Region VII Blood Center
Blood is not for SALE…
Lisod kaayo mangita ug dugo
BLOOD Function Transport medium for carrying all its different components to the different organs of the body.
BENEFITS OF VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONATION 1. SAVE LIVES. 2. Personal health check. • Blood type • Blood pressure • Physical examination by physician 3. Boosts self-worth. • Do something for the community • Recognition 4. Ensure SAFER blood supply. 5. Maintain ADEQUATE blood supply.
Who are qualified to donate? AGE
16– 65 years old (<18 with written parental consent)
90/60 - 140/90 at least 50 kgs. 125 g/L
Giving of blood is a privilege. Only healthy donors can give. She/ he can give every three (3) months. Share your blood now and help save lives!
1.Donor screening and selection. 2. Actual blood extraction. 3. Post donation procedures.
What to do after donating blood? 1. Rest for about 5 to 10 minutes. 2. Drink plenty of 3.water. Apply pressure on the punctured site if necessary. 4. Avoid strenuous
Be a Regular blood Donor (blood donation can be done at most 4 times a year / 3 months after every donation)
MISCONCEPTIONS 1. “It w ill m ake me weak. ” *** After a short rest and some snacks, you will be able to resume your normal activities.
MISCONCEPTIONS 2. “Bu t I’ m scared of getti ng HI V/A ID S!” *** You do not get HIV by donating blood, only sterile disposable needles and syringes are
MISCONCEPTIONS 3. “I n eed b eer a nd ba lot i n order to r ecover” *** Just increase your water intake, it is enough for you to recover. No need for
MISCONCEPTIONS 4. “Th e t rait of the b lo od do nor w ill be tr ansfer red to th e p atien t” *** It is not the blood but by genes that traits are transferred from one person to another.
EXCUSES 1. Nob od y ha s ever a sked me to do nate . *** Consider yourself invited. 2. Y ou do n’ t nee d my do nation , I’ m j ust a c ommon ty pe “O”. *** Of course we do!, we are constantly in need of all blood types. “O” = 44% “B” = 26% “A” = 24%
EXCUSES 3. Bu t I ’ve j us t re covere d from a n ill ness. *** The Blood Bank physician will determine whether you are fit to donate or not.
4. I’ m anemi *** The c. Blood Bank tests for anemia before donation.
5. I’ ve ha d he pa titis .blood is tested negative *** If your one year after you recover from Hepatitis A, then you are acceptable
EXCUSES 6. I’ m to o o ld. *** The Blood Bank physician will determine whether you are fit to not.ll. 7. donate I’ m to oorsma *** Not if you weigh 50 kilograms or more.
8. I ha te n ee dle s.
*** You’ll hardly feel it, it will just sting a bit.
9. I’ m to o b usy, it’ s to o incDonating on ve nient. *** blood only takes an average of 30 minutes.
REGION VII BLOOD CENTER (RBC) • Started in 199 8. • Locat ed a t D OH co mpo und, Osm ena A ve., Ceb u Cit y. • Ta sk ed wi th c ol lec tio n o f bl ood f rom vo lunt ary do no rs a nd t he pr ov isi on of sa fe b lood , t o th e p op ulatio n o f Regio n 7. • Ot her f un cti on s i nc lude the p rep aration and di st ribu tion of b loo d c omp onent s fo r hosp it als w it hin t he r egio n, resea rch , a nd
cedures in giving blood volunt
1. Fill up a form
2. Interview and PE
. Hgb test - 125 4. Donating blood
5. 10 to 20 minutes rest 6. snacks
7. Donor is advised
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