Blood Inquiry

  • May 2020
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Name __________________________ Blood Typing Inquiry Lab Pre-Lab Discussion 1. Do you know your blood type? _____________ Ifso, what is it? ____________ 2. Why is it important to know your blood type? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Why are there so many blood types? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. What determines your blood type? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Lab Part One Materials Slides, colored water to represent blood, corresponding droppers, paper towels Procedure 1. You and your group will develop a method to determine which colors (blood) can be mixed without changing the original color (lighter or darker do not equal a color change). 2. When you have determined your procedure, record your data in the table below. 3. Using your data fill in the table below. Blue (A) Green (AB) Yellow (B) Clear (O) Blue (A) Green (AB) Yellow (B) Clear (O) 4. Using your data fill in the table below. Blood Accept From Type A AB B O

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Part Two Materials Plastic Slides 6 toothpicks Hema-Tag Anti-serum A Anti-serum B

Simulated blood for type AB Simulated blood for type O Simulated blood for Mr. Dumbledore Simulated blood for Mrs. Granger Simulated blood for Mr. Potter

Simulated blood for type A Procedure 1. You will develop a procedure to determine the blood type of Mr. Dumbledore, Mrs. Granger, and Mr. Potter. 2. Look for patterns with the known blood samples before testing your unknowns! 3. Fill in the table below. Anti-Serum A Anti-Serum B Blood Type Type A A Type AB


Type O


Mr. Dumbledore Mrs. Granger Mr. Potter Part Three – Do this only if you have time!!! Materials computer with internet access Procedure 1. Log on to the laptop. 2. Go to 3. List the eight blood groups (include ABO and Rh factors). a. b. _____ c. _____ d. _____ e. _____ f. _____ g. _____ h. _____ i.


4. Determine if an individual that has the Rh antigen can accept blood from an individual

without the Rhantigen. EXPLAIN. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Click on Play the Blood Typing Game and solve the medical blood typing problems. a. Red Haired Woman

__________ Which blood types can she receive?

b. Old Man

__________ Which blood types can he receive?

c. Purple Mohawk Guy

__________ Which blood types can he receive?

Post-Lab 1. During the Civil Warsoldiers may have been given blood transfusions. Some of the

soldiers would have survived after the transfusion and others would have died. EXPLAIN. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Why is O- blood in such high demand? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. If an individual was in an accident and needed a blood transfusion, what would they be given without knowing the blood type? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. If you were traveling in a forgeincountry that did not “type” their blood and were in an

accident, would you accept blood for a transfusion? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Since blood typing is important to ensure that blood does not agglutinate and cause death, what can be assumed about organ transplants? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

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