trying to win Penelope’s hand. With the help of Athena disguised as Mentes, Telemachus finds the courage to confront the suitors. First: List and briefly describe the main characters introduced: 1. Where is Odysseus? 2. What does Zeus tell Athena to do? 3. What is Athena disguised as? 4. Why do Telemachus and his mother need Odysseus? 5. Why does Odysseus’ wife have suitors? 6. What does Athena advise Telemachus to do? 7. Describe what you know about Telemachus from Book One. Be specific. Book 2: How the Council Met in the Market-place of Ithaca and what came of it. In a town meeting, Telemachus announces his intentions to locate his father and rid his house of the suitors. He is met with ridicule and doubt, especially from Antinous who confronts Telemachus twice. Athena helps Telemachus prepare for his journey, and he sets sail in secret that night.Suitors say they will stay as long as Penelope doesn’t pick one. Zeus sends down omen from sky. 1. What is the crisis in the palace? 2. What is the trick that Penelope is playing on the suitors? 3. What do the suitors want Penelope to do? 4. Zeus sends an omen (warning sign) and it is interpreted by Halitherses. What does he say it means? (Greeks believed in that birds were sent from gods to communicate something)

5. How does Eurymachus (a leader of the suitors) respond to this interpretation? 6. What is Telemachus’ plan? 7. How does Athena help Telemachus? Name 3 examples of her intervention in this book. What do you predict her role will be in this book?

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