
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 397
  • Pages: 13

Energy Flow • Matter is transferred over time from one organism to another in the food web. • Energy also flows between organisms & the physical environment. • Photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.

Sunlight • The sun provides the main energy source for life on Earth. • Less than 1% of the sunlight that reaches Earth is used by living things to create energy.

Photosynthesis • Autotrophs capture solar energy to power chemical reactions. • Autotrophs are organisms that use energy they take from the environment to convert inorganic molecules to complex organic molecules.

Photosynthetic Organisms • Plants • Algae • Photosynthetic bacteria • Phytoplankton: found in high densities in cold oceans • Seaweeds and Seagrass

Consumers/Heterotrophs • Organisms that capture energy by consuming other organisms. • Cannot harness sun’s energy. • Animals, fungi and other types of bacteria.

Heterotrophs • Herbivores- eat plants • Carnivores- eat animals • Omnivores- eat both plants & animals. • Detrivores- feed on animal remains and other dead matter. (mites, snails, crabs) • Decomposers- break down organic matter. (fungi, bacteria)

Food Chains • Energy flows through an ecosystem in one direction. • From the sun or inorganic compounds to autotrophs and then to various heterotrophs.

Energy in Food Chains • At each link in the food chain, energy is stored in newly made structures but much energy is dissipated into the environment as heat. • Where does the original source of energy come from?

Food Webs • When the feeding relationships become more complex due to a network of interactions, ecologists describe it as a food web.

Food Webs • Food webs are complex because some animals can eat a variety of foods. • A Killer Whale can eat penguins, and squid or fish that the penguins usually eat. They can also eat leopard seals that usually prey upon penguins.

Energy Pyramids • Diagram which shows the relative amount of energy or matter contained within each trophic level. • Energy is lost as it is transferred from the organisms being eaten to the organisms doing the eating.

Review 1. Distinguish between autotrophs and heterotrophs. Give an example of each. 2. Which organism is always found at the bottom of the food chain or food web? 3. Describe how energy flows among organisms in an ecosystem. 4. What proportion of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next in an ecosystem?

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