Blab La

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 223
  • Pages: 2
select * from fb_bill_items where bill_id=395 and month_end_dt='16-may-2007' and type_id='cash'; select * from fb_bill_items where client_bill_submit_fl=1 and month_end_dt='16-may-2007' and bill_id=453 and type_id='cash'; update fb_bill_items set amount_paid_at = ?, amt_due_override_at = ?, client_approve_fl = ?, client_bill_submit_fl = ?, paid_in_currency = ?, part_pay_fl = ?, alternate_pay_at =?, client_display_fl=1 ,grc_release_fl =1 ,last_update_ts = ?, last_update_id = ?,client_approver_id = ? where bill_id = ? and bill_item_id = ? and agreement_id = ? and record_id = ?

update fb_bill_items set client_bill_submit_fl=0 where bill_id in (453,451) and month_end_dt='16-may-2007' and type_id='cash'; select * from fb_bill_items where bill_id=395 and month_end_dt='16-may-2007' and type_id='cash'; commit; rollback; select max(statement_control_id) from fb_lb_statement_control select last_loaded_bill_id from fb_lb_statement_control where statement_control_id = 52 and host_clnt_bal_fl = 1 and (load_bill_detail_fl is null or load_bill_detail_fl ! = 1) /*getbillprofilelist*/ select distinct a.bill_id, remit_title_tx, b.bill_type_cd, bill_bucket_fl, last_stmnt_status_cd from fb_bill a, fb_company_selection b where a.bill_id=453;

where last_stmnt_status_cd not like ? and a.bill_id = b.bill_id and a.region = 'uk' and a.bill_id > ? order by bill_id

for facbill qa database fb_load/gcr$123#@ustrqd51 data base:::: ustrqd51 username::::: fb_load password::::: gcr$123#

for facbill dev database fb_load/gcr$123#@ustrdd51 data base:::: ustrdd51 username::::: fb_load password::::: gcr$123# for facbill dev database fb_load/djpfb01@ustrpd51 data base:::: ustrpd51 username::::: fb_load password::::: djpfb01

my changed vpn password :::


search criteria: saving data for bill item, additional item. i.e. set the submit flag to 'true'

enum error::::::changed files

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