SKID/FLIP LAYOUT 5 1/2” pin above with 45 Mass Bias Ball Choice: Pin out 3 to 5” Ball Motion: Length with sharpest breakpoint Best Condition: Light oil, inside angles, and slower ball speeds Flare Potential: Medium Pin Placement: 5 1/2” from bowlers PAP, located above the fingers Mass Bias Placement: To the right of the thumb hole Balance Hole: If needed, place balance hole 4” from center of span on a line through the center of gravity ALL PURPOSE
5” Pin with 75 Mass Bias Ball Motion: Medium length with sharper breakpoint Best Condition: Inside angles, medium ball speeds and higher rev rate players Flare Potential: Medium Pin Placement: 5” from bowlers PAP, located under fingers Mass Bias Placement: To the right of the Grip Centerline, below and to the right of the thumb hole. Balance Hole: If needed, place
balance hole 4” from center of span on a line through the center of gravity
STRONG LAYOUT 4” Pin with 75 Mass Bias Ball Motion: Maximum hook potential Best Condition: Longer patterns, oil carrydown, low to medium rev rate players and faster ball speeds Flare Potential: High Pin Placement: 4” from the bowlers PAP Mass Bias Placement: To the right og the Grip Centerline, below and to the right of the thumbhole Balance Hole: If needed, place balance hole 4” from center of span on a line through the center of gravity LABEL LAYOUT (SMOOTH ARC)
4” Pin with 90 Mass Bias Ball Motion: Medium length with a smooth and continuous arc Best Condition: Medium oil patterns, dry backends, slower ball speeds, and higher rev rate players Flare Potential: Medium High Pin Placement: 4” from bowlers PAP Mass Bias Placement: On the Grip Center Line, below thumb hole Balance Hole: If needed, place balance hole 4” from center of span on a line through the center of gravity FULL ROLLER LAYOUT Full Roller Ball Track Reaction: Strong arcing ball motion Flare Potential: High Pin Placement: 3 3/8” from bowlers center of span, located in a 7:30 direction from the center of span Mass Bias Placement: 2:00 direction from the center of span
High rev rate bowlers should not place balance holes more than 5” from center of span. All layouts are for right-handed players. Please reverse the layout for left-handed players.
MASS BIAS DEGREE PLACEMENT Mass Bias Degree Placements are determined by the angle formed by a line drawn from the pin to the Mass Bias mark versus a line drawn from the pin to the PAP. Mass Bias Locations are a secondary dynamic infl uence in determining ball reaction. The pin position relative to the PAP is the most important influence. The following are the influences of the Mass Bias placements: 0º Mass Bias–– Early Roll with smooth breakpoint. Best for heavier, fresh oil patterns with clean backends 45º Mass Bias – Early Roll with strong breakpoint. Best for heavier oil patterns, lower ball tracks, and faster ball speeds 75º Mass Bias – Medium Length with more angular breakpoint. Best for inside angles, higher ball tracks, medium oil patterns 90º Mass Bias – Medium length with smooth breakpoint. Best for medium oil patterns with clean backends or slower ball speeds. 135º Mass Bias – medium length with hook/set backend. Best for higher rev rates to control over reaction Please review the following Drilling Instructions to match up with your favorite layout.
Black Widow 16# RG DIFF 2.51 .049
15# RG DIFF 2.50 .060
14# RG DIFF 2.49 .057
13# RG DIFF 2.53 .055
Mass Bias Rating High
12# RG DIFF 2.60 .039