Bio Gas Plant

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  • Words: 2,518
  • Pages: 19
Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development

General introduction The electrical energy demand is increasing every day. In order to meet with increasing electricity demand. Govt. of India is planning and installing various type of generating stations. So we see that what is mean by power station? An electric power station is factory in which energy is converted from one form or another to electrical energy for example in thermal. The energy is first in the form of heat in the fuel, which may be coal gas or oil. This heat is liberated by combustion in the boiler furnace and is then used to convert water into steam. The energy in the steam used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. There are two types energy sources one is non conventional energy source and another is conventional energy source.

NON - CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES In this system observed , 1. Solar energy plant 2. Solar cells 3. Tidal energy

Govt. Poly. Washim

following energy plant are

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development 4. Geo thermal energy 5. Wind energy 6. Bio-gas plant 7. Bio-mass plant.

1 ) SOLAR ENERGY PLANT The thermo-nuclear fusion take place in the interior of sun at 45 x 106 degree farenheight. Thus a tremendous amount of hot energy constantly released by sun. In solar energy plant solar collector absorb the maximum amount of solar radiation and convert it into heat energy water is used as flit it will absorb heat and convert in to steam in boiler. Then steam is passed to the turbine to drive generator.

2 ) TIDAL ENERGY. There is a tremendous energy in the tides of ocean catching soc water at high tide in an ocean and releasing it through turbine to low tide and turbine brine generator and electrical energy is generated.

Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development 3) GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Geothermal energy means the heat which is in the interior of the earth is extracted and used for power generation. In side the earth about 100 km radio active materials one present large amount of heat is produced because of nuclear fission. Due to which molten is mass is produced by melting surrounding area this moten moss trees to come towards earth surface. It can not reach surface the water which penetrated

in this area gets heated and steam is take


4) WIND ENERGY. The wind is having very large energy because of pressure and temp difference in the regions. A conversion of wind energy to electrical energy useful in areas where strong wind for sufficient and long period of year present sent.

CONVENTIONAL - ENERGY SOURCES 1) Thermal power station. 2) Hydro electric power station. 3) Nuclear power station 4) Diesel power station 5) Gas turbine dine plant

Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development 1) THERMAL POWER STATION The thermal power station working is based on the Ranking cycle the basic idea is that steam is generated in a boiler and is used for driving turbine.

2) HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER STATION The basic requirement of hydropower project is that geo graphical situation must be convenient for contraction for construction dam, reservoir etc.

Dam is constructed to storage the

water and it is built at the toper than powerhouse and from dam through pen stock water is forced on turbine and electrical energy is achieved.

3) NUCLEAR POWER - STATION Due to nuclear-reaction tremendous heat is produced.

By using heat steam is produced which is released on

turbine and electrical energy is generated.

4) DIESEL POWER - STATION The electric power generation by diesel plants is becoming costly because of increasing sing fuel cost. engine works on four stroke i.e.

Govt. Poly. Washim

The diesel

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development

1) Suction 2) Compression 3) Ignition 4) Exhaust As seen from demand of rural area above power station are not economical space required above plant is very large so eco friendly energy sources for rural development are very important.

Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development

THE GENERAL ENERGY NEEDS IN RURAL SECTIOR 1) BASIC NEEDS 1) Potable drinking water supply. 2) Cooking 3) Domestic and street lightening.


Water pumping for irrigation


Storage and drying agricultural crops.


Fuel to operate form machinery.

3) INDUSTRIALS NEEDS 1) Rural industries manufacture of soap, bricks, charcoal, metal products, leather and agroindustrial products, printing, hand loom industry. 2) Operating agricultural implements.

For over come above needs

solar cells, and various eco-friendly energy sources are used which are as discussed below.

Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development

INTRODUCTION TO ECO-NOMICAL, ECOFRIENDLY ENERGY SOURCES. As the fulfilled need of rural sector some nonconventional energy sources are helpful. system based on solar, wind, bio-mass,

The decentralized energy minihydel etc.

Hold a great

promise and have shown isolated packets where reaching electricity by the conventional method is being.


Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development Organic waste available in rural areas in agricultural waste, human waste, piggery waste etc this waste is anaerobically fermented with oxygen, it gives rise to a gas which is 60% methane.

This is an efficient and versatile fuel.

The left over

sludge can be used as fertilizer it takes 3 to 5 animals to run a biogas plant for family of 5 to 6.

Therefore, 0.5 cattle per on is required to

provide energy for substance and fertilizers. In India, the cost of family size biogas plant for 5 persons is about 4000/- on large size. Village biogas plant may also be used for dairies, hospitals etc. Biogas is very simple.

A pond with cement

concrete walls is constructed first. The shape of pond can be circular or square. Agriculture waste, animal waste, human waste etc are poured in above pond. A. P. V.C coated cylindrical with dome shape at the top, is placed in the pond.

The galvanized or P. V. C. piping

connections are done at the top of the bank. Animal or human waste in the tank will get fermented and during fermentation process 65% gas is liberated. This gas can be directly used for cooking or heating purpose.

In case of

large size gas plants gas can be supplied to hospital, dairies etc.

1. Aquatic wastes 2. Forest wastes like coconut husk.

Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development 3. Industrial wastes. The made is generated periodically and can be converted into useful biogas the problem of waste disposal is also solved as the sludge is used is manure.

DUNG FROM ANIMALS The animals douter the exreta (dung) which is used as manure fuel and in feed to biogas plant. 1 kg of cattle dung about 45 lit. of biogas during winter and about 55 lit. biogas during summer.


Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development Up to 1971 end about 15,00,000 numer family sing biogas plants have been installed in India. About 415 numbers of biogas tired internal combustion engines at rated capacity of 5 mm have been installed. By 2000 A.D. 1,50,00,000 biogas plants may be operation in India. Biogas plants have a very significant role in India’s rural development and energy development. The fuel used for biogas plant is desired from renewable animal waste and agricultural waste. The biogas produced by the biogas is used in rural areas for the following : i)

As fuel for cooking


As fuel for driving engines for pumps


As a fuel for engine drives generating plants for supplying electrical energy to the community.


Residue from biogas plants is used as manure.


Energy conservation of fossil fuels and obtrical energy from conventional power plants.


Conservation of trees and plants which would be used as fuel if biogas not available.


Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development The raw biogas obtained, raw the biogas plants by the process of anaerobic digestion is methane rich fuel gas. 1) Methane

55 to 60 %

2) Carbon dioxide

35 to 40 %

3) Hydrogen (H 2 )



Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development During the anaerobic digestion, the organic matters under goes fermentation and the biogas is liberated. The anaerobic digestion as following stages : Stage 1. Formation of acids and chemicals.

The micro organism of

anaerobic and facultatine groups produce fermentation and hydrolysis to form acids. Stage 2. Production of methane ( CH 4 ) in this stage the organic acids and chemicals formed in the 2 n d stage are decomposed by the anaerobic to reduce methane ( CH 4 ) and carbon dioxide gases.

ADVANTAGES 1) The left over sludge in the pond can be used as fertilizer. 2) The animals are essentials in rural area, so animal waste, or other wastes are easily available. 3) This plant is very economical in rural areas.


Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development Deenbandhu biogas plant is a low cost design for family requirement. Basically to reduce the cost of popular design of fixed dome biogas plant called Janta biogas plant.

1) JANTA BIG - GAS PLANT Fig shows diff. part of Janta biogas plant. This plant has cylindrical digester with flat bottom and dome shaped roof. Upper position of cylinder acts as gas storage chamber with production of gas the slurry from the gas storage chamber is displaced into inlet and outlet displacement chamber which are connected with digester through inlet and outlet chutes respectively.

2) DEENBANDHU BIO - GAS PLANT Unlike J.B.P. this design has curved bottom and a hemi-spherical top jointed their bases with no - cylindrical portion in bottom.

The digester, gas storage chamber and the empty space

above the slurry are all provided within this shape. All slurry displaced out of the gas storage chamber is stored in the outlet displacement chamber as there is no displacement spaces on the inlet side.


inlet is in the form of a pipe which connects the digester with slurry mixing tank.

Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development Deenbandhu bio-gas plants, despite their lower retention time are equally efficient in terms of total gas yield per unit of feed out they are more efficient in terms of total gas production per unit volume of digester. From this we conclude the D.B.P. is more efficient than J.B.P.


Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development INTRODUCTION Photosynthesis is at the base at all biomass production and food-chains. It converts physical energy into chemical energy and generates oxygen, the life sustaining gas. Various type of bio-mass and or bio-fuels available are firewood, agricultural alcohol, vegetable oil hydro carbon plants, particularly those yielding rubber and petroleum like-materials fresh weeds, sewage grown algae, algal hydro carbons and biological production of hydrogen using halo bacteria algae azolla and even higher plants. In







industrialization India face acute problem of energy supply and demand.

Since the area of culturable land has increased many fold

brones especially of agricultural of origin is available in plenty in interated approach suggesting a proportionate use of this waste removable source base would go a long way in solving resources confixt for the production of fuel fodder and fertilizer. Pressure






population supplemented by agriculturization and industrialization is resulting in ruthless exploitation of natural resources to meet the fuel requirement. This has led to the air pollution and many other problems until now we were using the natural resources the coal, diesel, petrol

Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development etc.

But these resources are going to be extinguished one day,

therefore we have to think of new way energy. Energy is varying uniform.

It may be in

electrical form or any other electrical energy is the backbone of the industry. No industry can work without electrical energy.

BIOMASS - FOR ENERGY Bio-mass for energy denotes that portion of bio-mass used for combustion purpose.

In agriculture energy saving

and substitution became necessary through a better use of bio-mass. At present the crop residues are usually used for heating purpose, animal residues also for methanisation Bio-mass accounts for about 440 percent of total energy consumed at national level and forms the bulk of rural energy foe cooking purposes bio-mass is the chief fuel in the hape of fire wood and non fire wood bio-mass. Dry, stream, stalks, coconut shelf, dung etc. obtained through crop and animal residues are used as fuel in addition to fire wood and fuel stick obtained from other sources.

The problem with the non fire wood bio-mass is that it`s

thermal efficiency may be lower.

Modern chulas complemented with

bio-mass and energy plantations may prove to integrate energy resources towards augmentation. source of energy for rural people.

Govt. Poly. Washim

Because bio-mass is the major

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development The larger proportion of bio-mass is available for fuel purpose.

In the case of garden crops, the crop residues

suitable for fuel purpose.















industrialization, India faces a cute problem of energy sources demand since the area of cultivable land has increase many foid, bio-mass especially of agricultural origin is available in plenty. The






countries is mainly dependent upon fire-wood. The world consumption of fire-wood is estimated at around 5% - 10% of total energy consumption, but it is about 6% in the developing countries where approximately 80% of the total fuel is employed for cooking. Thus




essentially need to be an appropriate energy mix to meet the basic needs of food and fuel for the human, fooder for the line stocks and at same time maintains of the soil fertility.

In this context the role of

biomass as a non conventional renewable source is of paramount importance.

Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development There is a presently enormous amount of biomass on the globe which refers to all forms of organic matter including crop residues agro-industrial byproducts, urban waste, animal dung and poultry waste. In addition the fermented residues get enriched in nitrogen as a result of growth of these fungi besides increasing the bio-logical value of these residues which can use as the fertilizers supplemented in the soil to improve it’s fertility.

CONCLUSION Govt. Poly. Washim

Eco-Friendly Energy Sources for Rural Development So we seen that, what do you mean by power station and energy source like bio-gas and bio-mass those are Ecofriendly and those mostly used in Ruler needs in Ruler sector domestic purpose like portable water supply, cooling, drinking and also utilized this system used in Agriculture needs and as well as industrial needs without any pollution. So these sources much better and much ecofriendly for Ruler development and domestic purpose.

Govt. Poly. Washim

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