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Mendoza, Francis Greg G. BCS41 1. What are the toxic waste substances that are believed to have come from the following products from Japan’s economic boom, and what are their negative effects to health and environment? 1.1 Television Use of TVs may cause different irritations for a human. Observing excessively close may cause headaches for select individuals who have a simplicity of distinguishing flashes in the screen. The sound created by the CRT in the television is over an ordinary human's capable of being heard range. Notwithstanding, a few people, particularly youngsters may hear this piercing commotion, and along these lines may encounter aggravation. With regards to problems involving the environment, dangerous waste substances found in arranged Televisions are lead and phosphors found in CRTs. The transfer of CRTs causes an enormous issue if not discarded legitimately. The lead can cause ecological dangers, and the cadmium from phosphors are destructive to the human individual.

1.2 Washing Machines Washing Machines develop a lot of waste by its constant use. Various cleansers and cleansers utilized in clothes washers contribute different synthetic concoctions into the water supply. These machines additionally utilize a great deal of high temp water in its tasks. This high temp water connects to how much vitality clothes washers utilize contrasted with the normal electronic machine. The chemicals that come with this machine highly affect the animals that drink the water that was dumped from this machine. Until today Washing Machines remain as one of the top consumers of energy and continue to spread hazardous chemicals to the water.

1.3 Refrigerators The poisonous chemical found in these refrigerators are the refrigerants in it. hese incorporate, yet are not restricted to, chlorofluorocarbons, smelling salts and sulfur dioxide. Sulfur Dioxide is an exceptionally hazardous air

poison. High fixations can influence plant and creature life, and furthermore people. High measures of sulfur dioxide cause brown haze, which thus can initiate respiratory illnesses, for example, the Yokkaichi asthma, when breathed in. Additional concerning anyway is the chlorofluorocarbon. This item is hazardous for the ozone, named as an ozone-draining compound. Broadly, the harm caused to the ozone can prompt different disorder caused by hoisted introduction to bright beams from the sun for people.

2. What are the signs and symptoms of diseases associated with the following environmental disasters in Japan? 2.1 Itai-Itai Incident The Itai-Itai illness showed up along the Jinzu River. A moniker credited to the way that patients would shout the expression because of the outrageous agony and uneasiness realized by the infection, “It hurts, It hurts” is the translation of the disease. Primary side effects incorporate the debilitating of bones, rendering them feeble and weak, causing the patient extraordinary and sharp torment. A variation from the norm in strolling is additionally common, likewise caused by the debilitating bones. Once the condition exacerbates, cracks are will undoubtedly occur, which prompts weakening. Different indications incorporate hacking, weakness, and kidney disappointment, which can result to death. 2.2 Minamata Incident A neurological disease similar to Epilepsy which is characterized by ataxia which is the lack of coordination in the voluntary muscles. Deadness in the hands and feet, debilitating muscles, and a trouble with essential capacities, for example, hearing, seeing and talking. In extreme cases, madness, loss of motion, trance state and passing are a portion of the most exceedingly awful impacts. The malady can likewise influence hatchlings becoming inside the mother's womb. As the name proposes, the illness was first found in Minamata city, caused by the concoction plant having a place with the Chisso Corporation, discharging mechanical wastewater to the Minamata Bay and Shiranui Sea.

2.3 Yokkaichi Incident Used to describe a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is what they said when describing the Yokkaichi Asthma. This disease began occurring in Yokkaichi City, in the Mie prefecture. It is described by long - term breathing issues like wheezing and poor wind stream. The side effects incorporate short breaths and hacks with mucus. The hacks are beneficial in nature, which means it deteriorates after some time. Some different qualities incorporate wheezing or diminished sounds when breathing caused by the blocked wind current. Patients with Yokkaichi Asthma may take a more extended time breathing out than taking in. In general it affects the breathing of one infected.

3. What are the substances suspected to have caused the diseases in each of the incidents mentioned above and how did it affect the victims? Illustrate how these substances bioaccumulate and biomagnify through the food chain/web diagram.

For the Itai - Itai illness, the fundamental offender is Cadmium harming, achieved by substantial mining in the Toyama Prefecture. The overwhelming interest for materials found in the mine made its action soar and therefore, additionally harms to the Jinzu waterway and its tributaries were made. The Cadmium and other overwhelming metals from the mine profile amassed at the base of the waterway and in the stream itself. This made fishes pass on, and the rice watered from the stream did not develop well. Patients got the Itai - Itai ailment by expending the said rice. Due to the chemicals most crops were affected making this disease easy to get. The Minamata illness, the cause is a high ingestion of mercury that originated from marine creatures devoured by the general population of Minamata city that prompt mercury harming. The Chisso Corporation's synthetic manufacturing plant situated in the region is the one in charge of discharging the methylmercury. This originated from the mechanical wastewater the production line discharges. The main culprit for the Yokkaichi Asthma is sulfur dioxide. Large amounts of sulfur dioxide were released into the airs of the area by the burning of large amounts of petroleum and crude oil, which resulted in a smog covering parts of the city. The burnings were done by various power stations, oil refining, and petrochemical plants in the area.

4. What were the changes that occurred in the economic and environmental policies of Japan after the series of environmental disasters? The issues in Japan were caused by the aggregate detachment of the administration, and the general population, to the impacts of their activities towards the earth. The magnificence of the Japanese's response to the developing ecological issue was that, since it was everybody's blame, everybody cooperated for an answer. For the legislature, the National Eating routine, passed 149 laws, all identifying with contamination, and even changed criminal codes for those annihilating the earth. The Japanese Natural Organization was additionally created, subsequently. The enterprises utilized different techniques to dispose of or reduce the waste that their creation was causing. This included water treatment offices, reusing communities for E-waste, and so on. Most remarkable in the response was the general population. Awoken by the hurtful impacts this way of life has brought them, they had the strength to forfeit this simple way of life, favoring sparing nature. Different individuals started challenging the government's, and partnership's activities. Individuals started reusing and isolating their waste. In conclusion, it was the whole

country's push to change that lead Japan far from the natural issues that they experienced. 5. How does the maxim, “Prevention is better than the cure”, apply to the situation that occurred in Japan? After the arrangement of ecological debacles in Japan occurred, the legislature met and examined the arrangements they could take to settle or lighten the issue. The way of shutting down all industrialization would decimate Japan's economy, so the main practical arrangement was to reason one: change their laws and approaches with respect to natural contamination, and reason two: to create innovations that would at present enable them to hold their monetary ability. This associates with the saying since they didn't center around settling the issues that emerged, but they concentrated on trying not to cause the issue by reducing the contamination they were making, while not relinquishing their economy. This really demonstrated helpful for Japan, claiming one, it worked, two, it cost not as much as attempting to fix the issue, and three, they could offer the advances they created to different nations confronting comparative ecological issues. An aggregate win for Japan.

6. Give two (2) pollution prevention technologies that were applied in Japan’s pollution problems and discuss how they work. 6.1 Flue Gas Desulfurization Vent gas desulfurization is generally known as FGD and is the innovation utilized for expelling sulfur dioxide (SO2) from the deplete ignition pipe gases of intensity plants that consume coal oroil to deliver steam for the turbines that drive their power generators.The most regular kinds of FGD contact the vent gases with a basic sorbent, for example, lime or limestone. As sulfur dioxide is in charge of corrosive rain development, stringent natural assurance controls have been established in numerous nations to restrain the measure of sulfur dioxide discharges from control plants and other modern offices. Before the coming of strict natural security controls, tall vent gas stacks (i.e., fireplaces) were worked to scatter as opposed to expel the sulfur dioxide outflows. Notwithstanding, that just prompted the vehicle of the outflows to different districts. Hence, various nations likewise have controls restricting the stature of vent gas stacks. For a normal customary coal-

terminated power plant, FGD innovation will evacuate up to 99 percent of the SO2in the vent gases. 6.2 Fluidized Bed Combustion In its most fundamental shape, fuel particles are suspended in a hot, foaming ease bed of fiery remains and other particulate materials like sand, limestone and so forth and so on through which planes of air are blown to give the oxygen required to burning or gasification. The resultant quick and cozy blending of gas and solids advances fast warmth exchange and compound responses inside the bed. FBC plants are equipped for consuming an assortment of second rate strong fills, including most sorts of coal and woody biomass, at high productivity and without the need for costly fuel readiness. Likewise, for some random warm obligation, FBCs are littler than the proportionate traditional heater, so may offer noteworthy points of interest over the last as far as cost and adaptability.

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