
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 516
  • Pages: 2
Gutierrez 1

Andrea Gutierrez Mr.Kapp H English 10/1/18

Bitter Tragedy Kindergarten me being a little five year old girl running around. I knew nothing about the world. With my pigtails moving from side to side with the wind. How would I know how to survive. I had three best friends Erick, America, and Jasmin, however, I had other friends such as Lilian, Desi, Layla, and Yami. We would always play in “Panda Park” which was a jungle gym that our school had. I always felt that I wasn’t appreciated when I was around Desi and Layla. I had no idea I was young and I didn’t pay attention. I was too happy to care about anything. On the other hand I had no idea that Desi and Layla weren’t my real friends. I believe that everyone has a second chance ,but I don’t think it would be that easy to forget what they did to me. I remember running around in “Panda Park” not wanting it to end ,however, everything good comes to an end. Little did I know things weren’t going to get better. Without realizing I was getting older and my shyness was a hard obstacle to get over. When I was in “Panda Park” I had a fear of the monkey bars. Having a phobia of height it scared me to be high up above the ground. Likewise I remember not wanting to jump off of a set of stairs that “Panda Park” had. Peer pressure always got to me. I knew that I would discover that they didn’t like me. As we proceeded to

Gutierrez 2

become older and age I started to notice that they would set me apart from my friends which were theirs as well. They also distanced themselves from me. After I started having enough of it I was mad ,not with them but mad with myself. Why was I so scared of telling someone. However they treated me like I was nothing. My mom found out by seeing my legs which were printed on them. The bruises were very prominent. Once my mom saw my legs covered with bruises she asked me about the bruises. I was scared of my mom so I told her what was happening. On the other hand ,the next morning. I was ready to go to school. My mom had decided to go talk to the principal. First time I ever stood up for myself. After all the problems and difficulty that I went through they finally made Layla tell them the truth. She didn’t care about the fact that my mom was there or the principal. They told her it was serious and it could lead to her being kicked out of school. I finally had peace. From this day and on I know that I should stand up for myself. I know now that no one should have to go through what I went through. I believe that a voice is very important in society. Everyone should have a voice to stand up for themselves. That what I believe in.