Bod Meeting Minutes 12-5-2005

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ANCIENT OAKS HOMEOWNER=S ASSOCIATION, INC. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING December 05, 2005 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by President John Verga at 6:17 P.M. at the offices of Advanced Management, Inc. 9031 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, FL 34202 DETERMINATION OF QUORUM: Board Members present were John Verga, John Christman, Angela Jackson, Joe Sanchez, Bob Olson, James Keehner and Melissa Hay constituting a quorum. The full Board was present. Also present was Craig Smoot from AMI. There were 4 homeowners present. CONFIRMATION OF PROPER MEETING NOTICE: The notice for the meeting was posted in accordance with Bylaws of the Association and requirements of Florida Statutes. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Because of the change in the majority of the Board and the cancellation of the regular November Board Meeting in favor of the Annual Member’s Meeting, the current Board could not have been prepared to review and adopt the minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting of October 03, 2005. Therefore the minutes of that meeting will be distributed to the new Board and they will be prepared to dispose of this item of business at the next Board of Director’s Meeting. APPOINT COMMITTEE CHAIRS AND LIAISON: Modifications Committee: Needs two Chairpersons because this committee meets every two weeks and a different person chairs each meeting. President Verga appointed Frank Cheney (who is currently serving in that position) and J. R. Smullen as co-chairmen of the Modifications Committee. John Boyer was appointed as committee member. Bob Olson was appointed as the Board Liaison for this committee. Newsletter/Social Committee: Angela Jackson was appointed as Board Liaison for this committee and Melissa Hay was appointed as Chairperson. Lakes and Wetlands Committee: James Keehner was appointed as Chairman of this committee. Grounds Committee: Joe Sanchez was appointed as Chairman of this committee. (Please send any “Developer Punch-List” information to Joe). Violations/Fines Hearing Committee: Linda Jimenez was appointed to (remain) Chairperson of this committee. Other committee members are already in place on this committee. John Verga will be the Board Liaison for this committee. Committee Meetings: By direction of the Board, until further notice, every committee will meet every month. Committees will keep accurate minutes of their meetings which will be reviewed at each Board Meeting. Preferably, minutes will be kept in electronic format for ease of distribution and filing.



OLD BUSINESS: Fence Issues and Guidelines: Ancient Oaks Fence Guidelines

The following are the fence guidelines created by the Modification Committee (MC) on 03/19/05. All of these decisions were made by popular vote of the committee. Our decisions were based on the information provided in section (w) Walls and Fences, in Article IV, USE RESTRICTIONS, of our deed restrictions. In addition, we were mindful of the fence ordinances for Manatee County, and respectful of residents who were concerned that fences may harm their view. Our deed restrictions: a quote from section (w) Walls and Fences: "Any and all wall and fences may not exceed an average height of six (6) feet exclusive of pillars or ornaments and shall in no instance exceed six (6) feet in height measured from the first floor finished floor elevation unless approved by the NCC or MC in writing." Note: aside from fences needing to be approved, there is no mention of placement or materials. Manatee County: to paraphrase the County Fence Ordinance; you can place a fence anywhere on your property, including on the property line, but the fence must be on the property of the person who is erecting the fence. Fences along the sides and the back on the property can not exceed eight (8) feet in height. Fences erected beyond the front corners of the house can not exceed four (4) in height. If a homeowner places a fence in the utility easement, and a Utility company needs that fence moved, the owner must move the fence at their expense.

Note: The laws of Florida do not protect a person's view. Note: Deed Restrictions can be more restrictive than county ordinances. With the foregoing in mind, the Board recommends the following as the Ancient Oaks Fence Policy, with the intent to adopt this as a part of the Rules and Regulations of the Association. Materials: Vinyl (PVC) in white or tan, and Ornamental Aluminum in white, tan, dark green, bronze, or black. No chain link and no wood. Only the two materials mentioned will be considered. Location & height: You can place a fence anywhere on your property; however, you cannot put a fence beyond the front corners of your house. Basically: no fences in front. No fence may exceed 6 feet in height. To determine the fencing configuration for a lot, we have two types of lots. Lots with a side or sides that are on a shared view of a common pond or conservation area, (shared view lot), and lots that do not meet that criteria (no view lot). On shared view lots, the same height and location restrictions apply to hedges. NOTE: Landscaping changes require the same approval process as any other exterior modification. No View Lot: You can put a fence, no greater than 6 feet, along the sides, and the back, of the lot. However, with regard to the sides, the fence can not go past the front corners of the house.



Shared View Lot: "no view" side(s) You can put a fence, no greater than 6 feet, along the "no view" side(s) of the lot. However, the fence can not go past the front corners of the house. If it's a fence greater than 4 feet, the fence must end in the general vicinity of the back of the house or pool cage. Where exactly, will be determined by the MC when the request is submitted, in accordance with the layout of each house or pool cage. Shrubbery and hedges may not exceed the height of the fence on the shared view side(s). Shared View Lot: "shared view" side(s) The "shared view" side(s) of a Shared View Lot, are the side(s) directly on the common pond or conservation area, and include the sections of the "no view" side(s) that are also near that common pond or conservation area. On this "shared view" side(s), no fence can be greater than 4 feet, and must be of the open slot, or picket, type. Where exactly a fence will be placed will be determined by the MC when the request is submitted, in accordance with the layout of each lot. Basically: No stockade type fences, of any height, along the "shared view" side(s) of a lot. Shrubbery and hedges may not exceed the height of the fence on the shared view side(s). Approval Process: All fences must be approved by the MC. Homeowners who would like a fence, need to complete a Property Modification Request Form, sign it, and send it to the management company. Included should be a survey or site plan with the fence drawn in, fence heights, fence materials, and fence color must be specified.

Note: Fences facing the street or front of the house shall be softened with landscaping. Landscaping along fences will be kept trimmed and maintained at or below the level of the fence.

The Board decided to bring this issue to the membership by considering these changes to the Fence Guidelines at the next Board Meeting. This would constitute a change in the Association Rules and Regulations. This would require that the Board’s intention to vote on said changes be noticed to the membership at least 14 days in advance of any meeting where changes in the Rules and Regulations will be considered. AMI will make sure that the notices are sent in accordance with Florida Statutes and the Association Documents. The Board further discussed and decided that ALL fences existing as of this date at Ancient Oaks will be “Grandfathered In” and will NOT be required to conform to these new Regulations. Angela Jackson incorporated this entire section (above) into a MOTION to accept this as the Board’s official position and recommendation to be voted on by the Board at the next Board of Director’s Meeting. Melissa Hay seconded. The vote was unanimous. THE MOTION CARRIED.



Developer/Contractor Issues (Punch-List): As a joint effort, Board members will work together to develop a Punch-List for the developer prior to the first of the year. Joe Sanchez will coordinate this effort and all punch-list information should be funneled to him.

NEW BUSINESS: Future Meeting Dates and Location: The Board determined that they would like to have future Board meetings at a location closer to Ancient Oaks and that they would like for the start time to be 7:00P.M. Craig Smoot reminded the Board that the 7:00P.M. start time is in violation of their current contract. John Christman advised that the management contract is not a factor in this decision. The location was not determined as of this date. Inter-Neighborhood Connectors: After much discussion, John Christman and Angela Jackson agreed to represent the Board of Directors and visit the Manatee County Representatives and discuss options to the inter-neighborhood connector(s). Attorney Review: Craig Smoot presented a copy of the Attorney Agreement to the Board for review. The Board determined that at this time, the agreement is sufficient and there is no reason to research other attorney’s at this time. Chad McClenathen will remain the Association Attorney. Current Rules Violations: Currently there are no cases pending for the Violations/Fines/Hearings Committee. The most frequent violations are committed by builders and the Citizens Action Center has been a great help in dealing those. Perennial vs. Annuals for Plant Beds: There was discussion about this issue and the budgetary constrains. Joe Sanchez will attempt to resolve this issue via his committee. He and Angela and Melissa discussed the formation of a Garden Club made up of homeowners who may wish to solicit money for these projects.



Correspondence to the Board: Regular correspondence to the Board has been centered around the fence policy and contractor violations. These items have been sufficiently covered elsewhere in this meeting. New Bank Signature Cards: Craig Smoot pointed out that the Board will need to sign new signature cards from the bank designating who will be check signers. The Board determined that the Treasurer, President and Secretary will have signature authority and should be called in that order when checks need to be signed. HOMEOWNERS COMMENTS: The first homeowner to speak thanked John Verga for his tenure as a Board member and expressed his pleasure at the manner in which he (John V.) conducted this meeting. He thanked the Board for addressing the “fence issue” at this meeting and for making the changes that they have proposed. DIRECTORS COMMENTS: No further NEXT MEETING DATE: The Board of Director Meeting will be held at 7:00P.M. at a location to be determined later on December 29, 2005. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to be conducted this night, a motion was made by ALL and seconded by ALL, to adjourn the meeting at 8:01P.M. The motion passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted,

Craig Smoot Acting Secretary


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