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BIOMETRICS CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION 2.HISTORY 3. POPULAR BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGIES FINGER RECOGNITION FACE RECOGNITION HAND RECOGNITION IRIS RECOGNITION VOICE RECOGNITION SIGNATURE RECOGNITION 4. PROPERTIES 5. APPLICATIONS 6.FUTURE APPLICATIONS 7. DRAWBACKS 8 CONCLUSION 9.BIBLOGRAPHY electronically, Instead of with pencil and paper or face to face. This growth in electronic transactions has resulted in a greater demand for fast and accurate user identification and authentication.Traditional means of security using personal identification numbers (PINs) through passwords or security-access cards (smart cards) has a major drawback. They recognize the PIN but not the person who has provided it. So we would like to give information on more secured way, which is biometrics security.

ABSTRACT This present century is full of inventions and discovery, which lead to the invention of many sophisticated things. The more the things are the more the security is needed. This has lead to the invention of many security items. The information age is quickly revolutionizing the way transactions are completed. Every day actions are increasingly being handled

Biometrics is the science and technology of authentication (i.e. establishing the identity of an individual) by measuring the person's physiological or behavioral features. The term is derived from the Greek words "bios" for life and "metron" for degree. Biometrics ensures that the individual trying to log on is actually the authorized person and not just

someone who maliciously found a card or cracked a password. Biometric technology is a way to achieve fast, user-friendly authentication with a high level of accuracy. . The promise of ease and increased security are perhaps biometrics most appealing features.

The popular biometric technologies are : finger recognition face recognition hand geometry voice recognition iris recognition signature recognition

Fingerprint and other biometric devices consist of a reader or scanning device, software There are number of applications of biometrics. They are widely used in forensics such as criminal identification , prison security and in a large number of civilian applications. Biometrics can also help in the prevention of unauthorized access to ATMs, cellular phones, smart cards, desktop PCs, workstations, and computer networks and it can be used during transactions conducted via telephone and Internet (electronic commerce and electronic banking) to minimize risks Biometric authentication offers a highly secure , reliable and efficient solution. So where security is highly required, implementation of biometrics security is a very good solution as there is to fear of stealing or forgetting the password.

INTRODUCTION WHAT IS BIOMETRICS? Biometrics is the science and technology of authentication (i.e. establishing the identity of an individual) by measuring the person's physiological or behavioral features. The term is derived from the Greek words "bios" for life and "metron" for degree. Biometrics ensures that the individual trying to log on is actually the authorized person and not just someone who maliciously found a card or cracked a

that converts the scanned information into digital form, and, wherever the data is to be analyzed, a database that stores the biometric data for comparison with entered biometric data. Biometrics is seen by many as a solution to a lot of the user identification and security problems in today’s networks. Password abuse and misuse, intentional and inadvertent is a gaping hole in network security. This results mainly from human error, carelessness and in some case maliciousness. Biometrics removes human error from the security equation. Our paper will examine all the technological and feasibility aspects as well as the practical applications. We will look at many different biometric methods of identifying the user. The presentation has been divided into the following areas: What is biometrics? History of biometrics Different methodologies of biometrics. Several applications of biometrics Benefits of using biometrics password. In the development of biometric identification systems, physical and

behavioral features for recognition are required which must possess: • Uniqueness : that is, an identical trait shouldn't appear in two people: • Universality :occur in as many people as possible • Permanence: don't change over time • Measurability : measurable with simple technical instruments: • User-friendliness : easy and comfortable to measure:

HISTORY OF BIOMETRICS: The concept of biometrics probably began with the human use of facial features to identify other people. One of the most wellknown biometrics characteristics is the fingerprint. British scientist Sir Francis Galton proposed the use of fingerprints for identification purposes in the late 19th century. He wrote a detailed study of fingerprints, in which he presented a new classification system using prints of all ten fingers, which is the basis of identification systems still in use. British police official Sir Richard Edward Henry introduced

fingerprinting in the 1890s as a means of identification systems have been commercially available since the early 1960s. Until the 1990s these systems were used primarily by the police and in certain security applications Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) were one of the first methods used for identification. There are also methods that involve passwords and physical tokens e.g. smart cards. There are a number of problems associated with this kind of identification. People forget passwords, lose tokens, reuse passwords, write them down, tokens can get stolen. The recognition of the above does not mean the identification of the person providing it - they could be presented by anybody.. This results in a deluge of passwords and means of access, which are often forgotten, misused or lost. With the increased population accessing these networks the risk of attacks on the networks is increased. Companies are turning to Biometrics Systems to bring tighter security to their computer networks.

THE POPULAR BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGIES: 1. Finger recognition. 2. Hand geometry. 3. Face recognition. 4. Voice recognition. 5. Iris recognition. 6. Signature recognition.


Among all the biometric techniques, fingerprint-based identification is the oldest method which has been successfully used in numerous applications. Everyone is known to have unique, immutable fingerprints. A fingerprint is made of a series of ridges and furrows on the surface of the finger. The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined by the pattern of ridges and furrows as well as the

identifying criminals. Automatic fingerprintbased minutiae points. Minutiae points are local ridge characteristics that occur at either a ridge bifurcation or a ridge ending. WHAT IS FINGERPRINT SCANNING? There are basically two different types of finger-scanning technology that make this possible.One is an optical method, which starts with a visual image of a finger.The other uses a semiconductor-generated electric field to image a finger. There are a range of ways to identify fingerprints.Fingerprint matching techniques can be placed into two categories: minutae-based and

correlation based. Minutiae-based techniques first find minutiae points and then map their relative placement on the finger. However,it is difficult to extract the minutiae points accurately when the fingerprint is of low quality. Also this method does not take into account the global pattern of ridges and furrows. The correlationbased method is able to overcome some of the difficulties of the minutiae-based approach. But correlation-based techniques require the precise location of a registration point and are affected by image translation and rotation. FINGERPRINT CLASSIFICATION: Large volumes of fingerprints are collected and stored everyday in a wide range of applications including forensics, access control, and driver license registration. An automatic recognition of people based on fingerprints requires that the input fingerprint be matched with a large number of fingerprints in a database (FBI database contains approximately 70 million fingerprints!). To reduce the search time and computational complexity, it is desirable to classify these fingerprints in an accurate and consistent manner so that the input fingerprint is required to be matched only with a subset of the fingerprints in the database The algorithms are developed to classify fingerprints into five classes, namely, whorl, right loop, left loop, arch, and tented arch. The algorithm separates the number of ridges present in four directions (0 degree, 45 degree, 90 degree, and 135 degree) by filtering the central part of a fingerprint. The classifier is tested on 4,000 images in the database. . For the four-class problem

(arch and tented arch combined into one class), we are able to achieve a classification accuracy of 94.8%. ACCURACY AND INTEGRITY: Someone may attempt to use latent print residue on the sensor just after a legitimate user accesses the system. At the other end of the scale, there is the gruesome possibility of presenting a finger to the system that is no longer connected to its owner. Therefore, sensors attempt to determine whether a finger is live, and not made of latex (or worse). Detectors for temperature, blood-oxygen level, pulse, blood flow, humidity, or skin conductivity would be integrated.


FACIAL RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY: Facial recognition systems are built on computer programs that analyze images of human faces for the purpose of identifying them. The programs take a facial image, measure characteristics such as the distance between the eyes, the length of the nose, and the angle of the jaw, and create a unique file called a "template." Using templates, the software then compares that image with another image and produces a score that measures how similar the images are to each other. Typical sources of images for use in facial recognition include video camera signals and pre-existing photos such as those in driver's license databases. HOW DOES FACIAL RECOGNITION WORKS? Faces are highly complex patterns that often differ in only subtle ways, and that it can be impossible for man or machine to match images when there are differences in lighting, camera, or camera angle, let alone changes in the appearance of the face itself.

Not surprisingly, government studies of facerecognition software have found high rates of both "false positives" (wrongly matching innocent people with photos in the database) and "false negatives" (not catching people even when their photo is in the database). One problem is

that unlike our fingerprints or irises, our faces do not stay the same over time. These systems are easily tripped up by changes in hairstyle, facial hair, or body weight, by simple disguises, and by the effects of aging. In addition, questions have been raised about how well the software works on darkskinned people, whose features may not appear clearly on lenses optimized for lightskinnedpeople. It would work especially poorly in the frenetic environment of an airport, where fastmoving crowds and busy background images would further reduce its already limited effectiveness.


HOW IT WORKS ? Every hand is unique. Hand geometry scanners such as those made by Recognition Systems Inc. take over 90 measure- ments of the length, width, thickness, and surface area of the hand and four fingers--all in just 1 second.

The technology uses a 32,000-pixel CCD digital camera to record the hand's three-dimensional shape from silhouetted images projected within the scanner. The scanner disregards surface details, such as fingerprints, lines, scars, and dirt, as well as fingernails, which may grow or be cut from day to day. When a person uses the scanner, it compares the shape of the user's hand to a template recorded during an enrollment session. If the template and the hand match, the scanner produces an output--it may unlock a door, transmit data to a computer, verify identification, or log the person's arrival or departure time. To register in a hand-scan system a hand is placed on a reader’s covered flat surface. This placement is positioned by five guides or pins that correctly situate the hand for the cameras. A succession of cameras captures 3-D pictures of the sides and back of the hand. The attainment of the hand-scan is a fast and simple process. The hand-scan device can process the 3D images in 5 seconds or less and the hand verification usually takes less than 1 second. The image capturing and verification software and hardware can easily be integrated within standalone units. Hand-scan applications that include a large number of access points and users can be centrally administered, eliminating the need for individuals to register on each device.


Iris scan biometrics employs the unique characteristics and features of the human iris in order to verify the identity of an individual. The iris is the area of the eye where the pigmented or

colored circle, usually brown or blue, rings the dark pupil of the eye. The iris-scan process begins with a photograph. A specialized camera, typically very close to the subject, no more than three feet, uses an infrared imager to illuminate the eye and capture a very high-resolution photograph. This process takes only one to two seconds and provides the details of the iris that are mapped, recorded and stored for future matching/verification. Eyeglasses and contact lenses present no problems to the quality of the image and the iris-scan systems test for a live eye by checking for the normal continuous fluctuation in pupil size. The inner edge of the iris is located by an iris-scan algorithm which maps the iris’ distinct patterns and characteristics. Algorithms have a number of steps and are used by the biometric system to determine if a biometric sample and record is a match. Iris’ are composed before birth and, except in the event of an injury to the eyeball,

remain unchanged throughout an individual’s lifetime. Iris patterns are extremely complex, carry an astonishing amount of information and have over 200 unique spots. The fact that an individual’s right and left eyes are different and that patterns are easy to capture, establishes irisscan technology as one of the biometrics that is very resistant to false matching and fraud. The false acceptance rate for iris recognition systems is 1 in 1.2 million, statistically better than the average fingerprint recognition system. The real benefit is in the false-rejection rate, a measure of authenticated users who are rejected. Fingerprint scanners have a 3 percent false-rejection rate, whereas iris scanning systems boast ratees at the 0 percent level. A highly accurate technology such as iris-scan has vast appeal because the inherent argument for any biometric is, of course, increased security.


In comparing voice to other forms of biometrics, the frequency locations plotted on the voice print table are proportionate to the physical locations of minutiae used in fingerprint identification. The minutiae are the endpoints and bifurcations of the swirls of your fingerprint. The advantage of using speech is that the number of locations is almost endless. The capacity to extend data collection over multiple words for even better accuracy is a distinct advantage over image-based techniques such as fingerprints and retina scans where only a finite amount of biometric data is available. Although it is virtually impossible for an impostor to copy someone's voice, it is also very difficult for someone to repeat exactly the phrase originally enrolled. This is very similar to the fact it is difficult to reproduce the exact version of your signature on your credit card. Voice biometrics works by digitizing a profile of a person's speech to produce a stored model voice print, rather like a template, which is referred to each time that person attempts to access secure data. The position and movement of the glottal tissues, lips, jaw and tongue correspond with speech movements in the vocal tract. Biometrics technology reduces each spoken word into segments: sub-word like syllables, phonemes, trip hones or similar units of sound, composed of several dominant frequencies called formants, which remain relatively constant over that segment. Each segment has three or four dominant tones that dynamic signature verification it is not the shape shape or look of the signature that is meaningful, it is the changes in speed, pressure and timing that occur during the act of signing. There will always be slight variations in a person’s handwritten signature, but the consistency created by natural motion and practice over time creates a recognizable pattern that makes the handwritten signature a natural

can be captured in digital form and plotted on a table or spectrum. This table of tones yields the speaker's unique voice print. The voice print is stored as a table of numbers, where the presence of each dominant frequency in each segment is expressed as a binary entry. Since all table entries are either 1 or 0, each column can be read bottom to top as a long binary code. When a person speaks his or her passphrase, the code word or words are extracted and compared to the stored model for that person. When authenticating, a user is asked to answer up to three prompted questions, the answers to which are easily remembered by the user. In order to provide audible content of at least one second in length, typical prompts are: User's first, middle and last name .User's date and month of birth Mother's first, middle and last maiden name .Home telephone number SIGNATURE RECOGNITION: Signature verification is the process used to recognize an individual’s hand-written signature. There are two types of signature recognition techniques: simple and dynamic.There is an important distinction between simple signature comparisons and dynamic signature verification. Both can be computerized, but a simple comparison only takes into account what the signature looks like.

Dynamic signature verification takes into account how the signature was made. With dynamic signature verification it is not the

for biometric identification. or look of the signature that is meaningful, it is the changes in speed, pressure and timing that occur during the act of signing. There will always be slight variations in a person’s handwritten signature, but the consistency created by natural motion and practice over time creates a recognizable pattern that makes the handwritten signature a natural


APPLICATIONS: Large volumes of fingerprints are collected and stored everyday in a wide range of applications including forensics, access control, and driver license registration. Geometry scanners verify identity at the front entrances of over half the nuclear power plants in the U.S. Employers use hand-scan for entry/exit, recording staff movement and time/attendance procedures. Iris-scan technology has been piloted in ATM environments in England, the US, Japan and Germany since as early as 1997. Airports have begun to use iris-scanning for such diverse functions as employee identification/verification for movement through secure areas and allowing registered frequent airline passengers a system that enables fast and easy identity verification in order to expedite their path through passport control. Prison visitor systems, where visitors to inmates are subject to verification procedures in order that identities may not be swapped during the visit - a familiar occurrence among prisons worldwide.

Border control. A notable example being the INSPASS trial in America where travelers were issued with a card enabling them to use the strategically based biometric terminals and bypass long immigration queues. There are other pilot systems operating in SE Asia and elsewhere in this respect. Other applications include monitoring prison transfers and releases, as well as projects designed to authenticate on-line purchasing, on-line banking, on-line voting on-line stock trading ,gold and diamond mines to name just a few. Iris-scan offers a high level of user security, privacy and general peace of mind for the consumer.

FUTURE APPLICATIONS -SOME COMMON IDEAS: There are many views concerning potential biometric applications, some popular examples being;  ATM machine use: Workstation and network access: Travel and tourism: Internet transactions: Telephone transactions: Public identity cards:

DRAWBACKS OF BIOMETRICS: Several countries, including Australia, Canada, the United States and New Zealand, have witnessed public disquiet over identification schemes. Some of the fears that have been cited include: • That people will be de-humanized by being reduced to codes

CONCLUSION: So where security is highly required, implementation of biometrics security is a very good solution as there is to fear of stealing or forgetting the password.Tomorrow will find ever-expanding applications for this thoroughly time-tested technology for financial transactions, ticket-less travel, and new business and residential applications where high security is a major concern.

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