Bitten. V1. C4 X

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,495
  • Pages: 17

Friends Are For Life, Not Just For Christmas THE NEXT DAY STARTED OUT THE SAME AS USUAL, in sense that both Evelyn and Candice were dancing around their HUGE bathroom in their pyjamas, doing their make up while singing and dancing along to their favourite songs. Oliver, Jada and Carlyle were in the dining room finishing off the full English breakfast that Candy had cooked. Jasper was in his room trying to read, but all he could hear was Candy and Evelyn singing along to Papa Roach. After six or seven minutes attempting to read; ‘How To Kill A Mockingbird’ Jasper got up off his bed and walked into the bathroom. ‘Wow!’ Jasper said, when he saw them, ‘You two look um amazing!’ Evelyn gave him a playful dig in the ribs when they left the room, ‘Don’t sound SO surprised - it’s not that unusual!’ Evelyn and Candy did look amazing, Evelyn looked more than she was usually. When she walked past the open window, the sun hit her, and instantly her pale skin glowed with a even whiter blaze, and her flaming red hair looked brighter. Candice followed Evelyn and the same pale white glow emitted from her too. When they flew down the spiral staircase, Jasper followed behind and just before they left the house, Jada came out of

the kitchen, carrying a half eaten piece of toast and she said sternly, putting her hands on her hips, ‘Right you two - do you have your sunglasses?’ They nodded in unison, ‘Okay - Jasper and Oliver will come to pick you up when it’s time to go.’ she said, and then quickly added ‘If anything strange happens come straight back here. Don't dilly dally shopping if something goes wrong.’ ‘Shopping?’ Candice gasped, ‘Us? Never(!)’ Then she gave it away, when a cheeky grin flashed across her face, ‘I wouldn’t be shopping anyway. I never shop when it’s irrelevantly unnecessary.’ In response Evelyn snorted delicately, and then replied for Jada; ‘Will do Mum. I pinky-swear.’ she added, when she saw Jada’s disbelieving expression. ‘Sure, sure.’ she said, They made their way over to the garage and Evelyn went to pull the families less noticeable car (Volvo) keys down from the hook, but Candice already had Jasper’s Jaguar car keys in her hand. ‘Jada didn’t say anything about what car we had to take did she?’ Evelyn tried to stifle a grin and to be the adult, however when Jasper appeared behind his car and laughed at Candy and said, ‘You could’ve at least asked’ Candy smiled to and went to give Jasper a quick squeeze, ‘Does Jason ever ask Nikki, if he can paint her hair in green, when she isn’t looking? No. He does it anyway.’ Jasper grinned, and then said; ‘I suppose…’ “Nikki - with green hair… I would pay to see that - but I‘d probably pay more to see her reaction…”

Candice laughed, and added; ‘Please try and come earlier - I want you there.’ Jasper just patted her shoulder and said, ‘If you say so. I think Evelyn is going to die of boredom if we leave her in that car any longer.’ ‘Yeah that’s true - she’s thinking if it’s possible to drown in custard… later then Jas. You will come won’t you?’ Candice asked her hands tightening around Jasper’s. He sighed, ‘You know I can’t bear to stay away from you too long, it makes me too anxious.’ She gave him one final hug then turned and stepped into Jasper’s sleek, shiny black Jaguar, then sped away and left Jasper thinking hard and looking wistfully after her. * Owen hadn’t been sitting on his own for that long, when his five best mates turned up - Jayni, Lexie, Rochelle, Louis, and Sam were all full of talk about that night’s party. They talked about what would happen if the riot fuzz showed up to stop what was promised to be the best party in the history of Swansea - so technically not such a great party… well not to any of the Vampyres that were going. Owen had been friends with all five of them for so long that he couldn’t remember any of the times, they hadn’t been chilling out or partying together. However today his attention was averted. He wasn’t his usual Oweny-self, not laughing with the rest of them, cracking any jokes when Rochelle said something completely blonde... He sat there staring into the distance and looking around whenever he heard a car drive in the almost packed parking lot. ‘Are you ok Owen?’ asked Alexei for the hundredth time.

Jayni and Alexei (twins), were the only people who talked to Owen properly… emphasis on the only people. And they would know, when something was up with him. ‘I’m fine. Honest Lex.’ he replied back, grinning his usual impish grin. ‘Yeah and I’m the queen of England Owen(!)’ Alexei replied back sarcastically. ‘I never knew, you were the queen of…’ Owen trailed off. Promptly his eyes were averted to a black sports car, that sped around the roundabout. It was basically asking to get nicked, the way the shiny car gleamed, when the light hit it. Though it wasn’t the beautiful, black convertible that held his attention, or the loud music blearing from the speakers, it was the two people in the front. When the car smoothly came to a stop in the only parking space in the shade, he heard Sam and Louis wolf-whistle at them. Both sure that two such beautiful girls, no disrespect to Jayni, Alexei or Rochelle, wouldn’t come with them to the club. When Candice told Evelyn this, she giggled quietly, and thought, while they walked over to Owen, ‘They are quite cute actually - but I’d be like dating my younger brother.’ She walked just behind Candice and had a look around. It wasn’t much of a park. It was more of a medium sized grassy patch, with the odd group of people sitting down or walking about. ‘Hi Owen,’ said Candice when they drew up even to him. ‘Hello Candy, Evelyn.’ he replied grinning. ‘Hiya, you okay?’ Evelyn asked. ‘Hello,’ said someone about Owen’s age, who was sitting with them; he had platinum blonde hair, gelled into pointy spikes, ‘I’m Louis, and you are?’ ‘Evelyn and this is Candy,’ Evelyn said smiling, fluttering

her eyelashes, yet only Candice knew that because they still had their dark sunnies on, so she muttered under her breath, ‘Wasted affect,’ Evelyn just laughed silently, her lips moving too fast, no one could tell that they were having a sibling debate, even her friends directly in front of her. ‘Nah they know, deep down,’ Evelyn pouted. Candice had agreed, as soon as she heard some of them thinking; ‘Wow they’re cuter up closer too! Clearly not from around here, I mean Alexei and Jayni are fit - Rochelle is too; but come on these girls are seriously… phew…’ ‘The one with the short black hair - Candice - is the one Owen’s going out with. So we have to keep our hands to ourselves with her, but Evelyn’s cute… no one said I couldn’t flirt with her.’ ‘It’s nice to meet you Ev - I can call you Ev?’ Evelyn nodded silently, and grinned. ‘Nice to meet you too, Candice.’ ‘I’m Sam,’ said a taller boy, with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, which Candice felt like she’d known before… but she pushed that thought out of her head. She was just getting paranoid, yet Candice’s eyes widened in spite of herself, as if he was a potential danger. She pushed that thought out of head as well. ‘I’m getting way to paranoid,’ she thought to herself. ‘Nice to meet you,’ Candy smiled widely at him, flicking a lose strand of hair from the path of her eyes. He opened his mouth to say something - only Louis cut across him. ‘OIGHT! Do you mind Sam? I was talking to them first.’ ‘It doesn’t look like they mind, does it?’ Sam retorted.

Owen was laughing quietly, Candy felt like joining in with him, but was trying to be the mature one. From a not-so-far distance, two people stepped forward. They both looked nearly exactly the same apart from one had short dark purple hair and another had very long dark blue hair. ‘Sorry about them, they’re so annoying.’ said the one with bright blue hair. She was wearing a short black denim skirt, and bright pink tights, ‘And I’m Alexei,’ said the one with purple hair, wearing a simple black dress with an exotic looking tight green belt around the middle, which showed off her immaculate figure perfectly. ‘And I’m Jayni,’ said the other one. ‘Er, hi,’ Candice said nervously. All four girls were silent a few seconds. Shifting their eyes from one place to another, until Candice said, looking longingly at Jayni’s blue hair, ‘I love your hair.’ Jayni’s thoughts were exuberant when she realised that Candice wasn’t being sarcastic, she thought cheerfully, ‘Makes her one of the only normal ones. Not gunna be Sophie Rowest’s friend - if she likes stuff like this. YAY...’ ‘Thanks, but it’s um… not real - just a wig. I love your hair as well and your shoes - they are so nice. Where did you get them?’ Jayni gestured at her bright purple ankle boots. ‘Aw thanks - I got them from Primark, two quid, in the sale, they were a bargain’ ‘Two pounds!’ she gasped ‘Really? I thought that they’d be more expensive than that. I could have sworn that they were designer.’ Candice and Evelyn laughed nervously. Owen looked at Candice and gave a quiet sigh, glad the girls were getting along. Candice’s realised there was still an empty introduction with the last one. ‘Hiya, I’m Candy.’ she said.

‘Oh, hello’ Rochelle looked surprised at her. ‘I’m Rochelle.’ ‘Hey Rochelle, how’re you? Where’d you get your waistcoat? I love it! Is it really Ted Baker?’ she asked gesturing at the label. With that Sam and Louis came over and Owen joined into their conversation and time passed really quickly. * Evelyn and Candy were wetting themselves from laughter along with Jayni and Alexei, and that was when they heard Rochelle say; ‘Oh. My. Effing. God!’ It was instantaneous, when everyone there, turned to look at what Rochelle was talking about. They all saw three people in a bright blue convertible. Oliver, Jasper and Stephanie were here. Fashionably late how very much like them - (probably Stephanie’s idea.) ‘Oh, that’s my family.’ Candice said offhand, feeling better that they made it. ‘That’s your family?’ asked Rochelle shocked. ‘Yep,’ Evelyn said leaning in. When the three of them left the car, she pointed them out, ‘That’s Stephanie, that’s Jasper and that is the cough cough awesome Oliver,’ They wandered over and smiled at all of them, Rochelle wasn’t the only one shocked. ‘Wow, she’s hot!’ Sam said in awe, his eyes glued to Steph. ‘She is seriously sexy, wonder is she’s with one of them blokes? Hope not -‘ ‘She’s with Oliver.’ Evelyn said quickly. ‘Which one’s Oliver?’ Alexei asked eagerly. ‘The blonde one,’ Candice said.

‘So Jasper’s the one with the brown hair?’ asked Jayni even more eagerly then Alexei. ‘Yep that’s Jas,’ replied Evelyn. ‘You can try.’ Candice grinned to herself. ‘You never know you could be the one.’ When the three of them walked over Sam and Louis began the flirting thing that they done with Candice and Evelyn on Stephanie. Oliver didn’t seem to mind he just stood behind her and grinned. While Steph and Oliver just stood there, Jasper sneaked over to Candice until he was right behind her. He slipped his hand around her waist, and stretched out his words, ‘So er that’s Jayni?’ he breathed quietly, with a grin, ‘This is Alexei, Jayni and Rochelle’ she said quite loudly. ‘Hello. Nice to meet you all,’ Jasper said warmly, nodding at them. ‘Hiya,’ said Alexei, she appeared like she was the only one who wasn’t stunned into silence by their beauty. ‘You alright Jaaaasper?’ Evelyn enquired with casual ease, breaking the tension. ‘Yep I’m dandy, you?’ without pausing he continued, ‘Dad said that you need to go home now, he needs to talk to all of us about - er - something.’ ‘This is your curfew time ok. Nine-thirty. Thought it was a good idea that I didn’t say that in front of your friends because you’d kill me.’ ‘Oh, okay then, but Candice said she would ask you - but do you wanna come tonight? There’s a huge party going on at Melissa’s house. It’s an open invite for all, so all of you can come.’ Lexie asked. Mia and Rochelle’s eyes were still locked on Jasper’s face. ‘Well I think Mum and Dad will be fine with it so I don’t see

why not.’ ‘Great. So, see you there at nine? Do you know where she lives? We could pick you up, and you could direct us?’ Mia and Lexie’s mouth dropped open, ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Uh, yeah, that’s why I said it. I wouldn’t have lied,’ came Candice’s sarcastic reply. ‘Right, okay then, see you at about ten to nine?’ said Mia. ‘Bye everyone.’ Candy smiled, she stepped over to Owen, and kissed his cheek, ‘Bye Owen,’ ‘Bye,’ he smiled. With that with mind-blowing elegance the five of them were in their cars and gone. * Right you all need to stay together though,’ Carlyle said, ‘And don’t get too drunk please. Only Human alcohol - don’t smuggle any Bloodlust into that club…’ ‘Will do Carlyle. A tad Human drunk is ok then?’ Candice asked. ‘What is the point in telling to stay sober at a party? You forget I know you to well.’ Carlyle said back. ‘So to clarify, I can get drunk - but not drunk enough that I forget my name?’ She spun around to Carlyle. ‘I’m so proud of her, she’s the best person she could possibly be,’ Carlyle momentarily forgot, that she could read thoughts. Candice froze before she left the room and said in a quiet voice, ‘Thanks dad.’ That had been one of the first times. When Candice came running down the stairs she noticed that Evelyn was wearing her skirt.

‘Admittedly it does look better on Evelyn then me,’ The four of them were downstairs waiting for her, and they all looked stunned. ‘What? Do I look ok?’ Candy asked, pulling on the hem of her vivid pink dress. ‘You cannot go out - not dressed like that anyway!’ Oliver said bowling over her appearance. ‘Why not? What’s wrong with how I look? Do I look that bad? Should I go and get changed?’ Oliver genuinely looked shocked, ‘And you’re meant to be the physic! You look too grown up. You’re meant to be my little sister!’ ‘Um thanks Oliver?! What do you think? Do I look okay?’ ‘Truly perfect.’ Jasper smiled. ‘Thanks, you don’t look so shabby yourself. And that skirt looks much better on you than me Ev’ Candy added, turning around looking at Evelyn, ‘It’s nice enough, to make people fall in love with you,’ she grinned, ‘hem hem e.g. Louis.’ ‘He is merely a child, Candice.’ she said. ‘I know you think he was cute - I saw you,’ she said, ‘Stay out of my head Candice!’ ‘He is merely a child, Candice, stay out of my head Candice.’ ‘Are you mocking me, Scarlett?’ Evelyn scrunched her eyes ‘Maybe…’ Candy walked out of the door, with Jasper and Evelyn behind. Two hours later, the sweet sixteen garden party was in full swing and the Scarletts were dotted around the vast garden area. Music was blearing from the speakers at all points and the drinks were in high demands. Evelyn had disappeared into one of the less crowded

rooms with someone like Louis or Sam. Steph was surrounded by a few fit boys, laughing at them when they complimented her, and Oliver was talking to a few of the older boys about football or something like that. Candice was talking to Jasper, taking in the mood of the party. Talking to everyone as they passed by. ‘Come on Candice - let us dance,’ Jayni slurred, ‘Not a chance,’ Candice yelled over the loud music. ‘Come on don’t be so boring, dance with me,’ It wasn’t as if Candy had much of a choice in such a public place, Melissa had grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her into the middle of the dancefloor, and they began raving to Mindless Self Indulgence, when Alexei came over to them with Jasper close behind her, clearly confused about what was going on, but following her anyway, because of her anxious feelings. ‘What? What’s the matter Lexie?’ Jayni asked, clearly Lexie didn’t usually act like that in a party. ‘Sophie’s here.’ she said, glum. ‘Well woop-dedo-day-dar-day for her. We’re having a cool party amongst ourselves… and she’s not invited.’ By that time the four of them were standing by the edge of the pool, having to holler in order to hear one another, ‘Candy!’ she heard someone yell. She spun around to see, Jasmine, glooming in the corner of the room, giving everyone around her evils, and then a familiar face, beamed and nearly flew over to her. ‘Ohmygod, Jason!’ Candice hugged him, and he searched around, ‘Cool Human party.’ ‘They do throw good ones,’ she admitted. ‘Would you be awesome as to show me to the girls?’ ‘Right this way, Jase - oh don’t offend them - they’re worse than a old woman, with a handbag full of hard candy.’ ‘Okey-dokey.’ he grinned. ‘Anyone else here?’

‘Drew… Brandon - Nikki, Ashley… er - and ME!’ Jayni, Rochelle and Alexei’s attention was full on Jason now, they were about to stand up and introduce themselves, but that was when Sophie had stormed over; her eyes had a purple shadow underneath them where she was recovering. ‘What’re you doing here?’ Sophie demanded. Her eyes flicked at Jason, and quickly turned back to her. ‘Partying - and now we have decided to chill - and you’re kinda ruining that.’ Candice said. Jayni and Rochelle took their bare feet out of the lukewarm pool, and spun around to look at Sophie and Candice. ‘Good idea,’ Sophie sighed, ‘You could use it - you stink of chronic.’ ‘Alcohol actually - but I would rather be smelling of that than shit,’ Candice said, pointedly. ‘Oh please - anyone who’s sane knows you’re not this cool and these weird friends who keeps popping up out of nowhere - you probably don’t even know them -’ ‘Then why the eff would they be talking to me then?’ ‘There’s something up with you Scarlett - and I’m getting to the bottom of it.’ ‘You look like hell, Sophie - what were you thinking when you walked out the door? Go home.’ Candice didn’t even notice that people had begun forming a circle around them, just like they had done in the dance class the previous day. ‘God, SHUT THE HELL UP! Why do you act like you’re so perfect -’ ‘Nope, being perfect isn’t an act; I really am just as perfect as you think I am Sophie.’ Candice smirked, having another sip of the drink she held in her hand. Jason was standing slightly in the middle of the screaming two, so he back up a little just not to be a part of it. ‘You’re so full of yourself! Why don’t you go and do us all a favour and die. You’re such a emo, I wouldn’t be surprised if you sit at home, slitting your wrists,’ yelled Sophie. ‘For gods sake! For once think of an original insult. I’m so

over the ‘emo-slitting-her-wrists’ thing.’ ‘Leave her Candy she’s so not worth it,’ Alexei said as she tried to pull Candice away, however Candice stood her ground. ‘Yeah - er she’s got a point Dee,’ Jason added, ’Let’s go get some more drinks…’ ‘You’re right Jason. I’ll get another drink,’ she grinned at herself, then poured her coke and vodka all down the front of Sophie’s white dress. She smirked at the shocked look on Sophie’s face then walked past her after saying, ‘You should wear more black Sophie, covers up the stains,’ She clung her arms through Jason’s and let him walk her to the bar. ‘That was the infamous Sophie Rowest?’ he asked. ‘Yep,’ she said, really smug with herself. ‘I hope she goes home with smudged mascara,’ she gave a little laugh… ‘You really don’t like her do you?’ ‘And the proof’s all in her head,’ Candy left her drink on the top of the bar, as soon as his thoughts came to radar, ‘Drew,’ she grinned, hugging him tightly. ‘Candice, don’t you think the last thought’s a little over the top?’ ‘Nope.’ she said positively. ‘How’s the girlfriend, Drew?’ ‘Fine…’ he said absently, as he read through his texts, ‘Hmmm…’ Candy thought, listening to the message, as he read it out in his head, ‘You’re so bad.’ she sighed. ‘I’m not bringing her here.’ he said stubbornly. ‘So you told her you went to a friend’s funeral?’ Drew didn’t answer. His mind was blank too. Still concentrated on her thoughts, he said; ‘Can I meet this Owen Banksy?’ Candy laughed nervously, ‘Sure you can Drew, I just need to er… use the bathroom do my makeup and stuff - then maybe you can...’ Drew rolled his eyes, but before he or Candy could leave, Sophie pushed Candice aside, and pulled Drew to the bar.

‘Hey,’ Candice complained, frowning slightly, ‘Hiya’ she giggled. Drew gulped, not knowing who she was - he ran through Candice’s thoughts, for the highlights. ‘Er - sorry?’ ‘I’m Sophie - I swear I’ve seen you somewhere before.’ ‘No I don’t think -’ She cut across him, ‘Bottom line, cutie - do you wanna date me?’ ‘No’ Drew said quickly, ‘I have a girl -’ She cut over him again, ‘So what?’ ‘I thought you left…’ Candy started, feeling ridiculously irritated. Sophie ignored her completely. ‘Is this your latest boyfriend, Candice? No - wait - you’re with Owen - or has he already dumped you?’ ‘Sophie - if you don’t leave, I’ll be forced to -’ ‘What?!’ she laughed hysterically. ‘You’ll be forced to do what? You can’t do anything to me - this is a public party for my friend’s sixteen. She says anyone can be here - oh heh that explains why you and those weird tramps from school are here.’ Drew got up, and pulled Candice away to poolside, where Oliver, Stephanie, Nikki and Jason were. ‘You have got to try and ignore her!’ he said, with his teeth clenched, ‘It was lucky I heard you’ he gestured her head, ‘or you could’ve killed her!’ ‘Precisely!’ she shouted. ‘I hate her so bad, I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire… Drew? You know you love me…?’ ‘I’m not setting her on fire!’ he said, a smile playing on his flawless lips. ‘Damn,’ she cursed. Jasper, who was also standing by the others, with Ashley and Jasmine, who had just joined them, had felt the tension between the quarrelling pair, and walked towards them, ‘Hey, Drew.’ Drew smiled in a greeting. ‘Candy being herself?’

‘As usual - why does she hate Sophie so much? She won’t let me in her head, apart from the fresh thoughts, where she is swearing at me.’ Jasper chuckled, ‘It was… let’s say… hate at first sight.’ Candy sighed, she looked at the others, who were actually enjoying themselves. It was good to have the Tylers around they made her feel normal. * At three o’clock in the morning, the following day, both Jada and Carlyle were sitting in their private sitting room. They weren’t talking, both stock still as statues. Both jumped at the same time they heard a smash then loud tinkering laughs, but then a few deeper, quieter laughs. They were Human laughs. ‘Drinks, that’s what we need, more drinks, I shall, shall, oh yeah what drinks? Where are the drinks?’ They both herd a female voice say. ‘Yeah right, drinks. Umm let me see,’ The two of them heard a thump, ‘ooops… not good,’ What they heard was definitely Evelyn laughing, and then Stephanie. Then the same Human laughing, then a few more Human laughter, that’s when Carlyle and Jada decided to go downstairs. When they came downstairs, they saw Stephanie, Evelyn, with Oliver. Jayni who was shaking with laughter and there was Alexei, who was lying on the soft plush carpet, looking up at the ceiling. When Evelyn and Stephanie saw Carlyle and Jada looking at them, they both began going into hysterics, Evelyn pulled herself to her feet and said; ‘Hiya mum, dad this’ Otis, Layni and Jexie. Oh, no, right this is Jayni and Lexie, yeah that’s them. Oh and he’s Owen -’ she

started to giggle. ‘Maybe… I think - I’m not so sure - oh and I think the Tylers are here. Anyway they’re crashing around here tonight.’ ‘Where’s your sister?’ Jada asked calmly. ‘Who?’ Evelyn sighed. ‘Candice?’ she started to giggle again - ‘Yeah she died.’ ‘I think Drew and Jasper might be trying to pull her inside she was refusing to leave her glass of tequila.’ ‘Drew?’ Carlyle asked. ‘Candy texted the Scarletts - I mean Tylers…’ Stephanie giggled for a bit - ‘I know I shouldn’t - but I find Drew really attractive! Hee hee.’ The door opened, and Drew staggered in, with Jasper and Candy, who was pulling from him. Drew closed the door, and Jasper slid against the wall, and sat on the floor. Candice failed the attempt to stand up, and was juggling her consciousness. ‘Have you all been drinking more than you should?’ Jada asked, as Carlyle helped Drew get the Oliver and the other Tylers in, without Jasper crawling out. ‘We pacifically said only Human alcohol - no Bloodlust -’ ‘I want that!’ Jayni moaned, ‘that Blood-thing.’ ‘Us? Drinking? No. I don’t drink,’ Jasper said, getting up now, walking over to Evelyn; He was concentrating on his feet, walking as if he was on a tightrope. ‘Owen, Jayni, Lexie, do your parents know where you are?’ The three of them pulled themselves up and Jayni said; ‘They know we are going to a sleepover and don’t expect us back till tomorrow.’ Jada let her good nature overpower her. She walked over and helped to pull them up off the ground, ‘Come on then,’ she said. You had better get to bed.’ As Jada, and Brandon helped get everyone upstairs, all the sober ones; Drew, Carlyle, Jason, Ashley and Oliver sat on the

couches. ‘I really can’t believe they had Bloodlust with them, and didn’t tell me.’ Oliver moaned. ‘You and me both, bro.’ Jason sighed.

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