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This is to certify that the project work titled “Market Research and Branding” is a summer internship work carried out by Mr. Tejas Ashok Desai. The project was completed for “My Eco Energy Pvt. Ltd.”, under the guidance of Mrs. Ritika Vohra. I further certify that the said work has not been submitted in the part or in full, to any other University.

Date: 30/10/2018



Mrs. Ritika Vohra

Dr V.B. Angadi

Project Guide



I, Mr. Tejas Ashok Desai, student of Lala Lajpatrai Institute of Management of MMS II (Semester III) hereby declare that I have completed the summer internship project on Market Research and Branding with (My Eco Energy Pvt. Ltd.) in the Academic year 2017 - 2019. The information submitted is true & original to the best of my knowledge.

Tejas Ashok Desai


At the outset of this project, I would like to express my profound thanks to a few people without whose help, completion of this project would not have been possible. First and foremost, I would like to express sincere thanks to My Eco Energy Pvt. Ltd. for giving me this opportunity to work with them. The list is endless but to name a few special people, I would like to thank Mrs. Ritika Vohra (Marketing dept.) for being extremely supportive and guiding me throughout my internship and giving me constant motivation and expert advice. I would also like to thank the entire HR team and the back-office team of Albans Co. for providing me their precious time and making this internship a successful learning experience. I am very grateful to Dr. V.B. Angadi, Director of Lala Lajpat Rai Institute of Management, for giving me the opportunity to do this project in My Eco Energy Pvt. Ltd.

I would also like to thank Mrs. Ritika Vohra for being an excellent mentor and helping me whenever I approached her. Last but not the least; I take pride in thanking my parents Mr. Ashok Desai and Mr’s. Rajani Desai, siblings and friends for their much-valued support.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Market Research regards learning about your customer. Specifically, market research is identifying the needs and wants of your target customer, scope business operations to meet those needs, the manner in which to reach the customer with you offering and broadening your product or service to include other prospective customers. Business owners and entrepreneurs acquire information through marketing research that helps identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve the understanding of marketing as a process.

Branding involves developing a compelling, positive and lasting image of your business that creates an emotional connection with your customers. The strength of your company’s brand could mean the difference between struggling for recognition and sales or thriving as a dynamic, best-in-class business. In this article, we discuss several key aspects of branding.

Internal Branding was conducted across different MEE office branches in India. Focus was to boost the morale of employees by connecting them to the external brand and showing them what that brand means to them and ensuring that they understand and really live with the company.




NO. 1


























Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Chapter 1: Introduction: Market research is the process of collecting and analyzing information about the customers you want to reach, called your target market. This information provides you with the business intelligence you need to make informed decisions. Market research can help you create a business plan, launch a new product or service, fine tune your existing products and services, expand into new markets, develop an advertising campaign, set prices, and/or select a business location. Two basic types of market research

The two basic types of marketing research are Primary and Secondary Research

Primary research is split into two categories quantitative and qualitative

Quantitative research provides baseline of the number of potential customers in a given product market, the number of potential market and deals more with hard numbers


Research deals less with hard numbers and addresses more of the

preferences among identified customer segments. This research method relies greatly on soft data, such as conversations and customer opinions.

Secondary Research involves using data or information from third parties to make an assessment about the characteristics of the market. Primary research involves assembling information and resources oneself to determine the market characteristics.


The environment that your business operates in can be very dynamic. Shifts in economic conditions, demographic changes, new regulations and changes in technology can all affect the way you do business. Market research can help you: 

better understand the characteristics and preferences of your customers

identify opportunities to increase sales and grow your business 1

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 

monitor the level of competition in your market

reduce the risk in your business decisions

develop and complete your business plan

Established businesses thinking about making significant changes, like business expansion or relocation, can also use market research to support their decisions. Some other common situations that might call for market research include: 

launching a new advertising campaign

increasing production or stock levels

introducing new lines of products or services

Market research allows you to pinpoint a host of key business factors about your market. It can help you identify: 

Growth trends in your business sector

Size of your target market

Best location for your business

How your business stacks up against the competition

Factors that influence buying decisions

Degree of demand for your product or service

It also can reveal key information about your customers and prospects, including: 

Their demographic profile

The types of features or special services they want

What they like and dislike about your product or service

How they use your product or service

How often they buy and how much they will pay for your product or service

Once you analyze the results of your market research, you’ll be in a better position to create a focused business plan, develop a targeted advertising campaign, set competitive prices, select a new business location, or take other steps to grow your company.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Branding is a strategy that is used by marketers. Pickton and Broderick (2001) describe branding as Strategy to differentiate products and companies, and to build economic value for both the consumer and the brand owner. 

A brand is an identity that includes all sorts of components; depending on the brand e.g. Body Shop International encapsulates ethics, environmentalism and political beliefs.

A brand is an image where the consumer perceives a brand as representing a particular reality e.g. Stella Artois Reassuring Expensive.

A brand is a relationship where the consumer reflects upon him or herself through the experience of consuming a product or service.

Brand occupies space in the perception of the consumer, and is what results from the totality of what the consumer takes into consideration before making a purchase decision

So branding is a strategy, and brand is what has meaning to the consumer. There are some other terms used in branding. Brand Equity is the addition of the brand’s attributes including reputation, symbols, associations and names. Then the financial expression of the elements of brand equity is called Brand Value. There are a number of interpretations of the term brand (De Chernatony 2003). They are summarized as follows: 

A brand is simply a logo e.g. McDonald’s Golden Arches.

A brand is a legal instrument, existing in a similar way to a patent or copyright.

A brand is a company e.g. Coca-Cola.

A brand is shorthand – not as straightforward. Here a brand that is perceived as having benefits in the mind of the consumer is recognised and acts as a shortcut to circumvent large chunks of information. So when searching for a product or service in less familiar surroundings you will conduct an information search. A recognised brand will help you reach a decision more conveniently.

A brand is a risk reducer. The brand reassures you when in unfamiliar territory.

A brand is positioning. It is situated in relation to other brands in the mind of the consumer as better, worse, quicker, slower, etc.

A brand is a personality, beyond function e.g. Apple’s iPod versus just any MP3 player. 3

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 

A brand is a cluster of values e.g. Google is reliable, ethical, invaluable, innovative and so on.

A brand is a vision. Here managers aspire to see a brand with a cluster of values. In this context vision is similar to goal or mission.

A brand is added value, where the consumer sees value in a brand over and above its competition e.g. Audi over Volkswagen, and Volkswagen over Skoda – despite similarities.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Chapter 2: Process of Branding: The branding process is a systematic approach to creating and promoting a firm’s brand. It is essential to the success of any marketing and business development program. Brand building consists of five interrelated phases, each building upon the last: 1. Brand Strategy 2. Brand Identity 3. Brand Tools 4. Brand Launch 5. Brand Building The brand building process can be applied to either the development of a new brand or the rebranding of an existing firm.

Brand and Branding: A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer. Brands are used in business, marketing, and advertising. 

Branding has become one of the most important aspects of business strategy. Yet it is also one of the most misunderstood. Branding is sometimes considered to be merely an advertising function. And many managers and business writers hold the view that branding is about the management of product image, a supplementary task that can be isolated from the main business of product management. Branding is a strategic point of view, not a select set of activities.

Branding is central to creating customer value, not just images.

Branding is a key tool for creating and maintaining competitive advantage.

Brands are cultures that circulate in society as conventional stories.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 

Effective brand strategies must address the four distinct components of brand value

Brand strategies must be “engineered” into the marketing mix.

Branding Process: The branding process is the systematic approach used to create, communicate and strengthen a firm’s brand. It consists of a number of sequential steps. These steps may vary depending on who is implementing the process and the specific outcomes the firm is trying to achieve. For example, a design-oriented firm may focus on the design of a logo and other materials used to communicate the brand (brand identity). A promotion-oriented firm, on the other hand, may emphasize increasing the visibility of the brand (brand building). Usually, the best results are achieved by taking a balanced approach that devotes sufficient attention to each phase of the process. When the branding process is applied to an existing firm it is often referred to as rebranding. Brand development is another term sometimes used to describe the branding process.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Need For Branding Process: Not all brand-related marketing efforts require a full branding process. For example, when a firm updates the look of its marketing materials — without changing its market positioning — that is unlikely to require a full branding treatment. Since only the visual aspect of the brand will be revised, the firm doesn’t necessarily need to revisit the foundational strategy behind its brand. Common situations that do require the full branding process include: 

Repositioning a firm to compete with a new set of competitors

The merger of two firms with different brands

The launch of a new firm

A major change in strategy or direction

The emergence of a new competitive advantage

The addition or loss of a high visibility expert

The launch of a significant new service line

The “commoditization” of existing services

The 5 phases of the branding process: The branding process can be broken into five phases. In this section we’ll explore each phase and explore some common variations and important success factors.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Phase 1. Brand Strategy Behind every successful brand is a thoughtful strategy. Getting this phase right is critical to the overall success of your brand, Conduct an Internal Review Begin by considering your firm’s overall business strategy. Start by gathering your management team to conduct a discovery session. Capture your team’s goals, market strategies and individual perspectives. Don’t be surprised if you discover a variety of points of view, and even fundamental disagreement. It’s common and part of the process. This is good time to pull out your business plan, if you have one, and any other guiding documents. Think about how your company changed since those documents were drafted and what adjustments you might need to make to your marketing. Now, a lot of firms stop here. That’s a mistake. There are other perspectives you need to consider before you can formulate an effective strategy. Identify Your Target Audiences Next you should identify all of your key audiences. You can approach audiences in different ways, so you will have to decide which angle makes the most sense for your firm: 

By industry served (what industries are your clients in?)

By service provided (who is buying each of your services?)

By role (what people at your clients’ companies are involved in buying your services)

Don’t forget non-client audiences, too, if they are important to your business success. These might include partners, influencers, referral sources and prospective employees. Research Your Audiences Identifying your target audiences is important. Why? Because your next step is to conduct research into them to attain an objective view into their needs, challenges and motivations. Here are some specific issues you’ll want to cover: 8

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Their priorities

How they perceive your firm

Who they consider your competitors

How strong they consider your reputation

How visible they believe you are in the marketplace

What they see as your firm’s strengths

What weaknesses or vulnerabilities they see in your firm

If they are a client, why they selected you

Many of these questions could be sensitive, so we highly recommend you engage an impartial third party to carry out the interviews. You will get far more honest and useful information than if you carry out the research yourself. Comparing the input you receive from clients and prospects against internal perceptions often exposes wide gaps — gaps you will need to close to build stronger bridges to your audiences.

Identify Your Differentiators With this body of data you can begin identifying differentiators — characteristics that distinguish your firm from similar competitors. Most firms can uncover 2 to 5 true differentiators. Your differentiators must meet three criteria: 1. It must be true 2. It must be relevant to your target audience 3. It must be provable


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Be careful that you select actual differentiators, however. It’s easy to fall into a trap and choose characteristics that simply describe what you do rather than set you apart. And it’s just as easy to choose characteristics that are so common in the marketplace that they have little power. Examples include: “we have the best people,” “we have a proprietary process,” and “we offer the best client service.” While these could be real differentiators, you will need to present a great deal of evidence to convince a jaded marketplace. Write Your Positioning Statement .A positioning statement is a compact, carefully worded expression of your brand. The best ones are both honest — accurately describing who you are today — and a little bit aspirational —speaking to the firm you want to become. Many people confuse a positioning statement with a mission statement or a vision statement. It is neither of those things. Instead, it is a paragraph, usually 4 to 6 sentences long, that lays the foundation for your firm’s messaging. It is a well you can return to again and again as you write headlines, develop your elevator pitch or need to understand how you fit into the marketplace. It is a practical resource that distills the essence of your brand into an easy-to-digest package. Here’s an example of a positioning statement for an accounting firm: At Newco, we help retail franchise owners grow their businesses faster and more effectively. How? We combine the expertise and reliability of a CPA firm with automated, real-time reporting — all tailored to the franchise business model. Our experience and technology give clients strategic insight beyond their finances, giving franchisors the tools they need to achieve higher profits and greater growth. When you’re looking to expand your operations or increase the profitability of your retail chain, Newco gives franchisors the power to feed their bottom line. Notice how it describes the firm’s unique characteristics (specializing in franchise owners and offering automated, real-time reporting) and expresses these as tangible benefit to their clients (higher profits, greater growth). Tailor Your Message to Different Audiences At this point, you may want to take the next logical step and apply your differentiators and positioning to each of your audiences. For instance, you may need to say different things to different industries. Or a CEO may need to hear one set of messages, while an 10

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd HR Director needs to hear another. This type of document is sometimes referred to as messaging architecture. A good way to approach your messaging architecture is to break out each audience and develop a list of messages each may need to hear during the sales process. These lists may include some or all of your differentiators, as well as more commonplace messages — the basic things an audience needs to hear to be reassured that your firm delivers the services and experience they want. You may find during this exercise that several of your audiences don’t require different messages. In this situation, to keep things simple, you can simply group those audiences together. You can take these messages to another level of sophistication by developing a set of objections for each audience, then drafting responses to each, drawing on your audience messages for inspiration. Whenever possible, support your points with specific examples or evidence. By supplying proof, your arguments become more persuasive. At the end of the process, you will have a document your business development team can use to overcome common objections in the marketplace. And your marketing team can mine it for talking points on your website or in marketing collateral. Address Any Confusing or Complex Brand Situations As professional services brands evolve they sometimes produce new business divisions, spin offs, stand-alone products or sister brands that may or may not have an obvious connection to the parent brand. If this applies to you, you should take time during the branding process to clearly establish the hierarchy and relationship between these brands. It helps buyers and clients make sense of your business and varied offerings — any time you can eliminate confusion, it makes the buying process easier. This discipline is called brand architecture.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Phase 2. Brand Identity In this phase, you turn your brand into something tangible. Your brand identity includes many of the most visible elements of a brand, including: 

Your name

Your logo


Color palette


Writing style (voice)

Business cards

Stationery suite

Business collateral

As part of a branding process, you are likely to develop (or in the case of a rebranding program, refresh) some or all of these elements. Your brand identity is an opportunity to take the spirit of your positioning and turn it into something that people can see and experience — including a distinctive personality and voice. It is a chance to add a point of differentiation to your brand and set your firm apart visually from your competitors. Unfortunately, most firms are content to play it safe and embrace what’s familiar. That’s why the color blue (especially dark blue) is so prevalent in every industry. That’s why you see cookie-cutter imagery on so many websites. And that’s one reason most professional services brands are so forgettable. Your brand identity is a rare opportunity to make a bold statement and pop out from a bland, homogenous crowd. For those firms with the courage to stand out, their brand identity can make a real difference.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Brand Style and Voice Guidelines Keeping a brand identity intact and consistent over time can be challenging. To combat these problems, many firms create brand style guidelines that define how the brand is put together and explain what’s allowed and what isn’t. These guidelines can be comprehensive — dictating how the brand is applied in every situation — or they can be kept simple, with room for variety and exploration. In the same vein, some firms develop a separate set of guidelines that describe their “voice” — the way the words they use express a personality or attitude. Firms use brand voice guidelines to ensure that their written materials read as if they came from the same person. They might, for instance, recommend against using overly technical language. These guidelines might also discuss sentence structure, as well as what type of vocabulary a writer should use. Is humour allowed? If so, voice guidelines should describe when and how. Some firms go even further and produce detailed usage guidelines for writers that address subjective points of grammar, spelling, punctuation and more. The Creative Brief Before you dive into your brand identity you would do well to write up a creative brief that spells out some of your assumptions and preferences. If your brand was intended to express personality, for example, try to describe what that means. How do convey your brand in color, imagery, typography? You should develop the creative brief only after discussing your brand identity internally. It should represent a consensus view. If you are working with an agency, they may lead the discussion and develop the brief for you. The creative brief should address each piece of your brand identity (alternatively, you can develop a separate brief for each). If you are developing a new name, for example, the brief should capture your firm’s expectations and any parameters that the naming team needs to know to avoid taking wrong turns and wandering into blind alleys.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Phase 3. Brand Tools These are the tools you will need to promote your new brand. Building on your brand strategy, these tools equip you to increase the visibility of your brand and expertise. Exactly which tools you need will depend on how you plan to promote the visibility of your brand. At the very least, you’ll want to pay attention to these two categories of tools: Your Website Whether you build a new website from scratch or retrofit your existing site to be more engaging, you’ll want to make sure it reflects your new brand positioning and communicates the right messages to each of your target audiences. Of course, it should reflect your new brand identity, too. In fact, you should put a great deal of thought and care into your website. It is the most visible and important component of your brand and marketing program. Your Business Development Toolkit One of the most important ways to leverage your new brand is to apply all that shiny new positioning and messaging to your business development toolkit. What’s a business development toolkit? It’s a collection of tools you use to describe your firm and put your strategy into play. Here are just a few examples: 

Descriptions of your firm

Service descriptions

Video overview of your firm


Tradeshow booth


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Phase 4. Brand Launch How you introduce your new brand can affect the overall success of your branding initiative — and that’s especially true in the professional services. Actually, you should think of it as two introductions: one for your internal team and another for the outside world. They are two very different audiences that require different treatments. The Internal Brand Launch If you don’t take the time to explain your new brand to your team, you’ll be lost from the start. When professionals are left out of the process and have not visibility into how or why decisions were made about the brand they get confused and can turn cynical. It is easy to criticize something you don’t understand. We recommend that you introduce a program to educate your staff in advance of the external launch. Explain the rationale for the change, and support it with a few research highlights to demonstrate that the branding process was grounded in objective reasoning. Here are a few topics you might want to cover: 

Why we needed a new brand and what opportunities it creates

How the process worked (to show how much thought went into it)

What the research revealed

How the new brand speaks to our target audience(s)

Why the new brand works (and why the process wasn’t an internal popularity contest)

There are many, many ways to roll out an internal brand. You can have a simple all-hands meeting or an elaborate celebration. It can be a single event, or a series of training sessions. It can be in one location or distributed over multiple offices. You will need to decide what makes sense for your organization and culture. But don’t skip it. Your team needs to understand what your new brand means, how it repositions your firm and where it opens up new possibilities. A successful internal brand launch also generates critical support for and excitement around your new brand.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd The External Brand Launch It may surprise you, but the external rollout is less important than building internal consensus around your brand. The biggest value of the external launch is its potential to generate concentrated attention—even if it’s short lived. A new brand’s introduction to the world is a chance to make a favourable first impression. It also provides a forum to explain what you stand for, how your firm has changed and why your firm matters to your audience. You can approach an external launch in one of two ways: 1) announce your new brand with a big bang, with press releases, a big reveal and maybe even a brand launch video. Launch balloons, if you like. Or 2) you can roll out your brand slowly with little or no fanfare. In this scenario, pieces of your brand may be developed over a period of weeks or months, and over time your brand identity takes shape. Which approach you choose is up to you. The former has more PR potential, but it requires building out much of your brand up front. The latter may feel anticlimactic, but it gives you the freedom to develop your brand in a lower-pressure, more organic way. However you launch your brand, it gives your business development team a reason to talk with clients and referral sources about your firm — how you are changing and how your firm is addressing the needs of the marketplace.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Phase 5. Brand Building Your new brand is only the beginning. You still have to convert that brand into market value. Many firms make the mistake of putting all their effort into an elaborate brand launch when that money would be better spent on a long-term brand building program. But this takes a strategy all its own. The core objective of this strategy should be to make your firm’s expertise more visible. For the most part, this can be accomplished through a combination of public speaking, writing and networking. (According to our research, firms that have the best results apply a mix of digital and traditional techniques.) So what do you write and speak about? You will want to focus on issues that matter to your audience. Demonstrate your expertise by explaining how to overcome key challenges. Educate them. Show them that your firm is not only knowledgeable, but can make complicated subjects easy to understand. That’s a mark of true expertise. This strategy will require sustained effort over time. As a result, you’ll want to turn it into a formal plan, with a detailed calendar, assignments and specific goals. It’s even possible to measure many aspects of your strategy. That way you can measure the impact of your approach and make adjustments along the way. That said, your brand must remain constant. Make sure that the way in which you promote it doesn’t interfere with its message.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Chapter 3: Types of Branding Strategies: A well-received product will result in strong growth, and these types of marketing strategies will get you there.

1. Name Brand Recognition A well-established company will often use the weight of its own name brand to extend to its products. Most often, a company with large name brand recognition can be recognized by its logo, slogan, or colors. Companies such as Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Apple, and Mercedez-Benz are all iconic while featuring multiple subsidiary products featured under the company name.

2. Individual Branding Sometimes a larger company may produce products that carry their own weight independent of the parent company. This strategy involves establishing the brand as a unique identity that is easily recognizable. General Mills, for example, distributes Cheerios, Chex, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Kix, Total, Trix, and more—and that’s just the cereal division. The company also distributes other major brands from every food group.

3. Attitude Branding Ambiguous marketing can often go above the actual product itself in the case of attitude branding. These brands all use strategies that bring to life personality and a customized experience with products and services. NCAA, Nike, and the New York Yankees made Forbes list of “The World’s Most Valuable Sports Brands 2015,” and are automatically associated with a certain style. Other brands, such as Apple and Ed Hardy, also reflect a customer’s self-expression.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

4. “No-brand” Branding A minimalist approach can speak volumes. No-brand products are often simple and generic in design. The most successful company to establish this marketing method is the Japanese company, Muji, which simply translates to “no label.”

5. Brand Extension Brand extension occurs when one of your flagship brands ventures into a new market. Say you have a shoe company that is now making jackets, athletic wear, and fragrances. The brand name carries its own identity to your product mix.

6. Private Labels Store brands—or private labels—have become popular at supermarkets. Retail chains such as Kroger, Food Lion, and Wal-Mart can produce cost-effective brands to compete with larger retailers.

7. Crowd sourcing These brands are outsourced to the public for brand creation, which allows customers the chance to be involved in the naming process, and effectively drives up personal interest in a product.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Chapter 4: Advertising Mediums: Marketing activities (basically advertisements) today can be divided into three segments – Above the Line (ATL), Below the Line (BTL), & Through the Line (TTL) Marketing. The line was originally used to separate marketing activities which had mass penetration (above the line) to those which had specific penetration (below the line). But then, because of the increased competition and development in technology, emerged through the line marketing activities which blurs the line and include the use of both ATL & BTL advertising activities. ATL, BTL, & TTL Advertising Advertising activities can be differentiated on the basis of marketing motives, target groups, and the budget of the marketer.

Above the Line Above the Line advertising (often referred as Above the Line promotion/ Above the Line marketing/ ATL marketing/ ATL advertising) consist of advertising activities that are largely non-targeted and have a wide reach. ATL communication is done to build the brand and inform the customers about the product. Conversions are given less importance in above the line advertising. Above the line marketing includes mass marketing strategies which are largely untargeted and are focused on building the brand. By ‘untargeted’ I mean that the communication isn’t directed towards a specific group. The mediums convey the message to everyone who has an access to them.

Examples of Above the Line Promotion

Television An average Indian watches 4.3 hours of TV in a day. It’s the similar case with the rest of the world. TV advertisements have a reach from local, to national, and international audience depending on the TV channel and the contract between the parties. TV advertisements have a better connection with the users as moving images with audio are preferred over still images or audio alone. 20

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Radio Psychologists tell us that consumers need to be exposed to an advertising message at least three times before it begins to penetrate. No other media other than radio provide such affordability when it comes to this frequency. Radio is a perfect option for marketers to fulfill all the frequency and creative demands of an advertisement. Radio to have a local, national, and international reach just like TVs.

Print Advertisements (magazine & newspaper) Local, regional and national print media have a wider reach than any of the other mediums. Newspapers have fixed ad-slots that are used by the marketers to inform customers / prospective customers about the brand or offers. Advantages of Above the line marketing Wider Reach Above the line advertising mediums have a wide (national/international) reach. Better Connect with the audience The mediums like TV and radio use audio-visuals which have a better connect with the audience. Brand Building Media advertising is a crucial tool in defining and realizing brand identity. A brand is built by the customers. The role of marketers in brand building is to reach as many prospective customers as they can and communicate to them about the brand and its benefits creatively. Above the line marketing, hence, plays an integral role when it comes to brand building.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Below the Line Below-the-line advertising (often referred as Below the Line promotion/ Below the Line marketing / BTL marketing / BTL advertising) consists of very specific, memorable and direct advertising activities focused on targeted groups of consumers. Often known as direct marketing strategies, below the line strategies focus more on conversions than on building the brand. To make it simpler – Below the line marketing include direct marketing strategies directed to specific target groups and focused on conversions rather than building the brand. Examples of Below the Line Promotion Outdoor Advertising Outdoor advertising is usually done in public places and are constantly on display, have a greater (and more targeted) reach depending on the locations. They include Flags, Banners, Wraps, Billboards, etc.

Direct Mail Marketing One of the most personal strategies used by marketers, direct mails (e-mails, text messages, etc.) are tailor-made messages about the brand or different offers drafted according to the needs of each customer. Hence this BTL strategy could result in more conversions if planned properly. Sponsorship Sponsorship is a partnership with different corporates or events to get more impressions and is usually carried as a part of brand building strategies at a BTL level.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Brand Activation Brand Activation is the art of driving consumer action through brand interaction and experiences. The key aim of these campaigns is to get consumers to act and to bring brands to life via experiences and forming long-term emotional connections.

In Store Marketing Marketing activities done within the retail store are called In-store marketing activities. These below the line activities make use of various point of sales to get the most return out of the investments. Advantages of Below the line marketing

Extremely Targeted Conversions are better when the communication is done according to the customer wants. Since BTL marketing strategies are extremely targeted, results are better in terms of conversions.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Better ROI Below the line promotional efforts are focused on the specific target group, have a better reach, can be easily executed, tracked, and controlled. Hence BTL strategies provide a better ROI and MROI in terms of conversion. Easy Control The return from these activities can be easily tracked and monitored and steps can be taken to improve ROI. Tailor-Made Below the line advertising strategies are designed according to the needs of a specific target group and hence can be molded differently for different customer groups. Through the Line Through the Line advertising (often referred as Through the Line promotion/ Through the Line marketing / TTL marketing / TTL advertising) involves the use of both ATL & BTL marketing strategies. The recent consumer trend in the market requires integration of both ATL & BTL strategies for better results. Examples of Through the Line Promotion

360° Marketing Marketing strategies can be planned and carried out with an integrated approach of using both ATL & BTL advertising mediums to get the maximum advantage. Most of the marketing campaigns today are TTL campaigns.

Digital Marketing It is possible to carry out a digital marketing strategy which offers above the line marketing benefits while acting as a below the line communication to the customer.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Chapter 5: Company Profile My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

My Eco Energy is constantly creating renewable fuel solutions and green energy innovations to create a happier, clearer, brighter India. The company is dedicated to the mission of sustainable development to deliver a powerful green fuel experience across the country. My Eco Energy's flagship brand 'Indizel' is one of the world's most advanced fuels and a true alternative to diesel. Indizel, allows MEE to offer an ultra-premium, low-emission fuel which is compatible with all diesel engines. Indizel is recognised as a drop-in fuel as per National Policy on Biofuels, 2018 and is manufactured, processed and tested at MEE manufacturing plant in Gujarat, India.

MEE is driven by six underlying values that guide its actions as individuals and as a corporation: 




Value Creation

Social Responsibility

Maveric Spirit 25

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 

Product: Indizel

Highlights: Indizel. India’s best automotive diesel, ever: Indizel is an automotive diesel made from non-fossil sources which meets the automotive diesel fuel standards of BIS:1460 (Indian) and EN590:2013 (European), which are also the recommended standards by all automotive manufactures for usage of fuel in their vehicles.

Drive better. Breathe cleaner: Indizel fulfils both Euro 6 and BS VI emission norms and outperforms both conventional biodiesel (FAME) and even conventional fossil diesel in terms of engine performance and environmental impact, thus paving the way for a cleaner, greener, happier India.

A superior Performer: Indizel gives you a far superior performance when compared to the regular diesel available in the market. Indizel gives a better pick-up, a quicker ignition, increased power and torque and a better mileage, way-surpassing even the premium diesels on the road. Indizel qualifies as a 2nd generation advanced Drop-In bio-fuel as per National Policy on Biofuels, 2018 of Government of India, and can be used in any proportions without any blending compulsion on any & all diesel engines without any engine modification.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Why is Indizel better than standard biodiesel? Regular biodiesel is FAME, which is compliant with EN-14214 norms, and cannot be used without blending limits and labelling- which means that it can’t be used as a complete substitute of Diesel. However, Indizel is not FAME, but an Hydro Generated Biodiesel fuel instead, and is compliant with EN-590:2013 norms – therefore, it can be used without any blending limits. Its superior qualities make it 100% substitutable of diesel, making it a truly advanced alternative for diesel. EN 14214: This is a European standard that specifies physical norms for FAME. EN-590: European standard that decides the standards that the physical properties of diesel fuel must adhere to.

Advantages of Indizel are as follows:  Powerful Better Cetane leading to better combustion, resulting in higher torque & BHP, enabling engine to achieve its optimum capacity  Quality & Warranties Exceeds the standards recommended by all automotive manufactures for usage of fuel in their vehicles.  Economical Better combustion resulting in Higher Mileage & Lower Emissions, Higher Lubricity resulting in Lower maintenance costs & enhanced engine life  Engine Friendly Lesser corrosion and better stability. No engine modification required, can be used in any proportions & reverse compatible  Nature + Renewable, lowers harmful tail pipe emissions by 80+%  Economic Benefits 12% GST set off for GST registered customers 27

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd MEE Fuel Station

Fuelling process has not seen any major innovations in past few decades. Most fuel stations are manually operated and human controlled, leaving a huge scope for discrepancies in quantity, quality and overall user experience:

MEE fuel stations provide a fully automated fuelling experience and hence delight the customer in every possible way.

MEE Fuelling Advantages:  End-to-end automation:

Every drop filled & accounted for, complete automation from refinery to the fuel tank.  Quantity assurance:

No need to see '0' before fuelling. User controls the fuelling through MEE Wallet App.  Quality assurance:

Since the entire process is automated, any attempt in adulteration is tracked and alerted immediately 28

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

 Personalised service:

Priority Services which is unique, because of CIS (Customer Identification System) and Automation.  Loyalty and amenities:

Rewards users as per their consumption, provides priority to high volume users. Multiple amenities for customer convenience.  User control User can track the billing and usage on the phone, eradicating the filler – driver syndicate.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd AOD:

Available On Demand (AOD), a solution from My Eco Energy, installs an indizel dispensing outlet right at the premise of any user who needs a constant fuel supply for their own consumption. With the on-premise delivery of fuel, AOD saves the time and money spent in travelling to diesel pumps, and also gives full fuel control and accountability to the user

Benefits of AOD:


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd MEE Wallet:

A convenient, easy and secure payment method for fuelling at MEE Fuel stations.MEE Wallet is a cashless transaction system through which you can 

Pay for fuel at MEE fuel stations

Track your fuel spends

Enjoy special loyalty rewards for fuelling at MEE fuel stations

Share your feedback

WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH MEE WALLET?  Fuel at any MEE Fuel station across India with MEE Wallet.  Have a complete control on your fuel, because the fuel pump's nozzle will start fuelling only after you input your desired fuel quantity and pay for the same (through MEE Wallet).  Maintain all your generated digital invoices and transaction history.


Cashless fuel transaction at MEE fuel stations

Fuel transaction history for your registered vehicles

Loyalty reward program

Customer identification

Seamless transfer of funds 31

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Chapter 6: Work as an Intern 1. Primary Research: During Internship I had conduct Primary Research to find out the insights of Indizel product by interviewing colleagues and gathering additional information from them.

1. Does Indizel solves social problem? Ans) Facilitate investment in other sectors like Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure. Reduce dependency on depleting fossil reserves.

2. Does Indizel solves economical problem? Ans) If Indizel acquires even 10% market share of the diesel industry, it would save many thousand crores of oil import bill. Reduce the pressure on exchequer in the long run. Reduce the outflow of foreign currency reserves, overall strengthening the economy.

3. Does Indizel solves Environmental problem? Ans) Indizel reduces tail pipe emissions by 80%. Requires no infrastructure or engine upgradation. Uses renewable resources with negligible carbon footprint.

4. Where will be the retail outlets located of Indizel Fuel Station? Ans) Indizel would be retailed through MEE bio fuel stations strategically located on prominent highways and urban roads.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

5. What are the challenges with diesel fuel? Ans) Huge Pollutant with high Sulphur, Hydrocarbon and NOx emissions. Ignition problems in cold temperatures. High Running & Maintenance costs. Non- Renewable. Regular Break downs resulting in loss of man hours. Effects engine life due to low lubrication.

6. Does Indizel solves all the problem of Indizel? Ans) Indizel is an ultra-premium renewable fuel that conforms to world’s most stringent fuel quality standards set by engine manufacturers like EN 590 (European), BS VI (Indian), World Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) Category 4 diesel standards and complies to Euro 6 emission norms.

7. What are the challenges that customers face on fuel station ? Ans) Rampant Cheating – Have to check zero every time, Inferior Quality, Meter Tampering, Bill preservation issues, General customer treatment , No Loyalty Benefits , Zero Personalization , No Tax benefits


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 2. Oil Companies Comparison: During Internship I conducted Secondary Research to find out the insights about Oil & Gas Brands competitors by comparing their online presence and campaign on different social media platforms and offline activities carried out by them by making a detailed presentation on it for internal purpose.

Shell It is the number one global lubricant supplier, lubricants

delivering to


market-leading in



countries. Shell Lubricants brings worldclass technological insights to its products, offering you the best formulations for your vehicle. Reliance It





systems round

processes the

and clock,

uniformly and consistently, while delivering High Speed Diesel, Petrol, Auto LPG and Lubricants from its fuel stations across the country.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Essar It is an India-based company engaged in the exploration and production of oil and natural gas, refining of crude oil, and marketing of petroleum products. It was part of the Essar Group based in Mumbai. Indian Oil It is India’s flagship Maharatna national oil

company with business interests

straddling the entire hydrocarbon value chain




transportation and marketing of petroleum products to Research & Development, Exploration & Production, marketing of natural gas and petrochemicals.

BPCL It offers world-class Fuel Stations (Petrol Pump) across the country, selling Petrol, Diesel, Automotive LPG and CNG. Our products and services are designed to meet the needs of our diverse customers, which has led us to create specialized Fuel Station formats, such as Pure for sure, Pure for sure platinum Ghar, Highway Star and many more.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Social Media Presence of different Oil Brands:

Reliance Online Marketing:


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Shell Online Marketing:

Indian Oil Online Marketing:


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Essar Oil Online Marketing:

BPCL Online Marketing:


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Shell Campaign:

Shell is committed to helping women reach senior roles in engineering and technology. We aim to #makethefuture by closing the gender gap.

Reasons for Campaign •

Women account for 20% of engineering graduates, yet only 11% of the engineering workforce.

Shell has long supported and been committed to nurturing female talent. Yet external research suggests that women can often be pushed out of engineering and technology by stereotypes, biases and micro-inequities.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd How Shell Supports Women in Engineering and Technology

 Global STEM programme: Over 40% of Shell’s graduate intake into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) is now female. Through our support for STEM we continue to enthuse, empower and equip future generations with the skills that will help them succeed in a changing world. In addition to ensuring we offer an attractive and visible employment proposition to female graduate candidates, we also seek to actively encourage girls to pursue craft and operator qualifications.

 Developing women’s careers at Shell: Shell have designed two development programmes specifically for women with leadership potential. The Women’s Career Development Programme (WCDP) and its sister programme Senior Women Connect (SWC). Both help women at Shell to build their networks, develop their careers, sharpen leadership skills and overcome any obstacles they may face in the workplace.

 Flexible working hours: Shell support flexible working arrangements for men and women

 Global minimum standard for maternity leave: Shell is the first major integrated oil and Gas Company to announce a global minimum standard of 16 weeks paid maternity leave


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd  Times Top 50 Employers for Women: Shell is the only oil and gas company in the Times Top 50 Employers For Women for the fourth year running.

 Named in the top 10 companies for women in India: Shell in India have received the prestigious external award from Avtar as Top 10 Best Employers for Women

 Royal Academy of Engineering campaign: Shell has joined forces with the Royal Academy of Engineering to inspire the next generation of engineers. In 2018, we will endeavour to encourage people to look more closely at engineering, challenge associated stereotypes and showcase how rewarding and fulfilling careers in this field can be.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Bpcl and Indian Oil Campaign:

#UjjwalaDiwas observed on 20th April was a historical day in the LPG story of India with 10.93 lakh LPG connections released across 16000 #LPGPanchayats conducted across the country. A major leap towards fulfilling Hon. PM’s vision of #NewIndia with clean cooking fuel for all.

Reasons for Campaign •

Women Empowerment

Better Health

Clean Fuel Better Life

Employment for Rural Youth


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Key Benefits of Ujjwala Yojana: •

5 Cr LPG connections to be provided to BPL families in next three years. As on 28 May 2018 39, 877, 723 (around 4 Crore) LPG gas connections have already been provided.

Support of Rs 1600 per connection will be given to each BPL family who opt for LPG connection.

Ensuring women empowerment, particularly in rural India.

Identification of the BPL families will be done through Socio Economic Caste Census Data.

8000 Cr. has been allocated towards the implementation of this scheme.

One additional benefit is that PMUY is likely to create an additional employment of around 1 Lakh. It will also provide business opportunity of at least Rs. 10,000 Crore over the next 3 Years to the Indian Industry.

Launch of this scheme will provide boost to the ‘Make in India’ campaign as all the manufacturers of cylinders, gas stoves, regulators, and gas hose are domestic producers.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Essar Campaign:

#WorldWaterDay 2018 celebrates the role of nature in preservation of water with the theme #NatureforWater

Reasons For Campaign: •

Increase environmental awareness

Conserve natural resources and improve waste management

Promote villages as an integrated eco-system

Encourage use of alternate sources of energy


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Essar Activities and Projects:  Environment awareness project: The Essar Foundation conducts awareness sessions at schools, colleges and through community meetings on the need to protect the environment and conserve scarce natural resources. Educational videos, posters, competitions and campaigns are employed to explain topics of local significance to rural communities that live near Essar facilities. Additionally, ‘No Plastic’ drives are undertaken at Jamnagar (Gujarat) and other sites to spread the message to employees and neighbouring communities.

 Conserving natural resources and encouraging better waste management: The Essar Foundation recognizes the key role traditional knowledge plays when it comes to environmental sustainability in tribal and rural areas. Although tribal communities may not have access to modern technology, they have still managed to maintain the ecological balance of their activities. The Foundation’s activities support these communities in maintaining and preserving their natural surrounds by promoting better waste management and preventing environmental degradation through sustainable living.

 Encouraging alternate sources of energy: Essar Foundation’s environment program creates awareness among employees and rural communities about the benefits of adopting renewable sources of energy. The Foundation provides solar panels at its project sites and in neighbouring villages. Where necessary, Essar companies subsidize the cost of such equipment. The program also enables access to various government projects that promote the use of alternate energy.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd MEE Campaign:

#Indizel #FillTheDifferenceFeelTheDifference#WorldStandardsDay #EN590 #BSVI #W WFC#Euro6 #UltraPremiumFuel#InternationalStandardsDay #EmissionNorms#Standard s #QualityStandards Shift to Indizel, India’s first ultra-premium fuel that conforms to the world’s most stringent fuel quality standards like EN 590, BS VI, WWFC and Euro 6 emissions norms.

#Indizel #FillTheDifferenceFeelTheDifference#AirPollution #CurbThePollution #TailPip eEmissions#PerfectFuel #Environment With air pollution increasing every year, necessary steps need to be taken to curb the pollution. Take the first step by fuelling up your diesel vehicles with Indizel. With 80% lower tail pipe emissions, Indizel is the perfect fuel for your car as well as the environment! 47

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Shell Offline Branding:

Reliance Offline Branding:


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd SEO Ranking of Brands based on special Keywords


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 3. Biofuel Product: During Internship I had conducted Secondary Research to find out the insight about the Biofuel product and study of different brand who uses Biofuel as a by-product and statistics on biofuel production in different countries by making detailed presentation on it for internal purpose.

Introduction: •

Bio fuel is the fuel which is produced from organic products and wastes.

The common commercially used biofuels are bioethanol, biodiesel and biomethane.

Bioethanol is made from sugar, algae, wheat and sugar beet.

Biodiesel is made from vegetable oil, algal lipids, animal fats.

Biomethane can be produced from waste organic material, sewage, agriculture waste and domestic wastes.

Types of Bio fuels:


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Composition: •


Biobutanol is derived from biomass or produced by fermentation using organisms found in ruminant animals and soils. The basic composition of butanol consists of C (carbon), H (hydrogen) and O (oxygen). Biobutanol provides more energy than ethanol and can be blended with gasoline to help reduce greenhouse gases. Any car that runs on gasoline can run on a biobutanol blend. •


Derived from vegetable oils and animal fats, biodiesel molecules are esters of long-chain fatty acids containing single chains of 12 to 24 carbon atoms. The esters contain an alcohol and a carboxylic acid. Biodiesel burns cleaner than traditional diesel, producing less sulphur and fewer particulates. Biodiesel delivers slightly less energy than petroleumbased diesel, however, and is more corrosive to engine parts. •


Derived from corn, sugar beets and sugar cane, other sources for ethanol production such as corn Stover and switch grass are under development. It contains carbon, hydrogen and a hydroxide group. Any vehicle sold in the United States can run on E10, a blend of 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent unleaded gasoline. Providing about 50 percent of the energy of gasoline, combustion of ethanol is cleaner and produces less carbon monoxide but produces more smog. •


The simplest of alcohols, methanol can be derived from any plant material as well as landfill gas, power plant emissions and atmospheric carbon dioxide. The basic composition of methanol consists of carbon, hydrogen and hydroxide. The chemical formula for the ethanol molecule is CH3OH. Methanol combustion produces a lower volume of toxins than gasoline, fewer particulates and less smog. Methanol is less expensive than gasoline or ethanol, and the cost of modifying a vehicle to run on blends of methanol is low.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Classification of Bio fuels:

Biofuel Feedstock:


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Biofuel Life Cycle:


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Overseas Brands producing Biofuel Product: 1. Neste


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Details: •

It produces, refines and markets oil products and provides engineering services, as well as licensing production technologies.

Neste has operations in 14 countries.

It has petroleum refineries, at Porvoo and Naantali in Finland, and two renewable diesel refineries, in Singapore and in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The Porvoo site also produces renewable diesel.

Neste to boost biofuel production by 1m tonnes with opening of Singapore refinery.

Neste elected to locate its next bio-refinery in Singapore, seven years after opening its first biofuel site in the country, to increase its capacity for renewable diesel, aviation fuel and raw materials for various biochemical uses.

It is an oil refining and marketing company located in Espoo, Finland.

Fame Biodiesel: 867 (USD/ton)

SME Biodiesel: 891 (USD/ton)


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 2. Enerkem


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Details: •

Enerkem develops renewable bio fuels and chemicals from non-recyclable waste and residues instead of petroleum and natural gas.

Through the combination of a proprietary thermo chemical technology platform and community-based advanced facilities, Enerkem addresses the challenges of oil dependence and waste disposal.

Turning trash into clean fuels and chemicals.

Enerkem succeeded in producing a new high-performance biofuel that could improve the octane rating of fuels sold in the market and reduce their carbon footprint at the Enerkem Innovation Centre in Westbury, Quebec.

Enerkem makes the top 3 of the 50 hottest companies in the advanced bio economy, the company’s highest-ever ranking.

The company also won at the 2018 Bio-Based World News Awards in the “Best use of alternative feedstock’s” category.

It is located in Canada and founded in the year 2000.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 3. Petrosun

Details: •

It is an energy company specializing in oil and gas exploration and algae fuel.

It is a diversified energy company focused on non-shale, unconventional resources utilizing forward-looking energy technologies.

PetroSun uses a process called "carbon negative energy production".

Organic matter is burnt in a kiln with limited oxygen. This produces carbon dioxide, hydrogen and charcoal. The carbon dioxide is used as a feedstock to grow algae for biofuel while the hydrogen is burnt to generate electricity.

It has headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 4. Gevo

Details: •

Gevo develops bio-based alternatives to petroleum-based products using a combination of biotechnology and classical chemistry.

It converts renewable raw materials into isobutanol and renewable hydrocarbons that Gevo believes can be directly integrated on a “drop in” basis into existing fuel and chemical products.

It produce renewable fuel for cars, airplanes, trucks, small engines, boats, and ships.

Gevo’s technologies provide the leading edge of renewable low carbon jet fuels.

On Fly Green Day, Eight Airlines Fly with Gevo’s renewable Jet Fuel from Chicago O’Hare.

Gulf Marine Fuel Blended with Isobutanol from Gevo Inc. is Suitable and Safe for Racing Boats and Recreational Marine Engines.

It has


in Douglas

County, Colorado in

the Denver-Aurora

metropolitan area.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd What Gevo Offers ?

LOW CARBON RENEWABLE JET FUEL Gevo’s technologies provide the leading edge of renewable low carbon jet fuels. We are one of the few non-fossil based alternative jet fuels available for commercial use.


Wouldn’t it be cool to eliminate petroleum carbon from a gallon of gasoline? At Gevo we think so and have made this one of Gevo’s missions to drive renewable fuels.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd


The ethanol free gasoline niche is huge market for classic and performance cars, boats, small engines are estimated to be 7 billion gallons. A potential billion dollar niche.


If you care about malnutrition, you care about protein in the food chain. For every gallon of Gevo fuel produced, we expect to generate up to 5 kilos of animal feed and protein.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Statistics:

Year 2017 U.S


















Colom… Canada

0.6 0.5

Nether… India

0.4 0.2











Biodiesel production in billion litres



Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Biofuel Uses in Aircraft:

 Virgin Boeing 747 jumbo jet  The plane used a biofuel blend of Babassu oil extracted from the nuts of babassu tree and coconut oil.  Both products are more commonly found in cosmetics- lip balm and shaving cream

 The Czechoslovakian-made aircraft is rated to fly on a variety of fuels including heating oil, making it the preferred platform for testing Biodiesel in jet Engines.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Biofuel Uses in Vehicles:

On 15th December 2015 McDonald’s UAE and Neutral Fuels LLC have reached a significant milestone in their proposed partnership when the McDonald’s fleet logistics trucks have hit 5,000,000km running on 100 per cent Biodiesel from recycled vegetable oil from its outlets. Four years after the launch of the initiative, the McDonald’s UAE trucks travelled 5,000,000kms, almost 125 times around the world, driven on Biodiesel.

Railway usage-In 2007 Disneyland began running the park trains on B98 Biodiesel Blends (98% Biodiesel)


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Features of National Policy on Bio fuels in the year 2018: •

The policy categorises of bio fuels to enable extension of appropriate financial and fiscal incentives under such category •

Basic Bio fuels: First Generation (1G) bio ethanol and biodiesel.

Advanced Bio fuels: Second Generation (2G) ethanol, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to drop-in-fuels, Third Generation (3G) bio fuels, bio-CNG etc.

Use of surplus food grains: The policy allows use of surplus food grains for production of ethanol for blending with petrol of National Biofuel Coordination Committee. This will ensure farmers get

appropriate price for their produce

during the surplus production phase

Incentives to advanced biofuel: Viability gap funding scheme indicated for 2G ETHANOL Bio refineries of Rs 5000 crore in 6 years for giving special emphasis to advanced bio fuels. It also proposes additional tax incentives, higher purchase price as compared to 1G bio fuels.

Supply chain Mechanism: The Policy encourages setting up of supply chain mechanisms for biodiesel production from non-edible oilseeds, used cooking oil, short gestation crops.

Synergising efforts: It predefines roles and responsibilities of all the concerned Ministries and Government Departments with respect to bio fuels to synergise efforts.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Benefits of National Policy on Bio fuels in the year 2018 •

Reduce Import Dependency: The ethanol supply will help to reduce import dependency on crude oil which will in turn result in saving of forex.

Cleaner Environment: The use of ethanol will reduce CO2 emissions. It will also reduce Green House Gas emissions by reducing crop burning and conversion of agricultural residues and wastes into bio fuels.

Health benefits: Prolonged reuse of cooking oil for preparing food, particularly in deep frying cause’s health hazard and can lead to many diseases. By using cooking oil as a potential feedstock for biodiesel will prevent diversion of used cooking oil in the food industry.

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management: Using advance technologies waste and plastic in MSW can be converted in use fuels .One ton of such waste has potential to provide around 20% of drop in fuels.

Infrastructural Investment in Rural Areas: Addition of 2G bio refineries across country will spur infrastructural investment in the rural areas.

Employment Generation: Setting up one 100klpd 2G bio refinery contributes to 1200 jobs in plant operations, village level entrepreneurs and supply chain management.

Additional Income to Farmers: By adding 2G technologies for producing bio fuels, agricultural residues and waste which otherwise are burnt by farmers can be converted to ethanol. Through the process farmers can fetch price for these waste. 66

Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd Moreover, conversion of surplus grains and agricultural biomass can also help in price stabilization for farmers.

Advantages of Biofuel: o Cost Benefit o Easy To Source o Renewable o Reduce Greenhouse Gases o Lower Levels of Pollution o Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil o Help small farmers o Impact not immediate but enormous over time o Keeps crude oil price from rising by 15%

DisAdvantages of Biofuels: o Poorly made Biofuel can cause engine problems o Transportation and storage requires special managements which leads to increase in total cost o Biodiesel is less suitable for use in low-temperatures than petrol-diesel o Slightly more expensive to produce(production cost is high on large scale) o Limited water sources in some countries o A suitable climate is needed to grow most crops


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd 4. Internal Branding at My Eco Energy at Mumbai Location: Internal branding is the process of building a brand from the inside out. When branding strategies are focused exclusively on marketing to customers, a brand's identity is likely to feel inauthentic and forced. Internal branding is the practice of aligning what you say and what you do. The following are common types of internal branding.

Types of Internal Branding

Brand Strategy Involving employees in branding. For example, ask all teams or individual contributors to submit a short statement of what the brand means to them.

Communication Get insiders talking about the brand. Communicate brand initiatives to employees and encourage them to share it openly.

Corporate Culture Work to align your norms, rituals, expectations and habits to your brand.

Training Training that goes beyond the technical details of how to do a job. Explain why work is important and how practices connect to your identity and values as a firm.

Customer Experience Design and deliver experiences that live up to your brand in areas such as customer service, communications, websites, tools, products, services and environment


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Quality Quality control and the design of quality products beginning with product development.

Operations Aligning operations practices in areas such as sustainability to stated brand values, mission and vision.

Recruiting Recruiting people who match your culture and brand. If your brand claims to be obsessed with sports, hire people who are obsessed with sports.

Performance Management Performance management that reflects your brand. If your brand is about diligent and friendly customer service, this would be reflected as goals for any employees who meet customers.

 Remark: Conference Room

Media: Vinyl


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

 Remark: Conference Room

Media: Vinyl

 Remark: Cabin

Media: Vinyl

 Remark: Discussion Room 1

Media: Vinyl


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

 Remark: Discussion Room 2

 Remark: Reception Hall

 Remark: Cabin

Media: Sunboard

Media: Vinyl Sandwich

Media: Vinyl


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

 Remark: Pillar

Media: Vinyl

 Remark: Pillar

Media: Vinyl

 Remark: Pillar

Media: Vinyl


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

 Remark: Pillar

Media: Vinyl

 Remark: Pillar

Media: Vinyl


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Chapter 7: Conclusion  While building a service brand, firms should focus on building both the internal and external brand by instilling in employees a strong attachment to the brand along with developing a strong customer base. This can be done by strengthening the brand‘s relationship with the customers and ensuring customer loyalty.  A service brand organization should conduct internal as well as external brand audit.  Employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction are the antecedents for a strong internal and external brand respectively.  Theoretical framework for service branding proposed that banking service brand consists of internal and external brand which is suitable for measuring the brand strength of banking services.  Building a strong service brand ensures customer and employee satisfaction which can be leveraged in marketing the services of the bank effectively.  Customers overall evaluation do not differ across different demographic variables such as age, income, education and occupation.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Chapter 8: Recommendations 

The brand name should be small.

Pick a Simple Marketing Message

Make a Voice to Accompany Your Message

The brand should also have a small, simple, graphical logo and Layout System

Be Constant

Action Responses and Tweak Your Message and Style

The Bottom Line

For My Eco Energy: 

Instead of importing Indizel from Singapore start domestic production of nonpetroleum fuel.

OOH or Outdoor Advertising creative is usually created by Advertising Agency instead hire more graphic designers and give them proper training as they will help in building creatives for BTL activities and lot of cost can be saved.

As diesel/Petrol price are increasing day by day which has given rise to crude oil and falling currency which affects GDP it is best time to launch more and more MEE fuel station as the price of Indizel is less as compared to normal diesel and also eco-friendly.

Aggressive Marketing needs to be considered at MEE Fuel station to compete against the like of HPCL, BPCL, Reliance, Essar and Shell.

Hire more developers to build and launch MEE App as soon as possible which will provide a fully automated fuelling experience for customers first time ever in India.


Marketing and Branding in My Eco Energy Pvt Ltd

Chapter 9: Bibliography


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