Black Magisters

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  • Words: 2,462
  • Pages: 5
Black Magisters and The Order of the Legacy of Teclis Black Magister is one of the titles given to any mage that breaches the archaic Imperial articles of magic, specifically by drawing upon multiple “Winds of Magic” either separately or together. This crime has only one punishment: Death. If discovered by either his own college, the civil or religious authorities a Black Magister and his confederates can only expect to be sadistically tortured and then brutally executed. Unsurprisingly Black Magisters tend to be very secretive. Throughout the history of the Imperial Collages of Magic many Magisters have concluded that the High Elf sorcerer Teclis was incorrect in his belief that humans could only wield a single “Wind of Magic” safely. As a result a not insignificant number of Imperial Magisters decide to experiment with the use of more than a single “Wind of Magic”. Originally most of these Magisters worked alone, progressing through a dangerous system of trial and error, which often ended in either disaster or limited success no greater than the average Witch. However, this all changed about 80 years ago when Lady Natassia von Klauen, a Celestial Master Wizard had a prophetic vision of a tall pale man wielding energy comprised of every colour of the rainbow, the energy spiralled outwards and slammed into a great malevolent darkness and drove it back screaming, standing in a circle around the man stood eight Wizards, one of each Colour, the Wizards bowed before the man, acknowledging him as their superior. Lady Natassia was convinced that the dream had been sent to show her the future of Human magic and resolved to do everything in her power to bring this dream to fruition. Among the Colleges of Magic it was an open secret that some Magisters experiment with magic’s beyond their remit. Lady Natassia used her own investigative abilities as well as her divining magic to seek out some of these Black Magisters. Lady Natassia confronted at least one Black Magister from each college, she herself represented the Celestial College, Lady Natassia informed her associates of her prophetic dream and tabled an offer of mutual co-operation. Each Magister would share the secrets of their college in a bid to first learn to control multiple “Winds of Magic” separately and in time create a universal lore which combined all eight; the Rainbow Lore. The group named themselves “The Order of the Legacy of Teclis”. Where single Wizards had failed “The Legacy of Teclis” succeeded, no longer were the Black Magisters experimenting via trial and error, professional training was received and soon most of the original group had mastered at least two “Colours of Magic”. The success pleased the group greatly and over time new members were inducted into the growing society. Over the last 80 years the “The Legacy of Teclis” has advanced a great deal, all of the original founders have died by now but the dream of a universal magic is still very much alive. The society is always in danger as many of the key members have elected to stay within the Colleges of Magic under the pretence of being merely another Colour Wizard, as the colleges are the best source of new Apprentices in the world. However, in the last twenty years other members of The Order have left the colleges to setup training centres in other countries, Estalia, Tilea and the Border Princes now all boast centres sponsored by and trained in the methods of The Legacy of Teclis.

The society’s research has reached the point where by the traditional training of the Colleges of Magic has been rejected in favour of a more unilateral approach which enables the students to learn multiple styles of magic (Hence Characters trained by the Legacy of Teclis use the Careers below as opposed to the regular Wizard Careers). This training has to be performed in a covert manner as it would be considered heresy by both the magical and secular authorities. Apprentices are carefully selected and only those that the society feel have the potential to learn, the ability to keep a secret at all costs and most importantly a true desire to advance the state of Human magical theory are inducted into the secrets. To date The Order of the Legacy of Teclis has enjoyed substantial success, Lady Natassia died having mastered five of the eight lore’s, it is rumoured that the founding Amethyst Mage a Heinrich Kohler learned all eight lore’s before his death about thirtyfive years ago (This is untrue Heinrich died without mastering the Lore of Heavens) and a current prominent member of the society Dortmund von Klauen (Natassia von Klauen’s grandson) has mastered six of the lore’s, he is still struggling with both the Lore of Beasts and the Lore of Life. The majority of the society’s members have knowledge of three or four lore’s. It is important to note that while The Order are devoted to advancing Human magical theory, they do believe in the “Colour Theory” and the society is at least as firmly against the use of dhar magic as the regular collages if not more so. The society believes that using dark magic is regressive, to their understanding the use of dhar is the lowest form of magical control and as the society’s ultimate goal is to craft a universal magic utilising all eight colours of magic in perfect harmony, the use of dhar is seen as totally counter-productive, it is punishable by death, of course as the society has no legitimate standing a death sentence will usually be carried out by assassination. The society is in fact completely loyal to the Empire and mankind despite breaking laws that would see them burned at the stake. But the members of the society feel that the ends justify the means. The Order of the Legacy of Teclis has several strictures that must be adhered to:  You must do everything possible to advance Human magical theory.  You may never use Dark Magic: Dhar is the antithesis of the society’s goals. Use of dhar is punishable by death.  You must never reveal your greater knowledge to anyone without the permission of at least three other members of the society.  Serve the Empire and Mankind.

Black Magister Careers Note: These Black Magister Careers are specifically designed to represent the training received from The Order of the Legacy of Teclis. Anyone taking this Career Path must be a member of Order of the Legacy of Teclis. Note 1: Only those the society trusts are allowed to begin training, if the GM feels that the Player is not responsible enough to wield this extra power then he/she may bar a Character from entering this Career Path. Note 2: The magic taught by The Order of the Legacy of Teclis is completely illegal and punishable by death. Choose this path with caution. Note 3: Only Humans may enter this Career Path.

Wise Apprentice The Wise Apprentice is the lowest rung on the Black Magister path. These young Wizards are always carefully selected, no one flighty or shifty is considered for training. Because of the advanced techniques used by The Order of the Legacy of Teclis the Wise Apprentice is substantially better at magic than a standard Apprentice Wizard. During this training period a Wise Apprentice will be exposed to a number of different colour magicks and shall begin limited training in all eight disciplines. WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W SB TB M Mag IP FP -
















Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Channelling, Magical Sense, Perception, Read/Write, Search, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (Classical). Talents: Aethyric Attunement or Fast Hands, Lesser Magic x1, Two of: Petty Magic (Arcane, Divine or Hedge), Resistance to Corruption, Savvy. Trappings: Backpack, Printed Book, Staff. Career Entries: Apprentice Wizard, Apothecary, Astrologer, Dilettante, Embalmer, Scholar, Scribe, Student. Career Exits: Apothecary, Astrologer, Free Mage, Scholar, Scribe.

Free Mage A Free Mage is a Wizard that has proven he can master the basics of wielding multiple magicks. The basic training received as a Wise Apprentice is now put into practice, traditionally Free Mages master two of the eight lore’s of colour magic. Free Mages are often sent out into the world to experience first hand the aid that magic can bring to the peoples of the Old World. Free Mages are expected to learn responsibility during this period and will not be taught any more until their masters are satisfied that the Free Mage can cope with the vast power being placed at their disposal. WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W SB TB M Mag IP FP +5
















Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Academic Knowledge x1, Channelling, Charm or Intimidate, Common Knowledge x2, Gossip, Magical Sense, Read/Write, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language x2. Talents: Arcane Lore x2, Aethyric Attunement, Extra Spell x4, Fast Hands or Very Resilient, Focussed Mind or Fluid Conjuration, Lesser Magic x4, Meditation or Mighty Missile. Trappings: Grimoire, Writing Kit. Career Entries: Wise Apprentice. Career Exits: Black Magister, Charlatan, Scholar.

Black Magister The title Black Magister is handed to those Wizards that have demonstrated a skill with multiple colours of magic and the responsibility necessary to wield it, the title can only be handed to a Free Mage by a Rainbow Magus. Black Magisters are then entrusted with the right to both select and teach potential recruits to The Rainbow Theory. Black Magisters often take the biggest risks, they are forced to reveal themselves to potential students and most remain within the structure of the Imperial Colleges of Magic, placing themselves within harm’s way. WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W SB TB M Mag IP FP +10
















Skills: Academic Knowledge x2 ( Magic ), Channelling, Charm or Intimidate, Common Knowledge x2, Gossip or Ride, Magical Sense, Read/Write, Speak Arcane Language ( Magick and Arcane Elf or Daemonic ), Speak Language x3. Talents: Aethyric Attunement or Meditation, Arcane Lore x4, Extra Spell x6, Fast Hands or Mighty Missile, Focussed Mind or Fluid Conjuration, Higher Channelling, Lesser Magic x6, Strong-Minded. Trappings: 2x Magic Items, Trade Tools (Apothecary). Career Entries: Free Mage. Career Exits: Explorer, Rainbow Magus.

Rainbow Magus Rainbow Magus is as high as most of those following the Black Magister path ever reach. The Rainbow Magus’ have achieved mastery of several disciplines of magic and often occupy high level positions within the Colleges of Magic where they masquerade as Wizard Lords of a single colour. Rainbow Magus’ are responsible for raising Free Mages to the rank of Black Magister, they are also responsible for the spread of the Rainbow Theory. When a new school is established a Rainbow Magus will always be in attendance. WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W SB TB M Mag IP FP +15
















Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Academic Knowledge x3, Channelling, Charm or Intimidate, Common Knowledge x3, Magical Sense, Read/Write, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Arcane Language (Daemonic or Arcane Elf), Speak Language x4. Talents: Aethyric Attunement or Mighty Missile, Aethyric Isolation or Aethyric Protection, Arcane Lore x6, Extra Spell x8, Fast Hands or Hardy, Lesser Magic x8, Meditation. Trappings: 3x Magic Items, 12x Grimoires. Career Entries: Black Magister. Career Exits: Explorer, Lord of the Rainbow.

Lord of the Rainbow Only a very few of the those that follow the Black Magister path achieve the vaulted level of Lord of the Rainbow, no one has yet to complete the Career and master all eight colours of magic. The handful of Lords of the Rainbow are treated with great respect by all other members of “The Legacy of Teclis”. The Lords of the Rainbow have forgotten more about magic than most Wizards will ever know, each Lord of the Rainbow is expected to pen a book detailing their research for future generations to learn from and build on. But the one lesson that they have collectively learned is that the more magic you know the less you truly understand. WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W SB TB M Mag IP FP +15
















Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Academic Knowledge x3, Channelling, Charm or Intimidate, Common Knowledge x3, Magical Sense, Read/Write, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Arcane Language (Daemonic or Arcane Elf), Speak Language x4. Talents: Aethyric Attunement or Mighty Missile, Aethyric Balance or Aethyric Harmony, Aethyric Isolation or Aethyric Protection, Arcane Lore x8, Extra Spell x10, Fast Hands or Hardy, Lesser Magic x10, Sanity or Vitality, Scholarly Aptitude (Magic). Trappings: 6x Magic Items, Self written Book on the study of multiple lore’s of Magic (A Heretical Item). Career Entries: Rainbow Magus. Career Exits: Ambassador, Explorer, Guild Master.

Black Magisters of the Legacy of Teclis and Dark Magic Due to the unique methods of training employed by “The Legacy of Teclis” Black Magisters find it very difficult to use Dark Magic. From the first training session the young Wizards are taught that Dark Magic is the unnatural state for magic to be in and that single colours are the natural state of magic. Dark Magic is a product of the separate colours having been twisted by Chaos Energy. They are then taught that when humans finally understand all eight colours they will be able to combine them to create High Magic, which is also an unnatural state but because High Magic is controlled it represents the highest level of achievement open to Wizards. As a direct result of this indoctrination Black Magisters rarely turn to the use of Dark Magic and find it very difficult to channel Dark Magic.  Any Black Magister of the order of the Legacy of Teclis attempting a Channelling Skill Test in order to use Dark Magic receives a 20% Penalty.  Any Black Magister of the order of the Legacy of Teclis attempting to learn a Dark Lore must pay 3 times as much xp as normal. This represents the difficulty the Wizard has in overcoming his training.  When using Dark Magic a Black Magister of the order of the Legacy of Teclis Must always roll as many Casting Dice as possible.  When using Dark Magic a Black Magister of the order of the Legacy of Teclis may not claim any benefits from the Aethyric Balance, Aethyric Harmony, Aethyric Isolation or Higher Channelling Talents.

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