Biology Test

  • June 2020
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1. Respiration is a. Endothermic process b. Exothermic process

c. Anabolic process d. Endergonic process

2. Cyanobacterial cells that are specialized for nitrogen fixation are a. Heterocyst c. Hormogonia b. Phycobilisomes d. Thrichomes 3. The uniqueness of bacterial photosynthesis is because it can occur a. Without CO2 b. Without photosynthetic pigments c. Without light d. Without evolution of oxygen 4. Diatomes belongs to a. Dinoflagellates b. Chrysophyta

c. Pyrrophyta d. Euglenoids

5. Ergot is obtained from a. Claviceps b. Puccinia c. Rhizopus d. Yeast 6. In lichens, sexual reproduction is usually performed by a. Algal partner only b. Both algal and fungal partners c. Fungal partner only d. Either of the partners 7. Moss plant is a. Gametophyte b. Sporophyte c. Sometimes gametophyte and sometimes sporophyte d. Predominantly gametophyte with sporophyte attached to it 8. Loranthus is a a. Total stem parasite b. Partial stem parasite

c. Total root parasite d. Partial root parasite

9. Phylloclad is a modification of a. Leaf b. Root

c. Flower d. Stem

10. A monocot can be distinguished from a dicot by a. Phyllotaxy b. Aestivation

c. Venation d. Vernation

11. When four stamens are long and two short, arranged in two whorls, the condition is a. Epiphyllous c. Polyadelphous b. Didynamous d. Tetradynamous 12. Follicle fruit usually dehisces a. Along ventral suture b. Along dorsal suture c. Along both the sutures d. Along any one of the two sutures 13. Squamous epithelium is also called a. Germinal epithelium b. Columnar epithelium

c. Pavement epithelium d. Sensory epithelium

14. Multipolar neuron is the one with a. One dendron and one axon b. With many dendrons and one axon c. With one dendron and no axon d. With many dendrons and no axons 15. Which of the following is not a granulocyte? a. Lymphocyte b. Basophil

c. Neutrophil d. Eosinophil

16. Erythrocytes of adult mammals are formed in a. Spleen b. Liver

c. Bone marrow d. Kidney

17. HCL secreting cells of the gastric glands are called as a. Zymogen cells c. Enterochromaffin cells b. Goblet cells d. Oxyntic cells 18. Mucos membrane lining stomach is derived from a. Mesoderm b. Ectoderm c. Endoderm d. Partly endoderm and partly mesoderm

19. Lacteals occur in a. Liver b. Lungs c. Kidneys d. Villus of intestine 20. Bile salts are a. Sodium bicarbonate and sodium taurocholate b. Sodium glycocholate and sodium carbonate c. Inorganic salts and sodium glycocholate d. Sodium glycocholate and sodium taurocholate 21. Marasmus is due to deficiency of a. Vitamin pyridoxine b. Vit D / calcium / phosphorous c. Food d. Fat

22. Digestion of both starch and fat is carried out by a. Gastric juice b. Gastric lipase c. Pancreatic juice d. Ptyalin 23. Expiration involves a. Relaxation of diaphragm and intercostal muscles b. Contraction of diaphragm and intercostal muscles c. Contraction of diaphragm muscles d. Contraction of intercostal muscles 24. During hibernation, frog performs a. Pulmonary respiration b. Cutaneous respiration c. Bucco-phryngeal respiration d. Both cutaneouus and phrangeal respiration 25. Normal breathing is called a. Apnoea b. Dyspnoea

c. Eupnoea d. Hyperpnoea

26. When heart of frog is cut out, it will a. Continue to beat for a long time if kept moist b. Continue to beat for a long time if kept dry c. Stop beating soon after d. Not beat at all 27. What is correct? a. Rabbit has renal portal system only b. Frog has renal portal system only c. Rabbit has both hepatic and renal systems d. Frog has both renal and hepatic portal system 28. O blood group is universal donor because the blood has a. Antigen A c. Both antigens A and B b. Antigen B d. No antigens 29. Rh factor is named after a. Monkey b. Drosophila

c. Rat d. Man

30. vitamin excreted by urine in higher vertebrate is e. A f. D

g. K h. C

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