Biology Final

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,447
  • Pages: 27
Introduction to Biology 2-1, 2-2 What is Biology? Fields of Study-“ologies” Characteristics of life


Biology is the study of life, living things. The Characteristics of Life: -Must have cells -Must grow and develop -Must be able to reproduce -Must respond to stimulus -Must obtain and use energy Field of study: Zoology: Animals Microbiology: Small things Marine biology: Ocean life Paleontology: Ancient life, fossils Archaeology: Old cultures Psychology: Human behavior Entomology: Insects Cardiology: Heart Ophthalmology: Eyes Neurology: Nerves Dermatology: Skin Botany: Plants Mycology- Fungus Herpetology: Reptiles Ornithology: Birds Limnology: Fresh water Ichthyology: Fish Parasitology: Parasites Ecology: Living things, their habitats, & interactions Oncology: Cancer Toxicology: Poisons and Pollution Anthropology: Human kind 2

Scientific Method: Observation State Problem Make a hypothesis Testing with a control (-Observe and collect data) Analyze data Draw Conclusion Retest -A hypothesis-may be disproved by a single experiment -A hypothesis may arise from -Prior knowledge -Logical inferences -Informed, creative imagination -A theory-may be revised or replaced -A hypothesis is only useful if it can be proven


Microscope 2-2 Rules of use Microscope vocab Resolution Field of view Depth of field Compound microscope -Total magnification


Terms: Eyepiece (Ocular) Body tube Objective lenses- 4x, 10x, 40x Turret (nosepiece) Stage Stage clips Light source (lamp, mirror) Coarse adjustment (focus) Fine focus Diaphragm Base Arm


Anton VanLeeuwenhoek: -1600’s -First to discover protist, called them “animalcules” Robert Hooke: -Saw cork wine stoppers and say boxes -Named jail cells, cells. Robert Brown: -Discovered the nucleus by looking at onion skin Matthias Schleiden: -Botanist -Discovered every plant is made of cells Theodor Schwann: -Zoologist -Discovered every animal is made of cells Rudolf Virchow: -Cell theory


Cell structure & Functions +

Cell specialization and levels or organization

5-1, 5-2, 5-3, Cell theory Structure Organelles and their functions Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane


Cell theory 1. All living things are composed of cells 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things 3. Cells can only come from pre-existing cells Animal Cell:

Plant Cell:


Prokaryotic -No nucleus or organelles -Bacteria Eukaryotic -With nucleus and membrane -Bound organelles-made of molecules, fat, etc…

Organelles and Functions: Nucleus: Control center that contains DNA to make proteins. Surrounded by nuclear envelope. Nuclear Envelope: Controls what goes in and out of the nucleus Nucleolus: Inside nucleus and controls ribosome production Mitochondria: The “powerhouse” of the cell and the site of cellular respiration, energy. Converts chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use Cytoplasm: Fluid inside the cell Endoplasmic Reticulum: Network of membranes, transport of proteins -Rough ER-coated with ribosomes -Smooth ER-no ribosomes Golgi Body: Packaging of proteins for export 9

Vacuoles: Storage of food and waste. Water vacuole (in plants) Cell Membrane: Controls what goes in and out of the cell. “Fluid Mosaic Model.” Cell Wall: In plants and some fungi. Provides protection and support Lysosomes: In animals, containing toxins and digestive enzymes Enzymes: Speeds up a reaction Centrioles: In animals cells only. Aids in cell reproduction Ribosomes: Site of protein production. Lines the ER, rough and smooth. Made up of proteins and RNA. 2 subunits: 18s, 28s. Created in the nucleus by the nucleolus. Found in cytoplasm Chloroplast: Makes plants green so they can photosynthesize. Green and yellow are the least colors used. Blue and red are the most. Provides energy Cytoskeleton: The structure to keep cells shape in all cells Plastids: Only in plants, chloroplasts and chromoplasts

●●● Cell Membrane- Made up of Fluid Mosaic Model



Tissue: A group of similar cells that perform the same function Organ: A group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function Organ System: A group of organs that work together to perform a specific function Organelle: A cell structure that performs a specialized function within the cell

Cell > Tissue > Organ > Organ System

Movement of materials through the cell membrane 5-4 Diffusion Osmosis Facilitated diffusion Active transport


Diffusion: The process by which molecules of a substance move from areas of higher concentration of that substance to areas of lower concentration, high to low concentration Selectively Permeable: Allows some substances to pass through but not others Osmosis: Diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane from an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration, high to low concentration Facilitated Diffusion: Diffusion of materials across a cell membrane assisted by carrier molecules, no energy, high to low concentration Active Transport: Energy-requiring process that moves material across a cell membrane against a concentration difference, energy, low to high concentration GLUCOSE AND SALT DO NOT GO THROUGH SEMI-PERMABLE MEMBRANES

Hydrophilic The bilipid layer is (water-loving) made lipids Fatty Acid Tails

 Hydrophobic (water-fearing)


Proteins in cell membrane are carrier molecules ●●● Insulin is the glucose carrier molecule.

Solvent: a substance that dissolves another to form a solution Solute: substance dissolved in a given solution. Hypertonic Solution: high concentration solution Hypotonic Solution: low concentration solution

Cell energy 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 Photosynthesis Respiration



The process where a plant converts the energy of sunlight into sugar Autotrophs: an organism that produces its own food -Chemosynthetic: no sunlight-no pigment-prokaryotes -Photosynthetic: do photosynthesis-plants-cyanobacteria Heterotrophs: eats other organisms

DEVILS REACTION (REDUCED): 6H20 + 6CO2 sun & chlorophyll C6H12O6 + 6O2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS REACTION (FULL): 12H20 + 6CO2 sun & chlorophyll C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

(12H20’s because 6O’s are given off and the 6 H2O at the end is given off as transpiration)


●●● The oxygen that comes from plants is from the splitting of water.


Produces: Oxygen and converts ADP to ATP and NADP+ to NADPH (energy carriers) Occurs: In the thylakoid membrane 1. Light is absorbed by photosystem II (P680) -Water is split -O2 is released to atmosphere 2. High energy electrons are passed through the cytochrome complex -The energy released is used to actively transport H+ into the thylakoid inner space 3. Low energy electrons are passed to photosystem I (P700) where light is absorbed and the now high energy electrons are passed to NADP+ to create NADPH 4. The H+ ions from the inner thylakoid space pass through ATP synthase to create energy to turn ADP into ATP 5. ATP and NADPH go to the Calvin Cycle/Dark Reaction



Produces: Glucose (2G3P) Occurs: In the stroma 1. 3RuBP is joined with 3CO2 and rubisco to make 3, 6 carbon intermediates. 2. The 3, 6 carbon intermediates make 6, 3 phosphoglycerates molecules. 3. Turns ATP into ADP to produce the 1, 3-bisphosphoglycerate molecule. 4. The bisphosphoglycerate molecule turns into 6G3P using NADPH to NAPP+ energy. 5. 1G3P (a sugar) is let off. 5G3Ps turn into 3 RuBP by the energy of ADP to ATP. 6. Repeats once 7. 1G3P + 1 G3P = C6H12O6 =




Process that involves oxygen and breaks down food to release energy The mitochondria is the center of cellular respiration and respiration only occurs in the presence of oxygen Aerobic: Considered aerobic because process requires oxygen Anaerobic: Does not require oxygen (fermentation) EQUATION FOR CELLULAR RESPIRATION: 6O2 + C6H12O6  6CO2 + Energy One glucose molecule = 36 ATP


Production of ATP by the conversion of glucose to pyruvate

Occurs in the CYTOPLASM 17

1. ATP splits glucose to two 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate 2. 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate is changed into 3 phosphoglycerate. Gives off two ATP 3. 3 phosphoglycerate is changed into pyruvate, giving off 2 ATP Requires: 2 ATP Releases: 4 ATP Net Gain: 2 ATP Creates 2 pyruvate -Pyruvate is picked up by Coenzyme A with NAD+ to NADH energy. Releases CO2 and produces Acetyl Co-A -Now crosses Mitochondrial membrane, entering matrix. -Respiration: Co-A releases ‘the acetyl group’ into Krebs cycle.


Takes place in the MATRIX

1. 4-C joins with Acetyl Co-A to create citrate 2. CO2 is released into atmosphere 3. NAD+ is turned into NADH; CO2 is released into atmosphere again 4. NAD+ is turned into NADH; ADP is turned into ATP; FAD is turned to FADH2; NAD+ is turned into NADH


Produces: 3 NADH 1 FADH2 1 ATP

ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN: -The FADH2 and NADH drop their hydrogen’s resulting in NAD+ and FAD+. -The H+’s are actively transported through the christae membrane. -H+’s pass through ATP synthase and turn from ADP to ATP -Electrons used in E.T.C. are given to O2 to combine with H+ to create H2O 19


Energy production without oxygen, and allow the cycle to restart again

Lactic Acid: -NAD+ is regenerated allowing glycolysis to continue -The conversion of pyruvic acid into lactic acid requires NADH

Alcoholic: -Occurs in yeast









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