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TO BLESS A NEW RELATIONSHIP Bake a fresh loaf of bread. Hold it up to the moon and ask the lady to bless the bread as well as the relationship. Break off a piece of the bread for your partner, as well as one for yourself as well. As you share time together, share the bread as well. Do not cut the bread with a knife or any other cutting tool. Just break off the pieces with your hands. Adding butter or jam might be a good idea to help sweeten things up a bit. BLESSING A NEW HOME, HOME CLEANSING Home-cleansing methods are of great importance in African-American hoodoo folk-magic. Here is a simple procedure for blessing a new home and ridding a house of any unwanted spiritual influences. Wash down the wood work and floors with Chinese Wash (or Van Van Oil in water) from back to front and out the front door and throw the remaining wash water out the front door or in the front yard. If there is no front yard, carry some of the wash water to the nearest street intersection or crossroads and throw it to the East. Then use a brand new broom to sweep the house from back to front and out the front door. Some folks also like to sprinkle Van Van Powder at the front threshold and sweep that away from the house. After cleaning as above, put down pinches of salt in the corners of each room or, if you are in a hurry, four pinches of salt at the four outside corners of the house. BOOK OF SHADOWS BLESSING Preparation: At the time of the Full Moon, take your Book of Shadows (one that hasn't been written in yet) and some incense (pennyroyal, anise or rue) outside. Ritual: Under the light of the Full Moon, draw a pentagram on the first page and under this write the following information: date, time, place, your magical name (and sigil if you have one), the moon's phase and any other info you feel is important. Hold the book up to the Moon and say: "Here as the Full Moon shines upon me, Bless this Book I've made tonight. I humbly ask this of thee, Underneath your most sacred light."

TO HONOR YOUR HOUSEHOLD SPIRITS When presenting your house spirits with offerings of incense, candles or what not you can say this little chant: "Wraith of the house, Take heart and live,

To every chamber this light I give, To every corner this breath I send Approve and favor my willing hand." A HOME BLESSING -- Pentagram Compass Rosemary Lavender Snap lock bag Glue the Pentagram to the compass, "Spirit" point north. Place everything into bag, and bury in center of building or middle of door. Pentagram pointing north. Cast a circle, Chant the spell. Goddess and God bless this house; Keep it free from bug or mouse. For good or bad, dark or light, those unwelcome will feel thy might. Protect me as I do thy will, here you are master for good or ill Goddess and God hear my prayer So mote it be! Concentrate on the Spell until you feel the power flowing, and then break the circle and finish. BOOK BLESSING I will serve the Great Goddess, And give reverence to the Great God, I am a Pagan, A stone in the ancient circle, Standing firmly, Balanced on the earth, Yet open to the winds of heaven, And enduring through time, May the old gods witness my words. HOUSE BLESSING Find the center point of the house. If there is more than one level, then use the stairs as the center. Take a cup of red wine and take a sip at each turn. Drain the cup at the end Face the East saying: “Lady of Love and power and all blessings, breathe Love into this house. Fill the air with good. Through you and in you, I bless this house.” Face the South saying: “Lady of Love and living and all blessings, warm this house with comfort. Make whole its hearth. Through you and in you, I bless this house.” Face the West saying: “Lady of tide and time and all blessings, let every hour flow sweetly in this house. Make pure its tides. Through you and in you, I bless this house”. Face the North saying: “Lady of earth and stability and all blessings, plant security within this boundary. Make strong its defences. Through you and in you, I bless this house.” Turn to all four points twice more and repeat each time: “You are blessed”.

BLESSING OF WATER "Oh Great Ones, My Goddess and my God, I call upon you, In need of your help, Bless this water, (Hold up small bowl of water.) Bless this water, with you power, with you purification, With you healing powers, Bless this water (put bowl down, and now use the water for power, purification and healing) With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is done, so mote it be and blessed be.” HOME BLESSING Bread is offered to the household guardians as a libation, and the salt is kept in the heart of the home to ground any evil that might enter. After you do this, burn purifying or protecting incense such as frankincense, cinnamon, or pepper moving it from room to room while you visualize any negativity fleeing from your home. As you go, chant over and over your words of power: Smoke of air and fire and earth Cleanse and bless this home and hearth Drive away all harm and fear Only good may dwell in here DWELLING BLESSING Dwelling of Stone, Metal, Wood and Earth Silent One, Protective One, you of the four winds Dwelling of Health, Wealth Joy and Peace: Guardian Sustained you of the Earth Dwelling of Stone Metal Wood and Earth Secure One Peaceful One You of the Guarded and protected you be Cleansed and pure you be Peaceful and loving you be It is finished in Beauty It is finished in Beauty It is finished in Beauty WITCHES LADDER FOR COMFORT AND BLESSING If you want to do a spell to comfort [a sick friend], try making a witch's ladder. Take a long blue cord or ribbon, and collect 7 symbols to hang from it -things like Grey feathers for protection during sleep, sprigs of healing herbs, garlic for healing and protection, small talismans, conjure bags, charms you get the idea. The important thing is that the symbols should represent comfort, protection, and healing. Tie them to the cord and charge it with comforting power.

BLESSING OIL --1 to 4 lavender blossoms --2 drops each sage, basil, patchouli essential oil --Carrier oil (can be olive used for protection, almond, sunflower, etc.) Choose a small dark vial. Place all but the oil in the vial together, then add enough oil to fill the bottle. Shake thoroughly. Use for anointing ritual candles, self, consecrating tools, etc. Lavender is there for purification, happiness, love, and peace; Basil brings protection and love; Sage brings purification, protection, healing, wealth, longevity; Patchouli brings prosperity, wards off evil and negativity, aids divination. All of these are desirable generic attributes so makes a good blend for general purposes. Great for keeping on your personal altar for magical workings. HOUSE BLESSING Prepare your home and yourself for the onset of spring by first cleaning house the conventional way. As you do, meditate on the mental debris you need to clean out as well. Then, when you're ready, take up your ritual broom, start at the front door and sweep all around the house, visualizing all unwanted things being swept away by your magical broom. When you return to the front door, open it wide and sweep this stuff away. Now light a white candle and carry it around your home. Visualize a light of peace and newness spreading around you and your home. Make a circle of light before each window and door, asking the blessings of the Goddess and the God on your home and all who dwell within it. BLESSING FOR THE BODY To convert the senses This blessing gives the body more connection with the spirit. It may also help with your readiness to channel. To be done at night in the moon's view. Extravagance is not appreciated. Light a large white candle. Burn sandalwood and balsam and pine. Prepare a bowl of water sprinkled with salt. Put this before you and touch it to each part of your body. To the eyes Bless my eyes that I might have clarity of vision To the mouth Bless my mouth that I may speak the truth To the ears Bless my ears that I may hear all that is spoken and not To the heart Bless my heart that I may be filled with love To the uterus

Bless my womb that I may be in touch with my creative energy that stems from the universe To the feet Bless my feet that I may find and walk my own true path Fill yourself with understanding, and from that love. Extinguish candle when done (can be used for other purposes). BOOK BLESSING Hearken as the Witch's word Calls the lady and the lord Moon above and earth below Sky's cool blue and sun's hot glow In this right and ready hour Fill these pages with thy power May no unprepared eye to see The secrets which trusted be To I who walk the hidden road To find the hearthstone's calm abode Guardians from the four directions Hear me and lend thy protection May these truths of Earth and skies Shaded be from prying eyes But to the witches whose map this be May the way be plain to see And through all the coming ages May we find home in these pages So mote it be! HOME BLESSING Who comes to me, I keep. Who goes from me, I free. Yet against all I stand who do not carry my key. Use this as an inscription over a threshold with three pine cones hung loose to blow in the wind. BLESSING OF THE BOOK OF SHADOWS Hearken as the witch's word calls to all, a gulf to ford. Bridge the vast realities. An it harm none, do as ye please. Elements, protect and guard this book, from wandering eyes and prying looks. Fill it with thine ancient powers, in this right and ready hour. Powers of the North, the East below, help me to live, to learn, to grow. Lend your strength and stability, to practice the Craft and with love be free. Powers of East, the wind, the Sky, watch over these pages with thine eye. Your wisdom and knowledge, for these I do ask, that this book be worthy of the Craft and its task. Powers of South, Fire, and hearth, help these Shadows to prove their worth. Infuse them with all your healing and passion, so only good comes from the work that is fashioned.

Powers of West, the Water and sea, change and growth are granted by thee. Bless these pages with all that you know, that righteous readers may learn and grow. And to the unschooled eye that see, confusing words and sophistry, lead them from these sacred pages, and bless their passage through the ages. For free will of all, and harm none, as I have willed it, it is now done. So mote it be! TO BLESS IN ALL WAYS Envision the person you intend to bless, concentrating upon this with your eyes closed, and speaking rhythmically, feeling each part of the blessing as you think it. "For you, through the power of the Lady, a helmet of light. For you, through the power of the Lady, strength that is growing, Strength to strength, and ease and easeful sleep, and gladness spreading, Thankfulness spreading through all of your body, all of yourself, in the power of the Lady, By the power of the Lady, through the power of the Lady." BLESSING NEW HOME CHANT Touch the lintel and touch the wall, nothing but blessings here befall! Bless the candle that stands by itself, Bless the book on the mantle shelf, Bless the pillow for the tired head, Bless the hearth and the light shed. Friends who tarry here, let them know a three-fold blessing before they go. Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow Faith in yesterday and tomorrow. Friends who go from here, let them bear the blessing of hope, wherever they fare. Lintel and windows, sill and wall, nothing but good, this place befall. BLESSING PENS In the phase of a new moon, stand where it shine directly onto you, keep with you a bowl of consecrated water, some crushed rose petals, a pinch of salt, and any protection incense, also your pen of choice. Sprinkle all the things you have gathered into the water, and say times three: 'Ink so black as the night blessed be times three said times three with moon light blessed be. Serve me right serve only me through good and bad so mote it be! If using a red or blue pen, just change 'black' to whatever it may be, and change 'night' to whatever may be fitting. CAR BLESSING Before leaving on a lengthy journey, bless your car. Walk around it clockwise and examine the body, the windows, the wheels, and so on. Imagine yourself storing up more and more energy within yourself with each breath that you

take, then breathe out all of the energy, fixing it in each of the car's part. Say aloud, "May the protection of the Lord and the Lady be in and about this vehicle, that it may deliver us safe to our destination. So mote it be!" “I’M BLESSED TO HAVE YOU” SPELL This spell is worked to build appreciation and thankfulness for the loving Goddess and Spirits who have brought you together with the one you love. Take a white candle. Clean it for ritual use. Anoint it with Gratitude or I'm Thankful Oil. Light it every night or morning as part of your daily prayer or meditation time holding the thoughts of thankfulness and gratitude for all that you have including the love in your life. When finished, take the wax and sprinkle it with salt. Rinse in running water. Place in white bag with pinch of salt and dispose of it. ROOM BLESSING/CLEANSING/PROTECTION SPELL This is a bare-bone, generic spell. Use when the energies in your home or in a particular room start feeling "off" or negative. This spell can be tweaked to suit your particular method of working or use as is. You will need: Small cauldron or other fire-proof bowl for burning herbs - one that you are able to carry. Your favorite protection oil Clearing herbs such as sage, cedar, rosemary, etc. Charcoal tablet (a half tablet would suffice) Matches Trace the pentagram starting from the top point - in this spell you are invoking Spirit. Meditate before you begin - make sure you're in the right state of mind to proceed. An Alpha state is the best. The Spell: Light charcoal in bowl/cauldron and when burning, drop a pinch or two of your clearing herbs into the cauldron. Take a minute to take in the energy of the herbs. Carry the vessel around the room - paying special attention to corners, closets, and places negative energy seems to linger. Project a clear, clean, white light with your mind and say: "By my will I banish all darkness and let in the light." (repeat around the room) When you've thoroughly cleansed the room, return to the center and put down your cauldron. Take up the oil and go to the North. Trace a pentagram on the wall (window sill, door frame, etc.) Say: From the North I call to Thee. Blessings of the Spirit be upon this place. Go to the East and say: From the East I call to Thee. Blessings of the Spirit be upon this place. Continue to the South and West, changing the blessing accordingly. When complete, return to the center of the room and place more herbs on the charcoal. Stand still a bit and feel the energy of the room/space. Again, project white light outward, mentally filling all the nooks and crannies.

When the energy feels right to you say: This room is sealed Protected from harm. Light replaces darkness As I will, so mote it be. Note: This spell can obviously be expanded for an entire house. Just begin in the center of the house instead of the center of the room. If you are uncomfortable calling on "Spirit" for protection, you can substitute the name of your Deity. BLESSING Of FULL MOON WATER This spell can be used on the Full Moon, to bless the Holy Water you have made. You can then save it and use to bless candles, etc. You will need; A bowl, jar or cup filled with the Holy Water made see previous post Put a compact mirror or small miror in the Bowl so the moonlight glints off it with the silvery light of the Goddess Say: "Oh Great Ones , My Goddess and my God , I call upon you, In need of your help, Bless this water, (Hold up small bowl of water.) Bless this water, With you power, With you purification, With you healing powers, Bless this water, Put bowl down. You have made Full Moon blessed water, and you can now use the water for power, purification and healing. Then say, With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is done, So mote it be and blessed be ." **The water is charged in the light of the full moon overnight** WHITE CANDLE SPELL FOR BLESSING Get a white candle -- either a plain one (offertory, pillar, or taper) or a figural one in the gender of the person you want to bless. Carve the person's full name on the candle, then dress it with Blessing Oil or Holy Oil. For more power, you may place a name-paper of the person, or a photo, or some personal item of theirs (such as a bit of hair or a snippet of clothing) either under the candle or next to it. One easy way to do this is to place the paper or personal concerns under an overturned saucer and put the candle on top of the saucer. Burn a portion of the candle every day for seven days, pinching it out between burnings. As you light it each day, say this: “[Name], may you be blessed May all good things come to you

May nothing whatsoever harm you May your heart be light May your travels be safe May your health be good May your mind be sound May your friendships sustain you May you be blessed in every way” * If you have a special request for this person (such as that they find a lover, get a good job, come home safely from a war, or whatever), just add it to the list. Some people use a large pillar-type candle and keep it going for longer than seven days. They may make a habit of burning such a candle every day -- or once a week, on Sundays -- for as long as their friend or relative needs help, even doing so for months at a time. If the candle is large and it is to be burned in this way, it should be redressed with Blessing Oil or Holy Oil once a week: after the initial dressing, you can drop a tiny bit of oil into the "well" or hole in such a large candle just before lighting it each time. SELF-BLESSING RITUAL This ritual should be performed during the new moon, but it is not limited to that phase. Need, not season, determines the performance There is real power in the Self Blessing; it should not be used other than in time of need and should not be done promiscuously. The purpose of the ritual is to bring the individual into closer contact with the Godhead /Goddess. It can also be used as a minor dedication, when a person who desires dedication has no one who can dedicate him. This self-blessing ritual may also be used as a minor exorcism, to banish any evil influences which may have formed around the person. It may be performed by any person upon himself, and at his desire. Perform the ritual in a quiet place, free from distractions, and nude. You will need the following: 1. Salt, about one-quarter teaspoon. 2. Wine, about an ounce. 3. Water, about one-half ounce. 4. Candle, votive or other. The result of the ritual is a feeling of peace and calm. It is desirable that the participant bask in the afterglow so that he or she has called the attention of the Goddess or Godhead to himself, asking to grow closer to the Godhead/Goddess in both goals and in wisdom. When you are ready to begin, sprinkle the salt on the floor and stand on it, lighting the candle. Let the warmth of the candle be absorbed into the body. Mix the water into the wine, meditating upon your reasons for performing the self-blessing.

Read the following aloud: BLESS ME, MOTHER, FOR I AM THY CHILD. Dip the fingers of the right hand into the mixed water and wine and anoint the eyes. BLESSED BE MY EYES, THAT I MAY SEE THY PATH. Anoint the nose. BLESSED BE MY NOSE, THAT I MAY BREATHE THY ESSENCE. Anoint the mouth. BLESSED BE MY MOUTH, THAT I MAY SPEAK OF THEE. Anoint the breast. BLESSED BE MY BREAST, THAT I MAY BE FAITHFUL IN THY WORKS. Anoint the loins. BLESSED BE MY LOINS, WHICH BRING FORTH THE LIFE OF MAN AS THOU HAST BROUGHT FORTH ALL CREATION. Anoint the feet. BLESSED BE MY FEET, THAT I MAY WALK IN THY WAYS. Remain... and meditate for a while. You will feel renewed. RITUAL OF SELF-BLESSING You will need a small votive candle and holder (white is always good, but use color if you feel called to do that) an incense stick, cone, or herbs (such as sage or thyme) to burn a small container of water a small container of salt I find that a sugar and creamer set works very well for this. These can be purchased quite reasonably and set aside just for this use. This is a ritual which connects you to the deepest levels of healing. It also connects you to the four elements and their energies. In this way it is most helpful for dealing with the shamanic elemental energies of Nature. The candle represents the element of Fire The incense or herbs represent Air The container of water is Water The container of salt is Earth. Beyond that, these elements reflect your own needs. The element of Fire reflects your relationships, protection, ideas and achievements. The element of Air reflects your creativity, spirituality, inspiration and philosophies. The element of Water reflects your emotions, intuition, dream states, psychic gifts, and healing balance. The element of Earth reflects your practicality, knowledge, sacred wisdom, and growth. Find a quiet time and place where you will not be disturbed. You may make this as ceremonial or as informal as you choose. Light the incense and take a few moments to consider the element of Air. Consider the gifts that Air reflects in you. Light the candle and take a few moments to consider the element of Fire. Consider the gifts that Fire reflects in you.

Take a few moments to consider the element of water and how it reflects in you. Take a few moments to consider the element of Earth and how it reflects in you. Very gently, pour the water into the container of salt. If you are using herbs as an incense, you may sprinkle a few in the water and salt mixture. Stir the salt and water with your fingers. Consider the blending of elements that creates life itself. Consider the balance of elements and their attributes in your life. Take a few moments to do this. Facing the candle, dip your fingers in the water mixture and touch your forehead (3rd eye area). Say: "Bless me Mother, for I am your child." (The original was written for the Goddess as Mother. Another deity name can be substituted here, or simply say "Spirit.") Now dip your fingers in the water mixture and touch the area around your eyes carefully. Say: "Bless my eyes that I may see you." Dip again and touch your nose. Say: "Bless my nose that I may breathe your essence." Dip again and touch your ears. Say: "Bless my ears that I may hear your wisdom." Dip again and touch your mouth. Say: "Bless my mouth that I may speak your name." Dip again and touch your heart. Say: "Bless my heart that I may feel your love." Dip again and touch your lower abdomen. Say: "Bless my cauldron center that I may create harmony." Dip again and touch your feet. Say: "Bless my feet that I may walk in balance." Dip again and rub your hands together. Say: "Bless my hands that I may share your healing in my work." Take all the time you need to concentrate on the elements before you. Focus your attention on the candle and visualize healing light flowing into you. Feel strength emerging from deep inside yourself. Breathe deeply and capture that moment. Connect with the source of strength and healing. When you feel you are finished, blow out the candle. It is good to leave the incense burning if you can. Air is a communicating element, and smoke is transformation. The incense carries the messages of healing and strength to Spirit. If you have used herbs, it is good to return the ashes to Nature. In this way, you are grounding the energy, bringing the message and the transformation to earth. Make sure the ashes are cold; then place them at the roots of a tree or bush if possible. If not, place them in soil or sand. The salt and water mixture can be used very effectively in several ways. You may wash your gemstones or other stones in this. Crystals love this, since their energy is so personally connected to yours. You may save the mixture and dab a little on your third-eye area every day for a few days, as a reminder. You may pour the mixture into your bath for a gentle energizer.

When the bathwater drains, visualize a connection between yourself and the energies of Mother Ocean. You may return the mixture to earth by pouring it on soil or sand. Remember, plants don't thrive in salt; so keep the mixture clear of plants. You may sprinkle the mixture throughout your house to seal in positive energies and protection.

TO BLESS AND CONSECRATE WEDDING RINGS To consecrate, bless and dedicate Wedding Rings to the Lord and Lady, first find the place where you wish to set up the altar. This place must not be disturbed, for it will take on sacred and holy energies, and you will not want anything to happen to this area. Write two blessings to read to each other if you desire to and use some beautiful music if there is some available. Have a Chalice of wine on the altar to drink from after the blessing. Remember, the more energy and work that you put into your blessing ceremony , the more magical energy it will take on. You may even use an energy bell or Tibetan bell to signify that you are beginning to call those spiritual guides to assist you with your blessing of the rings. Once you have found that place, take a smudge wand of Sage, light it and begin to clear the air around the altar. Constantly, keep Love and Light in your consciousness. Now, move to the four elements and ask for their guiding presence and for their blessing for your rings. Use a compass if needed to find the proper directions on the Earth. North =Earth; South = Fire; East = Air; West = Water; Around = Spirit Ask for their blessings and honor their assistance. Next, begin to set up the altar, placing each of the two rings you wish to bless on the altar gently and reverence. You may wish to use two 7 day candles (buy cheaply) to represent the eternal presence of the God and Goddess in your life. Black for God, White for Goddess. Red Candle for fire, incense for Air, small bowl of water for west, and salt for the Earth and North. Once your altar is set up the way you want it, spend a few moments in quiet meditation thinking about what this Ring Blessing Ceremony means to you. Now, allow the altar to fill you with its magic and energy. Feel the magic around you. breathe in the Love and Light from the Lord and Lady. Visual yourself and your love for each other revitalized because of it's presence. See yourself becoming more healthy, whole, and wise. Now, say aloud the Blessings you have written for each other. Sprinkle the rings with Salt for North; (Earth) Pass rings over or through the red candle flame; South (Fire) Sprinkle rings with water, West (Water) Pass rings through Incense smoke, East; (Air) Say something like: "We pledge these rings consecrated to the Lord and Lady to each other as an outward symbol of our love for each other ." Drink some wine from the Chalice holding it each to the others lips. Replace Chalice. When you are ready to end your Ring Blessing Ritual; sound the bell once again, thanking all elements for their presence and assistance.

Send them back to their humble abode harming none on their way. Now, thank the Lord and Lady for their presence in your life. Take a deep breath of the fresh magic around you and repeat: So mote it be!

HOME BLESSING MAGICK A home blessing meditation for charging a room: Sit Straight with palms on lap, take deep breaths, relax, and move into a mental space where you activate your intuitive senses, Imagine a cord of energy from your spine connecting you to the Earth, and channel energy from the Earth through it, Silently ask for divine protection, guidance, and blessing, Direct your psychic sensing outward, and feel lines of force coming out of your aura, Note where the strongest energy is (check out the floor, ceiling, directions, etc), Note spots that feel empty or dead, note places that feel full alive, focus on where you are sitting and how you feel at that particular spot, Imagine a sphere of light and love energy at your heart, feel it pulsing outward with every breath. Feel the radiance increase with every breath, feel your self as a star, continue to breathe deeply and send out the energy, letting it pulsate in the room, When ready, start making power sounds representing the love and light you are channeling; use it to amplify the light you are weaving; and fill the room with the energy, then shift focus to sending a probe out into the room, and note the differences in the quality of energy and how you feel about it, Repeat if necessary, When done, feel the completeness of the work. A room blessing involving elemental quarter invocations: Face each direction (with arms out in appropriate elemental invoking gesture), and say, while channeling and visualizing elemental power: Powers of (say direction), Powers of (say corresponding element), We great you, we honor you, we welcome you here! Watch over and bless and protect this place. After each invocation, shape the energy into columns of light by sweeping ones arms together until they are parallel and sweeping them up and down while channeling and shaping the energy, when the energy is properly shaped; say “So mote it be”. After you have done all four quarters, channel in spirit energy. To return the energy to a more mellow state while energizing yourself,put your hands out and take in a bit of the energy into your self from each direction, going widdershins, hold hands to your heart and take in the energy (techniques also exist for bringing it into a stone and retrieving it when needed). HOUSE BLESSING Salt & Water Incense (fire and air) Milk & Honey Oil (for anointing) Wine (for offering) Bells, Pots, Pans, Whistles, etc. Cast a circle in the main room (living room) and after casting, visualize the circle expanding to include the entire house. Call upon the spirits and energies living in the house (or apartment). Invite those who will be

harmonious with the new household and its energies to remain. Invite/ask those who will be happier elsewhere to depart. Release all "energies" not compatible with the new household. (This may be expressed as a "release" in order to unbind anything that may be stuck.) Then call upon, greet, and invite ancestors, patron deities, and all harmonious spirits and energies to dwell in the house as they please. Gather up the pots, pans, and all the noisemakers. Go to each door and window, not forgetting the fireplace and dog-door, making as much racket as humanly possible--to shoo out anything unwanted. (This is hysterical fun, and also raises lots of energy for the next important step.) Go again throughout the house and at each portal (door, window, etc.) sprinkle salt-water and cense, saying: "By the Elements I purify and charge this portal." Then anoint the portal with milk and honey, saying "By Milk and Honey I ensure prosperity and peace within this place." Finally, anoint the portal with oil, saying: "With Oil I seal this portal and protect all within." At the front door a special prayer is said, asking the guardian deities (God & Goddess) to freely grant entry to all friends and loved ones, and to prevent passage (turn aside) to any who would do harm." Then, if it's a house pour wine across the width of the threshold; if it's an apartment anoint the threshold with light touches of wine. The householders then each take a sip of wine, leaving some as an offering to the Gods, and the Circle should be closed. The remaining wine, milk, and honey should be offered to the Gods. A HOUSE BLESSING At dawn, rise and light some incense. Walk slowly through the quiet house and say the following words while visualizing their meaning and intent. House of stone, metal, wood, and earth Silent one, protective one, you of the four winds House of health, wealth, joy and peace Guardian, sustainer, you of earth House of stone, metal, wood and earth Secure one, peaceful one, you of the charm Guarded and protected you be Cleansed and put you be Peaceful and loving you be It is finished in beauty It is finished in beauty It is finished in beauty Set down the incense and draw as exact a likeness of your house as you can from your imagination. Draw it from all angles; from above, from the front, from behind. If you live in an apartment, draw the building as well. When finished, go outside and check your drawing. Is as accurate as you can make it? If not, draw a new one or make changes until the drawing satisfies you. No great skill is required, you need only make a recognizable likeness of your home. When finished, take a white candle and a sharp knife. Cut seven evenly spaced notches in the candle so that you create a knobbed candle. Now set

the drawing down on a table where it can remain for seven days. Set the candle on top of it and light it while visualizing your home as blessed, safe and loving. Let the candle burn down one notch the first day as you go about your early morning business, then pinch or snuff out the flame and leave it until the next day. The next morning, repeat the ritual - from lighting the incense and saying the blessing chant to burning one candle notch. On the seventh day, after the candle has burned down all the way, fold the drawing into a tight package and secure it with red or white cord. Place it in a wooden box with salt and dried roses and tie the box shut with another white cord. Finally, place the box in the home where it won't be seen or found.

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