Blog Skins 104737

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 393
  • Pages: 2
<noembed> Lost In Beauty- <script> window.defaultStatus=" The Beauty She Shows * "; <style type="text/css"> } A:link { text-decoration: none; font-weight: none; color: white; cursor: crosshair; filter: none;} A:visited { textdecoration: none; font-weight: none; color: white; cursor: crosshair; filter: none;} A:active { text-decoration: none; font-weight: none; color: white; cursor: crosshair; filter: none;} A:hover {text-decoration: none; color: white; cursor: ne-resize; border-bottom: 2px dotted white} } .navbar { overflow: auto; } body { scrollbar-face-color: black; scrollbarhighlight-color:black; scrollbar-3dlight-color: black; scrollbardarkshadow-color: black; scrollbar-shadow-color: black; scrollbararrow-color: white; scrollbar-track-color: black; cursor:default; } .head { font-family: Trebuchet MS; background-color: none; texttransform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; font-size: 11px; line-height: 12px; border-top:2px solid #B1B0AD; border-bottom:3px solid #B1B0AD; color: #000000; text-align:left; } .head2 { font-family: Trebuchet MS; fontsize: 8pt; font-weight: bold; line-height:13px; letter-spacing:1pt; border-bottom: red double; text-transform: none; color: #ffffff; backgroundcolor: none; text-align:left;}
...she's Beautiful

Your name here
and other blah blahs.

...Beauty ProDucts


...Other beauties



  • "><$BlogArchiveName$>


    insert tagboard here

    ...Lost in beauty

    layout design, coding, photoediting,

    by ice angel

    style="border: 1px solid #ddd" src="" width="166" height="94">

    Brushes 1| 2



    the beauty exposed ;

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